Personal Goal Paper
Personal goals are achieved through dedication and the love of what you are doing. Nobody can decide one person’s personal goals for themselves because it is only made by them and it reflects their character and interests. A personal goal that I have is to serve people in need whether that is through mission trips, volunteer work, or a child sponsorship. The steps that I will need to take in order to reach my goal of serving others is to get involved in a church that is committed to serving others, volunteer locally and be a part of credible programs, and seek children in need to pompons on a regular basis.
Missions work is something that I have always wanted to do but never have had the opportunity of doing. The church that I went to back at my home church would always go to Guatemala every year to rebuild communities and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have never went, but it was always a goal of mine to go. In order for me to reach my personal goal of going on mission trips, I need to get involved in a church that consistently goes on mission trips. Being a part of a dedicated group of Christians in order to spread the word of Jesus and restore the hearts and minds of any, would be very rewarding to me.
I have done volunteer work In the past but a goal of mine Is to do It more out of love and compassion for others and their environment. In order to make this goal happen, I need to find volunteer programs or places that would allow me to show the love of God to others and serve them both physically and spiritually. In the past I was a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive In which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families In order for them to keep warm during the winter. It was a wonderful experience that gave me Joy and kindheartedness towards the needy.
In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would Like to sponsor a child In need In another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child Is making a huge difference In their life and how they live It. Writing to the child and receiving letters from him or her would allow me to connect with the child more affectionately. It would also allow me to give him or her hope for a better future and write Inspiring Bible verses. Personal goals are not Just goals you check off on a list. Rather, they allow you to discover a deeper truth about yourself and society as a whole. By mutterer
I have done volunteer work in the past but a goal of mine is to do it more out of a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive in which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families in order for them to keep warm during the winter. It In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would like to sponsor a child in need in another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child is making a huge difference in their life and how they live it. Writing to the child and receiving letters from him or her would allow me her hope for a better future and write inspiring Bible verses.