The Story of Jane Addams
Growing up without a mother and having a very prosperous father is quite a combination. Jane Addams had to deal with that, served her life and made the best of it. Addams did what she loved. Starting and having very much progression in a settlement house was her dream. The Hull-House helped the underprivileged people, people who needed attention, care, and love. Addams provided that and much more. Ever decide that if you wanted to do something real bad, you would know you would be doing it in the end?
Saving lives, protecting families, helping the disabled, provide clubs and museums, and encourage communication. Then, the future is here and you are doing what you love. Occupation is a passion and your place of work! Born in Cedarville, IL, in 1860, Jane Addams had some rock times in her childhood. Addams was the eighth child born of nine others. Mr. Addams was a prosperous miller, local political leader as state senator for sixteen years, and he fought as an officer in the civil war. When Addams was two years old, her mother died of childbirth.
At age seven, her father remarried causing her to distant the relationship between her and her father. As the years went on Jane Addams had her ups and downs. But that did not stop her from her succeeding. Addams did not go to her choice college, Smith College. She was sent to Rockford Female Seminary, a college mounted on Mount Holyoke College, which set students up from missionary work. She graduated with the class of 1882. The first graduating class of Rockford. In the next six years, she studied medicine, but has to leave due to poor health.
In this process she was faced with a dilemma. Her father”s sudden death, only person she depended on the most, caused her stepmother to claim her. Addams education needed serious work while family issues and illnesses caused even more pressure. Also, Addams heath was not that good either. She has had several years of neurotic illness. She extended the American Girl”s Tour of Europe to two years of travel and study of reading and writing from 1883 to 1885. Addams working on avoiding family issues, she and a couple of college friend returned to Europe in 1887.
Ellen Starr and Addams returned to the United States in 1889 and opened a settlement house after ending her studies. In 1889, Addams and Starr opened a home by Charles Hull in Chicago. The purpose of this settlement house was to “provide a center for a higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises and to investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago. ” Addams and Starr made speech, raised money, took care of children, helped the sick, listened to trouble individuals, and more.
By the second year of the Hull-House, they have two thousand people that come every week. There were many programs they provided. Kindergarten classes, adult classes, club meetings for older children, nigh school. Many facilities were added to the settlement house also. The first that was added was an art gallery, the second was a public kitchen, then a coffeehouse, a gym, more and more was added as the years went on on help the people. Jane Addams was eventually a known woman of progress, great progress. People knew who she was, she became famous.
In 1905, she was appointed to Chicago”s Board of education and made chairmen of School Management Committee. In 1909 she became the first women president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. In 1910, she received an honorary degree ever awarded to a women at Yale University. Addams believed strongly in women”s right and they should speak out, hear a woman”s point of view. She was involved in many, many programs and took charge in many of them. In 1926, Addams suffered from a heart attack and never fully recovered. She”s remembered and thank.
She helped society greatly and helped people smile in the end. The Hull-House was on great accomplishment of her many. On December 11 1931, the day she won the first Noble Peace Prize ever awarded to a women, she in the hospital and couldn”t make it. May 21, 1935, Addams dies of an unsuspected cancer. She was buried in her childhood town of Cedarville, IL. The Hull-House was a huge establishment Jane Addams held. It was very popular and helped save many and to just be happy. Addams accomplished a lot in her life and died a proud woman. She will and is remembered.