How Media Impacts Government

Table of contents

The media is an important part of government knotted with the practice of democracy. Anywhere in the world, media act as a primary source for any news or happenings. As a primary source, it has great influence on what people think about politics, public opinion and government. Moreover, media is an important factor in political campaigns. There are different factors on which the media impacts governments like.

Social Media for shaping a political profile

No politician disagreed with the popularity through media. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram give politicians the opportunity to shape their public image and convey a sense of precision to users. Nowadays, voters hold politicians answerable for their wrongdoings. In addition, candidates and their supporters continuously post their views on Facebook and Twitter. Each party has its own pages, from where it broadcasts propaganda and requests for contributions.

Media users and politics

Nowadays, to gain votes from voters, politicians cannot just focus on mega projects and tax reduction plans because now it doesn’t attract people. To gain their attention politicians use energetic and fresh material, such as videos, to communicate with the audience with their government plans so that large numbers of audience cast them a vote. This also gives them the chance to have a modern image that appeals to younger audiences. They remain active, commenting and interacting with followers to know the point of views of audience.

Advertising through social media

YouTube has become a fastest means for politicians to advertise their political campaigns without spending money on advertising space on TV or the radio. This saves millions of dollars, because a digital ad costs a fraction of the price of traditional advertising. . Targeting is also used throughout the advertising industry to make sure that those ads and messages reach the right audience.

Moreover while watching any video the advertisement during video attracts the viewers and forces them to watch that advertisement. This gave the advantage to the politicians that through this advertisement any person attracts to that particular political party.

Our Government Institutions


Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority is an independent and constitutionally established federal institution which is responsible for regulating and issuing licenses to the channels for establishment of the mass media culture, print and electronic media.

Its main objectives are to facilitate and regulate the private electronic mass-media industry and to improve the standards of information, education and entertainment. PEMRA was established on 1st March, 2002 during the era of President General Pervaiz Musharraf.

It enlarges the choice available to the people of Pakistan in the media for news, current affairs, religious knowledge, art, culture, science, technology, economic development, social sector concerns, music, sports, drama and other subjects of public and national interest. It also ensures liability, transparency and good governance by optimization in the free flow of information. Saleem Baig is the current chairman of PEMRA.


PID stands for Press Information Department which is the principal department of Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage headed by Principal Information officer (PIO). PID is working since 1947 with the mission to establish an authentic source for timely dissemination of information to people through all forms of media.

PID carries out its operation round the clock through a proper mechanism of media projection, monitoring and feedback. Its purpose is to broadcast the government policies and also to tell the Government about the impact of its policies. PID functions as media coverage, release of public sector advertisement, and research.

The Impact of Polls

Political polls play an important part in every campaign. They are often confusing because we often find multiple polls with opposing results posted on the very same day. As with other types of political news, the internet has greatly increased the number of poll results we see each day. Social media has accelerated this even more.

Not only social media sites report the results of polls, we can participate in Facebook polls also. Polls results have a big influence on elections. This is true even if they are flawed. A poll can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, if people think one candidate is far ahead in the race, they might conclude there is no point in voting for the loser. When people are posting the latest poll results on social media throughout the day, there is a great deal of pressure on candidates to pull ahead of their opponents.

How government impacts media

Government plays vital role in regulating media. But besides positive factors; unfortunately government also affects media in following ways:

Government ills

First of all government do not focuses on serious issues regarding people of country and when media highlight these issues politicians get active to resolve that issue so that they are not blamed for that issue. Government is elected by we people, so it is responsibility of government to resolve all the problems of people.

It can be any problem either it is flood, target killing or any other serious issue. People who are getting poor day by day government should give them financial aid so that they can make their both ends meat. Unemployment is the major problem our country is facing these days, government should give jobs to the unemployment people.

The major government ill due to media is that our entertainment channels are showing such issues which should not be highlighted on TV. It should be stopped by government.

Policies promotion

Government agencies are using social media increasingly to engage with citizens, to share information and to deliver services more quickly and effectively than ever before. But as social content, data and platforms become more diverse; agencies have a responsibility to ensure that these digital services are accessible to all citizens, including people with disabilities.

Government can promote media policy by providing the conditions for the free formation of opinion, the free exchange of ideas and the real opportunities to examine various phenomena and activities in society. To do this, government needs a variety of high-quality media which covers film, the daily press, radio and TV, and the protection of children and young people from harmful effects of the media.

Government promotes media policies so that their opinion, ideas can reach to all the people of the country effectively. By using media If politician tweet links to photo, video or audio content, they should make their tweet effective so that it can act as a descriptive caption to provide context for the item, and then link back to a website page that hosts a tagged photo, captioned video or audio with full caption.

Unlike past campaigns, where face to face appearances drove the campaign trail, social media has effectively helped both candidates reach audiences across the nation at all times. The use of social media platforms by government for example, are a great way to manage a social strategy across multiple internal teams without the risk associated with disorganized efforts.


The use of social media in politics including Twitter, Facebook, and you tube has dramatically changed the way campaigns are run and how we interact with our elected officials. The prevalence of social media in politics has made elected officials and candidates for public office more accountable and accessible to voters. And the ability to publish content and broadcast it to millions of people instantaneously allows campaigns to carefully manage their candidates images based on rich sets of analytics in real time and almost no cost.

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Influence Of The Media In Forming Negative Body Image Among Females

We set out in this paper to explore the influence of the media in forming negative body image among females. In the course of the research, we also looked at the influence of media—primarily TV watching—on males just to compare the two groups and their responses to media images. Our findings reveal that although distortions in body image are growing among both males and females, females are especially vulnerable to body-image messages and respond to them with distorted behaviors around dieting and with lowered self-esteem or self-image.

These conclusions are supported further by some of the work of Garner, Garfinkel, and Olmstead (1983) who claim that media exposure to stereotypes of very thin women models and reinforces the association between thinness and the characteristics such as physical attractiveness, desirability, personal self-worth, and success. This can lead to internalization of a thin ideal stereotype by females, which can result in distortion of the mental image of themselves (Downs & Harrison, 1985; Ogletree, S.

M. , Williams, S. W. , Raffeld, P. , Mason, B. , & Fricke, K. , 1990; Salmons, Lewis, Rogers, Gotherer, & Booth, 1988). Indeed, Myers and Biocca (1992) claim that only 30 minutes of TV watch a day can alter a young woman’s perception of body shape. Why is this important? First, of all the effect of pervasive media influence, such as extensive TV watching and the reading of women’s magazine which are full of diet programs, are distorting the image of females’ perceptions of their ideal body image.

Whereas, in some eras in history a “Rubenesque” or plump figure was considered a favorable body type, in this period of time the ideal type is an emaciated look. This distortion can lead to behaviors that create unhealthy dieting and exercise patterns that have the potential to seriously affect a young woman’s long-term health outlook and can lead to diseases such as Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia. A second consideration is the role of self-image. It appears as something of a chicken-and-egg issue. That is, do media images cause lowered self-esteem and lead to unhealthy dieting and exercise behavior.

Or does the practice of consistently unhealthy behaviors that don’t lead to the distorted image that is imagined by some women cause lowered self-esteem? In an article on the Media Awareness Network, it is claimed that all this media barrage leaves the message that women are always in need of adjustment so that whether it starts with the chicken or the egg the woman is going after a mostly unattainable goal of extreme thinness and thus can’t win and will ultimately end up with a lowered self-image.

The third point is that the media benefit from the constant message that women are inadequate. The article on the Media Awareness Network cites the fact that the diet, cosmetic, and plastic surgery industries are direct beneficiaries of women’s feelings that their body images are inadequate. They state that, “By presenting an ideal difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. And it’s no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty.

Such women are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, diet aids, and memberships to health clubs. Obviously, this is a situation where a need is created, a consumer is convinced of the need, and services and products are introduced to fill the need. What are some of the considerations that exist that are trying to address and disrupt this unhealthy contract? The article on the Media Awareness Network states that “There have been efforts in the magazine industry to buck the trend.

For several years the Quebec magazine Coup de Pouce has consistently included full-sized women in their fashion pages and Châtelaine has pledged not to touch up photos and not to include models less than 25 years of age. ” There was also significant attention to the models for Dove cosmetic products, who were average-sized women. These ads appeared in magazines and on TV. An informal scan of TV ads and programs might show some average-sized women, but they are still few and far between. Our unfortunate conclusion is that the fantasy image of a super-thin woman still sells products.

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Different Media Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict

The movie “Wag the Dog” is supposedly a fictitious film about a group of publicity managers who fabricate a war in an unknown country in the Middle East and then work their publicity magic in order to create the persona of a president in charge. The movie was a highly comical yet engrossing look at how mass media easily manipulates the public into believing what they want the public to believe. What is highly disturbing is that the movie, made by Hollywood for the entertainment of the masses, is actually based on reality.

This reality is deeply embedded in the Israel – Palestine conflict that has been raging on for as far back as I can remember. Politics is a very dirty and secretive game. The government and its supporters will utilize anything and everything in order to achieve their endgame. The public is the unwitting spawn in this power struggle and the controlling method of choice is the mass media. The manipulation happens so high up in the government power hierarchy that even the media no longer realizes that their supposedly independent and free thinking job of keeping the public informed is a well thought out and planned outcome of Washington’s needs.

Media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict is considered an important tool in understanding the source of their bad blood relationship. The media reports that are seen worldwide are an influential source both political and social support for both nations. This is the reality that is presented to the world and it is the basis for the creation of a strong public opinion either in support of or against the goings on between the two countries.

In the opinion column of Sonia Nettnin that she entitled “U.S. Media Coverage of Israel-Palestine Conflict”, she informed her readers about the reality of who really controls the US Media when it comes to the coverage of the Israel – Palestine conflict: Few Americans realize that U. S. mainstream media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict passes through America’s political elites, Israeli public relations organizations and private American organizations, before it reaches the public. In other words, we get the sanitized version of the reports.

Nothing we see on the nightly news, or hear on the radio reports, even what we read in the newspapers, can be taken to be the unabridged truth of the goings on in that part of the world. She invites her readers to watch the film ” Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: U. S. Media and the Israel – Palestine Conflict” in order to realize how much our media is censored without realizing it. Nettnin specifically wants the viewers to understand how the director of the film, Sut Jhally:

Examines how these filters distort the realities on the ground. It demonstrates how through word choice, limited historical context and one-sided perspectives, U. S. journalists provide the American public with limited news coverage. The media’s misinformation campaign is actually a public relations manipulation being masterminded by American corporations and lobbyist groups. The manipulation of the news allows the media and various interests groups to mold the public opinion towards beliefs that will be beneficial to those concerned.

Simple word play can totally alter the way news video footage is presented to the public. In reference to an actual event that happened in September 3, 2001, Nettnin relates that: Through interviews with journalists, media analysts and political activists, the film explores the co-opted media’s techniques for reporting the conflict and mobilizing public opinion. For example, on September 3, 2001, a news network did not want its journalists referring to the Israeli settlement, Gilo, as a “settlement. ” Instructions given to journalists explained that “?

We don’t refer to it as a settlement? ” so in one of the network’s news clips that followed, the journalist reporting from Gilo used the officially substituted word “neighborhood. ” The word change altered the perspective of the news report drasttically because it removed an perception of colonization from the report’s context. Clearly, replacing or eliminating words from a report can assist with removing skepticism about the nature of its subject matter. Moreover, it helps modify public perceptions as to who is the aggressor.

Last February 5, 2006, Alison Weir, founder of If Americans Knew (IAK) presented a compelling power point presentation titled “Israel-Palestine: What the Media Leave Out” at the Meditation Center in Fairfax, California. Here, she showed her audience of 14 people her personal statistical analysis pertaining to the American media reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to her, their group research discovered that television reports covering the conflicts between September 2000 – 2001 reported:

Israeli deaths at a ratio of three to four times greater than reports of Palestinians killed. In addition, Israeli deaths frequently would have a prominent follow-up report, whereas Palestinian deaths were rarely reported even once. What further disturbs Weir is that this pattern of inaccurate and biased reporting continues to be the format for news reports of similar events up to the present time of the conflict. Basically, the whole world will depict the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine based upon reports coming out of the USA.

This is because the USA is considered the World Police by majority of the nations thereby giving the country the right to dictate how other countries will be viewed in the context of a battle. According to a joint article entitled “America’s One-Eyed View of War: Stars, Stripes, and the Star of David” by Andrew Gumbel and Donald Macintyre of The Independent: There are two sides to every conflict – unless you rely on the US media for information about the battle in Lebanon.

Viewers have been fed a diet of partisan coverage that treats Israel as the good guys and their Hizbollah enemy as the incarnation of evil. American media has portrayed the Hisbollah as the bad guys in this ongoing religious war. This is not to say that the Hizbolla’s are not the bad guys, but the Israeli’s, the people viewed as the innocents may not really be all that clean either. But, the U. S. has made such a clear cut decision on who the bad guys are in this scenario that the attitude of the country has left no room for any sort of debate on the topic.

While watching the cable news reports, I have come to realize that the reason we feel such empathy for the Israeli’s is because these networks all have their reporters in the thick of the action within Israel and none in Palestine. There is also a lack of real interest in getting a professional opinion from a historical expert who is familiar with the roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict. But, the report goes on to say that: A startling amount of airtime, meanwhile, is given to the likes of Michael D Evans, an end-of-the-world Biblical “prophet” with no credentials in the complexities of Middle Eastern politics.

He has shown up on MSNBC and Fox under the label “Middle East analyst”. Fox’s default analyst, on this and many other issues, has been the right-wing provocateur and best-selling author Ann Coulter, whose main credential is to have opined, days after 9/11, that what America should do to the Middle East is “invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity”. It is said that the Bush Administration has a solid view of the Hizbollah as, according to Gumbel and Macintyre:

Part of a giant anti-Israeli and anti-American terror network that also includes Hamas, al-Qa’ida, the governments of Syria and Iran, and the insurgents in Iraq. It is this view that the media of the world has interpreted and believed. Mainly because the conflict is presented in such a cut and dried manner by the United States government that nobody will dare to ask questions such as what the difference between the 2 groups are or perhaps wonder aloud as to what their goals might be. Mainly because according to San Francisco rabbi Michael Lerner:

There is no major figure in American political life who has been willing to raise the issue of the legitimate needs of the Palestinian people, or even talk about them as human beings. The organised Jewish community has transformed the image of Judaism into a cheering squad for the Israeli government, whatever its policies are. That is just idolatry, and goes against all the warnings in the Bible about giving too much power to the king or the state. But just like everything else that has to do with war, the media has slowly come to realize that Palestinians are not just people across the border from Israel.

They too have their own stories to tell about the atrocities of war, and, their story must be told as well. According to the video Der Yassin Remembered: Westerners now realize that Palestinians, as a people, do exist. And they have come to acknowledge that during the creation of the state of Israel, thousands of Palestinians were killed and over 700,000 were driven or frightened from their homes and lands on which they had lived for centuries. Deeper research into this topic led me to information about how the Czech media handles the reporting of the aforementioned events.

In her article ” Are Czech Media Reports on the Arab World Objective”, Dita Asiedu asked Jan Krecek, a faculty member at Charles University if the Czech media was providing the public with an unbiased coverage of the events in the Middle East and the Arab World. The reply received was quite straightforward: The media institutions are normal firms that are working on the market and you can see it in their content – the news is somewhat biased. This is because they have to make a profit. He points out that the worldwide media exercises 2 different powers when reporting the news.

That of a selective power when deciding what news feeds are newsworthy, and descriptive power, or the power to choose how a story is presented. These are the main moneymakers for the company and are therefore are the major factors in making their decisions. When Czech reporters are asked why they report so little about the real status of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the usual reply is that Arab countries seem to have a closed door policy when it comes to information dissemination. According to Bretislav Turecek, reporter for Pravo, a paper in Czechoslovakia:

Even Arab journalists who go to Israel see an openness of the Israelis – it’s possible to call the spokesman of the Israeli Army 24 hours a day and it’s possible to reach the spokesman of the Prime Minister. This is really unusual in most of the Muslim countries in the Middle East, where there are so many restrictions for journalists, or generally for foreigners. So Israel knows use the foreign press for its purpose – in both the positive and the negative way. As Mr. Turecek mentioned, the Arab community is not really interested in sharing their views and information with the rest of the world.

Which is why my research turned up no Middle East media views on the media coverage of the Israel – Palestine conflict. Instead, what I did turn up were the opinions of various Israeli and Palestinian citizens who have migrated to the USA and have shared their personal views with the western media. Thus, it is this viewpoint that will be thrust of my paper from this point on. Leon T. Hadar, author of “Quagmire: America in the Middle East” is also a former New York correspondent attached to the Jerusalem Post. He related that during a conference discussing” Is the American media coverage of Middle East biased?” which he attended 2 years ago.

He was hosted by the New York Times and Washington Post who allowed him to present various media reports related to the Israeli – Palestinian conflict to his audience and asked them to guess what particular newspaper covered the issue. He shocked the audience when he told them that the articles were not from American, British, nor European based newspapers. Nobody could believe that: The articles, however, were all published in the leading Israeli Hebrew-language daily, Ha’aretz, also known as “the New York Times of Israel.”

Ha’aretz is read by government officials, business executives, and the professional and intellectual elites in Israel. In addition to its exceptional coverage of current events, which has garnered the newspaper many national and international awards, Ha’aretz carries editorials and commentaries that help set the public agenda in Israel. It is a “must read” among diplomats and foreign correspondents stationed in Israel, who receive a more accurate and balanced picture of what is happening there than the one presented by most leading American newspapers.

Ha’aretz—unlike the Times or the Post—even employs a full-time correspondent who is stationed in the West Bank and Gaza and who provides the Palestinian perspective on the conflict, which explains why the articles by correspondent Amira Hess were considered so “pro-Arab” by my hosts. Additionally, he mentions that: Questioning the credibility of news reports from the Middle East has been one of the major tools of American Jews trying to cope with the continuing cognitive dissonance.

I am amazed sometimes that, even in this age of the internet, with Ha’aretz and other Israeli newspapers maintaining English-language websites and cable news networks broadcasting around the clock, for many American Jews (and for many Christian evangelicals), Israel still remains a fantasy—and they would like to keep it that way. Meanwhile, Remi Kanazi of the Palestine Monitor author if the article ” US Media Bias: Covering Israel/Palestine” and was really troubled by the marked discrepancies between reports from CNN and Haaretz regarding an encounter between Israel – Palestine troops:

The contrast in coverage between CNN and Haaretz is staggering. The CNN headline was written in absolutes: “5 militants shot in raid. ” The CNN article continues by stating only the Israeli claim that five militants were killed, making the headline biased and misleading. The Haaretz headline read: “U. S. urges restraint after IDF raid that killed 5 Palestinians. ” This headline refers to the people who were shot as Palestinians and not solely militants. The Haaretz article covers conflicting Israeli and Palestinian claims, which made it impossible to determine whether or not all five killed were militants or civilians

He mentions that he considers CNN and The New York Times . as “left wing” media outlets and wonders why they never present the Palestinian side of the war. He claims that the answer is that both companies are neither liberal nor honest. They are simply out to sell a product and will only cover a story properly if covering it does not pose a risk of losing readers or advertising revenues. But, it is not to say that the only reason there is a slant in the coverage of this war is for financial or political reasons. Both Israel and Palestine accuse the media of being bias although these accusations have never been proven.

One of the main reasons that Israel gets more news coverage in both print and television news the world over is because Israel knows how to play the lobby and public relations game. Israel has put together a highly impressive public relations team that speaks English, has knowledge of western media, and is very much at home being interviewed in front of the camera. The same public relations department also insures that informative emails are send to various news wires everyday. On the other hand, Palestinians, due to their intense secrecy, prevents itself from presenting their side of any given situation.

Their grasp of the English language is so poor that the language ends up a mangled mess when they try to communicate in it thus opening themselves to misinterpretation each time anybody from their side is interviewed. The roads leading to and from Palestine are also hard to traverse making the best way to get an interview from them over the phone. They also do not have an efficient public relations team and only manages to send out about 5 emails a week to keep the international press informed of their situation.

These are but a few reasons that explain why the Western news teams rarely get assigned to cover such country territories. There is so little for the other world media to go on when covering Palestine so that they instead spend their time explaining to their readers and viewers about why they don’t have any information that is necessary to explain what is going on to them. For far too long, Israelis have been using the term “war against terror” in a manner that exploits the current actions of Palestine against Israel.

It is this Israeli battle cry that has gotten the most media coverage over the decades much to the detriment of the Palestinians who are seemingly unable to express themselves effectively to the world. Quite recently though, there seem to have been observable changes to the way the Israel-Palestine conflict has bee playing out. With the support of British 24 hours news channel BBC, once formally accused of bias leaning towards the side of Israelis, there has been a slowly developing trend towards improving news coverage in the area. Nachman Shai an Israeli spokesman was asked about how he viewed the media coverage of the war and he replied:

It (meaning the media coverage of the Israel – Palestine conflict) has gradually become more balanced than in the beginning—the media are now seeing more of the complicated issues than at the beginning, because of the indiscriminate violence of the suicide bombers against the Israeli population. The bottom line is that the varying differences in the media’s coverage of the ongoing Israel – Palestine conflict is due to the very conflicting reports coming out of the opposing camps. Reporters are seemingly welcome only on one side of the border and this certainly affects the way they present the information they gather to the public.

There is no bias or hidden agenda on the media’s side. It is simply a matter of using the information that they can get their hands on in the best way they know how. Perhaps in the future, all of this will change and their will finally be a balanced and unbiased view of the events as they unfold in the Middle East. After all whether he is a television or print journalist, the main objective of a news reporter remains the same. To present the events as they happen in unbiased reporting styles.

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Understanding the Creative Media Sector

Understanding the Creative Media Sector. Assignment 4 unit 7 Nolan Benson ? Nolan Seth Benson Assignment 4 Unit 7 CONTENTS PAGE Page 1&2 – INTRODUCTION Page 3&4 – PRO’S AND CON’S OF FREELANCING Page 5&6 – IMPORTANCE OF NETWORKING Page 7&8 – VARIETY OF EMPLOYMENT ROLES Page 9&10 – OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Page 10&11 – CONCLUSION&BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION When you make a conscious decision to study and work towards something educationally, you have to know exactly what you want and where you want to go after the course, and what you will gain from the course.

Obviously when you start you have goals to work towards, so when it all comes together there is no better feeling. Knowing what you want is vital when choosing a career path, so putting in lots and lots of research will defiantly benefit you in the long run. When it comes to making a decision about your career path always keep yourself in mind and remember that you will have to make some sacrifices when it comes to getting your dream job. Our generation, the youth of today has been brought up in a false culture when instant ratification plays a major role in our day-to-day lives. Technology is always moving on and up to better things making us, and our world a more sophisticated place to live in. When it comes to employment opportunities, the world is your oyster. Especially living in England, we have connections all over the world so broadening your horizons will always benefit you in the long run, by the end of this report we should be able to understand exactly what opportunities and where will come your way when becoming a broadcast journalist.

We will consider the types of potential positions you could work in when working towards your final destination, I mean there is no fun in just getting to the top of your field without working hard in all different areas before. It’s highly unlikely that you will be able to jump right into what you want to do. You must take into consideration all the different things you will have to do and learn in order to acquire the skills that you will need to become a top broadcast journalist.

Starting from the bottom and making your way to the top is ideal by the end of this report we will find out exactly how to start at the bottom, make contact’s and connection that will ultimately help you in getting to the top. We will also have an in-depth look into all the places where people advertise for jobs and roles in the broadcast and journalism fields. We will look online especially because everything is going digital, but we will also have a look into what magazines and newspapers advertise for this sector.

We will also have a look at the importance of making good friends and acquaintances in the industry that can ultimately help you to elevate yourself above the rest of the competition and get you to your end goal. The importance of personal growth is not only a key factor in the broadcast and journalism sectors, but also in life itself. So when an opportunity comes around for you to gain knowledge and an understanding of your sector, grabbing it with both hands is really important. Make mistakes as you go, but make sure you never make the same mistake twice. Also actively seeking workshops or courses that will enhance your knowledge is key.

So don’t be lazy, be proactive! PRO’S AND CON’S OF FREELANCING PRO’S One of the pros of freelancing in the media industry is the fact that your working hours can be really flexible, this flexibility is great because it often means that you get to choose what hours you work, especially when working from home. This cuts down the time and money you spend commuting to and from work every day. Often when you get freelance work in the media industry it’s got to be in on a certain deadline, this gives you the option to manage your time the way you want to spend it.

If you’re a night owl, you can spend your day working on other projects, hobbies or simply enjoying the ‘free time’, with evenings spent working. Alternatively, if you wish to cram in lots of work into a 3-day week, it’s your prerogative as long as you meet your deadline and deliver quality work. However if you find that you aren’t really motivated when you are at home and can’t find the time to put in quality work under your own systems, then you seriously have to recognise and realise because handing in work of a poor quality will only tarnish your name and your reputation.

If you manage to become an established media freelancer people will trust you with work they need done. Getting to this point will take years and years of hard work and dedication but once you are established you will never find yourself without something to do. As a result of becoming established you get to choose exactly what work you want to do so if you particularly enjoy doing one aspect of film for example, you may be lucky enough to earn a steady income just doing that. But if you get bored there is always an opportunity to do some other medium of work.

CON’S As a freelancer, especially if you are still up and coming and not established and well known, your work and income for the month may not always be guaranteed. One major consideration you have to take in as a freelancer is weather you’ll be able to secure enough work to meet your financial needs. You might find that you will have to build up a portfolio of clientele, or if you are contracting yourself out to media companies there could well be dry spells when you don’t have work coming in and when you are looking for new work to go into.

So if you are considering freelancing, then it would be a good idea to either take on some part-time work while you build your portfolio of clientele, or you could save a little bit from each job as a contingency plan for when the work becomes scarce. You should also defiantly keep yourself in the loop when it comes to the world you are living in, recessions and economic slowdown can hit freelancers and contractors really badly. As a freelancer, unless you have your own accountant, you’ll have to take care of your own bookkeeping duties and tax affairs.

Weather you’ve set yourself up as a sole trader or a limited company, you’ll need to be up-to-date and precise when it comes to your tax affairs because you could be audited at any given time. PRO/CON You are your own boss! Becoming your own boss defiantly has its plus sides. For example, if you choose to take a week off on holiday, you don’t have to ask anyone else. There is no set start time for you to get to work, and there is no clock watching, waiting for the end of the day to arrive. You and only you reap the rewards and praise for your work, and you don’t have to share the profits with anybody else.

However, having no boss to make sure you are working can also have its downsides. For one, you will be liable for your reputation and any problems that arise. Your reputation, once dented, may take a long time to recover if you have networked extensively. There will be no one to share the load when the going gets tough, and you will have to deal with all your clients and their problems by yourself. Nevertheless, all of the above are hypothetical scenarios, and the chances are that if you are dedicated, passionate, motivated and punctual, then you will be able to make a success of yourself and your career when freelancing in the industry.

IMPORTANCE OF NETWORKING Why is networking so important within the industry? Incorrect networking could mean disaster when it comes to trying to progress in your chosen career. Networking done improperly could tarnish your name and your reputation within the industry. But done properly it is a key that will unlock many doors on the path towards making a well-respected name for yourself in the industry. I’m going to give you five points on why networking and meeting new people is key to progressing in your chosen career path. 1.

Networking is a really successful way to meet contacts that you would previously had no way of meeting or contacting. Meeting a prospective client face to face at a networking event or meeting is by far the best and most reliable and successful way to go about fixing up a business meeting with that person. If a physical and personal relationship is established before you pick up the phone or swop business cards and information – your chances of doing successful business together with that person probably tripled then if you had just cold called them. 2. Do not forget that everyone you network with has somebody else that they know.

Although your immediate group is extremely important, everyone that they know is as well. Your referral circle is widened greatly by joining a group of networking contacts. 3. If you do a good job for your customer and that said customer decides to recommend and refer you and your services to four of their colleagues, friends and family-that’s great. However if you’re part of a big networking group that meets once a month, and only ten-twenty members tell somebody they know about you and your business already your exposure has more than doubled. This is great because this gets more people aware and talking about you and what you can offer.

By growing the right network, the ultimate in “Word of mouth” marketing takes place. You promote your network, and your network ultimately promotes you. 4. It’s like having your own management team on standby. Businesses need to be prepared for all types of eventualities, especially in a recession. Unfortunately in a tough economic climate anything can happen and instead of having to rely on people and business that you don’t know in hard times – if you network strategically then you should have a selected group of people at your fingertips that you can call upon, if and when, you need support or elp. 5. If you are a small business or a just getting started in the industry you may feel that a networking group could bring to much business, workload that you might not be able to handle right now, due to being busy or understaffed etc. fear not though, networking provides you with a key to business –choice, its not like you are forced to do accept every piece of work that comes your way, instead you have the luxury of picking and choosing which customers and which work suits you and your schedule.

Sometimes if businesses are desperate for work then they are forced to take on anything that comes their way, even if it does mean working for less money. If there is a choice of clientele, then you maybe able to pick and choose whom you do business with. This gives you the ultimate freedom to work with people that will benefit your business and that will bring out the best in your work. VARIETY OF EMPLOYMENT ROLES (Broadcast Journalist) What can you expect and do in the job?

Broadcast journalism is the collection, verification and analysis of information about key events, which affect society and the people within society, the publication of information in a fair, accurate, impartial and balanced way to fulfil the publics right to know in a democratic society. This contains and involves a wide variety of media including radio, television the Internet and wireless devices. Broadcasting journalists involved with working in the television industry work in a number of different roles and genres, these include; news, current affairs, or documentaries.

Broadcasting companies may also employ them, or they could work on a freelance basis. The role of a Broadcast Journalist is to turn information into pictures and sound, reporting and producing live and/or recorded packages as well as researching, preparing and reading bulletins. You will be responsible for generating content from a wide range of subjects. You will be encouraging new contributors and developing their ideas as well as your own. You are likely to be working as part of a team, generating your own stories and bringing on board new ideas. ?You will be initiating and producing a wide range of news and current affairs material nd will be expected to carry out in-depth research to a broad brief, write material for programme scripts, bulletins etc and at all times exercise excellent editorial judgement and adhere to legal and good practice guidelines. ?You may carry out interviews and reporting duties, in both recorded and live situations, in a studio or perhaps on location. You can expect to be involved in originating and developing programme ideas to support forward planning of material and future programmes and provide briefings for reporters, camera crews and other resources staff and contributors.?

You will need to operate broadcast equipment: in radio, portable recording equipment, self-operating outside broadcasting vehicles and studio equipment in television, to direct camera crews on pre-recorded and live coverage, to oversee editing and operate gallery equipment.? You may be responsible for programme budgets, ensuring effective use of money and resources, supervise the work of Broadcast Assistants and most certainly, as a Broadcast Journalist you would need to develop and maintain local and perhaps national contacts and fulfill a public relations role. ww. startintv. com How to start and where you can go with it? Broadcast journalists should have successfully completed a degree in broadcast journalism, multi-media, TV or online journalism to name but a few. Everybody’s path is always different, but keeping opportunities open and available is key to getting the correct qualifications. IT and word processing qualifications are also required. Broadcast journalists obviously start their careers either as a runner or an assistant to an executive.

Other starting points could be as a researcher or a newsroom assistant, progression to becoming an on screen reporter, special correspondent, news presenters, and bulletin or programme editor will always be available if you are prepared to put in the hours as an assistant or researcher, becoming fluent in all these aspects will only serve to benefit you down the line. As a broadcast journalist you may also move into programme production or management roles, or become journalists, newspaper reporters or writers.

Some broadcast journalists may also start their careers working as newspaper or other print press journalists. The opportunity for career progression as broadcast journalist is ever growing, jobs are available across a range of functions, requiring different skills, knowledge and experience. Initially, a recognized journalistic qualification or substantial practical experience (3years+) is a good starting point. A special interest, for example, in sport, entertainment, fashion, arts etc, with a good general knowledge of current affairs would defiantly support your career as a broadcast journalist.

OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Professional Documentation/Portfolio In this fast paced an ever-changing world we live in the need for you to advertise yourself and your work as a business is vital in progressing to any higher statues you may want to achieve. The need for professional documentation is vital for prospective businesses and employers you hope to work for. Presenting yourself in a professional manner is important because the person looking you up for a job, the first thing he/she will look at is your c. v. , on your c. v. s everything about you and your career interests, if this is not professional people will not take you seriously. Having a website that can also show your work to prospective clientele is also a key factor is securing yourself a regular income doing what you love, the internet can offer people information almost instantly, this is great because companies will be trolling the web looking for the relevant people. So if your website is professional and portrays professional work done by yourself, consider it a key step in the right direction for you career.

Also every time you do business with somebody make sure he/she is satisfied and satisfied enough to the point that they will write a good reference about you and what you do for future clients to see. These references are extremely important because they offer justification about what you can do to future business partners. Also keeping all the work you have ever done in a portfolio will only set you in good stead in the future with prospective employers and business partners. Another important thing to keep in mind when becoming a broadcast journalist is to be ever learning and experiencing new things.

If you are constantly gaining recognised skills and qualifications it will only benefit you and your career in a positive way, being ahead of your competition at all times will set you in good stead when working to becoming the best in what you do. Gaining skills will always put you one step ahead of the rest. So do as many courses as you can in as many different areas as you can. They key to life is education so constantly education yourself will only allow people to understand and take you more seriously, and hopefully the people you are trying to reach will listen.

Maintaining professional behaviour and conduct at all times will only benefit you and your career. No body likes a smart arsed know it all, rather give yourself and your employers and colleagues 100% satisfaction by not rocking up to work late, being punctual will only help to progress your career, obviously if there was one position left and you and one other person had applied, if you have respect and your attendance, punctuality, commitment are all on point and his aren’t then just by maintaining professional behaviour you will get the promotion over the slacker any day.

Being professional is vital; saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can cost you your job and your reputation in this industry. Its cut throat and the situations you may find yourself in are high pressure, so if you take care of the small things like being smart, arriving on time and having good manners, for example, the big things will take care of themselves. CONCLUSION

Broadcast journalists can expect a long and invigorating career, provided they constantly work at progressing and learning as much as possible, if you are prepared to put in the long hours for a small story then you can do nothing but progress into high positions of power. Becoming a sought after, well-respected individual will only help you to make a successful career for yourself as a journalist. To become a broadcast journalist, you should have: •excellent communication and ‘people’ skills •good listening and questioning skills •empathy and tact •good writing and research skills confidence and a clear speaking voice •persistence and motivation •calmness under pressure and the ability to meet tight deadlines •a creative approach with the ability to ‘think on your feet’ when necessary •an understanding of what makes a good news story •a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail the ability to work on your own initiative and also as part of a team. BIBLIOGRAPHY www. acareerchange. co. uk www. careers. guardian. co. uk www. bni. eu/regional-news www. startintv. com/jobs/broadcast www. nationalcareersservice. direct. gov. uk/advice

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Global Media and Constructivism

Global Media and Constructivism Media globalization plays a significant role in the global culture. It can be very convenient for people in different countries to exchange information. Also, the exchange of trade and products between the countries has become convenient and simple too. Nowadays, the rapid changes in technology have been increased to a new media platform, so the evolution of media is important to explore. From my view point, the globalization of media leads to better-informed citizens.

Moreover, I agree with the statement that global media contributes to the creation of a global village because it can help share cultures, and constructivists can investigate global change and transformation. But the global village also has some disadvantages, like problems with political control of the media. Media globalization cannot be stopped. It is a result of new communications technology, and it is also the prerequisite and facilitator for all other forms of globalization. Because of new technology, such as the growth of satellite broadcasting, phone system and cross-border advertising, the way people accept information has changed.

At first, people get information from newspapers and books, and then it evolved into the computer and Internet. The spread of the Internet and global communications media has expanded our information society into a global information society, and the one aspect of the globalization of the media is the multinational media company and market dominance. So, some people think that without mass media there would be no contemporary consumer society which means no globalization. In short, the media network cannot survive without the technological innovation.

In addition, the media evolved from single to multiple, from national to the global, and also from developed areas to underdeveloped areas. Some people believe that the globalization of media does not lead to better- informed citizens because political control of the media, and people do not know the information that they find in the media or Internet is reliable or not. Idealism argues that “the most fundamental feature of society is social consciousness” (The Globalization of World politics, PP163).

In short, idealism does not disregard the material forces such as media power, but the meaning of these material forces are not given by nature but driven by human interpretation. So, an idealist view of global media argues that people get their social consciousness not from natural truth, but from other people who create the information. For example, if the growing media monopolies and government deregulation have diminished the quantity, quality, and diversity of political content in the mass media, citizens never get the truth.

Therefore, the globalization of media under government control can lead to worse- informed citizens. However, I think that the globalization of media can lead to better-informed citizens because it changes people’s perception and habits, and it also expands the horizons of people. According to the movie, “Global media for a global culture? ” many years ago, there were no Asian people who knew the Christmas festival or Halloween, but these two western festivals have become two of the most popular festivals in China, Japan and Korea because the transnational media corporations came to Asia.

As normative structure theory mentioned that “actors adhere to norms not only because of benefits and costs for doing so, but also because they are related to a range of self” (The Globalization of World politics, PP163). This is means the global media has an impact on culture, and these new beliefs not only constraint actors, they also constructed categories of meanings in their identities and interests, and define standards of appropriate conduct which can lead to better-informed citizens.

Therefore, people can share similar culture and viewpoint which means the distance between the people become closer. People in some underdeveloped areas can become democratic and liberal, and we can easier understand each other. Furthermore, I agree with the statement that global media contributes to the creation of a global village because transnational media corporations are attempting to establish operations in nations around the world, and people share the same information, culture and worldview. Institutional isomorphism (such as transnational media corporations) raises issues of growing homogeneity in world politics, international community and socialization processes” (The Globalization of World politics, PP163). For example, America’s dominance in the entertainment industries (such as Disney, Time Warner) made it difficult for other cultures to produce and distribute their own cultural products. American popular culture, in addition, challenges authority and outmoded traditions.

So, the media globalization affects the development of native culture and its people, especially the impact on teenagers. Teenagers in other nations have rejected their own cultural traditions. Instead, they want to wear American styles. Additionally, it is popular for people in other countries to sing in English rather than use their native tongue (“Globalization and Mass Media” P5). So, constructivists generally hold that identities shape interests (The Globalization of World politics, PP163).

We know who we are because identities are social and are produced through interactions they can change. The global media change people’s identity, and the country is composed by the people, so the global media contributes to the creation of a global village. Therefore, “The internationalization of cultural business and cultural texts, as well as the remarkable worldwide proliferation of new communications technologies has undeniably influenced the global culture” (Hesmondhalgh, 2007:2).

While global media contributes to the creation of a global village, it also creates social, political and security problems. Some people fear the globalization of media because although the Internet connects people on a global level, people can also use it to form small groups with diverse political agendas. For this reason, the Internet’s lack of centralized control makes some governments reluctant to let their citizens have Internet access. For example, Singapore, China, and Saudi Arabia attempt to censor sites for political and religious reasons.

I think that governmental concern about how people will use the Internet is well founded: “some media and journalists wantonly distorted the political facts or add extreme rhetoric, which cause the citizen of the decline in trust in government. Many public-sphere liberals find a malaise in American democracy about declining voter participation and public mistrust and cynicism toward government” (Democratizing Global Media: One World, Many Struggles, Robert A. Hackett, PP12).

Moreover, “critical political economists and anti-globalization activists identify Western-based transnational media and ‘the organization of global information flows along free-market lines’ as agents of domination, eroding the ability of states to protect “autonomous information spaces” (Waisbord and Morris 2001: ix). Therefore, global media have been criticized for homogenizing global culture by disrupting national traditions. The Web creates a chaotic marketplace of cultures that allows the development of cultural imperialism, rather than uniting the world into one large and homogeneous global village.

So, it is very common and necessary to know that nationally organized media are subject to varying degree of political control in some countries. In conclusion, a key factor in Internet evolution is the ability of citizens to easily communicate with each other. Globalized media means that people can get information quickly and easily, and that it can lead to a global village where people share similarities and can create a more equal civilization. However, even though some people believe that the global media are enhancing the process of peace and democracy, it actually does not have completely transformative power.

For example, the radical democrats endorse media role as “government watchdogs” and “public-sphere models” and they also expect a democratic media system to counteract power inequalities within the social order. Ultimately, global media has advantages and disadvantages, so we need more critical thinking about whether the information that we find in the media or Internet is reliable or not. Work cited David Held and Anthony McGrew, The Global Transformations Reader, UK: Polity Press, PP 216, 2000 McChesney Robert, “Global Media Neoliberalism and Imperialism Monthly Review”, 52. 0, P. 1, 2001 March Peterson, David, “The Global Media: An Interview with Edward S. Herman and Robert W. McChesney. ZMagazine”, 1997 June Robert A. Hackett, Democratizing Global Media: One World, Many Struggles, PP12 Siochru, S. O. Social consequences of the globalization of the media and communication sector: Some strategic considerations, Geneva: International Labour Office, 2004 Klotzer, Charles L, “The 10 Best-Censored Stories: Key Issues that the Mass Media Largely Ignore”, St. Louis Journalism Review, 34. 270, P. 30, 2004 October Kellner, D. Theorizing Globalization” in Sociological Theory, pp285-305, 2002 Bagdikian, 2000; McChesney, 1999; Herman & Chomsky, 1988 Ingmar Zielke, Neoliberalism, Media and Globalization Western Media Policies in the 1980s and their Implications, 2010, Gottingen Peter Singer, One World the ethics of globalization, United States of America: Yale University press, one community John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens, The Globalization of World Politics, PP163, Oxford University Press Inc. New York 2011, ———————– Wang 6

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The Importance of Media

Media has become almost as necessary as food and clothing in the twenty-first century. The meritorious role that a media plays in regenerating the society is undeniable. Various media are prevailing. Media has the duty to inform, educate and entertain human being. News channels and some newspapers are mouthpieces of some social issues, which help us to estimate the realities of lives. They also put their lives in danger during natural disasters and wars just to apprise people of the situation. Information and awareness are spread in the society partly because of the media.

The media has shaped and completed people’s lives in this century. Media’s primary task is to inform people, which is related to the form of the government. For example, in a democratic society, one should be aware of the circumstance that is going on around the world. A modern society cannot work without the media, which acts as an agent between public and state. Information as a main task of media sounds basic; however, it is not as simple as it sounds. Information is always balancing between subjectivity and objectivity. On the one hand, media has to warn about all events and keep information neutral.

On the other hand, media should also be a podium for groups and organizations that are not predominant. Lastly, media should regulate and criticize not only political parties but also society. Concerning these functions, a variety of media is essential for the correspondence of the world. The role of media in education is evident today by the numbers of computer labs, television sets and libraries that have become part of curriculum in schools. Media comes in different forms and each affects the way students interpret and learn information.

Media has brought globalization; as a result, students from different universities and countries are associated through manageable internet connection. As technology become less expensive over the last couple of decades, media has found its way into homes and businesses throughout the world for means such as gathering information, communication, distance learning, etc. Most students do not know what life was like without media because schools are preparing students for efficacious participation in a technological society. Entertainment has a forceful influence on people.

This influence of the entertainment industry has grown excessively over the past decades due to the advancement of technology. Entertainment is mostly available through the media which includes: the television, magazines, newspaper, radio, and internet. The influence of entertainment on young generation affects the way they behave, dress, and talk because the current generation depends on entertainment as a form of communication and information. People, therefore, turn to entertainment for daily activities. The media are the place where most people get the latest facts and news on remarkable concerns.

The entertainment industry has affected the upcoming generation views and expression of culture. Mass media have tremendous effects on our daily life, whether one wants it or not. The media affects people’s perspective not only through television, but also through newspaper and magazines. Consequently, information about the world and the current century come to mind from diverse destiny of media. They can even be turned to benefit by provoking the understanding and articulation of what one believes. Media is among the wonders of the twenty-first century as it interprets coordinated reports repeatedly to millions of audiences.

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Print Media Industry Worksheet 1

Axia College Material Appendix B Print Media Industry Worksheet 1 Part A: Historical and contemporary role of the print media industry. Choose one of the following topics: the feminist movement (women’s liberation), public education, anti-war protestors, fur and leather products, pollution, or wildlife and environment conservation. Answer the following questions about the relationship between your chosen topic, the print media industry, and American society. Each response must be written using complete sentences in a paragraph of at least 75 words each.

Provide specific examples and cite at least three professional publications or articles. 1. How has the print media industry historically treated your selected topic? How does the print media industry treat this topic today? 2. How has the print media industry helped drive improvements and public awareness of your selected topic? Has the media perpetuated any drawbacks, controversies, or scandals surrounding this topic? 3. What role has the print media industry played throughout the history of this topic? Do you think the current role of the print media is the same as it was in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Why or why not? Part B: Major publications in the print media industry. Respond to each of the statements with a specific example or an explanation using complete sentences as needed. BooksNewspapersMagazines How many total publications are sold annually in each print media industry? According to the U. S. Census 2000, 2,254,000,000 books were sold in 1998. http://www. allcountries. org/uscensus/421_quantity_of_books_sold_and_value. html11,205. 5 million 19,410,335 million newspapers http://www. mediainfocenter. org/newspaper/data/top_news_volume. sp What are the major ownership chains in each print media industry? List three major publications in each print media industry. For each of the three major publications listed in this table, identify the target audience. For each of the three major publications listed in this table, describe the unique writing style. What makes each publication stand out in the marketplace? For each of the three major publications listed above, describe the publishing trends. How is each publication changing in response to today’s cultural, political, or technological climate?

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