The Ethos, Pathos, and Logos of the Clean and Clear, Yamaha, ASPCA, and Band-Aid Advertisements
Advertising has come a long way since the 17th century, getting the word out
about products or places was dependent upon the word of mouth but in 1631 Renaudot created La, which was the first French newspaper that had a personal ad. (WEB 1, 2011). Ads are now everywhere from the simple magazines in the salon to the phonebook under the night stand in the motel room. Advertisements make their way into our everyday lives by the advertisers adding a strong argument that gives an extra boost into the pictures used in their advertisements around us and allow us to become aware of the
advertisements. The last advertisement technique used was logos, which is the process of using slanted words in the ads that have in correct word usage and is a catchy phrase that sticks with the readers. Single advertisement gives credibility to the items by using people we respect with the “Clean & Clear” product. Also with a single phrase there is a stress in the slogan such as what “Yamaha” uses. Each ethos, pathos, and logos can be expressed in the advertisements by just having one of these to having all of them. Advertisers use ethos, which is ethnic appeal by the characters the author believe we look up to and admire.
“Clean & Clear” advertisement use different celebrities to promote their products. Celebrities that endorsed “Clean & Clear” are Demi Lovato and Vanessa Hudgens. Although “Clean & Clear” do not always use celebrities as much as they use teenage girls. The company tends to market toward teenage girls and make the product look popular to use. “Clean & Clear” had Demi Lovato posing for a photo while product and advertisement says, “Join the surge to <>. Beautiful with Clean and Clear & Demi Lovato.” This ad had used both Demi Lovato and another organization to get their product heard. In “Clean & Clear’s” 2011 commercial the advertisers show two
girls, who are best friends washing their faces in the morning. Each commercial follows
this idea but changes the scenes and the girls. “Clean & Clear” show how refreshing and new each person who uses the product advertised will feel and the closeness that is expressed between the girls. The product seems to want to express a relating to the average teenage girls by showing that the girls in their sleep wear and look like they just woke up and need to have something that will wake the user up. Opening up the magazine Seventeen there are “Clean & Clear” ads in the front displaying the product in a variety of different ways. Seventeen magazines have the “Clean & Clear” logos on some of the bottom pages and coupons for a dollar off their latest product. “Clean & Clear” has an effective method, which they use to hook the consumers and has positive role models for endorsing the product. But sometimes having role models does not work out so companies look for other ways to reach out to the consumers. Pathos is used in advertisement with emotional appeal that persuades the reader’s emotions.
In 2006, ASPCA had shot a commercial on animal cruelty, which had an emotional appeal that affect the emotions of the person watching the commercial. It is impossible to sit and watch the commercial without tearing up or having the idea of donating to help an animal out. The commercial shows intensely abused animals in the state of almost dying at the hand of their owners. Not only does the commercial show pictures that will break anyone down, there is that feeling of wanting to make a difference for these animals. What makes this commercial so effective is the song used, which is “In the Arms of an Angel,” where the emotion is heightened. (McLachlan, WEB). There are no words to explain how well done this commercial is and how the thought of the commercial will affect the people who watch it. The emotional appeal has a more
sympathetic feeling for the animals that are ghastly conditions rescued by the ASPCA. The impact of the animals looking at the camera leaves a feeling that is overwhelming unhappiness and gloom that is created. The commercial had a strong emphasis on targeting the emotions we have through the pain and suffering of the animals. Although pathos is not the only way to express an advertisement it can be expressed in other ways, such as using logos.
A much admired trait in advertisement is the whit that the ad can bring to the consumer. This use of whit in ads falls under logos, which is the logic that is acquired from the information the company is presenting in the advertisement. This can be seen in a Yamaha ad. Yamaha had a yellow lollipop that looked like a motorcycle and it had been opened and licked and at the bottom of the stick it. The slogan said, “Don’t take used stuff from strangers.” The slogan was creative and intended to make the buyer want to buy a new bike instead of buying a used one. In the ad there is the slogan that almost every kid growing up has heard a few times which was not to take candy from strangers. So this slogan is relatable and allows the buyers check out the product. Logos is another example of the trait that advertisers use, but when all three are combined it is possible to have an all-around advertisement.
The Band-Aid Company uses the Hulk, who is a superhero, on one of their most recent and creative ads wearing a Band-Aid. The Band-Aid shows hulk when he is in his turning hulk. This Band-Aid is called flex-fit so the idea that if the hulk can wear it when he’s turning hulk then the Band-Aid is perfect for anyone (Pokkisam, WEB). The Band- Aid uses SpongeBob as an endorsement to sell their product. The Band-Aids for SpongeBob are widely known due to the fact that most children know about the show
SpongeBob Squarepants. Spongebob and the Hulk are used to get the Band-Aid product heard of but they also use plenty of other characters such as Princess Tiana, from the Disney movie the Princess and the Frog, Ninja Turtles, and Ironman. In Band-Aids 2011 commercial the show a young boy, who has got a crush on this young girl. In the background the song “Forever Young” is playing throughout the commercial. The young boy decides that he will go over to where she is sitting and give her his cupcake. Although the young girl turns down the cupcake and leaves him at the table hurt. After that happens he opens his lunch box and grabs a Band-Aid. He opens the Band-Aid and puts it on his arm and in the ending of the commercial the logo says, “For deep cuts”. The Band-Aid Company displays ethos, pathos and logos, which is present in most of their ads and demonstrates that they have a well-rounded advertisement corporation.
With an ever growing tech-savvy generation, advertisers are turning to new ideas
to catch our attention, but three main uses are still employed by using the three techniques of rhetoric. It can be seen in ads using the people we idolize and ads trying to tie in an emotional appeal which allows us to be hooked into the idea of the product. Most advertisement companies seem to be keeping the ads in an ethos, pathos and logos state so that the can reach the consumer. The “Clean & Clear,” Yamaha, ASPCA, and Band-Aid, advertisements expressed ethos, pathos or logos. No matter the companies most advertisement company’s goal seems to be keeping the ads easy to see and read by allowing the things done to be simple in trying to capture our attention. The influence that the advertisement may have on us depends on what interests us as well as take in. The advertisement world has an influence on us and will determine what we buy and why.