Single Sex versus Co-ed

Single-Sex versus Co-education Education is very important for both boys and girls, but the place they are being educated in is very arguable. Nowadays, it has been noticed that in a single-sex educational experience students exhibit an eagerness to participate in discussions. In Australia, the percentage of students attending single-sex secondary schools was 55% of boys and 54% of girls, in 1985. However, by 1995 the proportion of students attending had dropped to 41% of boys and 45% of girls.

Let us start by onsidering the fact that studying in separate school, boys and girls, can indisputably concentrate on their studies and not get distracted easily by the opposite sex classmates. In addition to this, some religious and traditional families might be keener to educate their children in separate schools. Generally, students of single- sex schools perform better than those at co-ed schools. On the other hand, it could be better for boys and girls to study together since they should be taught fairly. Communication plays a big role in co-education schools.

It helps pupils to communicate and socialize and it is easier for them in the future as they get to interact with others while working, in colleges and universities, etc. Moreover, students at co-ed schools learn to interact better with the other gender. After weighing the pros and cons, I would say that we live in a mixed world where interactions between both genders is compulsory, whether it was a debate at work or a group discussion among co-workers. The ability to speak out without intimidation is a vital feature in each individual. Written And Discussed By: JOY

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Man and a Woman: A Yin and Yang

It’s still fresh in my memory the answer of 2008 Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza in her question “Does a man or a woman live and easier life? ”- “actually there’s not much difference about how a woman or man lives but rather they differ on the way they think. Man thinks the easiest way to get to the point is to go straight. Woman, not exactly, they go through many curves and fixed it”. This answer is just one among the many answers on how to differentiate a man between women. In the field of hard sciences, the difference between a man and a woman is far way varied.

It is usually differentiated through sex or the possession of certain organs and hormones that make them unique. Man or male is characterized by possessing the male genitalia which composed of the testicles, the penile gland and of course Adams apple. Women or female is otherwise characterized by the possession of uterus, ovary, and vagina. In terms of the Hippocratic eye, there are different hormones and chromosomes that discriminates both sexes- chromosome XY for male and XX for female (York 2008).

In the society, one can easily differentiate a man from a woman by the way they act, they dress and they appear in public. A man usually is short haired contented with t-shirts and pants or tuxedo for the elite while women are often long haired, fond of having fancy dresses with playful colors and distinguished by their high pitched voices as contrast to male with a distinguishable baritone voice. During the olden times, in terms of gender and socialization, a masculine is usually viewed to be brave, aggressive, and bread winner while a feminine is usually calm, conservative, and responsible in child rearing.

Tracing the history, women in the olden days are considered as one among the lower society wherein they are not allowed to vote and their only profession is to become a plain housewife. In the ancient times in Asia and Europe, women are often the subjects of slavery. In Japan, once a woman has been married to a man, she no longer free. Her work is just centered on family rearing and farewell assistance to the husband. The only way to escape from the marriage is to commit hara-kiri or the virtue of killing themselves.

In the Philippines during the sultanate period, only the son of the king or sultan can inherit the land and women are just for marriage rites and are just means to procreate through pregnancy. The worst thing is that they are not allowed to rule the land. In contrast, Egypt is known to have women rulers before man became the ruler. One good example is Cleopatra who ruled the ancient Egypt and who have man as subordinates (timemagazine. com 1972). But with the rise of industrial revolution, feminists became more gender sensitive and gender equality had been on the rise.

Now, there had been widespread gender stereotyping such as female police enforcers, pilots, soldiers, and the existence of working moms and even female engineers. In addition, there is an increase of women politicians and rulers and believe it or not that the Philippines being a democratic republic had some sort of girl power because they had already to female presidents whom actually won through people power revolution. Tracing the history is likewise one way of differentiating man between women based on their family roles and social responsibility. The existence of pluralism in nature allowed varied responsibilities of a man and a woman.

Delving deeper in differentiating man and women is through their matter of feelings. Men are thought to be pride and full of ego. Women are the exact opposite as they are more patient and unruffled. Usually in a family a woman/wife is usually the mother of all chores in the house doing all the laundry, cleaning, and preparing food except if a there is a hired nanny, but still a nanny is a woman. On the other hand, those of the man usually sips coffee while reading the daily news and eats the breakfast and then go to work. Going back to the answer of Miss Universe 2008, it would be nice if we cite some examples.

Man thinks that the easiest way to get through a point is to go straight. I might as well agree on that. When a man goes to off a particular thing in the department store, he goes exactly to the rack or place where it is located, grabs it and pays it over the counter immediately. Women don’t, they actually took many more time visiting every lane of the shop and fit all things that she thinks it’s nice for her and grabs unnecessary things forgetting what to buy. This only means that man is more straightforward on everything. When he wants an answer, he wants it immediately. When he takes orders in a restaurant, he wants it in a brisk.

Women are more patient and complicated, they are the ones who usually start the husband-wife fight because of their hasty tongue who usually nags and nags until both of them gets pissed off. Among all of these opposite characters, I still view man as being a yin and a yang, a perfect opposite but a perfect combination. Every imperfection of a man can be complemented by a woman and every woman’s flaw is complemented by a man. That is why there is the existence of marriage, to unite both the ideals of a man and a woman and to live together as one body and being separate entities.

A man and a woman are created complementary to work and help each other. Each sex/gender represents a function in a society. There has been a saying that “No man is an island”. Truly no man is alone because there is the existence of a woman. Every human beings life is like a puzzle, it will only be completed when the remaining pieces are there. A woman therefore is never complete without a man, which maybe her father or her lover. Likewise a man is never complete without there woman, which is his mother and his lover.

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Similarities Between Men and Women

Sociology of Women October 18th, 2012 Are men and women more similar or different from each other? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each position? If not a gender dichotomy (male/female), then what? Can we unlearn, as a culture, the ins and outs of gender? Is gender a question of exclusion or is it a question of difference? Women and Men are more similar than people believe them to be. People focus on the evident physical differences we see on a daily basis in men and women.

Women are commonly described to have breasts, a vagina, and are considered more “voluptuous” or curvy than men, Whereas men are known for their manly tools, their penis, and all the preconceived social and cultural notions that go along with that. However, aside from these minor physical differences men and women are innately the same. Although most people do not realize this, the only legitimate difference that is scientifically proven between men and women is that a woman’s body contains two X chromosomes and a man’s contains an X and Y chromosome (Connell, 2012, pg. 1). This biological difference then allows a woman’s body to develop slightly differently to enable reproduction, such as a womb, breasts, and wider pelvis. A man then develops testes but surprisingly both men and women’s genitals come from the same embryonic tissue. In other words biologically a penis and clitoris, scrotum and labia, come from the exact same starting place, and until people age these physical characteristics aren’t drastically visibly different (Connell, 2012, pg. 52).

One of the most ridiculous arguments about the differences between men and women comes back to our hormones. Many people are taught the differences between men and women throughout popular culture and education but not similarities. We are taught that our gendered bodies do not share any of the same physical characteristics. Men should be buff, taller, and able to do more in terms of strength while women should be graceful, dainty, caregivers that are objects to look at. Most people are unaware of all the commonalities that men and women share.

In fact our hormones function in the same ways, and there are not “male” or “female” hormones. The difference is the levels and patterns our hormones take on. Men generally have higher levels of androgens such as testosterone whereas women have higher levels of reproductive organs at certain points. What most people are unaware of is that the same reproductive hormones present in women also work in men to enable the process of sperm production (Women’s Studies Collective, 2005, pg. 87). There is a huge overlap in the levels and process our bodies take on.

As explained in the text, “Even in early adulthood the physical characteristics of males and females as a group overlap extensively” (Connell, 2009, pg. 52). Height is used as an example, because adult men are generally slightly taller than adult women, but the variety of heights within each biological group is large, in relation to the average difference. Many argue that the build of a man and a woman are completely different. It is true that men on average grow about 10 to 15 percent larger than females and tend to have more upper body strength, but in comparison to other mammals the margin is slim.

Universities across the United States are providing new research that suggests it was similarities among men and women of our early ancestors, not differences which helped early humans evolve to become the dominant species that we are. To understand the similarities of men and women you must understand that sex is a biological categorization based primarily on reproductive potential, whereas gender is the social elaboration of biological sex. Not surprisingly, social norms for heterosexual coupling and care of any resulting children are closely intertwined with gender.

But that is far from the full story. Gender builds on biological sex, but it exaggerates biological difference, and it carries biological difference into domains in the world which it is completely irrelevant. There is no biological reason, for example, why women should take more delicate roles in the world and men should dominate in society, or why women should have red toenails and men should not, but as we consider sex as biological and gender as social, this difference is not clear-cut.

Men and women require the same types of emotional and physical care from the time of birth to adulthood, in order to remain healthy and functioning members of society. Both male and female brains are exactly the same. An argument that is commonly seen about the male and female brain is that on average a man’s brains grows for a bit longer and are a bit larger than females, but aside from the slight size difference both a male and females brain can function the same way. Size does not relate to function. Both men and women go through life trying to fulfill a desire to have emotional connections with others.

Whether these are positive or negative emotional connections based on the persons experiences, men and women still try to fulfill the same voids. Men and women also require the same physical care from birth to adulthood. Both men and women need to be physically cared for in order to survive. Men and women both require the basic needs to have food, water, shelter, and personal hygiene in order to maintain their health. Without one of these things either sex could die. This is explained clearly is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which explains that you satisfy your biological needs before your personal and social needs.

According to Maslow, when it comes to satisfying your needs, you begin at the bottom of the needs hierarchy, with physiological needs, and then work your way toward the top. Every level on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs explains needs that both men and women require such as Level 1-Physiological needs: Food, water, sex, and sleep, Level 2-Safety needs: Protection from harm, Level 3- Love and belonging needs: Affiliation with others and acceptance by others, Level 4-Esteem needs: Achievement, competency, gaining approval and recognition, Level 5- Self-actualization: Fulfillment of one’s unique potential (Plotnik ; Kouyoumdjian, 2011, pg. 33). Another huge argument regarding the differences between men and women is sexual behaviors and urges. However, it is becoming more obvious that both men and women have the same sexual desires and urges and it’s becoming more socially acceptable for both man and woman to engage in these behaviors in Western Society. In previous times men were described to have more sexual urges and behaviors than women which excused them from any promiscuous behavior they engaged in. However, if a woman chose to do similar things she ould be shunned and looked down upon because she was being “too promiscuous” or a “whore. ” Reality is that both men and women have very complex sexual lives, with few major differences. Often time’s differences are seen across sexes because of societal and cultural beliefs within that community. If a woman having sex with more than one partner is considered a sin and dirty in many cultures these instances are kept quiet to keep order. The same goes with a man, but often only men’s sexual tales are spoken of as less sinful.

Society proves time and time again to be sexual biased on what is acceptable for men and women. Men and women are both simply results of societal and cultural upbringing. A woman in a Western society versus a Middle-Eastern society would behave differently due to family, beliefs, values, and Religion. Strengths for a man versus a woman are based on personal beliefs. I think that both men and women have too many similarities to not be considered equal, but there are not enough strong-willed women such as myself with the same thought process.

Western culture presents men as stronger physically, and ultimately the bread winner, where a woman is considered a caregiver, and delicate. It’s very hard to explain the strengths and weaknesses of two different sexes that are innately the same. A dichotomy is any splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts, meaning a gender dichotomy is a procedure in which biological sex is divided into two parts, male and female. Societies around the world use a gender dichotomy to keep order and help better organize and understand sex and gender.

Although with how much evidence there is on both man and woman overlapping we have no use for a gender dichotomy, and yet society remains the same to keep gender in order. With the elimination of a gender dichotomy society may eventually be able to see both man and woman as equal, but truth is we are still so far from that. In order to eliminate the separation of biological sex into two parts people would need to unlearn what they know about gender, which is far from happening. As a culture to unlearn something mass groups of people need to step forward with new information proving the previous to be wrong.

However, feminism is still a growing movement with small numbers, and in order to make social change, sadly enough, we need large numbers of people to explain the facts. If people understood the real depths of feminism and what it entails in a positive way, The Feminist movement could help move forward how people view men and women as more similar than different. Human beings are like sponges for knowledge, and are able to obtain new information to help remove the old, so I am not saying that it is impossible to unlearn the ins and outs of gender, I am simply saying that as most progression does, it will take time.

References Connell, R. (2012). Short introductions gender. (2nd ed. , pg. 50-71). Massachusetts, USA: Polity Press. Women’s Studies Collective, H. C. (2005). Women’s Realities, Women’s Choices- An Introduction to Women’s Studies. (3rd ed. , pg. 85-87). New York, New York: Oxford University Press. Plotnik, R. , ; Kouyoumdjian, H. (2011). Introduction to Psychology. (9th ed. , p. 333). Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth- Cengage Learning.

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Developmental Psychology and Trust Versus Mistrust

| St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community CollegeAssociate Degree ProgrammeMID-SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2013| COURSE TITLE: Developmental PsychologyCOURSE CODE: PSY202SEMESTER: 2 (SAMPLE TEST)DATE: Wednesday 6st March 2013 TIME: 11:00 amDURATION: 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS: | | This paper consists of eight (8) pages and three (3) sections: Section A: Twenty (20) multiple choice questions worth a total of 20 marks. Section B: Ten (10) matching questions worth a total of 10 marks. Students should attempt ALL questions in this section. Write your answers on the writing paper provided.

Section C: Nine (9) short answer questions worth a total of 30 marks. ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY SECTION A: Multiple-choice questions Instructions for Section AAnswer ALL questions in this section. Record your choice on your answer sheet (eg 1. D ). | 1. The study of changes in behaviour from conception to death encompasses a. gerontology b. thanatology c. developmental psychology d. social psychology 2. A researcher creates a situation on a school playground in which children are excluded one by one from a group game by the teacher so that their emotional reactions can be studied. What kind of research method is this? a. tructured observation b. case study c. experiment d. correlational study 3. Which research strategy simultaneously compares individuals of different ages? a. cross-sectional b. longitudinal c. experimental d. correlational 4. According to __________, all children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual development. a. Piaget b. Bloom c. Watson d. Harlow 5. Which psychologist contended that “trust versus mistrust” is the first psychological stage? a. Jean Piaget b. Erik Erikson c. Sigmund Freud d. Lev Vygotsky 6. Preoperational means that a child cannot yet perform: a. reversible mental actions. b. symbolic thinking. . intuitive reasoning. d. mental representation of an unseen object. 7. According to Bronfenbrenner’s theory, the macrosystem is __________. a. the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course b. the culture in which individuals live c. involved when experiences in another social setting influence what the individual experiences in an immediate context d. the overarching system which includes all of these factors and more 8. Harlow’s finding that baby monkeys prefer a terrycloth surrogate mother to a wire mother demonstrates the importance of a. imprinting or critical periods b. contact comfort c. cceptance d. good nutrition 9. When we say a child’s thinking is less abstract than an adult’s, we mean that a. children use more examples and generalizations. b. children use more principles, but require fewer generalizations. c. children use fewer generalizations, categories, and principles. d. adults base their understanding of the world more on particular examples and tangible sensations 10. Joey is watching a horse race. He knows that his dog at home has four legs, a tail, and fur. When he sees the horses, he shouts out “Doggies. ” Joey is demonstrating a. assimilation b. accommodation c. conservation d. irreversibility 11.

Emily, who has brown eyes, has one dominant gene and one recessive gene. When we describe her actual genetic makeup, we are describing her __________. a. DNA b. genotype c. reaction range d. gametes 12. Humans have __________ pairs of chromosomes. a. 46 b. 23 c. 2 d. an undetermined number of 13. The sex chromosomes of females are ______ and the sex chromosomes of males are ______. a. YY, XX b. XX, XY c. XY, XX d. XX, Y 14. The component of a chromosome that controls heredity is ____. a. proteins b. histones c. DNA d. RNA 15. The stage of prenatal development in which the neural tube develops into the brain and spinal cord is the a.

Germinal Stage b. Embryonic Stage c. Fetal Stage d. Fetus Stage 16. Which layer of embryonic cells eventually becomes the circulatory system, bones, and muscle? a. endoderm b. mesoderm c. ectoderm d. blastocyst 17. You leave your child with a babysitter. When you return, your child ignores you. Your child’s behavior indicates a(n) __________ attachment. a. securely attached b. secure-avoidant c. insecure-avoidant d. insecure-ambivalent 18. Teratogens are those agents which: a. Adversely affect development b. Support development c. Improve development d. Have no effect on development 19. Which reflex normally persists longest after birth? . Babinski b. Grasping c. Moro d. Rooting 20. Which of the following is NOT considered a primitive reflex? a. Babinski b. rooting c. palmar grasping d. stepping SECTION B: Matching questions Instructions for Section BFor each question, match the appropriate item in Column II with its associated word/phrase in Column I. Record your choice on your answer sheet (e. g. , 1. A). An answer may only be used once. | Column I| Column II| 1. Trust versus mistrust| a. the process by which a schema is changed, modified, or created anew in order to understand something new in the environment| 2.

Assimilation| b. “Stealing is wrong because it is against the law. ”| 3. Oedipus complex| c. infants are totally dependent on others in their environment to meet their needs| 4. Bioecological model| d. in the female, an unconscious sexual urge for the father | 5. Preconventional level of reasoning| e. biology and environment interact to produce development| 6. Accommodation| f. in the male, an unconscious sexual urge for the mother| 7. Chronosystem| g. children motivated to take the first step, to start something on their own and to be ambitious| 8.

Conventional level of reasoning| h. It is wrong to take the moneybecause you may get caught and then punished| 9. Initiative versus guilt| i. the process by which an existing schema is used to understand something new in the environment| 10. Electra complex| j. the idea that changes in peopleand their environments occur in a time frame and unfold in particular patterns or sequences over a person’s lifetime| SECTION C: Short answer questions Instructions for Section CAnswer all questions in this section. Record your answer on your answer sheet with the number and sub-section clearly labelled. 1) Distinguish between cognitive and physical development. [3] 2) Describe the types of research designs used in developmental psychology. [3] 3) Outline TWO nurture factors that can influence the developmental process. [4] 4) Sometimes inherited defects can produce chromosomal abnormalities. a) What are chromosomal abnormalities? [2] b) State TWO characteristic features of a person with Down syndrome. [2] c) Give an example of another chromosomal abnormality and what it entails. [3] 5) Briefly outline what happens in fetal period of prenatal development. [3] ) List THREE important motor milestone displayed by infants in their first year. [3] 7) According to Piaget, newborns lack an understanding of object permanence a) At what stage of cognitive development do infants develop object permanence? [1] b) What must infants master or acquire in order to understand object permanence? [2] 8) Differentiate between separation anxiety and stranger anxiety. [3] 9) In the strange situation procedure, a baby who clings to the mother while she is present and who shows extreme distress when the mother leaves would be exhibiting which style of attachment? END OF TEST

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Sex’ vs ‘Sexuality

Assembling an Understanding of ‘Sex’ Verses ‘Sexuality’ “Biologists and psychologists who have accepted the doctrine that the only natural function of sex is reproduction have simply ignored the existence of sexual activity which is not reproductive” Alfred Kinsey (The Invention of Sexuality 40) The terms ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’ have not always had a clear differentiation, but as the study of sexuality (sexology) has continued and become more commonly studied and recognized, these terms have adapted their own definitions.

However, each does not have a perfect definition, because people will have their own opinions regarding the terms. The above quote by a historian of sex was interesting to me because it brings up the aspect of biology within the understanding of the terms ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’. My personal idea, or understanding, is that ‘sex’ constitutes the more biological side— ones physical features, gender, reproduction (‘sex’ is also the abbreviation for sexual intercourse); and the term ‘sexuality’ makes up everything else that surrounds an individual’s definition of their sexual identity, orientation, and feelings.

When reading articles online, I came across this quote: “sexuality is about who or what you are attracted to, not where you put your dick” (bitheway), which I found to be a very blunt but interesting way to think about what constitutes ‘sexuality’. “Where you put your …” is your personal preference, but that preference is a compilation of the aspects of one’s personal world and how they have come to define and understand their individual inclination. All of the parts that are compiled in order to form ones individual definition are aspects of ‘sexuality’ within our culture.

Another page online gives definitions for ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’ that I have found to be the most clear and complete: Sex refers to whether or not a person is male or female, whether a person has a penis or vagina. Sexuality refers to the total expression of who you are as a human being, your femaleness or your maleness… Your sexuality is an interplay between body image, gender identity, gender role, sexual orientation, eroticism, genitals, intimacy, relationships, and love and affection… includes his or her attitudes, values, knowledge and behaviors.

How people express their sexuality is influenced by their families, culture, society, faith and beliefs. (Sex and Sexuality: Understanding the Differences) The influence from all aspects of our lives that guide us to define our sexuality is a major component in sexology. The italicized words in the definition above are some I think are very significant in understanding what constitutes ‘sexuality’.

Since the study of sex started to dramatically change, there has been more understanding within so many topics of sexuality, such as gender (roles and variance), marriage and the family, homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, intersex, trans-gender/sex/vestite, evolution of sexual identities, legal and medical regulation, religious roles/codes, phallocentricism, women’s bodies and health, illegitimacy, “and the importance of social networks and oppositional sexualities” (The Invention of Sexuality 39).

This is only the first week that I have studied sexuality and culture in an educational environment, and after enjoying many sources of new material I have begun to compile my own understanding of ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’, which is just the beginning of my learning on the subject. One of the most important aspects to take away from these introductory lessons is how grand of a role society and culture have on sexuality.

It is so important to be aware of and take into account culture’s influence on sexuality now and within the history of sex. In our US society (and this is a generalization) some vital influences are class, race/ethnicity, gender, age, family history and how one was raised, physical ability, religion and region. Now that I have collected a better understanding of ‘sex’ and ‘sexuality’ as educational terms, I can further my knowledge of everything that makes up sexuality within cultures around the world.

Bitheway. Sex Verses Sexuality. Bi The Way: An exploration of Male Bisexuality. 6 May 2008. http://www. bitheway. co. uk/2008/05/06/sex-versus-sexuality/. Sex and Sexuality: Understanding the Differences (Learning Activity). RECAPP 2007-2009. http://www. etr. org/recapp/index. cfm? fuseaction=pages. LearningActivitiesDeta il&PageID=167 The Invention of Sexuality. Sexual Lives: A Reader on the Theories and Realities of Human Sexualities. McGraw-Hill, 2003.

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Early Sex Exposure to Youth

Early sexual exposure to youth Shekinah Lorcy Liberty University April 26,2012 Abstract Viewing and discussing the article Protecting youth from early and abusive sexual experiences, by authors Lynn Rew, Katherine Bowman, the affects of early sexual exposure towards youth; what ways can that be prevented, and things parents should be aware of prior to their children being exposed. Presenting personal thoughts and views on the current social problem, and raising awareness. Finally considering from a Christian worldview, biblical facts plus scriptures.

Does a placing person of high faith single out youth from early exposure to sex or any sort of sexual contact? Article Summary Sex is a God given gift, to form and multiply in a way that’s honorable to Him. When used unwisely there can be serious consequences such as unwanted pregnancies, and STI’s (sexual transmitted infections). In case of the article Protecting youth from early and abusive sexual experiences, by authors Lynn Rew, Katherine Bowman, they discuss advantages and disadvantages to early exposure to youth. In today’s society sex is portrayed a simple factor in life that has no repercussions or consequences when misused.

From the television shows, to Internet, to even the commercials placed, sex sells and rapidly is increasing into the norm of everyday society. Exposing sex to youth at an early age can cause emotional depression, physical malfunctions, and the wrong outlook on life both mentally and spiritually. The article reviews that parents that converse with their children more freely and openly are less likely to experiment sexual intercourse at a younger age. (Lynn Rew, Katherine Bowman 2011) Knowing the facts help for a better understanding and less curiousness to testing.

When parents practice impersonal relationship with their children, conversations such as sex come easily to discuss amongst each other. Many parents believe that hiding or not placing an awareness about sex to their children will make them less likely to have sex when in fact it increases their chances greatly. Also youth that are active in school with extra curricular activities such as being in sports teams aren’t quite too exposed to sex, compared to a child that goes straight home after classes turns on the TV everyday.

Having their minds filled with academics along with extra curricular activities leaves for a balance and non – acquaintance with sex. Early sexual contact can also depend on a child’s environment. Raising a child around drugs, crime and violence can increase the likelihood of having unprotected sex with others. Schools now are beginning to administer mandatory sex education classes with students as early as freshman in high school. Enforcing this behavior would benefit for decreasing early sexual activity and furthermore raising knowledge for STI’s (sexual transmitted infections), the causes and affects of diseases.

Thoughts of early sexual exposure to youth as a Social problem As the years progress, sex is becoming a socially accepted norm. Teens who see and hear a lot about sex in the media may be more than twice as likely to have early sexual intercourse as those who are rarely exposed to sexual content. A new study shows that 12- to 14-year-olds exposed to the most sexual content in movies, music, magazines, and on television were 2. 2 times more likely to have had sexual intercourse. Teens are still at a stage mentally were there’s still room for improvement.

Corrupting it at a young age can lead to many negative affects such as rebellion against family, delinquency, and mental instability. In most cases when teens are going through puberty, they feel the need and compression to fit in, and chances are people around them are becoming sexually active by peer pressure all around them. As a young teen in high school I had no common knowledge of sex. Coming from a single parent home my mother and I didn’t have the closest relationship, so a conversation about sex was never brought up.

The information was only gained through friends, associates and a few close family members, which wasn’t the best possible thing to do. If my relationship were closer to my mom I would have approached her about it, but my curiosity lead me to seek other options from other people. Females like myself with just a single parent in the home like a mom; we usually seek a male figure for the lack of one not being in the home. Sex is usually acted upon earlier, for the fact of a lack of attention.

They get too attach easily since they are being displayed affection whether or not it’s emotionally or physically. Many times when these decisions are made they are based off of temporary emotion that can affect you in a permanent way, for example early pregnancy. Christian Worldview When combining a strong faith it’s always best to place scripture with growth and temptations of this world. Families that raise more awareness and concern when comparing everyday scenarios with scripture can help youth in the family have a better understanding.

Reading scripture daily with family causes for expansion of wisdom and can help for better decision making when coming to teen and early sexual exposure. Sex was originally made by God to share between husband and wife with intentions of multiply, and bringing in life to this world. Today sex has lost its initial meaning, people are abusing God’s gift by using it for just selfish temporary pleasures. Sex before marriage is only breaking the covenant between man and God to remain pure for your husband and wife.

We are so caught up in what the world has to offer that we lose focus on God and his message about sex. Purposely abusing sex for self-interested intentions is in a way cursing God and saying that He’s not important and the word being offered has no relevance to their lives. While God was on earth he sacrificed plenty for us mentally, spiritually and emotionally. The least we can do is return that unconditional love back to Him. He was tempted in the wilderness by the devil, cursed by people, betrayed by his closest friends, hung on the cross and the list continues today in our lives.

Due to the fall cause by Adam and Eve sin is easily influenced in our lives. Having God, as our personal savior and becoming more like Him can lead of to a better path in life. Although the road not is easily God will help us every step of the way, as for temptations with sexual impurities, etc. Making a way out of no way God will always see you through. Reference Rew, L. (2008, January). Protecting youth from early and abusive sexual experiences . Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0FSZ/is_1_34/ai_n24923909/pg_2/? tag=content;col1

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Teenagers & Unprotected Sex

Shavado Smith English 017 Teenagers & Unprotected Sex In a hyper-sexualized society that continues to thrive as each day passes, the thought of unprotected sex has lost the shock value it once possessed. It is now considered normal to hear teenagers bragging about not only their conquests but the unprotected sex they are having. “She let me go in raw” or “I told him not to use a condom” are just a couple of the phrases one can hear when listening to these conversations.

Unprotected sex as it relates to teenagers has become a big problem in the world today for two main reasons which are lack of education and lack of concern. Many are simply unaware of all the choices available in regards to protection for safe sex. There are vast options for both males and females that allow them to engage in healthy, safe sex. As a result of unprotected sex, there are increasing numbers of unplanned pregnancies and increased frequency of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teenagers.

Lack of education is the primary cause of unprotected sex among teenagers. Not receiving adequate education can be the fault of both the parents and the individual. Teenagers often receive flawed information about safe sex from popular culture and their peers but almost always never from credible sources such as their parents, or the counseling department of their school. These misguided, ignorant teens then make poor decisions that can have detrimental, long-lasting effects on their lives.

I have a friend who became a mother at the tender age of 17 because she was having unprotected sex; the reason she was having unprotected sex was because she thought that the “pull out” method (which is when the male ‘pulls out’ out of the vagina before ejaculation) would work. She was unaware to the fact that no doctor considers this method to be very effective because semen can leak out of the tip of the penis. Consequently, her decision to have unprotected sex led to her having to unnecessarily take on an adult responsibility.

Another factor that results in unprotected sex is unpreparedness; some teenagers are aware of unprotected sex, its lethal effects and what should be done to avoid these effects but do not take the necessary steps to avoid these problems. Sometimes it is because they are irresponsible, but it can also occur when they act in the moment and take a chance, risking their lives and that of their partner. Statistics have proven that more than half of sexually active teenagers have participated in sexual activity even though they were unprepared to have safe sex.

Nonchalance towards this serious matter is a reason why so many teenagers are not being responsible and having safe sex. The predominant effects of unprotected sex by teenagers are unplanned pregnancies and an increased risk of being a victim of a sexually transmitted disease. An unplanned pregnancy has an explicit correlation to unprotected sex. According to an article Teenhelp. com statistics show that our ‘neighbor’, the United States of America, has approximately 820,000 teenagers become pregnant each year with 80% of them being unintended pregnancies.

In simpler terms, a little over 650,000 pregnancies are unplanned, a direct result of unprotected sex(Author Unknown). Another effect of unprotected sex is the increase number of cases with sexually transmitted diseases. Failure to have safe sex can leaves teenagers prone to STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. Unfortunately, some can even contract the deadly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Many teenagers escape this horrible fate but come into contact with at least one STD if they are having unprotected sex.

Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, STDs can be contracted without penetration of the vagina by the penis. This fact lends to the cause of unprotected sex which is ignorance. Many teenagers are unaware of this fact and believe that they cannot contract STDs through other types of sex such oral or anal, however this not true. STDs can be transmitted through sexual activity that involves the vagina, the penis, the anus and the mouth. It is clear that there are direct correlations between the causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers.

Statistics, professional opinion and personal experience all support this statement. Teenagers who lack proper sexual education are more likely to experience these effects than those who are educated. The same applies for teenagers who are more concerned about their sexual well-being; if they take the necessary steps to ensure they always have safe sex or at the very least, limit the number of times they have unprotected sex, their chances of experiencing the effects of unprotected sex are decreased.

It is my belief that failure to expose teenagers to more sex education in schools and at home will only compound the current problem. Teenagers should be comfortable to ask sex-related questions because sexual intercourse is a natural occurrence that can be wonderful and have no repercussions when handled properly and maturely. Unprotected sex among teenagers is an epidemic that is becoming a global problem. There is not a country that is not dealing with teenagers becoming not only sexually active at a young age, but also being uneducated and unprepared.

The causes and effects of unprotected sex among teenagers is a problem that must be dealt with and swiftly! When will we begin to take this on growing pandemonium seriously? We currently have an abundance of adolescents and pre-teens that are having unprotected sex and becoming mothers/fathers and/or being infected from STDs? I can only hope that the causes of unprotected sex among teenagers are taken more seriously and precautions are taken so that one day we will be able to live in a world free of “mistakes” which is in correlation with unplanned pregnancies and contracting STI’s.

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