What fast fashion is, and to know which factor influence fast fashion?
In the past decade fast fashion has become the main feature fashion industry in UK. (liz Barnes, Gaynor Lea-Greenwood, 2010 ) ‘Fast fashion’, as it has come to be called, it has become rising popular among retailers already. So lots of chain stores adopt business model of the vertically integrated, this idea originally comes up from the ‘Just-in-time’ manufacturing philosophy and generating rapid-response strategies (Birtwistle et al., 2003) Excellence in the development of fast fashion retailers can be attributed thanks to the high means of buy from consumer behavior, which is more fashion-hungry. (Constanta and Grete, 2010)
This proposal investigates from the consumer perspective which factor attracts the consumer in the fast fashion clothing purchase. So, in the research, it will investigate the consumer behavior of fast fashion. Then, it will reveal the reason why consumer buys their clothes, which of the 2 brands is more popular and explore also the interest of the consumer. Finally the proposal will let the reader knows which factor leads the consumer to buy or not, fast fashion in both brand of products.
Chapter 1. Literature review
1.1 Chapter summary