Organizational Dress Code for Business Establishments

Having a respectable and appropriate business setting is important for any professional workplace, and having your customers as well as your employees dress and behave properly affects that operation. Establishing a certain dress formality forms a type of standard for that company, and this has brings about pros and cons in a market point of view. Businesses can predict their patrons and sell what they know is relevant, but this can also drive a customer that is not the ‘norm’ away from a business. Especially as a company grows, it seems necessary to establish a certain culture that the business would like to project. Many companies want the dress code to play a role in establishing that culture they have or want to have, all while staying complaint.

As it makes sense for a company to establish a dress code for their employees, there has been a controversy over whether an organization is in position to recommend that decision for their customers. In 2017, United Airlines barred two young ladies from their flight who were wearing leggings, which raised the question over whether companies should have the right to tell their customers what they are allowed to wear (Stack, L.). United Airlines received a lot of criticism from this situation and was heavily slandered on social media. Their decision to refuse entry of their flight has showed how the culture of flying as well as dress has changed immensely. Decades ago, flying used to be seen as glamorous and usually expensive, done by business professionals and for special occasions.

It was normal for people to dress up for air travel. In the 1950s and 60s, most people flew for business and when they flew they would dress like they never left that office attire atmosphere (Silva, D.). There was a status for flying, and just like the dress code in the workplace, it was intended to represent that business while going on these trips. During that time, flying was not a commodity for all Americans. Flying is much more common today, and many people enjoy this service as a normality. The two girls were claimed to be ‘pass travelers’ who travel with United Airlines, which allows the employees, and their dependents to travel freely or on standby (Silva, D.). United Airlines holds a strict dress code policy for these types of travelers, to represent their company.

They feel as their standby travelers should be able to come comfortable, but appropriate and in good taste for their environment. Many people called out United Airlines, arguing that the dress code policy is sexists, old-fashioned, and simply outdated (Stack, L.). The whole incident was captured on Twitter with harsh criticism from famous people to their own competitors. From many tweets, United Airlines went on to say that they do not condone casual attire, but as long as it is neat. Competitor, Delta Airlines, trolled United with their own tweet saying how they support comfort, and they allow leggings on their flights (Silva, D.). Though United has the right to uphold their dress code policy, it does seem outdated and obsolete to deny two young girls on a flight with a common form of casual attire worn by many women and children today. Decades ago, air travel wear was not much of a problem, because men typically wore suits and ties and women were always in dresses (Deb, S.). Many people were not worried if they were meeting

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The Book “Alice in Wonderland”

I am writing this letter just after dinner so I can get it post it straight away so I apologise in advance if I am brief. It is twilight and a spectacular sunset is taking place behind a ruin of a church. I have been lucky in the placement of JC’ Company to a beautiful place near St. Quentin. It has spectacular contrasting views. with the trenches and churned up mud. and stunning trees and scenery cut through it. Its strange atmosphere here. The trenches are so quiet. as if you could walk over top and start playing football. but you know there are hundreds if not thousands of rifles aimed on the edge of our trench. The atmosphere inside the trench though is mostly jovial. sometimes serious and it usually depends on how Stanhope’s feeling. He is working really hard. and is getting very tired and stressed.

He hasn ’t had a leave for a very long time. and should have one soon. He is preparing for a predicted attack from the Germans. and is really involved in his work. They say some men are going on raid to the Boche trenches tomorrow. but I don’t think that I Will be involved. How is sunny Sussex? I hope my plants are doing well in this weather. don’t forget to water them Mice a day. I want to see a flowering Eden when I get back! I heard a tip from one of the men that a touch of Vinegar in the pots does the plant a world of good as it makes the soil more acidic, How are my boys doing? Have they been behaving while I’ve been away? I hope their still playing rugby for the school. Tell them that daddy is always thinking of them and that he will be home soon.

On the matter of the boys. I hope you have discussed with them the possibility of me not coming back. If the situation occurs. tell them I’ve gone to a wonderful place. which they will need to work hard to get during their lives. Tell them that I had a wonderful life in which I was blessed with a beautiful wife. who bore me two wonderful sons. A new officer has joined [6’ company; a strapping young lad called James Raleigh. He is a friend of Stanhope’s and I think that had a large pan With him coming to the company. He went to Stanhope’s school. and hero-worships him quite a lot. I think that he has noticed a large change in Dennis. partly due to the stress. and partly due to the whisky. Its an awful shame that he has to turn to the drink. but it’s the only thing that keeps him together.

There have been a few occasions when this has gone a bit out of hand and he has found he shouting at people over little things. One of the men has felt really unwell with neuralgia. and is coming to the point where he thinks he will have to go home. Stanhope thinks he is skiving and is persistent that stay here. I don’t suppose that you send me some information about neuralgia? If you could then I could lind out what the symptoms are etc. On the subject of illness. please could you send some anti-lice shampoo? I think that Trotter has lice. and I don’t want to catch it.

Thank you very much for the Alice in Wonderland book. It is just what I need for getting away from it all. and to dive into a whole new world away from this mess. Our chef. Mason, has really benefited from those dishcloths you sent him. We have really noticed a difference in the taste of the food. Mason wasn’t born to be a cook. but he really does try hard. Tomorrow we are havrng a slaprup meal. There has been a delivery of cigars and champagne. I think on the menu is roast chicken. How Mason cope With that, I don’t know. The time is getting on, and I want to post this letter tonight. Leave is in 2 weeks, so I will see you then. Write a reply to me quick!

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The History of African American Culture in the Production of “Revelations” by Alvin Ailey

Revelations choreographed by Alvin Ailey and performed at the American Dance Theater in 1960 is a dance piece that is often considered a masterpiece or classic by many. It tells the story of African American culture and history throughout the United States along with the personal events of Ailey’s life.

It is a modern dance work that is very widely known in the world of dance and is able to appeal to a wide audience. Through the use of bodily movement, music, the strong subject matter relating to history, costumes and props, Revelations conveys the complexity of the culture associated with African American dance; it is able to resonate with everyone in a different way.

For this dance piece, Ailey chose to use traditional gospel and spiritual music, which I believe helped to further the message he as a choreographer was trying to convey to those watching. The music varies from very soft and fluid to more upbeat as the piece continues, changing in every section as his message in every section changes as well.

The songs he chose evoke emotions from those watching the performance as it makes you feel as if you were right there in a state of suspense, or joy, or reverence depending on which section of the dance you’re watching. It really helps to showcase all the different emotions and up and downs that happened throughout African American culture in the United States, at times it was sorrowful and horrid and at other times it was beautiful and uplifting.

This dance as many of Ailey’s other works heavily included ensemble dancing among other types of dance and movements as well. However, the ensemble dancing in this piece really served as a tool to encapture how the African American community binds together to form this strong sense of community and support.

This dance also includes many movements that involve twisting and stretching of the body, using both Horton and Graham technique as is also typical in Ailey’s works. This twisting and stretching and reaching up to the heavens conveyed the message of having to conform to all the mistreatments of society and wanting to stretch away and break free from all of that mistreatment and the reaching up to heaven and finding a spiritual connection to find hope and faith. Movement and gestures serve as an essential piece to again having Ailey’s message conveyed.

The subject matter of this dance is a very big one, being African American history and culture and having all those emotions and turmoils conveyed through a dance piece in order to give whoever is watching an insight into those time and those feelings. Ailey not only takes instances in history but he takes instances of his own life and his memories that put even more feeling and emotion into this piece. Regardless of one’s race, everyone is able to feel the emotion and the rawness of the dance and the person watching is almost transported into the world of the dance. Ailey’s overall message that ends up being conveyed is that through the struggles and some triumphs there always remained hope and community within each other.

The costumes throughout this piece are kept very minimalistic and simple, very flowy and neutral colors, besides the ending where the costumes are a bit more flashy and have a more upbeat nature to them, conveying a time of triumph and happiness. I believe Ailey’s intentions with these costumes and props being kept more simple at the beginning of the piece was to keep the focus on the story and the movements as he was trying to convey his story to the audience.

At the ending of the piece however, the more prominent costumes and props such as the fans serve to convey to the audience that in this section he is trying to convey more happiness and uplifting emotions of triumph. The costumes yet again serve as another tool that ties into the whole story and message Ailey is attempting to convey.

This piece is a work that is able to cross borders and is able to appeal to people not only in the United States but countries around the globe and can resonate a different meaning in the eyes of each individual. In my opinion, I believe Ailey did a great job in being able to use every aspect of this piece from choice of music to costumes to the actual gestures and movements and ties it all together in order to convey a whole story and make the audience feel.

This piece really gave me a new insight into African American culture and how there were these rollercoaster of emotions, highs and lows, but there is this deeply rooted faith that was always kept by the people and that was prevalent in everything they encountered and everything that they did. In terms of achieving his goal in conveying a story and the meaning behind it as well as history of African American Culture I think Ailey executed it very well and this piece is something that will stick with me.

Works Cited

  1. Revelations by Alvin Ailey. Accessed 16 November 2018.

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The Nashville Annual African Street Festival

Table of contents

The Nashville Annual African Street Festival is an event hosted by the African American Cultural Alliance (AACA) in Hadley Park. This amazing event has grown tremendously over the past thirty years because it interconnects its family-oriented atmosphere with African and African American culture which allows for it to attract thousands of people of all walks of life. Overall, the African American community has come a long way to be able to accept and embrace the challenges that they have been faced with in order to move forward with their lives. The usage of Positive Psychology was demonstrated by these African Americas allowing them to approach human emotions, thoughts, and behaviors from an optimistic viewpoint (Peterson, 2008).

Positive psychology focuses on the strengths of each aspect rather than focusing constantly on the weakness, building a stronger foundation in the good life instead of repairing the bag, and elevating the lives of average people up to “great” instead of focusing solely onto in those who are struggling up to “normal” (Peterson, 2008). In this connections paper, I am focusing on the positivity, happiness, and life satisfying outcomes that the African culture received through the African Street Fest by simply sharing their culture with everyone in the Nashville community. I will elaborate more specifically on the roles of music and culture and Africentric values and racial identities and how they interconnect into the overall effect of positive psychology on the African American community.

Music and Culture

Music can be viewed as an outlet or a way to express the emotions felt through beats and rhythms, rather than through the typical way of talking. Music plays an essential part in the overall outlook on culture and is often a way to record achievements and benchmarks in people’s lives. For most people, from various cultural backgrounds and different walks of life, music can distinctly capture the emotions felt at that particular moment, which allows it to hold great significance to that individual (Avent, 2016). The African Street Festival was loaded with different people expressing their cultural unity of African culture through beating on Djembes, blasting their favorite songs, and even yelling out chants.

Music has evolved significantly throughout the African American culture enabling our ability to cope with circumstances and persevere through them. Initially, music was used as a way for slaves to communicate to each other and express their sorrows, but now to me it seems to have changed into a way for African Americans to reflect back on how far they have come over the years. Slaves were able to reframe their oppression, reclaim back their power, and build strong communities all through the act of singing. A majority of the time, the lyrics to these songs that slaves sang held secret messages of freedom, hope, and endurance to help them make it through their trying times (Sanger, 1995). As of today, if we were to take a moment to look back at slavery from a more optimistic viewpoint, then we would be able to see that African Americans are a people that have gained strong foundations in perseverance, faith, unity, self-determination, which real says a lot about the type of people we are as a whole.

I can remember seeing the people dancing with one another to the beats from the Djembes with smiles bigger than life itself. By looking at their faces, it confirmed that we as a people have great resilience and a strong sense of forgiveness. It’s hard to imagine that these people’s ancestors–grandparents, mothers, and fathers–were a part of or even products of such a tragic event like slavery, yet they still have the will and energy to smile and engage with the people that were once not on their side. African Americans used music and their songs as tools that would depict a sense of familiarity and togetherness among workers at the time, but it developed into the way the African American race interacts with each other, and the African Street festival showed just that.

How everyone interacts with each other singing the words to songs, dancing to the beat illustrated to be just how similar we all are when it comes to culture. Before Positive Psychology, African Americans were not recognized for having great resilience to keep pushing through tough days, internal happiness regardless of their circumstances, and a will to forgive even when there seemed to be no reason to. It is seen today however, that the resilience African Americans have had all this time has brought them to a better way of life and now because of this they are seen in a more positive light. It takes not only resilience, but also strength to accomplish all that we have done and to come as far as we have.

Africentric Values and Racial Identity

The African Street Festival utilized and demonstrated African American rituals and values in ways that depicts to others that they are proud of the background that they came from, and that they have a strong perception of their Africentric values and racial identity. There are a plethora of studies completed that focus on Africentric cultural values as a strength and a protective factor for African Americans rather than as a limitation. The best definition to fit Africentric cultural values is that they are a set of values, beliefs, and assumptions founded on African cultural traditions that emphasizes the understanding that Africans should be viewed as syncretic in a light that positively reflects African American values (Caldwell-Colbert, Parks, & Eshun, 2009).

By attending the African Street Fest, I was given an opportunity to see the African American community in a different angle, illustrating positive racial identities and Africentric values, which led to my overall enjoyment and appreciation of the African Fest. Research has proven that African Americans have received psychological and behavioral benefits from being able to identify with more specific factors related to traditional African culture (Shin, 2011). As a result of the various sociohistorical factors that have affected the African diaspora in the United States, white supremacy and cultural colonization, there is wide variance in the level of adherence to these traditional values across African American communities (Shin, 2011).

As I walked around the festival, I noticed that there were a lot of tables that were selling paintings of black advocates of all kinds, symbolizing the pride that they take in the people that stood for Black existence and the respect we deserved. I saw paintings, drawings, and sculptures of icons like President Barack Obama, Dr. Martin L. King, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and even the Black Panther movie cover. These people were encouraged to own and embrace their ethnic/racial heritage with pride, including the experience of being part of a targeted group that refuses to be suppressed by celebrating the legacy being victorious in terms of making it this far and still being able to smile and see the positive in the situation rather than being viewed as the victim. Everything that the African American people have been faced with is evidence that their level of strength and resilience to never quit is embedded within them.

Another one of the main factors behind the strength of the African American community is religion. Religion has evolved into a central force that is a vital asset to African American values and lifestyle. From adolescents, to adults, to elders, the African American community has been known to be very religious. An activity that slaves picked up during slavery has become something that has become very vital to the lives of African Americans (Gooden & McMahon, 2016). Engagement in religion influences mean-making, coping, and endorsement in prosocial values in both the African American adults and youth.

Many studies have shown that coping has been tied to psychological adjustment to the point where it solves the issue and releases the stress that came with it. This same strategy is utilized when it comes to religious coping. The African American community relied heavily on religious coping in a positive way, resulting in a higher level of overall well-being (Park, Holt, Le, Christie, & Williams, 2018). I can agree with the high usage of religion because of how strongly it is used within my family and even my everyday life. The African Street Fest was the reality check that I needed to realize that African Americans are very intelligent, creative, and selfless beings that are strong mentally, physically, and emotionally.

In conclusion, the African Street Fest was an amazing event to allow me to witness the positive psychology that we as African Americans have gained throughout our existence. I had the opportunity to see that there is beauty behind each and every struggle that we face and that it’s just about how you look at it. To be able to visualize the culture, traditions, and values that we have created from a circumstances that seemed to be hopeless to others, was evidence that our heritage and culture is one to take pride in and to be very proud of.

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Money Can Buy Happiness in Your Life

I want to ask you guys. Do you think that money can buy happiness? I am sure most of you will say that money cannot buy happiness. Perhaps it is because we are all familiar with the idea that money cannot buy happiness. We heard it over and over again. This is true to a certain extent, but now I declare that the statement is not an absolute fact. Money can buy happiness if you spend money properly with the right mindset and ideas.

According to research, actually four times money can buy us happiness. There are some tested and proven methods about the relationship between money and happiness. Today I would like to persuade each of you to feel as strongly as I do about the money can buy happiness. In my speech, I would like to show you various ways and examples of money can buy happiness by buying thousands of things and experiences, spend money on others or doing charity and eliminate financial anxiety.

First, money can buy thousands of things and experiences that make you happy. Money as a tool. We exchange money for happiness. Money can allow you to buy everything you like and get a variety of experiences. You can use money to buy your dream car, dream house or anything you like while for experience are going to a concert, membership in hobby clubs, travel and so on.

In this example, you use money to buy you happiness indirectly. We are easier to deal with the situation when we got money: When you break up, you can easily pack your luggage then go for vacation and forget the unpleasant moment. I am sure when you get these will make you smile Having money allows you to do what you want to do and gives you the memories of an experience so that you remembered for a long time thereafter. Money might not be everything but without money you have nothing.

Next, paid for time-saving services can boosts happiness. Service activities paid include cleaning, laundry and cooking and errands running. A survey showed that more than half of the respondents were willing to spend their money on time-saving purchases. They think that doing so can free up time so they can spend more time to enjoy life and do what really makes you happy.

For example, I ordered Foodpanda and get the food delivered to my doorstep thus I can continue busy with my work. I can avoid facing traffic congestion and waste time queuing up for waiting order. Spend money on time-saving services may relieve stress and promote happiness. Second, spending money on others or doing charity can make us happy. You will be happier if you spend it with the person you care about.

Numerous studies have shown that spending money on others will be happier rather than spending it on yourself. For example, researchers from Harvard University asked people to compare their feelings about spending money on themselves and spending money on others. Most respondents said that they most happy to spend money on other compared to buying themselves something.

The condition is to spend the money on the people who deserve it. It can be a friend or family who care about you You can buy gifts for them or treat them because this is a way to show that you care about them. We make others happy and we will indeed become happy together. Donating to charity absolutely make you happier.

Help those who need money go further in life and those who suffer from grief with loss someone in life. Can do different types of charity such as animal charity, environmental charity, health charity, educational charity, voluntary participation in activities and so on. This way leaves an impact which bring a warm feeling to yourself and others.

I am proud to have able to provide funding for the World Vision and Koala Hospital organizations. Both organizations leave me an impact and made me really feel like helping those in need. Being generous with our money also makes us feel grateful for what we have. Doing makes us happier than having. It may seem counterintuitive but giving money away and contributing to someone else is a proven way to increase happiness.

Third, having money can eliminate financial anxiety Basically, we have enough money will undoubtedly not have too many troubles and increase your happiness. A 2012 study showed that poor people face more financial problems and health problems lead to depression. It is because they unable to pay all the bills worry about insufficient money when shopping in a grocery store, eating out or paying rent. “Ah, I already bought that thing this month and I need to wait for next month.” I know it is sad. These will fill their minds with tension about money and make the family unhappy, increases the pressure of the couple in the marriage, and may increase the chance of the partner divorce.

Money can significantly improve happiness once our income reaches a certain level. Having a higher income allows us to obtain housing in safer communities, better health care and nutrition and more leisure time. Being rich is not necessarily the path to happiness As I said before, money is not everything but without money you can do nothing and need money no matter what

In conclusion, money really can buy happiness if you spend it correctly. Do not think that money is just to buy things, pay bills and work for money, but to live a happier life with something that helps you achieve the goals in life. This is exactly the happiness and meaning that money can bring for you!

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A Description of My Grandfather as a Man of Great Ambition and Desire

My grandfather was a man of great ambition and desire. He knew that to gain the opportunities needed for his family he had to move to Canada. In 1955 on a ship packed with eager Italian immigrants just like him, he was finally making the voyage that he had always dreamed. During the grueling ship ride, he found something he didn’t see much of growing up poor in the small town of Segusta, Sicily. What he found was a brand new 1955 fifty lire coin. Figuring someone must have dropped it, he put the coin in his pocket and kept it. On one side of the coin, the words “REPUBBLICA ITALIANA” are Inscribed on the edge. The face of a man who looks like Caesar is in the center. On the other side, a well-sculpted man who resembles Michelangelo‘s Dawd appears to be using a hammer and rock as tools to write something down.

The number “1955” is inscribed on the upper-left of the coin indicating the year, and “L. 50” is inscribed on the centre-right indicating the face value. Just looking at the coin brings out feelings of boldness and hope. I don’t know if fifty lire was much in that period in time, but it didn’t matter. The coin symbolized the last memory of a nation that had shaped who he was as a person. It symbolized the dream of providing for his family that he had always prospered for. All those feeling represented in a small piece of metal. I remember the day he decided to give me the coin. He approached me With his distinctive limp, cane in hand, and said dryly, “Don’t lose this”. in his memorable Italian accent. He put it in my hand and I put it rn my back pocket. I was very touched, not only because of all the history behind this priceless artifact but because he chose me, instead of my father.

He gave it to me because he knew he didn’t need it anymore. He had accomplished all that he had wanted to in life.  My grandfather worked in a factory for over forty years Still he felt he was the luckiest man in the world. He gave me the precious heirloom less than a year before his death, and every time I look at the coin it brings back great memories. We would always play cards and I would always wrn. I don‘t remember the game we would play or whether or not he let me win but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the time we spent together, and because of the coin, lwiII always remember.

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A History of the Manifest Destiny

For the duration of the voyage to the elusive California coast, Richard Henry Dana was nineteen years old working as a sailor aboard the Pilgram, engaged in the hide and tallow trade, Dana was an elite member of the upper class. As a student at Han/ard. he became infected with a case of measles that left him. With a painful eye condition, dana then began his career at sea as a sailor and set off from Boston around Cape Horn to the coast of California. Throughout his voyage, Dana kept a journal of his sixteen-month adventure. In 1840, Dana‘s Two Years Before the Mast was published, based on his diaries. It contains an in depth account of life on the California coast, the territory of the Mexican government, a decade before the Gold Rush had struck dana’s documents stops at the ports of Monterey San Pedro, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Santa Clara.

He describes the sailor’s life at the ports, at the beaches where they cured hides, and the cruelty on the ship. Furthermore, he describes the daily life of the diverse Californians of Hipic, Native American and European descent and the land itself. Two Years Before the Mast depicts a multicultural society living in an environment of natural beauty and ideal climate, a paradise somehow yearning to be improved by American ingenuity. Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast became a worldwide bestseller in 1849 when the discovery of gold hit California, Dana’s book described California, the country that appealed to the entire world. Two Years Before the Mast was an important element in the process of reform and the beginning of Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny is a phrase that describes the belief in which the United States had a “dwine right” to the westward exoansmn of North America. This “dwine right” suggested that the United States were chosen by God to expand their democracy westward to the people who were perceived as being uncivilized. John Sullivan stated, “it is our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of this continent, which Providence has given us.” America was consumed with the desire to gain power. There were economic, social and political pressures that were also encouraging expansion. The US had suffered two economic depressions and with an increasing population, the westward expansion would open many opportunities for the nation‘s progression. Land ownership was associated with wealth, power and independence. Therefore. America saw conquering new territory as gaining those desired qualities.

The concept of Manifest Destiny was used to justify their greed. cruel and prejudice actions. The American objective was similar to that of the Spaniards In the sense of forcing one‘s ideology on others. Their inhumane and Violent treatment of the natives is hardly dwined. The greed for power and wealth was the motive behind westward expansmn, not because America was chosen by God to do so. The rise of Manifest Destiny was encouraged by several factors, one of them being literature. Dana’s Two Years Before Mast is a prime example. Dana’s book illustrates an alluring California and focuses on its riches of prosperous and exploitable resources. He also contrasts its assets With the Californians. who he ignorantly portrays as lazy. unintelligent and unworthy of their thriving surroundings. The United States was aware of California’s potential, and it was the desire of power and wealth that led to Manifest Destiny, not because it was God’s mission.

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