The Beginning of Human Flight

The Wright Brothers were interested in flying since their childhood. Bishop Wright, their father, gave them a toy helicopter when they were young and ever since they have been interested in aviation. The Wright Brothers are famous for their invention of the airplane, or the flying machine as it was called then. The first flight of the plane occurred on December 17, 1903. This was just the turn of the century, yet the Wright Brothers invented something that would last forever. This was in fact the case. This light would spark a race of technology that has taken us from into the air to flying into space.

This also launched the aviation and the space age. The airplane is a major role in the world. The plane made traveling overseas easier and quicker. The plane was a useful tool in both of the World Wars. The airplane was a major part of the weapon and attacking strategy for all the countries with this technology. They say the Wright Brothers borrowed ideas of others in order to reach their goal. It doesn’t matter because they accomplished their desire to fly. Today aircraft are truly monsters compared to the Wright Flyer.

The invention of the plane changed the world as we know it. It erased miles and brought people closer together, and uniting and diversifying the world as we know it. It went from novel toy for the daring to a tool of destruction. It brings life saving food, medical supplies, and clothing to those in need. It can carry us to any point on the globe and bring us back. The Wright Brothers had a dream and the made it happen. No matter how many times they were told no it wouldn’t work, they kept going and climbing to be he best and to fly.

The research on the Wright Brothers was conducted mostly at Joyner Library. Also some of the information was obtained from the Internet. Joyner Library had most all the information on the Wright Brothers there is. Newspaper from the 1903 on microfilm were read to see the first hand accounts from that time. Books were read to get the second hand accounts. The picture from the Internet were very important on creating the exhibit. The exhibit was created by showing the things that evolved and the changes that occurred by the invention of the plane.

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Aviation Expansion in the US

Aviation enplaments are soaring higher each year and they are deplaning into a system that is already saturated and bulging. The industry must expand and keep pace with this growth but this is being met with fierce opposition. This paper introduces the opposition coalitions and groups that are surmounting. It takes an in depth look at their number one concern, aircraft noise, and the effect it has on the health of those in the local airport communities. Several health studies are referenced and statistical information is offered throughout. Noise abatement is addressed and future growth figures are offered.

John Q. Public wants to fly. He wants to fly in more numbers now than ever before. Forecasters explain that these numbers show no sign of decreasing in the near future. The only drawback to the industry is that the system is already saturated and bulging. As the demand to fly continues to ‘take-off’, it is bringing with it serious delay, capacity, and environmental concerns. These issues must be addressed and answered before we can expand the aviation infrastructure. Airport planners have several attainable ways to accommodate and alleviate the major concerns to the system, but everyone of them are facing fierce opposition from those that feel they, and their communities, will be adversely affected.

New runways, or extensions, have been proposed at 60 of the top 100 airports that lead in the number of annual enplanements. Studies for new airports have been conducted in New York, Boston, Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, and Miami, to name a few (Wells, 1996). For nearly every organization that is steadfast on building or expanding existing airports, there are a growing number of coalitions that oppose their ideas and are ready to challenge them.

Most are local groups and communities that are confronting the governmental bodies in their own areas; but there are a number of national groups and even world-wide groups forming. With the availability of the World Wide Web, they are uniting in larger numbers and communicating their concerns with global reach. Pointing your web browser in the direction of any area proposing expansion and you will find numerous local groups and coalitions fighting to dismiss it.

One such group is Sane Aviation For Everyone, Inc. (SAFE). This is a coalition of independent citizens groups and individuals in the New York City metropolitan area. SAFE is dedicated to stopping and reversing the environmental and health impacts of JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airports. Vocal on many of the environmental problems caused by airports, they are extremely upset about a recent decision to bring more aircraft through the airports in their area (SAFE Home Page, 1998). In January ’98, airlines were given exemptions to slot limitations, adding 21 additional daily operations at the airport despite a federally enacted ‘High Density Rule’ that places limits on the number of flights into and out of Kennedy, LaGuardia, and other major airports (Bertrand, 1998). SAFE is currently looking to expand their scope to deal nationally and internationally with the aircraft noise issue.

Some groups are set up for a specific cause, like that of the Airport Communities Coalition (ACC) in Seattle, Washington. They are opposing a proposal to add a third runway to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac). It was formed in 1993 because thousands of people living there claim that building a third runway would seriously diminish the quality of life in their communities and further pollute their air and water (ACC Home Page, 1998).

The Seattle area also host the site of the Regional Commission on Airport Affairs (RCAA). The RCAA is a non-profit coalition of citizen groups and cities. They believe that further expansion of Sea-Tac Airport makes no sense, costs too much, and does too much damage to too many people. They favor demand management of the airport and support alternatives to expansion such as high speed rail. They also are addressing airport noise, air, and water pollution issues. The purpose of their Home Page is to provide citizens in King County, Washington State with the latest information on airport issues but, imperatively, they are providing citizens in airport impacted communities world-wide, with information and communication. They have an impressive supporting library and extensive links to other sites around the country (RCAA Home Page, 1998).

One of the largest groups is the US-Citizens Aviation Watch (US-CAW). They are a national organization comprised of local airport groups, environmental organizations, and civic groups. They are concerned about noise, environment, public health and other quality of life issues related to aviation operations. While claiming to be a ‘national’ association, they are linked with established organizations in 26 countries throughout the world. US-CAW’s mission is to unite organizations and municipalities. Coalitions are forming from coast to coast. Their goal is to represent the interest of individual citizens (US-CAW Home Page, 1998).

The focus of these coalitions is not limited to just opposing new airports or expansion issues. In areas where our military forces are drawing down, a viable option to building a new airport would be to convert a closing military airfield. Local residents have even put up resistance in this endeavor. One example is the growing concern over converting the closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Orange County, California. The residents there have put up an impressive opposition Internet site to keep everyone informed on the issues. This Internet access affords the on-line populous, growing by millions each year, to be a key stroke away from getting involved. Their business and homeowner associations of the El Toro Coalition (ETC) favor non-aviation reuses for the field because there are at least eight airports with medium and long haul capability (five of which are international) within a 100 mile radius of El Toro (ETC Home Page, 1998).

Another example is where the Department of Defense (DOD) is considering transferring what was once Homestead Air Reserve Base to Dade County, FL. County officials plan to develop an international “hub” airport serving South Florida and competing directly with Miami International Airport. In response to the proposed airport development project, a coalition of the country’s top environmental advocacy organizations successfully mobilized in an effort to persuade the White House to save Everglades National Park and other unique ecological treasures in the area (Natural Resources Defense Council, 1998). The project is now on hold.

It doesn’t mater where, why, or who is opposing expanding aviation infrastructure, the issues are the same across their tally sheets. You don’t have to be an environmental expert to understand there is an impact from aviation on a community. Air and water pollution, the impact on land values, health, and quality of life are all major issues. The most apparent environmental issue is that of noise and it appears to rank as the number one concern from opposition groups.

No matter how well an airport serves its community, one of the most common complaints is the noise it produces. It has been the greatest barrier to building a new airport or its expansion (Wells, 1996). Opposition groups contend that airport noise is not just a minor annoyance that people living near airports should be ‘good sports’ about and learn to ignore. Outside of the fact that it is a shear nuisance, aircraft noise may be posing more of a health problem than it suggest.

In a study by the Health Subcommittee of the Environmental Impact Committee of the Regional Coalition on Airport Affairs, Dr. Dennis Hansen reported that airport noise results in a significant increase in community use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Airport communities have an increased rate of alcoholism, and admissions to psychiatric hospitals. He states airport related noise can literally drive people mad, has been positively associated with the development of hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, all of which place people at increased risk of heart disease and stroke (Hansen, 1992).

Another study has been linked to aircraft noise and sleep depravation. It has been argued that suburban residents desire a noise level no higher than 30 decibels (dB) at night when they sleep. The maximum noise level from an aircraft taking off would be approximately 90 dB. A noise level of 90 dB is roughly equivalent to that of a power mower outdoors. At least 75 percent of sleeping people will be awakened if exposed to noise levels over 74 dB. More importantly, over 50 percent of people will not be able to go to sleep if exposed to noise levels higher than 74 dB. The resulting sleep deprivation would potentially affect over 100,000 to 700,000 people living in the communities surrounding a commercial airport (Walther, 1997).

Chronic noise is also having a devastating effect on the academic performance of children in noisy homes and schools. Cornell University researchers have confirmed that children in schools bombarded by frequent aircraft noise don’t learn to read as well as children in quiet schools. The one major reason they have discovered is that the kids tune out speech in the racket (Science Daily, 1998). Speech and communication are affected when noise levels exceed 60 decibels. Excessively noisy schools have been shown to adversely affect the ability to solve simple problems as well as to learn mathematics and reading (Lang, 1997).

The Airport and Airways Development Act of 1970 established a requirement that airport sponsors must afford the opportunity for public hearings for projects involving the location of an airport, a new runway or extension (Wells, 1996). This Act legally affords opposition groups the opportunity to voice their concerns and be represented in the proper forum.

Implementation of operational airport noise abatement strategies is the airport’s responsibility. The DOD took an early lead in working toward airport compatibility in 1973 with policies concerning public and private land in the vicinity of military airfields. The military’s Air Installation Compatible Land Use Zones program evolved into the government’s program for Noise Control And Compatibility Planning For Airports (AC 150/5020-1), or what have become commonly known as ‘FAR Part 150 Studies.’ (Gesell, 1992)

These Noise and Land Use Compatibility Studies consider and evaluate programs to reduce the impact of airport noise on communities. Through fiscal year 1998, there are currently 235 airports participating in the program, 217 airports have received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grants for Part 150 studies, and 193 have been approved for Noise Compatibility Programs (FAA, 1998).

Aircraft noise is also being reduced through technological advances and procedural techniques. Engineers have designed quieter engines and made airframe modifications, but opposition groups feel a lot more needs to be done. Aircraft designers feel they are at a point where any further advances will be technically difficult, very costly, and degrade aircraft performance (Wells, 1996). With the growth of aviation at its current rate, numbers of flights are going to increase. This can only mean more noise, even if it is a little quieter.

Deregulation of the airline industry has changed the way companies do business. The turning point was the Airline Deregulation Act, approved by Congress on Oct. 24, 1978 and signed into law by President Carter. Many of the benefits are positive, for instance lower fares and more choices. This has created a massive impact and dramatic increase in the number of passengers throughout the system. Domestic and international air travel have grown by staggering proportions over the last several decades, and that growth is expected to continue.

Citing President Clinton’s policies and the third longest economic expansion since World War II, Secretary of Transportation, Rodney E. Slater, announced that U.S. airlines have recorded a third straight year of strong growth; an encouraging sign that a continued upward trend is expected into the 21st Century. That announcement came on the heels of the release of the FAA’s commercial aviation forecast, which revealed that an unprecedented 605 million people flew on the nation’s air carriers in 1996 with enplanements expected to grow to nearly one billion by 2008 (Slater, 1997).

Technological advances, developments in commerce and marketing and continuing changes in the airline industry are likely to fuel this growth. However, this projected growth will be impossible unless we adequately invest in the infrastructure to support it. The national airport system is the heart of that infrastructure. Failure to invest in needed capacity-enhancing projects, such as additional runways, runway extensions or new airport construction would severely hamper the growth of the industry and ultimately undermine the ability of our nation to compete in the global economy.

Noise pollution affects millions of Americans, but citizens disturbed by aircraft noise constitute one of the most vocal groups speaking out against noise. Opposition groups like the Regional Commission on Airport Affairs and the US-Citizens Aviation Watch are growing in strength and have the potential of global reach through the World Wide Web.

Airport noise can seriously affect the health and psychological well-being of those effected, especially when continued exposure is present. It has been the greatest barrier to building a new airport or its expansion. The government is not standing idly by. Many programs such as the Noise and Land Use Compatibility Studies have been put into action and are making funds available to help alleviate the problems in communities hardest hit.

Aviation enplanements are growing. Forecasters are predicting that traffic shows no sign of decreasing well into the new century. This projected growth will be impossible unless we adequately invest in the infrastructure to support it.

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Safe sky

Flying Many people care about there safety when is comes to traveling. Do people understand how safe they really are? Airplane pilots have the responsibility and the skill to protect a great sum of people. Those who have ever flew on an airplane before have left there lives in the hands of the pilot. You don’t always have a smooth flight and walk out complaining but at least there are no disturbances in the cabin. Pilots must be armed in the cockpit to ensure the safety of the passengers on a commercial flight. The history of airplanes has been around for centuries.

It dates all the way back to the 1900’s with two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright. The Wright brothers worked in a bicycle shop when they got inspired to fly. They began building gliders and improving it flight by flight until it was flyable. The Wright Brothers became the first people to successfully fly a plane with a person in it. In December of 1903, the Wright brothers created the first powered plane that could fly for more than an hour (History). Airplanes have come a long way since that point; however, airplanes are still not totally safe or risk. On September 11, 2001 tragedy hit for airplanes.

Hijackers hijacked multiple planes, to hit multiple targets. This could have been avoided if pilots were approved to carry firearms on airplanes. Many people insist that it wouldn’t have made a difference, and could have made the situation worse if the pilots were armed and hijackers got a hold of them. Pilots can know be armed in the cockpit on aircrafts after certain requirements are met since the tragedy that occurred on September 1 1 . The pilots were trained at a flight school in Arizona. “President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.

The paper notes that $2 million has been diverted from training for the program, and that approval of new pilots has “stalled out. ” President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology (Valone). Since Obama’s election, pilots have told us that the approval process for letting pilots carry guns on planes slowed significantly. He is supposed to be helping the problem but making it worse. President Obama is cutting the prices in the wrong places putting peoples live at stake for a budget cut. People safety is more important.

Why not cut from the TSA, who has never stopped a terrorist attack even with all the new technology they have. Many reasons exist as to why airline pilots should be armed in the cockpit, but the strongest and most sensible reason is now much responsibility is on the pilot. common stereotype is that pilots Just take off the plane, put it in autopilot, then kick back and take a nap or watch a movie. Pilots aren’t always aware of what is going on in the cabin. If there were a disturbance in the cabin and people tried to break into the cockpit pilots would be able to defend them selves and other passengers if rmed.

The guns they would carry would be equipped with frangible bullets made of highly compressed, powdered alloys rather than solid lead or other metals such as those used in standard bullets. (Stark) The difference with these bullets are they wont ruin the fuselage of the airplane (body of plane). The bullets are destructive to human flesh and would tear the target up. Pilots with these bullets can protect passengers and help avoid from any terrorist attacks on planes. Pilots will also have to go through a rigorous training course in which will deputize them as Federal Flight Deck Officers.

The Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDO) program was created after the September 1 1, 2001, terrorist attacks and has since trained 12,000 pilots on how to carry weapons and defend their aircraft against an attack. These Federal Flight Deck Officers are mostly ex military. That means that they have the extra gun training due to the background in the military and also specialize in combat training. The course that pilots have to go through is tough. Pilots go through dozens of simulations and practice sessions designed to be as real as instructors can make them by going live and also interacting with a computer.

Pilots have blistered trigger fingers after they shoot a total of 8,000 rounds from their semiautomatic pistol in one training simulation. They also practice striking and grappling with attackers in close quarters. The training has been done in an area comparable to the size of a phone booth, in order to simulate the cockpit’s cramped quarters. Pilots must also undergo a psychological test. Pilots in the FFDO program must place their firearms in a separate lockbox when not in the cockpit because TSA says that the pilots’ jurisdiction ends at the cockpit door.

Many people that are opposed to commercial pilots being armed say that it will ust cause more of a threat. There are many concerns that have been raised about arming pilots or letting them carry guns, but armed pilots actually have a much easier Job than air marshals. An armed marshal in a crowded cabin can be attacked from any direction. He must be able to quickly identify innocent civilians from terrorists. An armed pilot only needs to deal with the people trying to force their way into the cockpit. It is also much easier to defend the cockpit rather than to have to chase the terrorist and physically capture them, as a marshal would.

The terrorists an only enter the cockpit through one narrow entrance, and armed pilots have time to prepare themselves as hijackers try to break down the strengthened cockpit doors. For example, if there was a situation to where a terrorist got into a cockpit before the pilots could react the terrorist will know have a gun as a weapon compared to a plastic knife or fake bomb. (Mackett ) People also say that if a pilot was to miss a shot that the bullet can damage the fuselage of the plane and cause the plane to suffer from depressurization problems.

Opponents bring up a respectable case but most of it can be fixed or proven wrong. Arming commercial pilots will make the planes safer and trustworthier. Many people also say that innocent bystanders can get hurt or killed in a result of a pilot having to use a gun in an emergency. That’s not a good reason because cops get into shootouts and very rarely do innocent bystanders get shot or killed. Also the pilots would have gone through extensive target training to prevent them from missing their target. One pilot would be fighting off the terrorist as the other fly the plane.

Six percent of those who have applied for the FFDO program have not been accepted; two percent were not qualified to apply, three ercent failed the psychological evaluation, and one percent failed the background investigation Oohnson). Commercial pilots belong to one of the most respectable categories Jobs out. They are responsible for many people lives at one time. Airplane pilots should be armed because in a situation that could not be resolved it could end smoothly by a pilot. The pilots would be required to take a six week training program that would teach them techniques on how to disarm a terrorist and target training.

Also the ammunition for the weapons will be made out of highly compressed powdered alloys that should shatter on harder surfaces (Stark). Commercial pilots must be armed in the cockpit to insure the safety of the passengers. The chances of an aircraft being transformed into a weapon of mass destruction are diminished similar the events of September 2001 through the dual defenses of armed pilots and fortified cockpit doors. The chances of an aircraft being transformed into a weapon of mass destruction are diminished similar the events of September 2001 through the dual defenses of armed pilots and fortified cockpit doors.

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Business Model and Virgin Australia

The company cannot achieve its goals until or unless it is able to understand the business it is operating in the work of the HR is not just hire and fire employees but understanding that they add value to the organization and thinks strategically. Employees here at virgin blue understand the value of this. Sources of Revenue The revenue that is generated by the domestic airline mainly come from the business sector as well as tourism which comprises of a 40% of domestic tourism where one goes to visit family and friends in the region while the business sector has a 35% share and the rest comes form the inbound tourism (Hogan, 2007).

Virgin Australia This is Virgin Blue’s new international sister airline. This will be using the internal resource of Virgin Blue as well of its own. Virgin Australia has added an international dimension to the Virgin airlines: it now travels to Los Angeles since February 2009. The Virgin Group is aggressively expanding in all directions whether national or international (Virgin Blue v Australia, 2009). Thus, Virgin Australia is truly an international airline, if we go by the definition while Virgin Blue operates profitably in the Asia-Pacific region complacently as a regional airline.

At the time of drafting this report, a price of $1095 was the price of a ticket from Australian cities of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to Los Angeles (V Australia, 2009). The price of the ticket is a fair bargain and once again is a corroboration of the fact that the Virgin Group is primarily focused on low-cost jet-based services to its segment of loyal customers that is price sensitive and yet will want to stick to the Virgin group for its distinctive services. Opportunities and Success It was fortunate to enter the market at the time when Ansett failed and withdrew from the market in September 2001.

This gave way to Virgin Blue to move forward in order to become the second biggest domestic airline of the country. Virgin Blue also got the access to the terminal space of Ansett which helped it to grow. It also hired more employees after the closure of Ansett. As the company grew it was able to buy new equipment and pay the lease of its former planes and bought modern glass cockpits and winglets (Ansett Crash Leaves Locals Burnt, 2009). Hindrance to strategic competitiveness The increased incident of terrorism acts all around the world has decreased tourism.

Moreover the global recession around the world has led to job cuts and sluggish growth which has further decreased the purchasing power of consumers and has made traveling expensive. The successful strategy of the company can attract competition and competitors can imitate them and this could mean that the company has to lose its competitive advantage. The emergence of Jet Star in 2004 and Tiger Airways in the year 2007 is a threat to the dominant position of the company. It can lose its market share; reap lesser revenues or profits. (Jetstar, Tiger and Virgin Blue… , 2008). Conclusion

With the inclusion of other competitive airlines in the industry, the survival of the fittest is going to apply here too. The company will have to analyze its competitive environment and identify the key factors that can have an impact on their strategy. They have been in the business from the past nine years now and they have seen growth and success through out. They have been able to draw and implement successful strategies under the effective leadership and cooperation from the employees they have. There internal culture gives the opportunity to the workforce to put in their best and perform (Hogan, 2007).

The company is strong in terms of surviving in the uncertain condition prevailing in the external environment and accepting challenges because these have not hit the profits of Virgin Blue too much. It has its own competitive advantages along with strong core values ingrained in the management of the company (Jetstar, Tiger and Virgin Blue helping to stimulate Melbourne – Gold Coast market to new level, 2008). Understanding the external and internal environment of a company is essential in order to plan ahead for the unforeseen circumstances that can occur and also it gives way for improvement and growth of the company.


  1. Ansett Crash Leaves Locals Burnt. (2009). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from EchoNews: http://www. echonews. com/737/index. html Breaking in a new culture: the Virgin Blue story. (2003, December 3).
  2. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Human Resources Leader: http://www. humanresourcesmagazine. com. au/articles/0b/0c01a00b. asp Crozier, R. (2009, March 26).
  3. Inside Virgin Blue’s IT Transformation. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from http://www. itnews. com. au/News/99644,inside-virgin-blue%E2%80%99s-it-transformation. aspx Hogan, J. (2007, February 21).
  4. Frills add substance for Virgin. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from The Age.
  5. com: http://www. theage. com. au/news/business/frills-add-substance-for-virgin/2007/02/20/1171733762942. html Information, A. I. (2004, April 23). Virgin Blue expects to withstand competition from Jetstar.
  6. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from BNet: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0CWU/is_2004_April_23/ai_n5996248 Jetstar, Tiger and Virgin Blue helping to stimulate Melbourne – Gold Coast market to new level. (2008, December 12).
  7. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from http://www. anna. aero/2008/12/12/jetstar-tiger-and-virgin-blue-helping-to-stimulate-melbourne/ Major sales team expansion for Virgin Blue.
  8. (2005, October 3). Retrieved March 30, 2009, from www. asiatraveltips. com/news05/310-VirginBlue. shtml Qantas v. Virgin Blue. (2009). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from Frequent Flyer Community: www. frequentflyer. com. au/community/your-questions/qantas-vs-virgin-blue-5270. html V Australia. (2009).
  9. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from http://www. vaustralia. com. au/ Virgin Blue v Australia. (2009). Retrieved March 31, 2009, from http://www. virginblue. com. au/AboutUs/Media/NewsandPressReleases/index. htm Virgin Blue; About Us. (2009).
  10. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from Virgin Blue Home: http://www. virginblue. com. au/

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Airport Baggage Handling Systems Industry

It also provides the factors that drive the market, the challenges the market face, and the restraints that impact he growth of the baggage handling process market and its industry. The factors that affect the baggage handling system market are terminal expansions, increasing number of airports, increasing air passenger traffic, and increasing requirement for efficient transportation.

However, the commercial aviation industry is growing due to the growth of international trade, a rise in tourism travel, and changes in government policies, which lead to the entry of foreign players (FAD- Foreign Direct Investment) in the commercial aviation market. This growth results in increasing the competition among commercial aviation companies, for both manufacturers and suppliers. Civil Aviation is the rising arm of the global airport infrastructure that plays a prominent role in providing connectivity.

The global airports are open for expansions and modernization programs to meet the international standards, which will drive the BBS market. The airport modernization can be due to the existing technology turning obsolete and an increase in the passenger traffic of the airport. Complete report is available @ http://www. Aromatherapies. Com/global- commercial-airport-baggage-handling-systems-market-2012-2017-market- report. HTML . In the current scenario, the expansion of the existing airports and new terminals are being built to meet the present as well as the future passenger demand.

Irrespective of the factors that affect the market demand, the global baggage handling system market is experiencing a surge in demand, attributed to a rise in airline passengers, airline operators, and the airport as an independent unit. The BBS market is expected to grow due to a cross-industry effort that drives technology innovations such as advancements in bag scanning, handling, sorting, Airport Baggage Handling Systems Industry 2020 – Barricade Systems, RIFF Systems, and Vacuum Systems By Danville-Marina’ Irrespective of these advancements, the market is expected to experience a slow growth rate.

An introduction of early bag stores and smart mobile devices for key operational staff has improved the handling/transfer of the baggage system by providing a better segregation of bags with short connection times. Scanning the bar-code or the RIFF tags on the bag-tag, either on handheld scanners or via an automatic reader array in the baggage handling system is another technological notification in this industry. Purchase this report @ http://www. Aromatherapies. Mom/contacts/purchase? Rename=66911 .

It is expected that over a period of time, RIFF tags will face high demand as it will take the industry by storm; the only disadvantage would be that the staff will be removed as it will be an unmanned counter, where a passenger can Just drop his/her bag and do a self-check-in. The need for efficient systems drives the requirements of BBS, which can manage the movement of the customer/airline baggage in and out of the check-in and checkout points at the airports. The roles of a BBS have increased significantly, with developments of these new technologies and improved systems.

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The Aircraft Collision Issues

On March 27, 1977 at 1706:52 G. M. T. A KLM 747 collided with a Pan Am 747 in dense fog on runway 30 at Los Rodeos Airport in the Spanish Canary Islands. KLM flight 4805 was a 747-206B with serial number PH-BUF. Pan Am flight 1736 was a 747-121 with serial number N736PA. Both aircraft were properly maintained and airworthy according to the regulations of the country of registration. All crew members of both aircraft were properly certified and current for their particular crew member positions on the Boeing 747. The KLM captain had 11,700 hrs.

With 1,545 of those hours on the 747. The First officer had a total of 9,200 hours at the time of the accident with only 95 hours on the 747. The flight engineer had 17,031 hours with 543 hours on the 747. The Pan Am captain had 21,043 total with 584 hours on the 747. His co-pilot had 10,800 hours with 2,796 hours on the 747. The flight engineer had 15,210 hours total flight time with 559 hours on the 747. KLM 4805 was a charter flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Las Palmas, Canary Islands on behalf of Holland international Travel Group.

Pan Am 1736 was also a charter flight to Las Palmas originating in Los Angeles, California the previous afternoon with a stop over and crew change at New York (JFK). The two aircraft involved in the accident were diverted to Los Rodeos because of a terrorist bomb explosion at Las Palmas Airport. There was a threat of another bomb so for security reasons no one could land there. Upon arrival at Los Rodeos several other diverted airliners were already on the ground waiting to go to Las Palmas. The Pan Am parked next to the KLM. The captain of the KLM was constantly on the radio trying to find out when the airport would reopen.

He was concerned that he and his flight crew were going to run out of duty time. He decided to get fuel while he was waiting in order to avoid the servicing delay that would be awaiting them at Las Palmas. Las Palmas was reopened while the KLM was in the middle of refueling. The Pan Am was ready to depart but had to wait for the KLM to finish refueling because they couldn’t taxi around them. Both aircraft were given instruction to use the active runway 30 as a taxiway because aircraft were parked on the paralleling taxiway. The KLM taxied to the end of the runway and made a 180 degree turn to align itself for takeoff.

The Pan Am lagged behind because a blanket of fog surrounded them making it difficult to find their turn off. The Pan Am crew was unsure which taxiway they were to get on. The controller told the Pan Am to exit at the 3rd taxiway. This didn’t make sense to them because they would have needed to make a 135 degree turn. The fourth taxiway was only 45 degrees.

As the KLM 747 completed its turn and the pre-takeoff checklists were complete the captain started adding power for take off. The first officer noticed this and said, “Wait a minute, we don’t have an ATC clearance. The captain held the brakes and said, “No… I know that. Go ahead ask. ” The KLM requested ATC clearance. The tower read them their departure clearance but did not clear them for takeoff. The KLM captain advanced the throttles again as the first officer read back the clearance. The KLM first officer told ATC they were, “at takeoff. ” The Pan Am heard this and said that they will report when clear the runway.

They understood “at takeoff” to mean at takeoff position. The KLM second officer questioned the captain, “Did he not clear the runway – that Pan American? The captain said, “Yes, he did. ” Moments later the Pan Am first officer noticed the takeoff lights of the KLM approaching fast. He shouted, “Get off, Get off! ” The captain put in full power and tried to drive the airplane into the grass. The pilots on the KLM noticed the Pan Am slewing across the runway after V1 was called. The captain knew that there wasn’t enough room to stop so he over-rotated causing the tail of his aircraft to strike the runway in a shower of sparks. But lift the KLM did – just before reaching the Pan AM.

The KLM smashed (with a nose up attitude) into the port side of the Pan Am 747. The KLM continued airborne down the runway another 450 meters past the point of collision where it crashed with full fuel and burned killing all 248 souls on board. The Pan Am was soon engulfed in flames. The impact tore off the top of the Pan Am 747 fuselage from the tail to the back of the cockpit. The Pan Am with its entire top fuselage having been carried away by the KLM, caught fire killing 326 of the 396 souls on board. No one in the tower saw the accident because of the fog.

Other aircraft waiting on the taxiway saw a series of explosions and reported them to the tower. Emergency crews were immediately notified. The dense fog delayed the effort of the emergency crews to find the planes. The firemen didn’t realize that there were two aircraft involved until they were at the wreckage of the KLM and the fog cleared a little bit to see the Pan AM on fire further down the runway. The main cause of this accident was that the KLM captain took off without clearance.

The captain also failed to heed the towers instruction to “standby for takeoff. Finally, the captain did not abandon the takeoff when it became apparent that the Pan Am was still on the runway. He was obviously in a hurry due to the fact that he and his crew might run out of flight time. They had been flying for a long time and probably had get-homeitis. KLM 4805 was nearing the takeoff minimums perscribed for KLM because of the thick fog which put more pressure on the Captain to takeoff. He didn’t want to have to leave the aircraft over night and wait for a change of crew because that would inconvienience everyone and cost money. It is also interesting to note that a procedure error took place.

This experienced captain should know the difference between being given takeoff clearance and being given a route of flight clearance. The fact of the matter is that the captain had been spending most of his time for the past ten years as a training captain at Schiphol Airport. “This tended to reduce his day to day familiarity with route flying and its procedures”(Job 177). This idea then leads to the probability that there was a miscommunication between the tower and the KLM. The tower controller and the Pan Am transmitted over each other information that would have prevented the accident.

The tower said, “OK… standby for takeoff… I will call you. ” The Pan Am said, “We are still taxiing down the runway! ” The KLM only heard the controller say, “OK. ” The first officer on the KLM declined to take their clearance while they were taxiing because they were too busy doing their pre-takeoff checklists. They instead received their clearance as they lined up for takeoff. This led the captain to believe that the airway clearance they were given also counted as their clearance to takeoff. The first officer already told him once that they didn’t have their clearance.

He wasn’t about to do it again out of fear because the first officer felt resignation. He thought that this captain gave him his 747 rating only 95 flight hours ago and he was in no place to second guess him. The crew of the KLM had poor situational awareness because they turned a deaf ear to the conversations between ATC and the Pan Am crew. They never heard the tower tell Pan Am to report when they were clear. This is proven by the emphatic response to the flight engineers query as to whether or not the Pan Am was cleared of the runway.

The captain and first officer said, “Yes, he’s cleared! ” The Pan Am crew contributed to the accident by missing their assigned taxiway. If they had turned at the assigned taxiway they would have been off the runway in time. There are several contributing factors to the Tenerife disaster that could have been avoided. If any one of these mistakes didn’t happen, the accident would have never happened. If the Pan Am crew had better charts and diagrams of the Los Rodeos Airport, they would have never missed their turn off. The Pan Am would have been off the runway in plenty of time.

If the KLM crew was not in such a hurry, the captain would not have commenced takeoff roll before distinct clearance to takeoff. If KLM had Cockpit Resource Management training, the first officer would not have felt intimidated by the captain. He would have corrected the captain again for trying to takeoff without adequate clearance. The captain would have been trained to accept the input of his fellow crew members. If the Pan Am first officer and the tower had not stepped on eachother over the radio, the KLM would have heard both warnings that would have prevented the accident.

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Boeing Vs. Airbus

Executive summary This report was commissioned to show us the present in the airline business, what Is the different between Airbus and Boeing Co and after global economic crisis, what Is their policy responses. The research draws attention to the fact that many airplane companies stood at the brink of bankruptcy. On the other hand, many emerging markets such as China and India have huge potential In the aircraft Industry. Further investigations reveal that low cost airline become more important than ever before.

Moreover, Airbus already pushed AWAY which one is the largest passenger aircraft. AWAY can help airplane companies improve their profit. It still helped Airbus captured market share. On the other hand, Boeing still pushed some high efficient aircrafts such as 747-8 that can follow the market trend. What is more, companies both pay attention to the Asian market. Further investigations reveal that airline business still has lots of chances in the future and fuel-efficient airplane will be most popular in the world.

It is recommended: Add some “standing” seats In the airplane. Improve the resources utilization rate Table of Contents Introduction Nowadays, because of the global economic crisis, many airplane companies stood at he brink of bankruptcy. On the other hand, the aircraft manufacturers still will change their strategy. There are two main aircraft manufacturers in the world. One is the Boeing which comes from America and another one is Airbus which comes from France. 747-8 and AWAY which come from Boeing and Airbus Co. Tooth use the high technology In order to saving energy. In this report It will Introduce some things about the airplane business such as situation, problem and opportunity. And you will have a general Idea about both companies and their products. This Is why I write this report. Industry background In the aircraft industry, Air travel remains a large and growing industry. In the past decade, air travel has grown by 7% per year. Travel for both business and leisure purposes grew strongly worldwide. Scheduled airlines carried 1. 5 billion passengers last year.

In Europe and North America, where the air travel market is already highly developed, slower growth of 4%-6% is expected. Air travel for the region has been rising by up to 9% a year and is forecast to continue to grow rapidly, although the Asian financial crisis In 1997 and 1998 will put the brakes on growth for a year or two. In terms of total passenger trips, however, the mall alarm travel markets of the future will continue to be In and between Europe, North America and Asia. (The allure industry, 2012) Let us see this picture first. Asia.

There are only 80 Airlines and 1800 Airports but more than 60% people lived there. Air craft industry has good market perspective but economic benefit is not good. Because of the financial crisis, the last few years were not kind to the aircraft industry. Many airline bankruptcies are virtually certain if the economy continues to stall. Since then, airlines have had to recognize the need for radical change to ensure heir survival and prosperity. Many have tried to cut costs aggressively, to reduce capacity growth and to increase load factors.

What is more, aircraft industry includes aerospace, military aircraft, and civil-aircraft. The airline companies like Boeing and Airbus will have a competition in each field. Company background product segments Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial Jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures oratorical, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch icicles and advanced information and communication systems.

The company also provides numerous military and commercial airline support services. (About us, 2013) Airbus is the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer whose customer focus, commercial know-how, technological leadership and manufacturing efficiency have propelled it to the forefront of the industry. The product include the single-aisle AWAY Family, the wide-body long-range AWAY/AWAY and the all-new next generation AWAY OXBOW Family, double-Decker AWAY Family. The company also continues to broaden its scope and product range by applying its expertise to the military market.

Company, 2013) Market share The rivalry between these giants, the only manufacturers of large medium or long- moment. Even though the number of orders is higher with Airbus in 2004 but the total revenues of Boeing is still much higher than that of Airbus. However, Boeing will be able to regain its market share thanks to the new model fee, Dreamlike and making the competition more aggressive. (Boeing overtakes Airbus in annual sales race, 2012) The product The Boeing 747, the original “Jumbo Jet” with its distinctive upper-deck profile, is among the fastest airliners in service. Boeing 747-8 Family – The Boeing 747-8

Intercontinental and 747-8 Freighter are the new, high-capacity sass that offers airlines the lowest operating costs and best economics of any large passenger or freighter airplane in its class – while providing enhanced environmental performance. ( Boeing Commercial Airplanes, 2012) Airbus AWAY is the world’s largest commercial aircraft flying today, with capacity to carry 525 passengers in a comfortable three-class configuration, and up to 853 in a single-class configuration that provides wider seats than its competitor. The AWAY is the ideal solution to alleviate traffic congestion at busy airports.

AWAY, 2013) Nongovernmental forces Technology Force In 2012 they successfully met key milestones such as compounding type using and Aerodynamics of the breakthrough in research and development programs that will bring to market the next generation of more fuel-efficient airplanes and accelerate the market readiness of advanced materials and environmentally progressive technologies. That can help airplane companies to drive their profit. Natural Force Due to increasing consumption of non-renewable energy like petroleum, oil shortages and their concomitant rise of oil prices have always induced aircraft industry revolution.

The fuel-efficient airplanes become most popular form all over the world. So Boeing says that its 787 Dreamlike cuts fuel use by 20%. Meanwhile, Airbus says that the AWAY is the first long-haul aircraft to consume less than three liners of fuel per passenger per 100 km. (Aviation Industry, 2012) Demographic forces business especially in the Asia. There are only 80 Airlines and 1800 Airports but more than 60% people lived there. What is more, by the development of economic some Asian countries such as China, India and Korea will have significant demands on the airline business.

In other words, some airplane manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus should pay attention to the Asia market analysis and market demand. Micromanagement forces The company’s suppliers Boeing has strong international operations with customers in around 145 countries, employees in more than 60 countries. Boeing enjoys the ownership of a brand with good and far reaching awareness on a global scale. Boeing is also a 50-50 partner with Lockheed Martin in the United Space alliance. These strong company’s suppliers can help. Boeing to be a internationalization company. (The Boeing company, 2012)

Airbus also has a global company’s suppliers. For example, Toulouse also became home to Airbus’ initial assembly line for the AWAY Family, another final assembly line opened in 2008 at Tannin, China – the first such facility for Airbus to be located outside of Europe and AWAY Family production across the final assembly lines is assigned as follows: Toulouse builds Ass; Hamburg has responsibility for the AWAY, AWAY, AWAY and AWAY; Tannin assembles Ass and Ass; and the new U. S. Facility will produce ASS, ASS and ASS. (FINAL ASSEMBLY AND TESTS, 2013) The company’s various publics Social factor

Anti-US feeling feelings generated by the events of the past two years had adversely impacted on Boeing’s sales, especially in West Asia, which is a lucrative market for the industry. And then the Airbus Co. Will raise the market competitiveness. Economic factor Aircraft manufacturers rely heavily on subsidies. Recently, Boeing and Airbus are on the debate of unfair subsidies. Likelihood of increasing fuel costs, congestion and other environmental restrictions, as well as the prospect of higher security and insurance costs to reflect the risk of terrorism.

The fuel cost is increasing in the future. International Air Transport Association estimated that airlines’ fuel costs would rise by 31% in 2005. DATA, which represents 95% of the world’s airlines, also Political factor Policy and regulatory decisions by governments can also have a dramatic impact on the demand for civil transport aircraft. The United States Government and its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are particularly influential in this regard since they oversee the largest air transport market in the world.

Similarly, the deregulation of European airlines, already begun in the early sass, holds the promise of expanded market prospects for smaller regional Jets. Boeing Co, 2012) The company’s competitors We all know that it is the duopoly in the Boeing-Airbus market. Given their multiple successes, it is not surprising that Airbus and Boeing have a number of competition factors driving their innovations. They often compare their products. For example, Boeing claims the 747-81 to be over 10% lighter per seat with a trip-cost reduction of 21% and a seat-mile cost reduction of more than 6%, compared to the AWAY.

And Airbus claims the AWAY to have 8% less fuel consumption per passenger than the 747-81 and emphasis the longer range of the AWAY while using up to 17% shorter unsays. (Boeing Co, 2012) SOOT analysts Boeing Co. Strength: it has a global supply chain that can help it to realize the resource rational distribution in the world. And then America government increased the government subsidies in order to encourage them to develop the advance technology. There are intense competition between Boeing and Airbus. It is benefit for each of them to have the best development trend.

Broad product line that covers most major market niches development Weaknesses: Anti-US feeling feelings generated by the events of the past two years had adversely impacted on Boeing’s sales. And then international Air Transport Association estimated that airlines’ fuel costs would rise by 31% in 2005. That’s forced many businesses to opt for smaller order airplanes volumes. Opportunities: Asia is a new market about the airline business, Airbus can sell more airplanes than ever before at that market. Threats: airline business was hit hard by the global economic downturn, with most business losing much trade.

Nowadays fuel-efficient airplanes are more popular in the world, but Boeing lags behind Airbus. Airbus Co. Distribution in the world. Because of the anti-American sentiment, Airbus Co. Can ease the market competitiveness. And then Europe government increased the technology. There are intense competition between Boeing and Airbus. It is benefit for each of them to have the best development trend. Broad product line that covers most major market niches development Weaknesses: International Air Transport Association estimated that airlines’ fuel costs would rise by 31% in 2005.

That’s forced many businesses to opt for smaller order airplanes volumes Opportunities: Airbus successfully met key milestones such as compounding type using and Aerodynamics of the breakthrough in research and development programs hat will bring to market the next generation of more fuel-efficient airplanes such as AWAY. By the rising oil price and global economic downturn, AWAY will be a good choice to save cost. And then Asia is a new market about the airline business, Airbus can sell more airplanes than ever before at that market. Business losing much trade.

Market segmentation Boeing: Since economic and traffic growth rates vary by region Boeing’s segmentation of its customers is done solely through geographic regions. Boeing believes that North America and Europe will continue to order the most airplanes with their auteur economies. It believes that airplane traffic within Asia pacific will increase by six per cent annually over the next twenty years and that the market share of flying within Latin America will increase from two per cent to four per cent. It is due to these differences in global air travel that Boeing uses Geography as its segmentation tool. Boeing Company, 2013) what is more, the segment’s geographic region is a function of the allocation of resources on demand. For example, in America and Europe, Boeing can predict an increase in the demand for regional Jets as air revelers in these regions are demanding non-stop flights on thinner routes, in China, Boeing can predict an increase in their routes and so on. Airbus: its market segmentation is like the Boeing’s which is the segment’s geographic region. They still use the different plans in different regions.

For example, Airbus pays attention to the carbon-efficient airplane like AWAY. They want to use it to increase the Asian market share, and they also want to increase the branch line to improve efficiency in the American and European market. Target markets Name: Airbus Company AWAY Boeing Company 747-8 Characteristic: long flight normal airlines/ government budget airlines/ government/ normal airlines/ personal using all over the world few in the America all over the world but few in Europe Luxury trip normal trip emerging market developed market new customer regular customer Let us see this table.

It shows the characteristic of the target market in both companies. We will see that A 380 fits the high-end market, and Boeing 747-8 is a multi-role aircraft. What is more, Boeing 747-8 which is a classical aircraft can have lots of the regular customers. They Just need to keep its feature. On the other hand, because of the global economic crisis, more and more airlines which come from the emerging market want to long distance and high capacity. By this way, it can help them to save cost. At this time, Airbus Co got the AWAY.

And then, AWAY has a huge body that can offer enough space to build some luxury facilities such as fitness, bar and bedroom. It can help filling in the luxury trip blank. Targeting strategy Airbus and Boeing companies all use the differentiated targeting strategy, because both companies are all global companies and they make the different plan in different place. It is better than undifferentiated and concentrated that they can totally control the market. For example, in Asian market, Boeing will recommend the 747-81 which is the fuel-efficient and huge airplane.

But in the American and Europe Market, it will focus on showing the 777 which is the new technology and efficient airplane. On the other hand, AWAY which comes from Airbus Co. Is the key recommendation to some developing countries like China, India and Brazil. What is more, some other size of the Airbus airplanes such as AWAY and AWAY still will recommend to the developed countries like America and England. Because some emerging markets like Asia and South America have a large population and huge market potential.

So they will be like large and efficient airplanes. What is more, some developed market like America and Europe, they which have health airline network need to add some branch lines. So the small airplane will be popular in that market. And then let us see a form first. Airbus was never in the corsairs of Boeing. That means, they can promote product in the same place. If you want to buy an airplane, that depends on what size of airplane you like. For example, if you want pick up 500 passengers you only can hose AWAY, 450-500 passengers 747-8 is your choice.

Positioning strategy From a buyers point of view there are many criteria that apply to buying a new plane from Boeing and Airbus. The main two criteria we chosen are capacity and distance. Because airplane makers like Boeing and Airbus are quite limited. Unlike BBC, in EBB there is very rarely a mass market and Boeing and Airbus are no exception to the rule. The companies targeting is aimed mainly at its existing clients and its profit margins are squeezed by these well knowledgeable clients mainly because they homeless are professionals and know the cost of production for airplanes. Boeing Company, 2013) Short distance and low capacity Boeing: many Because Boeing has 737 Family which are particularly low capacity designed pales, incorporating seating capacities of between 110-189 seats and are also relatively short distance planes. It fits the distance and efficient trip. Because of the global economic crisis, many airplane companies stood at the brink of bankruptcy. 737 is a good choice for them. Airbus: None Short distance and high capacity: None The market didn’t need it. Long distance and high capacity Boeing: some fly from America to Australia without refueling.

Airbus: some It is the same reason. But its product is AWAY Family. But a maximum range of its flight is shorter than 777 and 747. Very long distance and ever high capacity Boeing: None Airbus: AWAY Because Airbus wanted to increase the market share, so he focused on the long distance market. AWAY filled a hole in the market and it can popular in the high-end market. Recommendations Nowadays, many airplane companies stood at the brink of bankruptcy. So saving money is the first demand. Aircraft manufacturers also launched some high efficient airplane like 747-8 and AWAY.

I think that we already cannot change much about outside but we can change some about inside. For example, all customers sit in the airplane, but we can change the seat design like “standing” seat. What is more, they also can improve the resources utilization rate in order to decrease the price of the airplane. That can help the airline companies to increase the profit. And then Aircraft manufacturers will have a new segment about the Recommendations. Reference list: 1. The airline industry. (2012). The airline industry. Retrieved 2012, From: http:// gag. Stanford. Du/AAA/intro/airlessness’s. HTML 2. About us. (2013). Boeing official website. Retrieved 2013, From: http:// www. Boeing. Com/Boeing/companionways/about/index. Page? 3. Company. (2013). Airbus official website. Retrieved 2013. From: http://www. Airbus. Com/company/ 4. Boeing overtakes Airbus in annual sales race. (2012). Reuters. Retrieved 2012, From: http://www. Reuters. Com/article/2013/01117/us-airbus-orders- idUSBRE90GOCF20130117 5. Boeing commercial Airplanes. (2012). Boeing official website. Retrieved 2012 From: http://www. Boeing. Com/assets/PDF/commercial/PDF/ BCC_backgrounder. UDF 6. AWAY. (2013).

Airbus official website. Retrieved 2013 From: http://www. Airbus. Com/aircraftman’s/evisceration’s/a380familyncontentId= BIBB TABLE:ATTontent; 7BAviation Industry. (2012). QflnEquivalencetrieved 2012 From: http://www. qfinCaffeinem/Comtor-profiles/aviation 8. Boeing Co. (2012). Boeing official website. Retrieved 2012 From: http:// www. boeiBoeingm/ComiBoeing (FINAL ASSEMBLY AND TESTS. (2013). Airbus official website. Retrieved 2013 From: http://www. airbAirbusm/Company/aircraft-manufacture/how-is-an-aircraft-built/final- assembly-and-tests/ 10. Boeing Co. (2012). Boeing official website.

Retrieved 2012 From: http://www. boeiBoeingm/ComiBoeing. Boeing Co. (2012). Boeing official website. Retrieved 2012 From: http:// 13. Boeing Company. (2013). 123HLempeltrieved 2013 From: http://www. 123hLempelm/Comw. asp?Asp=8Id96 14. BoniBonitoKolbKola012). Undifferentiated, Concentrated, and Differentiated Targeting Strategies. Retrieved 2012 From: http:// www. globGlobalizesm/Comerence/47105/203279/undifferentiated-concentrated-and- differentiated-targeting-strategies 15. Boeing Company. (2013). 123HLempeltrieved 2013 From: http://www. 123hLempelm/Comw. asp?Asp=8Id96

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