Gendered Behavior- Biologically Determined?

Men and Women are different- not necessary better or worse, but definitely different. They generally live different lifestyles, in different worlds, with different values and different rules. This is a fact that many are unwilling to admit. Unbelievable? – Just look at the evidence. Why do little girls generally play with dolls, while little boys with toy cars? Why is blue defined as a “masculine” color, while pink as a “feminine”? Where did all the gender-based stereotypes come from? Women are bad drivers, Men will never ask for directions.

Women are too sensitive, Men are not sensitive enough. Women use toilets as social regions and “therapy” rooms, while men clearly only use the toilet for one purpose only. Think about it: Wouldn’t people be instantly wary of the man who called out “Hey Jack, I’m going to the bathroom- you want to join me? ” From the shallow questions- why are men and women generally different heights? -To the more innate queries- why until the 1960s did men and women play different roles -domination of males and suppression of women? , it inevitably traces down to one conclusion.

Men and women are primarily diverse. The question is what is the reason for this? If one were to leave young girls and boys to develop on a deserted island with no organized society, no parents, would they still be as they are today? Thus poses the question: Is gendered behavior biologically determined? Extracts from pop-psychology books profess “The equality of men and women is a political or moral issue; the essential difference is a scientific one. ” Those who disagree with the biological perspective of this issue claim equality between the sexes.

However the matter is not whether they are equal, but whether they are identical, which may be what many are confused about. Even scientific studies have shown recently that that behavior between the genders is not only physically different, but also mentally different. The most basic and direct form of evidence available for this argument is that the brain structures differ between the two ‘species’. The three main areas of the brain (the Temporal lobe, the Corpus callosum, and the Anterior commissure) illustrate these dissimilarities.

The Temporal lobe, which helps control hearing, memory and a person’s sense of self and time, has proven men to have 10% fewer neurons in this area. The Corpus callosum, the main bridge between the left brain and the right which carries messages between the two, takes up less volume in a man’s brain than in a women’s, signifying that they may communicate less. Lastly, the Anterior commissure, which also plays a role in connecting the two brain hemisphere, is smaller in men’s brains than in women’s, even though men tend to have a bigger brain size.

These facts alone should indicate that there are differences in men and women behavior. Brain scans, a fairly new technology has confirmed the differences in thinking between the two, and how they use their minds very differently when it comes to certain things. Scientist Sandra Whittleson verifies that for men, emotion is generally position to the right of the brain (meaning it can operate separately from other functions. Because of a man’s smaller corpus callosum, emotion is less likely to operate concurrently with other functions.

It is the opposite with women, as their emotion is spread widely along both hemispheres, showing that in their case, it can activate at the same time as other functions. Thus, a stereotype of the sensitivity conflict between the two sexes is proven. There are many other case studies from these scans which present a kernel of truth in other regular stereotypical beliefs. There is, of course, another “side to the story”. Society today, one many say, is very gender-based. These stereotypes may exist because people encourage them too.

Wouldn’t one agree that in today’s world, there are certain things that are and are not considered appropriate? In order to be accepted, people must conform. There are certain norms for dressing, manner, interests and behavior for males and females. Even the stranger who proclaims “What a big, strong boy you are” or “What a pretty little girl you are” is subconsciously indicating to a small child ideally cherished behavior and characteristics. It is believed by some that social conditioning is likely to determine how one acts through development.

Baby girls are dressed in pink and given Barbies to play with, while baby boys are given Action Men and Hot Wheels. Young girls are cuddled and touched, while young boys are patted on the back and told not to cry. In comparison to girls, boys are more encouraged to behave typically and strongly discouraged from engaging in cross-gendered behavior. Is this form of up-bring why men are being dubbed insensitive? Because they are too insecure to show their feminine side?

Why is it that when someone is pregnant, the first question an outsider would pose is “Boy or Girl? How such a question has has become so automatic now, so spontaneous is to be wondered of. It is also true that many in our society find gender re-assignment difficult to accept- think about transsexuals. As much as it is tried; people find the concept of this hard to grasp. The truth is there are no two ways about it; Gendered behavior is not only biologically determined, but also environmentally determined. Faced with the nature/nurture argument once again, it is strongly believed that the two are inseparable, especially in this context.

Although the more evidence found, the more people think that the difference is biological. However, no one can say it is purely so because no one knows for sure. Everything you do, every way you behave is determined by a mixture of the two. The reason may be biological, yet how much it is enhanced may be environmental, and vice versa. Understanding the identity of people can be complex, and as much as we want to, we will not be necessarily undergoing this breakthrough anytime soon.

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Movie Review: In the Womb

Table of contents

Experience the life before birth, The formation, a step by step in a film that have not been seen like him. In the womb, was produced for National Geographic Channel . Its includes features in advanced technology, simulations that have been generated by ultrasound photography in four dimensions. Before it takes its first breath, a human baby has been through an incredible transformation from a single cell to a complex, self-sustaining organism.

Watch this amazing process in real time inside the womb. Recommendation + personal experience I remember that moment I realized that my wife’s stomach size is what supposed to be my child, with God’s help, I studied this film, explaining  me something that is very difficult for me personally to understand: how our body produces live? How does it work? If you think that I got it after seeing the film and that I understood all of these scientific facts, then you’re wrong, its still seems like a crazy miracle that happens one after the other in the all wide World.

I sthrongly recommend everyone to see that  movie, it shows the very little detailsof the process and even shows us the fetus in a verity of positions, moves, making faces, etc that we cant see without that film. you will enjoy it. Maybe this has already been talked about and I missed it, but I thought I would let all of you ladies know about a National Geographic special my husband recorded for me to watch called “In the Womb. ” I HIGHLY recommend the film.


  • The intro is of a woman in labor screaming bloody murder like they do in the movies while giving birth. You’ll forgive this later, however. Read on.
  • I kinda almost fell asleep at the beginning when they were covering conception.
  • Sometimes the film would state some fact and then not back it up in any way, so you’d be left wondering “gee, that’s new. Where on earth did they get THAT? ” For example, during one part, they said that a woman is more likely to have a miscmarriage if she experiences stress, has an immune disorder, or if she has previously given birth to a boy. Now, I’ve had three miscmarriages, so I’ve read tons of information about it and never have I heard that giving birth to a boy makes you more likely to have a miscmarriage. I thought “wow, really? Where’d they hear that? ” but they just went on to the next subject without explaining.
  • 99% of the babies in the film are not real – they are either rubber models (which look absolutely fantastically realistic, by the way) or these super creepy alien-looking computer generated babies that totally freaked me out. They were a bit disturbing looking.

  • They stressed the value of ultrasound in the video and I’m personally against it, but it doesn’t lose a lot of points with me because a lot of women are pro ultrasound.


  • They did mention that ultrasound might be harmful, though it is not “known” to cause problems in babies. They also mentioned that while we can’t hear ultrasound, babies CAN because it creates an echo inside the water-filled uterus.
  • They explained that babies “run” from it because it is extremely loud – somewhat like standing next to a subway train.
  • They provided TONS of the most amazing 4D footage of babies I’ve ever seen.
  • They had videos of babies only weeks old in the womb yawning, playing with their noses and feet, and twins interacting with each other. I cried at parts.
  • Aside from a brief (and very low-key) clip where a doctor does a minor surgery on an unborn fetus along with a few short clips of doctors performing ultrasound, there were NO HOSPITAL SCENES or doctors in the film. Woot!

The best part ever

The film follows only one mother through her pregnancy and ends with her giving birth. I grumbled my way through a few mildly irritating parts of the film, but whe I reached the end, I got a rather shocking surprise.

When it’s time for the mother to give birth, you see her standing – yes standing – next to a bed in a birthing center giving birth. There is not one doctor in the room or a machine beeping of any kind, only the woman, her midwife, the cameraman, and the husband. There are no bright lights and it’s very quiet except for the woman’s screams. Then, to my utter delight, the narrator informs the viewers that standing or squatting are the best positions in which to give birth and that it is better and more comfortable for the mother than laying on her back.

I wish every reader could have been there with me as I whooped and hollered and punched my fists in the air in delight! Imagine a mainstream documentary saying something like that! The baby is immediately handed to the mother through her legs and she sits on the bed with her newborn, a smile plastered on her delighted face. No one takes her baby away. The midwife waits to cut the cord and then the mother is seen breastfeeding. WAY TO GO NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC!! So yes, any midwives out there who are looking for a good educational video, I’d have to say that this is the one.

It’s not about birth, it’s about development, but it’s the best I’ve seen so far and it’s SO ultra pro-natural birth.  I’ll keep an eye out for any other sites hosting the full video  -Amber National Geographic Channel’s In the Womb by Inbar Maayan Keywords: Human development, Movies, Fetus Written, produced, and directed by Toby Mcdonald, the 2005 National Geographic Channel film In the Womb uses the most recent technology to provide an intricate glimpse into the prenatal world.

The technologies used, which include advanced photography, computer graphics, and 4-D ultrasound imaging, help to realistically illustrate the process of development and to answer questions about the rarely seen development of a human being. The following description of the images and narrative of the film captures the major points of In the Womb, and of embryonic and fetal development, as they are seen at the outset of the twenty-first century, depicted in only 100 minutes. In the Womb opens with a glimpse of the mature fetus moments before she is ready to emerge into the outside world.

The narrator explains that at this final stage, she is equipped with all of the faculties necessary for full function outside the womb. The main focus of the film, however, is the journey leading up to these final moments, a journey that begins with just a single cell. This journey is viewed intermittently throughout the film using 3-D and 4-D ultrasound scanning techniques which show the baby moving. 4-D refers to a string of 3-D images taken in real time (time is the fourth dimension), thus creating a movie of in utero events.

In addition, the process is simulated by computer imaging based on observations, giving a vivid portrayal of embryonic and fetal development. The developmental narrative begins with millions of swimming sperm, and an explanation of their unique purpose—carrying the father’s genetic information to the moment of conception. The sperm are produced in a man’s testes, and their quality depends on his lifestyle choices; they tend to be damaged by the consumption of various drugs and by heat, and stimulated by the consumption of coffee.

A singlesperm is filmed swimming across a black landscape, which accentuates the rapid, intricate movements of its tail. The tail’s flexibility allows the sperm to progress approximately a tenth of an inch per minute. Millions of sperm are filmed as they appear in the vagina, many of them dead on their sides, with the vast crowd in the middle swimming toward the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the egg, which looks like a moon-like orb nestled among its protective agents. This egg, like all her others, was formed during the mother’s own time in the womb and has resided in her body ever since.

The film suggests that in order to find the egg, the sperm “sniff it out” using their figurative sense of smell. A graphical simulation shows the sperm traveling toward the awaiting egg, and one of them penetrating its outer layer. The bigger picture, in which the rest of the spermare permanently shut out upon fertilization, is filmed. Another graphical simulation follows, illustrating the fusion of the father’s and the mother’s genetic material at the moment of conception. The narrator notes that this particular genetic combination has never before existed, and will never be duplicated in another human being.

DNA, which carries the organism’s genetic information and is bundled in the chromosomes, is depicted as a long, energetic helix that carries the more than 20,000 genes that make up an average human. These genes are responsible for various characteristics and are determined by paren’tal contributions. They are absolutely crucial to the development of new life. The various physical effects of genetic information are illustrated in the display of various shapes of eyes, noses, hair, and other features.

The great variability of genetic effects on appearance is depicted by the morphing of a face to show a vvariety of characteristics, both male and female. It is noted, however, that while the parent’s contribute equal amounts of genetic information, it is the DNA from the sperm that determines the child’s sex, via its twenty-third chromosome, which is either an X or a Y. The genes contributed by the parent’s largely predetermine the child’s appearance and much of the child’s personality and predisposition for certain diseases.

After the illustration and explanation of fertilization, a description of the fertilized egg’s journey toward the uterus is accompanied by film footage of the process. As it sails along the fallopian tube on the first day of its journey, the single cell divides into two identical cells. Cell division continues and by the fifth day, the resulting ball of cells is made up of about 100 cells and is called a blastocyst. At this stage, theblastocyst will split into two groups of cells: the outer layer prepares to become the placenta, umbilical cord and fetal membranes, and the inner layer prepares to become the embryo itself.

The cells making up the inner part of the blastula are stem cells, and have the ability to differentiate into all of the different types of cells that make up the human body. One week after fertilization, the blastula reaches theuterus, where it will start to develop into a new human being. Three weeks into gestation, In the Womb simulates the embryo folding inward and elongating as the basic body plan is determined. An actual embryo at this stage is shown and a basic spine is visible.

The top of the embryo, destined to become the head and brain, is indicated; this region has already begun to generate nerve cells by the fifteenth day of the pregnancy. These nerve cells will proliferate and eventually become the brain and the central nervous system. The heart forms soon after this, and twenty-two days after conception, begins to beat. This movement is initiated by a single heart cell which begins to beat and induces the cells around it to beat to the same rhythm. Close-up filming shows this pulse as heart cells proliferate and the organ continues to form.

With the formation of the heart come thin veins and early blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients; the blood in these veins moves to the beat of the heart. During the early stages of development the heart beats relatively independently, though its function will later be carefully regulated by the brain. By the time the embryo is four weeks old, preliminary eyes have appeared on her head. These look like dark spots on a pale landscape of surrounding tissue on which the early contours of the forehead, nose, mouth, and other parts of the mature face can be seen.

In addition, arm and leg buds emerge. The narrator mentions that even though thirty days have passed since conception, the embryo is almost indistinguishable from the embryos of other mammals. The changes taking place in the embryo’s morphology over the following few weeks are shown through film progression. The face plates move in to better define facial features, arms and legs continue to take shape, and the head becomes more clearly defined. At six weeks, the embryo is about an inch long, has a firmly rooted and visible umbilical cord, and the outline of her fingers can be distinguished as well.

The eyes have developed by leaps and bounds, although they are not yet concealed by eyelids. The nostrils are now visible, wide-set beneath the eyes on a head that is giant in relation to the size of the body. By the end of eight weeks of gestation, the embryo is called afetus and is no longer dependent on the yolk sac that nourished it during the embryonic stage of development. The yolk sac, a balloon-like structure of tissue with visible veins, vanishes at this point and the fetus becomes solely dependent on the umbilical cord rooted in theplacenta, and thus on the mother’s blood for nutrition.

A close examination of the placenta reveals intricate blood vessels transporting the nutrients necessary for the embryo’s growth, while keeping out many of the toxins present in the mother’s own blood. Despite the placenta’s effectiveness, substances like drugs and alcohol cannot be completely be filtered out, and it’s up to the mother to limit her consumption of them. By nine weeks, the nervous system has developed dramatically and starts to allow the fetus to move. Although this movement, shown through computer simulation, is not yet connected to the brain, it premotes agility and further growth.

After this point, the body will gradually come under the control of the brain. This change also has the effect of regulating heart rate, which may increase to more than 150 beats per minute before cerebral regulation. A standard ultrasound is performed at the Create Health Clinic in London at the conclusion of the first trimester, and the narrator explains how ultrasound waves function to create the image on the screen. While a physician explains the various tests that can be done at this stage of pregnancy using ultrasound, the baby’s heart can be seen contracting and expanding in the moving image.

A step beyond standard ultrasound is the 4-D scan, which shows the three-dimensional fetus moving in real time. This tool allows for even more accurate evaluation of the fetus’s health and development. It shows everything from the fetus moving her arms to yawning or playing with her nose. Four-dimensional scans of various babies at different stages of development greatly expand the amount of detail that is visible to the world outside the womb. The narrator also notes that this first ultrasound scan is the first oopportunity to ascertain the number of fetuses present in the womb.

Four-dimensional scans also allow us to see the preliminary steps of a baby’s literal first steps. These are manifested in scans of eleven- and twelve-week-old fetuses kicking and pushing off the walls of the uterus as they exercise the use of their appendages. This movement is called the stepping reflex, and it is controlled by the fetus’s nervous system. The five weeks leading up to this point, weeks six through eleven, are considered to be the period in which the fetus undergoes the most dramatic transformations in its developmental journey.

By the end of the eleventh week, all organs have formed, but the fetus is still tiny—about three inches long—and thus must grow significantly before it can be viable. Sex is also determined at this point, and the sex organs produce hormones that further regulate the sexual development of the fetus. Miscmarriage beyond this point is far less likely than during the first three months of pregnancy, since the fetus is more stable. As time goes on, the fetus looks more and more human, and her senses sharpen further.

Simulation reveals highly developed hands and the hardening (ossification) of bones beneath the semi-transparen’t skin. The face looks far more “human” as well, with the eyes now closer together and the nose and mouth more defined. By this time, the brain controls most of the body–including the heart–through thecentral nervous system. Aside from seeing the heart, a Doppler probe is also used to hear what the fetus’ heart sounds like. It beats at a frantic 146 beats per minute, which the physician indicates is a healthy pace for a fetus this age.

At four months, she not only has control of her heart rate, but she also begins to respond to physical stimuli and to move around a lot. She has also begun to develop proprioception, which is the awareness of the body’s position in its surroundings. She is shown feeling the sides of the womb and grasping at different parts of her body. Four-dimensional images of twins also reveal how interactive they are with each other; identical twins, however, interact much more than do fraternal twins, who have a membrane separating them.

This membrane is also visible with this more detailed scanning tool. Eighteen weeks after conception, fetal movements become readily detectable to the mother. In addition, the fetus starts digesting amniotic fluid as her digestive system begins preparation for the outside world. Another preparation has been revealed by 4-D scans, where thefetus can be seen practicing the blinking reflex. Soon, she will even have her own fingerprints. At the conclusion of the second trimester, the fetus is fully formed but still needs to experience dramatic growth and to develop her senses.

The film states that at this stage, she begins to taste flavors from her mother’s food, and to hear the sounds that surround her cocoon, including the tone and cadence of her mother’s voice. Comfort with her mother’s various sense-inducing habits may even prove conducive to more healthy development once the baby has been born. In the Womb also notes that, as well as providing a preliminary basis for diagnosis of complications, ultrasound scans also premote the development of paren’tal attachment to the yet-unborn child.

Ultrasound is thought to enhance the relationship of the child with the parent’s, both in infancy and later in life. At twenty-four weeks, this relationship could begin prematurely, for it is at this point that a baby could survive outside of the womb; though still small and underdeveloped, with appropriate intensive care, she could be considered viable. The greatest complications may arise due to the premature lungs, since the lungs only fully develop near the conclusion of the pregnancyand are filled with amniotic fluid until breathing begins.

The eyes, which have been fully developed since the middle of the pregnancy, cannot see yet but are adorned with eyelashes by the twenty-fifth week. Babies are usually born with lighter-colored eyes than they will have later; babies of Caucasian descent are often born with blue eyes, while babies of Asian or African descent first have darker brown eyes. These colors will often change or deepen during the first few months of life, as the pigments in the eyes are exposed to light, which is absent in the womb. In the darkness of the womb, babies in their final trimester spend most of their time sleeping soundly.

When they are awake, however, fetuses are often active, practicing their reflexes in response to provocations from outside the womb. These include the startle reflex, when the fetus flings her arms out and over her head, and the swallowing and sucking process, crucial to nutrition outside of the womb. The latter may be manifested in thumb sucking, which is thought to be sthrongly correlated with handedness during a person’s life. The placenta not only conducts oxygen, nutrients, and flavors to the fetus, but it may also conduct the mother’s mood. The ear or anxiety that a mother might experience cascade through, eventually causing the baby’s heart to beat faster as well. Serious and sustained stress or anxiety have been found to result in stress in the child and a higher risk for stress-related physical and mental health complications. Past twenty-six weeks the fetus concentrates almost solely on growth; despite this, serious issues might arise even before birth. In the Womb shows Dr. Kypros Nicolaides of King’s College Hospital in London diagnosing and pperforming in utero surgery on a fetus whose intestines are obstructing lung growth.

He performs this delicate surgery with the help of a fetuscope, which allows him to see inside thewomb and is also used as a tool in the surgery itself. Nicolaides’ technique for treating this particular disorder has been met with a 50% increase in the survival rate of his prenatal patients. The last two months of pregnancy see the final steps toward a healthy birth. During this time, the fetus develops a layer of insulating fat and has even been found to develop consciousness and memory. The fetus may remember and respond to familiar sounds such as her mother’s voice or even her parent’s’ favorite music.

If the fetus recognizes music, she might even move in rhythm. Fast music has been found to stimulate and excite the fetus, which seems to be almost dancing in the womb, while classical music will often have a calming effect. The development of all of these complex functions prior to birth has also led some experts to posit that, developmentally, birth is not as significant as was previously assumed. This is because the brain of a maturing fetus is almost identical to that of a newborn. This ssimilarity is particularly striking considering the sighting of rapid eye movement (REM) in 4-D scans, since these are indicative of dreaming.

From thirty-five weeks on, the fetus could be fully functional and self-supporting (aside from its need for external nutrition and warmth). The film notes that though it is not yet certain what sets off delivery, the maturation of the lungs may play a key role. When mature, the lungs release a protein that affects the hormone production of the placenta, reducing progesterone production and initiating the production of oxytocin, which in turn triggers uterine contractions and inhibition of memory.

These are useful when the cervix undergoes extreme widening—approximately 10 cm—as it conveys the baby’s large head out into the world. In the Womb has now gone full-circle, arriving again at the time of delivery. To ease the pain of delivery and risks of complication, the mother in the movie delivers standing up and leaning forward with her legs spread apart slightly. During this time, the baby releases large quantities of adrenalin, which keeps the heart pumping fast and prepares the lungs to take their first breathes of air. Soon, the baby’s head crowns and is followed by the rest of the body.

As soon as the baby has emerged, it starts crying as its lungs fill with oxygen and it is exposed to the light and cold of the outside world. The placenta, now unnecessary, detaches from the uterus and exits the mother’s body through the birth canal. In the Womb reviews the entire process of the pregnancy and highlights the grand achievement that is transformation from a single cell into an entirely new individual. The newly born baby depends on adults for warmth and nutrition, although all other functions rest solely in her tiny hands.

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Physical Exercise Effect on Adolescents

Physical exercises is very important to the body of a normal human being as they have several benefits mainly for the aged people. Some researchers have examined how the human intelligence is affected by physical exercise. In the The executive function in human has been facilitated by the physical exercise. Although some exercises are very simple they are very important to our body because they can enhance our mental functions and development. Very many years ago during the time of the ancient Greeks there was a belief that the intelligent ability is highly affected by the physical exercise that a person takes.

Evaluation of the relationship between the children intelligence and physical exercise has not been yet done (Kirkendall, 1986). From some researches that where done very recently, it was discovered that fitness is in terms of academic intelligence or achievements. In most cases the students who get very good grades in their exams are associated positively with physical exercises. According to the California department of education the kids who perform better in they academically are physically fit.

Having daily physical exercises is very important will help a student to increase her reading skills, in mathematics subject and also in the science subjects. The time lost during the physical exercises doesn’t affect the performance of a student, but instead it helps boost their grade According to a meta-analysis that was done on 16 studies by the use of true experimental designs, there is a very great relationship between physical activity and the academic achievement of a student along a list of some measurements which include the intelligent quotient, the academic achievements memory and mathematics tests.

The results after this study showed that all these categories are affected positively by physical activities except memory According to the finding, fitness may have a relationship with cognitive function. Fitness cannot provide any understanding of the mechanism by which the brain can be affected by aerobic fitness in kids. Participation in the physical activity by the children may be affected some factors like socioeconomic status and this make it very difficult to the influence of fitness.

The importance of the research that was done recently was to determine and know more about hoe the brain function of the child is related to high or low fitness of children. As a person ages their mental acclivity is affected by physical exercises. Some experiments where done on animals and human. From the results out of the experiments, it was found that the number of exercises that a person does in several weeks’ changes the way the brain functions and this triggers cognition and behavior.

As one is doing the physical exercises, there are some biological responses in both muscles and organs of a person and this changes the structure and the way the brain functions (Dishman et al. 2006). If physical exercise had the same impact on children like in the adults, their mental activity in education would be improved. People must be engaged in both physical and activities and aerobic fitness. This is because they are related to the p3 and the behavioral performance in adults. The adults who are always in physical and aerobic exercises have very great amplitude of the p3 and it is always have very fast latency.

According to this finding, one can understand that the aerobic exercise may influence neuroelectric concomitants of attentiveness allocation of the working memory and the processing speed of a human being. In the highly fit people you can observe very fast and more accurate behaviors. According tot the results from the findings, the process which is involved in behavioral response in the human body has a great relationship with the aerobic exercise. When we compare the performance of the stimulus tasks between children and young adults, we are able to note a very big difference.

The children have a lower performance of stimulus compared to that of the young adults. This is as a result of very complex as they include the maturation of the course of action concerned in operational memory and inhibitory function and the development of some regions in the brains. Research has been done on the P3 ad has resulted to the improvement of the brain and consequent cognitive processes in the children. There is very long p3 latency in preadolescent children Compared to the adults and this shows a very low speed in cognitive processing.

The findings regarding the p3 are not very clear although the children indicate very high results or n defense in amplitude when compared to that of the adults. Cognition is a term that is used to describe several processes in the human brain which include working planning response and scheduling. After the analysis of the researches done, it is revealed that aerobic performance has an effect on the cognitive performance. The conclusion was that the level of fitness determines the volatility of ones brain and the link is very strong. Improved cognition in children is greatly related to the physical activity that they take.

It doesn’t matter the type of exercise they take but the fact is that all of them affect the mental activity. The young children and young elementary are greatly affected by the physical activity that they always take. In order to increase your intelligence you can take very many physical activities but increasing your brain power will can for shifts in the way you live and think. When you take very regular physical exercises, you can be sure of getting increase of 10-15 of IQ points. This is very simply and it can easily fit in your daily activities and program.

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Results of Internet Addiction

Alarm Bell about Internet Addiction Having been widely used since the sass, the Internet has become an integral part because of its popularization and incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life. The Internet allows us to access various information and global communication in a very convenient and effective way. Unfortunately, the excessive misuse of it can alter the development of human being society, especially the young generation.

Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to raise the alarm bell about the Internet addiction among the teenagers due to its negative effects as well as consequences in three aspects: interpersonal (physical and mental), occupational (at school and at work), and social (relationship with family as well as community). Just like other types of addictions such as drug addiction or alcohol addiction, Internet addiction leads to many serious health hazards to both teenagers’ physical and psychological fields.

Since Internet addicts spend most of their time sitting, staring and focusing before the monitor screens, their bodies lack of active exercise while their brain are stimulated in high pressure. Hence, their vision and immune systems are easily weakened, increasing their vulnerability to assorted diseases. The lack of exercise due to excessive use of computer by maintaining a sitting posture may also risk suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, and eyestrain.

The Internet addiction also increases the danger of sleeping disorders (insomnia, apneas, nightmares) among teenagers (Western and Leukocyte 5). Many psychological and medical experts have agreed that the sleep is the essential function to human beings which helps to repair brain cells and promote formation of new neurons in the brain, so it is extremely important for the adolescents to grow up and develop. As a result, it is very harmful if adolescents skip sleeping because of heir addiction to the Internet.

Moreover, many Internet addicts are so focused on their “own world” that they forget to eat or drink; this may lead to malnutrition or even death. In the documentary “Digital Nation”, it shows the “PC bangs” in South Korea where adolescents are glued to the screens, expressionless. Some even play for more than 50 hours at a time without food or water. In fact, there have been a few deaths as a result of this (Digital Nation). Not only the physical side, but teenagers also have to face some psychological problems due to their Internet addiction.

In the essay “Internet Addiction or Excessive Internet use”, Waistband and Leukocyte have reviewed many cross-sectional studies to prove that there are high risk of mental disorder among Internet addicts such as “affective disorder, anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (3). It is also found that there is a positive relationship between Internet addiction and depression, as well as aggressive behaviors.

Since the teenagers can be easily attracted and addicted with the harmful content in the Internet for a long time such as adult ex websites, online gaming, online chat systems and Bulletin Board System, the exposure to malicious and uncensored content online has perverted teenagers and has caused them to be more aggressive and violent. In the other words, they can be influenced and are likely to have aggressive behaviors. The above physical and psychological harmfulness caused by Internet addiction can bring teens many problems in their occupations.

Since they spend too much time and efforts on their Internet usage rather than other activities, the Internet addicts usually face a lot of problems with their studies and work. All of we know that for 24 hours per day, people should divide into three equal sections: work/study, recreation, and sleep. Each section should last for eight hours. However, for Internet addicts, they arrange their schedule differently by spending most of the time for being on- line instead of studying, working or sleeping.

Without enough time for study/ work and lack of sleep as mentioned above, the Internet addicts have a shortage in the decision making function and a strategy learning/working lag. Students cannot concentrate and focus on their study if their minds are thinking of the Faceable newsfeed or the online games all the time. Academic problems caused by Internet addiction include decline in study habits, significant drop in grades, missing classes, increased risk of being placed on academic probation, and poor integration in extracurricular activities.

For instance, Chunk Young II, a fifteen-year-old boy from Korea, dropped from the top half of his class to the bottom after being addicted to the computer games (Digital Nation). Similarly, employees with access to the Internet spend numerous hours of their working day engaged in non-work related Internet use. It can be said that Internet addiction can lead to poor academic reference in school and impaired functioning at work. Besides the negative effects mentioned above, the more dangerous consequence is the social relationships of the Internet addictive teenagers.

According to Nine and Revering study in 2000, it is showed that there are about a quarter Of Internet addicts spends little time with their friends and families and 1/1 0 of them does not pay attention to the outside world (CTD. In Says 2). From this statistic, it can be understood that the adolescents may use the Internet for too long periods, isolating themselves from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on the Internet rather than broader reality of life. Constant Internet use detracts time that could be spent with meaningful and productive social relationships.

Hours wasted away typing useless messages, surfing the meaningless website, or playing nonsense games are injurious to personal relationships with the one who really matter like family and friends. The social isolation, as a result of Internet addiction, that takes the teenagers away from the social activities and weakens the discourse relationship, might cause the feeling of incapability and social despair in teenagers. In the documentary Digital Nation, the mother Of Chunk Young II -? the fifteen year- old Korean boy whom we mentioned above- says “[my son] that inability to communicate with me, his own mother, makes me so sad. Unfortunately, her situation is not an exception. There are more and more cases which have been reported linking with the abnormal behaviors of Internet addictive teenagers to the people surrounding them. In the past, when people had problems in their lives, they used to confide to their family members or close friends for asking advice. However, the situation is changed now; the managers nowadays stick to the Internet by logging in their PC or smart devices, keeping chatting with strangers or finding the solutions by Google- inning.

The invention of social networks like Faceable or Twitter was supposed to increase and tie the relationship between people. However, the result is contrast. The more people depend on those networks, the more they become lonely. There is a quote in the essay “Is Faceable making us lonely? ” which Stephen Marcher claims that, ” Faceable is interfering with our real friendships, distancing us from each other, making us lonelier; and that social outworking might be spreading the very isolation it seemed designed to conquer” (2).

By using the example of the death of a former Play Boy playmate as well as many statistics and experts’ opinions, Marcher believes that the overuse or dependence on this type of social network is responsible for the increasing of loneliness of modern people. Marcher also states a noticeable article written by researchers at Carnegie Mellon showing that an increase in Internet misuse is compatible with the increase of loneliness. This contradiction between chance to connect and lack of human contact is called “Internet paradox” (Marcher 5). Becoming addicted to the Internet, the teenagers lose their human interaction.

Moreover, they accept the unreal contacts which replace the real one. In the other words, by participating deeply in an artificial community, the Internet addicts teenagers lack real world face- to- face human interaction because talking through the computer network is greatly different from face- to- face contact. It’s just like that if someone play the football video game really well, that does not mean he can play football in the real life. Since Internet addicts usually eliminate themselves from the social environment, their social relations have turned UT to be negative.

Therefore, they cannot get many benefits from the social support. Like an endless cycle, the Internet addicts will spend more time on the Internet and expect more from the Internet for help. The example, which Marcher displays in the beginning of his essay, that Yvette Vickers had died for a very long time but no one discovered. Her computer was on when she died as it was the only connection she made with the outside world. She made contacts with distant fans through fan conventions and Internet sites instead of keeping in touch with her friends or family (Marcher 1).

That can be portrayed as tragicomedy, and this type of tragicomedy has been shown more and more popular nowadays. On the whole, by the time connecting people, the Internet itself also makes the people isolate and decrease social skills to be more dependent on it. No one can deny that the Internet has played an important role that cannot be replaced in our modern lives. Therefore, many Internet supporters emphasize the advantages of the Internet usages such as convenient, popular and helpful rather than focus on the side-effects of the Internet in case of excessive use.

They also may say hat the dangers listed are overstated and pessimistic about the situation of the Internet users. Those supporters argue that since there is no universal definition of Internet addiction, they believe that the quantities as well as quality of the Internet that they have used are suitable and appropriate; as a result they are not Internet addictive and are not affected by the consequences. In fact, since the Internet has attached closely to peep?s daily life, they can hardly realize how they depend on it.

For example, they keep checking emails every five minutes and say that is just because of keeping in touch with their jobs. They spend several hours chatting with friends on instant messages on Faceable instead of hanging out and talking with them face-to-face. The first thing they do every morning is checking Faceable newsfeed instead of doing morning exercises. According to Marcher, “among 18-to-34-year-odds, nearly half check Faceable minutes after waking up, and 28 percent do so before getting put of bed” (9).

Although the statistic is simple, it shows the reality that how people depend on the social network as well as the Internet, even though they do not realize it. Moreover, people think that they can handle their behaviors and not be easily influenced actively by the Internet because it is just a tool supporting human life. Their argument may be right and reasonable, but only if it’s applied on disciplined people. However, to the teenagers or adolescents, they are immature and too young to developing the self-control against the temptation of the Internet.

It can be said that the adolescent period is the most important developing stage of human life ps. Therefore problematic computer usage that is time consuming and spoils functioning in important life domains is very dangerous to teenagers as well as the whole society. For many reasons above, I strongly live that it is necessary for us to raise the warning alarm on the Internet excessive use or Internet addiction among the teenagers. Today, the popularity of Internet usage is likely to increase Internet addiction, especially to teenagers.

The online games and social networks such as Faceable, Twitter make individuals interact and increase their activities on the Internet more and more. This situation makes individuals, especially adolescents, spend more time on the Internet. As a result, technological advancement is likely to increase Internet addiction day by day. Therefore, not only Internet addicts but also all the Internet users must be informed about the dangers of Internet addiction and preventive programs must be developed. Ignoring this problem and not developing solutions mean standing by bigger troubles that will rise in the future.

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Biological Psychology Final Notes

Table of contents

Chapter 1

Darwin was the first to suggest how evolutionoccurs. Humans belong to the primate family known as hominins. Characteristics that evolved to perform one function but were co-opted to perform another function are called exaptations. Each group of three consecutive nucleotide bases along the strand of messenger RNA is called a codon, which instructs the ribosome to add amino acids to the protein being constructed. Subsequent to the nature-nuture issue, a second line of thought surrounding the biology of behavior is the dualistic physiological-psychological debate.

Courtship displays are thought to be important because they premote the evolution of new species. Amphibians evolved from bony fishes and later into reptiles, the first vertebrates to lay shell-covered eggs and to be covered with dry scales. In most species mating is indiscriminate or promiscuous; however, there are some species in which males and females create mating bonds with members of the opposite sex. Genes that contain the information necessary for the synthesis of proteins are enhancer genes. Not all DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell; some is found in mitochondria.

Monoallelic expression occurs when one of the two alleles of a gene is inactivated, due to an unidentified epigenetic mechanism, and the other allele is expressed. Descartes claimed the mind is made up of the soul, body, and spirit. RNA is like DNA except it contains the base uracil instead of thymine. Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to be the mearns by which a small number of genes are able to orchestrate the development of human complexity. The mate-bonding pattern in which bonds are formed between one male and one female is known as monogamy. Evolution is not always adaptive.

Incidental non-adaptive byproducts are called pdrels. Mitochondria are energy generation structures that are located in the cytoplasm of every cell. Each chromosome has double stranded molecules known as DNA and each is a sequence of nucleotide bases. Courtship displays are thought to be important because the premote the evolution of new species.

Chapter 2

CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. PNS is located outside the skull and spine and serves to bring info to the CNS and carry signals out of the CNS. PNS: Somatic Nervous System – Afferent nerves (sensory) Efferent nerves (motor).

Autonomic Nervous System- Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and both nerves are efferent. Sympathetic – thoracic and lumbar, “fight or flight,” second stage neurons are far from the target organ. Parasympathetic – cranial and sacral, “rest and restore,” second stage neurons are near the target organ. All nerves are efferent. Sympathetic and parasympathetic generally have opposite effects. Two stage neural paths, neuron exiting the CNS synapses on a second stage neuron before the target organ. Protective mechanisms of the CNS – bone (brain & spinal cord), meninges (protective membranes), cerebrospinal fluid, and blood brain barrier.

CNS encased in bone and covered by three meninges: dura mater- tough outer membrane, arachnoid membrane – web like, pia mater – adheres to CNS surface. Ventricles & spinal cord – contain spinal fluid, cushion against mechanical shock, delivery of hormones, delivery of nutrients. Cerebral Vascular system – delivery of nutrients (glucose, thiamine), delivery of hormones (communication), thermoregulation (maintain temperature), blood brain barrier. Two Types of Cells in Nervous System: neurons – transmit electrical and chemical signals, different types of neurons.

Glia – different types, different functions. Neurons – specialized cells for the reception, conduction and transmission of electrochemical signals AND many sizes and shapes. Neurons-messengers-release of chemical that forms communication with other neurons. Semi-permeable membranes – uncharged molecules; move freely across membrane, a few charged molecules (sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride) move through channels, lipids (fat molecules) are key components of the membrane, protein molecules are the key components of ion channels.

Glial cells (forgotten cells): glial cells – support neurons, recent evidence for glial communication and modulatory effects of glia on neuronal communication. Types of glial cells: oligodendrocytes- extensions rich in myelin create myelin sheaths in CNS. Schwann cells- ssimilar to function of oligodendrocytes but in PNS, can guide axonal regeneration. Astrocytes- largest glia, star shaped, many functions. Microglia- involved in response to injury or disease. Radial glia- form temporary network to facilitate neural migration.

Phagocytic microglia in the flat-mounted inner retina of the rat following transection of the optic nerve – the neurons were axotomized and retrogradely labelled with the fluorescent dye, Due to the membranophilic property of the dye, microglial cells became transcellularly stained after phagocytosis of 4Di-10ASP-labelled neuronal debris. Inside the phagocytes, incorporated membranes are accumulated in phagosomes, which are detectable even years after the neuronal injury. Golgi stain – allows for visualization of individual neurons and general shapes.

Nissl stain – selectively stains cell bodies; permits quantification of cell bodies. Electron microscopy – details of neuronal structure. Neuroanatomical Tracing Techniques: Anterograde(forward)- tracing to where axons project away from an area. Retrograde (backward)- tracing from where axons are projecting into an area. Contralateral–opposite side. Ipsilateral – same side. Gray matter – inner component, primarily cell bodies. White matter – outer area, mainly myelinated. Forebrain: Cerebral hemispheres & Cortex, Hippocampus, Basal ganglia, Thalamus, Hypothalamus.

Midbrain: Tectum, Tegmentum, Superior Colliculus, Inferior colliculus, Substantia nigra. Hindbrain: Pons, Cerebellum, Medulla axons.

Chapter 3

Membrane potential: difference in electrical charge (charged particles or ions) between inside and outside of cell. Resting membrane potential: Resting membrane potential is about –70 mV, Potential inside of the neuron is 70 mV less than that outside of the neuron, When difference in potential exists, the membrane is said to be polarized (carries a charge). Ions move in/out through ion-specific channels. Potassium (K+) and Chloride (Cl-) pass readily.

Sodium (Na+)-little free movement across membrane. Negatively charged proteins (A-)– Synthesized within the neuron, Found primarily within the neuron, A-don’t move at all, trapped inside. Binding of neurotransmitters to receptors causes changes in the electrical charge. Depolarizations (membrane potential less negative) result in excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Hyperpolarizations (membrane potential more negative) result in inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). Threshold of activation (-65 mV) must be reached near the axon hillock.

Spatial summation : Adding or combining individual signals (PSPs) happening at different places into one overall signal. Temporal summation: Adding or combining individual signals (PSPs) happening at different times into one overall signal. Synthesis, Packaging, and Transport of Neurotransmitter Molecules- The chemical signal: Neurotransmitter molecules — Small; Synthesized in the terminal button and packaged in synaptic vesicles. Large; Assembled in the cell body, packaged in vesicles, and then transported to the axon terminal.

Major Events in Neurotransmission– The arrival of an AP at the terminal opens voltage-activated Ca2+ channels, The entry of Ca2+ causes vesicles to fuse to the presynaptic membrane and be released into the synaptic cleft. Exocytosis – the process of NT release. Glutamate – Most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Astrocytes appear to communicate and to modulate neuronal aactivity.

Chapter 4

“Addicts” are those who continue to use a drug despite its adverse effects on health and social life . Most addictive drugs target dopamine pathways and other NTs.

Psychoactive drugs – drugs that influence subjective experience and behavior by acting on the nervous system: In order for a psychoactive drug to have an effect, it must get to the brain – it must pass through the blood-brain barrier, Action of most drugs terminated by enzymes in the liver – drug metabolism, Small amounts may also be excreted in urine, sweat, feces, breath, and mother’s milk.

Alcohol: A depressant.

Marijuana: Cannabis sativa – common hemp plant. Medicinal Uses of Marijuana: Treats nausea, Blocks seizures, Dilates bronchioles of asthmatics, Decreases severity of glaucoma. Reduces some forms of pain.

Drugs influence availability of neurotransmitters. – Agonist – if drug mimics or enhances NT– Antagonist – if drug inhibits NT aactivity. – Affinity – if drug binds to a receptor. – Efficacy – its tendency to activate the receptor. Relapse – priming doses (prefrontal cortex), drug associated cues (amygdala), and stress (hypothalamic stress circuits).

Chapter 5

MRI ? High resolution images. ? Constructed from measurement of waves that hydrogen atoms emit when activated within a magnetic field. PET scan ?

Provides images of brain aactivity ? Scan is an image of levels of radioaactivity in various parts of one horizontal level of the brain ? A radiolabeled substance is administered prior to the scan.

Chapter 6

Light enters the eye through the pupil, whose size changes in response to changes in illumination.

  • Sensitivity – the ability to see when light is dim.
  • Acuity – the ability to see details.
  • Lens – focuses light on the retina. Ciliary muscles alter the shape of the lens as needed.
  • Accommodation – the process of adjusting the lens to bring images into focus.
  • Myopia – nearsightedness – inability to bring distant objects into focus; eyeball too long or cornea too curved; focal point of light falls short of the retina.
  • Hyperopia – farsightedness – inability to focus on near objects; eyeball too short or lens too flat; focal point of light falls beyond the retina.
  • Presbyopia – oldsightedness – lens loses elasticity; unable to refract light; most people over 50.
  • Convergence – eyes must turn slightly inward when objects are close.
  • Binocular disparity – difference between the images on the two retinas.

Light passes through ganglion and bipolar cell to visual receptors and then…? Photoreceptors (rods and cones)? Horizontal cells? Bipolar cells? Amacrine cells? Retinal ganglion cells? Axons of the ganglion cells leave the back of the eye as the optic nerve. Cones: Photopic (daytime) vision. High-acuity and color information in good lighting. Concentrated in the fovea. ? Rods: Scotopic (nighttime) vision. High-sensitivity, allowing for low-acuity vision in dim light, but lacks detail and color information. Found only in the periphery.

Rods: High convergence increased sensitivity, decreased acuity. Cones: Low convergence ? less sensitivity, increased acuity. Fovea: high acuity area at center of retina. Optic nerve is made up of axons of ganglion cells. We continually scan the world with small and quick eye movements – saccades. Transduction – conversion of one form of energy to another. Receptive field: The area of the visual field within which it is possible for a visual stimulus to influence the firing of a given neuron. Most neurons in V1 are either ?

Simple – receptive fields are rectangular with “on” and “off” regions, or all monocular ? Complex – also rectangular, larger receptive fields, respond best to a particular stimulus anywhere in its receptive field and many are binocular.

Chapter 7

  • Primary cortex–input mainly from thalamic relay nuclei
  • Secondary Cortex – input mainly from primary and secondary cortex within the sensory system
  • Association Cortex – input from more than one sensory system, usually from secondary sensory cortex. Sensation – detecting a stimulus
  • Perception – understanding the stimulus.

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Summary of Deep Intellect

In “Deep Intellect” author Sy Montgomery makes his case in showing that octopuses are intellectual invertebrates. Scientists believed that octopuses were unintelligent brainless creatures. However new studies have amazingly revealed just the opposite. Studies now show that octopuses are intelligent, emotional and have individual personalities. Montgomery talks about his encounter with an octopus, Athena, at the Aquarium in New England and the different studies that prove that octopuses are intelligent. Octopuses are invertebrates that touch and taste with the thousands of suckers that are on their eight arms.

A study by Alexa Warburton although problematic revealed that “California two-spots quickly learned which side of a T-maze offered a terra – cotta pot to hide in” (page 3). The octopuses appeared to intentionally not cooperate by jumping off the mesh while being scooped out of their tanks. Scientists measure intelligence by brain size and counting neurons. Octopuses have about 130 million neurons in its walnut size brain and amazingly three-fifths of their neurons are in its arms. The intelligence of octopuses also includes the ability to change colors and shapes to hunt and to escape predators.

Scientists believe that octopuses are colorblind but new evidence proposes that they may see with their skin. A study by Jennifer Mather shows that octopuses can employ foresight and even plan. Mather observed an octopus choosing rocks to place in front of its home to feel safe before going to sleep. Another study by Roland Anderson reports an octopus playing with a pill bottle as a toy. The octopus was blowing water to move the pill bottle from one end of her tank to the other. Anderson states that “Only intelligent animals play – animals like crows and chimps, dogs and humans” (page 5).

In a study by Bill Murphy octopuses opened locks on boxes to get food and they used different strategies showing individuality. One octopus was so eager to get the food that he broke the outer box and then squeezed into the inner box. Roland Anderson also proved in a study that octopuses remember familiar humans. In this experiment one person would just feed the octopuses and another person would touch them with a briskly stick. After a few week, the octopuses would shoot water at the person that touched them with the briskly stick at first sight. However when the octopuses saw the person that fed them they would move toward that person.

Scientists have noticed that octopuses and humans have eyes that are almost the same. Humans and octopuses eyes have transparent corneas, regulate light with diaphragms and focus lenses with a ring of muscle. Based on the research data octopuses are unsocial creatures that have a short life p. They have evolved into intelligent and emotional creatures that have individual personality. Scientists today still know very little about the intellect of octopuses. To understand the mind of these eight arms wonders, scientists must rethink the way they examine the nature of the mind.

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Business Plan Example

The funds will cover the purchase and installation f the equipment and machinery, leasehold improvements, inventory, office equipment, and working capital to start the business. Syndee Howgate will contribute $9,750 to the project from personal funds. The remainder of $220,000 is requested to be a SBA loan at 6. 00% interest amortized over 7 years. The loan is to be secured by the equipment, and inventory, as well as the personal guarantee of Syndee Howgate. LearningRx is a franchise for a learning center that caters to families with children who have academic difficulties.

The franchisor is LearningRx Franchise Corporation located in Colorado Springs, CO. The program is based on the explosion of brain research that has accumulated in the last decade. This research suggests that stimulating the mind with mental exercise may cause brain cells, called neurons, to branch widely. This branching causes millions of additional connections between brain cells. Studies demonstrate that our brains develop throughout our lives and that they are constantly being modified and that training and practice can stimulate brain development in targeted areas.

This is known as neuroplasticity. LearningRx, the franchisor, has used what we have learned about brain development and created program that focuses on developing those cognitive, brain based skills that allow us to take in and use sensory information. Developing these cognitive skills such as, attention, simultaneous and sequential processing, planning, processing speed, short-term and long-term memory, auditory processing, and visual processing make the student more efficient at taking in and using information thus making them better students.

Academic skills are dependent upon underlying cognitive skills. Students in the LearningRx program work one-on-one with a trainer for 60-80 hours n a twelve to twenty-four week period and also do home training with a parent. Tremendous changes in performance are evident rapidly. A two year improvement in cognitive skills during this 12 week period is guaranteed. Gains of 4-6 years are common. Clients of LearningRx are typically families with children of school age. Although having academic and reading difficulty.

The franchisor continues to work to develop additional programs targeting populations such as preschoolers, senior citizens who want to stay sharp and corporations who want their employees to work faster and more efficiently. These programs will be incorporated into this franchise once available. The franchisees will be Syndee Howgate CEO of Genius In Training Inc. (Note that a Franchise Agreement is available for review upon request. ) Syndee Howgate brings with her 13 years operation experience from the financial world with Capital One Financials.

She has created and executed marketing plans, project plans, managed a project/process management office and accountable for P&L for a $1. 5mm staff and $20mm operations department. She will be able to lead the center to success with her experience in HR, training, coaching, management, and roject and process management. She will lead a team of self-motivated, entrepreneurial spirited, with a strong sense of ownership and excellent customer service skills. Syndee Howgate is a mother who understands the struggles of learning in kids.

Her ability to connect to parents and network in the community along with corporate experience will be a huge asset to the company. As a franchisee, LearningRx will have an exclusive territory for offering the LearningRx program. In addition, as a franchisee, Syndee Howgate, will be able to train additional trainers themselves. This business is different from other approaches to academic remediation in that it does not work at the academic level, but rather targets the underlying cognitive skills that make learning easier and more efficient. It is not tutoring. It is giving the child the tools he needs to handle academic instruction.

The strengths of this business are the program itself, the company support and the experience of Syndee Howgate. Company description of service we offer Through one on one brain training sessions with certified Brain Trainers, we will provide an engaging, life changing experience to anyone seeking to improve their ognitive abilities. Mission Statement Genius In Training Inc. is dedicated to providing life changing experiences through results proven brain training by establishing a meaningful partnership with our clients, our staff members, and our community. We will respect the interests and Vision Statement Genius In Training Inc. eeks to provide all children with the best education possible and give care-takers options in supplementing their loved ones education to give them the most enriching life they can have. Value Statement Genius In Training Inc. through the methodology of LearningRX provides the best alue in education by treating the root cause of learning disabilities and weak cognitive skills in a faster, individualized brain training sessions over tutoring. These sessions produce permanent gains in life applications guaranteed. Tag line Train the Brain. Get Smarter. Guaranteed. Idea Research Learning RX is the brainchild of Dr. Ken Gibson.

Dr. Gibson was a practicing pediatric Optometrist specializing in visual processing. Through his successful practice he found that the exercises he was doing with his patients were drastically improving their learning skills. This led Dr. Gibson to further research other cognitive abilities branch widely and is constantly changing better known as neuroplasticity. Developing these 7 cognitive skills: attention, logic and reasoning, processing speed, short-term, long-term memory, auditory processing, and visual processing make the student more efficient at taking in and using information thus making them better students.

Academic skills are dependent upon underlying cognitive skills. Unlike any other learning disability programs that focus on behavior management or specific academic content matter, the Learning RX programs improve the brain’s rocessing ability. For the first time in educational history, a complete program has been developed that will do for mental abilities what physical exercise does for the body. Competitive Research Currently, the primary source of competition for LearningRx in the Sugar Land area are Huntington Learning Center, Sylvan, and Kumon, which targets the same population, children with learning and reading difficulties.

The similarity between programs ends here however. The Huntington and Sylvan learning centers are a tutoring center that uses instruction to target what they term “skill-gaps” or those cademic skills (i. e. division or phonics) that haven’t been learned or mastered by the student and then in turn affect higher level academic skills that rely on mastery of basic skills for success. These programs are school curriculum based. Kumon is a workbook based program with little to no tutoring. Kids are pushed to do repetitive work using a workbook that could be purchased outside the learning center.

LearningRx by comparison provides cognitive skill development on a one to one basis. Trainers work individually with students to develop those skills that allow us to rocess the sensory information that we have gathered. Processing includes our abilities to attend to, discriminate, analyze, evaluate, and compare information, to recall experiences, and to determine a plan of action. These skills are almost completely learned and are determined by our interaction with our environment and other people. Academic skills, those such as algebra, reading, and typing, are dependent on underlying cognitive skills.

Developing cognitive skills makes the student more efficiently able to develop academic skills. name recognition and image. Their advertising leaves parents with the impression that they can solve their children’s learning problems. The LearningRx Franchise Corporation has developed advertising to make it a household name. There are published test score analysis to show the progress of students. There are targeted pamphlets created for doctor offices and schools. Parents are also aware of the very high cost of tutoring through Huntington Learning Center, and Sylvan and the more affordable LearningRx option will be attractive to them.

The image of LearningRx is that it is a cutting edge, research based and scientific pproach to remediating children’s learning and reading difficulties. ages 5 and older (although less common, adults may be clients as well), particularly those who have learning and reading difficulties, as well as those with children who are excelling academically who want to sharpen their skills and stay at the top of their class. The anticipated income level of these families is middle to upper class. According to the 2012 U. S. Census Bureau data for this area, 24. 6% of the population is currently between the ages of 5 and 18 years.

The median household income is 113,261. The population of the Sugar Land increased 158% between 2000-2007. Product LearningRx has learning and reading program that develops cognitive skills in clients. To train cognitive learning skills, the program applies the most recent scientific research on learning. Those who will benefit from the program include high or average performers who want to perform mental activities faster, more efficiently and better than before, as well as below average performers who have learning difficulties. The LearningRx program differs from other approaches to learning problems.

Cognitive skills are the abilities that allow us to process the sensory information we have gathered. Processing includes our abilities to attend to, discriminate, analyze, evaluate, and compare information, to recall experiences, and to determine a plan of action. These skills are almost completely learned and are determined by our interaction with our environment and other people. Academics in turn are dependent on our cognitive skills, which allow us to process information. Clients who receive cognitive skills training through LearningRx work one-on-one with trainer for a total of 60-80 hours.

The training is a 12-36 week, intense cognitive training program that corrects and enhances learning skills. Unlike programs that last years and produce very gradual changes, the LearningRx program makes very significant changes in only 12 to 36 weeks. In this way, the client sees changes in their performance, which raises self-esteem and makes the client want to work even harder at improving cognitive skills. During training the client will work on various skills, which develop memory (short term, long term, and working memory), visual and uditory discrimination, attention (both selective and divided) and logic and reasoning.

The goal of training is to make cognitive skills efficient and automatic. For example, a fluent reader does not sound out words or pause to think of their meanings. These skills should be automatic. If they are not, comprehension suffers. Clients are asked to do an increasing number of processing tasks at a time. If the client is able to do two tasks at the same time, a third is added. If he or she is able to do three, a fourth is added. Since the conscious mind can only handle one task at a time, the others are The result is that the client no longer has to learn to process information and can now process information to learn.

LearningRX currently offers 4 main programs ThinkRX, ReadRX, MathRX and Einstein which is a combination of the 3 previously mentioned programs. We continuously analyze test scores and performance to tweak the program. We plan to launch a new program- ComprehendRX which will focus on reading comprehension and vocabulary for those clients that are looking for a tool to improve standardize testing like SAT and ACT. Supplemental Education is a $9 billion industry but LearningRX is the only rogram that has shown significant gains in cognitive skills.

Each person will be assessed prior to given a “prescription” on the type of program and number of hours needed in the program to drastically improve their cognitive skills. ThinkRX- is a one-on-one training session that corrects weak cognitive skills including : attention, short-term and long-term memory, procession speed, logic & reasoning, and visual and auditory processing. Including in the program is an assessment and ongoing identification and correction of weak skills. MathRX- is a one-on-one training session that combines ThinkRX and core mental kills for critical thinking and problem solving.

ReadRX- is a one-on-one training session that combines ThinkRX and focuses on decoding sounds in the English language. Einstein- comprehensive Brain Training Package which combines ThinkRX, MathRX, And ReadRX. Promotion Successful franchisees have identified newspaper, radio, direct mail, and referrals from satisfied parents and other professionals as their primary sources of prospective students. Genius In Training Inc. plans to take advantage of their experience and target these mediums for advertising. We have initially chosen a 89.

FM KSBJ Christian radio stations that target people ages 35-64 to reach both parents and grandparents of school age children. In addition, we plan to advertise in Sugar Land Magazine which is a parental magazine distributed throughout the Sugar Land area, Fort Bend Star – the community newspapers, and Yellow Pages advertising. A promotion for free assessments and discounted sessions will be a limited time offer for new students. Other promotional advertising includes referral incentives from current students and employees.

We will also have a budget to support local school undraiser and sports team in exchange for printing our names as supporters. Training is done at $85 per hour for any prescription below 30 hours Training is done at $80 per hour for anything above 31 hours Place This will be a brick and mortar Learning Center that is open from 1 lam-7pm located in the Sugar Land area. Web presence will be maintained through a main web page portal, facebook and a yelp page. People- Center Directors and key administrative staff will be given 2 weeks of training at the LearningRX headquarters.

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