Policies, Procedures And Responsibilities Of The Teacher
Ass2. V1 Assessment 2: 008 ‘Evaluate legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to the role and responsibilities of the teacher’ Teachers, Tutors, Industry Trainers and Instructors are governed by a wide range of legislation in their practice. Each piece of legislation is from a different area which makes these professions a challenging and at times a frustrating area to develop those students that are there and willing to learn. 1. 1 The key aspects of legislation that regulate the area that I teach are varied.
We are all governed by The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Data Protection Act 2008 and the Equality Act 2010 to name but a few. The key regulatory requirements that I work to are as follows: The Company Health, Safety & Welfare Policy Company Equal Opportunities Policy CDG (Carriage of Dangerous Goods & Transport of Pressure Equipment Regulations 2011) as amended. ADR (European Agreement Concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road 2011). The regulations are amended and updated every 2 years. SQA (Scottish Qualifications Association) Manual of practice.
This manual has been produced by the SQA to ensure that all training providers have met the set criteria as laid down for the Instructors qualifications to conduct the ADR Driver Training Courses. The list above is an extract of the key regulations that are within my main teaching responsibilities. In addition, there are many more that deal with differing aspects of industry training that we conduct for other companies. The complete list would be far too long and it is only a summary of the key aspects that are required. 2. With the above mentioned regulations there are key boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. I suggest that we analyse the difference between these boundaries. The teacher? s role is to pass the knowledge of the subject they are teaching to the students in a professional manner and without prejudice to any member of the class. At times hurdles could be put in the way for the teacher, such as learning difficulties (dyslexia), according to (Petty, 2009, p. 89) “Never show impatience with a dyslexic student; they are much more frustrated by their difficulties than you can ever be! 1 Ass2. V1 There are also behavioural issues ADHD, (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and social boundaries (Henley,2009 [online]) following the case against Helen Goddard a 26 year old public school teacher who after having a sexual relationship with a pupil was sentenced to 15 months in prison. There are set boundaries that you as a teacher should not cross or challenge as a „Professional? e. g. ; ignore a sexist or racist comment, criticize students in front of peers, colleagues or other students.
You must remember that you are looked up to by most of your students as a role model. You may be the only person that they can talk to about their needs outside school or college. They may want to tell you something in confidence, as a professional you must remind them that you will have to report the conversation to your peers. In my opinion within other professions to give students constructive criticism when other colleagues are present is acceptable as the other colleagues may have more experience within that certain area of the subject that is being taught to the students.
Despite this your responsibility as a teacher is to ensure that this situation does not intimidate or become overbearing for the student. As a teacher / tutor within the education profession ask yourself one question: What makes a good teacher / tutor? The answer to this question could come to you from your students or pupils. As a student on a PTLLS course we researched this question in the class and came to the conclusion that most teachers need to be some of the following; Kind, Knowledgeable, Firm but Fair, Doesn? t give up on the students, Tells the truth, Encourages all of the students, Keeps confidences, Professional.
Other professional roles can be similar in respect to the type of character and integrity that is required. In the local communities we have numerous adult volunteer organisations that will have certain rules and guidelines that the adults must adhere to. 2. 2 To meet the needs of all your learners you as a teacher / tutor need to ensure that you plan for the needs of all your students. To do this effectively you need to adapt a training cycle. The elements of the training cycle are to plan, deliver, identify needs, assess and evaluate.
These processes are necessary, not just to aid the logistics of teaching but to allow the levels of accountability in schools, colleges and training companies to operate. “They have a particular accountability to their profession, a responsibility to their peers and their students to uphold high professional standards to the culture of the country and the community. ” (Scott, P 1989 cited in Briggs and Sommefeldt, 2002, p92) In your own establishment as to how you implement the training cycle is paramount to how your students will stay motivated.
This will allow you as an effective teacher / tutor to evaluate and assess the lessons that have delivered. This all goes hand in hand with the planning process, identifying the needs and delivery of the lesson. This will allow 2 Ass2. V1 you to review your planning through assessment of the students work and your self evaluation of how the lesson has gone. In my career as an industry tutor I have had experience of a student that was diagnosed as having a degree of dyslexia. In the classroom environment this was not a problem as all of the training materials were in colour.
However when it came to the exams he used a green filter (Clisby et al. , 2000 [online] ) laid on top of the question paper as it was printed on white paper. This allowed the student to be able to read and understand the questions that he needed to answer to gain a 70% pass mark for the exams that were taken on that day. To become an effective and professional teacher / tutor you need to review all your learners? needs in whatever the learning environment. 2. 3 To evaluate your own responsibilities with other professionals you must be able to understand what other professionals do as a profession.
As a teacher / tutor you will have a professional relationship with differing types of professionals. School Governing Body, Support Staff and at those others within the local authority that support them. The larger professional bodies associated with the teaching profession are NUT (National Union of Teachers), ATL (Association of Teachers and Lecturers) and the NAHT (National Association of Head Teachers). To evaluate my own responsibilities with other professional bodies that are associated with my profession in this case would include, RTITB (Road Transport Industry Training Board).
Within this body as a qualified FLT Instructor (Fork Lift Truck Instructor) I have responsibilities to both my students and to the training manager. These are to ensure the course is conducted the correct time frame, e. g. a Counterbalance Fork Lift course with a ratio of 3-1 it would be completed in 5 days with each day consisting of 8 hours training per day. DSA (Driver Standards Agency) within this professional body I am a qualified LGV (Large Goods Vehicle) Driving Instructor the responsibilities that affect me are to ensure that when the vehicle is presented for a driving test that it is fit for purpose.
The vehicle has to be of a set standard e. g. it must have eight forward gears, ABS brakes (Anti-Lock Brakes) seatbelts fitted for both the driver and the examiner (DSA 2012 [online]). I have further responsibilities when conducting courses for drivers in the carriage of dangerous goods. The SQA (Scottish Qualifications Association) are the governing body for the control of the examinations and the syllabus that is to be taught to the students. There are set times and criteria set out by the SQA for the conduct of the course and the set times allocated to each training module. Ass2. V1 To summarise there are many legal issues that can constrain the duties of a teacher / tutor, e. g. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Data Protection Act 2008. We must remember that although certain people will say that they hinder you from doing your job, they are there to protect you and the students. There are many boundaries that are set out to protect students and teacher / tutor. You are in a profession that is seen in the public eye as a good profession to be a part of.
To keep yourself as a professional you should always act in a professional manner. Honesty and integrity go a long way in this profession. References Henley, J. (2009) „Blurred boundaries for teachers? [online] Available from: http://www. guardian. co. uk/education/2009/sep/23/teacher-pupil-sexual-relationship (accessed 07. 10. 2012) Petty, G. (2009) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide. Fourth Edition. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Briggs, ARJ. and Sommefeldt, D. „Managing Effective Learning and Teaching, London: Paul Chapman Publishing
Clisby C, Fowler MS, Hebb GS, Walters J, Southcott P & Stein JF(2000) Outcome of treatment of visual problems in children with reading difficulties, Professional Association of Teachers in Special Situations (PATOSS) Bulletin Nov. 2000, 914. [online] Available from: http://www. dyslexic. org. uk/docs/Visual%20Problems%20-02-11-18. pdf (accessed 07. 10. 2012) Driving Standards Agency (2012) „Minimum Test Vehicle Requirements? [online] Available from: http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/CaravansTrailersCommercialVehi cles/DG_4022527) (accessed on 20. 9. 2012) 4