Honesty Is My Choice in Life

I am somehow neutral with Robert Bauchfield’s statement, “A language without euphemisms would be a defective instrument of communication”. But, in order to justify this statement, we must first define the following meaning of these words (the language, euphemism, and communication) and reason out the importance.

If we’re going to define the word euphemism, according to Oxford English Dictionary, the euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing. It means if we are communicating with other people, to avoid hurting them and having a misunderstanding we often use euphemism.

The Language, define by Oxford English Dictionary, is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way; moreover the communication means the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium; a letter or message containing information or news; and the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

To sum up, Euphemism is an approach where people often use it to reach out to the person having a conversation without any hesitation of hurting someone’s feelings and to avoid embarrassing or awkward topics.

Some of us are using the euphemism without any knowledge or awareness that it was called euphemism. Individuals need to discuss some avoidable issue that is hard to address straightforwardly that is why some are using euphemism to make the uncontrollable bad things become better.

I am neutral at Mr. Robert Bauchfield’s statement, “A language without euphemisms would be a defective instrument of communication”. In my perspective, I am neutral because it depends on the case. Somehow it can be good that we should use euphemisms in order to avoid some misunderstanding or awkward moments but somehow you have to talk to the person frankly so he/she is conscious of the scenario.

For example, it is good in a way if the issue will affect millions of people like in News, Politics, or Conference. The issue of NCOV 2019, news reporters and writers is somehow obligated in their reports to avoid things that will cause and lead to massive panic. However, they must still say the truth for the safety and awareness of the citizen; Death.

If someone dies we are truly giving our full sympathy and sincerity but we are not happy with the loss of their love ones; Termination of workers is very hard in an employee – employment relationship, however, it depends who’s fault was it, if it’s on the person itself or if it’s on the organization. Some don’t have any choice but to terminate in order for the betterment of the organization and with that they have to be polite and honest to avoid grieve and trauma to the both sides.

Furthermore, it is somehow bad because some people might have to hear those harsh words in order to become mindful. Sometimes it’s applicable to those people that hurt, those people who are blind that they can’t accept the truth, and sometimes saying harsh words will make them mature people.

As a person I would rather not do the sugar coating because I am just being honest with the person I am talking to but not really into harsh words. However it depends who I am talking to because some of them cannot take the truth and that also applies with me. I accept those harsh but true thoughts, facts, or words rather than changing it for the peaceful relationship because I know I am learning from it.

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Spongebob and Its Impact on Children

SpongeBob Square Pants Effect on Children I. Introduction Have you ever thought about how much time our kids spend watching SpongeBob? When you think about it, the number is a tad bit scary. That being said, this paper outlines SpongeBob’s massive impact on kids in elementary schools, and the effects that this has on children.

It is hoped that the results and the conclusions here will assist in finding the most appropriate solutions that are socially desirable. Since SpongeBob aired on the television screen, there has been a rapid growth in viewership among children below the age of 4 years instead of the realities in which the children live.

Elementary school Kids seem to feel entertained by the SpongeBob program. Because of its fast pace, it can be assumed that the SpongeBob cartoon program does not entirely fit into the genre of such young children on the grounds of their capabilities, realities in which the children live.

Therefore this research considers that SpongeBob had a dissembled relationship with young kids as it constructs a different worldview as well as creating perceptions that are beyond their mental capabilities. II. Research Methods The research will utilize the casual observation and focus groups discussions on verifying the data collected.

I. Casual Observation This is a tool that would be used to provide the actual behavior of every participant. Observation and group observation would require the experimenter to put into context the behavior and thus understand it much better (Anderson et al.,1986) Observations were made will be made on the actual patterns of behavior. This research will observe the behavior of the focus group while watching the cartoon and immediately after taking the tests.

II. Research Design I will be carrying out critical research. The nature of the study will be quantitative. A total of 35 4-6-year-old kids were selected from a list of families that have agreed to take part in the study. Most of the kids that participated were from medium to upper-middle households.

First, we will seek permission from the parents through telephone and explain to them about the objective of the study. Later we shall make an appointment with willing parents to come of the laboratory, where the study will be mentioned to them again. Finally, parents will have to sign a form approving the study to proceed.

The primary objective of this investigation is to study whether fast-paced “SpongeBob Square pants ” directly influence the executive functioning of preschool-aged children. Children will randomly be assigned the fast-paced “SpongeBob Square Pants,” educational program or drawing. The viewers of the cartoon will watch a truncated episode of the program. Free Drawing using markers will be the control condition.

III. Method The entire study population of kids between the age of 4-6 years would be far too high to include in the study. Therefore, it would be essential to draw the most appropriate population to be sampled. This research will use a non-probability design. This method purposely targets a group of children that are believed to be reliable for the study.

The study will also employ judgmental sampling by selecting kids between the ages of 4-6 years of from a database. This is because children attending a single school would enable the study to access both terrestrial programs. This implies that the selected children are constantly exposed to televisions and watch cartoons and can speak English fluently.

IV. Data Collection Procedere and Analysis The experiments will be carried out with every child in a small room within the laboratory. 10-minutes clips of SpongeBob Square pants and an education program will be played on a television. While these tests are being conducted, parents will be completing a media questionnaire on which they would indicate the period the child spent watching TV every week.

Next children will be given HTKS test which the experiment tells the participants “when I tell you to touch your ears, you will hold your fingers, but when I tell you to point your finger, I want you to hold your head.” After a short orientation, ten trial pieces will be provided to every kid.

Every kid gets 2 points for every correct response and one point for every wrong response. If a child received all the 10 points, a shoulder-knee test would be added and an addition of 10 points. If a child receives at least 14 additional points of the second part of the pasty m they went to the third stage. This is where the rules were switched.

For instance “when I tell you to touch your head, I want you to touch shoulders. After completing the HTKS test, participants will complete a rate-of-gratification test. First, they will be showed a basket full of small snacks and another bag containing Goldfish snacks and requested to choose the one they would prefer as a snack.

This experiment will put ten pieces of the selected goodies on one bowl and two pieces on another and place a buzzer between the two bowls. The participant will be instructed that they could eat the 10 bits if they waited for the analyst to get back, or they could hit the buzzer every moment they wanted the analyst to get back straightaway, in which they possibly will only get two pieces.

The attention related items in this study will be:” being restless, overactive, and fidgeting, being distracted easily, concentration wanders” “seeing the task through to the end, the good p of attention and thinking before taking any action (Levine,& Waite,2000). We shall look up the relevant online sites for international secondary data. The sites used will be listed in the references.

In analyzing the data collected, the first step will be coding. This would ensure proper preparation of a codebook, which would define the meaning of the various question provided to each variable. The codebook will be the guide during the analysis stage of the research in analyzing the data. The first step will be qualitative processing.  Therefore, it is essential to have the code book which defines the meaning of the assigned questions.

V. Findings The study offers empirical evidence that watching 10 – minute episode of the past pace cartoon would immediately damage the executive function of the children relative to watching the education programs of drawing. Children in the fast-paced television are expected to perform much worse than expected despite all of them being attentive at the outset.

The findings of this results are consistent with others that have shown negative implication of watching SpongeBob on the overall attention of the children. Given the popularity of the program among kids, it is vital for parents always to stay attentive to the likelihood of declining executive functionality on their children.

On matters concerning pacing, we expect that the offensive of fast-pacing events that were present in the cartoon program might further exacerbate executive functionality. While standard procedures are decoded by established neural circuitry, there is usually no space for new or uncertain events, in which fast-pacing events are part.

Programming fantastical events can probably decline the cognitive processes are there is the constant engagement of the orienting responses to such a novel function. Due to the depletion of cognitive capabilities, we can conclude that the fast pacing aspect of the cartoon is fully accountable for EF impacts. This will be further studies in other studies. Kids usually watch a lot of cartoon programs.

This has long been associated with problems in maintaining attention for a long time — however, the limited research on the impact of such fast-paced cartoons on EF. Furthermore, this study seeks to find out whether viewing Spongebob Squarepants would impair the Executive functionality of 4-6-year-old kids, an outcome about which close relative of young kids should better understand.

It is understandable that parents are the busiest today than ever before and as a result children usually spend most of their time alone and spend most of their time watching television programs. However, this being busy does not mean limiting screen time including movies and video games. Therefore, parents should offer their kids with alternative ways of spending their free time as well as entertainment rather than just watching television.

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Me Work-Life Balance as a Combination of Perfectly Optimum Career and Perfectly Optimum Home Life: Narrative

I am working in this industry for the last 6 years, the most frequent words that I heard in these years are “Deployment”, “Moderation” and “Work-Life Balance”. Today I am going to share my version of the “Balance”.

So, what is work-life balance? It is a combination of Perfectly Optimum Career and Perfectly Optimum Home Life. But, wait. I spent 10 hours a day in the office excluding 2 hours of transit time and 8 hours of sleep. That gives me 4 hours of Optimum Home Life and don’t forget these 4 hours consist of breakfast, dinner and the time taken for personal grooming. Is balance even possible statistically? or it’s just a myth?

As a general principle, no machine can be optimally efficient in more than one thing. A robot that needs to sing and cook will be less efficient than two distinct machines, each of which can focus exclusively on a single task. The more limited the goals, the higher one’s efficiency. Now, unlike the machines, our brains are not designed or evolved to be maximally efficient at any one thing.

This amazing cognitive and emotional mechanism is a profound generalist that comes moderately with well-equipped for a huge range of possible activities: to write a novel, bring up a child, drive very fast on the highways, sit in high rise office writing codes, marry, plot an assassination, go into politics, stay single or open a small business.

Now, the price we pay for being generalists is that we’ll be less good at any one of the many activities we perform than someone who did only one thing their whole life. We might not be the very best at inflating party balloons, the house will be a bit dirty, we might be late for the meeting, we’ll neither have to be perfect and patient nor be an interesting dinner companion, we’ll mess up in the demo again.

There might be quite depressing moments late at night as we look back across the day, but before we get too sad, we should realize that our less than optimal performance is down to one very understandable thing: that we’ve chosen breadth and variety over total focus and narrow perfection.

Unfortunately, our society has set up an absurd idea that it is possible to do many things and that too with perfection. That’s why we hear so much talk about an elusive thing called: “Work-Life Balance”. This is a mad idea. Work-life balance is impossible because everything worth we fight for unbalances our life.

We’re not going to be the ideal domestic chef, child carer, and Team Lead at once. If we’re strung out across multiple roles, all will suffer, but that’s okay. That you’re doing too much and none of it without mistakes isn’t a sign that your life has gone wrong, that you’ve opted for imperfect variety over flawless focus.

But remember that the path you have chosen, you shouldn’t get frustrated, try to find the positive reasons in your unbalanced imperfect life. We all are humans; we all get monotonous at some point of time in our life, there may or may not be promotion this year, someone may get your credit at work. But that doesn’t mean that your life has gone blunt. If you keep focusing on the negative side, you may end up at the bottom of the hole.

You must focus on the laugh you shared with your parents that day, think about the gossip you skipped, be kind, generous and tolerant, plug yourself for some Netflix or IPL and the best thing, do meditate. Do whatever that makes you feel alive, zestful, energized and keeps your spirit high and remember to be always on the bright side of life.

Now, let me give you an example of my ideal balance day that I aspire to, wake up well rested after a good sleep. Read the newspaper, have good tea and go for a jog. Have breakfast with my family. Drive the kids to school on the way to the office. Do three hours of work. Play a sport with a friend at lunchtime. Do another three hours of work. Meet some friends in the pub for an early evening drink.

Drive home for dinner with my family, meditate for half an hour. Walk a mile before sleep. Go to bed. Now, think about how often you will have that day? We need to be realistic. You can’t do it all in one day. We need to elongate the time frame upon which we judge the balance in our lives, without falling into the trap of the “I’ll have a life when I retire, when my wife has divorced me, my health is failing, I’ve got no friends or interest left.” A day is too short; “after I retire” is too long. There’s got to be a middle way.

But how we approach it? we have only 4 hours of the day with us. Clearly, our life is being dominated by our work, most of us struggling with the relationships that we have. How many of you think that there is nothing left in your life apart from the work? And to sort this situation how many of you decided to join the gym? But, ever realized by joining the gym you will be the same, maybe just a bit fit.

However, there are other parts of life, there is the intellectual side; there is the emotional side; there is the spiritual side. And to be balanced I believe we have to attend to all of those areas – not just doing 50 pushups. Now, that can be daunting, because you might say, “I haven’t got time to get fit and you want me to go to the temple and call my mother”. I understand, I truly understand how that can be daunting.

But an incident that happened a couple of years ago that gave me a new perspective. My brother called me up in the office on a very busy day and told me to bring a cake for my mother as it was her birthday, but, to my great grief I had completely forgotten about the day and I didn’t even wish her. That day I left work an hour early, came home with a cake and I and my brother prepared a simple dinner for the family.

We celebrated her birthday with just a cake and dinner. At night when I went to say goodnight to my parent’s room my mother told me with a teary eye and a lot of pride, that “this is been the best day of my life, ever”. I hadn’t done anything; I haven’t taken her to a restaurant or a trip she is asking me for the past couple of years.

Now, my point is that small things matter. Being balanced doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your life. With the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your relationships and the equality of your life.

Moreover, I think it can transform society. Because if enough people do it, we can change society’s definition of success away from the imprudently simplistic notion that the person with the most money wins when he dies, to the more thoughtful and balanced definition of what a well-lived life looks like.

And lastly, those who know me personally like to hang around with me, because I have developed the habit in past years to be happy and calm in every situation. I deal with every challenge with a smile. I try to be kind to as many people as possible. I don’t interact with negative people, I travel whenever I get time, I blog about my travels too, that you can find out on my website.

I try to make everyone happy around me so that I don’t get any sorrow or negative vibe from them. I start my day not thinking of how long and boring it is going to be, I think about the new things I am going to learn today. The new ideas that I can add to my mischievous artifacts for later use.

So, in a nutshell, I would like to let you know that you stand a position with a 2-way diversion. One, go with the flow taking bits and pieces of every part of your life and balancing every aspect of it with a bright smile. Or chase your dream, the dream that doesn’t let you sleep.

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Our Working Memory and Long-Term Memory

The human mind is a miraculous thing and still remains a mystery to this day. It’s funny what you hold onto and what you forget during the memory process. When you’re growing up you don’t choose what to take with you and what you deem unimportant from your childhood. Psychologists have taken a closer look into the memory process, as too how and what makes it work. A humans memory process works a lot like computer storage.

The memory process has been categorized in a three steps. Your mind takes in a variety of things to remember and break down on a daily basis which is like the encoding of information a computer receives. Then, if your mind deems it important to remember the information it saves it for future use like a storage drive of a computer. Finally, You can retrieve the memory like files stored onto a computer storage. Your mind is constantly going back and forth from your working and long-term memory.

The working memory and long-term memory continuously retrieve and store information with each other. For example, there’s a show on Netflix that gives out brain teasers and tells you to focus on certain things. In one episode you are supposed to count the number of footballs as they go across the screen.

At, the end of the clip it shows that the number of footballs had repeatedly flashed across the screen but since your focus was on the moving footballs you missed the number. It was a great way to show how easily and how many things we miss because we aren’t focused on them. The Long-Term Memory is one of the most interesting aspects of the memory process. It has infinite capacity and information can be stored and retained possibly forever.

Our Long-Term memory stores the memory that we hold onto and can pull those memories up very often. We retrieve our memories using different retrieval cues. Recall and Recognition provide two different ways of getting memories to flood back into our working memory. When you recall information you need a specific piece of that memory for it to come back. Recognition is slightly easier all you have to do to retrieve the information is pick out what you recognize among similar stimuli.

An example of this would be if you were asked to draw what the cartoon character, Spongebob Squarepants using just your memory. This would require you to use recall to draw what you remember that cartoon character to look like. If someone asked you to choose which character was Spongebob Squarepants, amongst a common household sponge and a hair sponge you would be using your recognition to choose which one it was.

Memory is also a very finicky thing it’s constantly being constructed and reconstructed. Our memories are completely unreliable sources of information. We influence our memories of events with the emotions that we attach to them. Outside sources can also influence our memory. That fact alone is why eyewitness aren’t credible in the courtroom.

They memory of what happened can be tarnished with leading questions by a lawyer and that can create a new memory. Big marketers rely on how easy our memory can change and how we put connations to certain thing to market their own products. How one phrases things can change the entire situation or meaning of the information that you’re receiving.

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A Small Act of Kindness Makes the World a Better Place

Ryan Halligan, Jessica Logan and Amanda Todd. These are just a few names out of countless victims whose lives were taken prematurely because of mean “jokes” and bullying. So let me ask you this, what gives us the right to take a life away or insult others, even if it wasn’t intentional, just because you decided to do an unkind gesture you viewed as funny at the time. Why do we insist on creating a biased social system where we put people who we view as inferior at the very bottom, without giving them a chance? There is a simple word that could have possibly prevented these, and thousands of deaths such as these all over the world. The word is Kindness. Kindness towards one another should be a common goal amongst not just you and your peers, but for everyone. Every time you do an act of kindness, such as helping an old lady cross the street or even something as small as opening a door for a stranger, you are creating a better mood and environment for all who witnessed it. Doing this could make someone’s entire day. These simple acts make people want to do the same, soon enough, you have just affected millions of people with a single small act.

A small drop in a pond can create a ripple that ps the entire surface. So as the saying goes, one man can quite literally change the world. We all come from different walks of life, from the fortunate, to the unfortunate to the ones in the middle, we are all people and we all have feelings and individual thoughts. You don’t know the baggage someone is carrying in their personal life, so what’s the point of making it heavier? Words also have an impact on people. Simple jokes such as “what are those” or “it aint Ralph though” could make someone’s day that much worse. We all have or moments where we just ,forget, and that’s ok, we all make mistakes, the goal of this speech isn’t to prevent you from going out and making a joke at your friend’s expense, but to make you think of the consequences of the joke just a little more than you would’ve. Instead of insulting clothes and shoes, why don’t we focus in on other stuff? Things such as personality, sense of humor or maybe even their smile, after all, when we die, all of our clothes stay here. Every single person you see around you only happens once, you will never again see the same exact personality and looks on anyone else, they aren’t one in a million, they are one in infinity. Often, though, the same people who want to make fun of others, are the ones that need the most help. Regardless of what side of the spectrum you are in, never be quick to judge others, even if they just said something offensive, we all have lapses in our judgment, it happens to all of us. So please, next time you see someone drop their books, help pick them up, you notice an elderly woman having troubles with her groceries? Help her take them to the car. I challenge you to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time. “Never look down on anyone unless you are there to help them up”.

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Butterfly Theory

In 1963, Edward Lorenz presented a hypothesis to the New York Academy of Science. His theory states that: A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet. The title of my class would be “The Butterfly Effect.” The class itself would not only analyze the butterfly effect theory but also the theory of Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. This class would challenge the analytical and psychological effects that our actions have on people and events. It would encourage students to spend more time thinking about their actions and the effects that they have on others. The focus of this class would not only be to reevaluate your own life, but analyze past historic events through the butterfly effect. We will look into past events and evaluate how small actions led to big changes in history and how the world could have been different. The goal is for students to realize how important every action is. We all have things in our lives that we claim are more important (like spending time with our family), but if we put the same importance on our small conversations at school and work, we begin to put a purpose into our lives and all of our actions.

By realizing that every action you do has an alternative effect on others, students would be able to become more open-minded and aware. This class will have a domino effect on campus, creating an environment where people have a purpose and care about others. In High School, I am taking a Psychology class and have become more interested in philosophies and the process of thinking. The Butterfly Effect class was inspired by my new-found interest in psychology and a book I received for Christmas called The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews. After my third read of the book, I began to realize the importance of this book and why my grandmother had given it to me. It took such a simple idea and turned it into something much more powerful. Every time I read the book, I begin to analyze events in my life and see how I got to a certain point. For instance, six months ago, I received my ACT scores and realized that they were not high enough. I began to use a tutor and while talking to him about his family, learned that his daughter went to Elon University. He explained to me how Elon was the “perfect” college. The right size, great professors, athletics, and unlimited opportunities. My family then visited the campus where we had the most amazing tour guide and talked with some of the friendliest, enthusiastic students who described their amazing experience at Elon. All of these small events led to how I got to this point today, applying for Elon. The Butterfly Effect class will strive to promote students to become more aware of their surroundings and understand that every small action they take can and will have an even larger effect on their future or that of someone they meet.

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Looking at Butterfly Effect by David Hernandez from the Theory of Knowledge Perspective

As one begins to read and understand literature, they form interpretations of what the literature should be about. We often begin to assign meaning to things and make the story as relatable as possible. With writing and analyzing, though, comes critiquing. Critics look at works through a surfeit amount of ways dubbed “lenses.” These lenses range from psychological to mythological to Marxist and more. A story that is particularly interesting to look at through a lens is “The Butterfly Effect” by David Hernandez. This story, when looked at through the Theory of Knowledge lens, is very interesting, and holds mean both figuratively and literally. The Theory of Knowledge Lens falls under the New Criticism category. This category focuses on the beauty and different meanings of a work before its scientific or historic value. In “The Butterfly Effect”, Hernandez is talking about how small actions, like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can cause something like a hurricane to happen. When looking at this, you can infer that it has several meanings. Realistically an air particle being pushed by a butterfly could go on to later spin and join with other spinning air particles to create something a force as strong as a hurricane or tornado.

This is an actual theory, also known as Chaos Theory. Surely, Hernandez could be talking about the literal effects of the wind being pushed by the butterfly going on to cause havoc. Hernandez also applies this to his own life; he discusses how events in his life have represented how the Butterfly Effect works. How the “storms” in his life were just “gales” a few weeks earlier. It is at this point that the reader begins to focus on establishing a relationship between the story and themselves, another imperative part of New Criticism. In life, everybody is given choices, and it is often the smaller choices that stick with us for the rest of our lives. While reading this poem, a reader can think back to all of the things that they have done that have had an impact on them. For instance, I was reminded of why I am attending Montclair State after reading through the poem. Montclair’s website was the first state-school website that I landed on when searching for colleges in New Jersey; the school became my favorite and my first choice for that reason. A small, five-minute period of my life affected the next four years of the same life. As literature evolves, we will most certainly come up with new ways to critique and review it. The lenses we use now will evolve and morph, as well. Looking at literature this way allows us to see the different ways an individual may perceive a piece of literature based off of their background. It is my humble belief that Hernandez wrote this poem to help us put the actions in our everyday lives into perspective, and it is to be taken both literally and in a grand sense for our live/existence.

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