philosophy short answer questions
for every question 3-5 sentences
1. What does Michel Foucaultsay about ‘representation’? Who are the most important subjects in a work of art?
2. Why does Sigmund Freudsay children and play are important to understanding imaginative artists?
3. What does Sigmund Freudmean by saying that “Day Dreaming is the continuation of play?” (Hint: See slide titled: Day Dreams and the Artists)
Recent Systematic Theories
4. For Tolstoy, should art have a purpose? Think about what he says “Good Art” should make us do.
5. What does Tolstoyhave to say about the sincerityof the artist? (Hint: see slides on the Artist’s Role & Degrees of Infectiousness)
6. For John Dewey, why is relegating art to the museum a problem?
7. State and explain the two conditionsthat Martin Heideggerthinks describe the True Work of Art. (Hint: they should give us an implicit sense of what ______ and what ______.)
8. What role does Theodor Adornothink The Culture Industry plays in society?
9. For Adorno, why is Industrialized Music such a problem? Think about why it is that this kind of music makes people consumersand not interpreters.