Unit 4 HI300 Discussion
Decision Support Applications
Investigate clinical decision support applications and provide a summary of at least two of the applications that you find. Please provide facts about each of the applications and answer the following questions:
1. What does the application do?
2. How does the application help the user? Listed below are application examples. You are not limited to this selection: DxPlain®, QMR®, Prodigy®, Diagnosis Pro®, Iliad®, and Problem Knowledge Couplers®
Please do not duplicate your fellow classmates’ responses. If you use the same application, you must give new information about the application.
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion responses should be around 200 words.
On two diferent paragraph Give your Opinion to
Gabriela Berrios
I have chosen IBM Micromedex and DxPlain as the clinical decision support applications.
IBM Micromedex:
What does it do?
It accelerates access to evidence. (IBM, 2018).
You can ask questions naturally; the way clinicians ask clinicians. (IBM, 2018).
It delivers quick clinical responses, supporting faster patient care. (IBM, 2018).
It has optional access from within the EHR. (IBM, 2018).
How does it help the user?
IBM Micromedex can answer many drug information questions from specific content with in Micromedex, including quick answers for drug classes, dosing and administration, medication safety, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics and drug interactions. (IBM, 2018).
What does it do?
It collects clinical information and makes use of a modified form of Bayesian logic to derive clinical interpretations. (DxPlain, n.d.).
It accepts a set of clinical findings like symptoms, signs, and laboratory data to produce a ranked list of diagnoses which might explain the clinical manifestations. (DxPlain, n.d.).
It does not offer definitive medical consultation and should not be used as a substitute for physician diagnostic decision making. (DxPlain, n.d.).
How does it help the user?
It has over 2,400 diseases and over 5,000 clinical findings like symptoms, signs, epidemiologic data and laboratory, endoscopic and radiologic findings. (DxPlain, n.d.).
The average disease description includes 53 findings with a range from 10 to over 100. (DxPlain, n.d.).
It has a wide spread use for over 25 years, and it has grown and evolved over that time. (DxPlain, n.d.).
It provides justification for why each of these diseases might be considered, suggests what further clinical information would be useful to collect for each disease and lists what clinical manifestations would be unusual or atypical for each of the specific diseases. (DxPlain, n.d.).
IBM Micromedex: Clinical knowledge with the power of Watson. (2018, August 24). Retrieved from https://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?htmlfid=56018856USEN&&cm_mmc=Search_Google-_-WatsonHealth_Watson%20Health_WW_US_clinicaldecisionsupportapplications_Exact_&cm_mmca1=000031BB&cm_mmca2=10007858
DXplain. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.mghlcs.org/projects/dxplain
and Jonathan Paine
The two applications I have chosen are Dxplain and Quick Medical reference. Dxplain is a clinical decision support system which, allows systems to be inputted and able to generate a diagnosis based on what was entered into the system. It was designed by the laboratory of computer science in Massachusetts general hospital in 1984. Quick medical reference was developed to help physicians diagnose adult diseases. It provides electronic access to more than 750 diseases representing most of the disorders seen by internists in daily practice as well a compendium of less common diseases. Quick medical reference uses over 5,000 clinical finding to describe diseases features.
Thomson, R. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.openclinical.org/aisp_qmr.html
Thomson, R. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.openclinical.org/dm_dxplain.html
for a total of two pages