Speech About Vacation

Preparation outline for Persuasive Speech Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to support the legislation to provide everyone with four weeks paid vacation Central Idea: Adopted paid vacation legislation in the USA will help us to stay healthy, avoid stress and bond with our family. Introduction Attention: I. Do you know that more than 147 countries, including all developed countries, now have a law that guaranties paid vacation to every employee? But the United States is the only industrial country in the world which doesn’t have any legislation about it.

What is more, from 1980 to present day we moved from 11th place in the world to 42nd based on vacation longevity, and we spend almost 2 months more at work each year than Western Europeans. II. I am personally also affected by absence of vacation legislation. I have two part time jobs, but unfortunately both my employers do not give me any paid vacation time. My story is not unique, because today in US around 60% of part-time workers don’t receive paid vacation benefits. III. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to encourage you to support the legislation to provide everyone with four weeks paid vacation.

Transition: We’ll start by looking at necessity to adopt the paid vacation legislation. Body Need I. Today in the United Stated vacation became a luxury for many Americans, and it is unreasonably short and can only voluntarily be provided by employers as a benefit. A. According to a study commissioned by Expedia. com, 13 days is the average vacation time in the U. S. 1. Average vacation time among the other countries – chart. (Expedia. com and Ray) 2. The Bureau of Labor Statistics a. 1 in 4 workers – no paid vacation b. 40% of American women earning less than $40,000 a year – no paid annual leave . Low-wage and part time workers and employees of small businesses a. Rebecca Ray in her publication No-vacation nation only 35% of part-time workers in the U. S. have a paid vacation. B. Paid vacation in the U. S. is only voluntarily provided by organizations.

1. Vacation formula is based on years of service. a. Society for Human Resources Management – employees in middle and large-sized companies – work for 25 years to get a 4 week (Ray). C. American work-life is out of balance and we are losing necessary vacation time to stay healthy, avoid stress and bond with our family. . The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: an average American works one month per year more today than in 1976. 2. Burnout and stress – lack of vacation time, timeday. com: it costs the U. S. economy over $300 billion a year. 3. Men who don’t take regular vacation are 32% more likely to die of a heart attack, and 21% more likely to die early of all causes. Women have 50% more risk of a heart attack. (www. timeday. org) 4. “Vacations are so important for family bonding”, said William Doherty, professor of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota.

The strong memories from childhood involve family vacations. And yet fewer families are taking them now (right2vacation. com). Transition: Now that you know the need of paid vacation legislation let’s look what can be done about it. Satisfaction: II. The lack of vacation time is a serious problem in the United States and the only way to solve this is to adopt a law guaranteeing 4 weeks paid vacation to every American. A. The adopted paid vacation law will provide a 4 week vacation to every person regardless of full-time or part-time status, company size, and years worked in the company.

And this law would allow us to catch up to other nations. B. All developed countries and more than 70% of all countries in the world already have paid vacation laws, and every European worker gets a minimum of 4 weeks paid vacation, according to the New York Times C. More than two-thirds of Americans strongly support vacation law favoring 3 weeks of vacation and more, based on the information from the poll results on Rifgt2Vacation. org D. And I know from my audience-analyst questionnaire that most of you also support such plan and would prefer to have 4 weeks of vacation or more.

Transition: You can see that vacation time problem can be simply solved by passing such legislation. Now let’s look at effects of a government guaranteed vacation. Visualization: I. Such vacation legislation have worked in many countries, and in the United States it will improve health, family bonding and the life quality overall. A. You will work less and reduce time pressures, and it will give an opportunity to exercise, healthy eating habits and connection with family and friends. And you will likely to stay healthy with having less risk of stress or burnout. B. You would sleep better and your productivity and creativity will increase. C.

You will have more time for stay connected with your family, and your future kids will enjoy family vacations and more time outside. Conclusion Action: The first paid vacation bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in May of 2009. You can help get it passed by signing the various online petitions. Here are the online sites where you can sign these petitions, and I also will pass you handouts, which provide this information. Here is another way how you can participate in the process: follow this link and print the poster, which you can distribute to your friends or place at work to encourage people to support this legislation. If we will all work together, we can get the paid vacation bill through the Senate and many of us will finally have a paid vacation.

Worked cited: “2009 International Vacation Deprivation™ Survey Results. ” . “Right 2 Vacation. ” Take Back Your Time. Web. 15 May 2011. . Ray, Rebecca, John Schmitt . No-Vacation Nation. Washington: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2007 Take Back Your Time Day. . Tugend, Alina. “Vacations Are Good for You, Medically Speaking”. New York Times 7 Jun. 2008 U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 15 May 2011. .

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Persuasive Speech – Baby Selling Syndicate

“To speak for your ears, I have overcome fears, to silence your groans, my skills I have honed.” Assalamualaikum wbt to lecturers and fellow friend. Today , I would like to share with you all about the baby selling syndicate and my topic have a 3 highlighted fact. That is first, the reasons why baby selling is occurred. Second, the effects of this baby selling syndicate to various parties and finally about the solutions to overcome this baby selling syndicate.

Baby selling syndicate. Who knows about the baby selling syndicate? Who don’t know, I will tell you now. Those involved with baby selling when they use channels from the black market and over the internet. There is may be some people who do not regard about this problem. For you information, baby selling syndicate is a very serious social problem because this problem has become a global threat that continues to grow. Most of the babies were sold at ages one to three months. It is sad when all the babies are sold at a high price to reach more tens of thousands.

Beside, based on the statistics of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). the number of cases of the sale of babies for three years amounted to 33 cases, that is 20 cases in 2010, 9 cases in 2011 and 4 cases between January to September years ago. When you know about the baby selling syndicate is. So, lets continue to reason why baby selling syndicate is occurred.

Why should this happen? first, it’s come from the high demand for couples who have no offspring. They want children are willing to offer a high price to buy the baby. In addition, some people that involved in this problem sold the baby is due to poverty and debt. They sold babies with a high price and use the money to support their life and pay debts. If you see what’s going on now, the son “born out of wedlock” higher was born and because this problem also, the occurrence of cases of baby selling is done to close their feeling of shame to society.

When you know the reason, it can be effect to various parties. So, lets continue to the effect of this syndicate. This problem can give a negative effects if we do not eliminate this problem. Among them it is can give the negative effect to a country. This problem will pollute the good name of the country in the international arena. Other countries will make a bad impression on the countries involved. There is also a negative effect to the Government, because for sure there will be who is dissatisfied with the Government’s actions cause this problem occurs. So, all parties should do something to prevent this problem. Let’s find the solution about this problem.

Solutions should be done seriously to make sure our country is free from this syndicate. The Government may call for programmes or campaigns to instill information and access about baby selling syndicate. In addition, enforcement agencies should take action to make sure the government strategies become more efficiently and effectively. I think, the Government should think of a heavier sentence for fighting these activities further prevent a country is considered to be the main centre of the syndication sales of babies for the international market.

Everyone should to give responsibility to combat this problem. That is to safe our country free from this problem. So that, my investigation about this baby selling syndicate is complete. You should now understand three highlighted fact about this baby selling syndicate. First, the reason the baby selling syndicate is occurred. Second, the effect of this problem to various parties and lastly, solution to overcome this problem.

In conclusion, this syndicate is a really serious case. As long as everyone can control it, we can prevent this problem not to be more dangerous. They soldl the babies and make a money from it for their own sake. This situation is can’t be accepted for everyone. So, because of that, we must to decrease the statistic for this syndicate and do something to make sure our country is free from this syndicate.

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Short Speech

How to be a Successful Sportsman Our government has always emphasized on the importance of sports. Our sportsmen have gone for overseas competitions. Sad to say, however, our athletes did not bring back any medals in the recently concluded World Olympics. To be a good sportsman, one must have balanced meals. It means that he should have a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and vitamins. He should not eat too much meat, neither should he eat too much fatty foods. Second, he must have enough sleep and rest. Eight hours of sleep per day is a must.

He should not over-strain himself. Listening to music is one good way of relaxing. Third, a good sportsman must have regular training. If he is not consistent, he is bound to be lag behind. This requires discipline on the part of the sportsman himself. One good reminder is ‘come rain or shine, he must go to the field’, and sweats it out. Finally, an excellent sportsman must have an excellent coach. A good coach will plan ahead for him and advise him on some strategic points and impart to him the required skill to excel.

So keep your finger crossed, sportsmen, you can still make it. (197 words) My best friend A best friend is the first person who comes in when, out of the door, the whole world has gone. A best friend is one who loves the truth and you, and will tell the truth in spite of you. There are lots of people who you make friendship with, but it is very hard to find a true and honest friend. But I am very lucky that I have a best friend with whom I can share my feelings and divide grief with. His name is Thaqif. He is very friendly, and I am very happy to have him as my best friend.

He is very well respectful, hardworking, and an honest person. Thaqif has all those friendly habits that we seek in a friend such as friendly behavior and respectfulness. Finally, Thaqif is very honest friend. He is very well mannered and organized person. He loves the truth and hate lying. Beyond that if he make any mistakes, he tries to solve the mistake. In conclusion, Thaqif is very friendly and well organized person. He loves the people who speak truth and to be successful in life he is working very hard. And I am very happy to have him as my best friend! 206 words) ”How to Protect the Environment” Good evening sir and friends, I would like to talk about”How to Protect the Environment” First of all, each one of us can start by not littering. We should throw our rubbish into the rubbish bin instead of anywhere we like. Another way of protecting our environment is by keeping our rivers clean. We can play our role by not throwing rubbish into the rivers. Meanwhile the factories can stop dumping their toxic waste into them. Moreover, farmers should avoid open burning in their farming practice because it pollutes the air.

Finally, we can practice the 3R; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Every household should aim at reducing the amount of rubbish thrown. If “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle” are put into practice, the amount of rubbish thrown and the amount of energy used to produce some of the recyclable items can indeed be reduced. Clearly, each one of us can contribute towards the conservation of our environment and our efforts should be continuous. Protecting our environment means ensuring the existence of our future generation. With that, thank you. (176 words)

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Communication Delay in Children

Children communicate in many ways. Language and communication help us to socialise and express our needs. Babies use sounds, facial expressions and hand or arm gestures to express the way they are feeling. As they grow older their language skills gradually begin to develop and they will use more complex gestures such as pointing at objects. Language allows the child to express themselves and communicate. Alongside speech, reading, writing, drawing and signing are all important parts of a Childs language development.

It is important to identify any delay in language or communication in a Child as soon as possible. Children need to be able to communicate with others in order to express their needs and develop their social skills. Delayed language or communication can have a big impact on all other areas of development and cause behavioural problems for the child born from frustration. A child who is unable to express themselves clearly may display disruptive or aggressive behaviour as they become frustrated that they are not being understood.

They might be disciplined for their behaviour if their carer does not realise why they are acting up and brands them as a difficult child. This will cause the child to loose confidence and develop low self esteem. They may also become clingy to their parent or carer, be prone to tearful outbursts and have difficulty socialising with peers. A child with hearing difficulties may appear to be in their own little world and not respond when their name is called. They may also struggle to follow simple instructions or have trouble pronouncing words.

Children who can not understand or hear what is being said to them will miss out on vital learning opportunities. The Childs overall wellbeing will suffer as they will feel isolated and upset. The child may withdraw from groups and not want to participate therefore missing out on learning important social skills. Delayed language and communication can also be a sign that there is something more seriously wrong with the child that may require treatment or specialist help such as a hearing impairment or learning difficulties.

If the correct help or treatment is not supplied for the child in a timely fashion it will have a knock on effect that will delay their emotional, social and even physical development. It is therefore vitally important that child care practitioners are aware of the signs of communication and language delay in children and are equipped with the right tools and information to be able to help the children and their families. The practitioner needs to be calm, flexible and patient.

A child with language difficulties will need extra support that should be tailored to their individual needs and plenty of positive encouragement and reinforcement to help build their confidence. The child may be able to take you to objects that they want or express their need by looking or pointing at objects. Some children may need help when playing alongside others. The Practitioner may need to stay close so that they can help them when they have trouble expressing themselves as well as teaching the children around them to be patient and help them to understand the child.

A Childs language could be delayed for many reasons some of these reasons are detailed below:

  • Hearing impairments – This is a common reason for a delay in language development. There are many different types of impairments ranging from non-permanent conditions such as glue ear to permanent partial of full hearing loss. A child with hearing loss will often withdraw in to themselves and not want to interact with the outside world as they struggle to understand it. The cause of the loss needs to be established quickly so the child can receive the right treatment so their development does not suffer. Non-permanent conditions may be easily treated by a GP, whereas permanent conditions may require specialist help and hearing aids. The sooner treatment is supplied for a child the sooner they can progress their language and communication skills. The practitioner can support them within the setting by working alongside the parents to understand the condition. The practitioner c should provide one to one support and they may use sign language and encourage the other children to use it too.
  • Physical conditions such as an enlarged tongue or a cleft pallet – A child suffering from this kind of physical impairment will usually have a very good understanding of what is being said to them and going on around them. The problem comes when they try to express themselves through speech. They may be unable to speak clearly and may mispronounce words. This will cause them to become frustrated and may result in aggressive behaviour. It might also cause them to feel different and be embarrassed in front of their peers. Therefore they may withdraw from groups and not wish to participate in discussions. Some of these conditions can be treated by Doctors but others will require speech therapy and on-going support. The practitioner will need to work alongside the therapist and the parents in order to provide the best possible support for the child within the setting.
  • Stutters or stammers – A child suffering with a stutter or a stammer will usually have a good understanding of what is being said to them and going on around them. They struggle to express themselves clearly and find it difficult to get the words they want to say out correctly. They may hesitiate or say um a lot or repeat the same word over as they try to get out a sentence. This is often because their mind is working so quickly their mouth struggles to keep up! This is considered a normal stage in development for a child between the age of Most children grow out of this in time but for some it may develop in to a habit and a half to five years..

If a child is suffering with a stutter or stammer displays disruptive behaviour due to frustration and feels embarrassed in front of peers so they shy away from group activities or the non-fluency continues for more than 6 months they may require referral to a speech therapist. Practitioners can help the child within the setting by helping to relax the child in order to calm their speech by showing they are listening, making eye contact, nodding their head and smiling at the child. The practitioner should never finish the Childs sentences be patient and allow them plenty of time to speak. Lack of stimulation and language input –Some children to not recieve the level of interaction required with other people to allow there language and communication skills to develop. The child may be left on their own, for long periods and not taken out of the house. Their carer may not talk or interact with them unless it is necessary. In these circumstances the child misses out on all the important experiences and interactions that are required in order to enable their lanhuage and communication skills to develop. There are often underlying problems or concerns with children who are delayed due to this issue.

There could be a problem with neglect at home or their carer may be depressed and need help. It is important that these issues are also addressed alongside the support required to assist there language development. Often these children simply require time, care and attention in order to help them progress. The practitioner can help by spending time with the child talking and interacting. They must provide plenty of positive reinforcement and encourage them to interact with others and try new experiences to develop their language skills.

Picture cards and books can also be used to help them express what their needs and increase their vocabulary.

  • Shyness – Some children are simply very shy and do not like talking to people they are not familiar with or clam up in situations or places they are not used to. They have a very good understanding of what is being said to them and going on around them but find it difficult to speak due to shyness and anxiety. The parents may tell you that the child is a chatter box at home where they feel comfortable but the child may not say anything when they are at pre-school.
  • The child will need plenty of encouragement and positive reinforcement from the practitioner in order to help them settle and feel at ease within the setting. The practitioner can support the child by playing alongside them, encouraging them to interact with other children and encouraging other children to interact with them.
  • The child is learning more than one language – Children who are learning more than one language may be slightly slower in learning to talk and communicate. This is because the child has to learn more than one language system.

There are many circumstances in todays’ society where this is now the case. Children come from many different backgrounds. The child parents may speak one language at home such as Chinese which will be the childs home language but then they will be exposed to English when they are at preschool or the childs parents may use 2 languages at home. The childs mother might be French and speak French to the child whereas the Father may be English and only communicate with the mother and child in English.

Children learn through association and absorption therefore it is important that when within the preschool setting the practitioners only use one language to communicate with the child. This enables the child to associate that language with the setting and put what they are learning in to context. It is very important that the setting works with the childs parents to support their learning and ensure that the child has a positive view of both of the languages they are learning. The parents might like to be involved in some of the activities in the setting so that they can see what the child is learning and help to support their development. Learning difficulties such as Autism – There are many different learning difficulties that can occur in children and all will need specialist treatment that is specific to each individual child. Therefore it is important that they are identified early so that the child can receive the help and support they require in order to progress. Early signs of a learning disorder in children are problems pronouncing words, struggling to find the right word, difficulty rhyming, trouble learning the alphabet, numbers, colours, shapes and days of the week and find it difficult to follow directions or learn routines.

Children with autism may have trouble making eye contact, appear disinterested in other people and what is going on around them, find it difficult connecting with people and have problems playing with other children. They may use an abnormal tone of voice, with an odd rhythm or pitch, they may repeat the same words over and over, respond to a question by repeating it instead of answering it and refer to themselves in the third person. Once a delay in a child communication and language skills has been identified it is important they receive the help and support required as soon as possible.

Each setting should have access to a SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) and a EYAT (early years advisory teacher). They should be the first people to be that is contacted once a delay has been identified. They can them come in and carry out observations and assessments of the child in order to help establish the cause of the delay. They can then liase with the Childs parents and the practitioner to discuss what the next steps are and how best to support the child with their development. A referral should be considered if the child is delayed in any of the following areas:

  • Understanding language that is spoken to them
  • Developing the range of speech sounds appropriate for their age
  • Developing the use of words and sentences appropriate for their age

A referral should also be considered for those children that who are not following the normal patterns of development such as:

  • Children who use language inappropriately , for example phrases used in the wrong context or that don’t make sense.
  • Repeating learned chunks of language that have no meaning
  • Children who find it difficult to follow rules or join in with a conversation by looking, taking turns and sharing interest in a subject.

Some children may need to be referred to a speech and language therapist. A speech therapist can help support children with a wide range of communication and language difficulties. Any referrals must be done with the full support and co-operation of parents. The SENCO will also be able to get help from the Early Years support team within Leicestershire. They are there to assist settings with the early identification of children with additional needs and provide support for the child and their families. Once again any referrals must be done with the full support and co-operation of the the parents.

Practitioners should ensure that they include communication and language development within their planning for the setting. The setting should promote good communication and language skills and display their approach to parents so they can help support it within the home environment. There are many ways to promote good communication and language within the setting. All areas within the setting should be clearly labelled with words and pictures to help the children to understand what they are used for. Boxes within the setting should be labelled with pictures to help the child understand what is in them.

Eg. A photo of lego on the box that contains the lego. Pictures and photo cards can also be used to help the children express their needs or to show you what they would like to do. Practitioners should be good role models for the children and ensure that they display good language and communication skills. They should ensure that they listen to the children patiently allowing them time to talk, make good eye contact and sensitively correct children when they use the wrong form of word. Eg “I readed my book” response from practitioner “Oh, you are reading your book”.

Practitioners should ensure they use simple instructions with short sentences that the children can understand. Open questions encourage the children to think and with encouragement help them to extend their vocabulary and improve their sentence structure. There are many play opportunites that the practitioner can use to encourage good language and communication. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to talk allowed as you are playing with the children and provide a commentary on what you are doing. For example if you are playing with the lego you could say “We are building our tower up, it is getting higher and higher.

Oh look the green block is on top. Ben has a square brick , it is red” As you are talking the child will learn from absorption pick up on the words and make the associations with the objects. Books can play a key part in developing in speech and communication skills. Picture books can be used to help the child learn colours, animals, and objects. Storybooks can be used to encourage language development and sentence structure. The practitioner can ask the child open questions such as “What is happening in the picture? ” or “What do you think happened next? ”.

You could even get the child to tell you the story themselves. After reading the story with the child you could then ask them to read the story to you. Although they might not be able to read the words you can see how much they recall from the pictures and how well they listened to you. Roleplay is a brilliant way to encourage imaginative play and increase vocabulary. For instance you could role play a trip to the shops. There could be lots of new language words that you can introduce such as till, basket, shopping trolley, carrots, apples, broccoli, oranges, money, purse, bags etc.

Role play is also a good way to get children to interact and communicate with each other in a fun and interesting way. Songs and rhyming are great way for getting children to listen they are also often help children to remember things. Songs and rhymes use intonation, stress and rhythm which all help with aspects of speech development as they are all skills we use when talking. Some songs also involve actions so they are a great way to help children link words with actions or even body parts Eg The song ‘ Head shoulders knees and toes’.

It is important to remember that all children are individuals and therefor what works for one child may not work for another. That is why practitioners must ensure that there is a wide vareity of play opportuinites available within the setting to ensure they can cater for each childs needs. They should ensure that regular language and communication observations and assessments are carried out on all the children within to enable them to keep track of their development, plan their next steps and identify and signs of a delay as early as possible.

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A detailed lesson plan in speech communication

Can you tell me some of the principles and what It means? Raise your hand If you want to answer. Good! What else? I could sense that you have listen intently on the lesson, do you have any questions Let’s proceed to the next topic. B. MOTIVATION The people on the right side would be group A and the people on the left side would be group B. Then you have to pick 10 volunteers on each group who would participate on our activity. The 10 people are going to play the “Telephone game” are you familiar with this game? Yes, that’s correct.

You should form a straight line and then face the opposite side of your opponent, then the person at the end of the line would whisper a quote and you loud whisper it to the person in front of you until it reaches the person at the beginning of the line and that person would write the message he was told. You can create a strategy of your own as long as it is honest and take note this is a whispering game that is why it should be done quietly, also it should be perfectly copied meaning spelling and punctuations should be regarded. Any group which violates the rules by cheating will be disqualified.

However, listening is different from hearing; can anyone tell me what the difference is? Very well said. Hearing is the process in which sound waves strike the eardrum and cause vibrations that are transmitted to the brain while listening occurs when the brain reconstructs these electrochemical impulses into a representation of the original sound and gives them meaning. So your classmates is right when he said that listening is that your paying attention or giving your complete attention to someone. This is not natural so we have to exert effort and time to master it.

But it’s different sometimes we have “selective hearing” when Mom would yell and say, “throw the garbage. ” You can’t hear but even with a soft voice she would say, “do you want some boon? O can hear it right away. 0 Someone said that to be a good communicator you must first be a good listener. Also, if you would form another word from listen what word would it be that has something to do when you listen? (fly 2nd airplane) Any idea about that? That’s right! When we use the name of that someone it helps us remember it and shows that we are interested with that person. Fly the 3rd airplane) What does that mean to you? Yes, do not go around the bush wasting precious time. You must remember that time is valuable and if you have to say something important you should say it concisely and clearly. Go straight to the point and if ever you commit a mistake don’t make excuses but be willing to admit it. What are the first 3 steps to effective communication? So far so good. (4th airplane) Meaning? Correct! Isn’t it one of the steps is listening you should know when to listen and when to speak. Communication is a two-way street.

Usually this happens when we get too excited to share a similar experience with a friend that we do not really listen to what he is saying. In addition, when one of our friend has a problem and shares it with us, our minds get busy thinking for a solution to that problem without realizing we do to really listen to that friend. (fly 5th airplane) Great! When we talk with someone we should not stare but keep an eye-contact which shows confidence. Keep in mind that 95% of our communication is non-verbal that is why we should also be careful with this aspect as it may send the wrong message to someone. Throw 6th airplane) These are “fillers” such as “Uh,” “mum,” which are unnecessary when we talk. We should also be careful with this because we might bore our listener and send the message that we are not sure of what we are talking about, So what are the 6 steps to effective communication? This is important meaning rapport or harmonious relationship with our audience or listener. When we create an atmosphere of openness it’s like an invitation wherein your listener would feel at ease and that they would not feel threatened or awkward with you.

As the speaker, you should also consider ways to prevent interruptions and be sensitive with it to understand the listener. Do you want to add something else? So what are the 7 steps to effective communication? Cool!! E. APPLICATION Now, let me have the box Vive passed around. I would pick 4 names and those people would go outside the room. Ready? To the group inside the classroom, Just respond to the person who would come inside the room depending on the paper I would post before the participant would strike a conversation.

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Famous Speech Paper

Famous Speech Paper On the 28th of January in 1986 President Ronald Reagan prepares for his State of the Union address to the American people. That same morning seven astronauts better known as the “Challenger Seven”; Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe prepare for their journey on the Space Shuttle Challenger out of space. Unfortunately the shuttle explodes 73 seconds into its flight killing everyone onboard. Within the hour the tragic news spreads across America.

Hours before President Reagan’s state of the union address he decides to change his speech to address American citizens about the catastrophe at hand. This change was ideal because the given situation suited a commemoration speech instead of a state of the union. In this sincere speech President Reagan does an outstanding job in creating one of America’s finest rhetoric. I give President Reagan’s commemorative speech five stars for its outstandingly genuine delivery. Observing this speech it is easy to overlook President Reagan’s limited amount of time he has to prepare.

None the less, he speaks with superb eye contact never looking away from the camera as if his speech is from memory. His personal appearance is what you would expect a president of the United States to wear; dark blue suit with a white handkerchief, matching striped tie and white collared shirt. His movement is that of a professional; sitting upright without shifting his body weight in the chair, having very subtle hand gestures that are hardly noticeable. The volume of his voice coincides with the mood of the country, which was sad and somber. He had little inflection in his voice but avoided being monotone.

President Reagan’s rate of speech was slow and steady but he utilized pauses effectively. The speech was delivered with a vocal variety that matched the situation and overall mood of his audience making this speech remarkable. All of these factors produced one of America’s finest rhetoric. With the speech appearing to be memorized he delivered it effortlessly. President Reagan ends his commemorative speech powerfully using a poetic phrase from “High Flight”. These qualities combined create a five star rhetoric that will be remembered through the ages.

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Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech

The presidential victory speech delivered by Barack Obama who is the president to be was held on November 4, 2008, in Grant Park, Chicago. It is about his won election for the office as the president. I will take a closer look on how Obama emphasizes his speech with stylistic devices. The speech is divided into four parts. The first part is from ll. 1-26, the second from ll. 27- 70, the third from ll. 71-9 and the last from ll. 95-105.

In the first part of the speech Obama uses many stylistic devices. He makes repetitions (“three hours, four hours”, l. 0), (“Blue States”, l. 20, “United States”, l. 21) to underline his ideas and to emphasize that people waited long to have the chance to vote even for the first time (ll. 7-13) and that the USA is one state (ll. 18-21). He also uses a metaphor (“arc of history”, l. 25) to evoke the picture of a unity that hopes together and that believes as one in the American Dream. Obama also refers to the American Dream in the first lines where he wants the audience to think about it and he wants the listeners to ask themselves if they believe in it.

He tries to get the attention by addressing the audience (“If there is anyone out there… ”, l. 1). In addition to that he makes many anaphoras (“who still”, ll. 1,3,4) to underline the importance of the American Dream to the Nation. With an enumeration (ll. 14-17) he shows that everyone not only the rich but also the poor have something to say and have a choice. In the middle section of the speech Obama uses personifications (“… the enormity of the task that lies ahead. ”, l. 40) to point out the importance of the things that have to be done.

With an enumeration (“l. 45) he involves the audience to show them which work they have to expect. Another point is that he uses repetitions (“I will” , ll. 51, 52, 53) and (“There”, l. 50) to make the listeners understand that he will be there for everyone and that he will never leave them with no hope. With a metaphor (“… if Americas beacon still burns as bright-… ”, l. 67) he tries to give the people hope that America will always be the same strong Nation as it was.

The third part starts with an example of a women (ll. 3-79) with which Obama wants the listeners identify with him and wants to show that he is just a human being as everyone else. After the example fallows an enumeration (ll. 80- 82) which emphasizes the strengths with which the women stands for her country because there were many things which she had seen but it is an example which says that she never lost her faith and that everyone else should act like her. The repetition (“New”, l. 86) shows that Obama wants to create something new and wants the audience to feel so, too.

He arouses the audience`s emotions in giving the anaphora “Yes we can” (ll. 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 94, 104) which he uses very often to stabilize the feeling of triumph in the listeners and to make them want to feel supported that they want to and can change something. With another enumerations (ll. 91-92) Obama wants to tell everyone what happened in the world which was from importance and that this little thing a women did (“ And in this year, in this election, she touched her finger on a screen, and cast her vote,… ”, ll. 92. 3) is as important as moving events in the world`s history.

The last part is emphasized by Obama because he gives rhetorical questions (“…, what change will they see? ”, l. 97, “What progress will we have made? ”, ll. 97-98) that should make the people think about what they did, what they changed and what they will change. In the last sentences Obama uses many anaphoras (“ This is our”, l. 99), and repetitions (“to”, ll. 99, 100, 101, “we”, l. 102) to give the importance of his last words and to make the readers listen to what he has to say what is important.

He tries to wake the readers up and wants to give the message of of his speech across. That nobody has to be afraid to loose because if he tries he can win. In the last sentence he thanks the audience in the way if saying that God watches everyone. To say this he uses another repetition (“God”, l. 105) to make the audience clear that he really wants the best for everyone. To conclude Obama wants to make his speech understood and he wants to get his message across by using many stylistic devices and examples where he always refers to the American Dream.

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