Tourettes, I Swear I Can’t Help It

It was televised in May of this year, although during the show we see various clips from both men’s lives. At Serge’s introduction to the programmer all we see Is a camera shot of a nice looking private school… And then loud screams. This shocks the viewer a great deal because we do not understand what Is going on and Immediately thoughts fly through our heads. Questions Like Who’s screaming? ‘, why are they screaming? And even What’s going on? Join our train of thoughts, but then the RPR voice-over of Sue Johnston explains that Greg developed Trustees at the age of seven.

It then skips to the Greg of the resent – aged fifteen, and he explains how he had to leave that particular private school due to the fact that his parents could not afford to keep him there as well as pay additional for the special care he required. He goes on to mention that he now attends a public school after a campaign to get his necessary assistance. I noticed that when Greg and John are talking most of their clips are in interview format, I believe the producer chose to do it this way because the camera is focused on their faces so you can see their expressions much better and see their eyes.

This makes It el the more personal for the viewer at home. The next clips of Greg are ones of him in school In a lesson and his tics go off and you’d think they would disrupt the classroom but everyone Just goes on as normal “It’s Like It was the wind” as Greg says. In the home videos of Greg as a child there Is always sad music backing It which I believe is to emphasize the emotion and distress the whole family were feeling at this time. Here is where the viewer begins to sympathize with Greg and his family and I believe this was the intention of the programmer. As the interviewer talks to

Gregg father he explains that after Greg developed Trustees he was feeling down and even went to see his GAP about it – the doctor told him he was suffering depression over the loss of a child, and Serge’s father was getting emotional while repeating this memory then he said… “And it was true, I felt like I had lost a son. “. I think there are many parts of Serge’s childhood (or what we see of it) that are very hard-hitting and this Is when the viewer begins to realize that the condition Is truly dreadful. At one point Greg tells about a time when he was young he Just wanted “IT” o stop and he actually was begging his parents to kill him.

As the younger Greg Is being interviewed we find that he is a very articulate and eloquent child. He explains now Nils tic makes NV swear sometimes Ana nest saying something Like “l I know if I should say it…. ‘Shut your F***inning gob’ “. When he says this the last part is whispered and this emphasizes his innocence and proves that it can truly happen to anyone. What I found most interesting about Greg is that he doesn’t associate the tic as being himself, to him it is a different person and he even compares himself to Googol’.

A few people might be familiar with John Davison because when he first developed Trustees at the age of sixteen, a documentary was made about him called “John’s Not Mad” (1988) and we see clips from this documentary in the latest one, I think we see the clips of his youth and so on to emphasis that this condition does not Just come and go, it is ALWAYS there, and it shows John’s constant suffering. Also when Greg first developed Trustees (when he was seven) a documentary was made about him, and this included John at the age of thirty “The Boy Can’t Help It. . As we e clips of John we see the difference between him and Greg almost immediately; John had to endure his illness through a time where it was virtually unknown so people’s understanding and acceptance was minimal. We learn all about John’s life and how he deals with the Trustees. He goes to support groups where he has a good friend called Chopper, who also has Trustees. We learn that John works in a community centre with children, and we wonder could this be because he missed out on his childhood because of his Trustees?

He says in the interview that he feels left out and likes to work with kids and it’s “nice to get a hug”. I believe this shows that sometimes John feels truly isolated from the rest of the world, and this brings the viewer to an understanding of John – and we feel more connected because of how personal this documentary is. We learn that John’s family wasn’t as half as understanding as Gregg which made John’s teenage years all the more unbearable. In some clips from “John’s Not Mad” we see a canteen full of teenagers but no sign of John, that’s where the camera skips to another room where John is sitting all alone eating his food.

This emphasizes his isolation as a youth. As we find out more about John’s family we discover that John hardly sees them now because they’re all living their own lives in other places…. This makes the viewer think that the family was not, and still is not, very understanding and accepting of his condition, almost as if they’re ashamed of him? But he goes on to explain how he’s got a sort of ‘surrogate family with a woman called Dorothy/Dotty. He goes on to mention that he eats round at their house three to four times a week.

I believe this is to show the viewer a glimmer of hope, show that even the loneliest of people can still find friendship and even the Emily they always wished they had. One thing that surprised me about John’s illness is that he has a tic which causes him to spit his food. I did not realize that this could happen. But there is a clip of John as a young man eating a meal with his family and he’s putting food in his mouth but then spitting some of it back out again. The viewer then realizes that this is probably why he ate alone as a young man and also realizes how many aspects of a person’s life Trustees can affect.

There is one particular scene which really did shock me, it was when John and Dotty were shopping and heir stood in an aisle looking at something when suddenly John smacks Dotty in the face. This part confused me at first because I didn’t realize Trustees could cause this sort of behavior, and I believe that this was one of the main reasons it was actually shown – because anyone with little knowledge of Trustees will stereotype it to be someone won swears Ana can’t Nell I t wanly Isn’t all Tanat serious, out tens clip snows that it is physically dangerous because he genuinely can’t help what he does.

As we go further into the programmer we learn how John and Greg have accepted that they eave this illness and they try to live their lives as normally as possible. Greg is happy to state that his Trustees doesn’t control most of his life, he can still go out and make friends and it doesn’t get in the way of his drumming either. We even learn that Greg and some of his friends are in a band by the name of “The Brotherhood”. We get comments from his friends about Greg and his illness; one boy says that in Year Seven he didn’t realize that Greg actually had Trustees, he simply thought he was being rebellious.

I think this clip emphasizes how little the common knowledge about Trustees is, that people don’t even realize what it is and simply think the person is doing it willingly. Another friend makes the statement “He lives with it – why can’t R”. This is a major statement in the documentary because it shows how things have changed and how different ages react differently to things, for a boy of fifteen to say something like this emphasizes the maturity of people in this situation.

In an interview John says that he accepts his illness and even goes as far as to say if his illness was gone then he would miss it. All he wants is one day, Just one day, where e has no tics at all. But Greg is mentioning he actually had a day like this, he says that it was the best day of his life’ and he wishes to have another like it. This makes the viewer feel compassion when we realize that although Greg has had a “free day’ – he will probably never get another one in his lifetime, and the fact that John is nearing his forties makes you wonder if he will EVER get such a day.

I believe the purpose of this programmer was to raise awareness and increase understanding of Trustees Syndrome, because most people see it as a very funny sort of illness because it makes people swear. In all fairness the affliction can be quite funny and light-hearted at times and I think this was the producer’s aim, to get people laughing first and then it would be more of a shock to them when it actually came to the serious stuff. Also it was to let the previous viewers (the ones who watched “John’s Not Mad” and “The Boy Can’t Help It”) know how these people were doing.

When you’re watching a documentary like this, I believe you start to care about the particular person because the programmer is so detailed and personal you almost feel as if you really know them. I believe the target audience for this was a very wide en. Greg is my age so I think people my age would find it interesting and reasonably easy to relate to Greg, and a lot of people are interested in Trustees after Pete Bennett, a sufferer of Trustees, who won Big Brother 7. It was somewhat of a phenomenon, and this is where the real awareness first rose, but people stereotyped Trustees to be funny, quirky, something laughable.

Unfortunately the true illness was never fully explained; Trustees is a neurological condition (a condition that affects the nervous system). It causes both physical and verbal tics, which are involuntary repetitive movements or sounds. Trustees is named after the French doctor, Georges Gilles De la Torture, who was the first person to describe the condition and its symptoms. Most people have no idea whatsoever how common Trustees is and it is difficult to know exactly how many people are affected by Trustees because people with the mildest form often disguise their symptoms from others.

A recent estimate is that one in every 100 people is affected by the condition. T Is primarily a canon Leases, Ana Toys are affected more than girls. Most people with Trustees will begin to have physical tics at the age of about six or seven ND vocal tics at around eleven. The cause is unknown, but research suggests that the condition is caused by problems with a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia. This documentary was very effective in my eyes, because I realized the true misfortune of Trustees, and now I won’t laugh when I hear about it or see it.

I strongly believe the programmer will have raised a lot of awareness on the subject and hopefully increase understanding so that the sufferers of Trustees can live a little better. It definitely conveyed to the viewer that it is very serious, especially with some of the clips from Gregg childhood, e. . The home video in which Greg Just collapses and can’t move. The viewer sympathizes with and respects both Greg for having to go through it and his parents for having to deal with such things.

In my opinion the programmer was very interesting, enjoyable and it opened my eyes. It could drag on in certain parts – particularly in the personal interviews, but it was not made to be exciting and interesting, it was made to raise awareness. Watching it for the first time has more of an effect on you than watching it a second time, so it was good for me being a first time viewer. Part of it makes me want to watch the other two wows but I realize that Vive already seen the ending so it would be a bit pointless.

I would definitely recommend this to others, it is important for people to know about and understand this illness. So, in conclusion I enjoyed watching this show and I’m glad to have learned so much about a subject that was practically unknown to me. I would give it 6/10 because it was very good but I didn’t enjoy the whole thing, I don’t think I’d watch it again unfortunately. My personal taste didn’t favor the programmer very much because it was a bit too much like a lesson so it made me feel as though watching it was mandatory and not my choice.

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How can ICT Help Special Needs Children Integrate Themselves in Society?

How can ICT Help Special Needs Children Integrate Themselves in Society?

“We are seen as ‘abnormal’ because we are different, we are problem people, lacking the equipment for social integration.” (Brisenden, 1986)

Not so long ago, society was to blame for secluding and cutting off special needs people, from complete partaking in society and as a result, these impaired people ended up demoralized and feeling inferior to others. Today we know that special needs people, try their best to learn to communicate with the rest of society. The problem is not whether they succeed or not, the problem is; Are we, as part of society, doing enough effort to help them in their lifetime struggle?

The International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) has recently initiated learning environments which integrates Computer Technology and Good teaching in order to increase the motivation and self-esteem of special needs students. Researchers following closely the program have stated that Computer technology enhances these children’s ability to solve problems and make decisions, they build a positive self-image, they are excited about learning and thus they become better citizens.

One major reason for using ICT was to reduce the large rate of dropouts. Researchers have concluded that Children with Literacy Problems (mostly dyslexics), often lack behind the rest of their class, give up on learning and end-up as school dropouts, feeling unable to fit in a society. ISTE has created a learning program called Video Disk Spaced System. This proved to be highly successful as it was not only a support for these children, in order to keep up with the rest of the class but it also managed to promote that positive self-image concept. Computer technology motivated these kids and they in turn appreciated the potential of ICT in a learning environment. Results have shown that ICT did help these special needs children as the dropout rate decreased to three times lower than the natural average.

ICT can also help physically impaired children by fulfilling their dreams. In example Sharita a physically disabled child dreams to become a writer but unfortunately she cannot move her fingers. Computer technology has helped her fulfil her dream by devising a long extended stick in the form or a finger with which she can press the letters on a computer keyboard.

Another concrete example regarded Megan who is unable to speak and write because she has Cerebral Palsy, however through ICT she was awarded as the Top English Student in her class. A Light Talker was devised, which is basically a matrix of letters and phrases. Through the use of a head switch (because Megan can only control the movement of her head), she can stop vertical movements of light at the desired row and stop the horizontal movement of light at the desired letter or phrase. Through ICT

Megan is thus able to communicate with tremendous effort. However one has to keep in mind that without this device Megan can neither develop her intellectual potential, nor can she express herself as a part of society.

Through the examples discussed above one can realise that by Integrating Computer Technology with learning, these special needs children are becoming more eager to learn, they are being provided with new ways to manipulate their environment in order to communicate better with the rest of society, barriers are being blown away and a variety of new worlds opened up, all by the use of Computer Technology. Apart from all this, ICT has provided them with what any individual wants that is their independence.

Illegal Copying of Intellectual Property

Alert!! You may be Unaware of Committing Computer Crimes…

* What is Illegal Copying?

A widely used term which means the same as illegal copying is Copyright Theft or Copyright Infringement.

Copyright theft occurs when making use of protected work such as: software programs; another writer’s text; movies; sounds; and images, without actually paying the required fee for authorisation.

* Illegal Copying and the Use of Computers:

The use of Computers has made the act of copying far easier and handier than in the past. Burton (1996) argued that the Internet is one big copying machine that is basically ridiculing copyright laws.

* What is considered as Copyright Violation?

Software Piracy – Software copying such as copying a program from one diskette to another.

Network Piracy – Distributing unauthorised copyright materials in digitized form ex: record companies have protested against sending unauthorized copies of digital recordings over the internet.

Plagiarism – Illegal Copying of Academic Property: such as another writer’s text, journals etc. Interpreting and presenting them as one’s own.

Ownership of media – Altering images, movies and sounds.

* Plagiarism: Illegal Copying of Academic Property:

You as a student may think it is harmless making one copy of an Academic Software program while the teacher is looking away, but you need to keep in mind that if all students should think the same as you think, then one single act of software piracy, will be then multiplied thousands of times. In addition to this if you are caught copying illegally Scholar property, you may end up sued by the school itself.

Interpreting other writers’ texts (found while researching for assignments) and presenting them as your own is also considered as a criminal offence and one can end up permanently suspended from school.

* The Results of Getting Caught :

If you are caught using pirated academic software, you could:

Face civil fines (which you don’t afford and your parents may want to kill you)

Endure humiliating publicity

End up with a criminal record (which affects you future)

* A Word of Advice:

It is not ethical to illegally copy any intellectual property nor is it worth risk taking because there is a high percentage of getting a computer virus and worse the risk of getting caught!

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Fighting Crime with the Help of Biometric Technology

Paula Rootstock Crime fighting techniques are always evolving; which will help decrease crime rate over time. There are new crime-fighting methodologies developed and improved on every day; biometrics, cybercafé spare, and DNA collection programs. Criminology has evolved greatly, however policies from the past are still used today; such as the Classical Schools concept.

However, there have been many improvements in the policies in the past. Theories are developed and expanded on concerning why individuals commit crimes, such as the social learning theory and social structure theory. Although these methods help reduce crime and possibly detect criminal activity, some theories and crime-fighting methodologies violate civil liberty. Future of Crime Fighting Crime is a major part of our history, present, and our future. People are not perfect, and the world is a cruel place for people to live in now days.

The future is what we need to look to, and our future is in the hands of ourselves. It is our Job to ensure that we do have a future and that our children have a safe place to live as they grow up as well. It’s important for us to take action now, that way in the future hopefully things will be better. It will not be an easy road to go down but it is one we need to go down non-the-less. Nothing is easy in life, and we have to stand up and fight for the things we want; otherwise crime will overrun the streets and spiral out of hand.

Crime-fighting Methodologies Although, we need to ensure the safety of the people, the future of crime fighting needs to be mindful of an individual’s rights as well. It will take professional work, and expertise to overcome this hard road. The most-important issue when it comes future policies of crime fighting is the safety of the citizens. One of the biggest social issues of the future will be the internet. We already have a start to the future with tools like fingerprinting, facial recognition, voice recognition, and iris scans.

All these things are crucial aspects to the crime fighting fields. DNA testing is another major way of identification that can’t be altered. Through the years, technology has grown and has developed. It has helped ensure public safety in many ways, it also has helped state and local communities better use existing technology. It has improved criminal records and identification systems to keep high-risk individuals from locating weapons or positions of trust. There are many databases used by the criminal Justice system from the combined DNA Index system, biometrics, cybercafé spare and others.

DNA Testing The combined DNA index system is a useful tool in solving crimes. In 1998, it was officially initiated it allowed participating forensic laboratories to compare DNA roofless with the main purpose to match case evidence to other unrelated cases or to other persons that have been already convicted of specific crimes. DNA can be very useful when solving crimes one of two ways. When a suspect is identified, a sample of their DNA can be compared to evidence of the crime scene.

In the case where there is no suspect that has been identified, evidence that is left from the crime scene can be analyzed and compared to profiles in the DNA database to help identify the perpetrator. There have been many controversy about obtaining DNA the con in n article by Generated titled “Retreating Justice”; “storing DNA taken from unsuspected individuals in a criminal database undermines presumptive innocence and sets a chilling precedent for data collection by the government of its citizens.

In addition, it violates the rights of people to be secure and protected from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures’ as is guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. ” (http://UCLA. Procom. Org/view. Answers. PH? Questioned=()00685) Regardless how you look at it the DNA index system when used properly can solve a rime and is very useful for law enforcement. With the ongoing growth of technology, they will find more fast and efficient ways to solve crimes and catch criminals.

Biometrics According to the NJ, Biometrics is the science of using one or more physical characteristics or behavioral traits to identify individuals. Biometrics helps law enforcement agencies track individuals down. One known biometric technology is fingerprinting. This method provides accurate information of detecting criminals. Fingerprinting also helps secure borders and prevent identity theft. Cybercafé Spy;are So many people use the internet and use that as a way of communication, business, etc. This has had a dramatic rise in crimes through this technology.

Public and private entities have developed these techniques and others to address cybercafé which include fraud, child exploitation, viruses, and many more crimes. There are numerous agencies in the U. S including the federal government level the US department of Justice, homeland security, local and state Law Enforcement that have the responsibility to investigate and prosecute cybercafés. Crime fighting techniques are always evolving and improving; the growth helps educe the amount of crime committed each year.

There are new crime-fighting methodologies developed and improved on every day; biometrics, cybercafé spare, and DNA collection programs. Criminology has grown greatly and has been expanded on. However policies from the past are still used today because they still apply to society and the relation to crime. However, there have been many improvements in the policies in the past. Although these methods help reduce crime and possibly detect criminal activity, some theories and crime-fighting methodologies violate civil liberty.

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Evaluation of Self Help Group

Abstract The increased dependence of modern agriculture on fossil fuel-based energy, while reducing drudgery, simultaneously increases the risk of the farmer to fluctuations in fuel prices. Labour costs have also risen sharply in recent times forcing farmers to go in for mechanization. The increased frequency of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, heat-waves and cold-spells being witnessed and attributed to climate change, are also causing frequent losses to farmers.

Any strategy in agriculture, therefore, should address these key challenges of land degradation, water availability, energy requirement and labour costs. Conservation agriculture addresses all these key challenges. Zero tillage (ZT) or no-tillage one of the vital approaches of conservation agriculture is now being practiced on almost 100 million ha area worldwide with the major countries being USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and Australia. However, the adoption of the technology in Asian countries has been low.

The modern concept of ZT tends to imply seeding a crop mechanically in undisturbed soil-covered plant residues. By adopting the zero-tillage system, some of the countries have reportedly got substantial benefits in terms of grain production, revenue generation and environmental protection. Less tillage of the soil reduces labour, fuel, irrigation and machinery costs. In India, efforts to adapt and promote resource conservation technologies have been underway for nearly a decade but it is only in the past 4 to 5 years that the technologies are finding rapid acceptance by the farmers.

In India spread of technologies is taking place in the irrigated regions in the Indo-Gangetic plains where rice-wheat cropping system dominates. ZT systems have not been tried or promoted in other major agro-eco regions like rainfed semi-arid tropics, the arid regions or the mountain agro-ecosystems. As sustainable agriculture becomes more popular, monetary grants and awards are becoming readily available to farmers who practice conservation tillage.

Some large energy corporations which are among the greatest generators of fossil-fuel-related pollution are willing to purchase carbon credits to encourage farmers to engage in conservation tillage. The farmers’ land essentially becomes a carbon sink for the power generators’ emissions. This helps the farmer in several ways, and it helps the energy companies meet demands for reduction of pollution. Thus becoming a source of conserving energy in agriculture as it is certain that the way we approach energy, the way we produce, extract and consume it, will determine the future shape of life on earth.

There is need of policy initiatives to be adopted to felicitate adaptation to climate change in India like promotion of incentives for good agriculture practices like zero tillage, residue management, cover crops etc that promotes carbon sequestration and reduce emission of GHGs and providing subsidies for these practices in potential regions. Therefore, socially applicable schemes and policies on conservation agriculture is needed to promote a balanced trade-off ensuring functional resilience of the ecosystem.

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How An Integrated Marketing Approach Can Help Generate Greater Brand Impact

It is no secret that consumers today don’t just buy products and services, but focus on the value they can derive from their purchases. The same holds true for the brands they choose.With the new-age, digitally empowered consumers no longer averse to rejecting anything that they deem is not very useful to them, marketers are gradually realising the need to connect with their consumers on a more evolved level in order to generate greater brand impact.

Enter integrated marketing, a marketing strategy which focuses on developing a seamlessend-user brand experience across multiplemedia channels and platforms. But why is this approach being heralded as a game-changer for the marketing landscape? The answer lies in its relevance.

Marketing, for the longest time, has been about delivering a brand’s messaging to its target audience. However, in today’s dynamic business environment full of marketing chatter, there has to be more to this approach to make it merit-worthy. Be it print, electronic or digital media, consumers are exposed to advertisements and marketing efforts by brands on a regular basis.

This bombardment of information and messaging has served to desensitize audiences to anything that is considered too run-of-the-mill or ‘me-too’.Integrated marketing, with its focus on creating consistent brand experiences across various channels, helps brands in breaking through the clutter and reinforcingtheir brand positioning.

What truly serves to differentiate an integrated marketing approach from other marketing techniques is its focus on engaging, instead of telling. Instead of delivering the relevant messaging, integrated marketing leverages the various tools available at the disposal of a brand to create conversations with its target audience. The buzz generated by TV and print advertisements is often supported by parallel campaigns on radio and social media platforms.Peer-to-peer marketing endeavors are then leveraged to transition the impact produced onto offline and online communities that interact and engage with the brand, making them act as brand evangelists and promote the brand directly and indirectly.

With every marketing effort aimed at complementing everything else that has gone before it, such an integrated approach leads to the creation of a holistic brand image through compelling, homogenous narratives and co-creation. Not only does this focus on cross-channel consistency help marketers in capturing greater mindshare amongst consumers, but also facilitates better recall value in the minds of their target demographics.

Consistency in integrated marketing should not be confused with a lack of creativity, nor should it be taken to mean the repetition of the same message across different media platforms. Brand consistency, instead, is based on an in-depth analysis of the many aspects surrounding its image. Being aware of key aspects such as product experience, design, customer service and messaging is important in creating a successful integrated campaign, as is an understanding of other factors such as market trends, competitor positioning, and consumer involvement.

At the end of the day, integrated marketing is all about ensuring that the brand is never really disconnected from consumers it is targeting. Getting the target audience involved in the process of brand creation can lead to a greater impact for the overall marketing approach and can drive greater returns-on-investment for marketers, highlighting how a small change in approach can make a big difference.

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This League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Will Now Help The Poor With Their New Venture

India’s three very best gentlemen, who have already made their mark in helping the underprivileged, are coming in unison with a philanthropic scheme that could really enhance prosperity for the poor section of our society.

A technology enabled financial inclusion vehicle, this venture goes by the name of Avanti Finance and is supported by three strong pillars – Industrialist and Chairman Emeritus of Tata Trust, Ratan Tata; Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani; and Former Finance Commission Chairman Vijay Kelkar. The three of them are setting up a micro-finance company, which will be focused on delivering affordable and timely credit to under-served and un-served segments in India.

Planning to establish operations before the end of the financial year, Avanti will be backed by Tata’s experience who has been actively engaged in several initiatives of the Tata Trusts since his retirement.  His endeavours in the last few years have been focused on creating a sustainable model for interventions, which have lasting impact on communities, especially the under-privileged and the deprived. He, along with Nilenkani will bring in the investments from their respective philanthropic capital, and any gains will be reinvested in philanthropic causes. Kelkar will bring forth his knowledge of financial institutions and the trio will be joined by R Venkataramanan, the Managing Trustee of Tata Trusts, as one of the founding-directors of the firm.

Thanking Dr. Kelkar and Nandan for agreeing to be part of this purpose driven initiative, Tata spoke about how he believes Avanti to be a platform that would ‘impact the poor through credit at individual and community levels to create a lasting improvement in their livelihoods and standard of living, ushering prosperity.’

A senior leadership team with , Microfinance, Enterprise Risk Management, Credit Operations and Customer Service, Leadership and Strategy Consulting, Structured Finance and Investment Banking is in place.

What will Avanti Finance do?

The aim is to leverage on the social sector presence of Tata Trusts and other likeminded partners and the rapidly evolving India Stack (Jan Dhan – Aadhar – Mobile), UPI and payments bank ecosystem. Avanti would use this ecosystem and will innovate on product design in consonance with the indigenous needs, to deliver seamlessly for the end consumer.

The promoters strongly believe that the institutional inequalities and information asymmetries are depriving the target customer segment of access to affordable credit.

The target customer segment over the last few years has displayed very low delinquency rates compared to any other customer segment, but still is charged the highest rate of interest.

Avanti’s primary objective is to make a difference in this sphere thereby enhancing the prosperity in these communities. Nilenkani trusts technology to be that an important that will make a difference in many ways than one. He sees his participation in Avanti as more driven by social motivation rather than anything else, “with a view to serve the underserved and unserved and make the Tata Trusts and other likeminded partners philanthropy more effective,” he added.

The microfinance firm plan to start operations by March 2017 and claims to register with RBI in the coming days. Access to credit at an affordable cost is still a challenge and all foreign schemes to work in India. Given such circumstances, Avanti Finance comes as a ray of hope for millions of people in India who are really looking forward to see what change the best in the country can bring. Expectations are already high with people eyeing happy changes, something we all could use in our life.

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Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay

Table of contents

In Vietnam, English is considered the most of import foreign linguistic communication, which is taught as one of the chief topics in schools every bit good as in universities and is besides used the most in communicating among other foreign linguistic communications. Harmonizing to the Longman lexicon of linguistic communication instruction and applied linguistics, English is used as a foreign linguistic communication or a 2nd linguistic communication to pass on with aliens who speak the English linguistic communication in non-English speech production states.

The English instruction and acquisition at Thuong Tin High School is non really important in footings of the pupils ‘ accomplishment. Particularly, the large concern is for English vocabulary keeping. At the terminal of the first term 2009 – 2010 merely approximately 50 % of the pupils got an norm of 5 and 6, and merely 8 % got 7 or 8 and the remainder got 3 or 4 in the English unwritten trial in the 2009 State First Term Examination. These figures have made the instructors of English in TT High School feel worried, they need to see the serious job carefully and happen out the best methods to better the state of affairs rapidly.

This hapless accomplishment is non new but has lasted for old ages, and at that place have been many things done about it but the state of affairs has non improved. Students have been given excess lessons so that they have more clip to pattern their English, particularly English speech production lessons, they have been helped a batch with alteration before every trial. They have even been provided with well-prepared hand-outs of the points on which they are traveling to be tested and told what to larn to make the trials good. In malice of what they have been informed and reminded of, unexpected things have still occurred, pupils have non improved their accomplishment, and the fact that most pupils were non really adept in speech production and authorship trials which were shown on the study of first term.

To happen out which factors are of import in linguistic communication acquisition, it is necessary to hold a close expression at societal factors every bit good as a figure of psychological dimensions of difference. Attitudes and motive, assurance, intelligence, linguistic communication aptitude, and linguistic communication acquisition schemes have besides been found to hold an consequence on linguistic communication scholars ‘ success in their linguistic communication acquisition ( Gardner, 2001 ) .

The research undertaking took topographic point at Thuong Tin High School located in Thuong Tin, a town about 30 kilometers from Ha Noi Capital and has been developing really fast. The people have become richer and a big figure of households have invested money in after school activities and private tutoring for their kids in English and other nucleus topics. If pupils and scholars have an first-class degree of English, they will derive credence to higher schools of larning and better-paid occupations.

English is an of import and mandatory topic at about every school in Vietnam. Thus, normally pupils have to larn English for at least 7 old ages, from grade 6 to rate 12. In many schools in metropoliss kids start larning English in grade 3. There is even a tendency to larn English before simple school as their parents believe that the English linguistic communication is a utile investing for their kids ‘s hereafter. Most occupations now require the appliers to hold cognition of English linguistic communication at certain degrees. Though English is taught from class 3 in primary schools, most high school pupils are hard to read an English paragraph fluently, talk to each other in English as a conversation, listen to a short debut on telecasting or compose a missive or even a paragraph of description in English good.

The issue that why most TTHS pupils have still had low consequences on speech production and composing trials though they have been helped a batch before trials, and what possible solutions could be found. The TTHS instructors have had a serious treatment and come to conclusion that most TTHS pupils have low English vocabulary keeping and this has great influence on their speech production and composing trials. Students can non talk, listen, read and compose English if they do non hold plenty necessary English vocabulary. But what we, instructors, have to make to assist our pupils better their English vocabulary. More things must be done to alter the state of affairs for the better, and the concerns were carried out, such as ; motive, methods of instruction and acquisition, environment of instruction and acquisition, stuffs and inclusive of Visual Aids. The defined solution for this issue was that Using Visual Aids to assist pupils better English vocabulary keeping, because the instructors believed that there is no ways of larning vocabulary better than seeing the existent things or illustrated things.

Most instructors of English agree that it is hard for them to hold successful lessons on vocabulary or communicating without ocular AIDSs and pupils will non be easy to understand and pattern if they do non hold certain ocular AIDSs for every undertaking because pupils do non hold plenty necessary vocabulary to pattern. The intent of this research is to find utilizing Ocular Aids helps TTHS pupils improve English vocabulary and the effects that ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils.

Research inquiries:

How do VISUAL AIDS aid pupils better English vocabulary keeping?

What effects do ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?


Ocular AIDSs

Brown ( 1973:1 ) emphasizes that utilizing assortment of media, ocular AIDSs, will increase the chance that the pupils will larn more, retain better what they learn and better their public presentation of the accomplishments they are expected to develop. Furthermore, Finocchiaro ( 1974:63 ) provinces that the pupils will understand and retain better when they have been shown or taught some objects that associate with it.

Educational professionals have acknowledged the fact that pupils who struggle in reading comprehension because they may miss the ability to grok words. Joseph ( 2006 ) realised, “ there are several attacks to learning word-reading accomplishments but few integrated systematic processs that facilitate command, construct eloquence and lead to keeping of accomplishments for fighting readers ” ( p.803 ) . Students who struggle in acquisition accomplishments need specific intercessions to increase their reading degree and word cognition. These intercessions should be ongoing and occur early in the acquisition procedure in order to ease the cognitive burden at the pupils ‘ current reading degree and for the following class degree. Using ocular AIDSs to heighten English vocabulary and vocabulary keeping is a scheme that has been researched and implemented into TTHS English classromms.

With the usage of ocular AIDSs, such as ; reliable stuffs or illustrated things, pupils could increase their English vocabulary keeping every bit good as they can establish on their vocabulary to better their speech production, composing, listening and reading comprehension accomplishments. Joseph ( 2006 ) confirmed that pupils tend to be more motivated and take to finish assignments and undertakings that contain some points that are known to them and that appear to demand lower degree of attempt because they feel confident about their ability to finish such undertakings. If implemented decently, ocular AIDSs, which are reliable stuffs or illustrated things, can do on-going deffernces in pupils ‘ ability to read with assurance independently and continually. It is the consistence of vocabulary intercessions that allows the fighting pupils to see the vocabulary footings within the reading transition if they are to spread out their cognition of the vocabulary term. This can do the difference in their proficiency of linguistic communication acquisition

Dave ( 1975: 10-11 ) besides proposes some of the ocular AIDSs as follows:

Real things and toys with different kinds, sizes and colourss are utile to

draw pupils ‘ involvement. Real things can be presented to pupils by agencies of field trip or conveying the object to the category for direct observation.

Chalkboard or blackboard are certain to be the most utile instruction AIDSs, used in the category. They have the advantage of supplying points of attending for the category and they can be used for many intents. Pictures are flashed for a brief minute, therfore, the images should be simple and large sufficiency to be seen clearly by every pupil in the category. Wall charts or wall images are large documents with some images and words, utile for showing vocabulary to the category. From the account above, non all of media can be applied in the schoolroom ; the instructors have to choose the appropriate media that straight related to the acquisition procedure.

Vocabulary appraisals should besides be used for a precursor to measure pupils ‘ comprehension. Johnston ( 1997 ) pointed that “ as childen spend more and more clip reading and authorship, many modus operandis and common forms become automatic, picking up velocity and really traveling through a different portion of the encephalon, no longer affecting witting attempts ” ( p 145 ) . This is an of import factor if pupils are to go independent of the schoolroom instructor. It is of import to increase pupils ‘ tool chest of vocabulary schemes.

Harmonizing to Haycraft ( 1983: 102 ) learning AIDSs can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing construction and word order or for assortment of games. Besides, learning AIDSs can besides give a great aid to the instructor in the category. A scholar can non ever successfully learn English merely by listening to the account from the instructor. Ocular AIDSs help teacher give more accent on pronunciation of the words, vocalizations and wrong written of words. Furthermore, in vocabulary category, the scholars are encouraged to give their sentiments about the ocular AIDSs that are presented by the instructor, therefore the scholars can be more active in teaching-learning procedure. Ocular AIDSs are besides really utile to develop the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically.

Ocular AIDSs, particularly images are really utile in learning vocabulary to promote and actuate the pupils to larn the linguistic communication. As stated by Coppen ( 1969: 88 ) images are parts of ocular AIDSs. “ The intent of image is to supply a stimulation which will arouse a peculiar response from the scholar. The image represents some action and in order to larn the appropriate words to depict the action itself must non be in inquiry ” . Pictures are parts of ocular AIDSs. They may be used in learning the simple school pupils to avoid ennui. Brown ( 1973: 410 ) states some maps of images as follows: Media are used to learn the pupils to larn efficaciously. Pictures help the pupils read the books and finally interpret and memorize words.

Edmund Fason ( 1959: 416 ) provinces that teaching-learning procedure with images will acquire win if the images are related to the stuff of the survey, images should be coloured and varied, colorful images intensify the pupils ‘ imaginativeness.

Using ocular AIDSs can give a great aid to the instructor in the category. The pupils will non ever be successful in larning English merely by listening to the account from the instructor or by reading many books. Using ocular AIDSs in vocabulary category promote the pupils to give their sentiments about the presented images. The instructor can do them more active during the teaching-learning procedure. Furthermore, blinking ocular AIDSs for a short clip is really utile for the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically.


Retention should be a demand for the acquisition of vocabulary footings. Joseph ( 2008 ) makes these recommendations, “ in specific environmental conditions, words that were taught were considered learned when they were read right on next-day keeping investigations. Wordss that were non read right on next-day keeping investigations were non considered learned. Previously taught but unconditioned words were retaught with the same instructional status until they were read right on next-day keeping investigations ” ( p 298 ) . This would be a good process to follow if scholars are to highten their keeping of vocabulary footings. These keeping investigations were designed to mensurate pupils ‘ vocabulary acquisition. Retention investigations were ever administered the twenty-four hours instantly following the instructional status and before another unit of ammunition of instructional conditions bagan. Each keeping investigation consisted of all the ocular AIDSs of unknown words that were taught in the previuos day-to-day sessons. The ocular AIDSs were exchanged and presented as one group of words to the pupils. Reiser and Dempsey ( 2007 ) provinces, “ maximising larning with rich media involves two memories systems ; working memory and long term memory that shapes human larning ” ( p314 ) .



This research survey took topographic point in Thuong Tin High School in Thuong Tin town, 30 kilometers off from the Centre of Ha Noi Capital. The topics involved in this research were 40 pupils, they were in two different categories 12A2 and 12A3 ( aged 16-18 ) . They were indiscriminately selected to set into two groups: 20 pupils in the control group ( 12A2 ) and 20 other pupils in the experimental group ( 12A3 ) ( This means that the category 12A2 has 20 participants who belong to the control group, and the category 12A3 has 20 participants who belong to the experimental group ) . All of them are grade-12 pupils in the school twelvemonth 2009 – 2010 and travel to school everyday from Monday to Saturday. They have 3 English periods every hebdomad, each period lasts 45 proceedingss. The experiment lasted one month.

After organizing two groups, a trial was given to pupils to look into their English vocabulary so that the research worker could guarantee pupils in two groups had the English vocabulary equality ( Appendice 2 ) .


Many ocular AIDSs were used when carry oning this research, this was done by utilizing images, existent things and illustrated things. To do clear the research inquiry, these following types of informations were collected: studies, pre-tests and post-tests, interviews, observations, and trial tonss.

A study was given at the beginning of the survey to find if the pupils enjoyed larning English and their attitudes to the instructional manner of the category ( Appendice 1 ) . This helped me understand pupils ‘ perceptual experience of the category and if any alterations, other than those used during the survey, needed to be made to maximise the pupils ‘ academic public presentation.

A Pre-test and Post-test were used before and after the research to happen out the difference between the pre-test consequences and post-test consequences in order to cognize whether students’vocabulary keeping has been improved ( Appendice 3A, 3B ) .

Observations and trial tonss were besides used as measuring tools. In order to take notes and find the engagement and attitudes of the pupils, observations were used daily. Make the pupils respond otherwise to the assorted ocular AIDSs? Were the pupils on undertaking during a certain ocular scheme? Did the pupils enjoy some ocular schemes over others? Detecting besides made it possible to find if outside variables affected the pupils ‘ trial tonss. Were the pupils holding a nerve-racking twenty-four hours? Did the pupils merely come back to school from a vacation interruption? To find if the usage of visuals affected trial tonss, trial tonss during the four hebdomad survey were compared with those from the old four hebdomads. At the terminal of the survey, the replies to the inquiries must be found ; Why do TTHS pupils speak, listen to, read and compose English so severely? How do ocular AIDSs help them better their English vocabulary keeping? Which effects do the ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?

Design and Methods of Data Collection

When implementing the experiment, the research worker used different ocular AIDSs in lessons, for illustration ; images, existent things and illustrated things were utilised instead so that pupils could understand the mentioned words and memorise them more efficaciously.

Interviews were done earlier and after the research in order to cognize whether pupils were interested in the experiment, how they behaved during the research and what they achieved after the research.

Observation was implemented in the procedure of research, this helped the research worker know that all the pupils in the experimental group took portion in the experiment on a regular basis.

Trial tonss were done after the experiment finished, the trial tonss were collected from the pre-test consequences and the post-test consequences to demo the betterment and difference of utilizing ocular AIDSs in instruction and larning English vocabulary.

Teaching activities that used ocular AIDSs were provided to the experimental group pupils in the category 12A3 in all the lessons ; listening, speech production, reading and composing lessons every hebdomad.


Survey Results.

The study that was given to the two English categories included five inquiries and five replies, Numberss 1-5 ( Appendice 1 ) . When asked pupils the five inquiries, the research worker found that there was a large difference about pupils ‘ attitude to larning English, and larning English vocabulary with the aid of ocular AIDSs before and after the experiment. The consequence was compared in the Pre and Post-survey ( Appendice 1 ) .



Before the experiment

( n=students )

After the experiment

( n=students )

1. Make you bask larning English?







2. If you do non like larning English, why?


Teaching methods



Lack of ocular AIDSs



3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things?







4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject?







5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories







There were several trials ( a sample trial in appendice 2 ) given to pupils in the both groups to guarantee that the pupils in the experimental group was tantamount with pupils in the control group about the English vocabulary before the experiment.


Percentage of words that recalled and written down before the experiment

0 – 20 %

30 – 50 %

50 – 70 %

80 – 100 %

Control group

( n=20 )







( n=20 )





Interview Results

In each group, 5 pupils were indiscriminately invited to interview before and after the experiment. They were asked to give replies to 3 inquiries ( Appendice 4 ) . The 5 pupils in the experimental group produced the same words as the 5 pupils in the control group before the experiment but the experimental pupils produced more words than the control pupils after the ezperiment.

a. An interview before the experiment

B. An interview after the experiment.

Trials Consequences



Number of words

10 – 40

40 – 70

70 -100


( n=students )





( n-students )






Number of words

( n=100 words )

10 – 40

40 – 70

70 -100


( n=students )





( n-students )




From the consequences of the post-tests, it was easy to happen that if pupils were provided with ocular AIDSs in their lessons. They could increase their vocabulary much better. Before the experiment, the two groups were tantamount in their vocabulary, but at that place was a large spread between the control group and experimental group after the experiment. The experimental group increased their vocabulary a batch more than they were earlier. However, the control group did non better their vocabulary a batch.

Questionnaire Consequences

After the survey clip, the 20 pupils in the experimental group were given a five inquiry interview about their feelings towards the category. The replies were categorized as either being understanding and dissension and compared with the consequences before the experiment..

Comparison of Agreement and Disagreement Responses from the Interview


Answers from Ex-group

( n=students )







1 ) Do you like the English category?





2 ) Do you bask larning with ocular AIDSs





3 ) Do you believe the ocular AIDSs are assisting you?





4 ) Do you desire to hold ocular AIDSs in future lessons?





5 ) Are you motivated with and interested in larning English vocabulary with ocular AIDSs?






The aim of my research was to happen out how ocular AIDSs aid pupils better their English vocabulary and to detect if ocular acquisition schemes have an consequence on ESL academic accomplishment in a high school English schoolroom. The chief findings of this research show that there is a positive correlativity between the usage of ocular AIDSs and the consequences when utilizing studies, interviews, observations, and trial mark comparing

Comparison of Averages from the Control and Study Periods

Harmonizing to Dong ( 2002 ) , he found that when instructors use visuals, the pupils inquire more inquiries. During the survey period, I observed that the pupils in the experiment asked more inquiries than the control group. The pupils were interested in the ocular AIDSs and ever asked inquiries to clear up their misinterpretation.


This research indicates that pupils may larn in many different ways and instructors should make many things possible to back up and to run into the demands of all pupils. Ocular AIDSs can interrupt the linguistic communication barrier that separates pupils from instructors. Pictures, ral things or illustrated things ever helped to explicate both particular and common English words to the full. For illustration, the word “ fire an employee ” was given to pupils in a inquiry on a trial, but none of the pupils in the category knew what that word meant and seeking to explicate it did non assist either. The significance of the word was so made clear when I made a image on the board. This research would urge that instructors use as many ocular AIDSs as possible in their schoolroom.

This research besides shows that ocular AIDSs can increase pupils ‘ English vocabulary and better their vocabulary keeping. The most utile and popular ocular AIDSs were introduced in category were images, illustrated things, such as ; toys or theoretical account signifiers. For illustration, during the unit on autos, it was so easy for pupils to think and to cognize the parts of a auto when they saw images of auto parts or a toy auto.

My research had a positive impact on pupil acquisition, English is rather a hard topic with tonss of vocabulary and visuals are the best manner to larn those words. There are besides a batch of subjects that have to be covered in an English category. Visuals, particularly images, are a great manner to demo pupils the overall construct and the minute inside informations of a subject. The pupils in my English category have learnt and improved their vocabulary a batch when I applied the ocular AIDSs in the category. As already mentioned, images were the most popular and effectual. There was a purpose behind each and every ocular. I carefully planned out how I would make and explicate each ocular so that pupils could execute good.


Collier, V. P. ( 1992 ) . A synthesis of surveies analyzing long-run linguistic communication minority pupil informations on academic accomplishment. Bilingual Research Journal, 16 ( 1-2 ) , 187-212.

Dong, Y. R. ( 2002 ) . Integrating linguistic communication and content: Education and Bilingualism, 5 ( 2 ) , 40-57.

Duran, B. J. , Dugan, T. , & A ; Weffer, R. ( 1998 ) . Language minority pupils in high school

Hamblen, K. A. ( 1993 ) . Theories and research that support art direction for instrumental results. Theory into Practice, 3 ( 4 ) , 191-198.

Mayer, R. E. ( 1989 ) . Models for understanding. Review of Educational Research, 59 ( 1 ) , 43-64.

Gardner, R.C. ( 1985 ) , Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The function of attitudes and motive, London: Edward Arnold

Gardner, R. C. 2001. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher.Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, Volume 6, A Number 1, A Fall 2001.

Joseph, L. ( 2006, May ) . Incremental dry run: A flash card drill technique for increasing keeping of reading words. International Reading Association, 51 ( 1 ) , 90-92.

Petrie, G. M. ( 2003 ) . ESL instructors ‘ positions on ocular linguistic communication: A grounded theory. The Reading Matrix, 3 ( 3 ) , 137-168.

Tan, A. , & A ; Nicholson, T. ( 1997, June ) . Training hapless readers to read words faster better their comprehension of vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89 ( 2 ) , 276.

Appendice 1


The servey was given to 2 categories ( each category consists of 40 pupils ) .



Before the experiment

( n=students )

After the experiment

( n=students )

1. Make you bask larning English?







2. If you do non like larning English, why?


Teaching methods



Lack of ocular AIDSs



3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things?







4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject?







5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories







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