Paganism vs Christianity
Pagan vs. Christian The holy Catholic Religion had a drastic Christian like impact on the barbarian, Viking Pagans of the Anglo-Saxon Age in England (Elements of Literature 11). The Catholics evolved the aggressive Pagan Vikings into a peaceful society (Williams). Also, the Catholics substituted their warlike religion and after-life to a more holy and Christian like religion (Chaney 197-217). Along with the altering of the Pagan society and religion, the Catholics also transformed the Pagans dominant government style to a more civilized and unified one (Williams).
The Pagans did not expect their society, religion, and government would be shifted to a Christian like style, but it did (Elements of Literature 11). The calm Catholics transformed the brutal Pagan Vikings into a more civilized society (Williams). After the transformation the Pagan’s tribal like communities was changed to towns with Castles (Williams). Also the Pagan’s tradition of oral literature being told by the scop was changed to written language in which the monks wrote (Williams).
The unimportance of women in the Pagan society was changed when Virgin Mary the patriot saint helped raise the status of women (Williams). Along changing the type of society the Pagans were accustomed to into a more modern one like the Catholics there was also a change in religious beliefs (Elements of Literature 11 ). The Pagans believed in a warrior death and after-life while the Catholics believed in a holy peaceful religion, this was another alteration the Catholics made upon the Pagans (Chaney 197-217).
The Pagans believed there was many gods and the best place to go after death was Valhalla while the Catholics believed in one God and Heaven was the best place after death (Chaney 197-217). The Catholics had an idol to live up to which was Jesus, the son of God, while the Pagans fought in battle to please Valkyries, whom was said to be the person who chose who died in battle (Chaney 197-217). The Pagans lived to die in battle, they believed dying in battle was heroic, the Catholics believed in living a sin free life and living a peaceful after-life (Chaney 197-217). Along with the changing of the Pagan’s arbarian society and warrior like religion the Catholics also evolved their tribal government into a more modern type (Elements of Literature 11). The Pagans believed in the strongest warrior being the King, or leader of the tribe, while the Catholics believed God chose who the heir to the throne would be (Williams). The Pagan king was known to be the bravest of all warriors but Catholics substituted the bravery for education and began to educate the Pagans (WIlliams). The Catholics also crated a Parliament in the Pagan tribe, which was something they lacked before ( WIlliams).
Pagan warriors believed the strongest of all died to protect the king after the Catholics had an impact of their lifestyle it was believed there was a Diving Right of King (Williams). The Catholics unified England with their transformation of the Pagan lifestyle (Elements of Literature 11). In the end the Pagans resulted in a peaceful society in which provided a common system of morality (Elements of Literature 11 ). The Catholics also provided the Pagans with a common faith of Christianity in which was more peaceful (Chaney 197-217).
The most important gift the Catholics gave to the pagans was the transformation of a warrior leader to a militant but yet strategic leader to run a more civilized government (Elements of Literature 11). The calm Christians of the Catholic religion had a positive influence on the barbarous Pagans off the Anglo-Saxon Age in England ( Williams). Although there were many changes made to the Pagan lifestyle there were many more that needed to be made in order for them to be a more civilized nation of what present day England is like today (Elements of Literature 11).