Religeous Ed
Romanesque to Gothic Romanesque vs… Gothic: Sculptural Decoration: Thin, elongated, abstract figures. More realistic proportions and individualized features. Mood: Dark, gloomy. Tall, light filled. Emphasis: Horizontal Vertical Elevation = How high the building is Modest height. Soaring Layout = The plan or design of the building Multiple units. Main Trait = The main feature of the building Rounded Arch. Pointed Arch. Support System = What Is used to support the building? Piers (columns), thick walls. Exterior flying buttress Engineering Barrel and Groin Vaults. Atmosphere = The feel of the place
Dark, solemn. Bright, Airy. Exterior = What is the exterior like? Simple, severe. Intricate, decorated. Example: SST. Screen Toulouse, France Chartres Cathedral, France. The Change from Romanesque to Gothic Architecture: The change from Romanesque to Gothic began around the 1 lath Century. Reasons for change are put into three categories: Social, Technological, and Spiritual. Social Reasons for Change: population, and at the beginning of the fourteenth century, the fugue stood at seventy-three million people. A feeling of confidence in the future was one of the factors that gave rise to the Gothic era.
Technological Reasons for Change: The invention of the dissimilarity plow, the new shoulder collar for horses, and more efficient tools contributed a growth in agricultural production, which until then had been quite limited. This caused peasants to flee the land because there was inadequate room for them. In the course of the eleventh century, cities began to expand, while new cities were created or reborn. This expansion made it more convenient for the peasants to move into the cities and find work. Markets were most commonly situated in the cities, and so work was better available. Another Social
Reason for Change: In the time of the population boom, the central governments of Europe was inadequate, and so merchants had to set up organizations to regulate business dealings within a city. The merchant guilds ruled that none other than members of their guild could sell merchandise within a certain area of the city. This made business more successful for merchants and gave a feeling of confidence in the future. With merchants becoming more successful, and with the towns expanding, a new class of people began to develop in Europe. At the top of the scale were prosperous merchants and bankers.