Discovering Habitable Zone Based on Stellar Parameters

A star must contain enough elements for formation of habitable world. Hydrogen and helium are not one of these elements. A star must also last long enough for life to be able evolve. The star should create a steady flow of light for surface life and it should have habitable zones. Lastly the star should be able to create stable and almost circle orbits for worlds. Most stars are capable of being “good suns.” Even around half of all binary stars fit into these criteria.

The first method is called the astrometric method. It is a method that uses very precise measurements of stellar positions in the sky to look for motions, which are caused by orbiting planets. A difficulty with this method is that the motions are supposed to be detected are so small and minor. But it is good for searching planets that are generally bigger and around nearby stars. It is also hard to tell weather steller motion is occurring or not. The next method is the Doppler method. This method searches the spectrum of star’s signs that the star is orbiting a center of mass. This method has been successful but it has three big limitations to it. It is better suited for finding massive planets and it isn’t very effective when it comes to smaller ones. It is easier to study from the ground though but it also requires the right planetary plane and the sun needs to shake as well.

This method works better if the worlds are close to their sun. This also means that these worlds have shorter orbital periods, which means a shorter amount of time to research them. This method requires a large telescope and long exposure time so that means that there is a small window of opportunity. The third method is the transit method which, transits and eclipses by monitoring a star systems brightness over a long period of time. This method is tedious because it requires observation of the stars brightness for three orbits. It also needs a space observatory and can only view planets edge on orbits.

With todays technology we can figure out a world’s orbital period and its distance form the son. Discovering the planets mass and orbital period to figure out its distance from the sun does this. This also helps us discover its orbital stretch, mass, density, temperature, size, and composition. The size is detected by dips in brightness while it is in transit. Density is figured out by diving the mass by its volume. The temperature and composition can be estimated through transits and eclipses.

The Doppler method can estimate the mass of a world by measuring motions that are caused by a gravitational pull of a planet. The Doppler method can only reveal the motion of a star when it is directed away or towards Earth. Doppler shifts are also only viewable if the spectrum of a star has a planet that has a offset angle and not a head on one. Because of this we are only able to tell a partial velocity, which means we are generally getting the minimum mass.

Worlds that orbit within a habitability zone that have oceans and atmospheres similar to Earth’s have high chances of surface life. If some worlds exit the habitable zone every once and awhile it would be fine as long as they had an atmosphere and oceans that could be used to store heat on the world. It would also have to be a decent size. Any world smaller than Mars can pretty much just be ruled out. The most worlds most likely to be habitable would be Earth sized ones that orbit within the habitable zone. They also can’t be too big because otherwise they could be victims to vertical winds. Moons in the habitable zone that have oceans are promising candidates as well. It’s possible that there could be a greater number of worlds with subsurface habitability than surface habitability. There is a chance some worlds that were once habitable on the surface are now remaining habitable in the subsurface. Some worlds might be able to stay habitable in the subsurface even if they are outside of the habitable zone.

Investigate Further

Most stars have planets in their habitable zone. Mainly the Kepler mission discovered this. Because of this I would say that a little over three quarters of stars have planets that are resting in a habitable zone. However there is a fair amount of uncertainty because we are not sure on the characteristics of these host stars.

Works Cited

Kane, and Stephen R. “Habitable Zone Dependence on Stellar Parameter Uncertainties.” [Astro-Ph/0005112] A Determination of the Hubble Constant from Cepheid Distances and a Model of the Local Peculiar Velocity Field, American Physical Society, 14 Jan. 2014,
Bennett, Jeffrey O., and G. Seth. Shostak. Life in the Universe. Pearson, 2017.

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Space – Should the costing be spent?

Table of contents

Sources of Information

For this assignment, my main source of information will be the BBC news archive, due to the fact this is a government based company. Therefore the information will be very much factual and reliable, rather than opinion based data from other sources of media. Further on, I will use the British National Space Centre (BNSC) as this is Britain’s main space exploration organisation. Following on, I will be using “Encarta Encyclopedia” which is a screen-based archive of various facts and figures including extended explanations of various topics. This proves I will be using a vast range of sources which I have selected, however most are screen-based as these are constantly being updated throughout key advancements.


The universe contains everything – all of space and time and all the matter and energy within it. The universe is unknowably vast, and ever since it formed, it has been expanding, carrying some of its most distant regions forever beyond the naked eye. The universe contains everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy cluster and yet it seems they all have the same laws.

For many years, space was out of reach for humans on our planet. People thought day and night on how to make space exploration a reality. Everyone at some time in their life asks questions similar to: “Where does space begin? Where does it end? What is the difference between space and the universe?”

Space is built of so little matter that we cannot consider it as empty. However on Earth, there is matter everywhere, in the form of liquid/solid/ and gas. In space there is no night or day, this is due to the fact our atmosphere scatters the sun’s rays, ultimately giving the blue colour in our sky.

A crucial property of the universe is that it is expanding. It must be growing, because distant galaxies are quickly withdrawing from Earth. Assuming that the universe has always been growing, it once must have had to be smaller and denser; this is the face which strongly supports the Big Bang theory.

Benefits of space exploration

Space exploration has many benefits for us, which could eventually save mankind from extinction if the time came. The following examples are a handful of positive effects if we did invest more into space exploration.

Population increase/Colonization

Since history has been written, our population has grown rapidly with 6.5 billion people today. It is said that the world’s population has quadrupled in the last one hundred years. If the population carries on dramatically increasing we will have many problems including housing issues, for the number of people. By the year 2050, from predictions, it shows that there will be eventually ten billion people living on Earth, this is a growth around 75 million people per year.

The graph on the left shows the predicted population grown for the next 50 years, as well as the “population boom” which has occurred earlier. The key shows different areas of the world and the population increase there. Asia seems to be increasing the most; this clearly is a developing region of the world. On the other hand a developed region such as Northern America seems to have a steady increase.

For this issue to be rectified, space exploration can be extremely helpful. If we can locate a suitable area beyond the Earth then we can “Colonize”. We have determined that many materials can be available in space, however human space flight advancements and engineering is vital for this to occur. The moon seems to be a viable location for us to “Colonize”, due to the fact, it is extremely close to us compared to other planets therefore easy to transport goods and supplies. The only issue is that there seems to be low amounts of Hydrogen and Carbon. The low gravity is also a major concern.

Lack of resources

As above, if the population carries on increasing as predicted, Earth’s resources will eventually start to run out. This will have a dramatic effect on the habitants on Earth, as many necessities we take for granted will be depleted. These items include:

  • Clean water
  • Natural resources such as Fossil fuels

Experts say that seas will become emptied of fish while forests – which absorb Carbon Dioxide emissions – are completely destroyed and fresh water supplies become scarce and polluted. For example since 1970 forests have been reduced by twelve percent. This proves that if space exploration improves and is funded, we can get numerous materials from out of space. For example, on the Moon there seems to be a great deal of silicon and metals such as iron, aluminium and titanium.

Counter-benefits of space exploration

On the other hand of this debate, there are many disadvantages against investing in space exploration. This topic has been under debate for many years now, many people feel that the money is better spent elsewhere, ultimately spent on this planet prior to exploring others.

NHS and Healthcare

The amount of money spent on space exploration may have better uses, as the NHS are currently in debt, this should be rectified. Spending for example �150m on a certain probe could instead cut the NHS’s debt by a fifth. Also, there are many people who are fighting disease, however some which aren’t currently curable, as the research hasn’t been paid for; there is always scientist’s salaries to fund. Helping cure disease ultimately seems imperative. Space exploration can’t bring people’s health therefore as healthcare is vital, exploration should be halted until many basic lives saving problems are treated for.

The diagram on the right shows how much per year the NHS is spending, this is also projected for up till 2008. They seem to be spending currently around 90 million per year. This proves to me that developing a space instrument which tends to cost 100 million plus is not needed, as this can be fund the NHS for the year (the entire nation’s treatment).

Human space flight

Unlike robotic space exploration, human space flight costs much more however with little benefit and outcome. Additionally, sending a robotic device to space can increase the scientific knowledge attained. Robots are clearly more efficient than humans, the speed and technology is much faster. The majority of astronauts sent to space also unfortunately pass away due to the tasks being extremely difficult regardless of how much training they have completed.


After completing this report, I have clearly shown the benefits and counter-benefits of space exploration, and wherever it should be funded. I believe my main benefit is how we can search for resources elsewhere, therefore not having to worry greatly on the amount we are using, (within reason). We evidently have two sides of the debate, which can become extremely ethical; “For, or against, science”. However this would be political of me to discuss. I have used evidence from both sides of the argument, the scientific aspect as well as the ethical reasons, which have been shown mainly within the health care section.

It is also debateable that why isn’t the UK investing in human space flight, even though the UK holds the world’s fourth largest economy however they have no presence in manned space flight, or any interest in such activities. On the other hand they have invested largely into unmanned space flight, which have been a helping hand to improve the quality of life.

From this report, evidence shows that the positives unmistakably outweigh the negatives for the title “Space – Can the expense be justified?”. Personally I am supporting space exploration due to the fact I am intrigued into the question many people ask, “What is out there?” I also believe with the advancements of the modern world, during my life time I will be able to maybe benefit from space exploration in one way or another.

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The Importance of Space Exploration Advancement

From technological advancements to discoveries of new life, space exploration has led to much advancement, including ones that we use in our daily lives. An example would be those comfortable beds that are made of memory foam. Unlocking the mysteries of what’s beyond or planet is the solution to many problems we have here on earth. The possibility of finding new resources and life in space, overpopulation on planet earth and finding a new source of fuel are just a few of many reasons to encourage space exploration.

Planet earth is slowly becoming more crowded every year, China has even started to limit the number of children parents are allowed to have. If this continues and all countries start to limit kids, there are just a few generations of having siblings left, us being one of the last. The only positive solution to this problem is to find another planet to colonize. Colonization of another planet is only possible through space exploration. “Every 20 minutes, the human population grows by about 3,000” (Saracino, 1). At this rate “the global population will reach about eight billion by 2030” (Wise 1).

Next thing you know, people will be moving in with the penguins in Antarctica or up in the North Pole with Santa clause. I agree that limiting kids can help with this problem but it isn’t a permanent, or at even a long term solution. The sooner we begin to support more space exploration, the sooner we will find out about other planets. If airplanes weren’t fascinating enough, imagine how fascinating it would be to visit family and friends that are literally out of this world. I understand that this sounds outrageous, but it is possible.

Along with the population of earth increasing, earth is also running out of natural resources such as water, oil and coal. Not concerned yet? Earth is also running out of Gold, Diamond, Silver and even food. Now that we know the problem, lets come up with a solution. “Everything we hold of value on Earth — metals, minerals, energy, water, real estate — is literally in near-infinite quantities in space” (Diamandis 1). Near-earth asteroids are abbreviated NEA’s, they are basically asteroids that are closer to earth than ones on the asteroid belt.

NEA’s are filled with a liquid that is very similar to water. This “water found on the NEAs could be broken down into hydrogen for fuel and oxygen for breathing to extend future space travel” (EnergyDigital). If asteroids alone contain resources, conceptualize what resources would be available of planets in different temperatures. It is also true that resources would be available underwater on planet earth, but it is impossible to find liquid resources underwater, resulting in not substitute for fuel.

If you don’t believe me about resources in space, let me just tell you that “diamonds are literally raining down on Neptune” (Rist, Curtis. “Neptune rising. ” Discover. September 2012. Print). There are also rumors that there is a planet made of diamond in our solar system. Space exploration has caused lots of new inventions that are very useful to society and are a part of our daily lives. Invisible braces, scratch resistant lens, cordless tools, shoe insoles are all inventions that were first used to on a rocket to get to space.

Space exploration is being overlooked lately and that’s why another everyday invention hasn’t been invented recently. If you don’t believe that those inventions listed earlier are important, then let me tell you this, think about your cell phone, feature like texting, cameras, long distance calling and mobile network wouldn’t be possible without NASA. More space exploration will lead to more everyday inventions because rockets are always getting better and more reliable. NASA believes that in the process of space exploration, they will discover a new source of fuel to replace oil.

Many people believe that space exploration is a waste of money because it cost a ridicules amount of money. This is not true, the most NASA has ever received from the federal government was fourteen billion dollars in the year 1999. That may sound like a lot but its only 5. 5% of the federal budget, “Microsoft’s corporate revenues in 1999 were roughly the same as NASA’s budget that year” (“NASA’s budget in perspective” 50). In the U. S, NASA is receiving “the smallest budget of any major agency” (Adamu, 2). So as you can see, it really isn’t that much at all.

Space exploration has helped the world with health and medicine advancements. “In the 1960s, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory created digital image processing” (Adamu, 1). Digital image processing is now used to enhance images of organs in humans to find out if they are functioning right or not. In the medicine field, Dan Carter “discovered that space-produced crystal could be used to make the atomic components of albumin […] an essential human protein” (Adamu, 1). Why was this so important? Albumin “helped lead to the development of a cancer drug combination approach and skin care products” (Schrenk, 3).

Space exploration has helped lead to advancement in our health industries to promote a healthy life without even knowing it. It is very possible for Space exploration to discover a cure for the deadly disease, cancer. Many children, including me, were inspired to become a scientist, engineer or astronaut when Space exploration was popular and continuously in the news. Pictures that are taken of planets, and videos of astronauts in space are enough to inspire a child and make him/her want to be like that someday. Space exploration also helps the environment.

Satellites help us understand our atmosphere and the reactions of our environment to the sun. Satellites also help forecast weather conditions because it shows the movement of clouds and temperature. There are many questions about aliens. What if aliens cause a war between planets? What if aliens invade earth? How do we communicate with aliens? But the real question is that do Aliens even exist? Or are our human imaginations just making them up? It’s impossible for us to find out unless we support more space exploration.

Many question about aliens are questioning how bad aliens would be, but how about asking how good they would be. Do they know or have a cure for cancer? What resources do they live on? I personally think that aliens do exist but we never really know until we have proof. With all this information, how can anyone be against space exploration? We have many reasons to thank space exploration. The U. S especially has reduced funding for space exploration, which causes NASA to not have the money to go on new space missions.

Even with a limited budget, “President Obama emphasized at a 2010 conference at the Kennedy Space Center that space exploration has been key to America’s position as a world leader” (Birch 1). The universe is huge, and compared to it earth is the size of an atom only uneducated people who don’t do research oppose exploration of space. Overcrowded earth, running out of resources, new technologies is major reasons to start unlocking secrets of the universe. So start spreading the word! Contact congress and tell them to keep NASA and don’t sell it to another country. You can get the discussion going on Facebook or twitter or start a blog.

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Space Exploration

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