CDC and Harvard Health Publishing about Vaccination

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, is an organization that protects our nation from any threats to our health, security, and safety. To accomplish this, the CDC provides people with information and conducts critical science to increase health security. One of the topics that the CDC discusses is vaccinations for children where they explain what a vaccine is, how it works in our body, and why it is beneficial in babies and young children. According to the CDC, vaccines work by imitating an infection which allows the body to recognize and fight the same infection in the future and develop immunity. As the body develops immunity, some symptoms occur but are typical and considered insignificant.

Babies are very vulnerable and are exposed to many germs that can be deadly in their first few months. The CDC argues that it is essential to a baby’s health that they receive shots to protect them from infectious diseases, which are preventable with the right vaccines. They recommend a certain schedule for these vaccinations and they warrant these shots safe and necessary to control diseases in the United States. They state that the side effects that come with vaccinations are mild and doctors are trained to deal with reactions that are more serious but extremely rare.

To ensure safety, the CDC proclaims that the U.S. has the safest vaccine supply in history. Before they are approved, they go through several tests and studies to guarantee effectiveness and safety for the use of the nation. The CDC published this to inform parents of young children about vaccines, how they work, and why they are necessary. They refer to parents in this writing multiple times and use this to convince them that the benefits outweigh the minor side effects.

Another organization that talks about vaccination is Harvard Health Publishing. Claire McCarthy, MD, is an editor for the Harvard Health Publishing, a primary care pediatrician, and an Assistant Professor of the Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In one of her articles, she writes about how the flu shot can potentially save a child’s life. During Dr. McCarthy’s practice, she found that of the 358 children who died from influenza, 74% of them were not vaccinated for it.

She argues that influenza can be extremely dangerous and kills thousands of people per year, and unfortunately a large number are children. She gives reasons for why parents opt out to vaccinating their children, which includes that it is dangerous, ineffective, and unnecessary. She asserts that the flu shot is safe and has no fatal risks but may cause discomfort for a few days. The flu vaccine is 50-60% effective so there is no harm in getting the shot even if it does not work for everyone and if more people were to use it, the number of fatalities would decrease.

Dr. McCarthy wrote this article for parents to convince them to vaccinate their children with all vaccines, especially the flu shot. Her intended audience is the general adult population, but more specifically parents. She informs the people of the dangers of the influenza and how it can be prevented. In her article, she tries to guilt parents into allowing their children to get the flu shot by inferring that the shot will keep their child healthy and alive.

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Let’s Clear Up About the Thesis Statement and its Specificity

Table of contents

The common fact is that students are confused about the thesis statement. In order to avoid such case, we invoke you to cast a glance at the given below information and enrich your knowledge. Arm yourself with patience and let’s get started.

What is a thesis statement

The thesis statement is an important and essential part of the essay. A good thesis statement presents readers the main ideas of your essay and forces them to read the paper. Writing a thesis statement, you give the guidance for your audience that will lead their thoughts throughout the essay. It will also help the writer stick the topic and not to be lost in your opinions.

We can give the thesis definition as a single sentence that connects ideas of arguments. In the essay, it’s a statement that gives a summary of your topic and presents your position on it. Thesis sentence organizes the opinions and, as a rule, is placed in the introduction.

While it’s the most important part of your essay, you should think carefully and follow some instructions to formulate perfect thesis statements.

  1. Choose the topic that is interesting to you. If you are writing about something that is important and appealing to you, you have more chances to make your paper attractive to the audience. It’s the beginning stage of writing your paper, though it’s the most important one. Think carefully in this step, as your thesis depends on the topic you’ve chosen.
  2. Examine your topic. It’s extremely necessary for you as a writer to be aware of what you are writing about. Do some research to consider all the views concerning this theme. You’ll find out that there are many narrower themes inside your topic, but it’s impossible for you to discuss all of them in the one essay. The main task at this stage is to distinguish the specific subtopic that you will broaden in your body paragraphs. Create a focus for your paper that will lead your opinions while writing and the reader’s while reading.
  3. Decide who the audience of your essay is. Doing so, you will be able to choose an interesting thesis especially for those people who are going to read your paper.
  4. Choose a definite position to state a strong thesis. You should decide what the specific idea you want to prove is to formulate this opinion in your thesis and to stick it throughout the paper. Present a simple idea in detail to make it easier to hold your arguments up in the body paragraphs.
  5. Make sure the argument that stated in your thesis statements is unique. If you want to sound interesting to your readers, you should present them the idea they’ve never met before. For this reason, try to present something original.
  6. Make sure; your thesis is convincing. Pick up only those kinds of arguments that you will be able to support with evidence and facts.
  7. Try not to be confrontational. It’s important to prove your point of view to the readers, though don’t pressure your opinion on them.

To present a good thesis, you should be clear and compact. After reading your statements, the reader is supposed to care about your topic. Imagine that your audience asks you a question “So what?” and give a comprehensive reply on this question.

Draft your thesis on the first step. You should remember that you aren’t obliged to have a completely and perfectly formulated idea at the very beginning. Take some notes so you will not forget your opinions, then improve and exquisite them. You can refine your thesis even after you have drafted the whole essay. Reread your paper and try to formulate your thesis statements as a focus.

Don’t forget that there is a counterclaim for every claim you state. Take this into consideration if you want to create a strong persuasive thesis. Let your readers understand that the arguments you gave them are provable and powerful enough to stand against their counterarguments.

Defining your thesis statements is the most difficult part of writing the essay, though a good thesis makes your paper perfect.

How long is the thesis statement

The length of your thesis statements depends on the length of the whole paper. Perfect thesis statements for five-paragraph essay are written in one or two sentences. It’s a typical length if we are speaking of this kind of essay as the most common.

They need to be understandable and accurate, so don’t confuse your readers using too many unnecessary words. Let them immediately get the idea and focus of your paper. Thesis sentence should include at least two clauses. They are the independent one, which stated your opinion and the dependent clause which expresses the reason for your opinion. If you seek more accurate instructions, your thesis statements should be written in approximately 30 to 40 words.

However, in some cases, it would be appropriate to place the thesis longer than one sentence. To dissipate your confusing, you can ask your teacher, who gave you the task to write a composition. Though, if you are writing a paper for school, it mostly contains short thesis statements.

Thesis statement format

Don’t forget that the formulation of your thesis statement is deeply connected with the type of your essay. For example, if you are writing a persuasive essay, you should present persuasive thesis, in case you are writing an analytical paper, your thesis should separate the topic for more detailed examination and understanding, in an argumentative essay the thesis make a requirement to change others’ people position.

A thesis statement explains to your readers the topic and arguments you want to present in the paper. Keep in mind that working thesis is an affirmation, not a fact or observation. You will use the facts later, in the body paragraphs to hold up your thesis. Use an appropriate tone for statements and take specific words and phrases. Place the words like “because” and choose the strong and determined language.

Knowing a fundamental formula will help you keep your supposition within an appropriate length and organize your arguments. Your thesis should consist of two parts: an understandable topic and a summary of what you intend to say. You can choose any of the presented above formulas that will be the most suitable for your ideas.

  1. [smth] [does smth] because [reasons]
  2. Because [reasons], [smth] [does smth]
  3. Although [opposite opinion], [reasons] show [smth] [does smth]

The last formula is slightly complicated. However, it makes your argument stronger by putting the counterarguments in the sentence. Your readers can see that you know all of the counterarguments and have a right to argue on this topic.

Can a thesis statement be a question?

One of the ways how to create a strong thesis statement is by placing the questions. The first thing you do is stating a thesis question, and then you are supposed to answer this question.

In spite of the fact of answering a question, it can’t be a question itself. The main mission of thesis is presenting an idea. You should sound confident and persuasive, and it would be impossible if you formulate your thesis statement as a question. It must be a complete and affirmative sentence.

If you are speaking about the topic statement at the beginning of each paragraph, we should admit that it could be interrogative. They can ask the question; the writer is going to answer in the whole paragraph. A topic sentence expresses the main idea of the particular paragraph and helps the readers understand what this paragraph is about. Excellently, the topic sentence and thesis are strongly connected, and the beginning statement of every paragraph refers to the thesis statement placed in the introduction.

Formulating your topic sentences as a question is a trick that will help you grab the readers’ attention and make them interested in the topic. Be sure; you completely answer this question while writing the paragraph. For this reason, place only one idea in the one topic sentence.

Both thesis statement and approving topic sentences play the role of guides in your paper, helping your audience to understand the main topic of your paper.

Examples of  thesis statements

We are presenting sample thesis for you to examine. As we mentioned above, the thesis depends on the type of paper you are writing, thus, be careful whether your statements fit the whole paper.

Topic 1 Analyze the Instagram’s influence on the youth

Not surprisingly that social media which were initially created to help people to communicate all over the world provides various disadvantages such as an approach to inaccurate information, facts of cyberbullying and understating self-scoring of young people.

Topic 2 Student loans should be forgiven

Students’ credits have a harmful influence on America’s economy as they hinder young people from spending money on necessary goods and home purchase. To relieve this, the appropriate rules should be stated that will allow the students not to repay their debts, in case they have no opportunities to do this. This permission would have a positive effect on the economy by increasing tax proceeds, unfreezing credit markets and giving jobs.

Topic 3 Should vaccinations be compulsory?

Nowadays, a considerable part of USA parents protests to vaccinate their children basing on the different groundless anxieties. Vaccinations against popular illnesses such as rubella or mumps should be compulsory, without exceptions, for every child who is going to attend school. These kinds of vaccinations are unprofitable to the control and elimination of deadly infectious illnesses.

Topic 4 The organ donors should be financially compensated

People who agree with organ donation candidly give their organs, however, this free system reduces the number of accessible donors and makes it difficult do receivers to get healthy lifesaving transplants. In this way, organ donors should be financially compensated to offer more accessible organs and discount illegal organ harvesting actions in the black market.

Topic 5 The school’s dependence on technology

The dependence of our schools on technology has produced the students’ waste of ability to think individually. This dependence has occasioned a greater extension of mood illnesses, memory loss, and desolation. Teachers are obliged to pay attention to this problem and require students to take part in regular decreasing of the technology use.

Topic 6 The government surveillance is ruinous

Government oversight programs cause more harm than benefits as they occupy civil freedom, force honest people to suffer wrongful punishments and eventually don’t accomplish the mission of protecting people. That is why such kind of programs should be discounted.

Topic 7 Should marijuana be legalized?

Marijuana has many different medical functions, such as medicating the symptoms of glaucoma or epilepsy. Legalizing this drug in the USA will provide wide opportunities for doctors in treating these diseases.

Topic 8 The child policy in China should be abrogated

The child policy in China was supposed to control the population growth in the country. However, it has caused the unexpected and contradictory results, such as reducing labor force, aging population, unstable gender population, and disrespects of human rights. To improve this situation, child policy should be abrogated.

Topic 9 The school should fight cyberbullying

Bullying has spread far outside the school and into cyberspace. Despite the fact that this acts of assault accomplished outside of school walls, school officials should take actions to control students who engaged in cyberbullying. This will provide an opportunity to advance the students’ behavior and diminish acts of cyberbullying which is connected with suicide tentative.

Topic 10 Foreign contributions in Africa are useless

Delivering foreign contribution in Africa had initially good intentions, though it causes too much harm and should be stopped. This action has increased the facts of corruptions, inflations, civil unrest, and currency instability.

That information can help you create the best thesis and make your writing excellent. Do not hesitate and try your skills. Remember that your success is in your hands, be a brave student!

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Utilitarianism: Ethical Theories and Business

Therefore, utilitarianism goes by the rule that an action is evaluated to be ethical based on a set of rules or principles that can bring the retreat usefulness to the greatest amount of people (Mill, 2006). This is the total opposite to deontological ethics whereby utilitarian believes that there should not be any compromising when It comes to determining the stand point of morality. Tools such as cost benefit analysis and risk assessment are often depended on by utilitarian for decision making purposes.

However, there are some arguments regarding the greatest happiness principle’ that is set forth by utilitarianism. This is due to the difficulty in measuring unit of happiness or in order to determine an action that will bring the most benefit comparing to other actions (Mill, 2006). Kantian demonology Kantian demonology stresses that an action Is considered to be ethical If It can be accepted as a universal law by every Individual (Mackerel ; Left, 2010). It Is first introduced by a philosopher from Germany named Emmanuel Kant. He believes that morality must follow a set of rules without any exceptions.

Therefore, this school of thought looks at categorical principles whereby they are imperatives and instructions are given on the way one must act (Holey ; Mudroom, 2005). Besides that, Kantian also emphasizes on treating each other with respect. A person should not an individual is bound or obligated to their duty to follow a set of maxim in order to determine whether their actions are ethically right. However, there have been arguments on Kantian demonology mostly due to the narrowness and inadequacy of this theory to handle various moral problems or dilemmas (Mackerel ; Left, 2010).

For example, there is no moral guidance or solution when an individual’s rights and duties crosses path. Justice Justice can be defined as the importance of getting fair treatments, equality and paving rights (Rail, 1999). In order to grasp a better understanding on the theories of justice, this section is going to look at Nicks libertarianism and Rail’s Justice as fairness. According to Nonionic, every individual has the right to own a piece of property as long as it is acquired fairly without going against other people’s rights (Paul, Miller & Paul, 2005).

In the world of economy and business, libertarian believes in a free market where it is no influenced by government policies or public services. When an organization or individual is taxed by the government for their reporter which they have obtained fairly, this action is considered to be unjust even if the money is distributed to public schools, prisons or fire departments (Paul, Miller & Paul, 2005). However, many argue that absolute power that is encouraged by Nonionic can bring about negative consequences such as oppression.

For example, it is justified for a country to export all its food produce to another country in order to gain better profits and ignore the starvation experienced by its people. Meanwhile, Rail’s theory of Justice is called ‘Justice as Fairness’. There are two main principles in his theory. The first principle advocates that every individual should have equal rights to a fair distribution of social goods such as education, food and housing (Rail, 1999). The second principle stresses if there is any existence of social and economic inequalities, they should benefit members of society who are at the most disadvantage (Rail, 1999).

Therefore, unlike Nicks libertarianism, Rail supports the redistribution of wealth and taxes to those who are socially and economically disadvantage. He believes that this action is Just and promotes productive behavior. Many people argue Rail’s theory of Justice is too restrictive and pro-communism. Rights The rights theory finds that the best method to deal with ethical issues is to form a basis of obligations in order to Justify every individual’s entitlement to human rights (Shaw, 2010).

Besides that, the rights theory also insists that human rights should be independent from the influence of other factors. Human right is simply the natural rights belonging to every person by virtue of being a human being (Shaw, 2010). There are two types of human rights; positive and negative rights. Positive rights are obligations put open people to provide goods and services to other people Innings, 2008). On the other hand, negative rights are obligations imposed on people to stop them from interfering with other people’s freedom of action Innings, 2008).

One of the major arguments pertaining to the rights theory is the lack of hierarchy to determine which rights has more value than the rest. Ethical relativism Ethical relativism is a theory that decides whether an action is right or wrong solely based on the moral norms that adheres to the culture of one’s society (Somali, mean it will be in another. Unlike Kantian demonology, ethical relativist believes that there is no such thing as a universal law when it comes to determining a set of maxim Anchoring, 2001).

Any sort of moral problems or disputes should be Judged and handled within the members of a society by coming to an agreement Anchoring, 2001). However, there are many people who argue against the theory of ethical relativism. Although moral practices may differ from one society to another but the underlying principles of these practices are the same (Somali, 2001). As a result, skeptics consider the possibility of the universalistic of ethical values to be conceivable. For example, every society acknowledges that certain actions are deemed wrong such as the act of torture and slavery.

Besides that, individuals from the same cultural background can hold different moral beliefs as well as practices and decide that these actions are right or wrong (Somali, 2001). Despite being widely accepted by the Nazi society, the genocide of Jews is considered to be ethically wrong by many Germans. This is proven when some of them try to help Jews to escape from their country. Ethical issues in the article ‘News of the World: What was it like on the inside? The article ‘News of the World: What was it like on the inside? Artsy the vicious competition among Journalists and newspaper companies. When this situation happens, many individuals resort to unethical business practices in order to get ahead from the competitors (Farrell ; Frederica, 2012). There are many reasons that can lead to unethical business behavior. Therefore, this section is going to identify various ethical issues that happen in a newspaper company called ‘News of the World’ or NOW through the eyes of one of their Journalists named Dan Arnold.

One of the most obvious ethical issues is the pressure from the supervisors to get a story no matter what cost it takes (George, 2009). Journalists for this newspaper are pushed to obtain newsworthy material by hook or by crook. Since the competition between NOW with Sunday Mirror and People are tight, the company uses their journalists as a mean to get ahead and of course, to obtain a larger profit margin. Journalists from this newspaper have to work extra hard and are moved from one project to another without any consideration for their health.

This action is considered to be unethical if it is based on Kantian demonology. He stresses that every individual should be treated with respect and should not be used as mean to each an end. Besides that, the way NOW runs its company creates fear and paranoia in every Journalists (George, 2009). Their employees often have to work throughout the week and sometimes late into the evening. Apart from that, they also have to be on the pager 24 hours a day and they are expected to travel around the globe in a short period notice so that, they can catch the next big story.

As a result of living in fear of getting terminated from the ‘best’ newspaper company, Journalists are often stressful and resort to drinking in order to curb with the pressure. Aside from that, he amount of time spend in offices also means they have neglected their families back home. This is considered to be unethical based on utilitarianism as the company’s action of pushing their Journalists to work harder does not bring the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. It only serves to bring larger profit for the company’s shareholders while sacrificing the happiness of their employees.

Not Just that, people outside of NOW are scared of the Journalists from this company although they may feel reluctant to do so (Farrell ; Frederica, 2012). This action s considered to be unethical based on the rights theory. These individuals or organizations have the freedom to say ‘no’ to the Journalists from NOW without any negative consequences that may be inflicted upon them by the massive influence of a successful company. Besides that, the action of firing Journalists Just because their stories are not publish in the newspaper is also against human rights.

It is not the journalists’ faults if their stories are pushed aside by the newspaper committee for another piece that seems to be trendier due to a sudden change in circumstantial vents. These Journalists have also worked hard Just like the others and deserve some sort of Job security and protection from the newspaper company. In addition, there seems to be an unequal distribution of wealth between the profit gain by the newspaper company with their employees as well as between the Journalists (Farrell & Frederica, 2012).

For instance, Journalists who successfully get their stories published are paid more in terms of salary and are also secure from termination. Based on Rail’s theory of Justice, this action is considered to be unethical. Every ruinations in NOW has worked hard in order for the newspaper company to succeed in the industry. Therefore, to be fair, salary should be equally distributed among the journalists. Furthermore, in NOW, Journalists are awarded base on their success to get a Juicy story for publication.

There are instances whereby the company is willing to do anything in order to obtain the most current news. Sometimes, Journalists are asked by NOW to offer cash and other bonuses such as cars as well as housing property to informants. This act of bribery can be seen as unethical based on the ethical relativism theory (George, 2009). In many societies around the world, bribing is against their moral norms. Although the company may view this action as a mean to get their hands on precious information, it may be conflicting to certain employees who do not support bribery.

However, they will have to push their norms aside to avoid being fired from their Jobs. Conclusion This paper has discussed the different ethical theories that are relevant to the business industry such as utilitarianism’s pursuit of happiness, Kantian demonology in coming up with a universal law, Rail’s and Nicks definition of Justice, human rights s well as ethical relativism’s belief in conforming to society’s cultural norms (Shaw, 2010).

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Why Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

Many parents are afraid to give their children vaccinations for multiple reasons. However, immunizations should become mandatory in order to prolong the existence of the human race and avoid the potential death of millions. The image I used represents the fear of vaccinations by many parents. The image not only shows the child screaming in […]

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The Importance of Vaccinations for Children

India Tuggle Mr. Stewart ENG 101-A18 Project 5 December 10, 2012 The Importance of Vaccinations for Children Since Edward Jenner introduced the first vaccine, a vaccination against smallpox, in 1778 (Allen, 48) the world has been a bit skeptical. The concept of inoculation is counter-intuitive—what sense does it make to inject a healthy person with […]

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