The Importance of Internet Nowadays

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Everything revolves around the internet nowadays. Every business, huge or small has a net website so that you can visit. Let’s face it, the internet is not going away, we as people ought to learn to use this device and no longer consider it as a poor factor. The net needs to be used definitely to benefit us. We find whatever we need via the internet. The net can be abused however we should educate our children with a view to using it efficaciously to their benefit. We absolutely need to make maximum colleges have the internet in classrooms, there is no question approximately to it.

The Internet is a very important tool for society since it helps us in parallel in communication and learning. Nowadays, all the activities that are given for example to the students in the schools are online; for that reason, I believe that it’s an indispensable tool for learning. Similarly, I consider that each person is aware of their actions and it’s dependent on each teenager if they will use this resource to study or play. Personally, I consider the internet isn’t bad for college students and shouldn’t be limited to them, you just have to know how to use it and take advantage of its facilities to the fullest.

The Internet needs to be within the school rooms of colleges in the new millennium. If you couldn’t get on and surf the internet by way of yourself then you definitely are regarded down upon. The net is the brand new massive factor, its technology at its best. That’s why we ought to hold our college students in faculties educated and up to date with it, the internet has infinite possibilities. College students would by no means run out of statistics for his or her reviews in faculty, they could either visit the library and search for the records they want and desire that the eBook they want is not checked out, that may absorb to multiple hours, even as on the internet you could discover the data for fewer mins.

Many books are previous and you’ll be fortunate to check one out if all the students within the magnificence are doing the same report! The internet maintains up with modern-day information coming in every day of the week. I don’t think college students abusing their time at the internet is a problem, I assume we need teachers or a person to guide them when using the internet. There are programs advisors online that can be downloaded that could block out any material no longer appropriate for students at schools.

Although the internet is excellent and beneficial, some young human beings particularly students use it for horrific matters, which includes gambling laptop games and get addict to it. Many parents have banned their children to use the internet and not allowed to play for all time, 1 week or a day or so. however they in no way keep their word because, of the path, parents love their kids, this is why after just a while, they allow their children to play once more with their video games, so virtually although, I think the internet is beneficial for exact children, and it’s far worse with awful youngsters especially for college students.

In my personal angle, the net performs a crucial position within the communicating barrier. As you could see, humans everywhere in the world are usage of the internet, including the elderly and mostly students. We speak to each other using the internet and it truly enables us to live to connect with each other. Except, without the net, how are the countries going to grow economically? Our knowledge and the view to the outside world, the angle to the outside of our comfort sector can be simply confined, like a frog in the well. So, why now not?

The internet is the pleasant connection between an individual to the whole world, it’s really a boon. Digital education is generating new learning opportunities as students engage in online, digital environments and as faculty change educational practices through the use of hybrid courses, personalized instruction, new collaboration models, and a wide array of innovative, engaging learning strategies. Furthermore, a 21st-century view of learner success requires students to not only be thoughtful consumers of digital content but effective and collaborative creators of digital media, demonstrating competencies and communicating ideas through dynamic storytelling, data visualization, and content curation.

Furthermore, in an article addressing the issue of e-safety amongst other things, Sharples et al (2008) discuss the dilemma of allowing students and young people to make use of the learning opportunities the Internet has to offer and simultaneously protecting them from possible harmful ‘side effects. The use of the Internet poses certain risks to the younger generation, such as bullying e.g. to post hurtful messages/pictures, harmful adults (e.g. pedophiles), unsuitable content e.g. violent and pornographic material and cheating e.g. to copy-paste online material. This dilemma is indeed a problem for schools and the authors acknowledge that at present there is no simple solution. According to Sharples et al (2008), if schools forbid students to access inappropriate websites, they will soon find other ways of doing so.

The use of internet inside the classroom allows you to experiment extra in pedagogy and get instant results. Internet permits for greater active studying. You can increase engagement through online polling or ask quiz questions in the course of lectures with on the spot outcomes. Subject relies on is dynamic and timely with virtual textbooks that embed links to application materials or scholar-maintained course wikis. whether including a single tool for a selected assignment or term, or creating a greater dramatic exchange inclusive of a flipped school room, being nicely-versed with the use of the internet can assist build credibility with college students, or even fellow colleagues, therefore it is important that teachers have knowledge in the use of the Internet in planning/teaching for two reasons.

First, a teacher who makes use of the Internet as an additional teaching tool will most likely earn his/her students’ respect and regard, which in turn will give the teacher a sense of security and confidence. However, Gary Chapman (2000) notes that teachers might feel reluctant to use the Internet in the classroom since some students are very ICT competent. The fear of being “outperformed” by their students might hinder teachers from using the Internet in class.

Yet Madden et al (2005) found that teachers who frequently use the Internet are confident users, and they are less likely to feel that their students have more knowledge about the Internet than they do. Second, lesson/course planning and teaching will most likely benefit from the teacher’s knowledge and use of the Internet in his/her daily work. For instance, using the Internet in instruction increases students’ motivation to learn English (Muehleisen 1997), fosters students’ responsibility for their studies (Chapman 2005; Kennedy 2010), and motivates students to write when they know that their written products will be available to readers worldwide, Karchmer( 2001).

Internet within the lecture room allows full participation. Online polling and different tools assist to have interaction with all students, along with shy students who wouldn’t usually raise their hand in class. Online engagement structures assist you to regularly take a look at it with students for remarks on course substances and assignments; records analytics will be used to help spot regions wherein college students may be probably suffering so that you can regulate the coursework for this reason.

One energetic learning technique that generation can facilitate is providing students with quizzes (now not for credit). At the beginning of the course, you could gauge familiarity with a topic through taking a quick, anonymous quiz on the concern you’re teaching—and this may additionally tell and direct what you want to cognizance on. At the cease of the class, placing the equal quiz once more allows all students to gauge their gaining knowledge. According to, Mahmoud Mohammad Sayed Abdallah (2007) argues that the Internet is used in education because it facilitates learning, teaching, and communication. It is possible to find a great deal of information online and to do so at any time.

Specifically commenting on the advantages of the Internet for English Language Teaching, he mentions that students can study any topic in English independently online, and they can also find many activities on the Internet to use in order to improve their proficiency. In an early observation by Meena Singhal (1997), also support the use of internet in colleges by mentioning that, the advantages of the Internet for the individual student are highlighted, especially the vast amount of information that can be found online at all times. The World Wide Web is a virtual library at one’s fingertips; it is a readily available world of information for the language learner, (Singhal 1997).

She particularly highlights the benefits of email, which is beneficial to use with shy students who can thus communicate without having to speak up in class. Moreover, via email, language students can communicate with native English speakers, rendering the communication an authentic context. In a speech given at a conference in Japan, Victoria Muehleisen (1997) lists a number of reasons why the use of the Internet is beneficial to English teaching. She claims that students’ motivation to learn English is promoted by their learning how to use computers, and in so doing they come to realize that English is an international language (most of the online information is in English).

Moreover, online projects have an interactive aspect (students work actively, for instance when they search for information), and are generally easier to realize in practice than other projects (Internet access is often available in e.g. computer rooms in schools and public computers internet cafés). Muehleisen concludes by encouraging English teachers to use the Internet in the classroom, as it increases students’ motivation to use English in out-of-school settings.

Kilimci (2010) goes one step further when he argues that the Internet can be used as the main aid in teaching a language and as a basic source of communication in distance education not only as a complement to other teaching resources, Kilimci (2010). The World Wide Web provides teachers and students with the possibility to listen to radio programs, television programs, the news, etc., thus to listen to native speakers online. Moreover, the Internet gives students access to libraries and a great deal of reading material, and also the opportunity to familiarize themselves with many different cultures and peoples.

With the internet within the lecture room, your college students have an instant right of entry to sparkling statistics that may complement their learning revel in. There is great importance in having textbooks and course substances that are always updated, that may even encompass additions demanded by students. This additionally fosters a greater collaborative learning surrounding; students, networked collectively online, can proportion facts, work together on projects, and engage with their instructor.

According to Harmer (2007) writes that students and teachers can find practically any kind of information they want on the Internet. They can access newspapers, encyclopedias, history sites, film guides, lyrics, and broadcasting associations e.g. the BBC. However, due to the size of the Internet and the vast amount of online information, there is, it may be awkward to use for teachers and students. It might be difficult to find the spot-on information that one is searching for because it is a skill that must be acquired.

Thus if teachers want their students to do successful searches on the Internet, they have to teach them this skill and as such instructors or teaching assistants have to be able to assist the students as guide then in relation to what they should browse for on the internet. Other researchers have also explored drawbacks of the use of the Internet in education. Singhal (1997) mentions technical problems/lack of Internet access, teachers’ lacking knowledge and experience, unsuitable information for children, and time-consuming browsing on the Internet. Chapman (2000) brings up threats of Internet use for young people. Among other things, there is information about drug use and bomb-making on the Internet.

Indeed the Internet is a useful tool in instruction when used with sense and precaution, yet it is not always easy for teachers to know how to use the Internet as a teaching resource Kuo (2008). It might be difficult to determine what reliable information is and what is not. Moreover, besides what has been mentioned above concerning negative aspects, the authors mention that the computers might come to replace the role of the teacher in the classroom.

Consequently, the student-teacher relationship will be negatively affected, and the instruction too in the long run. However, In the curriculum ideas, it is stipulated that the college students should be capable to advance their “digital proficiency” for the duration of their education Landskapsregering (2007). When students have digital proficiency, they are assured and indispensable customers of ICT in their work life, in their spare time, and in their greater studies. This competence is built upon basic qualifications in ICT, that is, the use of computers in order to find, produce, store, evaluate, show, and exchange information, and additionally to partake in communications and community networks on the Internet.

The student needs to continuously mirror upon the technological development and how it has influenced society at large/a particular vocational field Landskapsregering (2007). Also, the young people of today have been brought up in a digital era. The Internet constitutes a major and natural part of their lives. Research points to the advantages of the use of the Internet in an informal context as well as in a formal learning setting. In the school context, the Internet can be used to find for instance different kinds of information (Acikalin 2009).

However, students spend an exceptional deal of time on the Internet in their spare time, and how they use the Internet when they are no longer in school is past the school’s control. Therefore, the fantastic alternative is to enable teachers and college students to advantage from the learning and teaching possibilities that the Internet has to offer, furnished that each precaution to protect college students from exposure to inappropriate facts has been taken. Similarly, the reality that there is a super deal of incorrect and biased facts on the Internet have to additionally be acknowledged.

It appears to be a frequent view amongst younger human beings that what is published on the Internet is correct and honest facts. Tuvér et al( 2009). Hence it is enormously necessary that students research to separate reliable sources from unreliable ones. They are taught to take a look at a number of sources on the identical topic and to examine the information presented to them Karchmer (2001). They should be steered to continually check who is accountable for the information they come through while surfing the Net Andersson (1997).

Expectation About the Internet Technology and Web Design

My Expectation about The Internet Technology and Web Designing Nowadays, Internet technology and web designing spread so fast. Most people today use the internet in order to acces any information they needed. computers are the most influential tools in our lives, they are our present and futureSo do I. I am very interested in this matter. From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do.

This interest never left me, only growing more profound and passionate with every new discovery I made. From communicating with an artificial intelligence to seeing the wonders of the Internet for the first time, computers have left me fascinated with just how much power yet mystery they hold. I took this course because I really want to learn more about the internet technologies and web designing. I want to have my own website. I think that this subject is going to be hard because we have to know the coding to create a certain web page.

I think the coding is like (HTML) Hypertext Markup Language used to tell a browser how to present information or C++. But I am not worry much about this, because my lecturer will be teaching me and of course she will make me understand about this subject. She’s an expert in internet and web designing I will learn and focus on this subject so that it can help me to developed more on this subject in the future. I hope after I learning this subject, I could make and have my own web site. I will try my best to score an ‘A’ in this subject. InsyaAllah.

Is Exposure to the Internet at Early Age a Good Idea

The internet currently presents very interesting questions and challengers for parents. If there were an instruction manual and how to be a parent leaning on technology and the internet would be worthy to certain the problems. Internet leaders, analysts, and activists are involved in an ongoing debate about how the internet and technology affect our lives, as virtual reality becomes embedded in your life. While technology advances have improved communication capabilities, there is wide disagreement as to whether this leads to better , human relations, or home lives.

Nowadays, children are moving towards technology in by time. Definitely, we are in a period where technology is everything without technology our life left out and monotonous. In discussion, let see the use of internet aspect for the children. Internet has both its good and bad impact. It really depends on our way of use. For me, I agree the discussion of exposure to the internet at an early age a good idea because children can develop computer skills faster, in internet many websites include types of educational will have, give your child quick and effective access and finally encourage to use more comfortable resources in .

What can the internet do for you and your children? Let see now and in the future? Its usefulness enters every area of our lives. By the internet, updated information about vital subjects can apply which only a click way. The internet presents much benefit to the individual or children for education, business, entertainment and live socialization. Exposure to the internet at an early age because can develop their computer skills so far in education and entertainment.

As a tool for education and entertainment, the internet enables users to learn about virtually any topic in education or entertainment, search information or play an infinite number of online games with other users. This keeps them aware of all things going on around technology. The internet is the most useful and important thing in today’s society may develop their computer skills faster. The first step is gaining an adequate knowledge of the facts, and then knowing where to look for solutions. As result as, our children are thinking true or false knowledge and avoid the problems.

Informed parents can be proactive and reduce the risks, and perhaps just as important, they can ensure technology is positive influence for yours. Besides that, exposure to the internet at early age because information technology give learn about virtual education for their children to develop acknowledge for them. There are so many valuable information that the children can get on the internet. This keeps them aware of all the things to do and going on around them. So, children should have proper access to the internet from a very early age to learn and teach them earlier.

Besides that, information technology is mediator and beneficial to young child to develop their skills. Many programs and types of education will have in internet such as citcat. com, dictionary with ‘google’ translate and many programs are beneficial to them. Before that, to suppose this advantage, family should supervision for them to allowed use the internet. In addition, exposure to the internet at early age can give your child quick and effective access the internet. Information technology gives a large amount of educational material to use for education part.

Children more like to explore their mind to search any part in internet to have information for them. Other sides, schools generally give your child encourage and usually insist upon the use of computers for obtaining resources. These are started at school while they should know and where this information can get for them. This age children grow their capturing skills and knowledge around them. Then, children are quick and effective to learn more about the internet. For example, children can make tutorial between users and computer, while the computer teach what to do with tutorial itself.

Otherwise, some of the using internet is also dangers with many inappropriate sites for young children. In the internet, are also dangers for their young children because it is many unfortunately and worryingly can display with searching in the internet. Predators in disguise frequent sites looking for children to deceive. For example, many website in the internet can manipulate and distribute porno sites and uncertain sites to abuse their child. It all depends on their children owns. When a child enters a chat room, they expect to find someone that is their own age with their interest.

They may even find someone that just seems like they truly are the “perfect” friend. In conclusion, exposure to the internet at an early age has its pros and cons. Children using the internet at an early stage are much smarter than their counterparts who do not have access to the internet. There is also much valuable information that children can get on the internet at an early age. For recommendation, children should be allowed and exposure to use the internet at an early age only in the presence of their parents or some other adults in their family.

Life Without Internet

Many people say that the Internet is the most important invention ever. Do you agree or disagree with this and if not, what do you believe to be more important? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. What Like Would Be Life Without Internet? Many people say that the Internet is the most important invention ever, and I definitely belive that it is true. Since the first artificial satellite, the Sputnik, was launched to the space, the world has never been the same. Nowadays computer is so affordable that in every home you can find one.

What is more, the Internet connects people all around the world, and allow to make on-line businesses transactions and prove a special kind of education. Computers did not exist a century ago and people had happy lives without them . Nowadays, we take computers for granted and nothing can exist without them . Life would stop without computers. You wouldn’t even think how many common products are operated by computers. Our cars, microwave ovens, wristwatches and thousands of other gadgets. Appearing the Internet you can search on www – means World Wide Web – for information when you have to some.

There are millions of websites storing an endless number of data. You can find many dozens of information about everything on the Internet. E. g. History, Animals, Plants, Nature, Music,famous people etc. There are countless of services available on the net. What is more you can download music, films, listen to foreign radio stations, play games, read and subscribe newspapers and magazines and you can even purchase or sell various products , order food,. In addition you can transfer money through the Internet, and learn languages on-line on several web pages and practise English because most users speak the language.

You can keep in touch with friends or other people from other countries to write them e-mails if you have an e-mail access and it is very fast . The list is endless, and I honestly like to use it because as I have experienced I always get to useful information through the Internet ,e. g. practise my English and gain knowledge about healthy life. And luckily, I also have some good experience in connection with buying products on the Net. Thus, it always contributes for my life with a beneficial way.

In conclusion, the above mentioned reasons I strongly believe that it is evitable nowadays to use the Internet. All in all besides entertainment using Internet is not only a pleasure pastime but also a way of education and also a workplace which let us to live a more convenient life. If you have a small laptop or a notebook that you can take anywhere , it is like an office in your briefcase,and it is very comfortable and saves you a lot of time. And if you use it only with awereness and only for its advantageous and positive aspects than you will be sure that it serves your development for a better life.

Problems and Solutions Internet Addiction

Along with the development of society is the development of scientific and technical, including the development and popularity of the internet. Besides the undeniable benefit is the tremendous impact that the internet brings. With most teens and adolescents, there is a thin line between casual internet use and addiction. The first cause that makes a person is addicted to the Internet is the family’s management. From that, they have much time to spend to do something on the Internet.

Initially, you only use Internet when you have spare time. Gradually, you spend more and more time on it. And you are addicted. Internet addiction brings a lot of bad effects. When you use too much time to use the Internet, you lost your valuable time to do other things. We can see that the first harm is waste of time. Every time when someone require you shut down or out internet you will say “just for minutes”, right? Second, it is bad influence on your health. If you use it for along time, day to day you will fatigue, your brain will be damaged.

And your studying?

Of course it will decline, too. It leads to damage your eyes, west your money, neglected education… It terrible! And then, it is internet addiction that the risk of your health or education and more other thing being negatively impacted by internet addiction need to stop immediately. For those reasons, we have to have a using internet timetable reasonablely. Especially, we should go outside and do more something useful. When we attend outside activities, you will not enough time to online.

The Advancement of the Internet Technology

Information technology is said to be playing an important role in various sectors in a particular society these sectors may include the financial institutes, research institutes, learning institutions and other development sectors globally.

The invention of the internet as a mode of communication has made every development successful since most of the developments require skills of using the internet and computers at large.

It is therefore through the internet services provided that enhance the success of the people’s access on the present public service, library services and even marketing through the internet which globally referred to as the e-commerce.

Research indicates that currently information is processed using computers and disseminated to the recipients through the internet, this internet technology is found to have improved the peoples understanding of information in many sectors of development.

This idea brings in the advantage of using the internet technology to many people who are provided with material information on the electronic formats that have proved to be easy to get, revise, read and understand.

Also this information is stored in large quantities which make it cheap and simple for the interested party in getting the specified to get it at once, compared to the process of going to libraries and reading a lot of books in order to get the required information (Connor, 1999)

Therefore, for one to access the information provided on the internet the user is expected to enter an inquiry on the web form that is provided, after which it is sent to the web server, the web server then sends the question to the index server cluster which is meant to match the inquiry with the available documents.

The match is then sent to the document server cluster that plays the role of retrieving the documents so that it can generate the abstracts and the copies of the information that is cached. Then finally the document is displayed by the web server to the user where he is enabled to get the information required.

This advancement of using the internet has basically enabled individuals to have a better access to good resources of the needed information. Research shows that by the use of computer technologies, preferable learning materials such as journals, newspapers, books and many academic articles can be obtained through the internet.

This access to information through the internet is found to be the most important factor in many organisations, whereby individuals  have the sanction to store the retrieved materials using devices of storage.

Such as flash disks and diskettes which enable them to retrieve and use the data easily compared to the early years where people used to keep so many books in their bookshelves and when the individual requires a particular information he was forced to through the whole lot of books s that he gets the information needed, this method actually proved to be time wasting and tiring . (Parries and Jeffay, Dec.2002)

Under this technological advancement, we find that there are many developed web sites that are meant to allow many people to get access to many expanded sites that have new approaches of information regarding their area of interest.

An example of these sites is the Google website, which is recognised globally and it is also said to be among the best search websites providing search services for the customers who are interested in getting particular websites; research indicates that google is the leading service provider to both the individuals and its customers applying the internet technology in their daily activities. (Knupfer and Muffoletto, 1993)

 This google websites is specialised in the use of hypertexts, which is used where there have been an interest of putting the written literature into a computerised text that usually involve hypertext editing; through this we find that the text is always organised in a manner that particular initials are assigned to particular literature matching with the users requirements for the resources According to research we find that.

There are almost over two hundred thousand computer networks of the google company  which are spread all over the world, allowing many people to access it. Besides accessing files on other computers within the organization, an individual can run software located on all the computers that are enabled with the software.

This therefore makes communication among the people easy and efficient, for this case we find that the hypertext matching analysis is always put in mind when the fillings of a particular information is being stored.

The characteristics of a particular page such as the title, the font style and its content are proved to be very crucial in the matching of the hypertext. The other method used by google is the scalable core technology which was created with an objective of performing calculations for over ten thousand servers globally. (Knupfer and Muffoletto, 1993)

Google has enabled its technology in finding the complex files through which the use files which do not occur by the use internet formats an example of such formats are the Microsoft word, the post script formats, rich texts among others.

The services also offer a number of solutions to particular problems like the misspelling of words in the questions provided; this is actually used to enable the searching easier. (Parries and Jeffay, Dec.2002)

The internet technology has brought in the use of electronic mail technique, which has brought an extreme change in the modes of communication.

Here, we find that the costs that are always incurred when an individual conducting a particular research are reduced since moving round, calling through telephony technology and even writing letters to reach a person who may be having information on a particular topic of interest are avoided. The internet allows an individual to communicate to a number of people at the same time. (Connor, 1999)

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