Principles Of Personal Development and Reflective Practice
Principles of Personal Development
I. Know Thyself
The first step in personal development is to take the time to get to know yourself. What makes you tick? What motivates you? What are your goals and dreams? These are the kinds of things that will help you develop a plan for where you want to go, and how to get there.
II. Self-Awareness
Once you know yourself, then it’s time to start taking stock of where you’re at right now. This can be hard—sometimes it feels like there’s more than enough going on in our lives already, and when we try to add in a self-awareness component, it just feels like another thing on an already overwhelming list. But this is important because the more we understand ourselves and what’s happening around us, the better equipped we are to make decisions that move us towards our goals and dreams.
III. Self-Management
Once we’ve taken inventory of who we are and where we’re at, then it’s time for self-management—or learning how best to manage ourselves in every aspect of life: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually… all of it.
Principles Of Reflective Practice
1. The reflexivity of practice: practitioners are aware that they are always situated and that their practice is shaped by their social position and the context in which they work.
2. A relational concept of knowledge: knowledge is created in interaction between people and their environments, so reflective practice involves dialogue between practitioner, client and context.
3. An emphasis on learning: being a human being implies that we learn throughout our lives. The purpose of reflective practice is to promote this learning effectively and efficiently, so that it can contribute to improved practice.
The importance of reflection
Reflection is important because it helps you learn from your mistakes and improve your writing. When you reflect on your writing, you can identify areas where you need to improve and make changes.
Growth Mindset
These principles of personal development and reflective practice are designed to help you learn how to take control of your learning and develop a growth mindset.
You can use these principles by reflecting on the following questions:
1. What am I learning about myself?
2. How can I improve what I’m doing?
3. What do I need to do to succeed in the future?
Learn the principles of reflection and personal development before you begin your reflective practice