The Value of Life and the Importance of Achieving One’s Goals
Every time I open my eyes I am grateful to be alive. Born in 1997 in Gardena California with the umbilical cord wrap around my neck life didn’t seem so precious for me. The doctors struggled to keep breath in my body, and my poor mother was suffering the whole matter. But gracefully I and my mother survived a nightmare. Sadly she had to endure her pain all alone without my father nowhere in sight; to comfort her during the worst experience of one’s life. Can you recall the most memorable time with your father figure? For some, it may be when he taught you how to read, for others it may be memories of him teaching you how to fish. When a child is born into this world he is, she is given a birth certificate, which provides information such as a name, date, and place of birth. ‘However, most importantly it provides the names of the parents of the child. On my birth certificate, I have the name of my mother who suffers bringing life into this world, but right above her name is an empty space where my father’s name should be.
Nevertheless, as a child I would often compare my life to my peers; I would often go through all of these anamnesis scenarios in my mind thinking, ‘If my dad were around I could be like all my friends that have a father figure. As the years went by I would sometimes have a sense of anticipation that one day I would meet him, and’ he would tell me I love you son and I will never leave your side again. In the past, I believe that my father necessary to rise; but instead I found that false hope was an unnecessary accessory. It’s something how I refuse to let the fact that I am fatherless define the limits of the great things that I can accomplish through the burning desire to reach success. I successfully finished elementary, middle and high school. Always keeping achievable grades through distractions of the family financial crisis and the bad environment I was being raised in. I stayed in sports breaking records in high school track and field being honored the varsity medal of track and field award.
To keep me being a positive role model knowing negativity was waiting for me when I get off the bus in my neighborhood, I stayed tutoring elementary kids including my little sister; that’s where I found my gift to enlighten young people. Instructing young people to keep good grades is where I found my passion to teach. Not just to teach but becoming a strong role model in many young people lives, despite the criminal environment full of negativity all around the youth. I was a bright light showing young people that education is the way to go. When a young man like me become a light in young males lives directing kids from robbing, stealing and going to a juvenile. I would put a book in their hands showing them that this is more important than being a rapper or gangster on television. However I would love to excel in knowledge to teach and instruct, I know it would take a bachelor’s degree and a good university to fulfill my goals seeing I am the first generation of my family to receive a bachelor’s degree. I have arrived at my stepping stone at a community college and I would love to advance in what I most love at the next level.
Nevertheless, financial problems have still been a big issue for my family, because my mom is a single parent, she would have to take on a heavy load of bills and work by herself. However one day she lost her job and the pressure was on me to pick up a late night shift job at Walmart. At the same time go to school full time. Sometimes it was compressed meeting deadlines for school projects, but somehow my determination took over me and I strongly excel through each semester, the
Struggles were endless, trails were always around the corner. I was nineteen at the time one of the worst incidents I have ever been through, we had a family break in I believe that was the hardest time during my community college life. The intruder stole money and all my electronics it was really stressful because them electronics help me with school. However, although I was robbed in my home, I went to school the next day with a positive attitude, staying in the right place to finish any
Class homework, successfully meeting deadlines making appointments with my professors. Doing everything I possibly can to reach my goals. However my father’s name is not on my birth certificate, but it is my birth certificate. My origins are not the brightest but I was given a life that was mine to live. I wouldn’t put on this world to live forever but if I were to leave this world today I would feel content with the person I see in the mirror.
I know the difficulty that African Americans face in this day and age. My vision is to enlighten other young males that education is much more than being fatherless, drugs, and crime. Building a bridge for the future. My deep burning desire is to become an Aggie, to show the world that no matter how the world shapes your life or destiny. The most important aspect is that my impact on the Aggies will reshape the nation and the world.