Cloud and IoT Systems Security


Cloud-based services and IoT systems are the future of computing and technological innovation. These technologies are currently being developed and implemented on the mass organizational scale, creating various challenges which includes integration security. This report will investigate the fundamental basics of cloud-based and IoT technologies and solutions to various organizational challenges to their adoption.

Cloud-Based Technologies and Services

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet, otherwise known as “the cloud” in this context. It is a model which promotes universal, on-demand, and convenient network access to a shared pool of computing resources. These can be created, supplied, and managed with little effort and does not require service provider interaction (Stallings & Brown, 2018). Cloud computing can include networks, storage, servers, applications, and other services over the Internet.

Cloud-based technologies offer significant benefits such as faster innovation and upgrades, the flexibility of resources and usage, and economies of scale which lower operating or infrastructure costs. The global reach, performance, and cost-efficiency have led to businesses rapidly adopting this technology and its subbranches such as mobile cloud computing (Stergiou, Psannis, Kim, & Gupta, 2016).

The cloud computing model consists of five fundamental characteristics. Broad network access consists of capabilities and access possibilities available through standard mechanisms. Rapid elasticity provides the ability to modify resources based on service requirements. Measured service helps to control and optimize resource use through metering and tracking levels of usage for various services. On-demand self-service implies that a customer should be able to provision computing capabilities without human interaction.

Finally, resource pooling is the pooling of a provider’s computing resources to focus on multiple CSCs through a multi-tenant model that may have dynamic physical and virtual resources (Stallings & Brown, 2018). Cloud service models include software, platformer, and infrastructure as a service. These distinctly identify the primary purpose that a customer may require to use or access the cloud for and management or control of resources underlying the infrastructure.

IoT Technologies and Services

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a relatively new and innovative principle in technology which describes an advanced automation and analytics system through the interconnection of smart devices. It utilizes a wide range of data points from sources such as networking, sensors, AI technology, and big data to deliver systems for a product. The unique flexibility of IoT technologies makes them applicable to any industry where they contribute to transparency, enhanced performance, and greater control.

The potential for IoT is significant as it can have an extensive impact on daily life and behavior of users. The effects would become visible in various contexts such as a private domicile adopting the “smart home” technology. In society and technology, IoT could be used in robotics, e-health, assisted living, and learning processes. Meanwhile, businesses which adopt IoT can experience improvements in areas such as logistics, intelligent transportation, process management, automation and industrial production (Stergiou et al., 2016).

The interconnection of smart devices in IoT can range from appliances to tiny sensors. Currently, the technological process is to embed mobile transceivers into various devices and gadgets, thus allows for communication to be established among them as well as with human users. Progress and development of IoT are driven primarily be deeply embedded devices and sensors The IoT system is what allows to create a universal and interconnected space amongst billions of personal gadgets, household appliances, and industrial objects, all using cloud technology.

Sensor information is delivered from objects allowing them to learn, act depending on commands and environment, and eventually modify functions or behavior accordingly. Large IoT systems can eventually manage complex networks such as factories or cities (Stallings & Brown, 2018). However, the most challenging and underdeveloped aspect of IoT remains network security.


Despite numerous benefits of the cloud computing model, integrational and organizational implementation challenges remain. Such aspects as multi-tenancy and isolation, vendor lock-in, and data management are amongst of many. However highly concerning security issues leave cloud consumers vulnerable. Security management of the cloud is commonly outsourced to a third party, often the one that hosts all of an organization’s IT assets.

However, this results in the critical loss of control. Furthermore, there may a co-existence of different organizations’ clouds on the same server, but neither is aware of the strength of security protocols. There are commonly no security guarantees between cloud providers and consumers, which leads to a significant risk of storing sensitive information on public infrastructure. All types of cloud-based services are vulnerable to data security threats due to the nature of cloud computing systems that imply storage, management, and access methods which are easily accessed through various resources while only having a small layer of protection such as CML (Ali, Khan, & Vasilakos, 2015).

The main challenge to IoT implementation is security. Due to the newness of the IoT principles and technology, security is not currently paramount in product design. Encryption algorithms are also a problem as public key cryptosystems are used for authorization systems but there is a lack of global root certificate authority (Stergiou et al., 2016). Furthermore, public key cryptosystems suffer from increased computational overhead.

Object identification is a challenge since it is vital to ensure the integrity of records in naming architecture. The most commonly used Domain Name System (DNS) is vulnerable to attacks through a DNS cache poisoning. Finally, privacy is of utmost concern since IoT collects significant amounts of data, both personally and business-sensitive. The difficulties continue with data collection policy which guides the types and amount of information gathered as well as how it is stored. Meanwhile, data anonymization ensures there is cryptographic protection for data relations. Often guidelines and proper security for these aspects are overlooked (Zhang et al., 2014).


For cloud computing, securing the communication patterns and networks can be achieved through a combination of virtual LANs, IDS, IPS, and firewalls which would allow protecting data while in transit. These tools in combination with strict access management can achieve protect by ensuring visibility and monitoring of traffic. Furthermore, recently developed Advanced cloud protect systems (ACPS) can neutralize attacks by diving into multiple modules throughout the host platform and detecting suspicious activity.

Finally, complex identity and access management systems allow providing a monitored gateway for any cloud-computing stakeholders. A robust identity management system covers all data with corresponding identity context parameters. It may be viable to consider a tradeoff of performance for security optimization. Adaptative security controls based on expected threat level can help manage performance drops. Finally, a federation of security protocols amongst the clouds or integrated cloud resources is vital. The security requirements must be enforced on all included clouds (Ali et al., 2015).

In IoT, object identification can be managed by employing security extensions to the DNS framework such as DNSSEEC that would ensure the authenticity of resource records and serve as a tool for distribution cryptographic keys. The issue of vulnerable cryptosystems can be potentially resolved through delegated authorization as well as methods to eliminate backdoor through dynamic analysis technique.

This would ensure interface and the intermediate layer are dependent on different systems. Privacy can be potentially mitigated by creating a system that would assign various levels of cryptographic protection depending on a devices’ resource constraints and one that would attempt to remove the direct connect between data and its owner through encryption and scrambling (Zhang et al., 2014).


Ali, M., Khan, S. U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2015). Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, 305, 357-383. Web.

Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2018). Computer security: Principles and practice (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Stergiou, C., Psannis, K. E., Kim, B.-G., & Gupta, B. (2016). Secure integration of IoT and cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78(3), 964-975. Web.

Zhang, Z., Cho, M. C., Wang, C., Hsu, C., Chen., C., & Shieh, S. (2016). IoT security: Ongoing challenges and research opportunities. In 2014 IEEE 7th international conference on service-oriented computing and applications (pp. 230-234). Matsue, Japan: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

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GenRays Company’s Project Management

Human Resources Information System

Project purpose

GenRays has implemented a financial management system that has greatly contributed to success in its financial management. In a bid to enhance its performance in human resource management, GenRays intends to implement a new Human Resource Information System (HRIS). HRIS involves a computerized management system that assists human resource managers to collect, organize, update, store, and retrieve employee information. Consequently, the HR manager is in a position to undertake effective employee management. The HRIS will assist GenRays in its performance management efforts.

Firstly, the firm’s employees will be given an opportunity to track their career progress. By accessing the HRIS, employees will also be in a position to perform other HR functions using the electronic documents saved in the systems. Consequently, the wait time to receive conventional paper is eliminated. The elimination of the manual documentation process will also contribute towards improvement in the level of organizational productivity, which will emanate from an increment in the time allocated to other projects. For example, the firm’s HR manager will focus on other important responsibilities focused on attaining organizational objectives. Therefore, the system will not only save employee time, but will also be more cost effective for the firm, which means that employees can be in a position to design their career development plans on the basis of the information stored in the HRIS database.

On the other hand, GenRays will be capable of undertaking various human resource management tasks more effectively. A high degree of transparency will be attainable in the recruitment process. The system will improve transparency by allowing employees to view and apply vacant positions in the organization. Additionally, the firm’s payroll management activities will improve tremendously. The new HRIS system will provide the firm with an opportunity to undertake payroll tasks activities automatically. Expense checks and paychecks will be processed automatically, which is relatively faster and easier hence cost effective. In the event of a mistake, it will be relatively easy for the firm to make adjustments using the auto-pay option. By accessing the system, employees will be informed on possible changes that the firm might have implemented on the payment options. Implementing the HRIS will also contribute towards the firm being more efficient in its recruitment process. The firm will be in a position to undertake effective online recruitment by selecting only the qualified candidates hence saving time and money. The need to attain the above purposes has stimulated the firm’s effort to implement the new HRIS. It is the firm’s objective that the new HRIS will positively influence work-life.

Project management knowledge areas

Project management knowledge areas Recommended tools Justification for tool
Project integration management Development of a cultural-fit-analysis tool Cultural analysis tool will aid in determining the degree to which the employees will accept the new HRIS.
Cultural analysis is appropriate in order to determine the degree to which the software will be utilized.
Project scope management Designing the project scope plan The plan will aid in determining the boundaries to which the project will apply.
Project time management Development of a time management plan Time management will aid in ensuring that the project is completed within the set timeframe.
Project human resource management
  • Development of a comprehensive employee-training program
  • -Designing an effective project team
  • The training program will aid in ensuring that project team members are effectively trained on how to engage in implementation of the new HRIS
  • Teamwork design will contribute towards idea sharing hence increasing the probability of the project succeeding
Project quality management
  • A high degree of employee involvement
  • Development of an effective training program
  • Incorporation of an effective leadership mechanism
  • Adoption of factual approach in the process of making decisions
Factual approach will aid in ensuring that the decision made is valid.
Project communication management Development of a communication plan Communication plan will ensure that all the stakeholders involved in implementation of the new HRIS are effectively informed on its progress. Communication plan will eliminate project breakdown.
Project procurement
  • Designing a detailed procurement plan
  • Development of procurement contract
  • Procurement plan will aid in ensuring that GenRays procures the best HRIS.
  • The procurement contract will ensure that both the HRIS vendor and GenRays adhere to the end of their obligations in implementation of the software.
Project risk management Risk management plan The risk management plan will outline the various risks that the project manager expects to experience. Some of these risks relate to system configuration challenges and limited utilization by the employees.
Project cost management Cost management plan The cost management plan will entail undertaking cost budgeting, cost control, and resource planning.

Project description

The new system will enable GenRays to undertake career tracking. Therefore, it will be possible for the firm to determine whether its employees’ career progresses align with the firm’s goals. Moreover, the system will improve transparency of the recruitment process in addition to promoting equal employment opportunities. The system will also enhance provision of equal employment opportunity by improving the employees’ ability to identify and apply for vacant positions in the organization.

On the other hand, by tracking the employees’ career progress, GenRays will be in a position to ensure that qualified personnel fill the vacant positions. Consequently, the firm will improve its competitiveness with regard to human capital. The HRIS will also focus at automating its payroll hence reducing mistakes such as double entry that the firm has previously experienced. Additionally, the firm will be capable of making its payroll management activities more effective, which will be attainable via integrating the new payroll system with the employee self-service system [ESS], hence enabling the firm track employee attendance and time, and thus ultimately attain its goals.

The implementation of the financial system has considerably improved the firm’s saving ability. The firm projects that the implementation of the HRIS will extensively improve the firm’s savings. The savings will be invested in projects that will fuel the firm’s growth and expansion hence improving its workplace conditions. The savings may be invested in employee training projects hence promoting employee growth and development.

Project objective

This project aims at achieving a number of objectives as outlined below.

  1. To improve and modernize management of employee information
  2. To improve the rate of employee retention by making the workplace more comfortable
  3. To improve the effectiveness with which employees receive and share information

Success Criteria or Expected Benefits

The firm expects to achieve a number of benefits by implementing the new system. The new system will contribute towards improvement in a number of human resources management roles as outlined below.

  1. The firm’s recruitment process will improve significantly. The system will make the recruitment process broad by undertaking online recruitment; therefore, the probability of the firm hiring qualified personnel will also improve. Online recruitment will make the process cost-effective and timesaving.
  2. The system will enable the personnel manager to undertake his or her calculation on employee benefits automatically hence saving time and money.
  3. The system will improve the effectiveness with which GenRays undertakes human resource planning activities. The system will increase the firm’s savings due to its auto-fill functionality. Employees will complete the necessary HR management files automatically.

Project funding

The budget for the entire project will be determined through an appropriation method. The project manager expects the cost of the project to remain constant in the entire course of its implementation. GenRays appreciates the fact that the implementation of such a project will consume a substantial amount of money. Consequently, the firm’s Finance Department has set aside $103,000 in its annual budget to foresee the implementation of the HRIS project. This amount also includes all the procurement that will be undertaken.

Major Deliverables

The main deliverables intended to be achieved in this project include the development of a comprehensive work package detailing the project activities and expected outcome at various stages. In addition to work package, another major deliverable for the project will entail the attainment of a high rate of utilization for the new HRIS. Other deliverables in the project will include the necessary recruitment requirements, development of an effective project analysis, and monitoring tool coupled with the development of a career self-service module by the employee, which will allow employees to track their performance.

Project scope management

Project scope management constitutes an important component of project planning. The objective of scope management is to ensure that the desired outcomes are attained. Effective designing of a project scope contributes towards the attainment of a high level of satisfaction amongst the target group. According to Ghuman (2010), project scope outlines the extent to which various project activities are undertaken. In the process of project scope management, it is important for project managers to ensure that the project is divided into small, manageable, and deliverable components.

Scope management also entails authorization of a particular project with the relevant authority. A scope statement detailing the foundation upon which future decisions related to the project will be made is also formulated at this phase. Some of the parties involved in the formulation of project scope include the steering committee and sponsors.

Customer requirements and characteristics

Upon the implementation of the project, employees expect that it will contribute towards the improvement of their performance management activities. Employees will be in a position to assess their performance and thus develop an effective personal development plan. Tracking their performance will play an important role in promoting employee satisfaction hence their continued existence in the organization. Currently, the firm does not have an effective human resource information system. Employees are not in a position to access information regarding their job performance. Therefore, employees require a system that can assist them to engage in self-service.

The firm’s employees require GenRays to be effective in undertaking monitoring and reporting mechanisms, which underscores the only way that the firm can be in a position to undertake employee development. In the course of their operation, employees require GenRays to be effective in undertaking performance review management. Additionally, employees require the organization to be effective in its compensation processes.

Statement of work

Kerzner (2009) defines statement of work to a statement that describes the activity to be undertaken in order to attain the desired project deliverables. Alternatively, statement of work provides a description of the activities to be undertaken in the procurement process. The implementation of the HRIS will hinge on the need to ensure that GenRays improves its functionality with regard to human resource management. A well-configured human resource information software and hardware will be paramount to ensure that the system functions appropriately. In the initiation stage, the system will be launched in the firm’s headquarters prior to being rolled to other stations. The implementation period is expected to take 6 months starting immediately after the project is approved. It is expected that all work must be completed within the set duration. However, any adjustments on the duration within which the project should take will be made formally. All the parties involved in the contracting process will be involved in reviewing the process.

During the project implementation phase, the vendor will assume the responsibility of ensuring that the necessary tasks to ensure that the system is implemented successfully. This move will aid in minimizing the probability of the project failing. The project manager will be required to develop a comprehensive project plan outlining the training plan, the transition plan, the work breakdown structure, and the timing schedule.

Project assumptions

In the process of implementing a particular project, one of the main aspects that must be taken into account includes taking into account a number of assumptions as stated below:

  1. One of the major assumptions in implementing this project is that GenRays will undertake the entire project including training of the candidates. This goal will be realizable by providing the necessary financial and non-financial resources to foresee the implementation of the project. It is also expected that the project will be successfully implemented.
  2. It is also assumed that the firm will undertake future maintenance of the HRIS system.
  3. In a bid to ensure that the project has the most effective HRIS system, it is assumed that the market has a substantial number of HRIS vendors for GenRays to select from in its selection. The vendors are also expected to assist in the configuration and implementation of the software to ensure that it attains full functionality. One of the aspects that will be taken into account in the process of configuring the software will entail aligning the software to its human resource needs.
  4. In a bid to ensure that the new HRIS is fully implemented, it is expected that the Project Manager will receive approval from the necessary authorities.

Project risk

Project managers must be prepared for possible problems that might occur in the implementation process. Consequently, project managers must appreciate the existence of risk in the project implementation process. Proactive risk identification is paramount in designing solutions to counter identified risks and challenges. Some of the main sources of risk in the process of implementing the project relate to time constraints, budget loss, resource conflicts, lack of utilization by the target users, and system configuration challenges. The project manager must develop mechanisms to mitigate the risks that occur. The specific risks expected in the process of implementing this project are outlined below.

Budget loss

Similar to other software implementation processes, the project manager is cognizant of the fact that the allocated budget for its implementation might not be sufficient. This aspect means that the firm might experience shortage of finances. Budget loss is a major risk in project implementation. Considering the fact that the new human resource information system is a new concept to GenRays, the firm might not purchase the required materials in totality, which means that the project will experience an additional cost. Additionally, failure to purchase the required resources may result in poor software configuration. Consequently, the firm might not fully accrue the intended benefits due to the possibility of errors in the firm’s day-to-day operations.

In a bid to deal with this challenge, the project manager will ensure that the project requirements are clearly defined. Moreover, the project will be characterized as “Top Project” in the firm’s operation, which will ensure that the project is considered as of strategic value. By giving the project a high strategic value, the risk of the budget being compromised will reduce significantly. In addition to the above issues, the following aspects will be taken into account in order to eliminate budget risk. All the project requirements will be purchased 2 months prior to the project initiation.


This risk occurs if the total cost of implementing the project is larger than what was earlier forecasted. In a bid to eliminate this risk, Microsoft Excel software will be used in determining the actual cost. This aspect will aid in eliminating possible calculation error. Additionally, it will be ensured that the most effective cost method of cost estimation is utilized. Consequently, clear budget estimates will be determined.

Resource conflict

The project manager cannot eliminate the occurrence of resource conflict. Such an occurrence can adversely affect implementation of project. In extreme situation, resource conflict might result in the entire project being deferred. Consequently, the project manager will ensure that effective Microsoft Project software is implemented to aid in effective software allocation. A contingency fund will also be set aside to ensure the mitigation of resource conflict. In the event of the project experiencing workforce shortage, the necessary personnel will be outsourced.

Time conflicts

In most cases, projects experience time conflicts regardless of their size or complexity. Time conflicts emanate from ineffective time allocation. The occurrence of time conflicts results in the project being delayed, which might limit the attainment of the intended objective. In an attempt to mitigate this risk, a number of steps will be taken into account. Firstly, Microsoft Project Server will be used in managing the entire project, which will facilitate in identifying the most important critical paths, lags, and slacks. Considering the fact that numerous organizations are increasingly implementing HRIS, the project manager can take advantage of the tremendous amounts of data available in mitigating time conflict. The project manager will undertake a comprehensive review of the entire project in order to ensure that it aligns with the set timeline.

System configuration challenges

Considering the fact that the HRIS system is a new concept to GenRays, the firm faces the risk of the system being poorly configured. Poor configuration may arise from the fact that employee may not have sufficient knowledge regarding the new software. Additionally, the best system practice will be incorporated by ensuring that effective data documentation is followed. The data documentation from the HRIS vendor will exclusively be used in undertaking system configuration.

Failure of the new system to meet the intended needs

The project manager foresees a situation whereby the new software may fail to attain the intended objective. In such a situation, the entire project may not be launched or may be launched ineffectively. Such an occurrence may affect the employees’ morale and productivity severely. Additionally, the probability of employees supporting such a project in the future will be limited. Therefore, to deal with this constraint, the project manager will undertake a comprehensive need analysis definition, which will aid in ensuring that the project team has a comprehensive understanding of what the project targets to attain. Need analysis definition will be realizable by conducting a brainstorming session with the relevant parties. Additionally, mitigation steps will be undertaken by formulating mechanism for the firm to engage in a long-term need analysis.

System lack of buy-in

The project may also experience a challenge emanating from an ever-present risk whereby the targeted parties [GenRays employees] may fail to buy the idea. In a bid to eliminate this challenge, a number of steps should be taken and they include implementation of a comprehensive training plan, development of a training manual, which will be presented using PowerPoint, and undertaking a comprehensive system review with the relevant staff. The training plan will ensure that employees appreciate the importance of the new system and hence its implementation. All the project members will receive a training manual in order to familiarize with the system as project implementation progresses.

In the attempt to manage possible risk that might occur in the implementation process, a scale of 5 points has been developed based on their likelihood, detection difficulty, and their impact. The chart below illustrates a summary of the possible risk event.

Risk event Probability Impact Difficulty in detecting the risk Instant at which the risk is identified.
Budget loss 1 5 1 Project scope definition phase
Resource conflict 2 3 1 System configuration and training phase
System configuration 3 4 3 Training and configuration phase
System buy in 2 4 3 Training and configuration phase
Time conflict 3 5 2 Configuration
Inability to meet the desired need 2 3 3 Launch
System buy-in 2 3 4 Launch phase

Project constraints

In the process of implementing projects, it is difficult to eliminate constraints. Consequently, the project manager will experience a number of constraints. One of the major constraints that the project manager will experience relates to the existence of time and financial constraints. Project implementation requires a substantial amount of finances. Consequently, an organization implementing a particular project is expected to ensure that enough money for the project is allocated in its budget.

However, the amount allocated in the budget may not be enough due to economic changes. Therefore, the amount that an organization might have allocated may deviate due to such occurrences. In such situations, the project manager should ensure that a contingency plan exists to counter such unforeseen events. This move will minimize the probability of project failure. However, it is assumed that GenRays will provide sufficient funds to ensure that the project does not stall. GenRays expects that the project will be operational within one year. However, this milestone might not be attainable in the event of the configuration challenges. As a result, the due date for completion will have to be adjusted.

Project deliverables

Project deliverables refer to the various outputs that must be attained in order to complete a certain task. Project deliverables vary from project to project and can include a product, a prototype, or a detailed design document. When implementing the HRIS project, GenRays intends to achieve a number of deliverables which as outlined below.

Need analysis document

This document will outline what GenRays intends to achieve by implementing the new HRIS.

Development of a training program

In a bid to increase the rate at which the new HRIS system will be utilized, the firm will ensure that an effective training program is created. A detailed training manual outlining the activities to be undertaken in the training program will be created. The training program will incorporate various parties such as the workforce and employees in the management levels. The training will mainly focus on how to utilize the new system. Some of the aspects that will be taken into account relate to how to use the new HRIS to make non-routine decision. Additionally, employees will also receive training on how to utilize artificial intelligence, which will be attainable via training on expert systems. The training will aim to improving the extent to which the new system is utilized. Additionally, the project manager will ensure that the training program is effectively designed in order to eliminate possibility of employees being overburdened with information hence reducing their understanding.

Launching of the training program

Upon completing developing the training program, the project manager will ensure that actual training is conducted on all employees. The training will be undertaken using PowerPoint presentations and manuals. The essential deliverable in launching the training program will be to ensure that the candidates are fully trained.

Selection of HRIS vendor

In a bid to ensure that the most effective HRIS technology is implemented; the best HRIS vendor will be selected. The vendor will be selected by evaluating the performance of their HRIS implemented by other organizations. Effective vendor selection will increase the probability of HRIS succeeding upon its implementation.

System configuration

An effective system configuration will be undertaken. The effectiveness with which system configuration is undertaken will determine initiation of the data migration phases. In this step, the most important deliverable is to ensure that the system is totally configured and ready to be used.

Completion of data migration

Once the system is fully configured, GrenRays will ensure that all data relating to employees in the old system is fully transferred to the new system. At this stage, the key deliverable will include full transfer of employee data.

Launching of the HRIS

The firm will ensure that the new HRIS is initiated in accordance with the set time and budget.

Project acceptance criteria

Prior to implementing the project, a comprehensive analysis of its impact will be conducted. The analysis will evaluate its long-term and short-term effects in order to determine its effectiveness. In the analysis phase, the firm will conduct an employee survey. Additionally, an annual review of the project will be conducted in order to determine its compliance with the firm’s Human Resource Management policies. The project will be considered a success if the new HRIS increases the effectiveness with which position control is attained. Most human resource information systems implemented by the firm’s management teams conventionally track their employees’ performance based on their name, which is quite ineffective. If the new HRIS increases the firm’s ability to analyze employees’ performance based on their job title and salary grade, it will be considered as a successful project. Additionally, the project will be considered a success if it improves a firm’s recruiting capabilities. The project acceptance criteria will also hinge on the degree to which the employees utilize the system in reviewing their performance.

Work Breakdown Structure

In a bid to ensure that the project is implemented successfully and effectively, the project manager will ensure that the project is broken down into manageable components. The constituent parts of the project will be assigned to specific project team members. However, the project manger will ensure that the constituent parts can be effectively integrated into the whole project. Additionally, the constituent parts must be measurable. The following entails the work breakdown structure of this project.


Schwalbe (2010) asserts that projects should have clearly defined milestone in order to assess its success. However, this aspect requires a substantial amount of time, resources, and numerous activities. In the process of establishing milestones, it is important for the project manager to ensure that all the necessary activities are identified. This aspect underscores the importance of effective determination the intended milestone. In the process of implementing the new HRIS, the following milestones are expected to be attained:

  1. Increase in the rate at which the new HRIS technology is utilized by both the employees and the top management. The new HRIS is expected to increase the rate at which the new system assists employees in their career development efforts.
  2. Increased in the effectiveness at which the new HRIS is utilized in undertaking internal communication.
  3. Improving in the level employee satisfaction and hence organizational identification, and this aspect will contribute towards a decline in the rate of employee turnover. The improvement in organizational identification and employee satisfaction will enhance organizational identification considerably. The ultimate effect is that the organization will attain a high level of productivity.
  4. The project manager intends to attain a high level of task-technology fit by implementing the new HRIS.

Project approval

Prior to its implementation, the project plan will be sent to a number of parties for approval. One of the stakeholder groups that will approve the project includes GenRays management team. On the other hand, the opinion of the selected vendor will also be sought in order to determine its applicability in the organization.

Project resources

In the course of its implementation, sufficient human and financial capital resources are required. With regard to human resource, the firm will source human capital from both within and without the organization. A strong project team will be selected amongst GenRays members. The selection criteria will be based on their past project performance, level of education, and years of experience. The project team will be selected from various departments in order to ensure that it is inclusive. Additionally, a number of well-experienced consultants specifically from the vendor will also be incorporated in the project team. This move will aid in improving knowledge sharing amongst employees. Every project team member will be assigned a specific responsibility in accordance with his or her skills and level of experience. The chart below illustrates some of the project team members who will be incorporated in the HRIS implementation process.

Labor Resource Description No of years employed in GenRays
Shannon, Marketing Research Has MBA with emphasis in marketing.
Has experience with CRM systems.
Bailey, Marketing Communications Uses a CRM system for communications management 3
Ryan, Sales, Spokane Uses a spreadsheet to keep track of sales staff addresses and important dates
Was part of team to define and implement the centralized system for finance, purchasing, logistics, and accounting?
Chris, Sales, Sacramento Has 10 years of prior experience working with CRM systems. 7
Cameron, Accounting Was in charge of payroll at prior position
Was team lead to define and implement the finance and accounting portions of the centralized system for finance, purchasing, logistics, and accounting
Amari, Buildings & Facilities Maintains the time card clocks at each site and the time cards 15
Alex, Human Resources, HQ Manages the training record
Tries to record certifications the employees have gotten on their own. Was in the team that was charged with the responsibility of implementing a system that would facilitate different functional aspects of the firm
Jamie, Human Resources, Mfg Site 1 Works with attendance and payroll
Records performance review data in file cabinets.
Recruits interns and potential employees to work with HR office
Logan, Human Resources, Mfg Site 2 Recruits interns and potential employees to work with HR office
Communicating with employees for effective running of the firm especially at the manufacturing plants

Project scheduling

Projects should be implemented within the set timeframe in order to achieve the intended goal. Failure to adhere to the set period may result in the intended goal being missed. Additionally, project scheduling is important in that it aids in eliminating cost increment in the course of implementing the project. According to Satzinger and Burd (2008), projects experience cost increment due to changes in the macro-environment, for example, the global economic recession experienced in 2007-2008. This aspect underscores the importance of organizations undertaking effective time management.

In an effort to attain the intended project goal, the project manager will ensure that a clear definition of the activities is undertaken, which will aid in the process of undertaking time allocation. The project manager will ensure that the project schedule is controlled effectively. Possible changes in the schedule will be effectively adjusted.

The various activities that will be undertaken in a quest to ensure that the new HRIS software is effectively implemented are illustrated in the Gnatt Chart below. Additionally, the expected timeframe within which the activities will be implemented have been clearly illustrated.

Project activity 1st-15thMarch 16-30 March 1-15 April 16-30 April 1-15 May
Project Initiation – searching the vendors and development of a project team X
Project definition- Development of a clear project definition for the involved stakeholders to understand and project definition will entail outlining the project plans.
Gaining approval from the from the firm’s top management.
System’s evaluation and selection in order to determine the most effective system and some of the areas that will be evaluated relate to knowledge management such as the transaction support functionality. X X X
Development of a communication plan X X
Systems configuration X
Testing the system X
System integration X
Free-launch system training X
Data migration X
Systems launch X
Designing systems support X

Activity definition

The following activities will be undertaken in implementation of the projects.

Deliverables and milestones

  1. Clear definition of the HRIS vendors
  2. Selection and evaluation of HRIS vendors
  3. Integration of the HRIS system with the old system
  4. Setting up and configuration of the new HRIS
  5. Pre-launching training program
  6. Launching the HRIS system
  7. Implementation of post-launch training

Technical requirement

  1. Configuration of all the organizations computers with the new HRIS parameters
  2. Incorporation of application service provider
  3. Configuration of security systems

Activity duration

The project manager expects the following project activities to be completed within the set period. However, in the event of any deviations, the project manager will ensure that the necessary adjustments are made.


Project scheduling is an important component of project management. Project scheduling enables organizations to implement the intended project effectively. This aspect emanates from the fact that project scheduling enables the project manager to develop a comprehensive and understandable insight of the project and the activities to be undertaken. Scheduling will also provide the project manager with an opportunity to ensure that the project is completed within the set timeframe, which increases the probability of the project manager successfully implementing the project. Additionally, project scheduling also provides the project manager with an opportunity to evaluate the various activities to be undertaken and hence developing an effective project implementation plan.

Project scheduling will also assist the project manager with an opportunity to identify and determine the volume of workload. This aspect will increase the effectiveness with which the various project tasks are undertaken. In addition to this element, project scheduling will enable project managers to determine and track the project implementation progress. This goal is achievable by evaluating the project milestone. Additionally, project scheduling incorporates graphical features such as Gnatt chart whereby the various work assignments are outlined. By designing a communication plan, project scheduling will ensure that the entire project implementation is undertaken with a high degree of collaboration from the various stakeholders.

Additionally, system’s evaluation and selection will aid in the determining the most effective HRIS technology to implement. Therefore, one can assert that the process of project scheduling contributes towards the entire project being more manageable. Effective definition of project activities and setting the time within which the tasks will be completed aids in improving the degree of success, which arises from the fact that the entire project is kept on track. Effective understanding of the tasks and the timeframe for their completion will keep the project manager focused. Project scheduling and activity definition play an important role in project implementation with regard to cost management. This assertion emanates from the fact that it provides a clue on how to estimate cost and time. Therefore, project scheduling play an important role in project planning at various stages.

In a bid to increase the probability of its usability, effective systems configuration and implementation is necessary, which highlights the importance of the project manager ensuring that optimal training on employees is undertaken. The training program should be implemented prior to and after implementation of the project. Employee training will increase the chances of employees supporting the project. Considering the diverse activities that the project manager is required to undertake, it is estimated that the $ 103, 000 allocated to the project might not be sufficient. Consequently, it is important for GenRays’ management team to develop a contingency budget, which will aid in preventing the entire project coming to a halt.

Reference List

Ghuman, K. (2010). Management: Concepts, practice, and cases. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill.

Kerzner, H. (2009). Project management a systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.

Satzinger, J., & Burd, S. (2008). Systems analysis and design in a changing world. Cambridge, UK: Course Technology.

Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information technology project management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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Scientific Innovations

Scientific innovations and inventions have created new business environments; a number of software accustomed to a certain organization or purposes in an organization are continually being developed. On the other hand, organizations are facing dynamic business environment; characterized by information sharing, knowledge management, process automation, shortening product life cycle, and international trade. All these new elements of modern market are facilitated by technological development (Lale and Arzu, 2007).

To remain competitive in the dynamic business environment, organizations need to be creative and innovative. The world is recovering from global financial crisis, which started in the year 2007, to remain in business and probably grow, process, products, and strategy innovations must be embarked on (Keith, 2003). Projects are temporary engagements that have three main stages, beginning, maturity and end, to effectively end, having attained the set objectives and goals of the project, project managers must have developed strategies for effective implementation.

Current project-based organizations focus on creativity in allocating the resources, project analyzing, scientific project management and use of computerized project management systems to ensure that they make the best choice of project to implement as well as devise appropriate project management systems United Arab Emirates has embarked on major industrialization. The growth in the economy has been facilitated further by international trade where the country is a major player.

In this effect, the country has a number of companies implementing different portfolio managements systems. This research paper discusses problems faced by UAE domestic and foreign companies when using PPM to manage their portfolios; it will evaluate the general performance of PPM implementation and seek to establish the linkage with portfolio management problems and PPM tool implemented.

In the recent past, organizations across the world have adopted various Portfolio and Program management (PPM) plans: the project policy to adopt depends with the particular project that the company has, it also varies with the industry of a company. PPM programs are structured in a way that they can allow for different activities in an organization to run concurrently without affecting each other. Those areas of a program that needs to be operated in a mutually exclusive manner are monitored and controlled as so while those that successor or precede others are recognized. PPM uses lead-time and resource utilization policies to ensure that the available resources are distributed to different activities effectively.

Capital projects involves the investments of large sums of money to purchase assets like machinery, land or to build a factory; when undertaking such programs PPM assists an organization monitor how money and resources have been allocated and utilized in an organization. Before embarking on a project, PPM has tools that assist the management gauge the chances that the project will successes. It gauges the risk rate and the uncertainty that certain program will yield the expected gains. When a company has the dilemma of which project to invest in, when there are a number of mutually exclusive projects to implement, then PPM has the tools to clear such dilemmas.

When implementing a project, there are some set objectives and goals that the project is expected to fulfill; the fulfillment of these objectives aligns the program with organizational goals and objectives. PPM assists in correct balancing and maximizing the value of the projects so as it can meet the expectation of an organization and stakeholders (Miia Martinsuo, Paivi Lehtonen, 2007).

Project managers have the role of ensuring that a set program meets its obligations, they are mandated with the task on condition regular appraisals to ensure that the project is on track. Success of project is dependent with the management that is adopted; for a successful portfolio management, a scientific management system should be implemented. Scientific management system relies on project managers’ to develop policies and measures to have efficiency in their companies (Ralf Muller, and Rodney Turner, 2007).

Literature review

In the literature, there are different terms used to refer to PPM, they include programme management and multi-project management.

Cooper, Edgett and Kleinshmidt (1999) defined the portfolio management as a continuous process where current programs are improved as new ones are developed. It offers a chance to have some projects in him beginning stage and others at maturity stage: what is very important is that all the projects can be operated at the same time without conflict of interest or fauvism of one set than the other.

Projects, which are interdependent, are managed together while those that are mutually exclusive are initiated at different times to enhance maximum utility of company’s resources. When managing a portfolio, management should be open to consider and note changes brought about by varying factors affecting the business. Portfolio is faced with uncertainties, risks and changes in dynamic opportunities. Being open minded is a virtue in project management that assists a manager to make strategic and responsive decisions based on reports from periodical reviews, performance of contrasting and interdependent projects.

In their book, Dye and Pennypacker, 1999, defined project portfolio appropriate strategies developed to ensure that scarce resources are utilized in their optimal state. They were of the opinion that the major role that portfolio manager should do is to allocate resources in an optimal combination. The success of a project is highly dependent on how resources have been distributed in the available options. An effective management will offer maximum results ate minimal cost and less wastage. At any one, there are different areas that a company can invents its resources in, the major role that the manager should consider is the investment that will offer the company the highest return and probably the area that have minimal risk and is certain that there will be returns.

In whichever the portfolio that accompany maintains, there are some underlying objectives that the company would like to attain; they include, add value to portfolio, align the portfolio goals and objectives to those of the company and diversify the available resources in an optimal manner. To have these core objectives attained project manager need to keep his portfolio active and conduct timely reviews to maintain its efficiency and continuity in the right way (Cooper, Edgett and Kleinschmidt, 1999)

Archer and Ghasemzadeh (1999a, 1999b) explained the project portfolio as the resultant appraisable element that results from the performance of micro project in an organisation that aims at building to the whole. Turner and Muller (2003) had a similar opinion and suggested that every project has some small units that need to be managed rather separately but they have their goal aligned to the goal of the larger project. When managing a portfolio, the main area of concern should be the micro projects, as their full operation will have a direct effect on the project.

Patrick Tickle, vice president of products for Planview, Inc. explains that the portfolio management as ” it’s about optimizing your business strategy against you two most precious fundamental resources: your people and your money.” Lawrence S. Gould (2009)

Don Wessels (2007) was of the opinion that when developing and designing a portfolio, measures should be taken to ensure that the project undertaken is the beneficial one; having the project at hand, then the role of project manager comes in to ensure that processes in the projects are operated in the right way. Through portfolio manager need to be involved in the initialisation stage of a project, the main task that befalls him is in the management of the portfolio; he must ensure that the portfolio is in line with the organisation’s expectations.

Cooper, Edgett and Kleinshmidt (2000) mentioned in their working paper no. nine emphasised the need to understand one’s potential and aim at utilizing it to the best interest of the organisation. Both physical and human resources should be managed effectively in all projects so as the projects can be successful. How well a company managed its capital, both human and other wise goes long way giving portfolios successes.

PPM allows the use of computer-generated solutions to optimal allocation of resources; some programs that are designed to formulate optimal allocations, thus a portfolio manager should use such programs but not fully depend on them (Bruce Miller, 2002). The following are the main objectives of

Project portfolio management

  1. To ensure that micro projects in the larger projects are effectively managed to expand the benefit of the projects’ outcomes.
  2. To ensure that a projects objective is aligned with an organization’s objectives (Tomas and Ralf, 2006)

A survey conducted by IRI members Portfolio management has reinforced the role played by PPM policies and suggested the following roles:

  1. Financially – it maximums corporate returns from research and development projects
  2. gives a company a competitive edge
  3. an efficient tool in resources allocation
  4. bridges the gap between project selection and business strategy
  5. keeps a business focused
  6. it is a tool for priority balancing
  7. A tool of objectivity in project selection (Cooper, 1999)

Project Portfolio set up, Projects selection phases and processes and their impact on PPM efficiency

Few studies explore the linkage between strategy, project portfolio management and business success; however, Muller et al. (2008) showed a positive correlation between a project and the success of organizational objectives, mission, vision and goals. Further studies Have suggested theta project success is a product of project prioritization and initialization; if initialization was effectively done, then there are high chances theta the project will be a success (Sascha Meskendahl, 2010) see figure I for a general frame work of a portfolio:

Artto K. L. (2001) observes PPM to be revolving around three main areas: portfolio evaluation, choosing the best alternative, and monitoring of the project. In either the stage/process, there are tools developed for the same so as the right decision is made; an efficient portfolio selection, management and monitoring process look into the current, situation, the future tread and the likelihood that there will be occurrences that will make the project fail (Maio, Verganti and Corso, 1994). Portfolio management is not a onetime process; it goes along with the project until the end (Nkasu and Leung, 1997).

Initiation is the first stage in portfolio management, at this stage, the scope and nature of a project is determined; when the stage is not effectively done, chances that the project will not meet its proprietor’s goals and objectives are minimal. At this stage, the project manager should ensure that he understands all underlying factors that are likely to affect the project, factors affecting a project may be positive or negative, and they may emanate from inside a company or be internal or external. The stage is more of a forecast and laying a plan that will be used in the future to see the project a success; the stage also involves taking an analysis of the current business situation and developing measure that can be used in making the project a success. Archer and Ghasemzadeh (1999).

The main objectives that a portfolio manager aims to get at this point are:

  • Have a simultaneous project running and at the same time have them managed effectively with available resources
  • Avoid conflicts among different sectors of an organizational projects
  • Manage and control the utilization of high value goods and put emphasis on the use of locally available resources.

For instance, when the active projects are accelerated, terminated, or de-prioritized or when new projects are included into the portfolio, the current schedule will become infeasible, in this respect, rather than a static optimization problem, project portfolio scheduling (PPS) must also be a reactive decision process, whereby the listing of projects and the allocation of resources can be revised. As a result, an effective Project portfolio scheduling system (PPSS) is essential to convert each project into an operating timetable and maintain the portfolio’s performance in a timely manner. There is need to adopt an event-driven based approach where different sections and phases in a project are interlinked; when efficiency in all phases are looked into then the success of the project is almost guaranteed.

The process of a project starts from planning and ends with closure of the project after the goals set have been attained. Through different projects call for different approaches in management, the underlying concept is the same; it may be conducted differently but the results should be the same.

To have well planned portfolio, managers should aim to use available project analysis and scheduling tools such as Gantt chart and a budget bludgeon. When these tools are used, they assist a company keep track of the process of portfolio management and have regular evaluations (Lynn Batara).

The process of a project starts from planning and ends with closure of the project after the goals set have been attained. Through different projects call for different approaches in management, the underlying concept is the same; it may be conducted differently but the results should be the same.. A successiful project is one that aligns with a company strategy, has minimal. A study conducted by Jonathan Feldman, 2010, had 64% of respondents applauding the idea of prioritizing projects and 55% applauded project strategy development and 34% felt that project leadership plays the central role in success of a project.

When undertaking a project, information about the prevailing conditions that might affect the project is crucial; there are many sources of information that need to be considered, they include the project manger undertaking a survey of the market and the prevailing conditions, analysis government and other reputable institutions news and statistics or buying information from research institutions. Information must be credible and involves information on financing options available, sources of materials, labor and other input sources as well the risk of the project that is being implemented (Robert, scott, and Elko 2000).

There is a close relationship between the quality of information for project and the success of the project: when there is credible information, then the project is more likely to be a success (Miia and Paivi). Robert, Scott, and Elko (2000) brought about the theory of Stage Gate where information for every stage in a project is improved by accustomed research. Efficiency is improved through research and innovating of different ways of improving a certain project.

Systematic decision making of project managers in major phrases and objective adherence, main objectives are time, cost, and quality, affects the success of a project through not direct. Miia and Paivi, 2007 observed that there exists a direct relationship between project management and PPM efficiency.

Although project management and PPM may be seen as different practices, this is only in theory, in practice they have very close relationship among them and they overlap in their objectives (Munns and Bjeirmi,1996). both have their main objectives as seeing the success of a project despite their approach.

In an effective PPM project, communication is important among the players and the management; incase there are emerging issues; they should be addressed accordingly. Some of the major barriers to effective communication are team players, leaders and organizational culture adopted in the project. (Kelly, 2000).

To develop effective communication, the input of team leader and top management is wanted they need to be in the forefront creating a favorable environment of sharing information among the team members. They should develop mechanisms for effective communication. Language and the relationship that managers have with their juniors determine if they will have good communication or not (Brownell, 2003).

Communication comes with listening skills; when teams are able to listen to each other, they sharpen their skills and make their work simpler and the attainment of organizational goals is affected. Bambinas and Partisan (2008) were of the opinion that talents, intellectualism and professionalism in a team can only be tapped when there is good communication among the members.

Solutions, techniques and methods to increase the efficiency of PPM

To have an effective implementation of projects and management of PPM programs, top management, middle level managers and supervisors must support the idea. The entire organization need to be working for the good of the project implemented and any individual or group that can offer insight information should be considered. Since different projects calls for different combination of talents, experiences, age and education level, the most important role that managers should be playing is ensuring they have blended their team to its optimal level.

Secondly, management should realize that the success of a project mostly is determined by the planning, research and data that the management has, there should be no project that should be implemented without proper planning and researching (Bodily and Pernille, 2008). When well planned, then the project will have adequate resources, knowledge and appropriate information for the completion of the project is available.

According to PMP website, implementation of a project is the last stage in a project management; it’s should a stage that is implemented when its preceding stages are a success, in any case that the preceding stages are not effectively conducted, then this stage will also be affected negatively. Time is a resource that need to be utilized effectively and should be allocated adequately not to the project itself, but also to initial stages of a project.

To create competitiveness and encourage efficiency; organizations are considering project management department as unit of its own with the role of overseeing projects in the organization. On the other hand, modern education systems are having project management as a full course in their efforts to produce graduates who meet current labor markets needs (PMP website).

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Educational Technology for Students’ Learning


Technology plays a key role in the growth and development of the economy in the contemporary world. The evolution of technology has contributed to the immense development of communication. The learning environment has also been greatly influenced by the technological revolution whereby different techniques have emerged due to the availability of improved devices that enhance the process. Different studies on education highlight the suitability of technology in enhancing learning. This paper explores three research articles on educational technology topics.

Enhancing Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Distance Education by Brent Muirhead

Online education started in the last decade of the twentieth century, and thus some issues needed to be addressed regarding the quality and effectiveness of the involved programs. Naturally, the change raises debates as people try to understand it, and thus online education had to be scrutinized by critics before it became a generally accepted concept. This article offers a practical definition of interactivity between the learner and the tutor on an online education platform (Muirhead, 2000). The author holds that education does not require lengthy human interactions. On the contrary, the most important interaction is between the learner and the course materials, and thus other individuals are only essential in enhancing understanding of the learned contexts.

The article presents the study results and outcomes on student learning. Students find online education better than the traditional classroom version as it offers a democratic learning environment, it is available on a twenty-four-hour basis, and the involved technology offers great motivation. Hence, students have a positive attitude towards online education, which implies that there is a great level of satisfaction. However, the author indicates that online education platforms offer great challenges to both students and tutors as each is required to play certain roles effectively for meaningful learning to take place. A student must have effective learning skills, which includes listening and communicating for fruitful interaction. On the other hand, tutors are required to play an essential role in promoting the consistency of student’s attentiveness in the online learning environment.

The researcher’s greatest concern is the ability of students to learn effectively in the online education environment concerning interactivity that comes with the classroom environment. Technology is an essential tool for enhancing learning in the education sector, but it has its drawbacks. Hence, the study outcomes address the level of satisfaction that the online education environment offers to both students and faculties. Students and faculties need educational technology that offers an enabling environment for effective participation in learning.

Interestingly, the author notes that the online education environment is effective as it allows communication to take place between tutors and students. Also, a student can easily learn the educational experience of other students participating in the online education environment. However, the level of the students’ satisfaction varies according to one’s level of understanding. Online student discussions take place in the form of posting messages and students who lag find it difficult to participate effectively as the discourses take place under a narrow timeframe, which limits them from asking questions that would embarrass others.

The research methodology used is a meta-analysis of previous studies on educational technology and the online education environment. Also, the research design considers differences in locus of learner control, learning styles, motivation, and interaction that could be peer, faculty, computer-mediated, social, or psychological. These aspects form the basis of scrutinizing the reliability of online education technology in the learning process.

The research has a well-defined target audience, which is anybody interested in the learning environment. This article relies heavily on the interactivity perspective of the online education environment, and thus other perspectives of online education need to be addressed, hence further research is recommended. Based on the information in the article, research in the field has progressed due to new technological advancements such as video conferencing, which are currently used in online learning.

The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning: A Summary for the Education Endowment Foundation by Steven Higgins, ZhiMin Xiao, and Maria Katsipataki

The authors found a huge knowledge gap in the technology educational research as by the year 2012, only 129 research articles on the topic had been submitted to the research section of the Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) (Higgins, Xiao & Katsipataki, 2012). Hence, technology in education had not caught the attention of scholars, and thus a knowledge gap existed and it needed to be bridged to enhance the stakeholders’ confidence in educational technology. Also, the authors viewed their research as an effort to answer questions that have been raised about the impact and quality of educational research technology by academicians and other stakeholders.

The research presented study results and outcomes on student learning whereby it was observed that technology alone cannot make an impact on learning. On the contrary, how students use technology to learn dictates the impact. It was found that technology is a motivating factor for young people, and thus essential for improving their learning skills. Students love technology, which introduces new learning methods, hence they have good attitudes and great satisfaction towards the technological advancements in education.

However, the study results highlighted two contradicting results on the faculty. Technology is used to enhance learning skills to the students and at the same time improving the teaching methods that are used in education. Hence, some teaching methods are replaced, and this aspect has adverse effects on the faculty. Technology requires expertise in operations; hence, some teachers may lose jobs to pave way for experts or they may be required to undergo training to be in a good position to run technological teaching methods. Also, the authors argue that it is a matter of great concern for the faculty in identifying whether technology will enable students to access more learning content within a short time and whether it is capable of allowing effective communication between teachers and students.

Research findings show that educational technology allows students to carry out group discussions effectively although young children need guidance in a bid to learn effectively. Besides, the authors found that technology should not be used daily, as its persistent use is less effective at improving the students’ performance. Therefore, the authors recommend that technology should be used at most three times a week. Also, research design considers differences in locus of learner control, learning styles, motivation, and interaction, which could be peer, faculty, computer-mediated, social, or psychological in a bid to develop knowledge that is relevant for educationists.

The authors used the meta-analysis methodology by reviewing previous studies and focusing on those that had experimental or quasi-experimental research designs. The article does not have a defined target audience, but it is relevant to all educational stakeholders. Moreover, research is not exhaustive on the topic, and thus there is a need for further research that provides deeper knowledge on the issue. Besides, the research in the field has progressed based on the information and approaches conveyed in the article, which could hardly be found in articles authored in the earlier periods.

Technology in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful by Samantha Cleaver

The author argues that technology in education can be both harmful and helpful to students and tutors (Cleaver, 2014). Technology poses great challenges to tutors whereby they are required to change the teaching method, which often lowers the time spent in teacher-student interaction. Also, teachers cannot use technology effectively without training and experience, which often makes it hard for them to integrate the education curriculum into the technological platform easily. Hence, the learning process is affected adversely during the translation period. Besides, technology offers great freedom to students, and in some cases, this aspect leads to poor performance.

The research presents study results and outcomes on student learning and the author argues that students gravitate towards technological devices and their applications. Due to the improved quality of education through technology, students are in a position to access learning materials easily, and thus technology adds value to learners. Students have a good attitude towards technology, hence a great level of satisfaction towards it.

On the other hand, the teaching community seemed reluctant to adopt technology at first due to the challenges it had in the adoption stages, but there is great satisfaction because of its great benefits in the learning environment. Also, the research design considered differences in locus of learner control, learning styles, motivation, and interaction that could be peer, faculty, computer-mediated, social, or psychological by emphasizing that students love technology, and thus they can spend most of their time learning if provided with educational technology.

The article is a blog, and thus the author relied on current affairs in educational technology as the methodology and she supported it by referring to other authors’ previous works on the topic. The target audience comprises all education stakeholders. However, in blogs, authors use personal judgments on the issue at hand, and thus further research is highly recommended on the topic. Besides, research in the field has progressed due to the information and approaches conveyed in the article, which depicts immense progress in educational technology.


Educational technology is essential for the improvement of the students’ learning tendencies and the tutors’ teaching methods. Educational technology has enabled students to do learning in an enabling environment. The contemporary crop of students is interested in the technological revolution that is taking place across all spheres of life including education. To this crop of students, technology offers great motivation, which enables them to learn even while out of school environments. On the other hand, the teaching community has challenges in adapting to the technological changes in the learning environment. Therefore, there is a great need to focus on the benefits that technology has on the learning environment once it is fully adopted. However, for successful adoption and optimal utilization of technology in education, all stakeholders should be involved.


Cleaver, S. (2014).Technology in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful? Web.

Higgins, S., Xiao, Z., & Katsipataki, M. (2012). Interpreting the evidence from meta-analysis for the impact of digital technology on learning. Web.

Muirhead, B. (2000). Enhancing Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Distance Education. Educational Technology & Society, 3(4), 104-115.

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Quality Costs Reduction in Project Management

A brief overview of quality costs in project management

Project Quality Management is a critical process in the life cycle of any project. It helps to show that the project is on the right track as planned. The project team should conduct assessments to relate outcomes with requirements. Any project that does not meet the planned requirements should be reviewed.

Quality processes in project management entail several activities that control objectives, policies, scope, and responsibilities to allow the project to meet its intended outcomes. The project team initiates quality management processes through project policies, procedures, and processes, which guide quality control, planning, and assurance. In addition, there are continuous quality improvement processes in any project as required. In quality management, there is the cost of quality (COQ).

It refers to “the total costs incurred by investment in preventing non-conformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirements and failing to meet requirements (rework)” (Pyzdek 23). Therefore, costs of quality entail failure costs or costs of poor quality, which could be either internal or external.

Why reducing quality costs is important in project management

The major aim of any cost of a quality program is to lower quality costs to the lowest affordable level. Such a level takes into account the total of “the costs of failure and the cost of appraisal and prevention” (Pyzdek 45). Generally, the cost of failure reduces with the increase in conformance level of quality while it approaches the required standard or perfection. At the same time, the costs of appraisal and prevention also escalate significantly. While the previous models failed to account for the literal perfection levels, the new models have recognized that it is possible to achieve certain levels of perfection (error-free production) and eliminate related costs.

The project team reduces the costs of quality by identifying the main causes of quality issues and taking the required actions to counteract quality issues.

Quality cost systems assist project managers in planning for improving the quality of services or products by identifying areas that can optimize value and ensure greater returns on investments. Quality costs focus on ensuring that the project team engages in the right processes and procedures for the required outcomes. It is, therefore, important to eliminate all defective processes and any processes that affect the quality of products. It is important to note that quality costs do not account for all costs in operations.

Synthesis of key issues

The important principle of the cost of quality is that any cost that is incurred because of poor quality but might have been avoided through perfect quality is a cost of quality. There are observable costs, such as rework or scrap costs that organizations incur. In addition, there are other costs, which are not readily observable, such as the costs of placing new orders for defective parts and time.

Specifically, costs of quality concentrate on costs that organizations incur due to failure to achieve product or service quality based on the company’s standards and clients’ requirements. Such requirements are numerous and may include final product quality, marketing specifications, company procedures, and government regulations, among other processes as defined in a given industry. In this regard, quality costs may result from investment in prevention strategies, appraisal of products or services for conformance, and costs associated with product or service failures.

In most cases, clients are mainly concerned about the overall costs and profitability of products and services. Cost overruns and delays in projects have been cited as the major contributing factors to the high costs of projects. Generally, researchers and project managers have concentrated on the technical elements of cost management in their areas in order to achieve the project objectives and meet clients’ specifications. Although other studies have identified how external environments could affect the costs of quality, many studies have focused on internal processes of costs of quality.

In the recent past, General Motors (GM) has recalled millions of cars globally, while in the years 2008 and 2009, Apple recalled its first generation iPods in Japan and Korea respectively. Given these case scenarios, one can conclude that these companies have incurred high costs of quality due to poor product quality and therefore, it is imperative to understand what costs of quality means in the production process.

Prevention Costs

Organizations have put in place mechanisms to prevent poor quality of products and services. All costs incurred in these processes are referred to as prevention costs. For instance, many companies spend their resources on product reviews, surveys, quality planning processes, designs, education and training on quality and process evaluation and quality improvement among others in order to prevent development of poor quality products or services.

Appraisal Costs

Companies also conduct product or service appraisal and incur associated costs. Such costs may be classified under “product or service evaluation, assessment or audit to ensure their quality and conformance” (Pyzdek 47) to the industry quality standards and performance capabilities. Costs may arise from inspections and tests or costs associated with materials for conducting such activities.

Failure Costs

Failure costs are generally common and obvious to many stakeholders, including customers (Bourne 67). Products or services may fail to meet standards or user needs as was the case of many GM recalled cars and defective mobile phones. These are failure costs. Organizations incur internal failure costs prior to product or service delivery to clients (Pyzdek 49).

These costs may be associated with the product or service rework, re-inspection, retests and other review processes and procedures. On the other hand, external failure costs are incurred after product or service delivery to customers. These costs may be related to processing customers’ complaints and product returns among others. Failure costs are common across industries and organizations. They are associated with high costs of products or services and negatively affect sales and profitability.

Total Quality Costs

This refers to all costs of quality incurred in product or service development throughout the supply chain. It covers the variation between the real costs of a product and the incurred costs if substandard or defect products or services are avoided. Organizations can achieve product perfection levels by ensuring conformity to the required standards and be able to eliminate such costs.

Studies have established that the cost of failures could be a substantial margin of total costs and those traditional approaches of identifying them may not be effective. In addition, it is not simple to eliminate failure costs without planned change processes in employee attitudes and norms of behaviors in an organization. This process also requires enhanced managerial activities and coordination in the entire supply chain. Hardy-Vallee observes that products or service failures are associated with high costs (1-2).

Given such high costs of failure, project management has become a critical integral part of any service or production process. The project team understands all the different “processes, milestones, stakeholders, charts, work plans and deliverables” (Hardy-Vallee 1-2). The team, however, is unable to meet the major constraints such time, project scope and budget (Hardy-Vallee 1-2).

Many costs of quality arise from the product or service life cycles, which many organizations follow. Many organizations have developed internal processes that various projects must follow. Such processes aim at mitigating potential risks in project management (Krane, Rolstadås and Olsson 81). For instance, organizations train the project team on both technical and soft skills to ensure that a project is successful. Based on organizational product or service development processes, training for any projects may be mandatory. At the same time, organizations would incur costs associated with the project monitoring, status review and evaluation at various phases.

It is not simple to detect costs of quality in many organizations because they are always hidden costs. In this context, organizations should conduct specific cost of quality identification processes. Such processes should include provisions for identifying and clarifying costs of quality incurred in a project.

A study by Jafari and Love identified and reviewed the effectiveness of a quality program implemented for a project within the first 18 months (479). They undertook “a quality costing exercise, and it was revealed that quality failures accounted for 0.05% of the project’s contract value” (Jafari and Love 479). It is imperative to note that cost of quality management is critical for creating competitive advantage through quality improvement plans. Effective measurement of costs of quality should identify all quality costs.

Poor quality management affects organizations in major two ways. First, there are higher product costs associated with appraisal and failure costs. Second, poor quality products or services also affect customer satisfaction. Companies that manufacture poor quality products or offer poor services usually experience “price pressure, lost sales and low customer satisfaction, which have overall impacts on customers, revenues and profitability” (Bourne 67).

A combination of higher costs of failures and poor revenue generation could cause a crisis and ruin a company. Therefore, effective cost of quality management is a method that organizations can use to eliminate operational risks and avoid financial crisis.

Given the difference nature of projects, organizations should develop appropriate models to allow them to consider quality throughout the project life cycle. Quality should be incorporated in project planning and work plan development.

In addition, they must also account for various variables that affect quality, time and costs. In this context, quality control processes should identify and describe the relationship among time, costs and quality of every project task. The initial process should identify potential areas of poor quality across various phases of a project with regard to costs and time. Organizations should generate cost of quality curves to demonstrate their effectiveness in cost of quality management processes. Such level curves assist project managers to understand costs of quality in a project. Hence, they can be able to make relevant decisions and develop quality products and services.

Costs of quality in project management should help organizations to develop products and services that meet industry standards and conformance requirements, as well as satisfy customers’ requirements. Cost of quality is a tool that organizations can use to limit costs of production and project or service failure.

Works Cited

Bourne, Lynda. “The cost of quality.” PM Network 26.9 (2012): 67. Print.

Hardy-Vallee, Benoit. “The Cost of Bad Project Management.” Gallup Business Journal (2012): 1-2. Print.

Jafari, Amirhosein and Peter Love. “Quality Costs in Construction: Case of Qom Monorail Project in Iran.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 139.9 (2013): 1244–1249. Print.

Krane, Hans, Asbjørn Rolstadås and Nils O. E. Olsson. “Categorizing risks in seven large projects—Which risks do the projects focus on?” Project Management Journal 41.1 (2010): 81–86. Print.

Pyzdek, Thomas. Handbook for Quality Management. Arizona: QA Publishing, LLC, 2000. Print.

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Customer Service Application: Project Management


This paper illustrates a project management plan to be adopted in developing a new customer service application. The background explores the basis of developing the new project by identifying the existing market needs. The plan illustrates the various aspects that will be considered in developing the product. The plan is organized into two main parts. The first part illustrates the issues that will be evaluated during the planning phase, such as the project description and the factors considered in selecting the project coupled with the project objectives and requirements. Additionally, the plan also illustrates how the project objectives will be prioritized. The second part of the plan illustrates the project scope, the work breakdown structure, and the cost management plans to be implemented.


Businesses in the retail sector face numerous pressures arising from external factors. Some of the sources of pressure include the high rate of globalization, change in consumer behavior, economic, technological, and political changes. These changes have stimulated the need for firms to improve their operational efficiency. Effective customer service management is one of the core aspects that businesses should take into account. Customer service influences the effectiveness with which organizations achieve long-term competitiveness. The intensity of competition in the retail industry underscores the importance of firms nurturing repeat purchase behavior amongst their customers. Nguyen, Neck, and Nguyen (2009) emphasize that good “customer service depends on leaders who empower employees to meet the needs of customers through a clear sense of direction and purpose” (p.3). Effective customer service is subject to a number of fundamental elements, which include understanding the customers, developing a customer service strategy, effective management of workforce, and developing service standards.

Project description

This paper illustrates the various project management issues that will be taken into account in developing a customer service application. The application will enable retail firms to improve their service delivery services. One of the aspects that the application will focus on entails developing a database that retail firms can rely on formulating their customer service management strategies. For example, the application will enable retail firms to identify repeat purchase behavior amongst customers. The application’s capability to detect repeat purchase behavior will be achieved by detecting credit and debit card numbers used in purchasing products and services. Subsequently, it will be possible for retailers to identify loyal customers hence formulating an effective customer retention strategy, for example, offering them higher price discounts.

Selection of project

A comprehensive analysis was undertaken in screening and selecting the project. The checklist model was adopted in selecting the project from a number of potential projects. The projects entailed developing an online purchasing application, a customer service application, and a new consumer product. A number of aspects were taken into account in designing the criteria to be adopted in selecting the customer service application as the desired project. Some of the issues that were weighed include

  1. The riskiness of the new application
  2. Cost of developing the application
  3. Interference with stakeholders
  4. Product durability
  5. Stability of the project development process

The cost criterion entailed estimating whether developing the project is within acceptable and reasonable cost estimates while the riskiness criterion involved assessing whether the project will require investment in new generation technology. Furthermore, the selection criteria also involved assessing whether sponsors and project team members will support the project. The product durability criteria involved assessing whether the project outcome will have substantial market potential. On the other hand, interference with stakeholders entails assessing possible resistance from stakeholders. The chart below illustrates the performance of the three projects based on the above selection criteria.

Performance Criteria
Criteria High Medium Low
Project A; online purchasing application Cost x
Market potential x
Development risk x
Project B: Customer service application Cost x
Market potential x
Development risk x
Project C: New consumer product Cost x
Market potential x
Development risk x

The above table shows that investing in developing a customer service application is the most attractive project as compared to the other projects. The customer service application will be focused on improving service delivery amongst retail firms. Additionally, it will enable retail firms to gain sufficient market intelligence. Subsequently, the firms will develop competitiveness with regard to customer service. The choice of this project is informed by the high rate at which consumers are gauging their loyalty towards a particular store on the customer service experience received.

Project goal

The project’s goal is to provide firms in the retail industry, such as convenience stores, supermarket chains, and other small and medium-sized retail enterprises, with an opportunity to enhance their competitiveness by improving their customer service delivery.

Project objectives

The new customer service application aims at achieving the following objectives.

  1. To enhance the effectiveness with which retail firms undertake their marketing activities such as promotional activities.
  2. To enhance the effectiveness with which firms in the retail industry develop effective knowledge of management systems by understanding the customers’ purchase behaviors.
  3. To promote the utilization of technology in customer service amongst retail firms

Project requirements

The success of the project will depend on a number of issues, as outlined below.

  1. Project communication; the process of implementing the project will be subject to the extent to which the various project team members collaborate in generating and sharing project information. In order to foster collaboration, the project manager will be required to implement an effective communication strategy.
  2. Feasibility study; an extensive feasibility study will be undertaken in order to identify the existing gaps with regard to customer service delivery amongst retail firms.
  3. Human resource management- the success of the project will be influenced by the extent to which the various stakeholders are managed. Subsequently, it is imperative for the project manager to adopt effective human resource management practices.

Project stakeholders

The process of implementing this project will not be undertaken in isolation. However, it will take into account a number of stakeholders, as illustrated below.

Project contributors

These stakeholders include the various individuals who will directly contribute to the development of the application. Some of the project contributors include the project team, project sponsors, and the project manager, as evaluated below.

  1. Project sponsors – independent and corporate sponsors will be sought from the external market. Some of the institutional sponsors to be sought include international consultancy firms such as Deloitte & Touche, KPMG, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Additionally, well-established Information Communication Technology firms such as Microsoft, International Business Machine, and Dell will be sought in order to provide the necessary technological expertise. The project sponsor will aid in formulating the project charter and identifying areas that require adjustments.
  2. Project team – a project team of five experts will be developed. The team members will include experts in customer service and software development. These experts will be outsourced from well-established consultancy firms such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Microsoft.
  3. Project manager – the project manager will be charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the various project tasks are executed within the set timeframe, and it does not deviate from the predetermined project budget. Additionally, the project manager will ensure a high level of collaboration between the project team members.

Target stakeholders

These stakeholders include the various individuals and institutions that will utilize the project in their operation. The core target stakeholders include customers and retail firms.

  1. Retailers – the process of developing the new application will focus on assisting retailers in improving their customer service delivery. The data generated by the application will enable retailers to determine their effectiveness in fostering customer loyalty by assessing the customers’ repeat purchase behavior.
  2. Customers – the project will aim at developing a database on the consumers’ purchase behaviors.

Prioritization of project objectives

This project is multi-purpose, which means that it aims at achieving a number of objectives. However, during the initial phases, the project will prioritize enhancing the effectiveness with which firms in the retail industry rely on market intelligence in their operational processes. This objective will be achieved by developing a software application that will enable the retail firms to develop a reliable database on customer purchase behavior. Therefore, the project will improve retail firms’ effectiveness in managing and utilizing knowledge. The high rate of technological innovation with specific reference on information communication technology has increased the need for firms to develop competitiveness by leveraging on the available market information.

Consumers are increasingly demanding high quality and unique services in their purchasing process. Consequently, most consumers are basing their loyalty decisions on the nature of customer service. Nguyen, Neck, and Nguyen (2009) assert that most “firms are competing in a complex and challenging environment, which is transformed by diverse macro-environmental factors” (p.3). In order to survive in such an environment, the need for firms to develop adequate competitive advantage cannot be ignored. The achievement of competitive advantage in the contemporary business environment is not only based on tangible and physical resources, but it has also shifted to knowledge. Nguyen, Neck, and Nguyen (2009) assert that knowledge management has become a vital element in developing and sustaining competitive advantage.

In order to achieve this goal, the process of developing the new application will mainly depend on market information. Subsequently, the project manager will conduct a comprehensive feasibility study in order to understand the industry trends. The feasibility study will aid in determining the prevailing consumer behavior with regard to customer service and the firms’ commitment to giving customers optimal services. Additionally, the feasibility study will aid in identifying potential gaps in existing customer service applications. This goal will be achieved by evaluating the existing systems. Subsequently, it will be possible to improve the functionality of the new application by improving on the existing market gaps.

The second objective will entail evaluating how retail firms can utilize the application in formulating their customer service strategies. For example, retailers will formulate effective promotional strategies such as price discounts based on market intelligence developed. This capability will enable retail firms to formulate effective customer retention strategies. The final objective, which entails promoting the utilization of technology in customer service amongst retail firms, will be the last consideration. This aspect arises from the view that this objective will only be achieved if the application is developed successfully. In order to enhance the attainment of this objective, the project manager will ensure that the development of the application is based on the available market information. Therefore, the likelihood of the application gaining sufficient market acceptance will be increased. Focusing on the above issues will enable the project manager to establish the foundation on which the project will be implemented.

Project Scope

According to Lau (2005), scope management is a fundamental element in project management. The objective of scope management is to enhance the attainment of the desired outcome. Consequently, the likelihood of the target stakeholders achieving a high level of satisfaction is increased. Moreover, scope management is focused on ensuring that only the necessary tasks are undertaken.

In order to enhance the likelihood of project success, the project manager will subdivide the entire project into small, manageable, and deliverable project components. In the process of developing the customer service application, the definition of the project scope will be a collaborative effort of the project sponsor, the project team, and the project manager. The following issues will be taken into account during the scope definition process.

  1. Scope planning: progressive elaboration and documentation of the intended project tasks will be undertaken. The planning process will take into account the project constraints and assumptions. Moreover, the scope planning process will also involve evaluating whether the intended product design will meet the customers’ needs. This goal will be achieved through pilot testing. A well-established convenience store in the US will be selected in undertaking the pilot project. Pilot testing will aid in determining the effectiveness of the application in fostering interaction between the retail firms and their clients.
  2. Project initiation; this stage will entail the development of a comprehensive description of the intended customer service application. Thus, detailed product characteristics will be outlined in order to provide the stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the intended project. Some of the issues that will be considered entail defining the technical aspects of the customer service application. Subsequently, the likelihood of the project gaining the support of the team members and sponsors will be enhanced. The initiation stage will also entail developing a comprehensive scope statement.
  3. Scope definition; the project manager will subdivide the project into major project deliverables. The subdivision will aid in estimating the project’s resource utilization. Subsequently, the project manager will be in a position to implement effective project time and cost management strategies. Furthermore, the scope definition will also play a fundamental role in facilitating the assignment of project tasks.
  4. Scope verification; this stage will involve evaluating the applicability of the developed project scope in order to determine the degree of its acceptance. This goal will be achieved by evaluating the project deliverables in order to determine whether they are satisfactory.

Work Breakdown Structure

Adams, Means, and Spivey (2007) define work breakdown structure [WBS] as a deliverable-oriented plan that outlines the various aspects to be undertaken in a project. A number of tasks will be undertaken in developing the new application. Some of these tasks are evaluated below. First, a feasibility study will be undertaken in order to determine the exact aspects that should be considered in developing the application. Some of the issues that will be assessed during the feasibility study entail evaluating the likelihood of the software improving the retail firms’ efficiency in undertaking diverse customer service activities. Additionally, the project manager will conduct a comprehensive interview with prospective users in order to increase the likelihood of the software gaining market acceptance. In order to improve the likelihood of the software gaining market acceptance, the project manager will evaluate the industry’s best practices. This move will aid in formulating the project’s technical requirements, hence improving the project’s documentation processes.

A standard template outlining the best practices will be developed in order to enhance the execution of the project tasks. Experts such as software developers and programmers will undertake the designing phase. The programmers will aid in formulating an outline to be followed in the software development process. Therefore, the likelihood of the application meets the specified requirements will be increased. Effective measurement indicators will be developed in order to assess the application’s programs. Additionally, the indicators will aid in identifying possible deviations, hence the need to make the necessary adjustments.

The development phase will entail translating the documented steps into real software. However, the utilization of the software will be limited. Finally, address automation, which will include code building, regression testing, and static code analysis scans, will be undertaken. The final activity will entail testing the application. The chart below illustrates the project’s work breakdown structure.

Task name Duration [days] Start time Finish time Resource
Conducting feasibility analysis 15 4thOct. 2013 5thOct.2013 Project team
Analyzing and determining the project requirements 15 1stSept 2014 15thSept. 2014. Project team
Evaluating the industry’s best practices 15 16thSept. 2014 15thOct. 2014 Project team
Designing the software 10 17thOct. 2014 27th. Oct. 2014 Project team
Developing project indicators to be used in measuring and tracking progress 7 4thOct. 2014 11thOct. 2014 Project team
Developing the software 15 12thOct. 2014 27thOct. 2014 Project team
Evaluating the application’s automation 12 28thOct. 2014 8thNov. 2014 Project team
Testing the application 8 9thNov. 2014 17thNov. 2014 Project team
Gradual implementation of the application on selected retail outlets 10 18thNov. 2014 27th Nov. 2014 Entrepreneurs

Project time management

Project managers should ensure that projects are executed within the set period. Adherence to the set period is fundamental in minimizing the likelihood of the project experiencing challenges, for example, increment in the projected costs of the project. Cobb (2012) asserts that projects are subject to change due to diverse micro and macro-environmental factors. Subsequently, time management is a vital element during the project implementation process.

The project manager will ensure that the process of developing the customer service application is undertaken optimally. This goal will be achieved by undertaking a comprehensive description of the various project activities. Moreover, the project manager will ensure that the various project activities are clearly defined in order to determine their complexity. Subsequently, the project manager will be effective in allocating time.

A Gantt chart will be developed in order to schedule the various project tasks effectively. The chart will outline the estimated start and finish take of the respective project tasks. Schedule development will enable the project manager to control the project effectively and factor in possible changes. The Gantt chart below illustrates the various project tasks that will be undertaken in developing the customer service application and the estimated time scale.

Project activities
Project activities

The project manager will ensure that the outlined project activities are executed effectively. Subsequently, the project manager will focus on achieving a number of milestones, which will be attained by assessing the following aspects.

  1. Evaluating the applicability of the customer service application in enhancing customer relationship management
  2. Assessing the extent to which the various project tasks have been completed within the set period.

Cost management

The Project Management Institute (2000) emphasizes that the “cost management element of project management is composed of the various processes required to ensure that the project attains the need for which it was designed” (p.83). The need to undertake effective cost management during the project planning and implementation process arise from the existence of resource scarcity. Nevitt and Fabozzi (2000) are of the view that project managers have an obligation to ensure that projects adhere to the set time and budgetary limits in order to minimize the likelihood of failure. Thus, the project manager will ensure that effective cost management strategies are taken into account. This goal will be achieved by considering various cost management aspects, which include cost control, cost estimation, resource planning, and cost budgeting.

Resource planning will involve the determination of the project’s resource requirements. Subsequently, the project manager, in collaboration with the project sponsors and the project team will assess the project’s financial and human capital requirements. Moreover, resource planning will also entail the evaluation of material and equipment requirements and their respective quantities. Cost estimation will involve estimating the projects’ financial requirements (Nevitt & Fabozzi, 2000). A financial plan (project budget) will be used in identifying the financial requirement of each of the project phases. The cost estimation process will also take into consideration possible variations. Subsequently, the project manager will ensure that the project is shielded against possible deviations. The project manager will use computerized tools such as spreadsheets, statistical tools, and simulation in estimating the cost. Thus, it will be possible to generate diverse costing alternatives for consideration.

The budget will play a fundamental role in ensuring that the financial requirement in implementing the various project tasks is taken into account, as a cost baseline with respect to the various project activities will be established. Moreover, the project manager can use the baseline in assessing the project’s budgetary performance. Therefore, it will be possible to undertake cost control. The Project Management Institute (2000) emphasizes that cost control “is concerned with influencing the factors that create changes to the cost baseline to ensure that changes are agreed upon” (p. 90). The project budget will also play a vital role in seeking finances from the target project sponsors. The chart below illustrates the estimated project budget.

Cost item Estimated cost
Market research $2,000
Seeking project sponsors and experts $2,500
Formulating the project plan $ 1,200
Software development and designing materials $ 3,500
Developing the application prototype $ 8,000
Cost of testing the application $ 7,500
Estimated budget $ 24,700

In order to improve the likelihood of success, the project manager will undertake a continuous review of the project in order to identify possible deviations. Therefore, it will be possible to undertake the necessary adjustments.


Adams, T., Means, J., & Spivey, M. (2007). The project meeting facilitators: facilitation skills to make the most of project meetings. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Cobb, T. (2012). Leading project teams: the basics of project management and team leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Lau, L. (2005). Managing business with SAP: planning, implementation and evaluation. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.

Nevitt, P., & Fabozzi, F. (2000). Project financing. London, UK: EuroMoney.

Nguyen, T., Neck, P., & Nguyen, H. (2009). The critical role of knowledge management in achieving sand sustaining organizational competitive advantage. International Business Research, 2 (3), 1-16.

Project Management Institute. (2000). A guide to the project management body of knowledge. New York, NY: Electronic Imaging Services Incorporation.

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Natural Gas Drilling Project Management


This Project Report covers vital elements of project management aligned to the PMBoK knowledge areas to demonstrate best practices (Freidi 2014). For this Project Report ‘Our Project’ referred to as Natural Gas Drilling Project will be used to illustrate critical areas of project management.

Project Initiation

Our Project is set up to demonstrate natural gas drilling. It is the right project, conducted at the right place, time and with the right purpose.

The project sponsor, the State Government of Queensland, will initiate the Project.

Project Purpose

The main purpose of Our Project is to explore natural gas in Queensland, Australia using fracking technologies, technically known as hydraulic fracturing currently available.

Australia’s gas and oil industry is growing steadily because of increased demands both locally and abroad. The industry creates jobs and is a major source of incomes and taxes. Hence, it is a priority not only for the country but also globally.

This kind of project has been successfully undertaken in other parts of the country, including Western Australia and globally specifically in the US.

Our Project will result in abundant, clean, reliable and flexible natural gas fuel. In addition, other benefits would include raw materials for industrial processes, including plastic and chemical industries.

Project Stakeholders

Our Project will identify all stakeholders affected by the Project (Project Management Institute, Inc 2013). A research will be conducted to identify major stakeholders and their related needs. All stakeholders must be identified before the project implementation to avoid later challenges and resistance. Hence, stakeholders for Our Project will be identified in terms of sponsors and affected individuals, their expected needs and actual needs.

Sponsor: the state government is the major sponsor of the Natural Gas Drilling project. Thus, it will cater for project costs and authorize the expenditure. The project sponsor expects the project to be completed within the budget and on schedule.

Local communities of Queensland: local communities affected by shell gas exploration at Queensland are major stakeholders. Their major needs would include relocation, protection from exploration consequences, and compensation to relocate to new locations. The locals would also want employment opportunities during the project implementation.

The environmentalists: As noted in other parts of the world where fracking has been implemented, environmentalists present a significant challenge to this kind of project. They claim that the project is harmful to human and the environment. To avoid issues and litigation, environmentalists would be involved in the process to understand how the project team would handle all issues related to environmental concerns.

The public: the project is funded by public funds. The people of Queensland would be informed of the project objectives and the expected volume of natural gas and its benefits.

Local leaders: the project would involve local leaders to work with the local communities to avoid resistance and communicate project processes.

Our Project will prioritize various needs of all stakeholders based on relevance and importance to avoid project challenges and demonstrate project outcomes. Key decision-makers will be given priority in this project. The project will also address unstated concerns.

User Requirements

These are mainly specific requirements of stakeholders. Our Project will differentiate between needs and wants, identify similar needs, conflicting needs and use negotiation skills to obtain agreements.

The Project Objectives

Our Project objective is stated in terms of costs, time and quality. This approach will ensure that the project is delivered within the stipulated time, budget, and quality at the optimal levels based on the project scope (Brown 2014).

The main objective of Our Project is to drill about 3000 gas wells in Queensland within one year, while about 2500 will be ready for production or at the stage of water removal after nine months. Water removal is necessary before production to enhance quality.

All functional areas and quality aspects of the project will be observed during drilling stages to protect the environment.

The project is expected to cost $US25 billion.

It is expected that the Project team will deliver these objectives at the end of the project.

The Project Scope

This is the final stage of the project Initiation phase, and Our Project is now clearly identified and defined. That is, all the project stakeholders and the project team have agreed upon the project objectives, the nature of the project and the team to deliver the project.

The scope of this project covers Natural Gas Drilling at Queensland, Australia. The project team expects to deliver 3000 drilled wells within one year, with 2500 wells ready for production after nine months.

Our Project will not be involved in the actual process of gas production.


Our Project planning phase will account for the project scope, time, cost, risk, quality, procurement, and the project plan. Hence, Our Project objectives are well defined and agreed upon by all stakeholders


Our Project scope clearly defines what the project will deliver. Besides, it will also identify elements considered as out of scope to avoid unnecessary delays and conflicts later on at advanced stages.

This project will only drill 3000 wells and make them ready for production after one year. The project will not include actual production of gas.

Our Project will involve five clear steps noted in well drilling as shown in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS is the most vital tool for the Project Scope. All tasks involved in well drilling processes are identified to ensure that the project is delivered within the time, budget and quality. For ease of understanding, the project deliverables, tasks and activities are identified.

  • Site identification

    • Identification of sites with oil and gas
    • Directional path to reach the target site
  • Obtaining the rig involves selection of tools and services needed

    • Drilling Rig
    • Drill string
    • Fluid System
    • Casing
    • Cement
    • Completion
  • Drilling the hole

    • Drill Surface Hole
    • Run Surface Casing
    • Cement Surface Casing
    • Drill Next Hole Section
  • Running casing and cement

    • Casing

      • Avoid freshwater accumulation
      • Isolate water formations with significantly varied pressure gradients
      • Remove unstable formations or zones
    • Cement

      • Safeguard and seals the wellbore
      • Separation of fluids and moving formations
      • Remove unstable formation
      • Elimination of unnecessary wellbore
      • Seal unnecessary wells
  • The completion

    • Remove water
    • Ready for productionOil Well Drilling

Project Time

Our Project time consists of time estimates, task schedules, RACI and Gantt chart.

The project time estimate

The task duration will reflect the expected amount of time for the entire project capturing all necessary activities.

Project Schedule

Task estimates will provide an opportunity to arrange tasks and durations in sequence and create the project schedule.

The project schedule will indicate all stages of the project progress for review, communication and collaboration. In addition, it will show major milestones achieved.

RACI Chart

All four elements of the RACI chart are captured.


The project team will be responsible for all the project tasks. The Project Manager will lead the project team.


The Project Manager will be accountable for the tasks. At the same time, individual team leaders will also be accountable for their achievements.


The Project Manager is expected to provide feedback and contribute when necessary. The project team leaders will also provide feedback for different project tasks.


The project team leaders will be informed of any necessary decisions taken by the Project Manager.

The Project Manager Site Identification manager Tools and service manager Drilling Manager
Site identification A R I C
Obtaining the rig I C A R
Drilling the hole C C I A
Running casing and cement I I C R
The completion A I I I

The Project Activity-on-Node (AoN)

AoN is a visual tool of the network logic that captures the whole project schedule from the beginning to the end. The Project team may also use AoN for any other activities deemed necessary within the project, particularly if several activities are involved. In this AoN, only elements associated with the critical path schedule are included to enhance simplicity and understanding. It does not include any planned date for different activities.

The Project Activity-on-Node (AoN)

No activity has been completed so far. The project will start on 2 January 2016 and end in 31 December 2016.

Gant Chart

Project Budget

The project is estimated to cost $US25 billion until completion. There is no cost overrun estimated currently, but miscellaneous allocation is provided.

It is imperative to recognize that the budget accuracy will depend on actual costs incurred on specific sub-tasks, labor, equipment and related services. The project will be funded optimally (Skaf 1999).

Thus, estimated cost has been provided as the total cost to guide the project execution.

Site identification Costs
Obtaining the rig $3 b
Drilling the hole $10b
Running casing and cement $10b
The completion $1b
Miscellaneous $1b
Total $25b


The procurement phase for Our Project will account for human resources, services, materials and equipment needed to execute the project successfully. The Project Manager and the procurement department will engage in selection of services, materials, equipment and suitable labor (Sweasey & Skitmore 2007). They will also write and assess tenders.

Procurement will also involve cost estimates and contract negotiation to get the best deals.

The Project Manager will also use procurement activities to curb some risks associated with cost overrun. Several risks related to procurement methods have been observed. For instance, to avoid technical challenges arising from the contract, the procurement team will have to assess the project needs and the management expectations carefully. Some project risks will be managed through procurement using terms of contracts. For instance, the project will be protected from cost adjustments related to changes in foreign currency rates and rise in cost materials, labor and services. Thus, the procurement team must define all these requirements.

The procurement team will have to observe rigor in tender writing, estimate assessment and selection of qualified bidders. In addition, legal assistance will be required where necessary to negotiate and write the project contracts.

Project Reporting

When to report

The reporting on Our Project will commence immediately. For effective reporting, the reporting elements will be agreed upon with other project stakeholders, including Project Sponsor, the local communities and the intended beneficiaries.

Reporting on the project will be regularly conducted after one month. Alternatively, any other specific task that requires immediate attention must be reported immediately and followed with the swift feedback.

What to report

Based on stakeholders’ composition, the Project Manager will only report specific outcomes to specific stakeholders based on their needs and influence. For instance, the Project Sponsor would be informed of expenditure and outcomes while environmentalists would be allowed to assess information on environmental conservation.

The project status report will be used at interval to update stakeholders during the project implementation. Only appropriate format will be used in the status report based on the negotiation with stakeholders. The status report will generally provide the following elements.

Schedule: the status report will provide the initial approved period and completion date, approved changes and new dates for completion of various tasks.

Budget: the status report will account for the initial allocated budget, any approved changes and the estimated costs until completion.

Issues: the status report will provide any risks that threat the project objectives, the project scope, schedule, resource allocation, and quality of work among others. A log of issues and solutions will be developed to track challenges, show status, actions, responsible persons and issue closure.

Risks and Risk Management

Our Project, just like any other projects, is exposed to uncertainty and, thus, to risks (Hardy-Vallee 2012). The project risks will be identified and classified based on their impacts, possibility and response methods.

The most likely risk for this project is cost overrun. For instance, several directional paths may be drilled before the actual path is located. These tasks will be expensive and, therefore, increase project risks associated with delays and costs. In addition, system failures may also occur.

Litigations from environmentalists could also result from the project execution.

Other risks may occur because of delays associated with natural factors. In this regard, the following approaches will be used to manage identified and potential risks.

Avoidance – the team will plan appropriately with modern technologies and tools for drilling to avoid any risks altogether (Borštnar & Pucihar 2014).

Mitigation – the project team will develop the required plans to lessen risks.

Procurement – the procurement process will be used to manage risks. The Project Manager will have to manage these processes carefully.

Contingency planning – the Project Manager will develop an alternative plans to manage any potential risks.

Insurance – some elements of the project such as equipment will be insured to spread the risk.

Risks will be managed to ensure that the project delivers quality upon completion. While quality could be subjective, the Project Manager and team leaders will define elements that constitute quality (Denney 2005). Thus, the project team will plan elements of quality expected to be met with every deliverable. In addition, the stakeholders will also give inputs on quality aspects. Quality aspects will ensure that the project has met its core objectives, and it can be favorably evaluated to demonstrate its success in the final report.

Change Management

Our Project will require a formal change management plan to guide the implementation processes. As such, the plan will capture, evaluate, and seek agreement to avoid resistance. Upon receiving change request, the team will have to make proper analysis of the change with the aim of assessing the impact it will have on the project’s objectives and scope. Modification and adjustments to the grand plan will be done where necessary. The team will also keep a proper record of change and its impacts on the existing plan for proper auditing.

After carrying out thorough analyses on requested changes and the subsequent modification done to the project management plan, the project team will communicate to all affected stakeholders (McManus & Cacioppe 2011). The team will also update the change log with the adapted changes together with the rationale behind them. To enhance the effectiveness of the change management plan, the project team will categorize the possible changes according to their potential sources.

Potential sources of change


Our Project is most likely to affect the local communities. Consequently, the project team expects them to resist the project implementation on their land. During gas well drilling, the local community members will be required to move. To mitigate resistance, they will be engaged in decision-making processes through wide consultation. Individuals will be compensated for land while local youth will be employed. The project team will also ensure that it informs the communities about the project benefits (Packendorff, Crevani, & Lindgren 2014).

The project team will be asked to meet all project requirements as scheduled. Any delays will be mitigated through paid overtime work.


There are possibilities that the work to be done in carrying out Our Project will be more difficult than we anticipated. This shall call for addition of capital and labor. The project team will communicate to the sponsor on issues concerning the additional cost of labor and capital. The revision of terms of employment caused by work difficulty will be done where necessary and communication done to the affected individuals.

Delays related to procurement

The process of procuring is subject to changes since it has more than one interrelated elements. This may be resulting from issues like delayed funds or delays from the suppliers. Delayed procurements will influence project stakeholders differently. The project team will promptly communicate sources of delays to all affected stakeholders. The team will then promptly act on the given feedback.

Variances in estimated costs

During the implementation process, the cost incurred could be either higher or lower than the estimated cost. In the case that the cost is higher than the estimates, the project team will assess the extent and liaise with the project sponsor for additional funds.

Risks triggered

In the course of project plan implementation, there could be chances of exposing the stakeholders to risks. The project team will work with experts to assess the magnitude of the risks and come up with appropriate courses of action. Communication will be done to the affected individuals, clearly explaining what is important for each and what is expected from them.


The team will commit itself to ensuring that everyone knows their role in order to avert mistakes. In addition to this, the team will collect data for comparison with the objectives. If mistakes are made, the project team will evaluate them with the aim of establishing their sources and impacts they will have on the project’s objectives. After a comprehensive review, the team will involve the relevant stakeholders in applying the appropriate corrective measures.

In conclusion, after considering the possible changes, the team will ensure that changes are implemented smoothly, with lasting benefits and the consideration on change outcomes on the project and all the stakeholders. The team will coordinate unique sets and objectives arising from change and the existing plan.

Managing Communication

The project team will come up with a communication plan that will be applied for communication throughout the project’s life cycle. The plan will put into consideration all project stakeholders and their varied requirements at any given time for information. Additionally, it will put in to place mechanisms to ensure that all stakeholders get appropriate up-to-date information on the project progress.

The team will categorize project stakeholders based on their information needs to deliver all communications through the right channels and right stakeholders. The basis of categorizing information will be guided by the questions, what kind of information is required? Who needs to communicate? How frequent the communication is needed? In addition, what needs to be communicated?

Communication with team members

In communicating with team members, the communication plan should put into consideration the diversity of the team members. People from different cultures, in different age brackets, with different educational level and so on will have different methods of communication. Team leaders will be responsible for communication with the Project Manager.

Communicating with other stakeholders

The team will come up with strategies to ensure that all the stakeholders will get information they require and in a manner that they will understand.

To enhance efficacy in communication, the team will put into consideration the following measures.

Picking a communicator

The team will pick a good communicator (the team leader) and consequently assign them the duty to communicate on behalf of the team. Persons selected will have a good knowledge of the projects progress, and they will accurately respond to queries as they arise. Therefore, the choice of the person to communicate on the team’s behalf will be informed by the communication expertise and communication skills.

Appropriateness in communication

The project team will ensure that all stakeholders get information they need, in a way they will understand. Communication will be done in a timely manner.

The methods used

The methods of communication to be used will include both formal and informal. The selection of the method will be done in accordance with the appropriateness and timeliness of the method.

Use of templates

To maintain standardization and enhance clarity, the project team will use carefully designed templates in communication where necessary. There will be deliberate efforts to explain clearly every project element and contents to stakeholders. Consequently, stakeholders will be informed on what is required of them in terms of responses and feedback.


The project team will make use of feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of communication. Feedback should also be a tool to inform subsequent decisions.

Use of written agreements

The team’s communication system will put emphasis on written agreements even when negotiations are done verbally. The written agreements will be used in project recording and as evidences in case of disputes.

Version control

The team will ensure that issuance of documents is regulated, it will therefore make use of numbered documents, each document having a unique number, and they will all bear the name of the project. Dates of issuance will be recorded and only designated officers will have the responsibility to issue such documents.

Project Closure

The steering committee in coordination with the project sponsor will ensure that the project will come to a formal end. This will be done upon the completion of all elements defined in the project scope and objectives attained. The team will carry out the closure in a manner that all the stakeholders will be satisfied that the project is completed.

The team will pay attention to the following three aspects, which include, handing over, commissioning and project evaluation.


With the complete outline of the project, the project team will transfer the project to the sponsor as a completion. Final user will require training where necessary. As such, the team will organize for training programs and provide the necessary training materials such as training manuals for production purposes.

The team will also check on all issues identified and any other issues noted after handover. Some of these issues may include safety of all workers and all the other stakeholders, environmental regulations and compliance, and the available technology.

Project handover

At this stage, the project team will finalize on all contracted services. All the related documents will be handed over to the appropriate stakeholders. Demonstration of the use and the intended benefits will be done to all the stakeholders.


Efforts of all stakeholders involved in successful delivery of project in time and with high standards will be appreciated. Additionally, a formal project closure will be provided.

Project Evaluation

The team will come up with a project evaluation plan, which will be geared to assist individuals to learn from the experience, and use gained experiences in the future. The following is a breakdown of the evaluation process the project team will follow.

Post project review

This will be a review to check on how effective the project is based on meeting the set objectives. The team will have to account for all stakeholders in order to be as inclusive as possible in this review.

Benefits review

The outcomes of the project will be reviewed in relation to the returns it will give the beneficiaries. This will be done six months after the delivery of the project. The rationale for carrying this exercise will be to provide information about viability of the project. The information obtained after the review will be stored and used in future decision-making processes.

Future projects recommendations

The elements in the project whose delivery is to be done will be included in future projects after comprehensive development.

Contractor’s performance review

The project team will evaluate how effectively and efficiently the contractor has met the set objectives. Knowledge obtained will be used to determine whether the contractor and resources used will be considered for future projects.

Collecting, organization, and archiving of project records

The team will collect all the projects records, organize them, and finally archive them in an easy to retrieve way.

Reference List

Borštnar, MK & Pucihar, A 2014, ‘Impacts of the Implementation of a Project Management Information System– a Case Study of a Small R&D Company’, Organizacija, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 10-23. Web.

Brown, JT 2014, The Handbook of Program Management: How to Facilitate Project Success with Optimal Program Management, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill Education, New York.

Denney, R 2005, Succeeding with Use Cases: Working Smart to Deliver Quality, Addison-Wesley, Boston.

Freidi, SS 2014, ‘Determinants of the Best Practices for Successful Project Management’, International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 173-186. Web.

Hardy-Vallee, B 2012, The Cost of Bad Project Management, Web.

McManus, B & Cacioppe, R 2011, An Integral Approach to Project Management, Web.

Packendorff, J, Crevani, L & Lindgren, M 2014, ‘Project Leadership in Becoming: A Process Study of an Organizational Change Project’, Project Management Journal, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 5–20. Web.

Project Management Institute, Inc 2013, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 5th edn, Project Management Institute, Pennsylvania.

Skaf, MA 1999, ‘Portfolio management in an upstream oil and gas organization’, Interfaces, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 84-104.

Sweasey, R & Skitmore, M 2007, ‘The Use of Formal Project Management Processes in the Procurement of Queensland Aged Care Facilities’, International Journal of Construction Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 43-56. Web.

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