The Petition in Lyddie, a Historical Fiction Novel by Katherine Paterson
In the historical fiction novel “Lyddie” by Katherine Paterson, the main character has to decide on whether to sign a petition or not. Lyddie Worthen is a poor girl who originates from Vermont, is working VERY hard to pay a debt that her mother owes. But since the working conditions are horrible, a woman named Diana Goss made a petition for all the girls ry stating why they are mad and disgusted by in the factory to sign. It will go against the f the factory. Lyddie should NOT sign the petition because it will affect her in a negative way Lyddie should not sign the petition because she needs to pay her farm’s debt. At this point, Lyddie is working very hard to earn money. She was persistent in her work to be able to pay her debts. In page 88 of “Lyddie” it says “So it was that when The Concord Corporation once again speeded up machinery. She didn’t complain she needed the money”. This means she copes with all the challenges thrown at her at her to reach her goal. This quote supports the idea of Lyddie not signing the petition because she needs the money. Not signing will result in a good pay for her. Lyddie should not sign the petition because if she does, she’ll get blacklisted. At this point of the novel, the girls are willing to sign the petition, but they are scared of being “”I’ve half a mind to sign the dismissed and blacklisted.
What will you do with no job? You’d be blacklisted. No other corporation would hire you said Lyddie”. This quote means that the consequence of signing the petition is you’ll get fired and blacklisted, meaning you can’t get another job anywhere. This supports the idea of Lyddie not signing the petition because Lyddie would be risking her whole future just by signing. If Lyddie doesn’t sign the petition and avoid it, she will save herself a lot of headaches. Lyddie should not sign the petition because it will negatively affect how much money she gets. Some people believe Lyddie should sign the petition because she needs to liberate herself from the factory’s horrible wage conditions. However she has no choice because page 100 in the novel states, “Lyddie herself was far too busy to help anyone. She could not fall behind in her production or else her pay would drop”. This quote shows that Lyddie cannot be distracted by signing some petition that will ruin her. This supports my claim of ydde NOT signing the petition because then she’ll have no way to earn money. Therefore Lyddie can do the right smart thing by not signing the petition. Lyddie should not sign the petition because it will affect her negatively. She also shouldn’t sign it because she needs money, she’ll get blacklisted, and because it will ruin her. Her choice of not signing the petition will be the best for her because she’ll work peacefully and get money to achieve her goal of paying her debt.