
Feminism is the social movement that looks for female supremacy in many aspects women have been threatened in history. It had been proven that women have more capacity than men in many aspects of ruling, such as being authority of any kind. This is because of the women capacity of acting looking forward to a complete panorama focusing on the problem, meanwhile men look directly to the issue or situation without taking into account all the things that it brings. The feminist’s movements search for female supremacy in life aspects that women have more opacity than men.

This movement became strong since the French revolution. The lack of respect for women’s right is a big problem in the world that feminism can solve. We cannot search for equality since men and women are not equal, neither physically nor mentally speaking; then what we must search along this movement is the supremacy of women in the aspects of society and the whole world it is required. The team strongly believes that feminism is the solution for stopping prostitution, portion and all kinds of abuse toward women.

Even if abortion and prostitution seem as a big problem they are something more serious, a symptom of how society is not fair for women, because women have always lived in a world for men. The solution to these problems that may seem big but are small in comparison to abuse toward woman is feminism; giving women the real place they deserve in the world, as rulers and as the hope of it. Women ruling can stop violence injustices and big differences that men’s ruling had not.

We already gave a big amount of time for men ruling to solve problems and we strongly believe that women’s turn is beginning. In history, there is evidence that many historical women have changed the world using non violent methods; and it is enough to prove that it is time for a change to happen. Feminism is not Just a social movement, but the complete change that will change the world if applied correctly. We are not talking about women abusing on men, but giving women the opportunity of making a big change in the whole world.

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Traditional Family In A Post Modern Society

In a post modern society such as Britain, are traditional family and marriage necessary? This essay will explore whether traditional family and marriage are necessary in Britain today. The change of societal views and attitudes will need to be considered, as well as analyzing statistical evidence. The ideology of the family and marriage will then be discussed and contrasted, in relation to various theoretical perspectives such as functionalism and post modernism.

Government views and policies will also be reviewed in order to show how family has evolved for various family types. Before discussing if there is a necessity for traditional family and marriage in Britain today, it only seems logical to first understand what is meant by the term traditional family. A traditional family or nuclear family, as it is sometimes referred to as, consists of a heterosexual monogamous couple that are legally bound through marriage and their healthy, dependent 2. Children, Muncie et al. (1999). There is usually a clear division of labor where the male predominantly plays the instrumental role of the breadwinner and the female predominantly plays her expressive role as the homemaker and care giver, Bernard (1997). This is based on the theory of Functionalism (which has dominated theories until the mid 20th century). They seem to place importance on the division of labor, as they believe that this structure is the most effective way of performing family functions.

This image of family would have been very accurate if it was based families around the 20th century as it was considered to be the norm, to get married and have a family with males and females playing their respective biological roles. According to Pascal (1986) in Muncie et al (1 999, pop), the Beverage Report recognized three key characteristics of the associated with the idea of he family; 1 Women are available to do housework and care for children and elderly relatives, without pay. 2 Couples consist of one full-time worker (usually a male breadwinner) and one ‘housewife’ whose work outside the home is insignificant… Women look to men for financial support. As time has evolved the idea of what family is has become varied and not quite as meticulous in its structure, although this is still the image of some households. These characteristics that are noted in The Beverage Report may be deemed as dated by most individuals in the 21 SST century, as it is evident that family Structure has changed dramatically. This report would have been disregarded by feminists, as a patriarchal family is not what they believe in. This clearly shows the woman as being dependent on a man.

According to data from the Office of National Statistics (2012), it is clear that the nuclear family (married parents with an average of 2 child dependents) has continued to be the most ordinary family type, although this number has slowly begun to decrease as the years have moved on. What can also be identified is that the number of people in other family types, for example single parent families and same-sex families, has begun to increase gradually. This suggests that people are beginning to accept that ‘family’ does not have to be the ‘traditional nuclear family.

The fact that it is documented at all shows that there is no huge necessity for marriage as there once was. Also there is the opinion as per Duncan and Phillips (2008, up), that ‘marriage and unmarried cohabitation are socially similar (as agreed by two-thirds of individuals when surveyed) and one-third felt that ‘unmarried cohabitation shows as much commitment as marriage’. There is also the suggestion that cohabiting relationships are actually lasting longer, for example in 2006 it was . 9 years, compared to 6. 5 years in 2000.

This demonstrates how views and relationship types have changed in Britain, as if this survey Was done in the early 20th century there probably would have been remarkable difference in the responses and the types of relationship people were part of. Postmodernists such as Bernard (1997) believe that society needs to accept family diversity, as you would accept different classes, ethnicities and sexual orientation. This assumption of their only being one proper family form needs to be eradicated, as anything outside of this form will been seen as inferior. Morocco (1968) cited in Muncie et al. 1999) suggested the idea of the nuclear family as being a universal. The traditional nuclear family is based on the ideology of families. This ideology is shaped by both the state and the media and it seems to be heavily promoted, whereas other family types might be seen as deviant. It could be argued that this idea of a traditional family is becoming less of an option. According to Elution in Fox (2009, IPPP-459) in order for some families to cope with the strain of ‘domestic labor and paid employment’, both spouses are having to share the responsibility of reducing a salary through paid work.

This suggests that in some households the option of a traditional family lifestyle is unavailable to them, based on the way in which this capitalist state has evolved. According to Duncan and Phillips (2008, Pl), ‘Family life is no longer equated with the married couple’. This implies that this model of the family could be seen as unrealistic in this present modern society, as it simply ignores the different variations that we can now expect within a family unit, such as single parent families, same-sex families and step families to name a few.

The legislation is that there is no family norm and no definite definition to the term family. ‘Marriage, as a social institution, may have simply been reformed, widened and ‘modernized’ rather than being ‘decreed’… If this family form were indeed ‘decreed’, we would expect to find that those who live apart from their partners, solo living and same-sex partnerships are seen as equivalent, rather than inferior family forms’, Duncan and Phillips (2008, pop). The Postmodernism approach seems to take this diversity of family types into account and therefore pushes for this diversity to be accepted within society.

This could be considered to be a more appropriate observation of British society today. This approach family is characterized by ‘choice, freedom, diversity, ambivalence and fluidity’, Harmless and Holbrook (2007, IPPP). This suggests that individuals are more open to live their lives as they please, without judgment and humiliation. According to McNeil et al (2003, up) more and more people delay forming their own families; some may choose to remain Single or childless. This has led some sociologists to argue that there is such a thing as a postmodern family.

This is a more modernized term that Seems to embody what British society is like today. Maybe the term traditional family needs to become redundant and replaced by the more flexible term postmodern family? This may be seen as a more appropriate portrayal of family life in a post modern society. Post-war women had the demands of devoting their lives to their men with domestic roles becoming imminent, Muncie et al (1999). The roles of women have now changed, for the majority. They now have more rights which could affect the dynamics of the family.

In the past a non married woman might have been considered to be a spinster, but now they tend to be labeled as independent professional women. Some of these changes are down to feminists taking a stand for equal treatment of men and women and eliminating patriarchy, Bernard (1997). This can be evidenced with the Equal Pay Act in 1970, where feminists thought for the right for women to be paid the same salary as their male counterparts, when doing the same role, Lynn Seal in Muncie et al (1997).

Another major turning point for women was in 1 918 when they were finally given the right to vote, after years of campaigning from the suffragists and suffragettes, Women and the Vote, (no date). It is apparent that feminists have conflicting views to the functionalists ND new right regarding the idea of the traditional nuclear family, as they would possibly prefer a more symmetrical family where the authority is shared. They might argue that traditional family and marriage are not necessary, as traditional family in particular is perceived as more beneficial to men.

Gender appears to be Of some importance, as stated by Duncan and Phillips (2008, up), because ‘according to individualistic theory it is women who often lead change, as they break away from traditional and ‘antidisestablishmentarianism and seek fairer and more equal ones’. Feminists Barrett and McIntosh (1 982), maintain that this traditional nuclear family type is anti-social because it exploits women and benefits capitalism, whilst perceiving the more unconventional family types as in adequate.

It is evident that societal attitudes have changed over time regarding the acceptance of the various family lifestyle choices. Society has become ethnically diverse and it could be considered as less judgmental. One of the most recent examples of this change is the consideration, by the coalition government, for gay marriages. The bill is to be submitted as early as next ear; with it becoming law by as early as 2015, Hennessey (2012).

This insinuates that the coalition government are starting to adopt a more post modern view regarding family and marriage. Although according to McCarthy and Edwards (2011 a more recent concept known as New right, which supports many of the primary functionalist beliefs including the importance of monogamous marriage, the nuclear family and the division of labor in maintaining stability within society, is the view currently held by the coalition government.

According to Mainland (2012) Deed Mainland has stated that, “There are many ay couples of faith and there are many faith groups that embrace gay people and so it’s only right for faith groups that wish to conduct same-sex marriages to be allowed to do so under law”. He believes that there needs to be marriage equality for gay couples with the ‘right to marry in churches, synagogues and meeting houses’ that are willing to accommodate them.

If this bill is pasted it may well be another significant triumph for the equality of gay couples since their right to adopt in the UK in 2005 and being allowed to have civil partnerships in 2005, Ross, Gas and Barrington (2011). These hanged were made through The New Labor Government from 1 997, which seemed to embrace the reality of the diversity of family types. This action can be perceived as necessary as it shows that the government have been taking steps to establishing equality and rights for gay people and regarding them as they would a married couple.

They also showed great support for single mothers offering them financial support and paid childcare, Bourbons (2012). This in itself could be seen as evidence of traditional family not being necessary in Britain today and it also shows the support that is been received y these supposed ‘deviant’ family types. This illustrates the rights that gay couples are starting to receive which are the same as a married couple and the support that single parents get from the state. Single parent families are becoming more common with the rise in divorce and separation.

Since the Divorce Reform Act 1969 there has been a rise in divorce in England and Wales, Bourbons (2009). Also Rodgers (2011) explains how Data published by the Office for National Statistics, indicates that since 2009 there has been a 4. 9% increase from 113,949 to 119,589 in 2010. Single parent families seem o bring about the idea of living in a welfare state, where some individuals are preoccupied by state handouts instead of actually supporting themselves. Margaret Thatcher gave a speech in 1 987, which she clearly shows her condemnation of how society had become.

She maintained that some individuals became complacent and dependent on the state to provide for them, because of the benefits that they were permitted to. She suggested that, ‘people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations’, Key (1987). This suggests that some individuals take advantage f the help that is offered and decide not to satiate their obligations of I. E. Trying to find a job. It can be considered as an effortless alternative for some, enabling their unwillingness to work.

Although the welfare state was initially aimed at tackling poverty, it became apparent to some that it actually created more problems. Locks (2000) stated that the idea of the ‘nanny stats? and a ‘culture of dependency’ started to emerge. It seems very fitting that the government is now trying to put a stop to this reliance on the state by capping the benefits that out of work individuals are entitled to (http:// www. Conservatives. Com/Policy/Where_we_stand/Jobs_and_Welfare. Asps; no date).

It will be made law that anyone claiming out of work benefits will not be able to receive more than EWE,OHO per year, which is what the average person earns in employment. By implementing this cap, in 201 3, the government could be seen as trying to create a much fairer system for families and possibly promoting the notion that everyone should work. Although there has been a rise in divorce rates there also seems to be a high level of remarriage, which means that the number of reconstituted families is also on the rise as indicated by Duncan and Phillips (2008).

This could signify that marriage and family is still of some importance to most individuals and regarded as necessary, although there is a rise in divorce, these same individuals are still opting to remarry and create their own family form. In conclusion, it is evident that traditional family and marriage are not necessary in a post modern society such as Britain, although it is still considered as important to some individuals. Family in general seems to have some importance to most individuals, regardless of the family form.

The rotational nuclear family is still seen as the preferred family type according to New right and Functionalists; nonetheless it seems realistic to accept that society has become more flexible in regards to their views on family due to the changes that have occurred. Looking at family from a postmodernist and feminist view it is evident that society is diverse and it makes sense to adopt an understanding nature towards family situations and types.

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860–1935)

Was an American novelist, lecturer, and public supporter of feminist reforms. Today when we speak of her we primarily recall her well-known short story “The Yellow Wallpaper”. This short novel is based on the personal experiences of the author when she had a mental distress which was treated in an erroneous and harmful way. However, there is much more in the short story than simply an account of an experience similar to the one that the writer had had.

Indeed, the story belongs to the list of perhaps the most outstanding pieces of the feminist literature, and the fact that such a powerful and impressive indignation of the author about the oppressed position of women in the male dominated society of the nineteenth century was voiced in time when many of social changes in the sphere of women`s social equality were even not yet thought of testifies to the great significance of the heritage of Charlotte Perkins Gilman for the modern feminist movements.

One of the chief themes of “The Yellow Wallpaper” relates to the completely inadequate attitude of the husband to his wife, a woman that apparently has a depressed condition after having given a birth to a child and who is the main protagonist of the short novel.

In this regard, let us take a closer look at the evidence that shows that it was the heroine`s husband who drove his wife crazy, and at the symbolic meaning of this theme of the story. Sources Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. “The Yellow Wall-Paper”. The Online Archive of Nineteenth- Century U. S.

Women’s Writings, 1999, April 11 2006 ;http://www. facstaff. bucknell. edu/gcarr/19cUSWW/CPG/TYW. html;.

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Facebook Has Become Very Boring

Facebook has become very boring with all this cooking and slavery stuff. I believe feminism goes beyond who cooks at home and who doesn’t. There are more pressing issues at hand to be dealt with regarding feminism but as things stand now, it seems most of us have misplaced priorities. There are women who are being oppressed and harassed in their workplaces, at school and even in their places of worship. These people are the ones who need voices in higher places to speak up for them. Uncles are raping cousins, fathers are sleeping with their daughters and husbands are sexually abusing their wives, these are the issues that need redress.

These issues demand voices in the higher echelons of power to stand up for them. Brides are trapped in violent marriages they dare not come out to speak about or against. Over 600,000 girls are trafficked over the Atlantic every year and used as escorts in Spain, Mexico, China and all over the world; these ones need voices, voices in higher places to represent and fight for them. Female genital mutilation is still ongoing in our backyard. Girls are being given into early marriages, some are being used to atone for the sins of their fathers. No one is really talking about these things.

The voice of the female child is stifling gradually and those in the position to speak up for them are rather wasting their breath on debates on who must cook or not, while we watch all these evils befall the innocent girl child who never asked her parents to meet and mate “under one coconut tree.” Women are scared to speak up and defend themselves. Your boss at work can touch you indiscriminately because he feels he gave you the job, your lecturer can decide to fail you because you refused his sexual advances, your pastor can touch your breast because you went to him to pray for you…and in all these, we still do not have a voice to speak. The girl child finds it difficult to trust anyone.

There is a glass ceiling above competent and qualified women they cannot go past at the workplace. And it gets very irritating when you come online and the core issues are sidelined and peripheral stuff are rather discussed on national platforms. Big voices who must be speaking for these largely marginalized ones are talking about cooking being slavery or not. It is funny feminism has been belittled into “who becomes the head of the family?” and not “let’s help the girl child to excel in all spheres and overcome all her fears”.

Feminism is not about calling men names, slamming your fellow females and cussing those who disagree with you. Neither is it about arguing with people who try to perforate holes in everything someone who stands for the movement says even when they are right. We must learn to agree and disagree on issues intelligently. I am not really enthused with all this recent talk because it seems that is what we do these days. We go with the tide. Today, kitchen stool comes and we all talk about it and leave it there. Nobody moves further to check what really is happening in our schools and how we can help. Now it is cooking being slavery. It will also pass and we’ll troll one another on the next bandwagon

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Women Leadership

Table of contents
  • Leadership – A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and skills that makes others want to follow his or her direction. In business, leadership is welded to performance. Effective leaders are those who increase their companies‘ bottom lines.

To further confuse the issue, we tend to use the terms “leadership” and “management” interchangeably, referring to a company’s management structure as its leadership, or to individuals who are actually managers as the “leaders” of various management teams. ? While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed with more leadership abilities than others, all believe that people can learn to become leaders by concentrating on improving particular leadership skills.

  1. A leader plans.
  2. A leader has a vision.
  3. A leader takes charge
  4. A leader shares her vision
  5. A leader inspires through example.
  • Women Leadership: When modern feminists movement emerged it dint feature much discussion of leadership.

There was virtually no analysis of what feminist leadership might entail. Because leadership has been largely a privilege of men, and feminism focused on women. It is understandable that study of leadership dint have much salience. Feminists wanted to understand the women‘s experiences and routes of women‘s oppression. Psychologists is particular have neglected study of women.

Therefore, new topics emerged – sexual harassment, rape, math anxiety, family violence and the politics of reproductive rights, to name just a few. To study leadership is it in organizations or in politics would have meant focusing on men. The discovery and development of women focus topics made a good sense. Much has changed. Women are now far more common in ranks of leaders. For example, women occupy 24% of chief executive positions in United States (U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics- 2006). They constitute 44% of school principles and 21% of college and University presidents (Corrigan, 2002). It makes sense that feminists find the study of leadership appropriate now that it addresses the experiences of women as well as men. Although women remain rare in the corporate leadership and greatly under presented in politics, women‘s increasing presence in these and other leadership roles raises many questions about their functioning as leaders.

When it comes to leadership, does gender matter? Is there a difference between women leaders and men who lead?

Characteristics that distinguish women leaders from men in leadership:

  • Women leaders are more assertive and persuasive, have a stronger need to get things done and are more willing to take risks than male leaders.
  • Women leaders were also found to be more empathetic and flexible, as well as stronger in interpersonal skills than their male counterparts enabling them to read situations accurately and take information in from all sides.
  • These women leaders are able to bring others around to their point of view because they are leading feel more understood, supported and valued.

Four specific statements about women’s leadership qualities:  Women leaders are more persuasive than their male counterparts. When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an “I’ll show you” attitude. Women leaders demonstrate an inclusive, team-building leadership style of problem solving and decision making. Women leaders are more likely to ignore rules and take risks. This evidence – that the leadership style of women is not simply unique but possibly at odds with what men practice – begs the question: Do these qualities have value in the marketplace?

Is this type of leadership welcomed by society and by the public and private sector? Differences between women and men leadership: There are several key ways in which people respond differently to women and men who are leaders. Conflicting, sets of expectations, high-profile women leaders in the United States are relentlessly held to a higher standard than their male counterparts.

Different Responses to Women and Men in Leadership Roles

Researchers have identified four key ways in which female and male leaders elicit different responses from those around them.

These different responses appear to be due, not so much to different leadership behaviors by women and men, as to the stimulus value of women or men in these roles. A woman leader stimulates a different reaction than a male leader because of learned expectations, shaped and supported by the surrounding social structure, that invalidate and undercut women‘s attempts to be effective, influential, and powerful.

Because of perceived incompatibility between the requirements of femininity and those of leadership, women are often required to soften their leadership styles to gain the approval of their constituents. Women who do not temper their agency and competence with warmth and friendliness risk being disliked and less influential. Women who lead with an autocratic style are the targets of more disapproval than those who enact a more democratic style; men may choose the autocratic style with relative impunity, if they are effective leaders.

People do not listen to or take direction from women as comfortably as from men The stereotype that women are more talkative than men is unsupported by evidence. Women report that they do not feel listened to, that when they speak in meetings their comments and suggestions are ignored or belittled—and that the same comments or suggestions from men have more impact. Field studies of small group meetings in organizations show that women leaders are targets of more displays of negative emotion than men leaders, even when both sets of leaders are viewed as equally competent. Women who promote themselves and their abilities reap disapproval Women who act more confident and assertive than is normative for women run the risk of disapproval. Research demonstrates that when women promote their own accomplishments it can cause their audience to view them as more competent—but at the cost of viewing them as less likeable. Men who promote their own accomplishments do not reap the same mixed outcomes: as long as they do not overdo it, self-promotion brings them both higher evaluations of competence and likeability. Women require more external validation than men do to be accepted as leaders in some contexts

In competitive, highly-masculinized contexts, simply having leadership training or taskrelated expertise does not guarantee a woman‘s success unless accompanied by legitimating by another established leader. Gender stereotypes interfere with observers‘ ability to see women‘s competence; it is sometimes necessary to for a high-status other to provide them with credibility.

Qualities of Women Leader

  • Committed.
  • Outspoken.
  • Enthusing.
  • Vivacious.
  • Happy.
  • Creator.
  • Charismatic.
  • Lively.
  • Talented.
  • Friendly.
  • Free-Spirited.
  • Outgoing.
  • Measured.
  • Reflective.
  • Spirited.
  • Open and Honest.
  • Determined.
  • Cheerful.
  • Altruistic.
  • Keeping my interests
  • Feisty.
  • Inspirational.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Positive.
  • Forthright.
  • Energetic.
  • Passion.
  • Inspiring.
  • Supportive.
  • Optimistic.
  • Cosmopolitan.
  • Impressive.
  • Eclectic.
  • Fair.
  • Hardworking.
  • Confident.
  • Assertive.
  • Caring.
  • Articulate.
  • Humorous to myself.
  • Complex.
  • Resilient.
  • Calm.

Sparkling Women Empowerment: ‘Women’s empowerment’ is the ability to exercise full control over one’s actions. The Government of India had ushered in the new millennium by declaring the year 2001 as ‘Women’s Empowerment Year’ to focus on a vision ‘where women are equal partners like men’.

The last decades have witnessed some basic changes in the status and role of women in our society. There has been shift in policy approaches from the concept of ‘welfare’ in the seventies to ‘development’ in the eighties and now to ’empowerment’ in the nineties. The Constitution of India grants equality to women in various fields of life. Yet a large number of women are either ill equipped or not in a position to propel themselves out of their traditionally unsatisfactory socio-economic conditions. Leaving a meager number of urban and sub-urban women, Indian women are still crying for social justice.

A review of government’s various programmes for women empowerment such as Swashakti, Swayamsidha, Streeshakti, Balika samrudhi yojana and another two thousand projects reveal that little has been done or achieved through these programmes. The discrepancy in the ideology and practice of the empowerment policy of women in India constitutes its continued social, economic and social backwardness Empowerment would not hold any meaning unless they are made strong, alert and aware of their equal status in the society. The need of the hour is to improve female literacy as education holds the key to development.

Empowerment would become more relevant if women are educated, better informed and can take rational decisions. The greatest challenge is to recognize the obstacles that stand in the way of their right to good health. To be useful to the family, community and the society, women must be provided with health care facilities. They should be provided with proper wages and work at par with men so that their status can be elevated in society. In recent years there have been explicit moves to increase women’s political participation. The Women’s reservation policy bill is however a very sad story as it is repeatedly being scuttled in parliament.

In the Panchayati Raj system, however, women have been given representation as a sign of political empowerment. There are many elected women representatives at the village council level. However their power is restricted, as it the men who wield all the authority. Their decisions are often over-ruled by the government machinery. It is crucial to train and give real power to these women leaders so that they can catalyst change in their villages regarding women. All this shows that the process of gender equality and women’s empowerment still has a long way to go and may even have become more difficult in the recent years.

The main reason for the contradiction is that, targeted schemes tend to have only limited impact when the basic thrust of development is not reaching an average woman, making her life more fragile and vulnerable. To make a positive change basic infrastructure should be provided in every village and city. To begin with, providing safe drinking water supply and better sanitation not only directly improved the lives and health of women but also reduces their workload in terms of provisioning and ensuring such facilities. An access to affordable cooking fuel reduces the need to travel long distances in search of fuel wood.

Improved transport connecting villages with each other and with towns can also directly improve living conditions as well as unpaid labour time spent in transporting household items. It can also lead to access to a wider range of goods and services plus a better access to health facilities. Expenditure on food subsidy and better provisions for public distribution services directly affects the lives of women and girl children in terms of adequate nutrition. The patterns of resource mobilization by government also have significant effects on women that are usually not recognized.

When taxes are regressive and fall disproportionately on items of mass consumption, once again these tend to affect women more. This is not only because the consumption of such items may be curtailed but also because the provisioning of such items is frequently considered to be the responsibility of the women of the household. Also credit policies reduce the flow of credit to small-scale enterprises thus reducing the employment opportunities for women. There is a need to have womenfriendly economic policies that can enhance their social and economic position and make them self-reliant.

There is no doubt about the fact that development of women has always been the central focus of planning since Independence. Empowerment is a major step in this direction but it has to be seen in a relational context. A clear vision is needed to remove the obstacles to the path of women’s emancipation both from the government and women themselves. Efforts should be directed towards all round development of each and every section of Indian women by giving them their due share. Impact women leaders contribute to business:

  • There are three key drivers why businesses are interested in women today: leadership, talent and markets.
  • There is now data and studies to prove that more women in leadership means better bottom-line performance. Fortune 500 companies with the most women at the top have a 35 percent higher return on shareholder return to equity, and a Catalyst study showed boards with more than three women on them have an 83 percent higher return to shareholder value than boards without women.
  • It’s not about women taking over everything, it’s about having gender balance because that really does seem to tie into much greater profitability and striking performance financially.

One of the most compelling reasons for an organization to pay attention to the demographic makeup of its workforce is that a diverse employee base can have significant bottom-line impact. Yet, when the issue is workplace gender balance and actualizing women’s economic and leadership potential, India trails behind less developing countries.

Oftentimes when the subject of women in business is discussed, comparisons with men are made as if men are the barometer for business. This is a false perception and false too is the language. Business is not an entity separated from life; it is an entity encompassed by life.

The definitions of a business consists of a line of work, to work, a profession, a job, a trade, a position, a vocation, a field, a calling and a career.  This misconception rivals some of the largest platitudes in history: the near-sighted earth is flat, the purposeful stork delivers babies and the perforated theory of evolution. The business world has presented itself to women as if it spoke a foreign language on an uncharted map.

But the truth is that the language is fabricated and the world of business operates in a land not unknown to women. By definition, everything women do and have always done is in fact a business. Women have labored the child, harvested the crop, fed the hungry, nursed the needy and educated the willing. All of those are jobs, careers, trades, vocations and callings. Women aren‘t new to business; they‘re only new to the financial rewards.

Today, more than ever, women are in the workplace and now own the workplace. Women have always been established in business but now they are in business for profit by way of monetary means.

Today over 10 million businesses are owned or controlled by women and those businesses account for over two (2) trillion dollars in sales. That‘s an astounding number and a resounding accomplishment when all considerations are factored. This doesn‘t come as a result of women learning anything new. This is a manifestation of which women already are: industrious, innovative, instinctive and intelligent. The traits of women are not to be compared with that of men, just shared in composition of a more productive and progressive society. Every household around the world that houses women, women manage and most commonly manage well.

The interactive and intuitive management style of women is a prerequisite to a thriving business and a productive workplace environment. Women-owned businesses employ almost 20 million people and steadily rising.

There was a time not long ago when any man in a three-piece suit could qualify for a business loan. Those times are no more, as much money was lost and many laws were circumvented. The measures applied in today‘s market are far more reasonable and more accessible to female entrepreneurs. Commercial lenders and Venture Capitalists want to see that the company has done its research in that respective field.

It‘s important for them to know that you have experience in this area of expertise. Another major factor will be how you intend to market the product and what the infrastructure of the company is. As you design your company, research successful companies already in that industry, introduce yourselves to other women in business and network to assist each other. Those around you that make claims of what you can‘t do must be excluded from your conversations, so that you may focus on the task at hand. Whether you are single, a single mother or married, taking advantage of free enterprise is the way to independence and interdependence. The success in business that any male has experienced is not because males possess some superior trait over women; it‘s because men have been the only players. Women can compete in any and every business. It‘s just a matter of choice and now that choice is ours. For one to operate a successful business, they must first define what success is in their own terms.

The sole reason why the numbers of women-owned businesses aren‘t more reflective of the population is because they haven‘t been encouraged to do and supported when doing so.

It‘s been a blight on the world community and a recessive gene to societal growth. Today we see women straightening that crooked path and every society will become a more powerful force because of it. Yesterday, we gorged the bitterness of bigotry. Today, we taste the fruits of unity and diversity. Today, we plant the untainted seeds of effortless innovation and boundless meritocracy. Today, little girls and little boys will witness the ubiquitous talents of women in power and exalt their leadership. Young women will know they have a reasonable option before them and no law will disallow their choices.

It‘s paramount that not only young women see their defined roles as unrestrained but that young men do and work in concert as we brave a new world. It‘s true: Today is the greatest day in the history of the world and tomorrow will be even better. Challenges for women leadership: In spite of decades of organization and legislative support for gender equality, it appears that there is still very much a glass ceiling facing women in many aspects of leadership. Most women gaining or holding leadership roles – whether in the workplace or in community organizations – Face many challenges and oppositions which can be very hurtful and demoralizing.

Women leaders still face many unique challenges brought on by a combination of social and cultural stereotyping, gender bias, family demands and also their innate female tendencies. Women leaders still earn less in general, receive less recognition and less support especially in the male dominated, competitive corporate world but also in other professional fields, such as medicine. The most common challenges faced by women leaders are:

  • The challenge of family responsibility: It is a common lament that women are expected to juggle the demands of career and family, with constant criticism from both sides for failure to achieve perfection.

For women leaders, the constant struggle to balance their responsibilities in both the professional and personal arena can be overwhelming, especially given the lack of support and the constant fight they have against the obstacles generated from traditional prejudices and gender stereotyping. In the greatest majority of break ups it is the woman who leaves. She leaves because her needs weren‘t given sufficient weight in the relationship. However still men around with a 1950‘s masculinity are happy for their women to work if they can manage it around all their other commitments at home.

They expect their working wives to do everything that their stay -at-home mothers do.

  • The challenges from personal inclinations: For many women, learning to operate and succeed in a male dominated world means having to learn to over ride or ignore their more feminine inclinations. When the women get overwhelmed by the responsibility of looking after everyone and everything, these men offer no support except to tell their wives that they will have to quit their job if they can‘t cope.

Woman has a potential and power to be a leader.

However women often lack opportunities skills and resources for realizing their potential. Much of women‘s leadership over the centuries has been invisible because the question of leadership has been viewed through gender – biased lenses. Women have been pulling together to make something happen , but all of these have been viewed as ordinary and domestic work, performed in the private sphere that did not qualify for leadership. So the first challenge is to make women‘s leadership visible. Ironically even women have and still reinforce this bias, which is an indication that the way we are socialized determines how we think and act. a very big challenge is becoming aware that we need new lenses that will make us see thing differently. How to overcome the challenges faced by women in leadership: When we have seen each other’s work we learned the value of different work and further understood the roles of women in disasters and communities and how to strengthen their leadership.

Leadership has no gender does it? May be women are more conscious of themselves, they can lead as well as men. The Leader at home is mostly a woman who have created talented children, built savings, assets and they can built Nation with character

The philosophy of Panchayati Raj is deeply steeped in the tradition and culture of rural India and is by no means a new concept.

The rationale behind the concept is to involve the public in local planning, identification of beneficiaries, decision making and proper implementation of policies and programmes of the people as described by them.

Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) have today the basic commitment towards rural development.

Panchayati Raj, as a system of governance, has had its ebbs and flows in the Indian polity ever since Indian attained independence. Various committees headed by Balwant Rai Mehta, Ashok Mehta, V. P. Naik, P. B. Patil, G. V. R. Rao, L. N. Singhvi overhauled these institutions which gave necessary impetus to the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act. Gender equality and gender equity are emerging as major challenges in the global development debate.

Social scientists and development activists are giving increasing emphasis to these fields in their agenda for research and development. As Noble Prizewinning economist Amartya Sen has pointed out, Democracy is not only the goal of development, it is the primary means of development.

Women‘s participation in political processes is important for strengthening democracy and for their struggle against marginalisation, trivialisation and oppression.

Emergence of women as a strong group would change the prevailing political practices, the nature and content of debates in the legislature and women‘s issues can be taken care of from the feminist perspective both in policy formulation and implementation.

In fact, right from the days of the freedom struggle the Indian women have been consistently encouraged to take part in active politics. But due to the vitiated political milieu, resulting from increasing politicization and criminalization of politics, he level of political participation of women has been adversely affected despite the fact that there has been a marked increase in the level of literacy and political awareness among women. . India is perhaps the first country to recognize this social fact underlined by Lenin on the International Working Women‘s Day in 1921, and to have taken concrete measures to draw women into leadership positions and thereby into politics by giving them one-third reservation in what may now be called the third tier of governance—the Panchayati Raj.

The constitutional amendment providing one-third representation to women in elected bodies as well as reserving one-third of the offices of chairpersons for them will have far-reaching consequences in Indian political and social life. Now, some general observations can be made regarding the role of women in grassroots level governance. It has come to the notice that the percentage of women at various levels of political activities has increased formally. The general trend is that those in politics are women belonging to the younger age-group between 25-45.

It is also revealed that women take up political career as an extension of their domestic role. While women have been active in mass movements, their presence is not felt in decisionmaking. The influence of the husbands and close relatives is quite palpable. This tendency is due to lack of confidence. This dependency is a stumping block in their empowerment. Another positive impact of the grassroot level experiment is the increase in the female literacy rate. Studies reveal that after two years of their election to PRIs, many women demanded literacy skills and also felt the need to educate their daughters.

Issues in which women representatives generally take interest are drinking water supply, primary health, child care, public distribution system and environmental protection. One quality observed among women representatives is their patience to hear the problems of the public. They also work in adverse circumstances. It has been observed that women representatives are honest and accurate in presenting issues to the decision-making bodies and authorities. Women would bring new ideas in local governance. They believe in a sustainable development and their emphasis is on natural resources management.

Women representatives working at the grassroot level also believe that communal harmony is an important element of development and they strive to achieve this objective. Another promising fact is that they do not indulge in corrupt practices. The elected women have exhibited their leadership in solving some of the local problems and creating facilities for betterment of the rural society. Women are considered an extremely pivotal point in the process of change in the rural areas. Women‘s participation in panchayats provided opportunities to women to participate in the decision-making process.

Women‘s participation proved to be the most effective instrument in bringing about a change in their way of life in terms of economic well-being and adoption of new technology. Women‘s entry into PRIs, both as members as well as heads of Panchayats, has pushed them into the policy-making and policy-implementation process in a very big way. Whether their husbands, fathers, brothers or other relatives compelled them to take up these roles, or whether they assumed these roles as dummy incumbents, one thing is certain: they crossed the rigid boundaries drawn through their households by the same male relatives. omen are leading in ensuring that families function well and have necessities for development.

Women have as managers of families and communities to the management of our nations, our businesses, religious institutions and our world. This is about making the personal public and the private political. It is about tearing down the walls of dualism and discrimination. Negotiating to ensure that women are in positions at every level of public governance beginning from kindergarten through parliaments, businesses all the way to the United Nations require strong women-led politically-motivated civil societies to support their leaders and hold them accountable. Advocacy work ust show that both women and men must work together for common good. There has to be a critical mass of women in leadership so that they can be companions with each other and allow themselves to be what they want or be allowed to be themselves and not to prove themselves . The first sign of success is when the women pioneers in leadership have space and voice to be visible on their own terms and to practice their leadership in positions commensurate with their skills. Female leadership including the skills that mothers use to manage sibling fights there will be possibilities for new beginnings.

Later, she became the Minister of Information and Broadcasting and president of Hindu Sahitya Sammelan for Four years. ? Sonia Gandhi- Sonia Gandhi, the President of the Indian National Congress Party (NCP), was married to Rajeev Gandhi in 1969. Now a widow of former Prime Minister of India, Sonia was named the sixth most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine.

Mehmooba Mufti- Mehmooba Mufti, the president of the Jammu and Kashmir people Democratic Party, is the daughter of the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mufti Mohmmad Sayeed. Brinda Karat- Brinda Karat was the first women member of the Communist Party of India.

Besides these top 10 women leaders in India, Late Indira Gandhi has also been an epitome of leadership in India.


  1. Women and Leadership – Jean Lau Chin, Bernice Lott, Joy K. Rice
  2. http://www. emergingwomenleaders. org/
  3. http://books. google. co. in/books? id=ZyhRWzTm_RwC&pg=PR4&lpg=PP1&ots=IPACfy zBWQ&dq=women+leadership#v=onepage&q&f=false
  4. http://www. emergingwomenleaders. org/2009/11/women-leadership-and-personalityinsights-form-the-myers-briggs-type-indicator/
  5. Team Members: V. Ashwini Reddy Mala Mankotia Manjusha. P Ramya Sree Rashmi Kumari G. Swetha Reddy R. Swathi Sree Usha Kiran

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Social Science Critical Analysis

SOCIAL SCIENCE THEORY ESSAY Most of the things we know about human? s behaviour has come out because of the different psychological theories. We may question why there are so many different psychological perspectives, which one is right and which one is wrong. Most Psychologists nowadays would say that none of the theories are correct. However, in the early days, the Psychologists would agree that all the theories were the only truly scientific one. Psychology is a science dedicated to the study of our mind and behaviour. There are different ways of understanding the human mind and behaviour, those ways are called perspectives.

A perspective is basically a point of view or a way of considering how some things are linked together and their importance. Sigmund Freud known as the father of psychoanalysis was a famous physiologist, medical doctor and an influential thinker of the early twenties. Freud was the one who created a new method to understand the human personality. He had one of the most provocative minds of the last century. Freud was the one that improved the theory of psychodynamic psychology and the famous treatment known as psychoanalysis.

Freud was one of the most brilliant thinkers in the last century, he brought public attention by his ideas of we usually are not conscious of the aspects of ourselves. He believed that what people are conscious of is symbolized in our minds, memories and feelings. Freud believed that the things we experienced in the past are part of our mind that he called the unconscious. However, we are not able to access the contents in our unconscious, they often appear in our dreams. Freud described the unconscious mind has an iceberg where only a very small part of it is accessible to awareness.

The part of the unconscious that he believed it can be accessed very easily he named the pre-conscious. The importance of an early experience is evidently illustrated by Freud’s development theory of psychosexual development. He described that each stage of our life concentrates on a part of the body that is relevant at that stage. If the needs of the individual are achieved on that stage, the he or she was ready to go into the next stage. However, if the individual struggles to achieve that stage then he or she becomes stuck in this stage.

Freud believed that these results are the ones that we carry through into the adulthood and it can possibly explain our behaviours later in life. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) The early stage of an individual is called the oral stage. The focus on this stage is on the mouth and activities like, sucking, licking and biting. Freud believes that there could be two reasons for fixation. If the infant was discouraged two early, It could make the infant feels unsatisfied and the infant could become a negative, sarcastic person.

If, in the other hand, the infant was over-gratified, the infant could develop a gullible personality, easily trusting in others and with a tendency of swallow anything. The early stage lasts from birth to approximately 18 months. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) If the infant gets through the stage with no problems, the next stage is called the anal stage, where the infant focuses on aspects to do with potty training. If there is a fight between the parents and the child during the potty training or if the child does not feel comfortable while potty training, they may rebel by retaining their faeces.

This type of fixation is called anally retentive. The child is not given the opportunity to enjoy potty training so the child can become a very disorganised person. During the ages of four and five, the child passes through the phallic stage. Freud believed that this stage is associated with nervousness and guilt feelings about sex and fear of castration for males. If this stage is not passes successfully, this theory suggests that a boy could become homosexual and a girl could become a lesbian. Freud thought these were abnormal fixations but nowadays most people would not view them in the way Freud did.

When the child reaches the age of five until the age of seven, the child gets into the latency stage where he or she focuses on the social environment and the development of friendships. The final psychosexual stage is the genital stage in which the puberty begins. Freud believed that the less fixated the individual has become during the earlier stages, the more easily this stage will be negotiated, resulting in the ability to form strongest heterosexual relationships with an ability to be warm and loving as well as to receive love in a new, mature fashion.

Overall, Psychoanalysis is usually used to cure depression and any type of mental illness. Psychologists also believed that their therapy would release repressed emotions, it would make the unconscious conscious. Functionalism is known as a sociological aspect that sees the society working in peace and harmony with each other, making an enormous contribution to the smooth running of the society. The society works together using social methods to control and deal with deviant members of groups, to make sure the society functions smoothly.

Talcott Parsons was an American sociologist who helped in the development of functionalism and sociological aspects. He believed that society was a system made of interrelated institutions and for that reason, the society would run smooth. He also believed that the main role of an institution was to socialise individuals and make sure they were able to understand the values of the society and behave in an acceptable way. Functionalism says that everything and everyone in the society serves a purpose, no matter how strange it may seem. For example, crime is viewed universally as trouble.

Functionalists, however says that crime serves several purposes. They believed that crime is needed for the employment of criminal investigators, police officers and other people related fields to work. If at any moment crime disappear from the planet, thousands of jobs related with crime would no longer be necessary. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Functionalism received some criticism for forgetting the negative aspects in events such as divorce. Critics also declare that the perspective of functionalism justifies the statues of quo and complacency on the part of society members.

Functionalism does not persuade people to try to change their social environment, even if those changes could benefit them. Functionalism is also criticised for its lack of testability. Functionalism is described as the most generalized and unproductive of the sociological schools. It is not logically sync with variability between cultures and it does not explain the changes in the society. Marxism was first developed by a German Philosopher called Karl Marx. He considered that individual behaviour was shaped by society but he believed that the economic system defined society and people? place within it. Marx held the views that the industrial society of his time there were two social classes: The bourgeoisie or capitalist that were described as a small powerful group who owned all the factors, offices and the other places of employment and the Proletariat that were a much larger and poorer group that were employed by the capitalists. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Marx’s view was that those two social groups would always get into conflict as the capitalists were the ones that owned the offices and they would want higher profits.

In the other side the employees, the ones on the proletariat group, would ask for higher salaries. That is the reason that Marxism is usually called the conflict model. Marx believed that those conflicts between the capitalists and the proletariat could cause a revolution. Feminism is often seen as an example of a conflict model. Abbot and Claire Wallace (1990) were two women who argued about the male domination in the society. They said the society did not pay enough attention to the issues of the women and their place in the society.

There are three different types of feminism: Marxism feminism, Radical feminism and Liberal feminism Marxism Feminists see women as a working-class. They believed that women meet the social, emotional and physical needs of their children and they are ready to work for their family and children on the future. Women know how to maintain their husbands or partners, they are good at cooking meals and they take care of their children properly without being paid. Stretch and Whitehouse (2010) Radical feminism believes that it is not the capitalism or social life that dominates women, but men.

They say that women are housewives and mothers. They believe there is not equality between the sexes and women are only needed to take care of the children and do house work Liberal Feminism agree that the changes happening now and the one that will probably happen in the future such as the changes of attitudes, equal pay and sex discrimination brought more equality between the two sexes. Marxism claims that the health problems people have are closely related to the unhealthy and stressful work environments.

Marx believed that health problems are not the result of individual weakness, but the unequal social structure and class disadvantages that are reproduced under capitalism. Marx believed that the patterns of mortality and illness are probably related to occupation, especially in the case of industrial working class. Marxism argues that medicine is not an independent discipline, but a sector of economic production which respond to the political needs of the capitalist system as a whole. Some Marxists argue that the NHS benefits the bourgeoisie by ensuring that their workers remain well enough to work.

Most of those workers understood their inequality but believed that the system was fair. Marxism discussed that the free health service was a victory for the proletariat, the working class, as the bourgeoisie used to get the best care first. Marxism received some critics for not paying attention to the dynamics of the medical process, the experience of illness and the state of being a patient. Turner (1987) believed that the Marxist political economy of health needed to address how the diversity of capitalist societies was related to medicine, health and illness.

The knowledge of the medical practitioners plays a very important role in providing health care. However, the primary purpose is to regulate the working classes and the popular masses. Navarro (1986) Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who focused on different types of suicides. Durkheim believed that there is not any society in which suicide does not exist. Durkheim’s theory of suicide adds a lot for the understanding of the phenomenon. However, he has laid too much stress on one factor which is suicide. He has undermined other factors.

Durkheim believed that suicide is not something individual or private, it happens because of something powerful that stays over and above the individual. Durkheim viewed that: “all classes of deaths resulting directly or indirectly from the positive or negative acts of the victim itself who knows the result they produce”. Nowadays loads of doctors and psychologists believe that the majority of people who commit suicide are in a pathological state. However Durkheim believed that people take their own life because of social reasons.

Emile Durkheim categorized different types of suicides basing on the different relationships between the individual and the society. Egoistic Suicide is when an individual isolate himself from the society. The individual usually feels that there is no place for him or her in the society. In many cases the individual has lack of altruistic feelings. Altruistic suicide happens to people who are too close and intimidate to the society group. This type of suicide often results from the over incorporation of the individual into social proof.

According to Durkheim Anomic suicide happens when there is a breakdown of social equilibrium. For example if someone is really rich and goes bankrupt. Fatalistic suicide happens when there is an overregulation in the society. For example if a slave commits suicide, it is called a fatalistic suicide. Conclusion To conclude my essay is clear that Marx, Freud and Durkheim had a big impact in our society. I believe that without their theories our society would not be the way it is now. References “Health and social care level 3, M. Stretch and M. Whitehouse, First published 2010”

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Feminism: Overview

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength” ( G.D. Anderson).Challenges that women face like domestic violence, gender equality in the business world, unfair maternity and reproductive issues, women require that both government and corporate America take notice and provide equality.

There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and every nine seconds a woman gets sexually assaulted or beaten. Domestic violence is an utmost issue in the world and affects around 9 million couples. Domestic violence can be characterized as any type of abuse or harm inflicted on a person by their spouse or partner. Anyone can be a victim. Victims can be of different cultures, sex, race, and religion. The abuse can range from intimidation and name-calling to threats and physical/ sexual harm.

It is not a new epidemic, it has been ongoing in history throughout all cultures. The Common Law of England permitted a man to beat his wife, provided the diameter of the stick so used was not wider than the diameter of his thumb, hence, the term “Rule of Thumb” ( Burnett). In the 15th century, the Catholic Church ruled the husband was the judge of his wife, and had all power over her. After centuries of domestic violence, in today’s society there are athletes beating their wives in elevators, in homes, and publicly abusing woman on social media.

What part of famous athletes beating their wives in elevators is okay? The number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between 2001 and 2012 was 6,488, the number of American women who were murdered by their current or ex male partners during that time was 11,766 (Vagianos). The number of women killed is almost double of the amount of casualties lost at war. The world has been inundated with millions of stories, but the stories don’t go away and the problem will not stop quietly.

The numbers involving domestic violence continue to rise every day. As stated previously, in every nine seconds a woman is getting beaten or sexually assaulted. On an average that is roughly twenty people per minute which also means 28,800, people a day are getting abused or sexually assaulted. The list could go on with continuously high numbers. Around 70% of these cases go unreported and of the ones that are reported, the victim has been assaulted or beaten by their intimate partner around 35 times before contacting the police.

The main reason is because victims are terrified of coming forward. Women should not have to be so afraid to confide in authorities, but they hide it away because they believe it is a personal matter. While it might be true that women experience domestic violence more than men, still all in all, men can be victims of domestic violence as well. About one in seven men have been subject to sexual/ physical abuse by their intimate partners, and two in five gay/ bisexual men are subject to it (Vagianos).

Society only hears what’s on the news, about 85% of women being victimized, but nothing regarding the 15% of men being victimized. The only talk concerning men being assaulted are ones coming from the comedians about prison rape jokes. Society strongly stereotypes it as men as the abusers, and women as the victims which sometimes isn’t always necessarily the case. In fact 46%, of male victims have a female perpetrator (Rosin).

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, maternity leave is time off from a job given a mother to take care of a newborn child. The first couple months of a newborn’s life can be very crucial for both mother and baby as both of them need this time for bonding and adapting. The average maternity leave is around six weeks if a mother has a normal birth, or eight weeks if the mother has a c-section. With some companies offering a paid maternity leave, but most offering an unpaid maternity leave.

Some companies offer a longer twelve week period, but the catch, it is unpaid. For a new mother, a twelve week maternity leave is sort of arbitrary because companies don’t understand the difficulties of having a newborn. The major problem is that it is unpaid. Workplaces look at motherhood as a choice, meaning they refuse a paid maternity leave. This makes it harder for the families with low incomes who want to procreate, because this puts mothers in the spot of either working full time or staying home and having more children resulting in a financial strain for the family.

The infant mortality rate can be impacted by paid maternity leave. Most countries have a lower rate, however, the United States has a rate of 6.1. A baby born in the U.S. is nearly three times as likely to die during her first year of life as one born in Finland or Japan. That same American baby is about twice as likely to die in her first year as a Spanish or Korean one (Ingraham).For each additional month of paid maternity leave offered in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), infant mortality is reduced by 13%, according to a new study by researchers from McGill University and UCLA Fielding School of Public Health (Science Daily McGill University).

That means for every 1,000 births, eight of them die. That seems like a little amount, but in the United States babies arrive every eight seconds, but worldwide there are at least 251 babies born per minute. Over the years women have overcome numerous obstacles in the workplace, but a never ending obstacle is gender inequality. At every corporate level women are continuing to still be unrepresented and make up a little less than half the workforce.

That means four out of ten families have a female as the “breadwinner” compared to their male counterparts. Given in today’s society there is a strong emphasis on women being the stay at home moms/caregivers while the men are earning the family income. If women are in the workforce they are less likely to have any type of “S.T.E.M.” occupations and more likely to have a job pertaining to caregiving like a nurse.

According to the report, only 4.6% of women work in STEM occupations, compared to 10.3% of men (Van Kampen Law, PC). On average, women working full-time earn just seventy nine cents for every dollar men earn (Van Kampen Law, PC). This is because of the gender wage gap, the ratio of a male to females earnings. It can affect all types of women in different ways.

For example, a black women would have to work for eighteen months to make the earnings of a white male in one year. They are paid sixty seven cents for every dollar that a man would earn. A hipic woman would earn fifty nine cents. Colored women are being targeted with gender and discrimination in the workplace.

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