What should Betty do?
Betty needs to evaluate the ethical and legal aspect of the situation. Did Betty lied for the Senior Management position? The question Is about what Is right and what is ethical and, what Is the right thing for Betty to do? The current proposed action for Betty Is, whether the action Is legal? According to Bagley and Savage (2009), It Is vital to address the legal Issue first In order to establish the perception that legal compliance is the starting point for any standard.
Also the authors stated that “when you try to keep to the letter of the law while undermining the spirit, you are likely to violate the letter in the end” (p. 26). This implies that it is better to adhere to the law because law helps to shape the competitive environment which affects each of the five forces that determine the attractiveness of an industry. In this regard being part of senior management, it is important for Betty to choose the legal path. Does answering yes to the legal issue, maximize shareholders value? There are two answers to the question, yes or no. If Betty answers yes, the next question Is, Is It ethical?
The Issues of ethical are to prove o the customers, employees, community, environment, and suppliers than satisfying the shareholders. If the proposed Issue maximizes shareholders value and It Is ethical, then Betty has to disclose to the human resource department. Similarly, If her answer in maximizing shareholders value is no, then Betty requires to evaluate the effects and cost on shareholders with regards to other stakeholders. The question is would it be ethical not to take action? If the answer to this question is no, then Betty has to disclose her actions to shareholders.
How should Human Resources handle his situation? Since human resources have requested Betty’s personal and educational information to update her records, the human resources department needs to give her a deadline as to when the Information is due and also give her the option to set a meeting If she Is unable to come up with the Information at the stipulated time. Until human resources receives the Information or hears from Betty, they should give her the benefit of the doubt without making any Judgment or assumption. In the event where Betty is unable to prove that she has an MBA, and decided to come clean,
Human resources should offer her a step down with the option to complete her MBA, voluntary resignation and firing her should be the last resort considering her outstanding performance during her ten years tenure at Colossal. As Senior Vice President, the position requires legally astute managers and leaders are expected to adhere to the laws and ethical standards. As managers, they have to set the ethical tone of the company and employees. Go ethical behavior from leaders is considered good for a business and the authors stated that “patterns of unethical behavior tend o result In Illegal behavior over time” (p. 3). Reference Bagley, E. & Savage, D. (2009). DUMB 610 course pack: Managers and the legal environment. Coinage Learning: Mason, OH. Is Shaker’s behavior ethical? Sharked behavior on one hand is unethical because he was someone “in the know’, he gathers information through colonization from coworkers and shares the same information with other coworkers who may use the information to their advantage. This portrays Sharked as an unethical person that lacks integrity, fairness and honesty. On the other hand, Sharked has the right as an employee to ask questions bout the relationship between his boss and Sheila Sharpe.
Sharked should review the company’s code of conduct if available for guidance or call the company’s ethic hotlist to report his suspicion. According to Bagley and Savage (2009), it may be worthwhile to inform other employees about unethical situation. If other employees did not show interest, through evaluation of his beliefs, Sharked can follow what he feels deem to proceed on the issue. Does it make a difference if the allegation of the affair between his boss and Sheila Sharpe is true or false? It does difference if the allegation of the affair between Sharked boss and Sheila Sharpe is true.
If the affair is false this can lead to destroy the personal character of Sheila Sharpe. As a manager, he should set the stage for better ethical environment. As the manager, he the responsibility to enact code of conduct, training employees and arrange a method of reporting misconduct. Sam Cipher finds out that Sharked has been gossiping about him and Sheila Sharpe. Assume the gossip about Sam and Sheila is not true, and Sam wants to fire Sharked. Should the Human Resources Office support his decision? This is a conflicting situation the Sam Cipher should must decide as what is the right thing to do in this situation.
According to Barrack “when trying to resolve problems that raise questions of personal integrity and moral, managers should ask, who am l? ” This will reveal Sam Cipher feelings in terms of the conflict at hand and determine if the conflict may affect the company. The Human resource should ask, who are we as an organization? The human resource department should determine the interpretations of the ethical implication on the company. The human resource department should insider the position of the organization in terms of relationship with the stakeholders.