Revolutionizing Elearning As Young Students Collaboratively Study Education Essay

Table of contents

With the altering life style in the society, how pupils live outside school becomes a challenge in bettering the educational system ; a process that has continuously evolved along with the promotion of scientific discipline and engineering. Gone were the yearss where school was thought to be a mere schoolroom and a instructor to educate immature heads, instead it besides includes modern installations, engineering, course of study and advanced instruction methods. Parents have now more options in taking the sort of instruction to give to their kids. But instruction per Se is besides sometimes defined depending on parents ‘ ability to pay, life style and even work agenda.

This research aims to integrate the three factors that affect larning in the kingdom of modern society: the course of study, the method and the electronic platform. While larning system has endlessly been altering, the demand to supply more antiphonal and suiting learning bundle to immature scholars still exists. But are younger coevalss ready to travel for a full-online acquisition? Can you conceive of few old ages from now, school will no longer be schoolrooms but right at our ain place and the used-to be school edifice will be used to ease the face to confront socialisation of the immature scholars? Children will travel to ‘school ‘ to play with other childs and travel place ‘to continue larning ‘ though the aid of larning facilitators who could be parents, professional instructors or coachs and the usage of electronic platforms like computing machine, cyberspace and other engineerings.

Learning at place is non a new manner of larning but it began since Renaissance epoch and modern instruction has acknowledged this as an option. One of the options offered by most private establishments is called homeschooling, a authoritative manner of larning but redefined with modified course of study, attack and oftentimes with the integrating of engineering. It is a untraditional manner of larning compared with common schoolroom acquisition, where a parent or coach or professional instructor act as a facilitator-consultant and a scholar stay at place to analyze. This construct was revived in the United States by John Holt ( 1964 ) who felt unhappy with the public school system and subsequently followed by Raymond Moore, a devout Christian and ex-missionary. For most developed states like the United States of America and the United Kingdom, homeschooling is patronized by parents for different grounds. Even for households who migrate abroad seek to happen the best place school for their kids as they still try to settle down or suit in with their working agenda and in the community.

Homeschooling, an Alternate

There were research surveies on the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling to turning phase of kids and the socialisation facet is seen to be a common job. This may non be true to all particularly for parents who involve their kids with community activities and other particular involvement categories such as dance category, music, athleticss and others but these would be excess cost.

How do most homeschooling ‘teach ‘ pupils at place? There are two types of homeschooling, foremost, parents buy faculties and stuffs and they themselves teach their kids or engage a coach to make it on their behalf ; and 2nd, parents enroll their kids to distance learning plans. Accredited homeschooling establishments have set their criterions to run into their state ‘s regulated course of study instruction as benchmark. Normally, the scholar or pupil takes standardized tests to be measured for an upgrade and/or earn his/her sheepskin. The distant acquisition could take to developing societal accomplishments of scholars.

Socialization accomplishments play a important function in the society and if this facet is seen as one of the disadvantages of homeschooling, so possibly, it is non the homeschooling construct that affects the holistic development of kids but the learning procedure and attack.

Revolutionizing How Children Learn

This research survey focuses on place schooling teaching method in telecollaborative attack utilizing English as medium of direction and e-learning tools in instruction and acquisition. It aims to examine the effects of the said attack in replying the common diagnosed job in homeschooling which is the developing societal larning accomplishments of scholars due to remote or isolated and independent attack in larning. It besides aims to measure whether immature scholars are prepared to full-online larning utilizing engineering as tool while developing their cognitive, socio-affective and psychomotor spheres.

Homeschooling in Asiatic States

Why English Language?

Although the survey focuses on the telecollaborative attack in homeschooling utilizing engineering as tools, English as the map linguistic communication is considered important in developing societal accomplishments as scholars are exposed to planetary practical community. The intense demand brought by the promotion of engineering and globalisation, reenforcing the usage of this linguistic communication has become one of the pushs of the Ministry of Education in many Asiatic states to get by with the altering gait of planetary economic system and learning.A But how long does it take for not native talkers attain English linguistic communication proficiency in academic context? In East Asia, kids learn their native linguistic communication non merely at place but even in schools since about all topics is taught in their native linguistic communication except for English lesson. English is the most studied foreign linguistic communication in the People ‘s Republic of China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan ( Republic of China ) . In PR China, English is a needed linguistic communication get downing with the 3rd class, although the quality of direction varies greatly and most Chinese citizens do non talk it good. The survey of English is besides required in India, where it is used for official communicating. In Nepal, about all topics are taught in English, except for Nepali literature ( Modern Language, Wikipedia 2007 ) . In the Philippines, English linguistic communication has become the primary medium of direction and required to utilize to non less than 70 % of the clip allocation for all larning countries in all twelvemonth degrees ( Department of Education Order no. 36, Series 2006 ) .

Based on the survey in the most successful school learning English as 2nd linguistic communication to pupils in California, the unwritten proficiency takes 3 to 5 old ages to develop, and academic English proficiency can take 4 to 7 old ages ( Hakuta, 2000 ) . An premise was besides made by Epstein ( 1977 ) of Washington Post that linguistic communication acquisition depends on the gait on how English is introduced to a pupil under a bilingual plan. Another in deepness survey of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition was made by Van Lier ( 1998 ) where in his observation he wrote:

Many of the early instance surveies of immature kids emphasized the successes of the 2nd linguistic communication acquisition procedure. The research workers frequently marveled at the celerity with which these immature kids learned to discourse in the 2nd linguistic communication, sometimes in a affair of months. These findings concur with the sentiments of the general population that larning linguistic communications is an easy and natural undertaking for immature kids. They merely ‘pick them up, ‘ as it were. However, when we look a little more closely at the inside informations of linguistic communication usage as reported in these instance surveies, we can see a few general forms emerge. In none of the instance surveies, whether of immature kids, striplings or grownups, are any important developments of complex grammar reported within the first twelvemonth, or even in the 2nd twelvemonth. Rather, all surveies speak of formulaic vocalizations, colloquial schemes, and a extremely simple codification. This simple codification is sufficient for mundane societal contact, and frequently gives the feeling of astonishing colloquial eloquence in these contexts, but it is non the elaborate, syntactically and lexically complex codification of the adept linguistic communication user.

This gives us an feeling that colloquial proficiency in geting English as 2nd linguistic communication may non compare academic proficiency of the linguistic communication which is the basic kernel for success in formal establishments ( schools ) .A Immersion has been used as scheme in most Asiatic states like China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia Thailand and few selected metropoliss in the Philippines. However, the fact that one develops colloquial linguistic communication accomplishments, it still helps in set uping resonance as one builds societal web.

Theoretical Background

Telecollaborative Approach refers to the method applied in the instructional design that involves scholars working with their equals in the schoolroom and with equals at a distance through on line or practical coaction. Telecollaborative came from two blended words: Tele means “ at a distance ” and Collaborate means ” portion the labours ” ( literally, ” co-labor ” ) ; ” tele-collaborative ” is a larning undertaking in which the participants ” portion the labours ” of larning ” at a distance ” through the assistance of information and communicating technology.A They may portion those labours through electronic mail, newsgroups, treatment forums or a figure of other online tools and larning environments.

This instructional design is anchored on different larning theories, rules and surveies. Constructive Pedagogy is an attack based on premise that cognition is developed ( constructed ) by the person through actively take parting in the cognitive procedure, societal procedure and rational procedure. It, promotes a more open-ended acquisition experience where the methods and consequences of larning are non easy measured and may non be the same for each scholar ( Mergel, 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Smorgansboard ( 1997 ) , as influenced by other theoreticians like Bruner, Ulrick, Neiser, Goodman, Kant, Kuhn, Dewey, Habermas, and Jean Piaget, Constructivism creates real-world environment that employ the context in which acquisition is relevant ; focal points on realistic attacks to work outing real-world jobs ; provides tools and environments that help scholars construe the multiple positions of the universe ; displacements paradigm of the teacher to a manager and analyser of the schemes used to work out jobs ; stresses conceptual interrelation by supplying multiple representations or positions on the content ; negotiates and non imposes instructional ends and aims ; utilizes rating as a self-analysis tool ; and makes larning internally controlled and meditated by the learner.

Another larning theory aligned to constructivism is David Kolb ‘s theory known as Experiential Learning, foremost published in 1984 when his thoughts have had a dramatic impact on the design and development of womb-to-tomb larning models.A Harmonizing to his theory, experience is the beginning of larning. Kolb and Fry ( 1983 ) created celebrated theoretical account out of four elements: a. ) concrete experience, B. ) observation c. ) contemplation, and d. ) program, the formation of abstract constructs and proving in new state of affairss. The celebrated experiential larning circle patterned after Kurt Lewin ‘s, explores the cyclical form of all larning from Experience through Reflection and Conceptualizing to Action and on to AA farther Experience.

The 3rd theory considered by the research worker is Judith Harris ‘ Learning Framework. Harris ( 1998 ) is noted for her seminal activities in telecomputing where schoolrooms are connected worldwide through the assistance of internet entree. The activity constructions are interpersonal exchanges, information aggregation and job resolution. The research worker adopted the learning model of Judi Harris to enable scholars to associate with state of affairss within and outside their ain context, to pass on and to associate outside the schoolroom through the assistance of information and communicating engineering.

Two surveies conducted were found to hold used one or two of the mentioned theories such as constructivism, experiential theories and telecomputing framework.A These involved different schemes in learning linguistic communication both in primary and in secondary schools.A Most of these schemes used engineering in learning particularly in developed states like United States of America and Europe.

Apple Classroom of Tomorrow ( ACOT ) of United States of America and Project Method in School Projects through E-Learning ( PROMISE ) of Europe conducted a separate survey about effectual schemes in learning English linguistic communication.

Harmonizing to the research conducted by Apple Classroom of Tomorrow ( ACOT, 1998 ) , the cardinal accomplishments of reading, authorship, and arithmetic remain the basiss of schooling and pupil acquisition. Surveies have shown that pupils with everyday entree to engineering larn these basic accomplishments faster and better when they have a opportunity to pattern them utilizing engineering and are more motivated to larn when engineering is portion of their day-to-day school experience. Surveies show that one time pupils become familiar with engineering, they rapidly develop proficiency in its usage. This opens up an exciting new universe of larning possibilities for them, and their possible for achievement skyrockets. Students gain new accomplishments and go familiar with new engineerings that will assist fix them for future success in an progressively technological universe. Even the most basic tools can assist immature scholars become more productive.

Researchers involved in the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow undertaking revealed that third-grade pupils found it easier to compose with a keyboard than with a pencil or a pen. Because authorship was easier, they wrote more. By composing more, they learned to compose better. Their battle to larning undertakings with engineering led them to this betterment. As a consequence, they spend more clip acquisition and practising the basic undertakings than pupils who approach the same undertakings in a traditional paper-and-pencil mode.

In Europe, K. Antilla, M.A Erickson and S. Holme-Larsen conducted Project Method in School Projects through E-Learning ( PROMISE, 2005 ) .A They found out that many of the participants of the computing machine supported job based acquisition were positive about the technological attack. They said that the pupils love to make computing machine supported collaborative undertaking work because it was different from how they usually work.A The merchandise orientation was non what attracted the kids, but the procedure of larning on how to happen information and how to make the research.A However, the troubles on the lingual and cultural facets of communicating with aliens were the important barriers on this project.A Many respondents found that the deficiency of personal lingual competency was a heavy barrier, whereas professional educational facets such as instruction, acquisition, pupils ‘ function in the schoolroom pattern less of import. Several participants declare that their over all feeling was that their pupils were happy to take part in multinational computing machine supported collaborative acquisition ( CSCL ) undertakings. They considered it as a benefit and gave new inspiration to instructors and pupils who were involved in such undertakings.

Both ACOT and PROMISE stated that engineering played as an of import subscriber in learning scholars to compose, read and even work with equals. However, what were emphasized were non the technological facets entirely but the procedure involved utilizing engineering as tools in learning pupils made them execute better.A Although diverseness in linguistic communication, civilization, and deficiency of engineering tools in some countries became barriers in Europe, still the acquisition undertakings were found to be good.

The 4th theory considered for this survey was Mc Grath ‘s Mentoring Framework, a model that directs wise man or the instructor to take the propositional cognition of the mentees or the pupils to procedural cognition through providing, taking or demoing. It process scholars to go brooding practicians of cognition. The terminal end of this model is to do scholars skilled in using their acquisition at the terminal of the procedure. This model was adopted in the National English Proficiency Program of Department of Education in 2003. It was a mentoring plan designed for instructors to better their presentation and treatment accomplishments, art of oppugning and giving of undertaking instructions accomplishments.

The last theory considered and found to be the baseline of the theoretical model is the Social Network Theory where a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes is being studied ( Barnes, 1954 ) .A This theory refuted the traditional sociological surveies where single attributes matter more than the relationship. Alternatively it was the antonym, where relationship ties matter most and where single attributes affair less ( Burkhardt, 1994 ).

With the promotion of engineering, societal networking engineerings play an of import portion in pupil motive, keeping and learning-especially in distributed acquisition environments. Social networking engineerings and media are of import tools because of their ability to further interaction and communicating between pupils. This is particularly of import in on-line acquisition communities, where pupils may hold limited face-to-face clip to construct a support web with their equals ( Baird, 2005 ) and homeschooling is one of the authoritative illustrations.

Derek Baird wrote that a cardinal component of a societal web engineering like Flickr was its uniqueness on its platform design. Online coaction and community are interwoven as chief constituents. Though it was non originally designed for instruction, it was found to be utile. Baird said that one of the chief booby traps of presenting new engineering into the schoolroom ( on-line or otherwise ) is the hazard of holding the engineering frustrate the user to the point that it distracts them from their original acquisition end. Apec Cyber Academy Program, Taking IT Global, ejournals and other educational online site are some illustration of societal web tools that are of import because their ease-of-use allows the pupil to maintain his/her focal point on geting new accomplishments, constructing on bing cognition while at the same clip developing authorship, package, and beef uping societal ties within their learning circle.

An application of societal web theory was studied by Kern, R. and Warschauer, M. ( 2000 ) where they presented the development of linguistic communication learning utilizing computing machine. In their paper, they presented the theories behind the computing machine assisted linguistic communication acquisition ( CALL ) and the development of network-based linguistic communication instruction ( NBLT ) as one signifier of CALL.A Harmonizing to the writers, NBLT is linguistic communication learning that involves the usage of computing machines connected to one another in either local or planetary webs. Whereas CALL has traditionally been associated with self-contained, programmed applications such as tutorials, drills, simulations, instructional games, trials, and so on. It represents a new and different side of CALL, where human-to-human communicating is the focal point. Language scholars with entree to the Internet, for illustration, can now potentially communicate with native talkers ( or other linguistic communication scholars ) all over the universe 24 hours a twenty-four hours, seven yearss a hebdomad, from school, place, or work. Learners can pass on either on a one-to-one or a many-to-many footing in local-area web conferences and farther multiplies their chances for communicative pattern. Finally, the fact that computer-mediated communicating occurs in a written, electronically-archived signifier gives pupils extra chances to be after their discourse and to detect and reflect on linguistic communication usage in the messages they compose and read.

However, still instructors remained disbelieving in the usage of this scheme ( Cotton, 1995 ) . As footing, few research surveies have been conducted as to computing machine and linguistic communication acquisition. Some illustration of this was the academic study of instructional usage of engineering in 1995. It showed that 59 % of foreign linguistic communication plans and 65 % of ESL plans used no signifier of computing machine engineering in their classs and puting linguistic communication instruction at the underside of the list of academic countries surveyed.

In this survey, the reappraisal of NBLT of Carla Meskill ‘s and Krassimira Ranglova ‘s research ( 2000 ) on the execution of new technology-enhanced English as Foreign Language ( EFL ) instruction in Bulgaria was cited. Meskill and Ranglova showed that the usage of computing machine webs was portion of a broader conceptualisation of the linguistic communication plan that resulted in a more “ socio-collaborative ” attack to acquisition, a greatest illustration of the fact that engineering is non merely a machine, or even merely the usage of a machine, but instead a wide signifier of societal organisation. Part of the reappraisal is the sum-up of findings on how engineering, content affair, and activities were integrated in the literature-based course of study through the usage of audio tape, harmony plans and manner draughtss, word processing, and email coactions. In their findings, pupils under NBLT significantly gained higher in reading, vocabulary, grammar and authorship.

Teachers reported that the new course of study required pupils and instructors likewise to radically change their apprehension of what it is to larn a linguistic communication. Because of the cardinal displacement in position required by the new course of study, teachers reported an initial daze followed by gradual and favourable accommodation to this new independent and participatory manner of larning. Likewise, instructors felt their ain accommodation experience, though ab initio rather hard, eased by the instantly discernable benefits reaped by their pupils.

Students reported a really enthusiastic response to the new course of study. They reported this “ response-based ” attack to literature affecting email exchanges with American university pupils to be highly helpful in footings of motive, assurance, and overall English linguistic communication development. Interestingly, though non alone in the literature, merely half of the pupils found the equal redacting component of the course of study helpful.

Cited surveies provided grounds for the viability of computing machine engineerings as tools to back up linguistic communication larning ends and the socio-collaborative procedure. It is believed that through these theories, Constructivism, Experiential Learning, Telecomputing, Mentoring Frameworks and Social Network Theory, scholars in Asia under homeschooling plan would go socially adjusted and academically developed as other pupils in a regular school plans.

Research Aims

This research aims to examine the followers:

  1. Readiness of immature scholars for full-on-line acquisition
  2. Effectiveness of telecollaborative attack in advancing critical, brooding and societal accomplishments
  3. Effectiveness and functionality of the e-platforms

Significance of the Study

Technology has been portion of our turning modern society. Using it to the full benefits of every citizen begins with the right instruction that we provide to our younger coevals. How we gear them to take our future civilisation is every bit important as gestating the appropriate acquisition teaching method and tools that pedagogues use before really implementing it in the acquisition procedure. Hence, this survey considers the possible important effects of full online larning through homeschooling plans and prepares responsible stakeholders for its possible effects to avoid any inauspicious possibilities from repeating in the hereafter.

Research Methodology

The research worker will utilize Experimental and Qualitative Research as methods. A qualitative research is a method in which the research worker attempts to analyze of course happening phenomena in all their complexness ( Fraenkel and Wallen, 1998 ) .


The respondents are selected in-between school pupils ages 10-12 from Taiwan and the Philippines. The survey period is divided into three major phases: Preparation of course of study and rating tools, e-platform and schemes ; Actual experiment phase ; and Evaluation and Analysis. Below is the research undertaking ‘s mileposts and mark period.

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Reagan Revolution

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the fortieth president of the United States of America. He was well known for his economic policies during is first term, which later on became well known as “Reaganomics”. This policy included large tax cuts which was started and implemented in 1981. “Reaganomics” was told to rejuvenate the morale of the American people and then let them not be dependent on the government. Supply-side economics is the basis for this economic policy which aimed to stimulate growth of the economy.

By implementing this policy, Reagan had the country’s gross domestic product or GDP recover from the 1982 recession and began to progress at 3. 4% per annum and also decreasing inflation.. Unemployment reached to an all time high during the first years of Reagan’s term but gradually decreased till the end of his presidency, thus strengthening the American economy. Then the stock market crashed in 1987 creating a huge governmental budget deficit which had raised the national debt substantially.

The cause of this is unknown, yet detractors point out that Reaganomics was the mainly the cause of this crash yet remain inconclusive. In his second term in the presidential seat, he focused on strengthening the nation’s defense capabilities due to the significant build-up of arms in the Soviet Union. His second term was also marked by his foreign policies that deemed him as a war monger. His term also included the cessation of the Cold War and “Star Wars”. As nation’s economy grew steadily stronger, Reagan now focused on international relation, he was known as “The Great Communicator” in these affairs.

Starting talks with Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan initiated to have the Berlin wall be torn down as a start of a peace process and a new era to begin. Reagan has noticed that the arms of the Soviet Union was technologically advanced and had initiated defense projects that would enable the nation’s defense systems to be at par or much superior than others. The space program boomed in that decade with the “Space Race” competing with the Soviet Union starting a “Star Wars” program that would rival any nation’s capabilities.

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The Scientific Revolution

There should be balance, in any essay which deals with events in history, between the dry, chronological facts, and the “soul” of the event (s) in question. If an essay on a subject of history relies too much on mere historical data and fails to personalize or — in a sense — humanize the concepts and facts which are the meat and bones of the essay, then the loss of emotion and empathy on behalf of the reader will preclude their maintaining an avid interest in the facts, no matter how skilfully presented.

Unfortunately, in the essay “The Significance of the Scientific Revolution,” absolutely no “human” detail is added to the generally overwhelming flow of dry data and historical fact. The ommission of details, even details regarding dates, persons, and events is less egregious than the ommission of any personal feeling or “human interest” detail which might have been included alongside the presentation of the key events of what is known, historically, as The Scientific Revolution.

In “The Significance of the Scientific Revolution,” the reader is shown a summation of what might be best thought of as the “key exterior” events of the Scientific Revolution. These key events are presented without any degree of ‘fleshing out” which makes it very difficult to imagine the real-life impact of the events and historical evolution which the essay attempts to describe. the lack of personalization extends to the essay’s thesis, or rather, to its lack of a thesis. The idea that the Scientific Revolution was a major historical watershed for human evolution is not a thesis, but rather a statement of what is obvious.

Due to its lack of any tangible thesis of humanizing element, the essay, as it stands, presents no verifiable argument and is, at best, a weak summation of chronological events. Age of Enlightenment Although it is tempting for some observers to sum up historical eras into neat and tidy packages, this temptation is a dangerous one because it often leads to over-generalization and the loss of important historical specificity, much of which may run as a counterpoint or counter-vision to the observer’s original, categorical understanding.

In the essay “The Age of Enlightenment” generalization is the rule, and the resultant loss of historical specifics (and therefore accuracy) is the most obvious criticism which may be leveled at the essay. To begin with, the essay offers the view in its opening paragraph that the Age of Enlightenment was uniformly a positivistic era in history: “peasants and nobles were no longer bound by their feudal obligations. The philosophers of the Enlightenment felt bound to their secular views based from human understanding and reason only.

These thinkers hoped that the period would bring positive changes to every aspect of thought and life” (Enlightenment, 1). While this summation may be generally true, it is a drastic oversimplification of the slow evolution of human rights which began before the “Age of Enlightenment” and continues right on through to modern times. The author goes on to make several unsubstantiated points: for example, “the age of Enlightenment was the light that shined on the corruption during the middle ages caused by the Catholic Church” as well as misleading or imprecise diction “The people behind the age of Enlightenment” (Enlightenment, 1).

Basically, the author of the essay has taken a very generalized view, overall, of what the historical Age of Enlightenment really was and in addition, the author has compounded the looseness of their overall argument by using imprecise terms and vague substantiation through secondary sources. Unfortunately, the essay, although logical and put together in a streamlined and linear fashion, offers very little substantive information and may, in fact, be misleading to someone who read the essay hoping to understand the Age of Enlightenment from a genuinely historical perspective.

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Edsa Revolution

MARTIAL LAW Under the supervision of Ferdinand Marcos, September 1972. Marcos declared the Martial Law. When Martial Law was enacted, all of Ferdinand’s enemies in politics had been arrested. And in that time, the security in the country had been restricted. Martial Law is declared against the former Defense Secretary/Minister where at by now is a Senate. Martial Law has a mission, and it is to avoid harm from the communist. But in case of retrieving, the communist fight for they’re right.

And the more that they became strong because of they’re unity. There were so many innocent people died because if the fight between the government and the communist. There are several persons are accused that they are part of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Most of them died. Marcos wanted to have a new society through the Martial Law, and Marcos won because all Filipino’s are afraid with Marcos. This victory gives a lot of many good changes in the society, such as the good health and green environment, peaceful surroundings.

In the administration of Marcos, the program was enacted which is the “PLEDGES” that stands for Peace and order, Land Reform, Economic Development, Government reforms, Educational reforms, and Social services. This program has a good motive, but suddenly, this program is just only a promise. Only promise papers. His new society covered with worries and fear because of his one rule, to abide all of his rules without any doubt. Although he had a merry contribution, the corrupt money is merrier.

In the 21years of service, Marcos contributed the San Juanico Bridge, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Lung Center and Heart Center, Green Revolution, Land Reform, North Luzon and South Luzon Expressway. Some of Filipino says that the good has small amount because Marcos warn the government to maintain the low price of the goods. But more of his programs release some money just to give it to his friends and family. His family over-controlled the economy that’s why when he is fired, his family ruined the economy. Under the Martial Law, all of the senate degrades their right.

In the power of the Legislative, president was held. The negotiator is a 1998 action thriller film directed by F. Gary Gray, starring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey. It takes place in Chicago and was released on July 9, 1998. The original music score was composed by Graeme Revell. Lieutenant Danny Roman (Samuel Jackson) is a top police hostage negotiator. He has a deserve reputation for being the best, although he is not without his detractors, such as commander Adam Beck (David Morse), head of a Hostage Barricade Terrorism (HBT) unit who thinks Roman takes too many chances.

Roman is middle-aged and recently married. He is approached by his colleague Nathan ‘Nate’ Roenick (Paul Guilfoyle) who warns him that large sums of money are being embezzled from Chicago Police Department’s disability fund, whose board Roman is on. Roenick has an informant, with whom he was at the Police Academy, and with whom he serve for a while, but Roenick refuses to name him. Roman suggests he go to Internal Affairs, but Nate thinks that inspector Neibaum might be involved as well.

Later that evening, Roman is summoned via his pager for another meeting with Roenick but instead finds him dead from gunshot wounds, seconds before patrol officers arrive. The case goes badly for Roman when it is assigned to Niebaum (J. T. Walsh) of the Internal Affairs Division (IAD), who Roenick claimed was involved in the embezzlement. Furthermore, the gun used to kill Roenick was one of the case involved in a case Roman handled in the past: two were not recovered but not the third.

A search warrant uncovered documents in Roman’s house that indicate the embezzled funds had been deposited in an offshore account, of which Roman denies any knowledge. Facing serious charges, suspended from the force and rejected by his friends and colleagues, including Roenick’s widow, a frustrated Roman storms into Niebaum’s office and, in the ensuing chaos, take Niebaum’s and several others hostage, including Niebaum’s administrative assistant Maggie (Siobhan Fallon), police commander Grant Frost (Ron Rifkin), and two-bit con man Rudy Timmons(Paul Giamatti).

With the building evacuated and placed under siege by police and the FBI, Roman issues his conditions, which include finding Roenick’s informant and summoning police Lt. Chris Sabian (Kevin Spacey), another top negotiator. Sabian, who has been trying rather unsuccessfully to negotiate peace between his sulking wife (Mary Page Keller) and cheeky daughter (Mulrooney), arrives on the scene. Roman and Sabian have only met once, briefly and know each other through reputation, but Roman wants Sabian because he is from another ide of the city, unconnected to the mentioned fund matter, and should be one of the people Roman can trust. Sabian soon find himself in a cat and a mouse duel with Roman and a dispute over authority between him, the local caps, and the feds, who disagree over jurisdiction and tactics. Roman of course know every trick in the book, and the besiegers are hard pressed to find out what is going on in the room with the hostages, since he blocks the entrances for ventilation units and destroys the security cameras and other surveillance devices.

To make things more complicated, Roman is convinced that “they” (his former colleagues) are out to kill him and it is hard for others (and viewers) to discern whether Roman’s belief is based on well-founded suspicious or groundless paranoia. While Sabian tries to come up with a solution, Roman, with the help of Timmons and Maggie, gets into Niebaum’s computer and discovers recordings of wiretaps, including with his last conversation with Roenick. He discovers that Roenick himself was the actual informant and has passed his evidence on to the IAD.

Niebaum admits that he investigated the embezzlement, but then took bribes from the fraudsters. Niebaum implicates many of Roman’s squad-mates in the conspiracy, but does not know who the ringleader is. Before he can reveal where he has hidden the evidence, Roman’s squad-mates (who overhead his confession) prematurely attack and kill Niebaum. When it becomes apparent that Sabian and the police have lost control of the situation, the FBI relieve Sabian and order a full-on assault. Sabian runs into the building to try to save Roman and the hostage.

Roman and Sabian argue over who fired first and struggle over a weapon, only to have Roman show Sabian that HBT team member, Scott, was not really shot another bluff to make everyone believe Roman could kill all the hostages. Sabian has come to believe Roman has a case and gives him a chance to prove his innocence. Prior to the impending FBI SWAT attack, he and Roman devise a plan. Roman is able to sneak out of the building during the assault by wearing a confiscated HBT uniform.

They proceed to Niebaum’s house, where they try to find the evidence, but are then attack by Frost, one of the former hostages, and three other members of Roman’s old squad who reveal themselves as the fraudsters and Roenick’s killers. In the course of the confrontation, Sabian suddenly shoots Roman and tells Frost that he just killed Roman, a cop, so he (Sabian) is now a dirty cop and then offers to destroy the evidence in return for the piece of the pie.

Frost agrees and effectively makes a full admission to his crimes, but when he leaves the house, he finds the area surrounded by police who have overheard his confession via Sabian’s radio that Roman had. Sabian had bluffed that he had killed Roman while Roman had actually broadcasted Sabian’s and Frost’s conversation. Humiliated, Frost attempt to shoot himself, but Beck quickly shoot his arm and the police seize him. Roman is now cleared and Sabian gives Roman his badge back and they part company with a new-found respect for each other. ESSAY COMPILATION In Philippine History Submitted by: Claudine Pacayra Submitted to: Mr. Santos Cayat

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Retail Marketing Revolution

THE RETAIL MARKETING REVOLUTION By 2010, the list of India’s top 10 retailers will have at least 5 Indian corporate. Retail Marketing will go through a tremendous change in India this millennium. It will change India’s cities, its people, and its households. The Indian consumer is reportedly the largest spender in Singapore and London. It is, therefore, strange that there have, so far, been few efforts to present the product in the right kind of environment in India. Indeed, the right shopping experience does induce Indian consumers to spend more.

This is evident from the experiences of retail-outlets like Shoppers’ Stop, Music World, Food World, Crosswords, The Home Store, Ebony, Bigjo’s, Saboos, Standard, Vijay Store and Janaki Das & Sons, Westside etc. However, the development of organized retail is dependent on the efforts of several agencies and institutions. The first among these is the government. In a country as big as India and with as many states as ours, it is imperative that the Central government and all state governments bring in Value Added Taxation or a unified taxation system to ensure that the tax-regimes are the same across the country.

The laws governing retail real estate should also be looked into, so that it is possible to develop retail-estate beyond the city-limits. Apart from providing entertainment and retail opportunities, this will also decongest the city center and facilitate the development of suburbs. The relevant rules should also be amended to allow retail-stores to operate 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. Given the hours most urban consumers keep at work, and keeping in mind the increase in the number of nuclear families, this may, indeed, make sense. This will also help people enjoy their evenings, out at malls.

The second group, whose participation is essential in making retail a boom-sector in this millennium, comprises developers. Most properties are developed without considering the end user; thus, we sometimes find high-ceilinged offices and low-ceilinged retail stores. Often, the shopper’s convenience is not taken into consideration while the property is constructed. Another area of concern is the way in which developers sell their space. The only consideration is the price, not the usage pattern or the nature of the product that is to be sold.

In contrast, internationally, mall-management is treated as a specialized discipline of retail management. This is what we have to focus on in this millennium. The third constituency that has a role to play in the fortunes of organized retail this century is the education-sector. Retail is a people-intensive business, and there is a huge opportunity for retail institutes in India. For manufacturers, retailing will present an attractive opportunity. Organized retail allows them to expose their products to a large volume of customers in an environment conducive to buying.

Already, several transnational retail giants have established their presence in India; others, notably Chinese retailers, have visited India and studied the Indian market. There’s a lot at stake here: even so early in the 21st Century, India is too large a market to be ignored by transnational retail giants. From the manufacturing company’s perspective, the focus should be on producing good products, and forging relationships with organized retail. Manufacturers need to draw a plan of producing quality products and tie in with retailers.

Indeed, the birth of organized retail will also engender the creation of private labels and store-brands. Thus, if a manufacturing company lacks the resources to build a brand, it can supply to a retail-chain that has the resources to create a brand of its own. A glimpse of the last 2 decades of the previous century proves illuminating. Large-format retailing started with outlets like Vivek’s and Nalli’s in Chennai and Kidskemp in Bangalore, and, at another level, with manufacturer-retail brands like Bata, Bombay Dyeing, and Titan.

The last decade of the millennium witnessed the emergence of lifestyle brands and the plastic culture. Liberalization and increasing awareness of the world around us created the Indian yuppie, who aspired to own everything we saw on TV, or in shops during jaunts abroad. New lifestyle brands offered traditional retail-outlets an opportunity to convert themselves into exclusive stores, franchised or otherwise. And even as these developments were taking place, the Indian consumer became more mature.

Customer-expectations zoomed Thus, at the beginning of the New Millennium, retailers have to deal with a customer who is extremely demanding. Not just in terms of the product-quality, but also in terms of service, and the entire shopping experience. Today, the typical customer who shops in a retail outlet compares the time spent at the check-out counter with that at an efficient petrol station, and the smile of the counter-person to that decorating the face of a Jet Airways’ crew member.

To cope with the new customer, manufacturers have to focus on product quality and brand building. And retailers, in turn, have to focus on the quality of the shopping experience. Internationally, retailing is a large business; you find at least one retailer amongst the top 10 companies in every country. In the US, it is Wal-Mart with a turnover in excess of $ 120 billion. In the UK, it is Marks and Spencer’s with close to ? 10 billion; and, in Germany, it is Karstadt with a turnover in excess of dm 10 billion.

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Elias and Simoun as Revolutionary Characters

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How Did the Tsar Survive the 1905 Revolution

Despite the failure of Russia in the war against Japan, the Tsarist regime survived the revolution . There are a number of reasons for this. One of the most importants reason is that Nicholas II was very thanks to his military force. By the end of January there were more than 400,000 workers out on strike. The 1905 Revolution was underway. For the rest of the year the government had little control of events, as strikes, demonstrations, petitions, peasent uprisisings, students riots, and assassinations became commonplace.

The Tsar was “at war with his own people”. People wanted a change because Nicholas II reign saw Imperial Russia go from being one of the great powers of the world to an economic and military disaster. Nicholas approached the Russo-Japanese war with confidence and saw it as an opportunity to raise Russian morale and patriotism, paying little attention to the finances of a long-distance war. Shortly before the Japanese attack on Port Arthur, Nicholas held strong to the belief that there would be no war. Nicholas expected a final victory.

Many people took the Tsar’s confidence; believing him to be completely impervious As Russia continued to face defeat by the Japanese, the call for peace grew. Nicholas’s own mother, urged Nicholas to open peace negotiations. Despite the efforts for peace, Nicholas remained evasive. It was not until 27–28 March and the annihilation of the Russian fleet by the Japanese, that Nicholas finally decided to pursue peace. People had no more faith in the Tsar that lost to a country much more little than his own.

In September after the peace treaty with Japan, thousands of troops were now free to help put down the unrest in European Russia. The government paid them all their back pay and promised better conditions of service so that they would remain loyal to the Tsar. The Tsar had the choice of giving in or using force. He gave in and issued the October Manifesto on the 30 October 1905.

This promised: -A Parliament or Duma elected by the people – Civil rights-e. g. Freedom of speech and conscience – Uncensored newspapers and the right to form political parties. The liberal and middle classes believed they had won democratic government. They stopped their protests and supported their government. By December, with all the troops back in Russia, the Tsar felt strong enough to take back the control. He used force to close down the St Petersburg Soviet and crush an arm uprising in Moscow. He sent out troops to take revenge on workers and peasants who had rioted and bring them under control.

The political parties that were against the Tsar were very much, and probably if they had formed only one or two the Tsar would have not survived the 1905 Revolution. All the political parties wanted to defeat the Tsar but they wanted to defeat him themselves and not other political parties. Nicholas thought that he, as Tsar, ruled through divine right from God. Some of his countrymen were embarrassed at the way Nicholas ruled Russia, and this affected his home life.

He also thought that people who disagreed with him were traitors. Nicholas was then asked to resign. With much reluctance, he abdicated. He and his family were imprisoned. Eventually, all of them were brutally murdered. Their bodies were burned and then thrown into an empty shaft. The Tsar had various reasons why he survived and probably without the help of the military the Tsar would have been defeated in no time, and if the people that were against the Tsar were a bit more intelligent they could have won.

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