Unit 2 – the Developing Child

Unit 2 – The Developing Child D1) The main aspects of social development for Children aged 4 years are; * They like playing and socialising with other children as this helps progress things more like speech, confidence and social skills. * Take turns and share (most of the time); may still be rather bossy. * Seek out adult approval. So if they were to hurt themselves they would still go to an adult or when they are tired they would still go to an adult for comfort. * Understand and obeys simple rules (most of the time). Capable of feeling jealous, for example if you were to show another child more attention than another child, this child would become jealous and may show anger. * Begin to understand things more like, danger, feelings and reasons toward things. * Have more of an imagination, for example they may have imaginary friends and can make up stories. Children with learning disabilities might not reach these mile stones like children without disabilities. Childcare workers need to plan for these children so that they can meet their individual needs.

According to Tassoni, page 41, “For children, this area of development is important too, as they will want to play with other children and have to learn to share and be with others in group situations, such as in school. D2) The main aspects of social development for children aged 5 years are; * Now choose their friends, for example, they have certain friends they like to play with. * Takes turns, shares (sometimes) for example, when drawing and sharing pencil crayons. * Enjoys co-operative activities and also group play. * Says please and thank you when offered something to eat or drink. Shows kindness to other children, inviting them to play and being helpful. * Resolves conflicts before seeking adult help. * Carries on with conversation with adults and children. D3) One suitable method of observing the social development of children aged 5 years could be to carry out a time sample observation. This is used to record the time, interaction, who their socialising with, so I would write down the initials of the child they were socialising with, the activity like drawing or painting, and the comments that I would write about the whole observation.

I could record this by taking photos and then storing them into the child’s personal records and development file so I could use this as evidence towards their development and social skills with other kids. I would carry this out for 5 minutes every half hour, during the course of the morning. D4) One advantage of this observation method would be that you are able to observe the child to find whether they are struggling with anything like a subject, and we are able to see if they’re not socialising very well or whether they are withdrawn.

One disadvantage of this method is that the child maybe camera shy and may stop socialising and interacting once I start to take photos of the development that is taking place. This would affect the whole observation as there will be no progress being made so I would not be able to record anything. D5) A child’s social development may be affected by the transitions in their lives such as a family member, they may have bonded with, could have died and this would affect the child a lot.

Such as, the child may start showing aggressive behaviour towards people and may get frustrated easier when they find a task difficult. This would make the child regress. A positive transition could be that if the parent or parents take their child to places such as play areas, the child would be able to socialise with other children and they will see their parent socialising with other parents. This would make the child to be more confident and help make friends easier. This would positively influence the child to socialise and interact with other children.

D6) Snack and Meal times help support a child’s social development. It helps because the children are more likely to sit next to their friends. While they are eating they lunch, it is common that most children will tell each other what they have to eat and drink and if they have animal shaped biscuits they may play a little game like zoos, and this helps their imagination and social development. This is called associative play. D7) Inclusive practice means that everyone should be included into activities, no matter what their nationality is, or their sex or whether hey have disabilities. It is important to include everyone in activities because if someone was left out, it may make them feel unwanted, lonely, may make their confidence drop, they may show anger and it will also cause unwanted behaviour. Everyone should be included in activities as it helps make new friends, boost self-confidence and help them socialise better. All activities should meet the need of all children especially if there are any disabilities. C) If a child was in a nursery and a parent was to give birth to a baby, this may affect the child which is in nursery.

It may affect them because the new born baby will be receiving a lot of attention so this may make the child in the nursery, feel left out as the child is used to being the only child and all the attention being on them. This will cause anger and the child may stop sharing things with other children and become selfish and the child may regress in everything they have accomplished, such as they could wet themselves, behaviour will become bad and they may also stop talking about issues.

B1) When a child is moving house a practitioner can support the child in this transition by making it a fun process and a fun thing to be doing. The practitioner could ask what colours their bedroom is going to be, what they are going to have in it and where they want everything to be placed. Practitioners can even make their time at their setting as fun as it can be so it takes the situation of the child’s mind or they could even read them a story about moving house to help the child understand it is not always a bad process.

B2) Observations can be used to identify individual needs. Observations are important to be carried out because it identifies if a child is struggling in a certain area for example, they may have problems with numbers like counting, spelling simple words, participating in group activities or trouble socialising. Once the problem is identified then the person observing can the deal with the problem and help the child where they are struggling. This is why it is important to observe each child separately and carefully.

A*) It is important that practitioners understand, the pattern of development of children, from birth to 16 years because; at each age and stage there are different mile stones for them to reach. These are like goals that are set to be accomplished. The practitioners need to know this so they can help the child progress in what the child is capable of achieving. If the practitioner did not know the milestones for each stage then the practitioner could be holding the child back or aiming to high for what they want the child to do.

Also at each stage the child will show different behaviours and the practitioners need to know what they are, otherwise the practitioners might think it’s inappropriate. They might tell them of when the child is actually showing behaviours that are expected in a child of that age. The behaviour may be caused by learning disabilities, so the practitioner would need to know how to handle the situation appropriately, or even call in a professional to help the need of that child and help the child progress.

A*) Routines are important for young children because it adds structure to their day. This helps because they like to know what is coming next so they don’t get confused. The main parts of the routine, e. g meal times, coming in in the mornings and home time, in a setting should be kept the same daily this could include, children coming in in the morning and hanging their coats and bags up straight away, then sitting down for circle time and share news with their friends for 15- 30 minutes, then they will have free time to do messy things or play what they want to play to socialise.

Free time gives the children the opportunity to develop their physical skills and social skills. After free time they will be called for snack time. During snack time it is important for children to get the right nutrients for the energy they need and use. Then they will have free play again for about an hour and a half then it will be lunch time, then story time, then they would be told to go and get their coats and bags to go home. Then the children will be called out one by one when their parents can be seen.

When I was in placement at a nursery I saw they had a set routine that met the needs of every child, this worked because the children were aware of what is going on and what is happening next. I saw that this also helped their behaviour because they knew what they were doing as soon as they came in. Therefor in the future when I work with children I will know that keeping to a set routine, helps get through the day easier, without any confusions or uncertainty and everyone including staff knows what their role is for the day. Penny Tassoni Childcare and Education Cache Level 2 Published by Heinemann 2007

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Classical Conditioning in My Life

I experienced a food aversion when I took an anti-allergy medicine with water. When I was seven, I had an allergy on cats. When the allergy started, I took very nasty and bitter pills with water. In time whenever I drank water without the pills, I felt bitterness in my mouth. I didn’t drink water […]

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With Reference to Alternative Research, Critically Assess Bennett-Levy and Marteau’s Research

There is much research to support the idea of preparedness in the acquisition of phobias, just like Bennett-levy and Marteau have done, however many studies use non-human animals, and use experimental research methods. Cook & Mineka (1989) found that rhesus monkeys could acquire fear through social learning to fear relevant stimuli (toy snakes and crocodiles) […]

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Child Called It

Jalen Jones Mrs. Moore English 113 A 1/3/12 Book Summary A Child Called It by David Pelzer is a real life story about a boy who was brutally beaten and severely starved by his alcoholic mother. When David was young, he lived a well and typical life with his parents and brothers. However, his mother […]

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Definition of Abnormality

Revision Notes- Abnormality Definition of abnormality * Failure to function adequately- An assessment of an individual whose disability prevents them from pursing normal goals and activities. Rosenhan and Seligman (89)-7 characteristics; Suffering- most abnormal individuals report that they are suffering Maladaptiveness- danger to self (usually occurs as a result of lacking relevant knowledge and skill) […]

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A Difference between Children and Adults

The topic is about of fears and phobias. It talks whether a phobia is genetic or learnt. It also describes the most common phobia:claustrophobia,and how best to treat phobias by gradually exposing the patien to their fear,and teaching them relaxation techniques. It then goes on to talk about the difference between a fear and phobia,and finally, it describes the strangest phobia of all,in which patients have fear of long words. It is certainly true that the children of phobics are more likely to be fearful and anxious, but it’s difficult to say whether this is genetic or learnt.

As the capacity to be anxious or fearful depends on a chemical balance in the brain, it is possible that this chemical imbalance is passed down from parent to child,. Children learn by watching how their parents, and other adults, react to the world around them. Parents need to be careful not to be too cautious or overemphasize danger, otherwise their children may be prone to developing phobias as they grow older. Claustrophobia – the fear of enclosed spaces. Sufferers’ basic fear is not of the enclosed space itself, but that they are not going to be able to escape from it.

Even at home they often need to sit next to an open door so that they know that they’ll be able to get out if they need to. Claustrophobics need to feel that they can get out of the car at a moment’s notice, otherwise they suffer severe panic attacks. This can be very difficult on a motorway! And of course, they never take a lift, just in case it breaks down. Yes, of course they can. A phobia is a conditioned reflex, so the best treatment is to reverse the conditioning. In order to do so, sufferers of this phobia must try to establish positive associations .

This can be a very long and painful process and is based on gradual exposure to the object, linked to the practice of a range of relaxation techniques. One of the weirdest is hippopotomonstros esquippedaliophobia: the fear of long words. You can’t help thinking that the name was chosen so that sufferers couldn’t talk about their problem! People who suffer from this phobia often use abbreviations and acronyms. The structure of the present simple:Subject + VInfinitive We use the present simple: to talk about facts things that always true and permanent situations. Ex: She lives in a small flat.

To talk about habits and actions that happen regularly. Ex: She drives the kids to school every day. The past simple tense is sometimes called the “preterite tense”. We can use several tenses and forms to talk about the past, but the past simple tense is the one we use most often. The structure of the past simple tense is Subject + VERB+ed Examples:You called Debbie. We use the past simple: When we ask when the event happened. Ex: When did she arrive at Alice Springs? When we say when the event happened with time expressions like yesterday, last week, one night, that indicate a finished time.

Ex: She got there two weeks ago. Everybody sometimes has free time. Some prefers only to sleep in their leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on. If we have a few day or a week we prefer to go to attractive places. Many people think that pupils and students have too much liesure time, but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Many pupils have six or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week.

Even during weekend we learn our lessons. And we just have no time to go somewhere. Oldest of us are working after school or institute. As for me, a large part of my free time is devoted to reading. I like to read books about another countries, another times and another worlds. Also I read books about history of our country. Besides reading I like to do physical exercises. friends often gather after school and play basketball, football or other active games. But my favorite hobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and often it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea.

I think all people must have other occupations besides their basic work, because it extends the bounduries of the familar world and teaches us something new about people and things. N2 This article is about the life and work of the French artist ORLAN. It talks how she has become an internationally famous artist with performances aimed to shock her audience. Orlan. the star of the video, is probably the world’s most well-known performance artist. She has had dozens of exhibitions around the world, she appears in fashion magazines and TV talk shows and collectors pay high prices for her pictures.

She is a professor of fine arts at a prestigious college in Dijon and her work is supported by the French Ministry of Culture. She was bom in central France in 1947 and did her first performances at the age of eighteen. She later became a teacher but lost her job in 1977, as a result of a work that she had performed at an art fair in Paris. In the work, The kiss of the artist’ she had sat behind a life size photograph of her body and sold kisses to the audience. At the end of each kiss, an electronic siren deafened the gallery. The work succeeded in shocking the public but Orian was out of a job.

Orlan was getting more and more attention, but art lovers were unprepared for what came next. Her next major work – a video – was shown at the Lyons Centre of Contemporary Art. An ambulance had rushed the video to the Centre from the hospital where Orlan had just had an emergency operation. She had installed a video camera in the operating theatre, and the film became the first of her surgical performances. By the mid-1980s, her fame had led to work for the Ministry of Culture and a teaching position at Dijon, but international stardom came later, in the 1990s, after changing her appearance.

Returning to the operating theatre, she began a series of plastic surgery operations that continued for the next ten years. In each operation, a part of Orlan’s body was changed, so that it looked like a beautiful bit of her favourite paintings – the forehead of Leonardo’s Mona Lisa or the chin of Botticelli’s Venus, for example. Galleries around the world showed films of the operations and Orlan’s fame grew. Her self-portraits are her most recognizable paintings, but her work is conceptual, rather than figurative She describes herself as a feminist and says that her intention is to challenge traditional ideas of beauty.

In the tradition of Marcel Duchamp, her work is designed to shock and provoke, not simply to be admired With the present simple, we often use adverbs of frequency to say ‘how often’ we do something. Here’s a list of common adverbs:Always,frequently,generally,hardly ever ,infrequently, never, normally occasionally, often, rarely ,regularly, seldom, sometimes, usually We usually put these adverbs in the middle of the sentence, between the subject and the verb: I often go to the cinema. She sometimes visits me at home. We usually drink coffee. We can also put them at the very beginning or end of the sentence.

This makes them stronger: Often I go to the cinema. I go to the cinema often. But never: I go often to the cinema. Here are some other expressions we can use to say ‘how often’. All of these longer phrases go at the beginning or the end of the sentence but not in the middle. once in a while: I go to the cinema once in a while. every now and again: She drinks wine every now and again. from time to time: From time to time I visit my mother. N3 He was looking at a book and did not notice as I slipped into my chair. I arranged myself as 1 had been sitting before.

As I turned my head to look over my left shoulder, he glanced up. At the same time the end of die yellow cloth came loose and fell over my shoulder. ‘Oh’ I breathed, afraid that the cloth would fall from my head and reveal all my hair. But it held – only the end of the yellow cloth dangled free. My hair remained hidden. ‘Yes,’ he said then. ‘That is it, Griet. Yes. ‘he said then. That is it great yes. ate in the evening, Van Ruijven managed to comer me in the hallway as I was passing along it with a lighted candle and a wine jug. Ah, the wide- eyed maid,’ he cried, leaning into me. ‘Hello, my girl.’

He grabbed my chin in his hand, his other hand pulling the candle up to light my face. 1 did not like die way he looked at me. ‘You should paint her,’ he said over his shoulder. You must wear the other one as well,’ he declared, picking up the second earring and holding it out to me. For a moment I could not speak. 1 wanted him to think of me, not the painting. ‘Why? ‘ I finally answered. ‘It can’t be seen in the painting. ‘ ‘You must wear both,’ he insisted. ‘It is a farce to wear only one. ‘ ‘But – my other ear is not pierced,’ I faltered. ‘Then you must tend to it. ‘ He continued to hold it out.

I reached over and took it. I did it for him. I got out a needle and clove oil and pierced my odier ear. I did not cry, or faint, or make a sound. Then I sat all morning and he painted the earring he could see, and I felt, stinging like fire in my other ear, the pearl he could not see. He had been working on the painting for almost two months, and though I had not seen it, I thought it must be close to done. He wafc no longer having me mix quantities of colour for it, but used tiny amounts and made few movements with his brushes. As I sat, I thought I had understood how he wanted me to be, but now I was not so sure.

Sometimes he simply sat and looked at me as if he were waiting for me to do something. Then he was not like a painter, but like a man, and it was hard to look at him. •One day he announced suddenly, as I was sitting in my chair, ‘This will satisfy van Ruijven, but not me. ‘ Make negatives by putting not after the first auxiliary verb. I haven’t been doing it for that long. If there is no auxiliary verb (ie present simple and past simple) add do/does/did. Ex:I didn’t know such a thing existed. Make questions by putting the subject between the auxiliary verb and the main verb.

Structure:(auxiliary verb) subject verb. Ex:What was it used for in the first place? If there is no auxiliary verb (ie present simple and past simple) add do/does/did. Ex:Did he hart anybody? In questions with be put the subject after the verb. Are you a bit sensitive about it. If the question word who is the subject of the verb, do not use do/does/did with the present or past simple. Put the verb after the subject as in a normal statement. What happens if someone gets killed one day? In 1893, New Zealand took the historic step of becoming the first country in the world to grant the vote to all adult women.

The decision came after a fifteen-year campaign led by Kate Sheppard. Sheppard became a well-known historical figure in her own country where she can be seen on a ten-dollar bilL. She also travelled to Canada, the United States and Britain where she met other suffragettes who were fighting for the right to vote. By the time of her death in 1934, women in nearly twenty countries around the world had won the right to vote. New Zealand had its first woman prime minister in 1997 and ten years later, women had been elected heads of state on all five continents.

N4 This article is about Ginny who sought help from a life coach to change her life style and stop smoking. In the article, Brian, Ginny’s life coach, describes what they do at the session, how Ginny has reacted to the coaching so far, and how successful he thinks she will be in giving up smoking. Ginny then describes her experience of attending the life coaching sessions, what successes she has had in trying to stop smoking, and when,in her opinion,she thinks she’ll stop smoking. Time adverbials show a relationship between one event and another.

They help a speaker or writer to show the sequence of events in a native. To show the first in a series of actions:initially, at first,at the beginning,to begin with. To show that one action happens after another: afterwards,subsequently,after a wile,later on. To show the last in a series of actions: eventually,finally, in the end. The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is one of the world’s most important literary prizes. It is awarded each year for the best original full-length novel written by a citizen of the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland in the English language.

A panel of judges choose a short list of six novels from over 200 entrants. The short list is announced in September, and then a month later the prize is awarded in a special, televised ceremony. The winner of the Man Booker Prize receives ?50,000. In addition, both the winner and the short-listed authors are guaranteed a worldwide readership and a dramatic increase in book sales. N5 We can expect to see major changes in the home, too, and some rooms will look rather different. The kitchen and the bathroom, to name but two, will be unrecognizable. In the kitchen, for example hi-tech appliances will be revolutionized.

Automatic waste disposal and a water purification system, among other things will become standard features of most kitchens. The new intelli-kitchen is already making our lives easier by looking after some of the dirtier jobs. Self-cleaning ovens, for instance, are already available in some shops. Cooking accidents, such as burnt toast or undercooked pasta, will be a thing of the past with self-timing appliances. And with a fridge that orders food direct from online home-delivery companies, you’ll never run out of essentials like milk or orange juice.

The changes will transform the lives of everyone, housewives in particular. In the bathroom of the future, … English Idioms An idiom is a set expression which has a meaning different from the literal meanings of its components. Idioms present a great variety of structures and combinations that are mostly unchangeable and often not logical and may not follow basic rules of grammar. Idioms can be quite clear (in general; come out; at first; the root of all evil) or pretty unclear (on end; pack it in; high and low; hard cash).

Some idioms have proper names in them (a Jack of all trades; Uncle Sam); some other idioms are comparisons (as clear as a bell; as the crow flies). Proverbs and sayings may also have idiomatic character (every cloud has a silver lining; still waters run deep). It is pointless to ask why idioms have such unusual structure or choice of words, or why they don’t follow basic grammar rules. Let’s just accept as fact that idioms are a difficult peculiarity of English. N6 This text is about how to exploit having a heavy cold, in order to get maximum attention and sympathy from work colleagues,family and friends.

It goes through the different stages of having a cold from exaggerating the symptoms and getting sick leave from work, to what to do while you have the cold, and finally what happens when you goback to work. Use simple past, used to + infinitive and would + infinitive to talk about past habits. The earl liked dogs. His dogs used to have dinner with him. The servants would tie a napkin around their necks. Use used to to talk about both states and actions. Use would to talk about actions only. His family used to have a house in Hertfordshire. Not His family would have a house in Hertfordshire.

Alternative medicines include a wide range of treatments and practices. Some stem from nineteenth century North America, such as Chiropractic and Naturopathy, some, mentioned by Jutte, originated in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Germany, such as homeopathyand hydropathy,[56] some have originated in China or India. The following examples include some of the more common methods in use. Most therapies can be considered as part of five broad classes; biological based approaches, energy therapies, alternative medical systems, muscle and joint manipulation and mind body therapies.

Indian Dhanvantari, an incarnation of Krishna[111] and the Lord of Ayurveda worshiped at an ayurveda expo, Bangalore In Japanese Reiki, it is believed that supernatural energies flow from the palms of the healer into the patient near Chakras, influencing disease. Alternative medical systems are complete health systems with their own approaches to diagnosis and treatment that differ from the conventional biomedical approach to health. Some are cultural systems such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, while others, such as Homeopathy and Naturopathy are relatively recent and were developed in the West. [103]

Writing as a historian Matthew Ramsey has asked whether some counter-hegemonic medicines are better understood as manifestations of more general developments in the larger society, or as the product of a coherent alternative world view. N7 This article is about Office Doctors, a company with spezializes in using alternative therapies to reduce the amout of stress-related illnesses in the workplace. With stress-related illness on the increase, and workers starting to sue their companies for chronic back pain, more and more companies arc turning to alternative therapies to help reduce the levels of stress in their workplace.

The Office Doctors is one of a growing number of companies which claim they can reduce work related stress by making workplaces healthier and happier. They talked us through one of their makeovers. A small accountancy firm had been experiencing problems with staff illness and low morale. When a new office manager was appointed she decided to call in the Office Doctors. The offices were housed in an old building, there were a number of basic stress factors that needed immediate attention: the light, the colour scheme, the furniture. ‘There was an enormous amount of work to do.

But we had to make sure that we didn’t disrupt the day to day work of the office. ‘ The only solution was to j work at weekends. It meant we had to work fast but it also meant we could work in peace and we didn’t have to worry about getting in the way of the staff. ‘The colour therapist, Liz, w? as the first in. She chose a range of calming blues and greens for the offices and reception area. ‘Blue is a particularly calming colour and ideal in counterbalancing high levels of stress,’ she explained,. In the staff rest area she decided to use colours that stimulate and energize. ‘Yellow heightens motivation and orange stimulates creativity.

The rest area doesn’t just provide a break from work, but helps the staff go back to their desks with renewed energy and enthusiasm. ‘. Being an old building the windows were small and let in very little natural light. As she couldn’t install new windows, Liz installed full spectrum fluorescent lights instead. ‘Full spectrum lights have all the colours and wavelengths of natural light and studies show that they have a very positive effect in lighting stress and depression. ‘ Next came the aromatherapist, Jules. ‘Chosen with care, essential oils can o reduce stress and boost immunity,’ he explained.

He chose a blend of lemon, bergamol. and lavender for the central diffusion system. ‘Recent tests have shown that the use of lemon can reduce typing errors by more than 50%, so we’re not only fighting stress and promoting health, we’re also increasing productivity. ‘ Finally Clara, our massage expert, came in and assessed the ergonomics of each work station. These people have to sit at their desks for up to eight hours a day. Very often they aren’t allowed to get up except for short coffee breaks. So they really must make sure that they are looking after their backs as well as they possibly can.’ Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor. She helped each member of staff find the correct desk and chair height, and showed them the best position for their computer screen. She also persuaded the company to invest in ergonomic keyboards and cordless mouses as well as cordless phones. The phones mean that staff don’t have to take their phone calls at their desks. Now they can get up and stretch their legs. In addition, each member of staff can request a massage at their desks once a week. ‘Everybody should have regular massage sessions.

Not only does it help ease back pains, it also relieves built up tensions and revitalizes. ‘ The changes have made a huge difference/ said the Managing Director, Absenteeism has gone down by a staggering 30% and everyone seems to be much happier. ‘ Use the present perfect to talk about actions and states that started in the past and continue in the present. I’ve worked here for over three years now. She’s been really stressed since she started her new job. to talk about actions that happened during a period of time which is unfinished. I’ve seen him at least three times this week. to talk about past actions when the time is not stated.

I’ve been to Rome twice before. The structure of the present perfect tense is: subject + auxiliary verb + main verb have past participle You have eaten mine. We use the past perfect simple to talk about what happened before a point in the past. It looks back from a point in the past to further in the past. Ex:I hadn’t known the bad news when I spoke to him. I checked with the supplier and they still hadn’t received the contract. The past perfect simple is often used when we report what people had said/thought/believed. Ex:He told me they had already paid the bill. He said he believed that John had moved to Italy.

N8 This text is about a condition called Celebrety Worship Syndrome in which people have an unhealthy obsession with celebrities. The text gives an example of this obsessive behavior by talking about the fans who attended the first showing of the final instalment of the Star Wars series in Britain. The article also states that being interested in celebrities could have a positive effect on people,if it doesn’t become an addiction. Use the present perfect to talk about actions and states that started in the past and continue in the present. I’ve worked here for over three years now. She’s been really stressed since she started her new job.

To talk about actions that happened during a period of time which is unfinished. I’ve seen him at least three times this week. to talk about past actions when the time is not stated. I’ve been to Rome twice before. The structure of the present perfect tense is: subject + auxiliary verb + main verb have past participle You have eaten mine. The past simple tense is sometimes called the “preterite tense”. We can use several tenses and forms to talk about the past, but the past simple tense is the one we use most often. The structure of the past simple tense is:Subject + VERB+ed Examples:You called Debbie.

We use the past simple: When we ask when the event happened. Ex: When did she arrive at Alice Springs? When we say when the event happened with time expressions like yesterday,last week, one night,that indicate a finished time. Ex: She got there two weeks ago. Whether you’re just starting your career or you’re looking for a job change, it can be helpful to review a list of “good jobs” – the jobs where a lot of openings are projected and the jobs where openings are increasing faster than for other occupations. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists jobs in both categories.

Some jobs require significant training, but other don’t. For example, food service workers, home care aides, and landscapers are all on the list of jobs with the greatest number of openings and short-term on-the-job training is provided for these types of jobs. You don’t need a college education or additional training beyond high school. with projections from the BLS, for jobs where the outlook is good as far as potential job opportunities. To find these types of job openings, use the job search engines to search by keyword or job title i. e. retail sales and the location where you want to work.

Here’s how to search for jobs by location Largest Number of Projected New Jobs Registered nurses Home health aides Customer service representatives Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food Personal and home care aides Retail salespersons Office clerks, general N24 The text is about the history of the Cocos Island, which was,in the past,a hiding place for pirate treasure,and how this island still attracts treasure hunters to it,who are hoping to find buried treasure. Below we have a list of Phrasal verbs that begin with LOOK and then an explanation of each one with some examples.

Look after,Look away,Look for,Look into,Look out,Look through,Look up,Look up to This is not a complete list. We will add more Phrasal Verbs with LOOK when we can. Look after (someone or something) 1. = to take care of. 2. = to make sure that someone is safe and well. Make sure you look after yourself. I don’t want you to be ill due to this weather. I have to look after my son tonight. Look away1. = to turn your eyes away from someone or something that you were looking at. The accident was so horrible that I had to look away. She looked away in embarrassment. Look for (someone or something)

  1. = to search for something or someone. 2. = to try and find something or someone Can you help me look for my brother, he was meant to be here 20 minutes ago. I am looking for my black shirt have you seen it? Look into Normally – Look into (something) 1. = to find out more about something in order to improve the situation.
  2.  = to investigate or examine. The manager promised to look into my complaintI will look into this matter and see what I can do about it. Look out 1. = to be careful. 2. = to avoid imminent danger. Look out! An angry dog is coming your way. Look out! There is a broken bottle near your foot.

Look through 1. = to examine something, usually quickly. I must look through this report to establish the full story. I will look through my email to see if I can find your request. Look up 1. = to search for information (usually in a book) I need to look that word up in the dictionary, I have never heard it before. I will look up your number when I get to Santiago. Look up to 1. = to respect or admire someone. I really look up to my father. She will always look up to her father as he had such a positive effect on her youth. Alex li Tandem sells autographs- a small blip in a huge worldwide network of desire.

It is his business to hunt for names on paper, collect them, sell them end occasionally fake them,end all to give people what they want a little piece of Fame. But what does Alex want? Only the return his father,the reinstatement of some kind of all powerfull benevolent Godtype figure, something for his headache,three different girls,and the rare autograph of forties movie actress,Kitty Alexander. N25 Nominated for three Oscars when it was released in 2003, Girl with a Pearl Earring tells the story of the Dutch painter, Vermeer, and the creation of one of his most famous paintings.

It is an adaptation of a novel by Tracy Chevalier of the same name. The subject of the portrait, Girl with a Pearl Earring, is Vermeer’s servant, Griet, who gets to know the artist while sitting for the picture. The role of Griet is played to perfection by Scarlett Johansson, who also starred in the memorable Lost in Translation of the same ) year. Colin Firth (Bridget Jones’ Diary, Love Actually and Nanny McPhee), is excellent in the role of Vermeer, and Tom Wilkinson is convincingly revolting as Vermeer’s patron, Van Ruijven, who wants to buy Griet.

What is most memorable about Girl with a Pearl Earring is its 3 hypnotic beauty. The scenes are shot in lovingly recreated Delft of 1665 and the light and the detail come straight out of one of Vermeer’s paintings. The cast are dressed in lavish costumes by the Dutch designer, Dien van Straalen, and the camerawork of Eduardo Serra is exquisite. Girl with a Pearl Earring received ) mixed reviews, but it has stood the test of time well. The film appeals to more adult tastes and carries a PG 13 Sertificate We use unreal conditional sentences to talk about imaginary, impossible or improbable situations.

We use a past tense (simple or continuous) to describe a present or future situation. If we had more time, … (= But we don’t have more time. ) We use the past perfect to describe a past situation. If we had arrived earlier, … (= But we didn’t arrive earlier. ) We use would/could/might + infinitive to describe a present or future result of our hypothesis. If we had more time, we’d sit in the park/we could visit the museum. We use would/might/could + have + past participle to describe a past result of our hypothesis. If we’d arrived earlier, we would have paid less/we might have got a better seat.

Conditional sentences can begin with either the condition or the result. If I were yoiz, I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. In unreal conditions, was and were are both used as the past form of be. Some people think that were is more correct. If I were you/If she were here/If he were alive A present situation can have a past result, and a past situation can have a present result. If I had more money (ie now/in general), I wouldn’t have walked (ie in the past). If she had tried harder (ie in the past), she wouldn’t be where she is today.

Conditionals are sometimes described in the following way: Type 1: If + simple present, will + infinitive Type 2: If + simple past, would + infinitive Type 3: If + past perfect, would + have + past participle Wildlife traditionally refers to non-domesticated animal species, but has come to include all plants, fungi and other organisms which grow or live wild in an area without being introduced by humans. [1] Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human benefit has occurred many times all over the planet, and has a major impact on the environment, both positive and negative.

Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, forests, rain forests, plains, grasslands, and other areas including the most developed urbansites, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors,[2] most scientists agree that wildlife around is affected by human activities. Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense. Some animals, however, have adapted to suburban environments.

This includes such animals as domesticated cats, dogs, mice, and gerbils. Religions have often declared certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment. N23 Only 150 years ago, the San Fernando Valley in North Hollywood was a rural farming area, but it is now home to some of the world’s most famous film studios: Walt Disney, NBC TV, Warner Brothers and Universal. California’s year-round good weather, natural light and a wide variety of locations made it ideal for early film-makers.

As a result, the scenery of Los Angeles and Southern California is better-known than anywhere else in the world. Universal Studios has become a major tourist attraction, although some of the other studios give a better idea of how films are made. The time clauses in the English language are introduced by conjunctions such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, while or time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc. We do not use the future tense (will) in a time clause to describe future activities (in this respect, it it similar to if clauses).

Ex: When I finish writing the reports, I will go out with my friends. Murat will visit all his relatives before he joins the army. What will you do after you finish the French course? They will go to the beach as soon as they have their breakfast. Paintball is a sport[2][3][4] in which players compete; in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with capsules containing water soluble dye and gelatin shell outside (referred to as paintballs) propelled from a device called a paintball marker(commonly referred to as a paintball gun).

Paintballs are composed of a non-toxic, biodegradable, water-soluble polymer. The game is regularly played at a sporting level with organized competition involving major tournaments, professional teams, and players. [5][6] Paintball technology is also used by military forces, law enforcement, para-military and security organizations to supplement military training, as well as playing a role in riot response, and non-lethal suppression of dangerous suspects. Games can be played on very hard floors in indoor fields, or outdoor fields of varying sizes.

A game field is scattered with natural or artificial terrain, which players use for tactical cover. Game types in paintball vary, but can include capture the flag, elimination, ammunition limits, defending or attacking a particular point or area, or capturing objects of interest hidden in the playing area. Depending on the variant played, games can last from seconds to hours, or even days in scenario play. The legality of paintball varies among countries and regions. In most areas where regulated play is offered, players are required to wear protective masks, and game rules are strictly enforced.

Sometimes masks are not required. N22 This article is about a webpage which gives information,news and advice environmental issues. It also gives advice and encouragement to people to try and adopt a lifestyle that isn’t so damaging to the environment. A type of noun clause (or a free relative clause) that begins with the word what. In a declarative sentence, a what-clause may serve as the subject (usually followed by a form of the verb be), a subject complement, or an object. (See Examples and Observations, below. “Money was what I wanted. Other people’s money.

What I wanted was impossible. It was a wish for the whole affair to have been imaginary Ian was born in London some time after the Second World War. Father was a brewer, mother a housewife, and maternal grandmother a Duck (her maiden name), who cooked for a wealthy family of Russian furriers in a large London house. He thinks he got his culinary flair from Mrs Duck via his mum – though didn’t learn to make borscht until some years later. Moved to Belgium at age 9, where he began cooking. Went to an early Montessori School – he thinks it was the second that Maria Montessori founded.

He was exiled to England for schooling while parents continued living in Brussels. Concurrently educated and bullied at King’s School, Rochester, Kent – Britain’s second oldest school. (It seems ‘second’ was his thing. ) He learnt acting, cunning and survival. Undistinguished academically, he won a drama award and was captain of fencing and shooting. He also threw the javelin in the athletics team. He eschewed ball games for sports with a point to them – or a bullet. He was expelled from school for partying and, after a spell making false teeth for a Polish refugee’s plastics company, he became a journalist. (This is all true, by the way).

Ian worked on magazines and thrived in Fleet Street’s wine bar and pub scene, before moving to Australia in 1971, working as a PR consultant then joining the ABC in 1973 as a Publicity Officer. He survived ABC TV’s rigorous Producer Training Course and became a producer/director in 1974. He mostly worked in News/Current Affairs, music and sport. His first production was Fats and Figures – a five-minute food programme! He started Rock Arena and Talking Pictures, and won Penguin Awards for two Leeuwin Estate Concerts (with Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and James Galway, and Dionne Warwick.)

He was producer of AFI Awards, America’s Cup coverage, World Swimming Championships, among other major multi-camera productions. He started Consuming Passions in 1992, his first on-camera appearance. Ian has now done 10 series – 450 shows – which have screened in Australia and several other countries including the UK, Singapore and Ireland. He has produced 11 recipe collections and two ‘serious’ books, Cooking with Passion (ABC Books) and Sheer Bottled Bliss – A Margaret River Memoir (HarperCollins), won an Australian Award for Literary Excellence in 2004.

In 1995 Ian won the Presenters’ Prize at the Festival de la Telegourmande in France, and the following year won the Festival Grand Prix for best TV food show. He has been a columnist with The Sunday Age newspaper and has contributed to Australia Today magazine and the West Australian. He is a regular contributor to Delicious magazine. With colleague David Evans, Ian launched the Tasting Australia food and wine festival in Adelaide in 1997. The festival takes place every two years. Ian and David received a Jaguar Award for Excellence in 2001- in association with Australian Gourmet Traveler – for Tasting Australia.

His company, Consuming Passions Pty Ltd also works in Los Angeles on Australia Week, a major promotion of Australian food, wine, film, fashion, business and investment, tourism and travel. Ian lives in Margaret River, Western Australia, where he and his partner Ann produce a highly regarded Chardonnay (Artamus) from grapes that they grow. He plays piano, guitar and blues harmonica in his spare time, draws and writes; loves dining and wine tasting, comedy; mowing the vines, travel and British crime on TV. He believes in Slow Food and in supporting Australian producers in their efforts to create and market the best foods in the Universe

N21 Someone found a priceless hoard of 3,000 Saxon coins yesterday as a woman was digging in her back garden. 2Someone had packed the coins into a wooden box which broke as 3she was digging it out of the ground. The coins are in the care of a local museum where 4 museum workers are cleaning them in a special laboratory. (5) Someone will then take them to the museum in York for further examination. A legal expert said that even though Mrs Barrett found the coins on her property, (6) the local authorities could still rule them as the property of the state. so & such

We use so and such to make adjectives, adverbs and nouns stronger or more emphatic. So + adjective big, small, cheap, expensive + adverb well badly; nearly, s/ouly so + many/few/much/little many/few people, much/little advice so + (a/an) noun a pity, luck, friends such, , * . so+ (a/an) adjective + noun a nice day, happy memories If we want to express a consequence, we follow the so/such phrase with that + clause. We can omit that in informal situations. They were so cheap (that) I bought ten. (= I bought ten because they were very cheap. ) He drives so slowly (that) well never get there.

It was such a nice day (that) we decided to go to the beach. Kevin Costner, a famous American actor, was born in Los Angeles. He spent his childhood often on the move, changing schools frequently, owing to his father’s job at the regional electricity company. As a teenager, he developed a keen liking for football, baseball and basket-ball and was also interested in singing and writing poetry. He married his college sweetheart Cindy whilst still at California State University and came out with a business degree in marketing. In his spare time he appeared in local theatre.

Theatre became increasingly important to him and after having worked six weeks in a marketing company, he gave the job up to become an actor. He played in many small part roles before his principle role which was not a success. However, Costner himself was given good reviews. In 1987 his starring role in “The Untouchables” and “No Way Out” really introduced him to international fame. Indeed, he won the Star of Tomorrow prize from the U. S. National Association of Theatre Owners. Then in 1988 came “Bull Durham” which was a huge hit movie in the States about baseball.

His subsequent film “Field of Dreams” was also a success and touched baseball again. Then came the violent drama movie “Revenge” followed by his first directorial debut film “Dances With Wolves” in which he also starred and which won 7 Oscars. His movie “Robin Hood, Prince of the Thieves” was also a great success. I like this actor because the characters he plays are strong personalities, wise people who are worthy of my admiration. In my opinion, this is the reason of his growing popularity in many, countries. He is not only a talented actor, whose acting draws your attention the very moment you see his face on the screen.

But he is also a successful producer and continues working at his new films which are certain to amuse the people. N20 Harrison Ford flies to the rescue Harrison Ford volunteered to fly his own helicopter to rescue a boy scout who had got lost on a camping expedition in Yellowstone National Park. After a search with dogs failed to find the boy scout, two air rescue teams were called in. Harrison Ford, better known for his heroics as the archaeologist, Indiana Jones, was piloting one of the helicopters which searched the Wyoming forest throughout the night. Harrison Ford and his team eventually found the boy scout early the next morning.

He was cold and tired but very excited when he found out that not only was he going to ride in a helicopter, but that he had been rescued by Harrison Ford. The use of articles with geographical names has certain patterns. For example, the name of a river is used with the definite article, and the name of a lake is used without any article. The name of one mountain (or one island) is used without any article, and the name of a mountain chain (or a group of islands) is used with the definite article. The meaning may change depending on the presence or absence of the definite article.

For example, Mississippi is the state of Mississippi, while the Mississippi is the Mississippi River. The words “north, east, south, nothern, western, central”, and the like are capitalized if they are part of the geographical name (the North Sea, Northern Ireland, Central America) or part of the name of the region regarded as a unit (the West, Western Europe, the East, the Far East). If such words are used for indicating direction or as descriptive terms, they are usually not capitalized (the north, the west, the southeast, the south of France, western Asia, northern Africa, central Australia).

Ex: the Western Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere; They invited us round for dinner, which was nice. Sue cooked a special Greek dish that she;d had on holiday. It was delicious,with fresh vine leaves that she;d managed to buy at the local market. Her sister was there too,the one who has just come back from the States. She was looking very glomours in a little back cocktail dress that she’d picked up in the New Yourk. It covered in tiny little sequens that glowed in the candlelight. John couldn’t take his eyes off her all night!

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Discuss The Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, Habits And Phobias

In this paper I aim to define what stress and anxiety are and outline the differences between them. These topics form a larger part of the essay as Stress and Anxiety underpin most cases presented to a therapist. I will move onto how phobias and habits are formed. Finally covering off options available to the therapist in order to research all these issues for a given client, understand any hidden agendas, history, treatment strategies and most importantly understand where NOT to treat. Stress ‘a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances’ (Oxford English Dictionary)

This definition shows a specific circumstance; the individual involved is experiencing stress due to an event; be it in the past, current or future tense. Whilst stress can have a negative connotation in the English language, in fact most stress is positive. It is there to protect us. The feeling of ‘stress’ is a reaction which ensures we perform appropriately at the right moments. It is a natural reaction to a number of given situations, causing our innate animal instincts to activate and is activated by the hormone Cortizol naturally produced in all mammals.

These are commonly known as Flight, Fight, and the lesser remembered, Freeze responses. As such, our sub-conscious will protect us through releasing chemicals in order that we can perform appropriately to deal with the situation. However distressed a client may be, one thing you can use to help them understand is that it is triggered in order to protect us from a threat. Stress becomes an issue when it is inappropriate to the situation. That is not to say that what the client/patient experiences is not real. It may be that the individual has experienced one or more episodes of stress that may not be representative of the subject at hand.

It may also be that they are experiencing a consistent level of stress, such as workload, a particular home situation or the need to consistently to overachieve in all parts of his/her life in a manner that is unsustainable. Avoiding the stressful situation can also be further damaging as this re-affirms the messaging in the brain around the given situation. Types of stress experienced vary and have many labels depending on how they manifest: Acute StressMost common: immediate threat(s), anticipated demand(s) or pressure(s). Episodic Acute StressRecurring: Overabundance of tasks, tends to become habitual to individual.

Chronic StressPerpetual: Unable to see resolution, due to its constant nature it can go unnoticed by sufferer. HyperstressOverwhelmed: Workload, beyond limits of tasks achievable. HypostressThe ‘Bored’ Stress: Unmotivated, unchallenged. Lacks enthusiasm to innovate, start new challenges. Eustress‘Good’ Stress: Positive events or emotions, motivational, largely ignored. I have separated Traumatic Stress and Post Traumatic Stress as these sit under the title of Anxiety in the next section. Individuals will experience physical responses to a stressful situation or ongoing stress; some common, some more specific to the individual.

These include: sweating, shakes, fast heart rate, dry mouth, upset stomach, acid reflux, releasing of stools, muscles tensing, headaches, other aches, lack of sleep, fatigue, loss of self esteem. Anxiety ‘a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome’ (Oxford English Dictionary) This definition shows that instead of the specific circumstance seen in stress, anxiety is in comparison ill-defined. Sustained stress or specific traumatic event(s) can lead to anxiety. These may be rational or irrational; however, they manifest as very real to the sufferer.

It may even be that the sufferer understands that their anxiety is irrational, but is unable to control it. It is important for a hypnotherapist to understand where they can and cannot treat in relation to Anxiety. The therapist should discuss any anxiety cases with their supervisor, it may be that the case requires GP approval. In certain cases such as PTSD the therapist may need to refer to a multi-disciplinary team (or be part of). One way or another, the key here is caution, ask advice and make sure you are cleared to move on with treatment. There are many types of Anxiety Disorders, here are some:

General AnxietyMost common: Constantly nervous, anxiousness where Disorder (GAD)there is no specific cause is obvious. GP/Supervisor Panic AttacksTriggered with no apparent cause: Response to sustained stress/anxiety. GP/Supervisor PhobiasBroad Subject: From Feathers to Flying, Social, Crowds, Spiders. Can be anything and is very real to the sufferer. Traumatic StressReactive Anxiety, similar to PST. Response to a traumatic event. THIS MUST NOT BE TREATED. GP/MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM. Post Traumatic StressReactive Anxiety Disorder, response to severe traumatic (PTSD)event.

THIS MUST NOT BE TREATED. GP/MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM. Obsessive-CompulsiveObsessive thoughts, released through the compulsion Disorder (OCD)to act on thoughts. Comes in many forms. As with stress there are many physical responses, which include, all those mentioned in the stress section. There are specific symptoms for specific types of anxiety, for example in a Panic Attack, the sufferer truly believes they may die and feel entirely helpless. Anxiety suffers release strong emotions at certain times such as anger or they may cry or want to run from the situation.

Due to the perpetual nature of anxiety issues, nausea, extreme exhaustion, restlessness and obsessive focus on negatives are common. Essentially it shows a loss of control. Treatment of Stress and Anxiety Whilst you may have three clients showing the same symptoms the underlying the reasons will be different for each. It’s key to spend time understanding the background to the issue, to ascertain whether the client remembers the trigger and for the therapist to spend time understanding the reason they are feeling this way, when it occurs, how it occurs and the symptoms.

It may be that the initial reason they believe the stress or anxiety situation occurs is a red herring and perhaps they are unaware of another reason. Regression may be required to fully understand the history, especially if it’s clear that the issue has its roots back in childhood, this may also provide positive imagery that can be re-used in a script. For example, a bad flyer may have roots in childhood experience, but similarly remember a good experience flying that may be re-used during a script.

‘Problematic imagery is reported by clients with almost all anxiety disorders, with the specific content of the images relating to the clients’ main fears that are central to the clinical disorder’ (Hirsh and Holmes 2007: 161). ’ I like the suggestion of asking the client about their dreams as well as using their interests and using this imagery to work through a script appropriate to the situation. There seems to be a lot of evidence to show that there is a direct correlation between how vivid imagery is for an individual and how powerful the feeling is towards the negative situation.

That’s not to say those with different modalities suffer less, but it’s a consideration. So for someone who can easily envisage the worst scenario their stress levels may considerably increase. On the flip side this also means a therapist can use this to their advantage and treat using strong visual tendencies. If the therapist can focus on a positive image from the clients key interests or dream subjects. Outside of the specific script to the given situation, helping the client learn to relax through a relaxation script (and take-home recording) is key to working through stress issues.

I also like the approach of the ego-strengthening scripts for those who are experiencing stress due to self-belief, it’s a good basis to build on during treatment sessions before the therapist can move onto specific reframing or programming of a perception. Having also read a number of ‘rehearsal’ scripts I find these a very positive approach to dealing with stressful situations, although again it would be prudent to ensure you are not trying to ‘fix’ an issue up front without understanding the underlying history and cause.

Also looking to take the negative thoughts, feelings and/or images and find a way of disposing of them in some way using appropriate modality. I think this is a key action to take within a script as those suffering stress or anxiety will primarily focus on the main negative, it will consume thoughts and feelings. In ‘purging’ them, the client can symbolically get rid of those before moving onto a more positive view of their given experience. Anxiety issues require special consideration. OCD for example, requires specific training. PTSD, a specialist team would need to be involved. Key focus areas would be things like GAD and Phobias.

Phobias will be described later in the paper. GAD still requires GP approval to treat using Hypnotherapy. Without wishing to go into too much depth it is key to mention two methods for use with PTSD; Eye Movement Desentisation Reward (EMDR) and Visual Kinesthetic Reward (VKR). Phobias A fear or phobia may root from a number of given sources. It’s possible the client knows when it occurred originally. It’s equally possible that they do not (even if they say they do). So as described above it’s key to discuss the issue and clearly understand the history, the manifestation and perhaps regression may be required.

The phobia may have been caused by several sources. It may also be that whilst the individual may say they are phobic of a particular situation or object, this could be masking the real fear (hidden agenda). So whilst you have a treatment plan, keeping an open mind is key. Reasons for Phobias Occurring: Severe Stress relating to a particular object/event/location. The mind associates that with that. It could be that the object of fear is not the real issue. For example; fear of red doors. Perhaps an individual had to walk through a red door every time they went to the solicitors to meet with the estranged spouse.

This issue is potentially the pain of the divorce, loss of children rather than the door, but the mind’s association is with the door. Specific Experience or Number of Experiences. Fear created through a negative experience that frightened the individual. Perhaps getting stuck in a lift once for a long period would be enough of a severe trauma to create a phobia of lifts or a number of bad experiences in lifts (feeling squashed/delays in the lift moving/jolting action) create a phobia over time. Learned Fear.

Something we associate with animals, demonstrating good stress in practise in a natural environment. It can be learned from a mother or other significant person. So perhaps the mother has a fear of the sea and transmits it to her children. Treatment is similar to the approach for stress. The key is to understanding why/how/history. Its important to look at the root cause and in particular if there are any hidden agendas. Whilst its possible to do things like a rehearsal script and important to build in confidence building/ego-strengthening, these may only temporarily help the situation.

Ultimately, indentifying and tailoring a solution based around the original cause is key to a successful treatment plan. The use of a signal from the client allows them to indicate if the therapy is moving too quickly (given they may be experiencing stressful moments in trance) or they have arrived at a certain point. This allows the therapist to ensure the pacing is correct for the client and that they gain the most from the session. Habits Similar to stress this can appear to have a negative connotation but of course we have many good habits in our lives.

We can all develop bad habits, these may be learnt or absorbed from others. It’s also possible these have occurred over a period of time as a coping strategy for another issue. Again, in this situation its key to understand why the habit is in place and look at a reasonable alternative coping strategy. Two ways to address a habit: Client seeing themselves living without the habit, using their motivations and drivers (such as how they look, feel, etc) Detrimental effects of continuing, so the client will associate the negative affects or perhaps even a negative view (like a cigarette being a charcoal stick)

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