School life is the best time of human life. People have been learning at school since childhood
and have built up a personality at school. It is the formation period for all. Since all students do
not come back after school, they must strive for a better life and a better school life.
First, all students must acquire a great deal of knowledge in school life. They have good
discipline and punctuality for school life. They must do everything at the right moment. He must
remember that if a student succeeds in his student career and his character is built on a sound
foundation, he can shine in all areas and serve his own society and nation.
The joys of school life vary. School is a place of youth. Even seniors are happier and smarter
with younger students. Carefree life. The student does not worry about world affairs. Parents can
easily meet student needs. He is interested only in his classes and games. He has plenty of time
to play and to stay healthy He remains mostly pleasant. Some of his friends are naughty. They
joked with their friends However, there are some industry boys. They work hard to outdo others.
Therefore, the school has a big influence on us. They form our personality, form our mental
attitudes and form the basic principles of life. Most people at school are happy and happy days of
our lives. There are many memories of school life that we remind each time. Our school days fill
our hearts with memories of happiness and old memories.
Some of the students avoid working at home and are not willing to work hard. The only time
they can take seriously is the test set. After the test presentation, it feels like an electric shock. No
more annoying young children and no longer have to read and correct the poor teacher's time.
School life was a better life and a great opportunity for our lives that we easily gained. After
school, we are missing too many memories in our minds. School life was very pleasant and
happy for us. There was a lot of fun and education to get good principles of life.