Millennium Development Goal and Bangladesh

Table of contents Introduction The MDGs reflect a set of actions and targets contained in the Millennium Declaration that was adopted by 193 nations in 2002 based on the Millennium Declaration agreed in September 2000. Bangladesh has recorded impressive feats in pulling people out of poverty, ensuring that more children, girls and boys, attend school, […]

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The goal of the present paper is to discuss the different and shared properties

The goal of the present paper is to discuss the different and shared properties of photography and film with reference to the use of photographs in the film Paris qui dort (also known as Le rayon de la mort in France, and Paris asleep or The crazy ray internationally) by René Clair (shot in 1923, the premier in France took place in 1925, in the United States – in 1926).

Anne Friedberg once characterised this particular movie as “a narrative built around the shift from photography to film.”[1]  This quote indicates a channel for the discourse on the topic, how the French filmmaker synthesised photographic and cinematographic means to create a complex visual tissue.

To remind the plot of this earlier example of cinematic science fiction, the main hero of the film called Albert (Henri Rollan), who is the watchman at the Eiffel Tower, awakens one perfect day to discover that the whole city of Paris has been fallen asleep. While he strolls down the streets of the busiest European metropolis, the character observes people having been paralysed in their routine affairs. During his journey Albert meets five persons who have just arrived to Paris by airplane: Hesta (Madeleine Rodrigue), a self-made young traveller, a multi-millionaire who came to visit his bride (Antoine Stacquet), a hook and a police detective (Marcel Vallée and Louis Pré Fils), and a pilot (Albert Préjean).

These six occasional fellows in misery spend the night on the top of the Eiffel Tower and swoop into the city the next day to amuse themselves at their best.

Having returned back to their shelter with precious loot, Albert and company catch the SOS-signal on the radio. In result of a purposeful search, the adventurers arrive at the cellar laboratory of Dr. Crase, a talented yet frenzied scientist (Charles Martinelli). Miss Crase, the professor’s niece and assistant, meets the newcomers and tells them an interesting story.

It appears that Dr. Crase has invented a wonderful machine that could arrest time by its rays. When the scientist tested his invention, all the six heroes enjoying the moment “happened to be, at three twenty-five, the moment of immobilization, at an altitude beyond its reach.”[2] Dr Crase was talented enough to design the formula for freezing the course of life but forgot to devise an antidote. Upon persuasion, he corrects his mistake, and Paris is permitted to return back to the usual mode of life.

The members of the warm company separate from each other. Albert finds himself accompanying Miss Crase. The young man likes the girl and decides to see her back to her place but finds no cash to pay for the cab. He decides to immobilise the city one more time to stock up on money for the rest of his life. Albert rushes to Dr. Crase’s laboratory and struggles with the professor over the machine’s levy. Depending on their movements, the life in Paris is either set still or resumed in mobility. The battle ends up with an explosion.

The heroes of the movie try to explain to the police what has happened. Nobody believes them so far as the rest of the Parisians, who have fallen asleep, do not remember the period of immobilisation. Finally, Albert is almost persuaded that Dr. Crase and his invention have been just his nightmares. However, upon return to the Eiffel Tower hand-in-hand with Miss Crase, the hero finds a diamond ring in the aperture between the girders. It was one of the trophies that the merry gang brought from the journey across the frozen city. The ring makes Albert believe once again in the existence of immobilising rays.[3]

Before deciphering Friedberg’s idea about Clair having synthesised the performative possibilities of photography and cinematography, and before sharing some original ideas, the author feels obliged to analyse the technical and cultural backgrounds of these two interrelated media.

Researchers started investigating the semiotic value of photography as the precedent to cinematography as early as in the mid-19th century. At the dawn of invention, photography was perceived as a technique to make light “exert an action … sufficient to cause changes in material bodies.”[4] The idea was expressed by Fox Talbot in a book The pencil of nature, published in 1844. Rosalind Krauss chose the treatise as a field for analysis to discuss a dynamics of symbolic complexity associated with photography throughout its development. Her discourse is especially interesting so far as it explores the earlier metaphysical values ascribed to photography in the 1840s and the most recent semiological explanations of this art.

To summarise the section of Krauss’ article dealing with the earlier representations of photography, the latter was perceived as a complex phenomenon existing both at the physical and metaphysical layers. On the one hand, it was often compared to “the footprint that is left on sand.”[5]

To put it differently, a well-known light spectrum was refracted inside a photographic camera so that the representations of people and other animate and inanimate objects were imprinted on the plates and photographic paper. On the other hand, Talbot and his contemporaries were intrigued by “certain invisible rays” which let “the eye of the camera … see plainly where the human eye would find nothing but darkness.”[6]

[1] A. Friedberg, Window shopping: cinema and the postmodern, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA, USA, University of California Press, 1993, p. 102.
[2] Miss Crase’s words, cited in A. Michelson, Dr. Crase and Mr. Clair, October, 11: Winter, 1979: p. 34.
[3] A detailed summary of the movie plot is provided by Michelson, pp. 33-34.
[4] W. Fox Talbot, The pencil of nature, facsimile edition, New York, Da Capo Press, 1969, introduction, n.p., cited in R. Krauss, Tracing Nadar, Photography, 5: Oct. 1978: p. 39.
[5] Krauss, Tracing Nadar, p. 33.
[6] Talbot, cited in Krauss, Tracing Nadar, p. 41.

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The Four Goals of Psychology

I would like to talk about the four goals of and if I believe they help or hare humanity. The four goals of psychology are description, explanation, prediction, and changing. I will talk about each of them in order and try to put them in as much detail as I can.

The First goal I would like to talk about is description. When psychologist are describing behavior they are attempting to understand what is normal, acceptable, and if it is unhealthy or not.The behavior that they mostly try to observe is thoughts, feelings, goals, attitudes, motivations, actions and reactions to their surroundings. They use test, studies, and exc. , to try to explain human behavior. I personally think this is important for goal for psychology. If they wouldn’t try to describe human behavior they wouldn’t be able to start trying to figure out why they are the way they are.

The second goal is explanation of behavior. Explanations are usually limited because most of the time it is culturally restricted.Explanation is often determined through qualitative and quantitative observation, including explanation. I think this very important to psychology. If weren’t able to give an explanation to why someone has the behavior that they do, and there probably wouldn’t psychology. The third goal of psychology is prediction. Psychology tries to predict human behavior.

They try to predict it so that they can determine how or when a person will make a good or bad choice or how they will perform in their surroundings. I think this is good and bad to have in psychology.I believe that sometimes you can predict how someone’s behavior might be based on their past history, but it doesn’t always work. For example if a student had a hard time in high school with writing papers and paying attention and then they go to college, doesn’t mean that they are going to have the same problem. Who knows they might actually be more focused in class. The last goal to psychology is changing. Modifying can be good or bad, but within ethical constraints.

Psychology attempts to voluntary encourage individuals and groups to modify behaviors for a long term health gain.Personality and development theories differ in how to promote behavior change. Some behaviorists believe repetitive enforcement, while positives believe in honest cognitive discourse. Psychology can be used in education, social corrections, and organizations structures to elect preferred behaviors and attitudes for the environment. I think this last goal about changing is one of the most important goals psychology has. I believe we all have some stuff in are behavior we need to change. You might ask yourself what behavior problems do I need to change? The answer is in yourself.

You are the only one that really knows your problems, even if it’s only a small problem it’s still there. When I was younger I thought there was nothing wrong with me even though I kept getting in trouble, but as I got older a had a family I had to change my hole troubled behavior around, so my kids don’t grow up like me. I think it was the best thing I have ever done and now look where I’m at. I think all the goals in their own way is important is kind of important to psychology. I told you why I thought each individual on is important, now I’ll tell you why I think they all are important together.I think if you took even just one of goals out or even replaced it with some other goal it would mess up the whole structure of psychology. Without them having these goals psychology probably would not exist or even if it still did exist would probably not make since.

In my essay I am talking about psychology and its 4 goals. I am also adding rather I think they are important or not. All of these are reflecting my opinion and not anyone else’s. Opinions my Change depending on the person. I hope you learned something from this essay or it helps in you study of psychology’s 4 goals.

Statement of Goals and Choices

This project clearly shows mages that have a positive view on math and science but a negative view of English. The reason being is because I wanted to show what most people In the united States think about English. The use of black and white pictures was to show that the matter at hand is serious and that it is black and white, meaning that there is two sides you can choose. This effectively forces the audience to automatically start thinking about which side they will choose. Making this exactly what I wanted to achieve, to make people think deeply about education.

Pictures having people who hate reading represent the stress that comes along with the subject of English. Other pictures give a real feel to the audience because the pictures show actual facts, people, or things that represent emotions and connotations In the realm of education. No matter how far fetched the pictures were I was able to connect them to the goal of getting English to be a more sought after subject. My audience for this project was very broad. I chose to target the entire united States.

This seemed necessary because children aren’t able to choose things for themselves their whole lives but when they get older propaganda they have seen will still have an affect on them. So, If parents were to see the posters the hope would be that they would be able to help the process of their child being more Involved with English. Other audience members would include everyone from the President down. The broad audience to me was a way of having some type of call to action to citizens and officials alike.

This medium was chosen because I felt that the more original and authentic the project was people would make personal connections. I think that personal connection Is the most effective way to Influence and educate someone. If they feel that they are a part of the argument it may lead to them doing their own research. Other projects such as; videos, blobs, and digital posters did not appeal to me. The reason being is because I am talking about English needing to be the more important subject in schools. Sing technology seemed a little hypocritical and the affect that he plain black and white photos have on people Is perfect. Mediums other than mine did not feel’ right. This lead me to Just doing something simple because that Is naturally to most people. The ability to be literate is a rarity in the world, why do most people take it for granted. This project shows exactly what message I was trying to get across and its simplicity makes people over look the depth of each photo. Which in turn makes them wonder and think, which is all that is needed when trying to influence people.

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Goals: Goal and Long Term

Why are goals necessary in life? Goals are objectives set for one to achieve. They come in different types and different length of time. One can have a personal, academic or career goal along with long term or short term goals. There are many goals I would like to achieve. I have created my long term personal, academic and .

My long term personal goal I have set for myself is to stay connected to my parents and siblings. I also want to have a family of my own. My academic long term goal is to complete four years in college and obtain a masters or bachelors degree in Computer Analysis.My career long term goal is to get a job in Computer Analysis.. Who should be the most important people in your life? Your parents and siblings are the people that you should never forget. For my long term personal goal, I would like to keep a strong relationship with my family because they are the people who was there for me whenever I needed them.

To keep a strong relationship, I believe I need to have an open communication with my parents. For instance, I would call them if I were to come home late or keep them informed of my whereabouts. I want a family of my own that I can provide for them with a good home and with a stable income.I believe to reach this goal I need a small step. I want to save money and keep some in a savings account that I can use later in life for my family. I believe to reach this goal I need a short term goal that I can concentrate on for a short period of time. I feel that I need to show my parents that and that I can fulfill any responsibilities given to me.

During this journey in reaching in this goal, we may come cross penny little arguments that may escalate into bigger problems but surely if I follow my game plan everything should be alright. Education should be the first thing in everyone’s mind.Since I was a child, I had valued education very greatly. It has always been a big part in my life. For my long term , I want to complete my fours in college and proceed in . To maintain this goal, I would need to stay focus on my school work and keep up good grades. I would like to maintain a GPA of 3.

5 or higher. In order to complete this, I would have to do a lot of studying and dedicate most of my time into school. In the meantime, I would like to keep studying hard and concentrate in school. I would make school my number one priority or challenge.One challenge that can break this goal is procrastination. I tend to keep putting off some homework and leave it to do at the last minute. This will cause major problems and infer with my goals.

But if I tackle my assignments early I know I can overcome that challenge. My long term career goal is something that can make my life better or worse. My long term career goal is to find a job that would give me a stable and comfortable life style. I would prefer a job to be along the lines in computers. If I want a decent job in the lines of computers, I would first need to find a temporary job that can help me get experienced.For example, I would look for a job like in dealing with computers and helping customers fix their computers. I can also work in an office as a technician who fixes computers or any type of technology machines.

The only challenge I foresee in the up coming years is the limited amount of computer related jobs. But I know if I follow each of my goals to my full ability I can overcome any obstacle laying in my way. I believe everyone should set goals because it helps you be organized and on track of what you would like to achieve.People can have different types of goals and even different time length of goal. The goals I have listed in this paper are personalized goals to help me benefit my life in an easier way. From keeping a good relationship with my family to graduating with a degree or even to getting a job along the lines of computers, I know I can follow each of these goals and fulfill it without any obstacle getting in the way. Even if some goals were short term or long term, I feel that I can achieve these goals if I put my heart into it and work hard everyday.

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Personal Goal Paper

Personal goals are achieved through dedication and the love of what you are doing. Nobody can decide one person’s personal goals for themselves because it is only made by them and it reflects their character and interests. A personal goal that I have is to serve people in need whether that is through mission trips, volunteer work, or a child sponsorship. The steps that I will need to take in order to reach my goal of serving others is to get involved in a church that is committed to serving others, volunteer locally and be a part of credible programs, and seek children in need to pompons on a regular basis.

Missions work is something that I have always wanted to do but never have had the opportunity of doing. The church that I went to back at my home church would always go to Guatemala every year to rebuild communities and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have never went, but it was always a goal of mine to go. In order for me to reach my personal goal of going on mission trips, I need to get involved in a church that consistently goes on mission trips. Being a part of a dedicated group of Christians in order to spread the word of Jesus and restore the hearts and minds of any, would be very rewarding to me.

I have done volunteer work In the past but a goal of mine Is to do It more out of love and compassion for others and their environment. In order to make this goal happen, I need to find volunteer programs or places that would allow me to show the love of God to others and serve them both physically and spiritually. In the past I was a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive In which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families In order for them to keep warm during the winter. It was a wonderful experience that gave me Joy and kindheartedness towards the needy.

In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would Like to sponsor a child In need In another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child Is making a huge difference In their life and how they live It. Writing to the child and receiving letters from him or her would allow me to connect with the child more affectionately. It would also allow me to give him or her hope for a better future and write Inspiring Bible verses. Personal goals are not Just goals you check off on a list. Rather, they allow you to discover a deeper truth about yourself and society as a whole. By mutterer

I have done volunteer work in the past but a goal of mine is to do it more out of a part of the Market Street Mission coat drive in which I helped people find coats for themselves and their families in order for them to keep warm during the winter. It In order to achieve my personal goal of serving others, I would like to sponsor a child in need in another country. It would be an awesome feeling to see how much my money and love towards a child is making a huge difference in their life and how they live it. Writing to the child and receiving letters from him or her would allow me her hope for a better future and write inspiring Bible verses.

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Future Goals Essay

Everyone should hold ends when they are seeking to accomplish a specific undertaking. A good illustration of when ends are of import to hold is when you’re planning to go to college. Therefore. I have developed three personal ends that I consider of import in accomplishing during my clip here at WEHS. First is the end of run intoing other people that have the same calling field that I do. Second. I would wish to better myself utilizing instruction. doing me a better good known single. Third. and eventually. I would wish to graduate from WEHS and attend Texas A & A ; M University in Corpus Christi. With the ends that I have listed. I feel that it will profit my hereafter and educate me further in the condemnable justness field. First. my end of run intoing other people that have the same calling involvements as I do or hold already been in the condemnable justness field. In order to accomplish this mark. I am traveling to speak to other persons that have already worked as Attorneys. Besides. if they are willing to speak to me about past experiences they can give me tips and other information that they have learned and are willing to assist other people learn from their errors.

Furthermore they will be able to give me ideas sing what it will take for me to acquire my pes in the door in the Criminal Justice field. I feel that I will non hold a job speaking to people that already work in the field because I have learned that people experienced in this type of thing are friendly and are willing to assist others because helping others is what this calling entails. For that ground. meeting others that have the same calling aspirations as I do makes this end an highly of import 1. My 2nd end of bettering myself and going a well known single will do me a better individual. Education is what runs the universe and moves our economic system. In today’s society. instruction is improbably of import and if you are educated. you will be given more respect than those who are less educated.

Without it. we would non be able to carry through the many undertakings society demands completed in order to last. Furthermore. I would non be where I am or who I am today without the instruction I am having here in WEHS. Due to my old ends. I believe that I have achieved a great trade in life and wish to foster my schooling. and be able to accomplish higher purposes in my hereafter. Besides. some of the personal ends that I have set for myself will necessitate a higher degree of instruction and the cognition that the University Of Texas A & A ; M will give me will assist me to accomplish my achievements. My 3rd and concluding end is to graduate WESH and go to the University Of Texas A & A ; M and have a grade in Criminal Justice.

I will be able to accomplish this grade by go toing the categories that the University will be able to supply for me and my ain committedness to finishing them. By making these things. I will have the grade that will non merely set me on the right path to my hereafter. but besides lead me beyond the calling ends that I have set for myself. It will give me the option of traveling up in ranks in condemnable justness field that would non be possible if I wouldn’t have the ends I have set for myself as of now. Therefore. I will accomplish the ends that I have set Forth for the growing of my hereafter. Goals are vastly of import to hold and everyone should hold them written down if they want to be successful.

Without composing them down. they would merely be impressions and most probably would merely accomplish thoughts. non ends. As a consequence. I have written down the ends I spoke of above and will seek my best in making them. Meeting other people in my calling field. going a well known single. and having my Condemnable Justice grade are of import to my hereafter. With these ends. I will carry through my educational ends at the University Of Texas A & A ; M and it will put me up to carry through my personal calling aims that I have set for my hereafter. Besides. if I keep on path. my hereafter will look bright and I will hold an exciting life in the old ages to come.

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Should Managements’ primary goal is shareholders’ wealth maximization?

I. INTRODUCTION Dividends are payments made by a corporation to its shareholder members. It is the portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, that money can be put to two uses: it can either be re-invested in the business, or it can be paid to the […]

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