The returning of the moon man
One Autumn evening of the same year, Griffith ‘s family heard a noise, they went to the street and they noticed that a spacecraft departed from London, it would be the first expedition to the moon but It had crashed and an astronaut was Injured so they needed someone to go In his place _ Grandfather didn’t let Deal go with them and took the place of the injured man, so he went to the moon. He was there for a long time so Grand married another man, as she believed that her husband would not return from space, and they went to 1954 for they honeymoon.
However, Grandfather came back and when e discovered what had happened, he chased them to 1954, where he smashed the Time Machine and imprisoned Grand in a nunnery. 9. Write the names of the characters. Grandfather Griffith; Grand; Deal my father; Browne, the narrator; Mother; Electric Plumber Williams, Uncle Space-ship-Repairs Jones; Auntie Space-ship-Repeals Jones; The Moon Men; Lonely Time Machine. 10. Choose two characters that have impressed you the most and build up their profiles: Name: Grandfather Griffith Role in the story: He is a main character. Description (appearance, personality, actions): He is tall, fiery, old and hard. Great shining rocket. He shot out his long arm and grasped a chopper”. Name: Grand Role in the story: She is a main character. He is like Description (appearance, personality, actions): She uses black clothes, pathetic- looking little woman. She is sad, progressive, persistent, ignorant and angry. “Grand shivered and sighed”. 11. Describe the setting of the story (time and place). Time- A. D. 2500. Place- Pen-Y- Craig Farm in Rural Wales. 12. Describe the main action/topic/theme of the story. The story occurs in the Rural Wales when the light appeared. C. 13. Explain the meaning of the story title.
Grandfather goes to the Moon for a long time and then he returns. 14. Give it another title. Grandfather goes to the Moon. 15. Give the story a different ending. When Grandfather came back from the Moon and discovered Grand had married with another man, he chased them. After having held them, he found a convent to leave Grand. Grandfather wanted to return to the moon with intentions of staying there to live so past few days he went to the moon and never returned, leaving everyone to think that his life was on the moon. 16. Write two quotes from the story that you liked and explain your choices. “She