The Psychological Impact on Children Soldiers

Some are abducted or forcibly recruited, others are driven to Join by poverty, abuse and discrimination, or to seek revenge for violence enacted against hem or their families. There is legislation in place that makes illegal any involvement of children under age 18 in hostilities, however it is still rampant throughout the world. The use of Children in war is an epidemic that has plagued humanity since the earliest civilizations and has developed through time. In medieval times in Europe, young boys from about twelve years of age were used as military aids called squires, though their role in actual combat was supposed to be limited.

In 1212, the Estevez 2 Children’s Crusade rounded up thousands of children, with the notion that they will ucceed in battle due to divine powers that will ensure their victory. In 1814, Napoleon was faced with an invasion and recruited many teenagers for his armies aged between fourteen and seventeen. During the 1800’s and the age of sail, young boys formed part of the crew of British Royal Navvy ships and responsible for many important tasks. Even during the Civil War a 15 year old received the Medal of Honor for his acts during the Civil War Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history.

People under the age of eighteen fought in world war one and world war two, even beside the fact it was illegal. They had age restrictions, but due to the patriotism, of the boys, and the conditions of England they accepted some and others passed by into the military. In Cambodia, during the Vietnam War, a communist group exploited thousands of desensitized children, recruiting them to commit mass murders and other inhuman acts during the genocide in Cambodia. They were brainwashed and taught to follow any orders without any hesitation.

I find this a betrayal of the responsibility adults have towards children. In the 16th and 17th centuries, childhood began to be recognized as a different state then adulthood. Society began to see children not as miniature adults, but as a person of a lower level of maturity needing the protection, love, and nurturing of an adult to guide them through that stage of their lives. This was the change in society that transitioned to children being given less responsibility than adults.

The division Estevez 3 of children and adults became officially recognized, however it didn’t eliminate the abuse of children. The use of children in battle and wars has been around for a long time, but has taken a new form in todays society due to the improvement of technology. The early 1900’s are regarded as a huge development of war weapons, with the creation of the fully automatic rifle. Through the century, they have involvement of children in modern conflicts that typically involve irregular forces; they usually target civilians. 80% of the fighting forces composed of child soldiers, this is one characterization of the ‘new wars,’ which constitute the dominant form of violent conflict that has emerged only over the last few decades” (Schauer and Elbert). The motivation for armies or soldiers to recruit children to be use in war is that children have a limited ability to asses risk. It is easier to manipulate the mind of a child than it is a mind of an adult. They have feelings of invulnerability, shortsightedness, and cost less money. Children receive fewer resources, including less and smaller weapons and equipment.

They are more likely to get killed or injured in the front lines than their adult counter parts. Children and young adults who are facing poverty, starvation, unemployment, and ethnic or political persecution, can be lured by the idea of becoming a soldier to escape the pain they feel. In interviews from “The Psychological Impact of Child Soldiering” they say, “that hildren are more malleable and adaptable. Thus, they are Estevez 4 easier to indoctrinate, as their moral development is not yet completed and they tend to listen to authorities without questioning them” (Schauer and Elbert).

The conflicts that use children in the battlefield usually start by the breakdown of a government. It becomes difficult to identify those who are recruiting and using children as soldiers, making it difficult to influence them to stop. Child soldiers typically raised in environments of severe violence are often made to commit the worst cruelties and atrocities. The children would be repeatedly exposed to these traumatic stress’, during the most crucial stages of development. This caused mental and physical damages changing their personalities.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is also a common disorder found in children solders, because they are so young they become deprived from a normal and healthy development, impairing their integration into society as a fully functioning being. During the twentieth century the proportion of civilian casualties in armed conflicts has continually increased and is now estimated to be more than ninety percent. Half of the casualties are children, and more than 2 million died as a result of armed conflicts over the last decade.

In addition to that, at least 6 million children have been seriously injured and between 8,000 and 10,000 children are killed by landmines every year (UNICEF, 2005). Seven of the ten countries with the highest rates of deaths of children under the age of five are due to the affects of armed conflicts in the countries. Estevez 5 In “The Psychological Impact of Child Soldiering”, they interview three people who had been child soldiers. The first interview was of a sixteen year old boy who had een an active recruit for three years since the age of thirteen, for the group, Mai- Mat.

His recruitment process was a lot more civil than the other two. He stated that, “l was frightened, since our home was attacked almost every night by bandits and other rebel groups as well, what did I have to lose? Also my parents were too poor to send me to school anymore my mind was made up fast, I Joined my friends and from that boy had served five years after being recruited at age fourteen. He says, “350 strokes were given on my back and buttocks. After a while the pain was so big that I felt that t would be better if I was dead…..

But then I heard a loud voice: “Get up. ” I tried, but I couldn’t sit. I kneeled for almost one hour. I realized that all other children around me had died in the beating. I could see them lying still and not breathing” (Schauer and Elbert 7-8). The next boy was recruited at 13 and served three years as a child soldier, he explains how they would kill other soldiers as punishment, “When people did something really wrong, they got killed as a punishment .. .1 have seen 5 people being killed for severe disobedience during my time with the group.

They were crucified in the forest. Nailed to trees at their hands and feet higher up on tall trees. The nails were thick ones, you would first nail through the palms of the hand and later through the feet” (Schauer and Elbert). Estevez 6 It may seem to the individual that some children Join these groups with their own free will, but in a psychological and social point of view, children’s choices to Join and remain in armed groups cannot be considered Voluntary. There are reasons or circumstances that may lead children to be more accessible to Join a militant group.

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Our Children and the Avalanche of Crud

In the essay “Buried Alive: Our Children and the Avalanche of Crud”, David Denby argues that pop culture is distinctive and damaging to children in the United States today. Pop culture is damaging because media has changed to become three- dimensional, inescapable, omnivorous, and self-referring. Media, according to Denby is everywhere; you cannot step away from the system of it. It has been known to be a commercialized aggression that puts parents on defense. Children now days have become commoditized towards television because they are being sold.

Children are being treated as objects because of how television is influencing them. Television is teaching a child that is it cool to be vulgar. Denby suggest that vulgarity is a concept children do not understand because the makers of commercial cultures teach them not too. Denby argues that the old dream that parents and teachers would nurture the development of a child is now lost. Media has taken over the parental role because it is teaching children negative concepts and parents do not have control over this.

Irony plays a part in this aspect because this is a form of commodity. Media does not only influence children through television but also through the products that you can buy in store or online. I agree with Denby because television shows have taught children to become vulgar and stereotypical. Television shows have become increasingly influential towards children because it has been teaching children about vulgarity and stereotypes in a negative way. In the article, “Why Greek Girls are Tired of ‘Big Bang’ Bullshit,” Kristy Pirone analyzes the elevision show The Big Bang Theory.

The Big Bang Theory according to Pirone is a sexist and stereotypical television show that portrays men to hold a higher archery towards women. Pirone identifies this show by being sexist because “… Lit] accepts the idea that only men can be “geeks” with open arms. ” Chuck Lorre created The Big Bang Theory, the same man who created Two and a Half Men. Lorre is known to create shows with perpetuating stereotypes that could be insulting to men as well as women. These shows are constantly reducing women to nothing more than sex- providers and men to predatory creeps.

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Managing children on watching television

Managing children on watching television The definition for television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, primarily used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. The history of television comprises the work of numerous engineers and inventors in several countries over many decades. The first practical demonstrations of television, however, were developed using electromechanical methods to scan, transmit, and reproduce an image.

As electronic camera and display tubes were perfected, electromechanical television gave way to ll-electronic systems in nearly all applications. Commercially available since the late 1920s, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for advertising, a source of entertainment, and news. In 2009 78 percent of the world’s households owned at least one television set, an increase of 5% over 2003. Television can be used in many ways, such as entertainment, information, and education.

Television can be bad but it can be good if we know how to manage with it. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry states that television viewing can be a powerful influence in eveloping value systems and shaping behavior. Most of us are aware that Sesame Street teaches children who are ready for it, letters and numbers. Research on children’s behavior, school performance, weight, sleeping habits, and brain development back up the assertion that TV is harming our children.

Violent behavior, research has shown that the more hours children spend watching TV, the more likely they are to display aggressive impulses and hostile feelings. This effect has been found to apply whether the televised behavior is performed by a human or by a cartoon character. And aggressive impulses have been found to occur with girls s well as boys and with teenagers and adults as well as children. There are also other behavior that almost likely to occur when we let our children watch television such as, kids who watch more TV start smoking at an earlier age, exposure to alcohol use on TV and in music videos (such as on MTV).

As a parents what can we do to teach our children to view television as a treat or special entertainment. Many of the following suggestions come from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the first one is observe, how do our children act after watching television? Do the certain behavior increase or decrease? After observing you can decide whether to eliminate certain program or not, short term effects are easier to observe but, long term effects are far more difficult.

Listen to our child also can help them to share what are they thinking about the show and let them share their feeling about, by listening we also can ask question and help them to think about what theyVe seen, process it, and clarify values. Monitor the shows children and adolescents are viewing, most programs should be informational, educational, and nonviolent. Choose shows that engage through challenging and interesting content, rather than flashy graphics and oise. Make sure programs are age and developmentally appropriate.

Provide alternatives, when your child says I’m bored, does it become your problem? Or is it an incentive for your child to be creative? Are the raw materials for creativity available? hobbies, and creative play. There are lots of ways to manage children on watching TV shows. We Just need to learn and do research about how to manage rather than shut the TV and ask your children to study. There is a way to do it. Lastly, manage your children on watching TV well is the key to control their behavior.

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Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Children Health And Social Care Essay

Table of contents


Background: Cerebral paralysis ( CP ) affects motor and postural development and causes centripetal upsets and larning disablement. Shock moving ridges are defined as a sequence of sonic pulsations mostly used in the intervention of diseases affecting bone and sinew every bit good as muscular contractures. Radial daze moving ridge therapy ( RSWT ) produces lower extremum force per unit area, longer rise clip and low energy with energy flux denseness as compared with extracorporeal daze wave therapy.

Purpose: The purpose of our survey was to measure the effectivity of RSWT on spasticity and motor map in hemiplegic intellectual paralysis kids.



Cerebral paralysis ( CP ) consequences from an abuse to the underdeveloped cardinal nervous system ( CNS )  that cause terrible physical disablement in childhood with non-progressive syndromes that affect position and motor public presentation. The most common damage is hemiplegia in which born babes had a individual hemisphere hurt in most instances.

The major job of CP is spasticity which is defined as a velocity-dependent opposition of musculus to stretch. Spasticity may take to musculoskeletal jeopardies such as contractures, hurting, and subluxation. The riddance of spasticity licenses many intellectual paralysis kids to utilize what selective motor control they possess more efficaciously and functionally.

Most CP instances with spasticity are managed by a utilizing of a combination of modes throughout childhood. The usage of a combination of physical therapy modes can increase the benefits of spasticity control. Various curative modes and attacks are used to pull off spasticity, including unwritten medicines, injection therapy, orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery and rehabilitation therapy.

One of the recent modes which used in the physical therapy field is shock moving ridge therapy. The daze moving ridge was foremost applied in 1980 to patients with kidney rocks. It was applied in either extracorporeal or radial daze moving ridge therapy.

Extracorporeal daze moving ridge therapy ( ESWT ) is a sequence of sonic pulsations with by high extremum force per unit area ( 100 MPa ) , fast force per unit area rise ( & lt ; 10 N ) and short continuance ( 10 I?s ) . While radial daze moving ridge therapy ( RSWT ) is a pneumatically generated low to medium-energy daze moving ridge that is produced by acceleration of a missile inside the intervention handpiece and transmitted radially from the tip of the applier to the mark zone. The force per unit area and the energy denseness lessening by the 3rd power of the incursion deepness in the tissue. RSWT produced lower extremum force per unit area, longer rise clip and low energy with energy flux denseness ( EFD ) less than 0.1 mJ/mm2 ) as compared with ESWT.

Many surveies have demonstrated ESWT in the intervention of bone diseases like pseudoarthrosis and calcified tendonitis of the shoulder and in soft tissue diseases like epicondylitis, plantar fasciitis, and sinew hurts, particularly in jocks.

ESWT was effectual in cut downing the hypertonus in patients with shot in comparing with placebo. Long last clinical consequence of ESWT suggested its possible usage for patients with muscular hypertonus . Amelio and Manganotti, showed that ESWT can alter the postural attitude and organic structure stableness of kids with CP by a lessening in hypertonus in the plantar flexor musculuss of the treated limb with an addition in the base of support at that side.

In order to mensurate the alteration in spasticity degree objectively, a broad assortment of electrophysiological physiological reaction surveies have been performed to measure spasticity and research neural circuits within the spinal cord. The H -reflex trial can be utile for the nonsubjective step of motor neuron hyper-excitability. Besides, the ratio of the maximal amplitude of the H- physiological reaction to maximum M- amplitude ( H/M ratio ) is an nonsubjective step of motor neuron hyper-excitability. In instance of spasticity, the H -reflex depression is significantly lower in spastic patients. Increased H/M ratio means increasing the irritability degree while the reduced H/M ratio means diminishing the irritability degree. Increased H/M ratio has been reported in the spastic stage of unilateral paralysis and it is considered the preferable index for measuring the motor nerve cell pool irritability of the spastic side in hemiplegic patients.The decrease of amplitude of these measurings demonstrates decrease of spasticity in those patients.

A survey conducted to measure the effects of using ESWT on spasticity by utilizing by analyzing F moving ridge and H-reflex of the gastrocnemius in hemiplegic shot patients. The determination showed that there were no important effects of ESWT on the conductivity speed, distal latency and amplitude of tibial nervus conductivity, minimum latency of tibial nervus F moving ridge, latency, or H/M ratio of H-reflex in either the healthy or stroke group. However, the modified Ashworth graduated table ( MAS ) of plantar flexor was significantly reduced after using ESWT in the shot group. Besides, Yoo et al. ,reported that there was no consequence of ESWT ‘s on lower limb spasticity in shot patients, and its mechanism is still unknown.

Sohn, et Al. ,  inquired that farther surveies is needed for measuring the decreased degree of spasticity by ESWT on functional abilities such as ambulation or activities of day-to-day populating with stressing that farther surveies refering the most effectual degree of strength, figure of ESWT interventions, and continuance of curative consequence, demand to be conducted in a larger figure of patients.

Although RSWT has been successfully used since the late ninetiess for the direction of assorted orthopaedic upsets, really small clinical survey – for the available literature – has yet been performed in the intervention of spasticity in intellectual paralysis kids. The purpose of our survey was to measure the effectivity of RSWT on spasticity and motor map in hemiplegic intellectual paralysis kids.



56 kids ( 32 male childs and 24 misss ) were take parting in this survey. Their age runing from ( 6-8 ) old ages with a mean ( 7 A± 1.2 ) were indiscriminately selected and participated in this survey. Patients were referred to Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation section of El-Noor Hospital, Makkah, Saudi Arabia and selected harmonizing to the inclusion and exclusion standards.

The inclusion standards

The inclusion standards were as follows: The participated kids had a confirmed diagnosing of hemiplegic intellectual paralysis in the prenatal, perinatal, or postpartum period confirmed by magnetic resonance images obtained from medical records or personal doctors. The grade of spasticity in involved lower appendage harmonizing to modified Ashworth graduated table ranged between classs 1, 1+ and 2.

The degrees of gross motor map runing between degrees I through III harmonizing to Gross Motor Function Classification System ( GMFCS ). Persons with GMFCS degree I ambulate independently without restrictions, but may hold restrictions in more advanced gross motor accomplishments ; individuals with degree II ambulate independently but have restrictions walking out-of-doorss and in the community ; and individuals with degree III ambulate with an assistive device. Children were cognitively competent and able to understand and follow instructions. There were no serious medical complications harmonizing to the medical study signed by their doctor. During the survey, kids were non having other intercessions to better involved lower appendage map.

The exclusion standards

The exclusion standards included kids who had ocular job that would forestall them from executing the intercession, , uncontrolled ictuss, had no recent history of spasticity-altering specially for tendoachilis and calf musculuss in the affected limb.They were at least one twelvemonth station orthopedic or neurological surgery, 6 months post botulinus toxin type A ( Botox ) injections, and had no history of spasticity medicine within 3 months prior to proving. Children were besides excluded if there were fixed contractures or stiffness in the affected lower appendage that would restrict activity battle.

Treatment groups

The participated kids divided into two groups. The first group ( 35 participants ) received traditional neurodevelopmental physical therapy rehabilitation plan in add-on to RSWT. The other control group ( 21 participants ) received the same plan but with placebo daze wave therapy. The traditional plan consists of beef uping exercisings, stretching exercisings, postural reactions facilitation exercisings, automatic inhibiting forms except for Achilless sinews of affected limb, pace preparation. The plan last for an hr, three times / hebdomad for 6 hebdomads.

A individual blinded randomised clinical test was used as the patients did non cognize in which group was assigned and which intervention would be taken. Randomization was performed merely by inquiring the one of the parents to take a piece of one of two documents in which A, B missive was written. ( A ) considered as a RSWT group, while ( B ) considered as a traditional exercising group. All parents were given a full account of the intervention protocol and a written informed consent signifier to subscribe their understanding for engagement in the survey and publication of the consequences. The survey was approved by the Ethics Review Committee of the module of applied medical scientific discipline, Um Al Qura University and parents signed a consent signifier authorising the kid ‘s engagement.

Appraisal of GMFM:

The GMFM is a standard mention tool designed to mensurate alteration in gross motor map over clip in kids with motor damage, and has been validated for sensitiveness to alter in kids with CP. The judges ( physical healers ) who performed all the appraisals throughout the survey did non take portion in the intercession plan. They besides had non been informed about which group was belonged ( blind assessors ) . The GMFM was used to measure alterations in gross motor accomplishment and mobility. Merely the points from the walk/run/jump dimension were administered. Both the GMFM-88 and GMFM-66 tonss were used to take advantage of the improved grading with the GMFM-66.

H/M ratio rating:

Before get downing the measuring, the kid was prepared for entering by cleaning the sites of stimulating and entering electrodes by rubbing the tegument utilizing intoxicant. The process was repeated until the tegument becomes somewhat ruddy to guarantee removing of the degenerated cells and take downing the tegument opposition. Precautions were taken to avoid skin annoyance particularly at the exciting site. Then the kid was placed in prone place comfortably on the scrutiny tabular array. The pess were placed over the border of the tabular array or supported with a pillow placed under the mortise joint, so that the mortise joints were placed in a impersonal relaxed place. The caput of the kid was kept in mid place to avoid the evocation of any crude physiological reaction, which may change the distribution of tone over the kid ‘s organic structure during entering. The recording was conducted from the soleus musculus where the active ( negative ) electrode was placed along the mid-dorsal line of the lower leg, 2 centimeter below the point of separation of the gasterocnemius and secured by adhesive plaster. The other indifferent ( positive ) electrode was placed distal to the active electrode in a consecutive line over the tendoachillis and secured by adhesive plaster. The Earth electrode was placed between the stimulating and entering electrodes. The stimulating electrode was placed over the tibial nervus merely median to the center of the articulatio genus fold in the popliteal pit. The stimulus continuance was 0.1msec. , which makes it more selective for exciting the sensory nerve La nervus fibres and evokes a stable H-reflex. Stimulation was at the rate of one time every 3 seconds to avoid barricading response and let full recording of the automatic response. After puting up the kid decently on the tabular array and adequately suiting the different electrodes in the antecedently described places, bifocal nervus stimulation was conducted by utilizing EMG stimulator.

Shock wave therapy

A RSWT device ( shock maestro 500 ) consisting of a control unit, a 15 millimeter handpiece and a medical air compressor ( 40 dubnium, 8 saloon, 50l/min ) was used. The compressor generates a pneumatic energy ( Positive end product force per unit area: 18.5 Mpa, Frequency scope: 1 to 21 Hz, Max. energy denseness: 0.38 mJ/mmA? ) that is used to speed up a missile inside the handpiece. The RSWT was administered utilizing a V-ACTOR manus piece ( applicator diameter 15 millimeter ) . Each kid in the intervention session received 1,500 urges per session ( 500 urges with a force per unit area of 0.5 saloon and a frequence of 15 Hz and 1,000 urges with a force per unit area of 1.0 saloon and a frequence of 20 Hz ) , an EFD of 0.10 mJ/mm2, and a fixed impulse clip of 2 msecs. The intervention country was prepared with a matching gel ( ultrasound gel ) to minimise the loss of shock-wave energy at the interface between applier tip and tegument.

The force per unit area pulsations were focused on the hypertonic musculuss of the lower limb: shootings were used to handle each gastrocnemius musculuss and soleus musculuss chiefly in the center of the belly. Because low energy is used, the therapy is painless and does non necessitate the usage of anaesthesia, analgetic drugs or utilizing an ultrasound arrow usher during application. A placebo intervention was applied with the indistinguishable instrumentality. The same high-intensity sound was utilized in all patients.

Outcome step

Evaluation of alterations in gross motor accomplishment utilizing the GMFM and the spasticity alterations by determined by measuring H/M ratio and entering the sum of take downing in this per centum between pre and station intervention scenes were the mensurating result.

Statistical analysis

A descriptive statistical computation of the mean and standard divergence was performed. Clinical and electrophysiological values for each patient were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed-rank and Mann Whitney trial. The degree of significance was set at 0.05 for all trials.


60 intellectual paralysis kids with spastic unilateral paralysiss were take parting in the survey. A figure of 5 kids were excluded from the engagement because they did non finish the intervention agenda. Merely 32 male childs and 24 misss with spastic unilateral paralysiss were included in this survey. There was a non-significant difference in the mean of kid ‘s age between intervention groups where the average age in Shock wave group was ( 7 A± 0.85 ) and ( 7 A± 0.65 ) in traditional group.


Evaluation of the pretest value of the daze moving ridge group and traditional group by Mann-Whitney trial revealed a no important difference between the pretest values where the P value was 0.0821 and the average rank of the pretest was 25.17 for daze moving ridge and 35.02 for traditional.

Wilcoxon matched pairs trial demonstrated a important consequence in the ESWT group where P & lt ; 0.0001 with a important betterments in GMFM as compared consequence of post-test to pre-test value. Besides, there was a important addition in the post-test values in traditional group P & lt ; 0.0001 as compared to pre-test values.

In order to compare between the consequence of the post-test consequence between the two intervention groups, Wilcoxon signed rank trial was applied and revealed that there was a important difference between the two intervention groups where the average rank of the ESWT group was 35.02 and traditional group was 15.7 and the P & lt ; 0.0001.

H/M ratio:

Mann-Whitney trial compared the pretest value of the alterations in the H/M ratio between the ESWT group and traditional group and revealed a no important difference between the pretest values where the P value was 0.227 and the average rank of the pretest was 30.53 for daze wave 25.12 for traditional as shown in tabular array ( 1-2 ) .

Wilcoxon matched pairs trial demonstrated a important consequence in the ESWT and traditional groups where P & lt ; 0.0001 with a important lessening in the H/M ratio as compared consequence of post-test to pre-test value. Besides, there was a important lessening in the post-test values in traditional group P & lt ; 0.0001 as compared to pre-test values. Wilcoxon signed rank trial was applied and revealed no important difference between the two intervention groups where the average rank of the ESWT group was 27.63 and traditional group was 29.95 and the p=0.605.


The consequence of this survey showed important decrease in GMFM and H/M ratio station intervention as compared with pretreatment in the two survey groups.

The H-reflex trial as Akbayrak et al. , explained can be utile for the nonsubjective step of motor neuron hyperex-citability Although assorted techniques for this survey have been introduced, the ratio of the maximal amplitude of H-reflex to maximum M-amplitude ( H/M ratio ) is most practical because of the easier technique. H/M ratios tend to be increased in patients with CNS lesions and upper motor nerve cell marks, and enlisting curves are altered in a mode consistent with increased irritability of the cardinal motor nerve cell pool. Conversely, H reflexes during cataplexy are depressed. H-reflex surveies in patients with CNS disfunction have been helpful for understanding the pathophysiology of these upsets.

Many Potential benefits could deduce from RSWT, compared with ESWT, because it is less painful consequence and therefore can be administered without anaesthesia, thereby cut downing the hazards of intervention for patients. Furthermore, due to the radial emanation of RSWT, the calcification, one time located radiographically, is certainly included inside the moving ridge extension country. Contrarily, when the daze moving ridge is focused, as occurs in the ESWT, refocusing of the applier is sporadically necessary to be certain that the moving ridges hit the calcification. Furthermore, no ultrasound usher is needed to execute curative applications of RSWT.

Possible repressive effects of daze moving ridges on hypertonic musculuss and sinews might be attributed to the consequence of mechanical stimulations of daze moving ridges on the musculus fibres following to the sinew that can non be excluded as suggested by ( Leone and Kukulka. Besides uninterrupted or intermittent tendon force per unit area produced by daze moving ridge could diminish the spinal irritability without durable clinical or neurophysiological effects. Another possible mechanism was the mechanical vibratory stimulation, which reduces irritability of motor nerve cells and induces the alteration of F moving ridge. Despite transitory and short enduring repressive continuance of mechanical vibratory stimulation on musculus, the clinical consequences of this survey continued for hebdomads and assisted in suppression of monosynaptic irritability of tendoachillis as revealed by take downing of the H/M ratio in the survey group.This happening proposing a different mechanism of action need farther probe and account.

Geldard in his work found that Pressure technique has been therapeutically effectual to change motor response and when force per unit area is continuously applied, there is a diminution in sensitiveness. Tuttle and Mc Clearly [ 33 ] added that mechanical force per unit area ( force ) , provided continuously is repressive, possibly because of force per unit area version. It is hypothesized that this deep force per unit area activates pacinian atoms, which are quickly altered receptor ; nevertheless, the version may change with the strength of stimulation and with the country of the organic structure being stimulated. This force per unit area seemed most effectual on sinewy interpolations.

Pacinian Corpuscles as Quillin explained are located deep in The corium of the tegument: in entrails, mesenteries, and ligaments and near blood vass. They are most plentiful in the colloidal suspensions of the pess, where they seem to exercise some influence on position, place, and ambulation. The pacinian atoms adapt rapidly and they are activated by deep force per unit area and speedy stretch of tissues.

Umphred et al. , reported that Because of the rapid version, a kept up stimulation will efficaciously do suppression by forestalling farther stimulations from come ining the system. The technique of deep force per unit area is applied to hypersensitive countries to normalise skin responses. Besides, they recommended that changeless force per unit area applied over the sinews of the wrist flexors may stifle flexor hypertonicity every bit good as elongate the tight facia over the sinewy interpolation. The force per unit area is applied across the sinew with increasing force per unit area until musculuss relax.

Pierson recommended that the kept up force per unit area is effectual in cut downing spasticity if it is applied to the sinew than the musculus belly. It is thought to move as a counter thorn that overwhelms centripetal ability to intercede other types of stimulation. H-reflex testing has shown that the motor nerve cell is inhibited in the sinew being pressed.

In their work about the consequence of soleus musculus force per unit area on alpha motor neuron automatic irritability in topics with spinal cord hurt ( SCI ) Robichaud and Agostinucci found that Circumferential force per unit area applied to the lower leg decreased soleus musculus alpha motor neuron automatic irritability in topics with SCI.

The consequences of survey tested the effectivity of intermittent tendon force per unit area on the depression of alpha motor neuron irritability. Kukulkaet al. , showed that the application of intermittent force per unit area to a sinew produced a statistically important lessening in the amplitude of the H physiological reaction, bespeaking a depression in alpha motor neuron irritability. This depression was sustained over a 30-second period of intermittent force per unit area application. These findings support those reported earlier by KuKulka et al. ,  in which sustained tendon force per unit area was found to bring forth a transeunt suppression of motor neuron irritability. Intermittent tendon force per unit area, hence, may be utile for patients who require a sustained decrease in musculus activity, and sustained tendon force per unit area may turn out most utile for transeunt decreases in musculus tone.

Sing to the repressive consequence of quiver, Maisden in their surveies showed that Because its ability to diminish allergic tactile receptors through supraspinal ordinance, local quiver is considered an inhibitory technique. Vibration besides stimulates cuteaneous receptors, specifically the pacinian atoms, and therefore can besides be classified an extroceptive modes. Vibrators function with frequence below 75 Hz is thought to hold an repressive consequence on normal musculus.

Umphred et al. ,  concluded that low-frequency quiver used alternately with force per unit area can be extremely effectual. It should be remembered that these combined inputs use different neurophysiological mechanisms.

Vibration is an effectual manner to stamp down the H-reflex as stated by Delwaide. , and Braddom & A ; Johnson. Somerville and Ashby added that Using a vibrating stimulation to the Achilles sinew in the limb under probe consequences in depression of the H-reflex that may outlive the continuance of the quiver by several hundred msecs. The mechanism of H-reflex suppression as explained by Taylor et al. , is unknown but may affect presynaptic suppression through primary spindle sensory nerve fire or neurotransmitter depletion.

The consequences of this survey agreed with the determination of the work done by Manganotti and Amelio who used 1,500 shootings of daze moving ridge to handle flexor musculuss of the forearm and 800 shootings for each interosseus musculus of the manus with 0.030 mJ/mm2 strength. They reported that ESWT on the flexor hypertonic musculuss of the forearm and the interosseus musculuss of the manus was effectual for the betterment of upper limb spasticity in shot patients for more than12 hebdomads.

Besides the determination of Yoo et Al. proved important decrease of spasticity on the cubitus flexor and carpus pronator for 1 to 4 hebdomads after 1,000 shootings of ESWT with 0.069 mJ/mm2 strength.

In their survey aimed for measuring the spasticity and electrophysiologic effects of using extracorporeal daze wave therapy ( ESWT ) to the gastrocnemius by analyzing F moving ridge and H-reflex. Sohn et al. , concluded that after using ESWT on the gastrocnemius in shot patients, the spasticity of the mortise joint plantarflexor was significantly improved, with no alterations of F wave or H-reflex parametric quantities. They recommended that farther surveies are needed to measure the mechanisms of the antispastic consequence of ESWT.

The important betterment in the development of walking accomplishment in the participant kids in the survey group might be due to the application of traditional neurodevelopmental intercession technique in add-on to the long permanent decrease of spasticity produced by daze moving ridge therapy and its function in take downing calf musculus spasticity.This inhibitory consequence on tendoachillis hypertonus assist the kids in the survey group to develop their motor map and walking abilities which was positively reflected on the gross motor map step mark in the walk-to portion following station intervention period

The transition of Achilles tendon hypertonicity and its influence on bettering motor functional and walking abilities for hypertonic CP kids is attendant with the position of Natarajan and Ribbans who strongly affirmed on that “ Achilles sinew is involved in a assortment of padiatric conditions ” .So its shortening or failing is a characteristic of many neurological conditions impacting the cardinal or peripheral nervous system such as intellectual paralysis. And Achilles tendon spasticity, failing or contractures in these conditions lead to detaining of walking and pace abnormalcies.


A individual active RSWT significantly cut down spasticity and better map compared with placebo in kids with intellectual paralysis.

Practical applications

RSWT are effectual tools that could be used individually or in combination with neurodevelopmental technique in intervention of kids with spastic unilateral paralysis.


The writers would wish to show their grasp to all patints participated in this survey with all content and cooperation and particular thanks to our co-workers at the Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Umm AL-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.

Conflict of involvement

There are no fiscal and personal relationships with other people or organisations that could unsuitably act upon this work.


This research received no specific grant from any support bureau in the populace, commercial, or non-profit-making sectors.

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Difference To The Lives Of Children Education Essay

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ( UNCRC ) creates the consciousness of the predicaments of kids in poorness, as such, issues refering to kids are given higher precedence during policies-making in international every bit good as national dockets.

UNCRC sets the basic criterions for local authoritiess to supply for and to protect the kids in footings of basic demands like wellness, nutrition, instruction and other facets. It was adopted by United Nations in 1989 as a tool to protect the best involvement of the kid and to guarantee that all kids have the right of life, endurance and development. Since 1989, UNCRC has been adopted by all but two states. UNCRC and every kid affairs ( 2006 ) states that all kids have a right to life and authoritiess must guarantee that all kids survive and stay healthy. As states are obliged to do regular studies to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the province authoritiess do hold moral duties to supply for the kids. State authoritiess are besides farther required to carry through certain demands when using for AIDSs from international bureaus. One of the conditions may be to supply for and to protect kids ( UNICEF, 2005: p.30 ) .

In add-on, since the bend of the century, authorities organic structures and international bureaus have focused largely on the rights of kids. Most of the UN millenary development ends is to concentrate on the realisation of the rights of kids, such as to convey kids out of poorness, rights to wellness, instruction and endurance ( UNICEF, 2005: p.8 ) .

Further to UNCRC avowal on rights of instruction, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child interpret instruction to get down from birth and is aligned to the right of development of the kid. As such, much significance is given to ECEC in policies development globally.

Surveies have shown intercession in early childhood may be important for the development of a kid. Early childhood instruction and attention ( ECEC ) may be referred to high quality attention for immature kids from birth. It includes educating parents to supply and care for kids in the facets of wellness, nutrition, larning and development ( Annan, 2001: p.63 ) . Harmonizing to Siraj- Blatchford ( 2009 ) , it is believed that kids who have entree to early childhood attention and instruction may do better in their hereafter development. Children from hapless background may hold equal opportunity to travel out of the poorness rhythm through early instruction as early intercessions may hold positive benefits in the long tally ( Heckman, 2006b as cited by Siraj-Blatchford & A ; Woodhead, 2009 ) .

Harmonizing to Conley ‘s human capital theory, investing in immature kids will convey the greatest return to society in the hereafter. This is concurred in the human development instance as explained in Siraj-Batchford and Woodhead ( 2009 ) which states that intercession in early old ages will forestall loss of development potency in the kids.

Governments and international bureaus invest in early childhood attention and instruction on the apprehension that people contribute to the state ‘s wealth. The economic benefits generated from investing in ECEC will churn greater additions in the hereafter as it will take down wellness and societal hazards, like offense rates. In return, it will better kids ‘s development which is translated to occupations accomplishments and higher worker productiveness in future ( Siraj-Blatchford & A ; Woodhead, 2009 ) .

Another principle for early intercession in ECEC is the societal justness instance. All people should be given equal opportunities in life. Governments and international bureaus may be committed to guarantee all people have the same rights to instruction. Furthermore, it is through instruction that people learn the cardinal attitudes and values to make good ( Siraj-Blatchford & A ; Woodhead, 2009 ) .

State authoritiess and international bureaus have their ain dockets in perpetrating to the UNCRC. However, in order for UNCRC to do a difference to kids, authorities and international bureaus must put precedences on the rights of kids when forcing for economic and societal growing. Early childhood attention and instruction must be of primary precedence as it is the kid ‘s right and non as a consequence of edifice human capital or for social-economic returns.

Surveies have shown that the more effectual programmes include all facets such as wellness, nutrition and development every bit good as parental and community engagement. Arango ( 2009 ) concur active engagement from households, communities and all stakeholders are necessary to do ECEC programmes successful. This is in the instance of PROMESA in Columbia, whereby the households and communities are actively involved in the programmes. As such, UNCRC does do a difference if the international bureaus, province authoritiess, communities and households are committed to advance kid ‘s right.

It may be disputing to supply quality early childhood attention and instruction to battle poorness. The relevancy of early childhood theoretical accounts, societal and cultural context, co-ordination within households, communities and authorities organic structures play an of import function in developing appropriate intercession programme to assist kids in poorness reach their full potency in mental and societal development ( Siraj-Blatchford & A ; Woodhead, 2009 ) .

For illustration, in the instance of a developed state, like USA, one of the aims of ECEC is to enable adult females to hold equal engagement in the work force and to enable kids to larn and socialise ( Penn, 2005 ) . As early intercession to control poorness may non be the chief precedence, ECEC is left to private operators which result in inequalities in quality of programme ( Siraj-Blatchford & A ; Woodhead, 2009 ) .

Inequality of quality and entree as private sectors tend to provide to the flush and non put up in poorer parts of the states. For illustration, in USA, ECEC is left to single suppliers so the quality of attention and instruction is variable and there is unjust entree to these services ( Penn, 2005 ) . Individual suppliers are besides more likely to put up ECEC Centres in urban countries and this may be incompatible with the authorities purpose to supply quality instruction for all kids.

UNCRC may be an international jurisprudence, nevertheless, it has no legal legal power in the states which have adopted it. Furthermore, the reading of UNCRC may be affected by the cultural values of the states ( Maynard & A ; Thomas, 2009 ) . As such, the quality of early childhood instruction and attention may be affected. As in the instance of Malawi, the ECEC set up in rural countries are community-based with hapless plan and unqualified staff. In add-on the stigma of AIDS maintain some of the kids ostracized and as a consequence did non go to ECEC ( Clark & A ; Tucker, 2010 ) .

In the twelvemonth 2000, UN millenary development ends were identified and set to be achieved by 2015. However, these ends which target chiefly the rights of the kid have non been achieved as yet. Childs are still populating in poorness and hapless wellness. Diseases such as HIV, TB and malaria is prevailing.

In order for UNCRC to do a difference to kids, province authoritiess and international bureaus must be committed puting kids in first precedence. All determinations in nation-building every bit good as economic growing should be considered with the rights of kids in head.

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Polygamy and Children

Imagine a young girl of twelve marrying a man of forty whom she has never seen before and being forced to produce children until her body is physically unable to perform a safe pregnancy. Imagine the girl being brainwashed and beaten for contradicting with a belief held by another man and forced to stay in her community for her entire life without knowing anything of the outside world. This scary world exists not just in imagination, but in the form of marriage known as polygamy.

Found in almost every country, including the United States but prevalently in Islamic socitey, the practice is considered a right to a select few and a bane to the majority of others. Polygamy is a way of life that should not be allowed in society due to the fact that it creates male-dominated marriages, forces women into subordinate roles, and produces unworkable families full of strife, abuse and incest. Polygamy is a form of marriage in which a person has more than one spouse at a time; it most often occurs in the form of polygyny, when a man has multiple wives.

Although the practice has been illegal in the United States for over one hundred years, it is estimated that over 30,000 citizens are involved in plural marriages. Although marriage is considered to be the mutual forming of a bond between a couple, in many polygamous marriages women are forced into the role of wife. They have no choice but to become subservient to their husband. From an early age they are taught of male dominance and are brainwashed by their culture and religion to refuse to the polygamy practice. Practice of polygamy in religion

Polygamy is a very ancient practice found in many human societies. The Bible did not condemn polygamy. To the contrary, the Old Testament and Rabbinic writings frequently attest to the legality of polygamy. King Solomon is said to have had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Also, king David is said to have had many wives and concubines. The Old Testament does have some injunctions on how to distribute the property of a man among his sons from different wives. The only restriction on polygamy is a prohibit on taking a wife’s sister as a rival wife.

Jews continued to practice polygamy until the sixteenth century. Oriental Jews regularly practiced polygamy until they arrived in Israel where it is forbidden under civil law. The Quran, contrary to the Bible, limited the maximum number of wives to four under the strict condition of treating the wives equally and justly. It should not be understood that the Quran is exhorting the believers to practice polygamy, or that polygamy is considered as an ideal. In other words, the Quran has “tolerated” or “allowed” polygamy, and no more, but why? Why is polygamy permissible ?

The answer is simple: there are places and times in which there are compelling social and moral reasons for polygamy. As Quranic verse indicates, the issue of polygamy in Islam cannot be understood apart from community obligations towards orphans and widows. Islam as a universal religion suitable for all places and all times could not ignore these compelling obligations. Eventhough that is what Quran said most men practices it due to their success demonstration in their economy and social, us we saw it in Xala movie El hajd didn’t marry his third wife because she was widow or orphan.

In most human societies, females outnumber males. In the U. S. there are, at least, eight million more women than men. In a country like Guinea there are 122 females for every 100 males. In Tanzania, there are 95. 1 males per 100 females. What should a society do towards such unbalanced sex ratios? There are various solutions, some might suggest celibacy, others would prefer female infanticide (which does happen in some societies in the world today ! ). Others may think the only outlet is that the society should tolerate all manners of sexual permissiveness: prostitution, sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, etc.

For other societies , like most African societies today, the most honorable outlet is to allow polygamous marriage as a culturally accepted and socially respected institution. The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women in other cultures do not necessarily look at polygamy as a sign of women’s degradation. For example, many young African brides , whether Christians or Muslims or otherwise, would prefer to marry a married man who has already proved himself to be a responsible husband. The problem of the unbalanced sex ratios becomes truly problematic at times of war.

Native American Indian tribes used to suffer highly unbalanced sex ratios after wartime losses. Women in these tribes, who in fact enjoyed a fairly high status, accepted polygamy as the best protection against indulgence in indecent activities. European settlers, without offering any other alternative, condemned this Indian polygamy as ‘uncivilised’ After the second world war, there were 7,300,000 more women than men in Germany (3. 3 million of them were widows). There were 100 men aged 20 to 30 for every 167 women in that age group.

Many of these women needed a man not only as a companion but also as a provider for the household in a time of unprecedented misery and hardship. The soldiers of the victorious Allied Armies exploited these women’s vulnerability. Many young girls and widows had liaisons with members of the occupying forces. Many American and British soldiers paid for their pleasures in cigarettes, chocolate, and bread. Children were overjoyed at the gifts these strangers brought. A 10 year old boy on hearing of such gifts from other children wished from all his heart for an ‘Englishman’ for his mother so that she need not go hungry any longer.

We have to ask our own conscience at this point: What is more dignifying to a woman? An accepted and respected second wife as in the native Indians’ approach, or a virtual prostitute as in the ‘civilised’ Allies approach? It is interesting to note that in an international youth conference held in Munich in 1948 the problem of the highly unbalanced sex ratio in Germany was discussed. When it became clear that no solution could be agreed upon, some participants suggested polygamy. The initial reaction of the gathering was a mixture of shock and disgust.

However, after a careful study of the proposal, the participants agreed that it was the only possible solution. Consequently, polygamy was included among the conference final recommendations. Polygamy and its impact on mental and emotional health of women and children Children develop self-esteem and a sense of well-being when they are raised in a nurturing and loving environment. If abandoned by either parent, children may feel unwanted or unloved. When attention and praise are withdrawn, or absent, children often respond by becoming anxious and depresses. we heard many real life story of abused women and children coming rom broken families.

I was brought up in a society who are 60% practice polygamy and friend with who are abandoned women and children due to polygamy. Brought up with neglected wives’ and children suffering from emotional abuse and misuse of polygamy, I concluded that Children in polygamous household can experience a greater risk of neglect from their parents when father’s love and support is absent, distorted, or divided unequally. Young children are directly affected by their mothers’ emotions and in polygamous families their rate of depression and anxiety is positively correlated with their mothers’ sense of insecurity and depression.

A high number of these children exhibit symptoms of severe depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, self destructive behavior with tendency towards violence. It is emotionally devastating for children when their mothers are abandoned in favor of new wives”. Furthermore, preferential treatment of children according to who is their mother causes a sense of lack of worth for children in polygamous households. Children of the first wife often feel abandoned and unwanted when the father neglects them and their mother, in favor of newer wives and their children.

Domestic violence is a serious risk in these households as parents may attack one another or the children of less favored wives, or the children from one mother may attack the children from a different mother. Aside from the actual physical harm experienced by young victims of domestic violence, this abusive environment can seriously affect the victims’ mental development and health. This in turn increases the chance that they become perpetrators of acts of violence. The health of the mother, mentally and physically, also has an effect on the development of the child, as early as in the womb.

When a mother feels anxious, this anxiety is transmitted to the child and increases the child’s risk for mental illness. When mothers worry about the stability of the household, children become insecure. This may affect their performance in school or how they interact with family members and other children. In one case, three young sisters supported by Ensan charity center all quit school due to lack of motivation and severe depression. Economically, polygamy makes it even more difficult for a father to provide for all of his children because it becomes more likely that he will have many children.

Even fathers who wish to be involved in the lives of all of their children find that they must spend most of their time away from their family in order to provide financial security for their children and wives. When fathers fail to do so, the consequences are dire. Children and mothers experience emotional and financial depravation. In an attempt to find a sense of self-worth, belonging or a father figure, these children are more vulnerable to following people who encourage them to engage in violent behavior.

Those children who do not behave aggressively towards others may often turn to drugs or alcohol, experience mental and emotional difficulties, or they may exhibit some kind of behavioral problems. The difficulties of being a supportive, loving father are often noticed by the fathers themselves. One illustration of the difficulties may be found in the International Herald Tribune account of the life of Abdu Hemmed Bekit,, who lives in Qatar with his five wives, 65 children and 82 grandchildren. When interviewed about his large family he says that he regrets not having only one wife.

In order to prevent wives from competing with one another, he was forced to build their homes far apart, which made it harder for him to spend time with all of his children. Bekit is so opposed to polygamy that he has forbidden his sons to take more than one wife and has taught all of his daughters to refuse to become second wives. His feelings come not out of shame, but a reality check. He now knows that his wives would become jealous of one another and pick on the weakest ones. On several occasions, he has come across children that he did not realize were his.

Feeding, clothing and sheltering so many children have also been large financial challenges for Bekit. However, as a successful businessman of his village, Bekit has been able to provide for his family. But this is often not the case. It is quite common for fathers to abandon their families when they cannot provide for them. Frequently, the eldest sons will drop out of school in order to find jobs to support the family. This in turn makes it more unlikely that he will be able to support his own family when it is time for him to marry. These various difficulties illustrate that the practice of polygamy affects everyone in the family.

Polygamy can endanger family, the pillar of the society in the most serious way. If the family structure collapses, the wreckage is felt by all. If a man takes more than one wife, he is commanded to treat them all equally. But, who ensures that all the wives and children are treated equally and justly? Are the men able to recognize their unjust behavior ever? Are those who misuse religion guide-line of polygamy ever able to recognize their unjust behavior? We covered the sad story in Her Three Days and Xala movie, where there any wife or children happy about the third or fourth marriage?

Weren’t they very sad? A common theme throughout both Xala and Things Fall Apart is the practice of polygamy. Both texts, examine the effects of polygamous life for both the husband and wives. The ideas of masculinity and femininity within marriage and polygamous society are scrutinized within the novels, giving the reader a broader picture of the cultural dimensions of polygamy. The two texts, varying greatly in style and subject, highlight the differences of both rural vs. urban polygamy and traditional vs. modern polygamy.

The marriages of Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart represent traditional, rural polygamy, which is an accepted social norm within Ibo society. Okonkwo’s wives live together in what might be called a “sisterhood” within the family farm. In contrast, El Hadji’s marriages in Xala represent modern, urban polygamy, a practice that is tied to an individual’s religion (Islam) and economic success rather than the society as a whole. Despite the variances of polygamy within the novels, both highlight the effects on the perception of masculinity and femininity within polygamous relationships.

Both novels highlight that the number of wives a polygamous man can acquire and support is a direct reflection on his masculinity. With these wives, he is expected to be a caretaker and provider, but constantly assert his dominance, as to not appear weak. Alternatively, the wives of polygamous marriages are encouraged to be passive and complacent, the picture of perfect feminine etiquette. They are supposed to show no jealousy or hatred towards their fellow wives, even as they compete for their husband’s affections.

They are to know their status as objects of their husband. To prevent domestic abuse and social disintegrations, each member of the Society must have an interest for the welfare of women and children. The suffering of neglected wives and children should be everyone’s concern. If authorities do not concern themselves with the family welfare, the society becomes weaker, for the status of families has a profound impact on the strength or the weakness of society. Ultimately, when Women and children suffer, society suffers and pays the price as a whole.

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Role Reversal between Children and Adults

#1) There are certain dangers that parents often over look even if they try to pamper their child and one of which is the new culture that has emerged in our very home (Beder, 1998). This brings far more danger to their child than they can imagine. Consumerism is what advertisers teach our children as they bombard them with advertisements of junk foods, toys and basically any product that has children as their target.

They teach children the freedom to choose from tons of flavors of junk foods that they release in the market making the parents obliged to ask the preferences of their children before buying the product. The parents therefore have less or no influence on the food or toys for their children. They buy what their children want to simply avoid the “nagging factor” from their children and to save time in returning food that their children does not want to eat. This in a way reverses the role of the parent and child where the parent ought to decide for their children.

In this generation, parents give in to their children when it comes to food and toys. Children at the age of five now have the freedom to choose what kind of food they want and the toys they want to play with. Since these children have no purchasing power, they turn to their parents who give in to their demands. The parents claim that their children know a lot more of the products than they do. This can be attributed to the fact that magazines for children have most of the pages allotted for junk food and toy advertisements.

At an early age the children are thought about commercialism and the culture of consumerism even if they have no purchasing power, thus the book “Born to Buy” by Juliet Schor is appropriately named. Even kids nowadays have their concept of booze as finding of Wynne Tyree, the director of JustKid incorporated show that kids use sugar instead of caffeine to give then energy for the day. It is used the same way as adults use coffee. #2) Kids nowadays are way different. They tell you what they want and if you don’t give them that they can be a real pain.

I do agree that the new culture that is cultivated in the minds of our children through the media has a lot to do with this behavior. I don’t intend for my kinds to be raised in a culture of consumerism. They will become a slave of capitalism and will buy and spend even if they have no money for such luxury. I believe that parents should still decide what heir children will eat since they know what is best for their child. We should not give in to their demands and prevent the reversal of roles.

Advertisers only encourage, manipulate and persuade these children into a lifestyle of wastefulness and extravagance and what is worst is that it has long term effects on our children. It is a parent’s goal to be a good provider for our children but financing their excessive demands is way out of context. I think responsible parents should think for their children when it comes to the goods that we buy, after all, we are the ones who have the power to but. With that power is the responsibility of buying the right kind of goods for our children.

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