Lewy Body Dementia

Non-preventable and Non-reversible: Lewy Body Dementia On April 10th 2010, my dad informed me that my grandmother had passed away. She was 90-years-old, and although she may have lived a long life, the last eight or so years of her life were very rough. The official reason she passed away was because of Lewy Body Dementia. This degenerative disease, meaning it is not reversible, is thought to have sprouted from an infection she had in her kidneys in 2002.

She lived at home for a while after her kidney disease was found and treated, but was moved to an assisted living center in 2007 because of occasional hallucinations, and family was unable to stay with her at her home. As time progressed, her dementia got worse. She slowly started having hallucinations more frequently, became very forgetful, and eventually was unable to perform any tasks on her own. “Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior,” stated by Google Health. Mayoclinic. om suggests that “in Lewy body dementia, abnormal round structures — called Lewy bodies — develop in regions of your brain involved in thinking and movement. ”

Although the specific cause of dementia is unknown, specialists believe that it relates to Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease. Evidence of these two diseases has been seen in Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) The cause may not be known, but there are many symptoms that can be easily noticed without difficult tests, such as detailed hallucinations, trembling hands, delusions, sleep difficulties, and more. A clinical diagnosis of LBD can be probable or possible based on different symptom combinations,“ discusses Lbda. org, the Lewy Body Dementia Association website. A probable diagnosis consists of dementia plus two or more core features, or dementia plus a single core feature and one or more suggestive features. A possible diagnosis is dementia plus one core feature, or dementia and one or more suggestive features.

Core features are changing cognition with variations of attention or alertness, very detailed hallucinations, and unconsciously having Parkinson’s Disease movements. A suggestive feature includes REM sleep behavior disorder, sensitivity to neuroleptics (a drug used for calming), and low dopamine transporter uptake in the brains basal ganglia, which connects to main parts of the brain like the cerebral cortex and thalamus. LBD cannot be cured, it can only be slowed down. Since there is no cure, doctors can only treat individual symptoms.

They use medications for Alzheimer’s Disease to increase the levels of neurotransmitters to help with cognition, Parkinson’s Disease, for muscular issues, but these can increase hallucinations and delusions. Also, doctors may use an antipsychotic medication, which is a neuroleptic, and many LBD patients are severely sensitive to these. Some simple therapy can also be used, such as removing clutter and background noise from the environment, and breaking tasks into simpler steps which will help them focus.

Also, how a caregiver responds to a person with LBD is crucial. They should not quiz the person, or question them, they should just validate any concerns, which will usually get rid of the issue at hand for the moment. Lewy Body Dementia is not preventable, but there are certain risks that make it more likely for one to have it when they are older, such as being over 60, being male, and having history of dementia in the family. In conclusion, LBD is an issue that has an effect 15-35% of all dementias, virtualmedicalcentre. com confirms.

I have realized that I will probably be diagnosed with this when I am older, because my grandma, and great-grandma on my dads side both had this, and my great-grandma on my moms side is getting the beginning signs of LBD. Because of research, we can understand why certain things happen to us, and how they happen.

Works Cited “Dementia. ” Google Health. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. . Mayo Clinic Staff. “Lewy Body Dementia – MayoClinic. com. ” Mayo Clinic Medical Information and Tools for Healthy Living – MayoClinic. com. 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 30 Oct. 2010. . Welcome to the Lewy Body Dementia Association. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. .

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Women Are Better Than Men

Table of contents

As to the talk of gender superiority, it is clear that history had given men the advantage. For the past several millennia, men had worn the crown of authority, seated upon the highest seat of honor, and wielded the mighty arm of power. For all those years, women had no chance but to fall under power, to live a life of service and obedience, and to remain invisible, oppressed and inferior. Times change, however, and along with modernization came a tsunami of altercation.

Riding on top of those powerful waves, with full control of the situation, are women. Research and statistics have proven that women are rapidly gaining dominion of almost every good aspect in life. In academics, for example, girls are receiving most of the awards and positions, including the top rankings and extra-curricular activities such as the yearbook and the student journal. Even in fields wherein men are known to be specialized in, women are now thriving. In jobs, statistics show that the jobless rates for men are sky-rocketing while the jobless rates for women are going to an all-time low.

Simply put, this means that men are being put out of commission while women are flourishing. More and more women are now standing up from their previous position of kneeling at the feet of men. Recently in India, 285 girls shed “unwanted” names. In Africa, 49% of the parliament is now composed of women. A revolution is happening, and this is proof of it. Scope This research paper covers the comparison between men and women at the subjects of physical weakness, emotional weakness, Biblical origins, safe driving, and the ability to survive in society, including academic ability, ndurance, and independence.

The main objective of this research paper is to prove women’s superiority in most aspects, especially in this generation. Other aspects include:

  • To empower women more
  • To show the true potential of women
  • To prove to society that this is an era for women
  • To bring about a reformation
  • To end the debate over gender superiority for all time
  • To end discrimination on women
  • To let the world see the multiple values of women in humankind

Significance of Study

This research paper strives to prove the superiority of women over men as multiple evidences prove. Due to a long history of males being the superior gender, society has failed to see entirely the concept that a new era has come, and along with it, another call for change; a change which demands society to remove the blindfold of habitual ways and to accept the world with its new leaders: Women First and foremost, his research paper will affect women in the sense that they will hopefully see and understand that humanity, even though it may not yet fully realize it, has already accepted them as the new superpowers, and that the world is ready for their taking.

They just have to stand and have the confidence, which hopefully shall be further strengthened by this collection of data, to rule supreme, as they are made to be. This research paper shall help empower other women to face the world without fear, knowing that the circumstances are favorably on their side. The contents of this research paper shall also affect men, though in a different approach. It shall be an eye-opener for them who believe in women being the inferior gender, and hopefully make them see that women are no longer the weaklings they previously thought women are.

As for those who are not subject to such beliefs, this shall also affect them due to the huge probability of men being overrun soon, and may be required to find a way to save themselves in the near future. Another group of people predicted to find interest in this paper shall be the feminists. By showing that women are steadily growing into power and seating themselves in chairs of authority, it is then proved that these feminists’ efforts were not in vain. On the contrary, they have worked exceedingly well.

If the citizens change, then it is mandatory for the government shall evolve with them. It may not be long before majority of the cabinet members become women, and perhaps even sooner, the head of the country itself. Women in history have always worked behind the scenes. As the quotation “History repeats itself” tells us, the reign of women in the field of politics will no doubt be much less scandalous than present. The workforce of the country may also be severely infected. Businesses up until now have preferred men over women.

Modern machinery, however, have tipped the balance of the scale. With the need of physical strength no longer in play, women now have a fair or perhaps an even better chance at jobs than men. It can be estimated that at the late 21st century, women shall be the expected breadwinner of the family. Body Physical Weakness When it comes to the battle of the sexes, the subject of physical vulnerability can never be ignored. People generally have this misconception where in girls are the weaker gender between the two. It is a misconception, because they are not the weaker gender at all.

They cannot be blamed for having this wrong idea, as boys have more cerebrospinal fluid (protects skull from damage) and are more fitting to receive painful blows. The medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery even stated that women have 34 nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin, while men only have 17 nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin. Also, according to a 2008 report from the University of Georgia in Athens, boys have a more advanced pain suppressing circuit that is less effectively wired in women.

Thus, it cannot be denied that girls still experience more pain in their lifetime. A few more examples are giving birth, having menstruation, and possessing more weak spots. Furthermore, these pains come naturally to them, as opposed to boys, wherein the fights they get into are purely their decision. They know it, but chose to ignore this fact. Men, however, do not have knowledge of one of women’s secret weapons, that is, estrogen. In 2002, researchers at the University of Michigan have proven that high levels of estrogen mean at least equal or higher pain tolerance than men.

This can be extremely useful during menstruation, pregnancy, and even child birth. Estrogen, however, is not the only weapon that womankind has. All those ear piercings, body waxing and high heeled shoes must have hurt very much, and since a girl is not on her period all the time, then it must not only be estrogen at work. According to a professor from Columbia University, research has shown that the more a person notices pain, the more it is amplified. Since women are willing to go through such pains for extensive periods of time, they have gotten used these pain signals. Not long after, the brain will start ignoring these signals, leading to better pain tolerance. Over time, women can develop this endurance to surpass that of men’s.

Emotional Weakness

Both genders experience emotional and psychological letdowns. The difference between how they react, however, is extremely huge. Thanks to Hollywood, women are generally mistaken as the weaker gender. This holds absolutely no truth at all. Research has proven that both men and women experience the same depression and vulnerability during an emotional letdown. What differs, however, is how they let the stress out of their systems.

According to SAGE, women tend to turn to social circles, thus their depression is observed and understood, while men tend to confine themselves and avoid any social contact, leading to a build-up of even more stress and depression due to being hidden and misunderstood. This is disastrous for men as the loss of socialization is the cause of the problem in the first place, and may resort to drugs, drinking, and violence just to “numb” the feeling off. This then may lead to crime, resulting to a higher crime rate for men, and a chain of events and statistics.

Survival in the Society

A tradition that goes back in time is the thinking that males are the breadwinner of the family. The reason for this is in ancient history, when food is mainly acquired from hunting, needing attributes like developed muscles and huge bone structures. This task is best fitted for men. Modern times, however, has a different sort of battlefield. The difference in the demand for physical strength between then and now is vast. During the past millennia, physical labor is extremely high. In this modernized world, however, equal or even greater strength can be achieved through the press of only a few buttons.

The industrial era of today involves intelligence and skill, both attributes being thoroughly honed by women to make up for the lack of strength. One reason for these differences is the different composition of the male and female brains. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania’s Brain Behavior Laboratory found out that although the females’ brains are on average 11% smaller than males’, they still have more grey matter (used for processing information). Males have more white matter (fat-covered long fibers that transmit electrical impulses) and cerebrospinal fluid (acts as buffer from the skull).

This may mean that women are designed to have certain advantages in processing information and men are designed to have quicker reflexes and more solid protection for physical blows. Other factors responsible for the female brain boost maybe the higher rate of blood flow to certain parts of the brain and again, estrogen levels. According to Dr. Legato, author of Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget, the part of the brain that controls languages in females receive more nutrition, therefore making it easier for women to recall what they have heard or read.

This may explain the ability of women to socialize and to manage conversation well, and possibly the exceptional ability of data interpretation. As for estrogen, he had said that it activates a larger field of neurons in a woman’s brain, so they experience stress in a more accurate way, even when only reliving the memory. Proofs of females having superior academic abilities are already cropping up. According to a report from CBSNews, boys are falling behind as girls tend to outshine them. Peter Badalment, principal of Hanover High School in Massachusetts, said that girls took home almost all the honors for nearly the past decade.

Once again, it was a girl who became valedictorian, the latest of a nine-year-streak. In the school’s advanced placement classes (equivalent of a cream section or a star section), majority (about 70%-80%) of the students comprise of girls, even in the field of Math, which is the section boys used to dominate. He also stated that in AP biology, there were no boys around at all. Also according to Badalment, 3 out of 4 class leadership positions belong to girls. Not only are they achieving in class, they are also the leaders of extracurricular activities and clubs such as the National Honor Society and the batch’s yearbook.

Even in college, campuses get more qualified women applicants. Women now comprise nearly 60% of the campus student body, earning 170,000 more degrees It is not only in the field of academics that women are proving to be much more efficient, but also in getting high paying jobs. When comparing charts for jobless rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Haver Analytics, it is clear that the trend for jobless men is rising, while the trend for jobless women is plunging. If this trend persists, it will mean that in the future, there will be more working women than working men.

The possibility of having a “househusband” may be hovering before humanity in the near future. Driving It is common knowledge that cars and driving skills are “a boy thing”. This, however, does not mean that they do it well; this battle is, as the common saying goes, “quality versus quantity”. Although men are generally known to drive more, women are found to drive safer. Statistics show that on percentage basis, men have about 5% more violations than women. Reckless driving tops the list, with men’s violations more than 340% than that of women’s.

DUI (Driving Under Influence or Drunk Driving) and Seatbelt violations are next in line, also more than 300% in ratio than the violations of women. Reports does not make it easier for men, as it say that women, for one, tend to survive in accidents more often, and two, they make less damage to the vehicles, as confirmed by many auto insurance industry experts.

Biblical Origins

It is commonly repeated by anti-feminists that God created men first, then the woman, out of the man, as it states in Genesis 2:22(KJV Bible) clearly: “And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman”. This, however, is not a mark of superiority; there simply has to be a filtering process first. It is just like the process involved in producing white sugar. The raw material comes in the form of sugar canes. These are just like the mud used to form man. They are useful, but in a different, less significant way when compared to their output products. These canes are then crushed and processed until they become brown sugar, coarse and as the name indicates, brown. This is man, as first made by God. They are crude sketches. This brown sugar is further processed and refined. The end result shall be white sugar.

This white sugar is, at last, women. Being “refined”, they are finer, improved, and much more preferred. Another common mistake made by the general public is the misconception of the word ‘sons’. In old times, ‘son’ can refer to 2 definitions. The first defines the word as ‘male child’; the second defines the word as ‘human offspring’, with no particular gender involved. It is, therefore, of no substantial argument.

Summary and Conclusion

To put it simply, women are scientifically and statistically proven to be the greater gender. Physical and emotional weaknesses have fewer tolls upon women. The lack of physical strength has been overcome by technological advances. There are no shortages to brain power, and independence has been steadily growing for the past few decades. With all these facts and data supporting the side of women, it is clear that the battle has been won. Modernization has proved an invaluable friend, having provided women access to fields they have never been allowed to step upon before. Now that they are at those fields, they are proving good at it. It is simple to predict that in a few decades’ time, women will have taken over completely.


  1. Abrams, Dan. Man Down. USA: Abrams Imagery Animated. 2011 Belkin, Lisa. “Preferring Girls Over Boys”. The New York Times. February 25, 2010 englishnews@chosun. com “Preference for Sons on the Wane”. April 29, 2011. http://English. chosun. com/site/data/html_dir/2011/04/29/2011042901189. html
  2. “How Sugar is Made” http://www. sucrose. com KJV Bible Kohn, David. “The Gender Gap”. CBNNews. February 11, 2009. http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2002/10/31/60minutes/main527678. shtml
  3. Lazarus, Clifford N. PhD. “Why Women Are the Superior Gender”. Think Well. February 2, 2011 Lee, Yonson and Beth Mowry. Gender Differences in Emplyment Statistics”. http://www. clecelandfed. org/research/trends/2008/0508/04ecoact. cfm
  4. Lewin, Tamar. “At Colleges, Women are Leaving Men in the Dust”. The New York Times. July 9, 2006 Mackey, Maureen. “Who Remembers What? ”. Reader’s Digest. March 2008. http://www. rd. com/family/who-remembers-what. html
  5. Mulrine, Anna. “Are Boys the Weaker Sex? ”. Reader’s Digest. Hong Kong: Reader’s Digest Association Far East. October 2002. “Sugar Production From Sugar Cane “. http://www. itdg. org/docs/technical_information_service/sugar_production_from_cane. pdf

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Essay Summary of A Beautiful Mind

I enjoyed many things from the film A Beautiful Mind including the cast, the interpretations of being schizophrenic, and also the small amount of romance between John and Alicia. Think that the cast was very well picked, Russell Crower did an outstanding job portraying a man with schizophrenia. I could tell that Crower was eve comfortable with this role, considering how well he portrayed John Nash. When I think about John Nash and his awkward, yet sophisticated, rationality Russell Crower really does justice to John Nash.

Also, the cast for the other students, John’s peers, were well picked out also. All of the other students were intelligent and also a little cocky which makes sense as to why they don’t accept John. I also enjoyed the interpretations of being schizophrenic. It is very interesting going into the mind of John Nash and seeing the people that only he sees, and hearing the voices that only he hears. Lastly enjoyed how the film had a little spark of romance between John and Alicia, but that the entire film wasn’t about the romance, and love.

The film was more about John and his brilliance than his love life. My only dislike for this film is that it was slowly moving. L, personally, enjoy movies that can invest myself in and really feel the characters. I could not relate to any of the characters considering they are all brilliant. Johns Anna’s second grade teacher tells Nash that he had been given two helpings of brain but only one helping of heart, I think that she means that he would stop putting math and science before how he is really feeling and that he should try to make friends and be more in-touch with others.

As said before I really enjoyed Russell Crow’s portrayal of schizophrenia. I thought that it was very believable, from what I have seen, and was interesting whenever he would have schizophrenic fits around other students. The scariest part of schizophrenia for me is seeing things that others cannot. People with schizophrenia do not know if what they’re seeing is real or fake, and that is scary.

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Do You Think Adhd Is a Genuine Disorder or Just a Normal High Energy

ADHD Brandy Fields Chapter 13: Do you think ADHD is a genuine disorder or just a normal high energy? Researchers say that ADHD is not caused by too much sugar or poor schools, but they have found that kids who watch a lot of TV when they are toddlers are more likely than average to display ADHD symptoms when they are 7. It often coexists with a learning disorder or with defiant and temper-prone behavior. The U. S. National Institute of Mental Health reports that ADHD is heritable and they are trying to find out which genes are the culprit.

Critics said that in the decade after 1987, the proportion of American children being treated for ADHD nearly quadrupled. By 2005, a Gallup study showed that ten percent of American 13- to 17-year-olds were being medicated for ADHD. Some of its symptoms can include: always being energetic, chattering away, darting from one activity to another, rarely settling down to read a book or focus on a game, fidgety, reckless and reacts to small things. Doctors keep diagnosing kids with ADHD and then treat it with stimulants like Ritalin & Adderall that aren’t supposed to be addictive.

I personally think that ADHD is too often diagnosed as a psychiatric disorder when it’s usually just normally high spirited kids. I think it goes back to our parental skills and styles. When we leave our kid in front of the TV for it to babysit them for us, what do we expect? Kids are supposed to be full of energy and curious about the world. If we don’t let them run that energy off by doing constructive positive things, it will just build up and turn into hyperactivity and even aggressiveness. I think it is ridiculous that we have children and then are too busy to have time to raise them properly.

Then we wonder why we have heathens running around. I believe if we raise our kids the right way (yes, it is difficult, no one said it would be easy), ADHD wouldn’t be as much of an issue as it is today. I also feel like drugging our children to fix our mistakes are completely 100 percent wrong. I think that medicines like those are a very bad choice for our children. Maybe in a few years or decades, we will see the damaging long-term effects that they have on our children more clearly, but by then it may be too late. I hope not.

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Bio book outline

All organisms in the forest Population- Group of relatable monkeys , all Individuals In a single area Organism; ring tailed lemur an Individual living thing Organ system- Nervous system ,nervous system controls Its actions, organs working getter. Organ- made up of, similar cells that performs a specific function tissue Cell-fundamental unit of life Organelle- membrane enclosed structure that performs a specific function Molecule- cluster of small chemical units atoms held together by molecular bond Deoxyribonucleic acid CHI. Matter- anything that occupies space and has mass Element- a substance that can’t be broken down to other substances by ordinary chemical means. 92 elements Compound-two or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio. More common than lone elements. Trace elements- in the body only make up about 0. 04% of your body weight but vital for energy processing. Electrons- two revolve on an orbital(discrete volume of space where E are found) around the nucleus at about the speed of light.

Move around the nucleus only at specific energy levels called Electron Shells Protons + Neutrons = Mass # The number of ejectors In an atoms outer valence shell determines Its overall chemical properties. Atomic number-the first number (number of protons) particles and energy. Medical diagnosis and treatment: Used to tag chemicals that accumulate in the body Phosphorous in bones, inject a tracer isotope. PET scanner produces an image of where the radiation collects, Shimmers patient. Deposits of plaque in the brain beta-myeloid show up on PET.

This test allows researchers to monitor the effectiveness of new drugs on people. Orbital- 1. Each ring can only have 2 electrons, 2. 2nd and 3rd ring: four orbital, Outer ring can hold 8 3. Number of electrons increases from left to right per. Table Valence Shell- Number of electrons on outermost ring. Determines an atoms. Chemical properties. Valence number; number of additional electrons needed to fill the threshold, bonding capacity Chemical Bonds: two atoms with incomplete tortoiseshells react and donate electrons to complete their outer shells.

Covalent Bond; two atoms share one or more pairs of outer shells. TWO or more atoms that share this bond are called Molecule. Electronegative- an toms attraction for shared electrons. Unpopular covalent bonds- electrons shared evenly between atoms. When atoms of a molecule equally pull on electrons. Happens in molecules of same elements. Methane also has a unpopular bond because carbon and hydrogen atoms rant that different. 02, H2O Polar covalent bonds- Molecules with different electromagnetisms attract.

The unequal sharing of electrons, pulling shared negatively charges closer to a the more electronegative atom. H2O 0 Oxygen is slightly negative and Hydrogen slightly positive. Unequal sharing of electrons. Polar Molecule- polar covalent bond and V shape molecule. Slightly unequal distribution of charges. Slightly negative points at the V. H2O 0 Slightly positive on hydrogen, points to the O Ion- an atom or molecule with an electrical charge due to gain or loss of one or more electrons. 1 Two ions with opposite charges attract catheter. When the attraction holds together its an Ionic Bond.

Salt- sodium chloride Nasal, crystals in nature. Sodium chloride always 1;1 ratio. An Hydrogen Bond- a weaker bond that holds together briefly than separates. The charged regions in each water molecule are attracted to opposite lay charged regions on neighbor molecules. Because the positively charged region in this bond is always a hydrogen atom it gets its name. Each hydrogen of a water molecule can form a hydrogen bond with a nearby partial negative oxygen of another water molecule. Can bond to as many as 4 partners. Heat absorbed when they break, heat is released when they form. When it cools) Overarching Theme: The structures of atoms and molecules determines the way they behave. Reactant- Starting materials to the left of the arrow Product- to the right , results from chemical reaction. Cohesion-the tendency for molecules of the same kid to stick together. The evaporation of water is an upward force on the water within a leaf. Adhesion- the clinging of one substance to another. Counters the downward pull of gravity, water sticking to the veins of a plant. Surface tension- the measure of how difficult it is to break or stretch the surface of a liquid.

Hydrogen bonds gig water an unusually high surface tension Evaporative Cooling- When a substance evaporates and the surface of the liquid that mains cools down. The molecules with the greatest energy leave. Solution- A uniform mixture of two or more substances. The dissolving agent is the Solvent (water) and a substance that is dissolved (salt) is the solute. Aqueous Solution- where water is the solvent. How salt mixes with water. The partial negative Oxygen in H2O is attracted to the slightly positive An+ sodium ions and the slightly positive hydrogen ions are attracted to the slightly negative chloride CLC- Dissociate-break apart into ions.

Hydrogen ions H+ and Hydroxide OH- re very reactive. Some chemicals contribute H=, some remove. A impound that donates H+ to solutions is Acid- has a higher concentration of H+ them from a solution. More basic solution has higher hydroxide OH- and lower hydrogen H+. PH scale- potential odd hydrogen. O most acidic, 14 most basic. Each unit represents a lox times change. PH 2 has lox more H+ than pH 3. 7 is equal. PH of blood plasma is about 7. 4 Buffers-biological substances that minimize changes in PH. Blood buffers acid more than water. Acid Rain- precipitation with pH lower than 5. Ocean acidification- dissolving CA in seawater lowers oceans PH. CA reacts with water to create carbonic acid. Calcification, how some organism produce shells. Heat- the amount of energy associated with the movement of atoms and molecules in a body of water. Temperature- measures the intensity of the heat. The average speed of molecules rather than the total amount of heat. Chapter 3. The molecules of cells (crabs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acid) Variety of polymers makes up for uniqueness of species. Living organisms built from the same 20 amino acids.

Small molecules common to all are ordered into large molecules which vary from species to species. Carbon is attached to almost all molecules a cell makes and is unparalleled in its ability to form large and complex molecules. Organic Compounds- carbon-based compounds, Carbon has 4 electrons on the valence shell that holds 8, room for 4 covalent bonds. A great connecting point to line up 4 different directions. Hydrocarbons- compounds composed of only hydrogen and carbon. Methane, and propane are hydrocarbon fuels. Carbon skeleton- chain of carbon atoms in an organic molecule.

Can be branched or unbranded May include double bonds and some are in rings. Isomers- Compounds with the same formula but different structural arrangements. Some molecules can have the same number of atoms, but have different three emotional shapes because of the location of the double bond. Sometimes harmful effects. One isomer of methamphetamine is the addictive illegal drug. The other is medicine for sinus congestion. The shape of a molecule determines the it functions in the body. Different shapes of isomers result in unique properties and greatly add to diversity of organic molecules.

Hydrophilic- water loving, soluble in water. The first 5 functional groups act this way. Hydroxyl, carbonyl, carbonyl, amino, phosphate. Groups, hydroxyl, amino, and phosphate don’t contain Carbon 1 . Hydroxyl- hydrogen atom bonded to oxygen, then binned to carbon skeleton. Alcohols. 2. Carbonyl- carbon atom linked with double bond to oxygen. If carbonyl group is at the end of a carbon skeleton its an allayed. If its within the chain it is called a ketene. 3. Carbonyl- carbon double bond to an oxygen atom and also a hydroxyl group.

Carboxylic acids. Acetic acid like vinegar. 4. Amino group-nitrogen bonded to two hydrogen and the carbon skeleton. Iconic compounds with an amino group are called Amines. The building blocks of proteins are called amino acids. They contain an amino and carbonyl group. 5. Phosphate group- phosphorous bonded to 4 oxygen atoms. Compounds with hostage groups are called organic phosphates- involved in energy transfer TAP. 6. Methyl group- Consists of a carbon bonded to three hydrogen. Compounds with methyl groups are called mentholated compounds.

Macromolecules- crabs, proteins, nucleic acids might be gigantic, thousands of atoms. Polymers- Chains of smaller molecules. Consists of many identical or similar building blocks. Dehydration Reaction, a reaction that removes a molecule of water. Cells link monomers to make polymers this way. Links two monomers together Hydrolysis- the breaking down of macromolecules, digesting polymers to make monomers available. In digestion, the proteins are broken down into amino acids by hydrolysis, new proteins are formed in your body cells from these monomers in dehydration reactions.

Both dehydration and hydrolysis require enzymes- specialized macromolecules that speed of the chemical reaction in cells. Proteins- are built of only 20 amino acids, DNA is built from Just 4 kinds of monomers called Nucleotides Carbohydrate- a class of molecules ranging from small sugar macroeconomics, to large polysaccharide Crab monomers are monsoons ( single sugars) glucose and fructose Disaccharide- cells construct one of these from two incarcerations by dehydration action. Sucrose most common, (glucose linked to fructose) from sugarcane and sugar beets.

Maltose also common, beer, malted milk, High fructose corn syrup- the missionaries of sucrose Polysaccharide- are macromolecules, thousands of monomaniacs linked together by dehydration reactions. Glycogen, and cellulose. Starch- Storage polysaccharide in plants of all glucose monomers. Bans from which plant cells gather glucose for energy. Glycogen- animals store glucose this way, a different polysaccharide. Stored in your liver and muscle cells. Cellulose- tough walls that surround the cell, most abundant compound.

Not a nutrient for humans because animals can’t hydrology the linkages. The cellulose that phosphorous the body unchanged is called insoluble fiber. Bath tools are mostly cellulose, very hydrophilic absorbs water because of hydroxyl groups. Chitin- another polysaccharide used by insects and crustaceans to build their cells, Both starch and cellulose and polymers of glucose but have different shaped bonds. Starch is for sugar storage, cellulose is a structural polysaccharide that is the main material of the plant cell wall.

Lipids- diverse compounds grouped together because of one trait: they don’t mix ell in water. Hydrogen and carbon linked by unpopular covalent bonds. Lipids are Hydrophobic- water fearing Fat- a large lipid made up of smaller molecules: glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol an local with three carbons, each with a hydroxyl group (OH-). + a hydrocarbon chain (16-18 carbon atoms in Engel) the unpopular hydrocarbon is why fats are hydrophobic. Unsaturated fatty acid- has one fewer hydrogen atom on each carbon of the double bond.

Saturated Fatty acids- Fatty acids with no double bonds in their hydrocarbon chain that have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms. Corn Oil, Olive oil, vegetable oil. Trans Fats- When you see hydrogenated vegetable oil, unsaturated fats have been converted to saturated fats by adding hydrogen. Health risks, contribute to cardiovascular disease plaque, Omega-3 acids protect A monounsaturated fat has fatty acid with a single double bond in its carbon chain. A Polyunsaturated fat has a fatty acid with several double bonds.

Phosphoric- major component of cell membranes. Contain only two fatty acids attached to glycerol instead of three. Hydrophilic phosphate on one end and hydrophobic fatty acids on the other trap water inside, the membrane. Steroids- are lipids with four fused carbon skeleton rings. Cholesterol- common in animal cell membranes, starting material for making steroids and sex hormones. Proteins-a polymer arrangement of 20 amino acids 20 amino monomers. Amino Acids- all have an amino group and a carbonyl group, which makes it acid.

Peptide Bond- Cells Join amino acids together In a dehydration reaction that that links the carbonyl group of one amino acid to the amino group of the next amino acid as a water molecule is removed. Both depicted and disaccharide the monomers are Joined by dehydration reactions. Denomination- polypeptide chains unravel loosing their specific shape and function The function of each protein is a consequence of its specific shape, which is lost when protein denatures. A proteins shape depends on four levels of structure Primary Structure- is its unique sequence of amino acids Secondary- Coiling of a polypeptide into local patterns..

Cooling of the polypeptide chain in a secondary structure called an ALPHA HELIX, leads to a BETA PLEATED SHEATH. Tertiary- the overall three dimensional shape of a polypeptide, determines the function of a protein. Quaternary structure- two or more polypeptide chains one macromolecule. Collagen, a fibrous protein with three helical polypeptides intertwined into a larger ripple helix. Incorrectly folded proteins = alchemies and Parkinson. If a genetic mutation changes the primary structure of a protein, how might this destroy the protein functions?

The amino acid sequence affects the secondary structure, which affects the tertiary, then the quarterly, Thus the primary structure determines the shape of a protein, its function depends on shape. A chaos could eliminate function. Nucleic Acids Gene- the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide is programmed by a discrete unit of reticence. DNA- Deoxyribonucleic acid, one of the two polymers called nucleic acid. One of the too polymers called Nucleic acid. Provided direction for its own replication, as a cell divides its genetic instructions are passed to each daughter cell.

RNA- ribonucleic acid, illustrates the main roles of the SE two types of nucleic acids the production of proteins. A gene directs the synthesis of an RNA molecule. RNA cell. Translates nucleic acid language into protein language Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides Nucleotides- the monomers that make up nucleic acids. Each contain 3 parts, At the center a five carbon sugar, negatively charged phosphate group, nitrogenous base. Each DNA nucleotide has one of four nitrogenous bases, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, ND Guanine. RNA contains, GAG U racial instead of thymine.

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Brain Development Essay

National Institute of Health. ” I didn’t even know that I thought once you were 18 the brain was fully developed but not till age 25. Teens have extra synapses in the areas of where he decision making and risk assessment take place,”. An early example of an undeveloped brain in action is, well, think of how many teen accidents this world has and that’s because of those extra synapses. Laura Capacious, a nurse at Yale University Hospital said “that her department has a lot of teenagers during. In 2008 there was a study showing how many teens are involved in car accidents. In Michigan, there are at least 177 teens that are involved In ar accidents per year. There are some easy ways to stay out trouble and that is to Just say “No”. If you and your teen friends decide to go joy riding don’t tag along, Just say “No”. Who knows it could be a life or death situation. I prefer life and all you have to say is “No”. If you ever do get Involved In this don’t blame yourself, If anything it’s your brain’s fault for not being fully developed. It’s still in the early stage for development. The brain sure is a magnificent motor for all of our functions.

Did you know when o’er born and during brain development the brain works its way from the back to the front (A Parents Guide to A Teen Brain)? In the back of the brain, that more holds your physical actions and emotions. “In the front or prenatal cortex as Its scientifically named is you’re conscious” it’s the part of the brain that makes your judgment call. Do you see now how your brain isn’t fully developed until at least age 25 as proven by science? Now I hope my research has helped you in knowing about brain development. It was definitely an interesting topic to research. Remember, Just because your brain isn’t fully developed doesn’t mean you’re not making a good decision. I mean there Is always that slip up from time to time. Just remember to say “No”. If you think about It, teens, your brain is close to being developed, like 10 more years once you hit your teenage.


  1. Off “A Parents Guide to A Teen Brain. ” Adolescents Brain and Behavior. Drug-Free America. Web. 14 Jan 2014.
  2. Rollins, Kristin. “Brain Not Fully Developed Until Age 25. “
  3. Brain Not Developed Until Age 25. N. P. Web. 14 Jan 2014.
  4. “Fatalities in Crashes Involving Young Drivers. “. N. P. Web. 14 Jan 2014.

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Acupuncture for Pain Management

Acupuncture for Pain Management Everyone at one point in his or her life has felt pain. Image if you had constant pain with no relieve in site. With acupuncture, relief is just a thin wire away. Scientists are not ready to admit that acupuncture works in pain management. However, studies have shown that acupuncture can modifies the perception of pain and how it is processed by the brain. Through neuroimaging and genomics, scientists can see the changes within the brain’s pain center. They have observed molecular changes in the nervous and immune system.

Acupuncture has very few side effects, compared to side effects that one might receive from a management that uses drugs. Overall, one could say that acupuncture is the better choice for pain management. Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. There is recorded evidence that it can be dated back to 200 B. C. Acupuncture is one of the key components of the traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). (NCCAM1) It was widely used in China and Asian countries, until 1972 when acupuncture gained attention in the United States.

In 1972, James Reston, a reporter traveling with President Nixon in China, had to undergo an emergency appendectomy. He was impressed with his post-operative pain relief consisting of acupuncture and upon his return to the United States, he wrote an article in the New York Times about his experience. Then in 1997, acupuncture was formally recognized as a mainstream medicine healing option. (UOMaryland) Acupuncture is described as a system of healing where the patient is treated by insertion of extremely thin needles into their body at specific points.

It is a principle of Chinese medicine that works off your body’s energy called qi, which can be described as one’s life force, or energy. This energy flows through pathways called meridians and each meridian is attached to one organ or a group of organ to maintain proper flow of Qi. When there is a blockage of energy, illness and pain can happen. Insertion of extremely thin acupuncture needles into the precise point within the meridian can resolve balance and restore energy flow. nccam1) With classic Taoist philosophy, believes that illness is cause by imbalanced elements of yin and yang. Yin refers to material substance and yang is energy. When there is an imbalance between yin and yang, acupuncture helps restore balance. (Brit) All of our life we have been conditioned into believing that drugs and medication are the only relief for our aches, pains, and discomforts. Medication comes in two varieties, over the counter and prescription drugs. Over the counter drugs is what most people take for pain, rather than prescription drugs.

The most common type of over the counter drugs is NSAID’s, some common names are Aleve, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol. To find out more about a drug and their side effects, you can look on line, read the package, or consult a physician desk reference (PDR). Take Aleve for example; it is for temporary relief of minor aches and pains and can temporary reduce a fever. Some common side effects are; constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, gas, headache, heartburn, nausea, stomach upset and stuffy nose. Also listed on the PDR for consumer’s page online are some severe side effects for Aleve:

Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; trouble breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue; wheezing); bloody or black, tarry stools; change in the amount of urine produced; chest pain; confusion; dark urine; depression; fainting; fast or irregular heartbeat; fever, chills, or persistent sore throat; loss of appetite; mental or mood changes; numbness of an arm or leg; one-sided weakness; pale stools; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; ringing in the ears; seizures; severe headache or dizziness; severe or persistent stomach pain or nausea; severe vomiting; shortness of breath; sudden or unexplained weight gain; swelling of the hands, legs, or feet; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual joint or muscle pain; unusual tiredness or weakness; vision or speech changes; vomit that looks like coffee grounds; yellowing of the skin or eyes. (drugs. com) Acupuncture works off one’s own energy within the body to eliminate pain, without the major side effect that drugs can produce. How acupuncture works is not entirely clear, but technology has allowed scientists it uncover pathways in the brain that respond to acupuncture. The number of meridians varies, ranging from 14 to 20 with at least 2000 acupuncture points. nccam1) One theory of many, suggest that acupuncture stimulates the nerve fibers that transmit to the brain and spinal cord, which activates the body’s central nervous system. This in turn releases hormones that make us feel less pain and improve overall health. (uofmary) Researchers are using genomic techniques to see what happens on a cellular level and the effects in the expression of genes involved in pain. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and megnetoencephalography (MEG) that are able to reveal areas of the brain that are affected during pain and show the impact of acupuncture. (nccam2) Dr. Vitaly Napadow, a Harvard Medical School neuroscientist, and his colleagues performed a research study on patient with carpal tunnel syndrome.

This study used fMRI before and after acupuncture demonstrated that the brain responded to acupuncture with greater activation in the hypothalamus region of the brain and deactivation in amygdala, located deep in the temporal lobe of the brain. These areas of the brain are connected with long-term memory, emotions, behavior and the maintenance of persistent pain state. (nccam2) The FDA has had very few complications reported with the amount of people who receive acupuncture and the number of needles used. Some of the common side effects are minor bruising and forgotten needles. Fainting has also been reported as a side effect. With the use of single usage needle, infections are rare, but still a possibility. There are some but very rare cases of organ puncture. (AFP Article) Work Cited Unites States. Dept. of Heath and Human Services. Acupuncture: An Introduction. National

Center For Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Aug. 2011. Web. 11 Nov. 2011 United States. Dept. of Heath and Human Services. Acupuncture and Pain: Applying Modern Science to an Ancient Practice. Feb. 2010. Web. 11 Nov. 2011 Rosted, Palle. “Adverse Reactions after Acupuncture: A Review. ” The Medical Acupuncture Web Page. Web. 12 Nov 2011. Williams, Craig. “Modern Pain, Ancient Solutions. ” Acupuncture Today. Nov. 2011: Vol. 12, Issue 11. Web. 12 November 2011. Novella, Steven. “Acupuncture Does Not Work for Back Pain. ” Science-Based Medicine. 13 May 2009. Web. 11 Nov. 2011. Novella, Steven. “Does Acupuncture Work or Not. ” Neurologica Blog. 25 Sep. 2007. Web. 11 Nov. 2011.

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