Language learning styles used by students in globalization

Table of contents

English linguistic communication is truly considered as a important linguistic communication since it has been used for pass oning worldwide. Therefore, larning English is really common in many states and linguistic communication acquisition manners are used by pupils in globalisation. Language learning manners are the nucleus factors that help make up one’s mind how the pupils learn a foreign linguistic communication. A foreign linguistic communication is a linguistic communication studied in an environment where it is non the major vehicle for every twenty-four hours communicating and where input in the linguistic communication is classified ( Rebecca, 2003 ) .

In an article by Mulalic et Al. ( 2009 ) , pupils larning manners have been unnoticed as an irrelevant faculty in the acquisition procedure. Apparently, one time lecturers become cognizant that different pupils learn assorted manners, they try to suit those learning manners in the schoolroom. When looking into lectors ‘ instruction patterns, it is possible to understand that the bulk of the lectors are non sensitive with their pupils larning manners. The jobs occur when lectors are non cognizant of the significance to make and research acquisition manners.

Harmonizing to Felder ( 1996 ) , how much pupils learn in the category is determined partly by the pupils ‘ ability and anterior readying, and the capableness of their acquisition manners and the lector ‘s instruction manners. More specifically, Godleski et Al. ( 1984 ) , the pupils tend to be bored and inattentive in category, do ill on trials, acquire discouraged about the class, and may reason that they are non good at the topic of the class and give it up.

In a research survey by Izzo ( 1980 ) , confirmed that the size of category is an of import physical factor which influences the pick of method, decreases the sum of single attending that the instructor gives to each pupil. However, she argued that little categories are preferred for linguistic communication acquisition and correlated significantly with linguistic communication accomplishment.

In the research article by Tan ( 2008 ) , identified the chief troubles and jobs of EFL scholars in authorship by analysing the nature of their writing mistakes. The outstanding causes of the mistakes were attributable to the restriction of vocabulary size, low grammar apprehension and obstructor from first linguistic communication. In the determination of the survey, six effectual instructional schemes were suggested so that instructors can follow a more successful attack to better pupils ‘ composing proficiency such as acquisition words, instruction of cardinal sentence construction, demoing reading method, rectifying mistake and category meeting, apprehension of first linguistic communication intervention, and composing inducement.

Since English linguistic communication has been introduced in Cambodia, EFL pupils ‘ acquisition manners have adapted to the linguistic communication acquisition. In the past pupils were likely to acquire cognition through listening to the instructors while instructors lacked specific developing about learning methodological analysis. In the survey by ( Nguyen 2001 ) , the learning manner of Kampuchean pupils is typically memorisation at the disbursal of realistic intent. Consequently, they would instead larn grammar and reading than on hearing and speech production. Specifically, most Kampuchean scholars feel more comfy and gratifying with holding things which are written on the whiteboard in order that they can compose them down and survey at place. Hopefully, pupils hope to acquire press releases of sum-ups or talk lineations. Furthermore, some Kampuchean scholars reveal that they face a batch of force per unit areas of how to accommodate the new cultural environment and how to acquire on with their equals in category. Some feel lonely because the ways they dress or talk are so different.

As for the instance of EFL Cambodian schoolrooms, Keuk ( 2009 ) , found that most instructors use practical accustomed learning methods such as vocabulary interlingual rendition from 2nd linguistic communication to first linguistic communication. As a consequence, pupils are taught to retrieve balls of English linguistic communication with chiefly focused on grammar and vocabulary.

1.2 Problem statement

Without acknowledging proper acquisition manners, pupils seem non to accomplish better consequences in their academic public presentation. Furthermore, pupils are less likely to better their linguistic communication acquisition really rapidly, as they do non cognize the effectual acquisition manners. In malice of the assortment of academic classs which the EFL university pupils take in English, and the tough attempts universities and lectors apply to develop pupils ‘ linguistic communication accomplishments, the pupils ‘ linguistic communication public presentation, unluckily, has been boring. This could be recognized to the diverse acquisition manners and wonts which are used by pupils in analyzing English, including preferring holding things written on the whiteboard to listening to the lectors ‘ account, jitteriness of speech production in schoolroom, preferring grammar interlingual rendition signifier foremost linguistic communication to 2nd linguistic communication while larning English linguistic communication, and preferring working separately and personally to working in braces or groups. Didactically, most of the lectors pattern traditional instruction method, grammar interlingual rendition method signifier foremost linguistic communication to 2nd linguistic communication while learning English linguistic communication. The concluding noticeable job is that big categories pose some important challenges in category room scene and decreased effectivity of schoolroom direction.

1.3 Aims of the survey

This survey aims specifically to place the acquisition manners of EFL private university pupils in Cambodia. More interestingly, this survey intends to research the grounds why Kampuchean university pupils use different manners in their learning English as a foreign linguistic communication.

1.4 Research inquiries

This research aims to look into the effectual factors in larning English as a foreign linguistic communication. The undermentioned research inquiries can be formulated for the survey below.

1. How do Kampuchean university pupils describe their acquisition manners used in larning English as a Foreign Language?

2. Why do the pupils use different manners in their acquisition English?

1.5 Significance of the Study

As a portion of educational development, this survey is important for four grounds. First, researching pupils ‘ acquisition manners in English in Cambodian higher instruction will assist better pupil ‘s linguistic communication acquisition. Second, the survey will cast visible radiation on the effectual acquisition manners of EFL successful Cambodian university pupils, which can be used as a theoretical account of larning English. Third, this research will assist to lend to the utility of appropriate vocabulary instruction and larning techniques in order to advance vocabulary acquisition, peculiarly in EFL Cambodian context. In add-on, from a methodological perceptual experience, it is besides hoped that the findings from this survey will be utile for supplying meaningful suggestions for get the better ofing the jobs that may originate sing the acquisition manners of pupils and how to suit assorted scholars in EFL schoolroom.

16 Definition of cardinal footings

In an effort to better understand this survey, some cardinal footings are defined as follows.

EFL pupils ‘ acquisition manners mean techniques, behaviours, actions, wonts and stairss employed by scholars larning English as a Foreign Language to better and develop their different linguistic communication accomplishments: speech production, listening, reading, and composing. Furthermore, the term larning manner refers to the general attack preferred by the pupil when larning a topic, geting a linguistic communication, or covering with a hard job ( Oxford 2001 ; Reid 1998 )

1.7 Proposed Chapter

This paper will be chronologically composed of five chief chapters. Chapter one is the debut, dwelling of background of the survey, research worker job, research aim, research inquiry, significance of the survey, and definition of cardinal constructs. Chapter two is literature reappraisal, which discusses on the jobs and solutions of the survey. Chapter three is methodological analysis, which consists of research design, participants, method, instruments, tools informations aggregation, information analysis, cultural consideration, strengths and restriction of research. Chapter four is treatment and findings of the survey, analysing the informations collected from the interviews. Chapter five is decision and recommendation, sum uping the jobs and findings of the survey and proposing some schemes to assist better the failings. Furthermore, these five chapters are followed consistently by mentions and appendices.



2.1. Specifying acquisition manners

In a survey by Aqel & A ; Mahmoud ( 2006 ) determined EFL pupils ‘ acquisition manners which are used in An-Najah National University. Consequently, the consequence of the findings suggested a assortment of learning English manners, including altering pupils ‘seats, bring forthing effectual activities, and utilizing ocular AIDSs, which are suited with larning manners used by pupils. Furthermore, the research workers suggested computing machine as a necessary class in English Department and Department of Teaching Methods which give its successful undertaking in doing pupils rely on themselves to develop their linguistic communication proficiency. Besides, the research worker proposes that a survey should be conducted at other universities to detect the usage of larning manners of EFL pupils and the nexus between these manners and pupil ‘s features.

In the research survey by Marin ( 2003 ) , the focal point of the probe was on the linguistic communication acquisition manners looking that pupils face linguistic communication troubles with great accomplishment but with small attempts. However, other pupils faced these troubles with a small success and satisfaction. Besides, this article proved that each scholar had his/her good manner of larning through his/her civilization, educational background and personality.

Heffernan ( 1999 ) as cited in Aqel ( 2006 ) , determined that many surveies on linguistic communication acquisition manners applied and gained otherwise base on motive and result, degree of linguistic communication, old ages of learning linguistic communication, learning methods, hard content, and pupils ‘ background and sex. He besides added that successful linguistic communication scholars use assorted manners in larning linguistic communication, and the instructor can assist in increasing acquisition manners through learning schemes that likely help weak pupils to take the appropriate acquisition manners for dissimilar educational undertakings.

2.2 Learning manners in schoolroom

The schoolroom still remains a good and comfy topographic point for pupils in larning their linguistic communication. Specifically, pupils ‘ acquisition manners have to be taken into history while learning English. In a survey by ( Haynes, 2001 ) , the linguistic communication scholars use certain manners, particularly in their female parent lingua while larning their linguistic communication, and these manners are transferred when they learn a foreign linguistic communication. Similarly, several surveies ( Oxford 1993 ; O’Malley and Chamot, 1990 ) showed that pupils of linguistic communications used assorted larning techniques such as memorisation, repeat, and imitation, development of positive feeling to linguistic communication and application of information.

In a research survey by ( Hayes, 1997 ; Strevens, 1978 ; Harmer, 1983 ) , big English categories are frequently related to miss of control and concentration, break, schoolroom interaction, peculiarly deficiency in the ability to talk English fluently. Furthermore, overcrowded category is one of the restraints on effectual instruction and acquisition. Besides, big categories cut down instructor ‘s attending, produces existent physical uncomfortableness and distraction that negatively affect scholar ‘s attitudes towards their acquisition.

Bloom ( 1976 ) , making chances for little category group work which helps each other and proves to be a utile manner to actuate pupils and right mistakes. He besides believed that the size of the group is one of the chief elements which influences in linguistic communication acquisition.

In covering with the jobs associated with big categories, Nnaji ( 1991 ) proposed tutorial categories as a solution to assist cut down the threat of big categories. She accepted as the truth that tutorial categories should be used to shorten the defects of big categories. Harmonizing to her, tutorials are debate Sessionss where instructors and pupils talk to each other and show their positions on subjects they did non wholly understand

The learning manner of Kampuchean pupils is typically memorisation at the disbursal of realistic intent. Consequently, they would instead larn grammar and reading than on hearing and speech production. Specifically, most Kampuchean scholars feel more comfy and gratifying with holding things which are written on the whiteboard in order that they can compose them down and survey at place. Hopefully, pupils hope to acquire press releases of sum-ups or talk lineations. Furthermore, some Kampuchean scholars reveal that they face a batch of force per unit areas of how to accommodate the new cultural environment and how to acquire on with their equals in category. Some feel lonely because the ways they dress or talk are so different. ( Nguyen 2001 )

However, a figure of personality features have been associated with successful linguistic communication acquisition. These include being willing to take hazards ( Ruben 1979 as cited in Willis 2001 ) , holding self-confident ( Heyde as cited in Freeman and Long 1991 ) , and being interested ( Ellis and Sinclair as cited in Willis 2001 )

2.3 Vocabulary acquisition

In larning a foreign linguistic communication, vocabulary plays a critical function. It is one factor tie ining with the four accomplishments such as speech production, listening, reading and composing. In a research article by Mohd et Al. ( 2009 ) , investigated the rating larning vocabulary schemes of undergraduate EFL scholars and its relation to the scholars ‘ vocabulary size. There are five assorted classs of vocabulary larning schemes such as finding, memory, societal, cognitive, and metacognitive. Consequently, the findings of this survey led to some suggestions to better pupils ‘ vocabulary acquisition, developed their vocabulary size, and enhanced their English acquisition.

As for the instance of EFL Cambodian schoolrooms, Keuk ( 2009 ) , found that most instructors use practical accustomed learning methods such as vocabulary interlingual rendition from 2nd linguistic communication to first linguistic communication. Therefore, pupils are taught to memorise balls of English linguistic communication with chiefly focused on grammar and vocabulary.

Maghsodi et Al. ( 2010 ) , reading should be encouraged either inside or outside category because it is the most of import tool which helps supply scholars with the vocabulary acquisition. It is believed that the more scholars are exposed to new words, they more they are likely to retrieve them.

In the survey by Minji ( 2008 ) , explored which vocabulary direction is more helpful for larning English vocabulary. Consequently, each instructional attack is required to analyze, reappraisal, and integrate to find the utility as a whole. In the visible radiation of the major findings of this survey is that vocabulary direction is effectual overall for EFL scholars even though there are some instructional attacks which are non related to effectual acquisition. Harmonizing to National Reading Panel ( 2000 ) , helped find the effectual deductions of vocabulary direction for first linguistic communication scholars, including learning vocabulary both straight and indirectly, the importance of repeat and multiple exposures to vocabulary points, reconstituting vocabulary undertakings, and implying active battle in larning undertakings for vocabulary.

2.4 Grammar acquisition

Grammar is viewed as an indispensable component for communicating to take topographic point because it identifies how linguistic communication is used. Harmonizing to Larsen et Al. ( 1997 ) , the misinterpretation of the function of grammar is recognized to the fact that it is ever considered to be governed by many fixed regulations.

As for the instance of Mat et Al. ( 2010 ) , turn outing the assorted between the methodological outlooks and the scholars in contrast to the existent instruction methodological analysis followed by their teachers. More significantly, this research article focuses on the five facets medium of direction, including grammar direction, teachers as theoretical account, the utility of boring, apery and memorisation, and the usage of educational tools which is pertained to the foreign linguistic communication methodological analysis. In the determination of the survey, a serious divergency between pupils ‘ mentality and their existent schoolroom in footings of how grammar is instructed. Besides, grammar regulations should be explained and should non be trained and taught explicitly.

2.5 Reading manners

Reading involves a assortment of factors which may hold an impact on scholars ‘ reading ability. Weaver ( 1988 ) defined reading as the procedure of building intending through the energetic interaction among the reader ‘s bing cognition, the information recommended by the written linguistic communication, and the state of affairs in reading context.

In a survey by ( Miller & A ; Yochum, 1991 ; Donnell & A ; Wood, 1999 ) , maintained that the reading troubles pupils face may be related to inaccurate cognition of the reading procedure, deficiency involvement and motive, eloquence, construct denseness, organisation, and hard vocabulary.

Comprehension or reading schemes show how readers conceive of a undertaking, how they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do non understand. In short, such schemes are procedures used by the scholar to heighten reading comprehension and overcome comprehension failures ( Singhal, 2001 ) .

In a 2nd linguistic communication survey, Hosenfeld ( 1977 ) used a think-aloud process to place dealingss between certain types of reading schemes and successful or unsuccessful 2nd linguistic communication reading. The successful reader, for case, kept the significance of the transition in head while reading and skipped less of import words but the unsuccessful reader lost the significance of the sentences when decoded and rarely skipped unimportant words.

2.6 Speaking manners

Speaking is a key for pass oning worldwide. It is the productive accomplishment in linguistic communication acquisition, which places a great demand on pupils ‘ logical and critical thought. In the article by Widiati ( 2006 ) , discussed jobs in the instruction of EFL speech production, activities usually practiced, stuffs normally used in EFL speech production categories, and appraisal of unwritten English proficiency. Based on the determination, Indonesian scholars often have non achieved a good degree of ora1 English proficiency. For illustration, Mukminatien ( 1999 ) showed that pupils of English section have a batch of errors while talking. The errors consist of pronunciation, grammatical truth, vocabulary, eloquence, and synergistic communicating. Likewise, Ihsan ( 1999 ) found in his survey that pupils are likely to do mistakes, including the abuse of parts of address, syntactical building, lexical pick, and voice.

Ihsan et Al. ( 1999 as cited in Eyiyuliwati 1997 ) , showed that pupils had troubles in utilizing grammar and in using new vocabulary points in talking category.

When the ability to talk English is a really hard undertaking sing to the nature of what is included in speech production. Not all of the pupils in an EFL speech production category have the courage to talk. Many of the pupils feel nervous in a speech production category and some are likely to maintain silent. In the research by Padmadewi ( 1998 ) proved that pupils go toing a speech production category frequently felt dying because of demands from the speech production undertakings necessitating them to make presentation separately and spontaneously within restriction of clip. While Tutyandari ( 2005 ) , stated that pupils maintain quiet due to the deficiency of autonomy, prior, cognition about subjects, and hapless relationship between instructor and scholar. In order to cover with pupils ‘ limited cognition, she recommended talking instructors make active the pupils ‘ anterior cognition by inquiring inquiries associating to subjects under argument. Besides, she suggested that pupils ‘ self-pride can be improved and their jitteriness reduced by inquiring them to work in little groups.

To accomplish a higher quality of the instruction of EFL speech production and to better the speech production accomplishment of Indonesian EFL scholars, Mukminatien ( 1999 ) , suggested instructors give their scholars more equal input for acquisition in the schoolroom and force them to utilize English either in or outside the schoolroom. More specifically, Citraniugtyas ( 2005 ) stated that a soundless speech production category can be made more active by delegating undertakings which develop pupils ‘ critical thought accomplishments.

Purjayanti ( 2003 ) found presentation to be helpful to promote pupils to pass on thoughts in their Fieldss of survey. She added that through presentation and its readying pupils were able non merely to pattern speech production, but besides to seek for stuffs and present them in a planned manner.

Small group treatment is an extra activity that can be conducted in EFL speech production schoolroom. Its purpose is to ease scholars to be participated actively in a treatment refering with pupils ‘ limited figure. In a survey of Murdibjono ( 2001 ) demonstrated that discoursing in little groups is an effectual activity so that pupils have more clip to pattern talking with their schoolmates.

2.7 Listening manners

Listening is a critical component in the competent linguistic communication public presentation of EFL university pupils. Therefore, listening comprehension is an of import sill, every bit good as requirement for unwritten proficiency. In the survey of Goh ( 1997 ) , troubles to listening compaction can be divided into individual cognition and undertaking cognition. The obstructions of individual cognition are: the restriction of vocabulary, idiomatic look, sorts of input with new construction, fast address. While the undertaking cognition related to new vocabulary, assorted local speech patterns, address rate, the involvement and intent of listening, bing cognition and experience, physical factors, and the length of sentence construction. However, he suggested two schemes for assisting scholars become better hearer. The first is direct scheme ; it aims at increasing perceptual experiences. Learners L2 can better the hearing by practising perceptual experiences sound, content, pronunciation of new words, words, and modulation characteristics. The 2nd is the indirect scheme ; its purpose is to better cognition about talkers, undertakings, and scheme.

Harmonizing Hann ( 2000 ) , the usage of uneffective larning schemes of scholars may impact their hearing comprehension and scholars ‘ experience. Assorted sorts of listening comprehension may do some jobs due to the insufficiency of the message from factors associating to the talkers ‘ address, and to the scholar proficiency in listening comprehension. Furthermore, it was found that EFL scholars are ill equipped with effectual hearing schemes, accomplishments, activities.

To assist better better the hearing comprehension, in a survey by Wen-sheng ( 2007 ) , conducted in China, hearing is really important input, but many of the pupils in Chaozhou Normal College, Hanshan Normal University, and Chaozhou Guangdong were upset with listening. In the determination of the survey, there were a batch of important listening techniques which were neglected by instructors. However, a research worker suggests that more listening schemes should be taught in categories and learning program is given.

2.8 Writing manners

In the article by Hafida ( 2010 ) , conducted in Tlemsen, Algeria, analyze both the university demands for the English academic grade in Algeria, and pupils ‘ demands so as to better a pedagogical model that would react both exigencies. As a consequence of the probe, the research worker suggested the execution of a scheme such as based authorship course of study for EFL university pupils that would develop their strategic competency and consolidate their lingual cognition.

Since the Chinese pupils ‘ hapless communicative ability in unwritten and written English, there is a concern in English instruction and acquisition in China. In the article by Yan ( 2006 ) explored a successful method so as to develop pupils ‘ speech production ability. As a consequence of the determination, Scenario-based Learning, two brooding theoretical accounts are introduced to better the unwritten and composing in English. Scenario-Based Learning ( SBL ) is a structured method for calculating out some issues impacting the lives of specific persons or groups of persons. Besides, It confronts pupils with an of import context based on existent life state of affairs which requires them to take portion in an imagined series of events.

In the survey by Osman ( 2010 ) , investigates the troubles faced by novice academic authors and proposes recommendations to assist these authors to be better collaborative authors. In the determination of the survey, novice authors have troubles during their collaborative authorship, including inability to work with their spouses, hapless linguistic communication proficiency, hapless research accomplishments, holding limited clip to discourse, missing thoughts, confronting emphasis during collaborative authorship, ; hence, it is suggested that the university and the lectors should supply them with the chances of ( 1 ) supplying intensive reading plan ; ( 2 ) learning interpersonal accomplishments ; ( 3 ) instruction clip direction ; ( 4 ) supplying pre-collaborative writing Sessionss ; ( 5 ) supplying pre-collaborative writing Sessionss ; ( 6 ) and supplying teacher/ equal aid

Harmonizing to Bereiter and Scardamalia ( 1987 ) as cited in Rouiller ( 2005 ) , composing by and large suffers from deficiency of interaction that stimulates unwritten production in conversation. However, to guarantee successful acquisition, Lam & A ; Wong ( 2000 ) as cited in Lourdunathan & A ; Menon ( 2005 ) , believe that scholars should show appropriate concerted behaviour and peer support. It is necessary because some pupils have troubles in forming their thoughts and are weak in English linguistic communication every bit good. This can impede them from take parting in their collaborative work.

Chapter 3


3.1Research design

Since the purpose of this survey significantly focuses on a private university in Cambodia, the research worker will utilize a qualitative attack. The research worker will research the acquisition manners of EFL Cambodian university pupils. The instance survey method tends to consistently look into an event or a set of related events with the specific purposes of depicting and explicating this phenomenon. ( Berg, 2009 )

3.2 Participants

This is a instance survey which explores the acquisition manners of Kampuchean university pupils. The participants of this survey will be selected from a private university in Phnom Penh. The sample will dwell of 6 pupils, who are analyzing English Literature in that university. Besides, the research worker will take both female and male pupils. Before carry oning interviews, the research worker will do an assignment and advise the grounds of visit to the Rector of University.

3.3 Instrument

With the intent of acquiring trusty information, unstructured interview, informal conversation and participant observation will be used in order to obtain dependable informations. Interviews will be taped and open-ended inquiries ( see below appendix for inside informations ) . In add-on to the above interviews, category observation will be utile tool to obtain informations. The observation checklist will fundamentally concentrate on pupils larning manners both in schoolroom and outside schoolroom.

3.4 Data Collection

Since the qualitative informations aggregation process requires the research to plunge wholly in the nature scene, the research worker will transport out unstructured interview after observation and taking notes. The interviews will dwell of open-ended inquiries and tape-recording ( see Appendix below ) for the inside informations. Prior to transporting out the interviews, the research worker will inquire permission from university curate and pupils. The research worker expects each interview will take around 50 proceedingss and occur in the university or outside the university. The options for choosing site for interview will be provided for the participants because it helps cut down the participants ‘ troubles. Furthermore, the survey aim will be verbally informed to participants before carry oning interviews. With permission from participants, the research worker will utilize tape-recording to enter the whole interviews. The research worker might inquire different participants to reply the inquiries based on their penchant. The research worker will personally detect English pupils utilizing participant observation techniques. The observation will fundamentally concentrate on pupils larning manners in schoolroom. The pupils will be asked to supply their responses about the acquisition manners of EFL Cambodian university pupils based on their thoughts. The experimental protocol will include the descriptive activities in the scene and brooding thoughts from the research worker. Besides these observations, informal conversation will be made with participants in order to obtain deeply their perceptual experiences about linguistic communication acquisition manners. The research worker may take a few brief notes in the field puting but take notes of learning techniques and behaviours after observation.

3.5 Data Analysis

The research worker will form and fix the information for analysis every bit shortly as the information has been collected from the participants. Then the research worker will pass tonss of clip reading all informations and listening to tape entering in order to cancel the irrelevant information. Next, the research worker will code the text to categorise the information. Furthermore, relationship of informations will be identified to construe the significance of informations collected. Finally, in order to guarantee the dependability and cogency of informations, the research worker will seek to reread the informations and inquire researcher squad to look into the information. Furthermore, matrixes and graphs will be specifically presented. Therefore, they will visualise the troubles of Kampuchean EFL pupils ‘ acquisition manners

3.6 Ethical Consideration

To successfully carry on this survey, the research worker will take into consideration about some precautions. First, the consent signifier will be given to the participants to subscribe if they truly agree to fall in in the survey. Second, the intent of this survey will be clearly informed to participants in order to construct common apprehension and resonance. Third, the research worker will deeply state the participants that their engagement will be voluntary and halting from interviews will be the participants ‘ pick. Finally, the research worker will maintain informations collected in secret topographic point which no 1 besides research worker will hold entree to acquire it. Furthermore, I will convey together the names of participants but maintain them confidential. Personal identifiers will be released to the populace in a manner that protects the designation of participants.

3.7 Limitation of Research

This survey is guided with the undermentioned restrictions, which affect the generalization of the determination. First, the survey merely focuses on university English pupils in Department of English. Second, the survey may be limited in its analysis or generalization as it will be conducted in one Kampuchean private university, in which 6students will be selected. Third, since this survey will chiefly research merely of import acquisition manners, some points might be ignored. However, the intent of this survey is non to supply the wide generalisation but to research the acquisition manners of Kampuchean university pupils in a private university in Phnom Penh. Therefore, the above-named combination fortunes might restrict understanding and rating ; nevertheless, these are by and large overwhelmed and controlled by the research design.

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Educational Technology Has Positive Effects On Students Attitudes Education Essay

Table of contents

The classroom has changed dramatically in the past 20-40 old ages

But some of the cardinal factors is how has engineering changed the schoolroom, and how has it is integrated into the schoolrooms?

Then we must see how much does engineering influences pupils larning ability and instructor ‘s ability to include engineering in the academic course of study? In today ‘s universe engineering is a really of import portion of our lives. Technology and instruction both has a relationship with instruction. In recent old ages engineering in the schools has alteration. Computers and cyberspace are going more common in schools and schoolroom. . Studies show trial tonss have showed small betterment overall since increased usage in engineering in instruction. However there are additions in aptitude and educational experiences are due to engineering in the schoolroom. Many influences and uses of engineering in schoolroom state of affairss have created statements within the instruction yet most experts can hold on engineerings greatest parts. Technology has changed the schoolroom dramatically and if integrated right it can be really good and greatly impact the pupils larning ability.

We are forced to utilize computing machines in today ‘s universe. Everything we use is computerized, so why non larn more and learn our kids everything about computing machines and engineering. When engineering is used as a tool in the schoolroom it enhances pupils larning ability. Technology should help out instructors with assisting out pupils. Teachers and pedagogues use to learn our pupils how to utilize engineering and now we are utilizing engineering to better academic accomplishment.

Technology plays a really of import function in portion of the alteration in our schools as it relates to student accomplishment. As pupils are introduced to engineering it will widen the scope of pupils choices as they learn. Implementing engineering in the schoolroom will truly do a difference in our kids lives for the hereafter. Technology tools and resources has become an indispensable portion of the acquisition procedure which is a portion of the result of successful academic accomplishment. Our kids are our hereafter and what we teach them today will reflect how this universe will run tomorrow. So we should give our kids all the tools they need to win and be great citizens in the universe today, tomorrow and centuries from now.

“Execution of engineering in the schoolroom impacts how good the pupils advancement and better academically. Technology has been used in the schoolroom for over 20 old ages. Research workers have proven that engineering motivates our pupils and they are more positive toward school activities. Lumley stated, “that pupils in traditional schoolrooms go world-weary if undertakings are excessively easy and frustrated when they are excessively hard ”. When engineering is used as a tool to beef up our pupils and connected with activities to construct on their strengths it motivates our pupils to learn and win. Evidence indicates that when used efficaciously, “engineering applications can back up higher-order thought by prosecuting pupils in reliable, complex undertakings within collaborative acquisition contexts”.

Technology is something that our kids are interested in get the hanging. A study by the US Dept. of Education  related that pupils felt that the usage of engineering made them fell smarter and empowered them with cognition that others did n’t hold. When given instructions through computing machines it allows the pupils to be in control of the acquisition procedure. Technology enhances pupils larning ability. Technology is non transformative on its ain. Alternatively of concentrating on stray, skills-based utilizations of engineering, schools should advance the usage of assorted engineerings for sophisticated problem-solving and information-retrieving intents. Computers and the cyberspace are technological tools that are utilized in the schoolroom and heighten the pupils larning ability. Technology in the schoolroom aid pupils develops accomplishments that will assist them be more effectual in today’s universe. Research indicates that pupils that utilize technological tools in the schoolroom are more motivated and shows better organisational accomplishments.

When you use engineering in the schoolroom this helps the pupil to larn new accomplishments that will assist them both in the schoolroom and in the workplace. Surveies from research besides show when the right use of acquisition criterions and the right engineering use together can increase trial tonss significantly. A West Virginia survey shows an addition in trial tonss ensuing from incorporating course of study aims for basic accomplishments development in reading and mathematics with instructional package. A survey conducted at Stephens Institute of Technology found that high-school pupils retained math accomplishments longer after utilizing commercially available mathematics package than did pupils in a control group having traditional schoolroom direction.

Harmonizing to the Software Publisher ‘s Association survey, research found that:

  • Educational engineering has a important positive impact on accomplishment in all capable countries, across all degrees of school, and in regular schoolrooms every bit good as those for special-needs pupils.
  • Educational engineering has positive effects on pupil ‘s attitudes.
  • The grade of effectivity is influenced by the pupil population, the instructional design, the instructor ‘s function, how pupils are grouped, and the degrees of pupil entree to engineering.
  • Technology makes direction more student-centered, encourages concerted acquisition, and stimulated increased teacher/student interaction.
  • Positive alterations in the acquisition environment evolve over clip and make non happen rapidly.

Surveies show that schools that have engineering based course of studies are successful in bring forthing effectual consequences for pupils ; this includes higher trial tonss, betterment in pupil ‘s attitude, motive, and battle.

Technology in the schoolroom stimulates larning and motivates pupils. Students today are utilizing engineering as an instructional and communicating tool to pass on and have information or instructions from a instructor or text edition. This is leting the pupil to do picks about how to bring forth and have information. This helps the pupils to believe about information and academic assignments that are normally led by the instructor course of study. When engineering is used as a tool to back up pupils to execute a certain undertaking it helps the pupils with their ends and determination devising. It besides allows them to measure their ain advancement.

Teachers are utilizing and integrating engineering into the academic course of study which will besides lend to motive in the schoolroom. Teachers should besides develop clear ends and outlook for betterment in pupil acquisition. Integrating engineering into the academic course of study requires planing new and originative acquisition environments. The most of import thing to retrieve when incorporating engineering in the schoolroom is it is a tool to help in the schoolroom and pupils or instructors should non wholly depend on it. Technology should non make societal isolation and prevent pupils from larning critical basic accomplishments. When pupils are given the chance to larn and utilize the computing machine efficaciously along with accomplishing their ends it gives the pupil freedom and makes them experience like they are in control. As a consequence, ego regard has addition and the pupils enjoy school more. This puts the pupil in a positive and originative acquisition environment which makes the pupils learning ability alteration and encourages and motivates the pupils to learn. There are fewer breaks in the schoolroom and this gives the instructor more instructional clip.

The instructional technological tools capture the attending of the pupils and the pupils find that the academic topics are more interesting. The new engineering plans and package that are designed today help pupil ‘s motive and develop their accomplishments and cognition. Using technological tools such as audio and video brings satisfaction and stimulates larning. Boster et Al. stated that “citations surveies of instructor beliefs that multimedia presentations help increase involvement, attending and wonder”. Teachers are convinced that when the pupils attending is increased that it will increase motive and the ability to acknowledge. This will finally take to betterment in the pupils class. There are so many ways that pupils and instructors in the schoolroom could use engineering to be good to the instructors and the pupils. A greater trust on engineering alterations the relationship between the student-teacher. When instructors and pupils utilize the computing machine, cyberspace, and academic package activities they have the chance to research job resolution, originative thought and higher degree authorship and speech production accomplishments.

Technology preparation should be a demand for instructors. In order for instructors to be successful in implementing engineering into the course of study and in the schoolroom they will necessitate preparation. Teachers should professional development on how to use engineering efficaciously. In the article titled “Teachers: Gives Us Better Tech Training Support”, “Teachers and pupils should hold the same degree of engineering in schools that is being used outside of schools. How can we anticipate our instructors to supply childs with the instruction they need to fall in today ‘s hi-tech work force without the necessary equipment and preparation? ” asked NEA President Reg Weaver. Technology integrating brings alterations to instructors ‘ instructional functions in the schoolroom. The instructor ‘s functions in a technology-infused schoolroom frequently shift to that of a facilitator or manager instead than a lector. Technology usage besides tends to further coaction among pupils. Scheffler and Logan papers these and other alterations in the kineticss of the schoolroom. If instructors are unable to utilize the technological tools decently, how are they expected to efficaciously incorporate engineering in the schoolroom? Timing is everything, peculiarly when it comes to engineering. “Real acquisition takes topographic point ( or Michigans ) when really seeking the new accomplishments. ”The best manner to win widespread usage of new engineerings is to supply just-in-time support, aid, and encouragement when needed.”.

Using Technology to present historical informations and scientific stuff to pupils that otherwise would hold needed to travel to a museum or Science centre are non merely opening up new universes of idea for pupils it is doing knowledge more readily available for all pupils with entree to computing machines that would non be able to afford field trips or books that are outdated. Soon it will be possible to trip all of the resources in school, at place, and in our communities to guarantee that no kid is left behind no affair how old. By familiarising early acquisition with engineering pupils are larning faster and in a broader sense with package geared at their age and acquisition degrees. Well before school households with computing machines are obtaining package and hardware merchandises to better school preparedness and derive a good foundation for instruction.

Technology has assisted with standardised trial tonss within school territories. By supervising tonss on standardised trials you can supervise the instruction stuff and the comprehension of the pupils. With this organized data many territories can re believe the attacks or text editions used for increased larning possible. Many province support is besides granted on FCAT tonss and other standardised trials. By imitating these trials this will increase the positive results for the pupils.

Traditional Teachers have been really vocal with their concerns on how engineering has affected the “ reading, composing and arithmetic ” within the category room scene. Because of reckoners, spell cheque and grammar cheque pupils are trusting more on engineering than their pencils and documents. More pupils complete undertakings on computing machine than of all time before and paper and pencil math is going infrequent

The survey identified reading and mathematics package merchandises based on anterior grounds of effectivity and other standards and recruited territories, schools, and instructors to implement the merchandises. On norm, after one twelvemonth, merchandises did non increase or diminish trial tonss by sums that were statistically different from nothing. ” This in my sentiment neither substantiates the fact that package improves or decreases knowledge instead than it is one aspect of engineering with instruction. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages if any are cited.

Has technology increased learning?

Patrick Welsh seems to sum up his sentiment with “ Technology is merely a tool, non an terminal in itself. It will ne’er replace good instruction. ” Many instructors remark about engineering taking the topographic point of Teachers and larning new computing machine systems that schools purchase because their school system feels it may profit acquisition. Mr. Walsh appears to take the traditional instruction point of view.

Andrew T. LeFevre summarizes his article by saying “ We would make good to retrieve that the ultimate end of our educational system is to learn our kids how to believe for themselves. Technology can be a fantastic tool, but a high-velocity modem will ne’er replace a speedy head. ” He supports utilizing engineering but non replacing “ old manner ” learning but heightening it with engineering and parental support additions classs.

Joanne K. Olson and Michael P. Clough feel that excessively much engineering can really harm the instruction experience of kids. One of their statements is “ In the concluding analysis, what instructors do in the schoolroom and what pupils experience defines the educational procedure. ” These Writers gave really valid points in respects to reckoners and non holding the kid understand how the reply was derived. But in no research I have completed did it state that traditional methods can replace in most readings it reinforced it enhances the educational experience.

Email is critical today for correspondence with a busy life style. You can see you or your kid ‘s trial tonss, prep assignments or e-mail your instructor with a inquiry. It is now faster to match with parents or instructors leting better communicating. No longer do you hold to wait until parent instructor conferences to acquire updates on your kid ‘s advancement.

With online classs you can see prep, stations and discuss category subjects with your instructors and equals. It is genuinely a practical schoolroom and in some categories you have video and audio same clip entree. Classs are being videotaped, or held virtually so you can associate in and take part with your instructor or be replayed at a more convenient clip. This helps those of us that may be more audile or ocular in our acquisition manners while still leting the flexibleness of location.

Laptops, overseas telegrams, flash thrusts, and computing machine package has now become a common topographic point with the dorsum to school crowd. Many school supply lists include new points to be budgeted into costs kids will be required to hold to maintain up with the on-going technological progresss. Most kids have a computing machine at place so they can vie assignments at place utilizing standardised applications and tools. These points are more expensive than notebooks and pens but can besides make more.

After reading these documents and utilizing my ain experiences and observations I would non be able to take college class and still be able to keep down a full clip occupation if non for the promotion in computing machines and engineering. Using the system to explicate a practical schoolroom and to post this assignment to my teacher without traditional paper and write. Technology has opened a learn universe for me and my knowledgebase. Grandkids, kids, parents and grandparents are profiting from the new engineering used by the educational community.

As pupils are given the chance to research more complex engineerings it is of import that our instructors and pedagogues are besides equipped to replies inquiries and supply feedback in the schoolroom. Overall success besides depends on the instructor ‘s entree to package that improves their course of study, proficient support, and preparation. When instructors are put in the place to be a portion of the motive of pupils they will bask their work and experience good about the success of their pupils. They will go more involved by mentoring their pupils. Teachers should do engineering a separate topic ; it should be a portion of the integrating. Professional development plays a really of import function in doing certain the instructors have the right preparation to be able to take the appropriate technological package and instructional schemes. Most surveies show that the figure one ground instructors do non utilize engineering in the schoolroom is a deficiency of experience in engineering. Teachers need the support to increase their cognition in engineering. When instructors are decently trained they can be more efficaciously when presenting instructions to the pupils.

If and when engineering is wholly integrated into instruction, a large alteration in faculty members will happen. Back in the mid 1990s, criterions written for academic topics did non include utilizing the Internet or any type of digitized media. For case in history, the old criterions included seeking through old newspapers and transcripts of letters and journals every bit good as traveling to the existent historical sites. These beginnings could merely be found at a local library and historical museums. However, in the criterions that are easy being created and accepted today, the Internet is a major influence on the development. The proposed criterions include locating beginnings about related informations from electronic mail, on-line libraries from around the universe, computing machine webs from schools, and digitized media.

With the Internet and computing machine web communities, the kids of the hereafter will hold the universe at their fingertips. Children can shop the Internet and happen out more than they could of all time happen in a library. Not merely will kids profit from these alterations, but instructors, every bit good as parents, will excessively. If connexions are put in topographic point, parents will be able to pass on with the instructors on a day-to-day footing. Parents can look into for prep, classs, and even lesson programs. In add-on, instructors can reexamine other instructor ‘s lesson programs and derive cognition from instructors all over the universe every bit good as discuss different ways to present a new topic.

The benefits of engineering in the schoolroom for pupils, instructors, and parents far outweigh the cost for equipment and excess preparation needed for the pedagogues and decision makers of the engineering. When kids are able to take their imaginativenesss and convey them to life non merely at place, but besides at school, it does admirations for their heads. Technology is the lone manner which can further rational capacity of today ‘s pupils. With engineering, new thoughts are imagined and created. If engineering is non integrated into educational criterions, the universe is stating the kids their dreams can non come true.

Technology is turning quickly and is a really of import constituent of instruction and acquisition in our schools. Technology is really of import in this universe and it is really of import that we allow our pupils the chance to learn something that will impact their lives in the hereafter. Our end is to implement engineering in the schoolrooms by utilizing technological tools that will do learning more efficient and heighten our pupils learning ability. Research surveies show that engineering is a really powerful learning tool. Research has provided more information about the usage of engineering efficaciously in our schools to assist strengthen and better the academic public presentation and accomplishment of today’s pupils. The cardinal constituents in implementing engineering in the schools are activities that work together with both the academic course of study and technological tools. Different attacks must be used and tested in the schoolroom before we can truly find precisely how to maintain out kids motivated and learning through engineering. Integrating engineering will necessitate clip, preparation, planning and administrative support. When a instructor is using the technological tools to actuate pupils it is more productive than talks and text editions. I recommend that we as parents, instructors, pupils and educational leaders be a portion of the planning and execution of engineering in the schoolroom

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The Different Factors Affecting Students Academic Performance Education Essay

Table of contents

In this chapter, the research worker reviews several facets of the literature environing factors impacting pupils ‘ academic public presentation. First, the relationship that exists between factors and pupils ‘ academic public presentation, which is the footing of this survey, is examined. This is followed by a reappraisal of past surveies pertinent to the research and a elaborate account of the conceptual models that underlie the survey. It is hoped that on completion of the undertaking, some penetrations may be gained into the job from a planetary position.


Most pupils acquiring into MBBS plan have a good academic path record upon entry into the medical school. In Malayan medical school it is observed that each twelvemonth about 10-15 % of pupils have trouble in finishing their medical class on clip and this is a concerned to medical pedagogues and decision makers. It is of import to cognize the grounds why there is a pronounced alteration in their academic once they come to professional classs particularly medicine. Clearly, there are legion cognitive and non-cognitive factors that have a much stronger influence on medical pupils ‘ academic public presentation. Identifying the factors associated with pupils ‘ academic public presentation or academic accomplishment in the medical class will enable the medical pedagogues, course of study contriver and policy marker to put up support systems to assist them execute better.

Many surveies are carried out to research factors impacting pupils ‘ academic public presentation or accomplishment. All of the research reviews back up the hypothesis that pupils ‘ public presentation in the medical programme depend on different socio-economic and psychological factors ( Syed Tahir Hijazi & A ; Raza Naqri, 2006 ) . Medical pupils are chief assets of the medical schools or colleges. In position of that, the pupils ‘ academic public presentation and accomplishment dramas an of import function in bring forthing the best quality alumnuss who will go great leader and work force for the state therefore responsible for the states economic and societal development. The public presentation of pupils in universities should be a concern non merely to the decision makers and pedagogues, but besides to corporations in the labor market.

Literature Review on Factors Affecting Students ‘ Performance

Up to day of the month many surveies have been developed refering the factors influence pupils ‘ public presentation such as demographic, active acquisition, pupil attending, extracurricular activities, and equals influence and class appraisal. A reappraisal of the literature have indicated that pupil attitudes toward survey, survey wonts and strategic acquisition, pupil psychological features, larning manner, household background, instructors function and many others are closely related to pupils ‘ academic public presentation ( Eccles & A ; Wigfield, 1985 ; Eccles & A ; Harold, 1993 ; Hanson, 1994, Ali et al.,2009 ) . Gough and Hall ( 1964 ) mentioned that anticipation of pupil public presentation in the medical school can be made by mean of the California Psychological Inventory ( CPI ) and this is supported by Tutton survey in 1993. Other instruments such as Eysenek Personality Inventory or the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory greatly enhanced the anticipation of pupils ‘ public presentation in the medical school ( Roesslet, et al. , 1978 ; Lipton et al. , 1984 ; Weiss, 1988 ) .

In this survey the literature hunt for factors impacting pupils ‘ academic public presentation will be concentrated on pupil ‘s features, parent ‘s features, teacher ‘s features and college factors.

Student ‘s characteristic and academic public presentation

What are the cardinal factors that promote academic success among pupils whose single features place them at high hazard of failure in the medical programme? Much research in recent old ages has focused on placing the cardinal factors in the pupil features that promotes academic success. Qualities such as psychological demands and societal accomplishments, viz. self-efficacy, motive, attitudes and behavior, academic competence, communicating accomplishments, coaction, cooperation, and squad capablenesss are of import for the pupil in the medical programme. Students who possess these accomplishments are able to work efficaciously with others and managed their surveies expeditiously ( Lust & A ; Moore, 2006 ) . The medical colleges could aim these factors in developing schemes in bettering pupil acquisition and better their academic public presentation. Harmonizing to Womble ( 2003 ) academic competency, self-efficacy, motive, pupils ‘ attitudes and behavior, clip direction and battle in category activities are some of the factors that affect an persons ‘ academic public presentation. Academic Competence

Kleijn et Al ( 1994 ) pointed out that academic competency is associated with pupils ‘ ability to pull off their survey burden, i.e. pupil with better academic competency would likely hold better academic public presentation. Review into the literatures has indicated that the accomplishments, attitudes, and behaviours lending to academic competency autumn into one of two spheres: ( I ) Academic Skills or ( two ) Academic Enablers ( DiPerna and Elliott, 1999 ) .

Academic Skills Subscales

Reading/Language Humanistic disciplines


Critical Thinking

Academic Enablers Subscales



Study Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Figure 2.1: Academic Competence Model ( DiPerna & A ; Elliot, 1999 )

DiPernia and Elliot theoretical account ( 1999 ) stated the followers:

Motivation reflects a pupil ‘s attack, continuity, and degree of involvement sing academic topics.

Battle reflects attending and active engagement in schoolroom activities.

Study accomplishments are behaviours that facilitate the processing of new stuff and pickings trials

Interpersonal accomplishments include concerted acquisition behaviors necessary to interact with others

In the survey by Demaray and Elliot ( 1998 ) it can be conclude that instructors are able in foretelling their pupils ‘ accomplishment on standardised trials such as academic competency rating graduated table and separating between pupils with low or high academic public presentation. In decision, holding a good academic competency will therefore heighten the pupils ‘ ability to pull off their survey burden and to be successful in their survey. In this survey, academic competency is defined as a multidimensional concept composed of the accomplishments, attitudes, and behaviors of the pupil that contribute to academic success in the category.

Student ‘s attitudes toward survey

Most cognitive theoreticians and research workers have acknowledged that hapless academic self-concept, low self-pride, negative attitudes toward survey, or erroneous perceptual experiences of pupils may be associated with hapless academic public presentation ( van der Veer & A ; Valsiner, 1991 ) . In another survey by Syed Tahir Hijaz and Raza Naqri ( 2006 ) , they found that attitude towards survey has a important influence on scrutiny public presentation and therefore confirmed the earlier findings by new wave der Veer and Valsinere ( 1991 ) .

Battle in larning – There is significant grounds that battle in medical school or college is of import in advancing pupil success and acquisition and that a figure of factors in the college environment foster high degrees of battle. Student battle can be defined as the degree of engagement and intrinsic involvement that a pupil shows in college ( Newmann, 1992 ) . Battle in college involves both behaviors ( such as continuity, attempt, attending ) and attitudes ( such as motive, positive acquisition values, involvement, and pride in success ) ( Connell & A ; Wellborn, 1991 ) . Connell and Wellborn indicates that engaged pupils seek out activities, indoors and outside the schoolroom, that lead to success and this has been supported by Dowson and McInerney ( 2001 ) . It has been showed that the occupied pupils learn more, retain more, and bask larning activities more than pupils who are non engaged and they are the most successful ( Kirsch et al, 2002 ) . Many school-level surveies have identified higher degrees of pupil battle as of import forecasters of tonss on the pupils ‘ academic public presentation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the more the pupil engaged in larning the more successful they will be in their academic.

Class attending and academic public presentation – Class attending is believed to hold positive relationship with pupils ‘ academic public presentation. It was expected that high absentees from the category would hold a negative consequence on the pupil ‘s academic classs and would diminish their scrutiny tonss and classs. Many research workers recognized that category attending is an of import facet in bettering pupil ‘s public presentation. A survey conducted by Collett et al. , 2007 ; Stanca, 2006 ; Chow, 2003 ; Rodgers, 2001 ; Durden and Ellis, 1995 ; Romer 1993, found that attending have little, but statistically important, consequence on pupil public presentation. Marburger ( 2001 ) concluded that pupils who missed category were significantly more likely to react falsely to inquiries associating to material covered that twenty-four hours than were pupils who were present. Moore ( 2006 ) indicated that category attending enhances larning ; on norm, pupils who came to the most categories made the highest classs, despite the fact that they received no points for coming to category. Arulampalam et Al. ( 2007 ) found that there is a causal consequence of absence on public presentation for pupils: losing category leads to poorer public presentation. On the other manus, Martins and Walker ( 2006 ) mentioned that there are no important effects from category attending. This is besides supported by Park and Kerr ( 1990 ) and Schmidt ( 1993 ) who found an opposite relationship between pupils ‘ attending and their class classs. Jennjou Chen ( 2006 ) , in his survey “ Class attending and exam public presentation: A randomised experiment ” , found that category attending has produced a positive and important impact on pupils ‘ test public presentation. His consequence revealed that, on norm, go toing talk corresponds to a 7.66 % betterment in exam public presentation. Most universities has taken into serious consideration respect per centum of category attending and hence imposed a policy of excluding the pupil from scrutiny when the per centum of the attending is less than 80 % .

Self-efficacy and motive

Self-efficacy is how people feel about themselves and how much they like themselves, particularly socially and academically when it comes to college pupils. Through the many force per unit areas and dashing duties of being a pupil, one learns and understands the importance of holding a high self-efficacy in college. Having one ‘s academic accomplishment meet one ‘s academic outlooks and desires is a major key to most college pupils ‘ self-efficacy. Having a high self-efficacy has many positive effects and benefits, particularly among college pupils. Students who feel positive about themselves succumb less easy to force per unit areas of conformance by equals, are more relentless at hard undertakings, are happier and more sociable, and most pertinent to this survey is that they tend to execute better academically.

On the other manus, college pupils with a low self-efficacy tend to be unhappy, less sociable and are more vulnerable to depression, which are all correlated with lower academic accomplishment ( Wiggins, 1994 ) . Academic accomplishment is influenced by sensed competency, venue of control, liberty, and motive ( Wiest, 1998 ) .

Past research has shown that self-efficacy and academic accomplishment correlative straight to a moderate grade ( Wiggins, 1994 ) . Self-efficacy surveies are really popular for educational research and it has been shown that it played a really of import function in academic accomplishment ( Oxford et al. , 1993 ) . During the past decennary, self-efficacy beliefs have received increasing attending in educational research, chiefly in the country of academic motive ( Pintrich & A ; Schunk, 1995 ) .

In the instance of instruction, self-efficacy is seen to hold a relationship with attempt, continuity and accomplishment. Chemers, Hu & A ; Garcia ( 2001 ) , in their work on mathematical job resolution, have shown that kids with higher self-efficacy strived for longer periods and used more effectual job work outing schemes than pupils with lower self-efficacy.

Surveies have investigated the relationships among efficaciousness beliefs, related psychological concepts, and academic motive and accomplishment. Findingss besides support Bandura ‘s ( 1986 ) contention that efficaciousness beliefs mediate the consequence of accomplishments or other self-beliefs on subsequent public presentation by act uponing attempt, continuity, and doggedness ( Bandura & A ; Schunk, 1981 ; Lent, Brown, & A ; Larkin, 1984 ; Schunk & A ; Hanson, 1985 ; Bouffard Bouchard, 1990 ) . Berry ( 1987 ) stressed that self-efficacy enhances pupils ‘ memory public presentation by heightening continuity. In the surveies by Lent et Al ( 1984 and 1986 ) demonstrated that college pupils with high self-efficacy achieved high academic accomplishment. Research workers have established that self-efficacy is a strong forecaster of academic public presentation accomplishment ( Pintrich & A ; De Groot, 1990 ; Multon et al. , 1991 ; Zimmerman et al. , 1992 ; Pajares & A ; Miller, 1994 ) . Researches besides show that self-efficacy beliefs have positive effects on pupil motive and academic public presentation.

Strategic Studying Techniques

Strategic analyzing techniques may assist pupils accomplish a higher mark in the scrutiny. Strategic analyzing is defined as the cognition and application of effectual survey accomplishments or techniques by the pupils ( Kleijn et al, 1994 ) . There are many efficient survey techniques that could be used by pupils based on the acquisition environment ( Alvermann, 1991 and Ogle, 1986 ) . These survey schemes include Know-Want-Learn ( K-W-L ) , Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review ( SQ3R ) , sum uping and note-taking, utilizing artworks, and self-questioning. Extensive class tonss and the comprehensive information covered in today ‘s medical course of study necessitate the usage of effectual survey schemes for academic success ( Lay, 1993 ) .

Active acquisition has received notably attending over the past several old ages. In the context of the college schoolroom, active larning involves pupils in making things and believing about the things they are making ( Bonwell & A ; Eison, 1991 ) . In the medical programme active acquisition involves the pupils to work out jobs, answer inquiries, formulate inquiries of their ain, discuss, explain, argument, or insight during category. Bonwell and Eison ( 1991 ) concluded that active larning leads to better pupil attitudes and betterments in pupils ‘ thought and authorship. A survey by Wilke ( 2003 ) besides indicated pupils in both the intervention and control groups demonstrated a positive attitude toward active acquisition, believed it helped ( or would assist ) pupils to larn the stuff. Felder et Al. ( 2000 ) recommended that active acquisition is one of the acquisition scheme methods that work. In add-on, Felder and Brent ( 2003 ) mentioned that every bit small as five proceedingss of active acquisition in a 50-minute category session can bring forth a major encouragement in larning. Harmonizing to them, active acquisition aftermaths pupils up. However, DeLong ‘s ( 2008 ) survey did non back up the hypothesis that active acquisition based learning methods will impact positive alteration on pupil public presentation as measured by class concluding class and non-intellectual acquisition factors as measured by the TRAC-R ( Test of Reactions and Adaptations to College-Revised ) , an overall step of college accommodation. He found that factors such as professor-student resonance and professor apprehension of non-intellectual factors may hold influenced the current consequences.

Another factor associated with strategic analyzing technique is clip direction accomplishment. Time direction accomplishments are besides of import to academic success. Time direction accomplishments include activities performed by pupils such as planning in progress, prioritising work, trial readying, and following agendas ( Kirscenabaum & A ; Perri, 1982 ) . Balancing clip direction and survey techniques may accomplish higher academic public presentation efficaciously ( Entwistle & A ; Ramsden, 1983 ; Powell, 2004 ) . Syed Tahir Hijazi and Raza Naqri ( 2006 ) in their survey found that attitude towards clip allotment for survey has a important influence on scrutiny public presentation, i.e. the longer continuance of clip allotment in surveies improved the public presentation mark.

Learning manner – One of the statements often put frontward to explicate why some pupils do non make every bit good in their academic is because they do non cognize how to analyze. Ramsden and Entwistle ( 1981 ) have shown that following right acquisition manners do influence good accomplishment in scrutiny. Learning manner predict public presentation in medical school ( McManus et al, 1998 ) . Heidi and Stephen ( 2006 ) mentioned that medical pupils do hold different methods of larning manners and following this learning manner as one of the methods of strategic analyzing will act upon their academic public presentation. Therefore, Blackmore ( 1996 ) suggested that it is of import for pedagogues to develop appropriate acquisition attacks for the pupils and to promote them to follow this preferable acquisition manner as their strategic analyzing techniques.

Family features

Family background factors such as the educational degree of the parent, household income or fiscal, parent support and educational outlook seem to exercise some influence on pupil ‘s academic accomplishment and this has been supported by several yesteryear and recent surveies ( Hossler & A ; Stage, 1992 ; Eccles & A ; Harold, 1993 ; Beyer, 1995 ; Paulson, 1996 ; Hossler et al. , 1999 ; Checchi, 2000 ; Ermisch & A ; Francesconi, 2001 ; Agus & A ; Makhbul, 2006 ) .

The relationships of parent degree of instruction, parent educational outlook for their kids, parental engagement and support and pupils ‘ accomplishment are proposed by the Chen ‘s Model of household influence s on pupil academic accomplishment ( Chen, 1995 ) .

Table 2.1: A Proposed Model of Family Influences on Students ‘ Academic Performance Achievement

( Adapted from Chen ( 1995 )

Family Factors

Children ‘s Results

Parent support

Books at place

Facilities such as computing machine

Educational outlooks

Attitudes toward medical instruction

Assurance in survey

Academic accomplishment.

Parent outlooks and engagement

Parental instruction

Educational outlooks

Attitudes toward medical instruction


The literature reappraisal will look into the influence of these household factors on the pupils ‘ public presentation in deepness.

Influence of parent ‘s instruction degree on pupil ‘s academic public presentation

In the earlier surveies, Hossler and Stage ( 1992 ) and Beyer ( 1995 ) indicated that there is a positive relationship between the parent ‘s educational degree and their kids success in their academic. In an extension to the earlier survey, Ermisch and Francesconi ( 2001 ) found an interesting determination in their survey where there is important gradient between each parent ‘s instruction degree and their kid ‘s educational accomplishment. From Ermisch and Rrancesconi study it can be concluded that female parent ‘s instruction has a stronger association with her kid ‘s educational accomplishment than the instruction of the male parent. This consequence is supported by Agus and Makhbul ( 2002 ) . In another survey by Syed Tahir Hijazi and Raza Naqri ( 2006 ) they indicate that the degree of instruction of female parent has been found to exercise the strongest influence on academic accomplishment as compared to degree of instruction of male parent. Mothers ‘ educational degree is chosen because literatures suggest that female parent ‘s degree of instruction is a stronger forecaster of kids ‘s larning results ( PISA, 2000 ) . Studies has besides shown that pupils whose female parents have completed third instruction performed even better in their academic than hose whose female parents have completed secondary instruction degree. From the literature hunt on the impact of parent ‘s instruction degree on pupil ‘s public presentation female parent ‘s instruction degree is a strongest forecaster factor and it was assumed that educated female parents can assist their kids to better and maintain proper cheque on their activities. This survey is undertaken to look into the influence of the parent ‘s degree of instruction on the pupil ‘s public presentation within the Malayan context.

Family income and pupil ‘s academic public presentation

The United States Department of Education ( 2000 ) found in a survey that the relationship between household income and pupil ‘s public presentation is non simple and direct. Johnson ( 1996 ) opined that low income of parent is a major hindrance to academic success and development on the portion of the pupils. This is because poorness or low income of parents has elastic effects on their kids academic plants as they lack adequate resources and financess to patronize their educational demands and this leads to hapless public presentation of their kids.

An probe conducted by Agus and Makhbul ( 2002 ) indicated that pupils from households of higher income degrees perform better in their academic public presentation as compared to those who come from households of lower income brackets. Checchi ( 2000 ) besides concluded household income provides an inducement for better pupil public presentation ; richer parents internalise this affect by puting more resources in the instruction of their kids. Once the investing is undertaken, the pupil fulfill parents ‘ outlooks by perform better in their surveies. Based on the research done by him, he demonstrated that kids from richer households perform better than those from poorer households. On the other manus, Syed Tahir Hijazi and Raza Naqvi ( 2006 ) found that there is negative relationship between pupil public presentation and pupil household income. Research done by Beblo and Lauer ( 2004 ) besides found that parents ‘ income and their labor market position have a weak impact on kids ‘s instruction. With these conflicting findings the inquiry to be answered is ‘Do household income is an issue to pupils ‘ accomplishment in academic? ‘ To research the correlativity between household income and pupils ‘ academic public presentation the intent of this survey is to prove the hypothesis that household fiscal position is associated with the academic public presentation of a medical pupil in the Malaysia.

Parent engagement, educational outlook and support

Other household factors that may act upon pupils ‘ academic accomplishment are parental engagement, educational outlook and support ( Paulson, 1996 ) . Harmonizing to Eccles and Harold ( 1993 ) active engagement from the parents in their kids instruction plays a critical function in the pupil ‘s academic accomplishment and success. Eccles and Harold determination is supported by the surveies from Beyer ( 1995 ) and Paulson and Marchant ( 1998 ) .

Involving parents in the instruction of their kids straight affects pupil accomplishment in school, college and university. It has been shown that affecting parents in the instruction of their kids helps to increase the pupil ‘s accomplishment and self-pride.

Fehrmann et Al ( 1987 ) examines the effects of parental engagement on a larger sample of high school pupils and formulated that the more intensively parents are involved in their kids education the more good are the achievement effects. This finding holds true for all types of types and ages of pupils and is supported by the survey of Henderson ( 1987 ) . All research surveies, which address these countries, found that parent engagement has positive effects on pupil attitudes and behavior ( Sattes, 1985 ; Ferhrman et al. , 1978 ; Henderson, 1987 ) .

The pupils ‘ perceptual experience of parent educational outlook and support for acquisition has a strong impact on their accomplishment ( Mau & A ; Bikos, 2000 ) . Harmonizing to Beyer ( 1995 ) parent ‘s educational aspirations for and outlooks of their kids ‘s academic public presentation positively correlates with the kids ‘s classs, educational aspirations, motive. Beyer farther indicated that these parental factors encourage self-esteem and actuate the pupils to execute good in their academic. In drumhead, most of the surveies reviewed indicate that pupils from households with high outlooks and support would hold higher academic accomplishments.

Teachers ‘ outlook and support

The outlooks instructors have for their pupils and the premises they make about their possible have a touchable consequence on pupil accomplishment. Since the late 1960 ‘s research workers have been concerned with the influence of instructor outlooks on pupil public presentation. Study by Bamburg ( 1994 ) clearly establishes that instructor outlooks do play a important function in finding how good and how much do pupils larn. Students tend to internalise the beliefs instructor have about their ability. This is supported by Raffini ( 1993 ) who clearly stated that when instructors believe in pupils, the pupils believe in themselves and this understanding between pupils and instructors is a important subscriber for the pupil success in their academic accomplishment. There is a inclination for instructors to acquire what they expect from their pupils. This happens because instructors have ( frequently unconscious ) inclinations to handle pupils otherwise based on how likely they think it is that pupils will be successful. Conversely, when pupils are viewed as lacking in ability or motive and are non expected to do important advancement, they tend to follow this perceptual experience of themselves ( Gonder, 1991 ) . Omatoni and Omatoni ( 1996 ) make a point that holding high outlook does non as if by magic equalize pupils ‘ innate abilities and larning rates. Therefore, instructors were advised to routinely project attitudes, beliefs, outlook to the extent that they treat their pupils as if they already are eager scholar and these instructors ‘ features will promote the pupil to go more eager scholars. This survey will look into instructor anticipation effects on the academic accomplishment of medical pupils.

Factors in the college environment that support pupils ‘ academic public presentation

Quaglia and Perry ( 1996 ) and Wilson ( 1992 ) have investigated the significance of the school or college environment on the pupils ‘ academic public presentation. It has been documented that factors in the school or college environment may impede or back up pupil ‘s development and academic success ( Esposito, 1999 ; Goodenow, 1993 ; Mouton & A ; Hawkins, 1996 ) .

Peer relationship

Assorted surveies had been done and found that equals influence does hold impact on pupil public presentation ( Hanushek et. Al, 2002 ; Goethals, 2001 ; Gonzales et. al. , 1996 ) and besides been shown that equal influence has more powerful effects. Peer support was positively related to pupils ‘ scrutiny mark and class. Wilkinson and Fung ( 2002 ) in their survey concluded that by grouping pupils in heterogenous larning ability ( low ability pupils grouped with high ability pupils ) will demo an betterment in larning procedure and outcomes. This determination can be argued tap top pupils can positively impact less able pupils by supplying an aid and mentoring. In another survey, Schindler ( 2003 ) found that blending abilities will impact weak pupils positively nevertheless the consequence for good pupils is negative. Schindler determination is beliing with Goethals ( 2001 ) survey, who found that pupils in homogenous group ( irrespective of high ability or low ability ) perform better than pupils in heterogenous group. Supporting the findings from Fung ( 2002 ) and Schindler ( 2003 ) , Giuliodori, Lujan and DiCarlo ( 2006 ) added that equal interaction could increase pupil ability on work outing problem-solving inquiries and the equal direction will besides advance pupil ‘s engagement and better pupil ‘s public presentation.

Challenging educational environment

Research shows that pupils are more motivated to larn when instructors ask them to wrestle with new constructs, explain their logical thinking, defend their decisions, or explore alternate schemes and solution ( National Research Council, 1999 ) . Furthermore, pupils enjoy larning more when their instructors employ active pedagogical schemes. Meece suggested that when schoolroom direction draws on pupils ‘ pre-existing cognition and real-life experiences the acquisition session will be become more interesting and basking which consequence in the pupil learn more better and achieved better classs in scrutiny and academic ( Meece, 1991 ) . Cohen ( 1994 ) strengthen this determination that when pupils can set their caputs together instead than work in isolation they are receptive to disputing assignments which will straight hike their public presentation.

Summary of Literature Review

Factors impacting pupil ‘s academic public presentation is an of import issue in higher instruction particularly in the medical programme. There has been extended research on the influences of cardinal factors on pupils ‘ academic public presentation. It is interesting to observe that all of the research reviews back up the hypothesis that pupils ‘ public presentation in their academic depend on different socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors. A reappraisal of the literature indicated that pupils ‘ acquisition manner, household background, pupils ‘ feature, and school or college experience factors are related to pupils ‘ academic public presentation.

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How To Motivate Students Education Essay

Table of contents

What is physical instruction? What do people presents know about the importance of wellness fittingness?

Physical instruction is a class taken in primary and secondary instruction which involves physically learning and psychomotor acquisition. People presents take everything for granted ; they take their ain wellness for granted. They don’t truly care about fittingness and psychomotor acquisition. This is why physical instruction non treated earnestly in every educational institute. Based on some researches, there is a study has been conducted by ” Singapore athleticss council in 2001 shows that most of the pupils does non exert on a regular basis. ” Besides, there is another study on the new consumption of 800 pupils conducted in ITE East ( Yishun ) in 2001 showed that up to 94 % did non like PE and ne’er exercised on a regular basis. ( adapted from ” advanced ways in actuating pupils in physical instruction class.

Our instruction system is concentrates more on faculty members alternatively on pupils ‘ physical development. Schools in Malaysia instead to state neglected the importance of physical instruction. Based on the timetable in every school, physical instruction category seems likely to be one time a hebdomad and 40 proceedingss. Students get demotivated and lost their involvement in physical instruction category. Based on a instructor who mentioned that “ Peoples did, and possibly still do, believe of physical instruction as recess clip, ” said Shelley Randall, a P.E. instructor at Obsidian Middle School and a member of the Oregon Department of Education commission developing the criterions. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. ( December 4, 2000 ) . The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon. ) .

This shows that people still in their conservative ‘s head which academic ways excessively of import than anything else that they neglected that physical instruction plays an of import function in academic as good. Harmonizing to an article, Judith Young, executive manager of the National Association of Sports and Physical Education, said she was n’t certain P.E. of all time had a major academic function. “ But honestly, we are seeing a demand for it now because our life styles are acquiring progressively sedentary, ” she said, mentioning many immature people who would instead play a football game on a computing machine than travel outside and toss the pigskin around with friends. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. ( December 4, 2000 ) . The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon. ) . These are the groundss show that physical instruction was n’t truly treated earnestly in school that is why demotivates pupils in their physical instruction category.

Why pupils weren’t interested in physical instruction ‘s category?

The whole worldwide is promoting that in reinforce the instruction system by stress the importance in physical instruction. As we know that physical instruction non merely merely helps to better wellness but accomplishment development, which allows for gratifying engagement in any physical activities in a proper appropriate techniques.

Many factor either from internal or external bring immense impacts on the school childs ‘ involvement in school. First, the school plays an of import function in taking attention of pupils ‘ academic public presentations. The school concerns their pupils ‘ academic public presentations and their school good built repute. This is the ground how the school pushes the pupils and instructors so hard to keep their public presentations in such a nerve-racking state of affairs. The category timetable consisted 9 periods a twenty-four hours, and each period is 40 proceedingss. Apparently, the whole twenty-four hours in school was sedentary activities alternatively of holding any physical activities. Students were all twenty-four hours packed with talks in category and stuck on the chair about half a twenty-four hours non-stop. The lone thing they will travel their organic structure is when they have to go to to the washroom or their 20 proceedingss recess times which they will merely sit and eat. Initially, school cut down the physical instruction category into 2 periods one time in a hebdomad for each category. Basically, one time a hebdomad the pupils have their physical instruction category or the full one and a half hours. The clip agendas for physical instruction is merely unjust, either they arranges the category to after recess clip or 2 periods before the school terminal.

In the forenoon session, some physical instruction category arranges after deferral clip or in the center of 3rd or 4th period right before the deferral clip. This uneven timing discourage pupils ‘ involvement in participate themselves in the category. Students need times to acquire alteration and took up half of the clip that affected the instruction procedure in the category. Besides, some instructor who might took up the excess times after the bell rang, and this is one of the issues that affected the physical instruction category. Therefore, pupils have deficient clip to acquire alteration and gather at the gym or school field. P.E instructor ever faces this sort of jobs, deficient times to complete her learning course of study. Plus, pupils hates to acquire alteration once more and once more for that one hr plus. They think it was truly troublesome particularly for misss. Students need to wait in a long line to acquire alter back to pinafore under the sweaty, uncomfortable state of affairs. Girls particularly who have menses job will seek their really best to avoid participate in P.E category.

School ‘s environment besides is an issue in detering pupils participates in P.E category. The school environment such as the washrooms, the location for P.E category, and so on. School that have deficient washrooms may impact the pupils larning temper and enthusiastic in larning. If the washroom is excessively little or deficient, pupils face jobs in waiting in a long line to acquire alteration. Possibly there are 20-25 misss in a category and they might necessitate some times to acquire alteration and delay in a line. This will impact the clip direction in P.E category, and the whole instruction process. Besides, if the washroom ‘s status was unhygienic is such a bend off for pupils to travel in and alter into their P.E suits. Students will happen alibis such as left their suits at place, or non experiencing good merely to avoid acquire alteration and fall in the category. Furthermore, some school does n’t possess with full equipment such as broad field, equipment room, basic games ‘ tribunals. Students and instructor ever cracks their caput looking for topographic points to hold their category. Students will experience tired and demotivated and acquire bored easy. Incomplete equipment such as insufficient of balls and so on might impact the instruction activities and pupils will acquire distracted because have to wait for their bend to play the game.

Next, the instructor and pupils ‘ parents think that physical instruction was n’t a existent topic. But, the fact is critical. On the school field, there are 30 over pupils environing their P.E instructor. But, when the instructor carries out an activity with the pupils the responds from the pupils are so direct and clear that whether they are basking the category. We can see that there are a batch of childs standing about and socialising or waiting in line or watching other kids play. This proves that the basic lesson program was n’t truly good prepared. Besides, experts have determined what ‘s incorrect is that in most schools, the P.E. instructors are undertrained. In my sentiment, I doubted that Malaysia do hold sufficient trained P.E instructors. Malaysia ‘s schools system considered instead uneven, they merely offer the P.E category to some instructors who are non trained in this field. So, is truly common that mathematics teacher or possibly English instructor who are learning P.E every bit good. Those untrained instructor decidedly conducted the category by utilizing the text edition and ball games were n’t truly learning the correct and accurate techniques and accomplishments to the pupils. That is why lesson program was n’t truly good planned and prepared, and state of affairs such as pupils rolling about, socialising with one another, instead stares at the grass, deficiency of involvement in take parting in the category occurs. The chief ground is the category is tiring and non good managed.

Parents on the other manus, who thinks faculty members are extremely of import that determined their kids ‘s hereafter. In fact, when a existent trained P.E instructor was carry oning the category parents should come in and see that there ‘s existent direction traveling on. Quality physical instruction is non roll out the ball and drama. Parents ever thinks that eat healthier will better wellness. Although they knows that exercising on a regular basis is the best manner to maintain healthy and fitness, deep down in their head was that such a waste of clip for their childs to run along and turn over with the balls. Physical instruction non merely educates pupils but parents every bit good. Harmonizing to Welscher from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ” They need to cognize that what it ‘s traveling to learn is things that are traveling to do them unrecorded longer, a whole batch happier, protect them from a batch of negative behaviours, better their mental wellness and this is at least every bit of import as many of the other topics. ” Parents should hold encourages their kids take part in P.E category. As a parent, it is of import for them to keep engagement in kids ‘s instruction so that can guarantee he or she attains the cognition, accomplishments and attitudes necessary to take a healthy, active and productive life.

How to actuate pupils to take portion in physical instruction ‘s category?

There are few tips that show that benefits in taking portion in physical activities, such as it helps to better wellness. Regular exercisings helps to go around our blood circulation and our articulations wo n’t turn to rusty. It helps to forestall bosom diseases, counteracts with the hazard in fleshiness, diseases, inaction and high blood pressure. With 20 proceedingss walk can assist to go around the blood circulation around our bosom and heighten the map of our bosom in healthy status. Obesity and high blood pressure can forestall with 30 proceedingss jogs. After some physical activities, it helps to review a individual ‘s head. After discoursing the benefits of regular physical activity and all the factors that demotivated pupils take parting in P.E category, there are ways in motivates them in the category.

How to promote and actuate pupils take portion in their P.E category?

There are many ways in motivate pupils take portion in the category. Of class we opted for long term solutions alternatively of short term solutions. Short term solutions such as payoffs the pupils by utilizing extravaganza ‘s awards or possibly hard currencies to tempt the pupils in taking portion in the category. This will ne’er work out. They are temporally attracted pupils for a short clip and the aims will ne’er accomplish. The school, instructors, pupils and parents have the duty to get the better of this job. The school should seek to see this as serious affair by non merely stress in academic public presentation. School should hold tried to work out some plans to promote pupils take portion in physical instruction category. They should hold planned to hold their athleticss twenty-four hours during the weekdays as attending is mandatory. Many schools usually have their athleticss twenty-four hours during weekend. Weekends supposed to be non school twenty-four hours, this is the chief ground that pupils will ne’er turned up and shows the enterprise to take part in any athleticss plans. Even the instructors were deficiency of motive to carry on the event or activity in a proper mode. In my sentiment, the school should form some athleticss plans or activities for the whole hebdomad. In the whole hebdomad, half of the twenty-four hours pupils are occupied with all kinds of plans. Such as interclass games competition, some in charge of holding healthy and fitness mini seminar. The school can ask for professionals to give negotiations or seminars to the pupils. This whole physical instruction hebdomad should form systematically, is meaningful and instruction intents.

Besides, pupils felt bored in P.E category is because of the instructor is untrained and was n’t specialized in this field. This may do confusion to the pupils. The best thing that can make is, have the instructors attend the workshop in physical instruction. A productive and knowing instructor is a successful pedagogue. Teacher who are specialized or non in this field should educate themselves more in this field, they should fix themselves in any state of affairs such as learning the topic that they may non familiar with. Teacher should fix interesting lesson program and activities in order to allow larning come on takes topographic point. Teacher should be willing to larn and derive more Cognition: As a physical instruction teacher have to larn about new activities and games, and use them into their lesson programs. P.E instructors should larn new games and convey them into category. By conveying in new games it will non merely broaden pupils ‘ cognition of new accomplishments, but they will besides hold merriment larning new and different accomplishments. The instructor ‘s attitude is besides really of import in learning. Teacher should cognize how to manage schoolroom direction so that pupils will esteem he/her and take things earnestly in physical instruction. Teachers should ever possesses with positives attitude, ever promote pupils, ne’er give up easy, and should act upon the pupils in what is meant to be good for them. The most of import thing is acquire to cognize them, understand them, and acquire to cognize what their demands are. Caring is ever the most effectual ways in learning advancement.

Following, parents and schools bond with each other in an indirect manner. Parents play an of import function in this issue. Most of the parents thought that P.E category is such a waste of clip, and a load to a kid for conveying excess apparels to school. Most parents have irrational ideas such as, a batch of wash to make if conveying excess P.E suits and so on. Parents should hold promote their kids how of import P.E is and should take part to the full in the category. Besides, parents should frequently exposed P.E activity to their kids since immature or day-to-day. It is a necessity to expose physical activity to kids daily so that they will maintain it as a wont.

While the school environment besides of import in work outing this job. School should concern and take this earnestly in bettering the installations in school. Such as, the athletics ‘s field, the equipment room and etc. Particularly the field, school authorization should take attention of the field as in trim the grass or repair the holes on the land. This can cut down the hazard of hurt among the pupils. With a good cared field, pupils will love the field and willing to stretch their articulations in any conditions. The equipment room should ever updates. Balls particularly ever a job for every school, deficient sums of balls ever create mayhem in P.E category. The school individual in charge should look into the staying stocks systematically. Replace those equipments which are disfunctions with new, add in better equipment in order to heighten the quality in learning. The school environment such as renovates the lavatory into broad infinite for pupils able to acquire alteration or built in athleticss shower room for pupils to take a shower before they continue their following category.

Besides, authorities should take this earnestly as in advancing how of import P.E is and encourages the society starts to concentrate in P.E activity. The authorities should advance scholarship strategies or better offer in athleticss academy for every pupil who contributes in athleticss or P.E category. The authorities should promote each school to hold a certified certifications to demo properties to all the pupils who did good in their P.E category. This will promote and motivates the P.E civilization in Malaysia shortly. ” The best P.E. category and plan will maintain pupils in head that this cognition can last for a life-time. ”

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Inclusion of Students with Disabilities into Regular Education Classrooms

The American Community Survey (ACS), which is conducted by the Census Bureau, estimated that about 6. 3% of the children between the age of 5 and 15 years had some form of disability in 2007. 1 The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which was legislated in 1975, requires all public schools in the U. S. to provide ‘all eligible children with disabilities a free public education in the least restrictive environment appropriate for their needs. ‘

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, about 6. 7 million children and youth, between the ages of 3 and 21, received services under IDEA in 2006 – 2007. 2 The issue of inclusion and mainstreaming of children with disabilities has always been controversial. While it is wrong to differentiate and isolate children based on their abilities, most regular schools are ill equipped to take care of children with certain disabilities and that can be disadvantageous to the disabled child as well as the regular children in the class. So, although every eligible child should have a right to go to any educational institution that he or she wants to, it is important to make individualized decisions about inclusion.

Teachers, doctors, therapists, parents and students should work together and decide what is best for all the children in the classroom. The National Dissemination Center for children with disabilities has defined inclusion as the philosophy, process, and practice of educating students with disabilities in general education classrooms in neighborhood schools with the supports and accommodations needed by those students.

However, different researchers and educators have different opinions about what ‘inclusion’ can actually mean. Some researchers like Lewis and Doorlang consider a child with disabilities ‘included’ if he spends any part of the school day with general class peers in “common instructional or social activities with additional instruction and support from a special educator” while Friend & Bursuck believed that inclusion generally occurs when a student with disabilities can meet “traditional academic expectations with minimal assistance.”

Until the late 1960s, there was no help for children with disabilities at public schools. In fact, most schools had the right to refuse admission if the child was severely disabled while children with mild problems had struggle by themselves to cope with the school curriculum. All of that changed in 1969, with the passage of the Children with Specific Learning Disabilities Act, when it became mandatory for public schools to provide support services for students with learning disabilities.

The Congress enacted the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975 which intended to support states and localities in meeting the individual needs of children and youths with disabilities. This law was later renamed as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. 2 As more and more kids started receiving special education, it was observed that such children were not taught the general curriculum at the schools. This led to the reauthorization of IDEA in 1997 and access to the general curriculum was added to the statute.

Ever since its formation, IDEA and the concept of inclusion were contentious. The supporters of the act believed that since disabled children have to live in the same society as the general population when they grow up, it is better to start early. This will help the general children also to develop into more understanding and compassionate individuals. The opponents of inclusion, on the other hand, believe that if the handicapped children are sent to regular classrooms, they would be denied the ‘small-group, multi-sensory, carefully sequenced instruction, integrated with their various physical therapies, now provided by skilled certified teachers’ while the non-handicapped children may miss their regular lessons.

Some critics of inclusion believe that mainstreaming is a better option. Mainstreaming refers to selective placement of special education students in one or more “regular” education classes. The students are introduced to few regular classes based on each student’s individual potential and they follow a Individualized Education Plan (IEP) under the guidance of a specialist. The students are thus, exposed to the outside world but at a slower pace. The purpose of mainstreaming is specialized academic learning while the purpose of inclusion is to prepare for an independent life as an adult. Inclusion is less restrictive and allows a child with disabilities to be a part of a regular classroom and follow the regular curriculum with assistance of a specialist.

Full inclusion, on the other hand, refers to elimination of special education altogether and instructing all students in the same classroom with same curriculum. The proponents of full inclusion believe that all children are equally worth and hence, should be treated equally. Several models have been proposed to implement inclusion in classrooms across the United States. Some of these models include the Consultant model, the Teaming model and the Collaborative or Co-teaching model. In the Consultant model a special education teacher is made available to the students and will help to reteach a difficult concept or skill.

This non- intrusive approach is effective in case of low incidence of special needs students and overall low student population. In the Teaming model special education teacher is assigned to a team and the teacher provides student several strategies to deal with assignments and tests. The team meets on a regular basis, establishing consistent communication among the team members. All team members work together and broaden their knowledge in various areas, whether they are from general education or special education.

On the other hand, the Collaborative model involves general education and special education teachers working together to teach students with or without disabilities in a shared classroom. Students receive age-appropriate academics, support services, and possible modified instruction. Collaborative teaching can be organized in a number of ways like one teacher and one support, parallel teaching design, team teaching, alternative teaching design etc.

The kind of model that a classroom might adopt depends on a variety of factors like the requirements of the students and the number of resources that the teachers have at their disposal. Whichever model it adopts, an inclusive classroom is student-centered and students have a major role to play in deciding the academic and social activities of the day. There is a lot of social interaction with each student doing their own individualized curriculum under the guidance of a special education teacher. The classroom may have different centers that focus on different skills like language, math etc.

Children are allowed to use many different kind of learning tools like books, computers, taped stories and music. One of the major advantages of a inclusion classroom for regular students is that it helps them develop compassion and sensitivity at a young age. Children get an opportunity to experience diversity in a small classroom setting and it also boosts their self-confidence as they develop an ability to make a difference and to help others. All students have the benefit of having two teachers in the class.

Also, inclusion classrooms focus on peer learning and that can have immense impact on most children. Inclusion classrooms can also be beneficial to the teachers as it gives them an opportunity to be a part of a multi-disciplinary team that faces new challenges everyday. The teachers also learn to appreciate the fact that each child has his own strengths and weaknesses and get an opportunity to understand the benefits of direct individualized instruction. Children with special needs can benefit immensely by going to regular schools.

It gives them a sense of belongingness in the community. It enhances their self-respect and enables them to develop friendships with same-age peers. A regular school exposes the child to a more stimulating environment and may make it easier for them adjust to the outside world. Thus, the supporters of inclusion believe that all students will benefit from being in an inclusion classrooms in the long run. In spite of all these advantages, inclusion classrooms are controversial and that is because these classrooms can often be disruptive and under productive. In practice, children pursuing individualized curricula with aides, under the supervision of the teacher who is attempting to teach the whole class may lead to commotion and confusion.

The critics also believe that there is no scientific basis for the belief that handicapped children benefit by being placed with non-handicapped children. In fact, some research shows that handicapped children feel more isolated in the regular class, as it imposes greater psychological pressure on them and they become more aware of what their peers can do and what they cannot. Some research has shown that in Texas, Missouri and Minnesota, special-education students are suspended at roughly twice the rate of regular students, state reports indicate.

Also, for children with disabilities in a regular environment, socialization becomes more important than academics and hence, can be detrimental to student’s education. Some school districts have reported higher teacher turnover and classroom commotion due to mainstreaming.

Many teachers are often uncomfortable with an unorganized classroom. Most teachers lack special training and support to deal with inclusion and can lead to frustration. Inclusion can also be viewed unfavorably by regular students. They may find it disruptive to their own education. Also, if not implemented properly, it can lead to resentment among regular students towards their disabled peers and can lead to unpleasant atmosphere in the classrooms. Even the proponents of inclusion have to agree that it is not for everyone.

“Inclusion without resources, without support, without teacher preparation time, without commitment, without a vision statement, without restructuring, without staff development, won’t work. ” says Mara Sapon-Shevin, professor of inclusive education at Syracuse University. So, before starting any new inclusion program, it is important to analyze the situation and check for all the available resources. Every body involved in the education system including students, teachers, special education teachers and parents should be involved in the decision.

It is also important to make a smooth transition in a gradual step by step manner that is not overwhelming to the handicapped children as well as their non-handicapped peers. Also, good communication between the teachers, students and the parents is key to the success of inclusion education and thus, schools should have clear strategies and plans before introducing inclusive classrooms to their system.

Inclusion is a disputable issue and proponents on both sides of the theory are equally passionate about their cause. It a great concept of education that is based upon the principle of compassion and equality for all. If implemented properly, the inclusion classrooms can be great models for an ideal society. However, it is a difficult concept to implement. Most teachers lack the appropriate training and resources to manage an inclusion classroom and that can be overwhelming to all the individuals involved.

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The Effects of Drinking Behavior on College Students

The Effects of Drinking Behavior on College Students’ Academic Performance Abstract This study investigated the relationship between college students’ academic performance and their drinking behaviors. It was hypothesized that higher alcohol intake levels would be related to lower GPA. In the experiment, 28 Psychology students took an online survey which examined their level of alcohol intake in reference to their current grades. Current grades were measured by GPA and alcohol intake was based upon self-reported drinking frequency.

Previous research supports the idea that poor academic performance is related to high alcohol intake. Background research supports the proposed hypothesis; however, the results found that alcohol intake had no significant relationship with academic performance. The Effects of Drinking Behavior on College Students’ Academic Performance One who attends a college or university will at some point engage in the consumption of alcohol. It can be viewed as the college life, which is becoming a major issue on campuses.

This is an issue because it is our country’s responsibility to ensure that undergraduate studies encourage increase knowledge and not discourage it. The environment of school in general may be too relaxed and peer behavior and pressures contribute to behavior that may be detrimental to one’s college career. Undergraduate studies should be a gateway to even higher learning and not a hindrance. The growing concern about this issue can be gauged by the national new media coverage of heavy drinking.

Recent developments in government, higher education, and the public health community have led to greater public awareness and policies to address the problem (Lewis, 2005). It has been found that students; who participated in binge drinking drank or had a hangover more than once a week and had lower grade point averages (Taylor, Johnson, Voas & Turrisi, 2006). In addition, it was noted that most students who did not enjoy learning or attending class; consumed alcohol at least once a month (Taylor, Johnson, Voas & Turrisi, 2006).

Previous research has supported the hypothesis that higher alcohol intake is correlated with poor academic support. This study is unique because I wanted to see if this was true on a smaller scale. I decided to conduct a study at Old Dominion University using a sample of Psychology students. Though it has been found that poor academic performance is related to large alcohol consumption, I wanted to explore this finding on the campus of Old Dominion. Several studies have examined the effect of drinking behaviors and how they may be detrimental to college academic life.

A national survey of nearly 37,000 students at 66 four-year institutions revealed a strong negative relationship between alcohol consumption and grades. Students with an A average consumed a little more than three drink per week, B students had almost five drinks, C students more than six, and D or F students reported nine drinks (Taylor, Johnson, Voas & Turrisi, 2006) Vaisman-Tzachor, R. , & Lai, J. (2008). According to the results of the research conducted, these students were unable to maintain higher GPAs because of the amount of regular alcohol consumption.

In the current study, we explored the relationship between drinking behavior and academic performance. It was hypothesized that students who participated in drinking activities on a regular basis would not receive satisfactory grades. Participants were asked to complete an online survey that was administered via www. surveygizmo. com. Each participant was expected to answer truthfully to each question in order to determine the amount of alcohol usage in relation to their academic performance.

In study conducted by Croom and colleagues, it was found that prior knowledge regarding alcohol was not found to have a significant effect on alcohol related behaviors. In this study the control group, college freshman, were given a survey and knowledge test during the summer prior to the start of college. The experimental group received the survey in addition to an online course, and final exam (Croom et al. , 2009). In another study, it was found that a positive correlation existed between personality and alcohol use.

Personality characteristics that were considered included: openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. In addition, the study also found that there was a negative relationship between alcohol use and grade point average. As alcohol use increased the grade point averages of student’s decreased (Musgrave, Bromley, & Dalley, 1997). A study by Robert Crosnoe found that alcohol use increased with the failure of a course. Course failure was a greater predictor of alcohol use then was alcohol use a predictor of later course failure (Crosnoe, 2006). Method Participants

Twenty-seven Psychology students from Old Dominion University participated in this study. Participants were awarded extra credit for their participation. Materials A self-developed survey was used to study continuous drinking behavior and to monitor how much one drinks in comparison to his/her current academic achievement. The goal of the measure of the study was to determine the relationship between regular alcohol consumption and academic performance. The measure of the relationship was based upon the survey containing questions such as, “Have you ever had a hangover? ” and “Do you enjoy learning? The survey was administered through online survey host website www. surveygizmo. com. The goal was to ask students indirectly about alcohol consumption in relation to their grades without telling them exactly what the survey was about. Alcohol intake was measured by the self-reported amount of drinks and drinking frequency. There were 19 questions altogether. Most questions were based upon a one to five scale, with one being the least in agreement and five being the most in agreement. Some questions required yes or no responses and others had fill-in-the-blank options.

Some of the ideas that I wanted the participants to explore were their true drinking behaviors, frequencies, and habits. I wanted to present the questions in such a way that the participant would voluntarily describe their habits without holding anything back. My overall goal was to observe through answers the amount of alcohol consumption in respect to grades. Asking about attitudes toward school and eventually progressing to actual grade representation, allowed me to compare alcohol usage to behavior toward school.

Everything regarding school including but not limited to attitude toward it, grades while attending college, and immediate past test score should have either been parallel with consumption or negatively correlated. Procedure Each participant was responsible for taking a 19 question survey. The survey’s overall level of difficulty was easy. It did not require anyone to participate longer than 5 minutes. They were asked a series of multiple choice and fill in the blank answers. Each participant was expected to answer truthfully. All 28 students were required to answer each question because it was mandatory.

Before participation began everyone had to consent to participation, and afterward everyone was thanked and given extra credit by the participating professor. Results A Pearson’s Product-Moment correlation was used to determine the relationship between current grades (M = 3. 44) and drinking frequency (M = 3. 07). Results of this analysis showed that there was not a significant relationship between the two variables (r = . 11, p>05). Discussion The research conducted has verified the null hypothesis which concluded drinking does not have negative effect on academics.

Most students who willingly participated in the survey responded that drinking at a high frequency or binged drinking did not adversely affect their grades. These findings are contrary to most acceptable research on alcohol being a negative correlate of academic failure. A survey was administered with questions requiring honesty about drinking habitats and academic performance. Questions were related directly to the topic and others were field questions. Mandatory questions were asked such as GPA and alcohol consumption on a monthly or daily basis. These key questions played a vital role in the outcome of the study.

In the hypothesis it was proposed that drinking would have a negative effect on academics. In previous research, the correlation of drinking and class attendance had been shown to be to be within the realms of the stated hypothesis. When students consume alcohol it was related to negative academic performance. However, the outcome of the survey resulted in information that was quite opposite to the research conducted in the given survey. According to the survey used in the current study, there was no significant relationship between alcohol consumption and acquired GPA.

Most students who willingly participated in the survey responded that drinking at a high frequency or binge drinking did not adversely affect their grades. These findings are contrary to most acceptable research on alcohol being a negative correlate of academic failure. Previous research showed that students at four year collegiate universities are likely to consume alcohol. A national survey of 37,000 students at sixty-six four year institutions hypothesized that there would be a strong negative relationship between alcohol consumption and grades.

In this study, students were asked to report drinking behaviors, and reported a significant amount of alcohol use. The study found that there was no significant relationship between alcohol use and grades (Jackson, 2006). This conclusion is similar to that of McAloon (1994), that higher levels of drinking were correlated with negative consequences, such as high rates of reported hangovers, driving under the influence, nausea or vomiting, suicide risk, and sexual assault. There was no significant relationship between drinking frequency and academic performance and one of the major confounds of this study was the sample itself.

There were a plethora of issues surrounding the sample’s size and characteristics which could have led to results that turned out to be opposite of the hypothesis and previous background research studies that supported the hypothesis. There were only 28 participants in the study. There was not much diversity regarding the students’ demography. These 28 students were not randomly selected; rather, they were students working for the incentive of extra credit in the same class. It is very important to have diversity perspective in data because data can cover a wide variety of subjects.

Diversity-centered research addresses different ethnicity, culture, sexuality, gender, age, disability, or a wide range of other perspectives (Lumby & Morrison, 2010). Information such as this would lead the average researcher to wonder if the results were skewed because of the lack of participation and the lack of diversity among the participants. Considering the idea that only observing one group of individuals (psychology majors) may distort results is enough to say that the results could have been different.

Not having any participants outside of the major, with one exception, could lead one to believe that maybe Psychology students are just different. Maybe they are the exception to all of the previous background research. An assumption such as this could be considered a bit absurd, but there would be no way to assume anything contrary to this belief. The study did not include many others outside of the major. It would be safe to conclude that either Psychology students are the exception, or the researcher should have examined more students outside of the major to verify that this is no exception.

Previous research suggests that alcohol and academia have a negative correlation. For example, college students who participated in the research study conducted by researchers in the Southwestern region of the United States found this statement and accurate depiction of the correlation between alcohol and academia. The study conducted found that most students who engaged in the consumption of alcohol had poor reflections when their grades were assessed and a high number engaged in drinking because of the collateral effects of having close people also engaging in this behavior. Hagman, Cohn, Noel, & Clifford, 2010). When there is a study performed that is disproving the above, it is important to make sure that there is no room for error or doubt. Examining only Psychology students and one Criminal Justice student was a large mistake. All but five of the participants were college seniors, and the remaining participants were fellow upperclassmen. Classification does not define level of maturation; however, it is possible that since the participants of this study were all upperclassmen they may be able to correctly conduct themselves in a manner that is not harmful to their everyday lives.

Drinking frequency may have a larger effect on someone who is less mature about it and not willing to drink responsibly (Crosnoe, 2006). Lack of diversity among classification combined with participants’ ages being above the age of 21, contribute to the possibility that both may play a role in the idea that academic performance may not be in jeopardy due to alcohol intake after a certain point in life. Self-Report was also another major limitation of the study. As a researcher, no one should rely solely on the self-report of those participating in their study because level of accuracy is key.

For instance, in the study done by a handful of researchers was conducted on the premises that students would be honest about their drinking habits when they enrolled in an alcohol awareness and preparation course. They discovered that most were not truthful and results were skewed and unreliable (Lewis, Marchell, Lesser, Reyna, & Kubicki-Bedford, 2009). One cannot assume that a person will not lie, forget, or make up what they need or want a researcher to believe. Unfortunately, the deception of the study was probably not enough to fool people into admitting exactly what their current rades were. Based upon previous research administered by Musgrave-Marquart, Bromley, and Daley (1997) it is unlikely to have “mostly A’s” and be intoxicated at least 3 times a week. The institution restriction and topic of discussion also served as confounds within the study. The use of only students from Old Dominion University from one specific classroom was a barrier to the results needed to prove the hypothesis. The topic of discussion can also be considered a sort of taboo. No one really wants to admit that they drink alcohol on a level that is not socially acceptable.

Who really wants to say, “I’m an alcoholic. ”? Not too many people are comfortable admitting that they are alcoholics to their selves, let alone complete strangers. At times, the topic can be difficult to speak about, and this could be a contribution to the results not being up to par with past research. Those who identified themselves as having a high tolerance for alcohol and abnormally frequent drinking behaviors still did not idenitfy themselves as alcoholics. These individuals skewed the survey and showed that they could not admit to what society thinks of as unacceptable (2003).

Finally, the content of measure of the study made it more difficult to find results parallel to the hypothesis. One of the larger confounds of the study was gathering information through a self-reported survey only. My determinant was a 19 question survey with questions that were not of good quality. Some of the questions were too definitive and did not leave room for individuality. Sometimes it can be harder for a person to identify with such specific categories if there is room for another category that is not listed.

Results become an issue when a question from the content of measure (the survey) is mandatory but does not necessarily fully apply to the participant. If a participant happens to fall in between two options such as drinking once a week or more than three times a week, but the option is not available, that person will be forced to answer to the best of their ability instead of with the whole truth. This person may drink twice a week but because that is not an option, they will report drinking more or less than they actually do according to the study offering skewed results.

The study cannot fulfill its true objective because of the lack of quality within the questions. This source explains how social drinking can turn into a lifestyle and the longitudinal survey collected data on drinking from August 2004 through November 2007. The longitudinal survey data that was collected can cover a large amount of data versus short-term data (Fromme, Wertherill, & Neal, 2010). For future directions, I would suggest that anyone conducting a study that is related to the relationship between use a study that is longitudinal for the desired results to prove such a hypothesis.

Most of the background research on this particular study has been performed over long periods of time with many diverse groups. There should be a more diverse sample with people attempting to find accurate results about such a topic. Different forms of administration would most certainly help researchers with correct findings. Researchers could use interviews, assessments, or even an evaluation to gather information about Researchers must not restrict themselves to only one form of administration of their tests. There are other ways to gather personal information in an ethical manner.

Instead of using a survey to cover all of the information, maybe researchers could use a questionnaire that screens alcohol usage only and then ask students to submit their grades. The questions that were asked were very vague and broad. For example, “What are your currents grades like? ” could have been more useful if the options were more specific instead of “Mostly A’s” or “Mostly B’s”. A future researcher should focus on the questions’ style content and quality vs. quantity. I would also suggest that when conducting such a study in the future that there is a better measure of honesty.

A researcher could find an ethical way to verify grades such as report cards or a transcript. There are many ways to verify concrete information such as current grades. Progress reports or past report cards (if applicable) can be considered verification of some of the answers provided in such a study. The benefit of using a progress report or a transcript to report concrete information is that there is no room for error report. It could also increase the willingness to report truthful drinking behavior if the participant is not asked any questions about their personal performance and personal lifestyle simultaneously.

The most important thing that should be considered if this study were to be repeated would be the content of measure. Accurate research results often require more than one content of measure. One cannot possibly know all there is to discover about a relationship between two factors if there is only one definitive determining factor. It would be beneficial for there to be more than one way to find out information. More specific questions and verified responses should be created for participants and researchers alike to ensure that the most accurate results are produced.

In this study the relationship between alcohol intake and academic performance was measured by administration of a survey which asked about whether or not drinking habits had any significant behavior on academic performance. The survey asked questions about students’ typical drinking behavior and current and cumulative grades to define the relationship between the two. It was expected that we would find patterns for people who drink more to have lower grades, and the people who drank less were expected to have higher grades.

The results found that there was no significant relationship between drinking frequency and academic performance. Previous research suggests that there is a strong negative relationship between the two. It appears that in this study we may have a false null hypothesis. The study did not find the desired results, but if performed correctly on another occasion, there should be no doubt that the results will support the hypothesis. It appears that colleges may have to implement harsher sanctions for students who cannot remain up to par academically.

This may serve as motivation for these students not to attend college for the wrong reasons. Although the results of this particular study do not demonstrate the idea that drinking alcohol has an adverse effect on academia, previous research suggests otherwise. Maybe if the atmosphere of college and the stereotype of college was not surrounded by the idea of alcohol, students would be more reluctant to pursue higher education without responsible attitudes. I would suggest that all universities place guidelines on the amount of partying for at least the first few years of students’ college careers.

I would suggest that these colleges keep a close watch on the younger students specifically. Based upon the study, I would suggest that stricter guidelines be placed on college students who are not excelling in academics because of personal behavior. References Bingham, C. , Barretto, A. , Walton, M. , Bryant, C. , Shope, J. , & Raghunathan, T. (2010). Efficacy of a web-based, tailored, alcohol prevention/intervention program for college students: Initial findings. Journal of American College Health, 58(4), 349-356. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Croom, K. , Lewis, D. , Marchell, T. , Lesser, M. , Reyna, V. , Kubicki-Bedford, L. , et al. (2009). Impact of an Online Alcohol Education Course on Behavior and Harm for Incoming first-Year College Students: Short-Term Evaluation of a Randomized Trial. Journal of American College Health, 57(4), 445-454. Retrieved from Psychology and Behavioral sciences Collection database. Crosnoe, R. (2006). The Connection Between Academic Failure and Adolescent Drinking in secondary School. Sociology of Education, 79(1), 44-60. Retrieved from Academic search Complete database. Fromme, K. Wetherill, R. R. , & Neal, D. J. (2010). Turning 21 and the Associated Changes in drinking and Driving after Drinking among College Students. Journal of American college Health, 59(1), 21-27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Hagman, B. , Cohn, A. , Noel, N. , & Clifford, P. (2010). Collateral Informant Assessment in alcohol Use Research Involving College Students. Journal of American College health, 59(2), 82-90. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Jackson, K. M. , Sher, K. J. , & Park, A. (2006). Drinking among college students: consumption and consequences.

In: Galanter M, ed. Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Research on alcohol Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults. 2nd ed. New York: Springer; 2006;17:85-117. Lamis, D. , Ellis, J. , Chumney, F. , & Dula, C. (2009). Reasons for Living and Alcohol Use among College Students. Death Studies, 33(3), 277-286. doi:10. 1080/07481180802672017. Lewis, T. (2005). Readiness to Change, Social Norms, and Alcohol Involvement Among College students. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 26(1), 22-37. Retrieved from legal Collection database. Logan, D. , Kilmer, J. , & Marlatt, G. 2010). The Virtuous Drinker: Character Virtues as correlates and Moderators of College Student Drinking and Consequences. Journal of American College Health, 58(4), 317-324. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Lumby, J. , & Morrison, M. (2010). Leadership and Diversity: Theory and Research. School Leadership & Management, 30(1), 3-17. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. McAloon, D. (1994). The effect of alcohol abuse on academic achievement on two-year campuses. Community College Review, 22(1), 12. Retrieved from Academic Search complete database. Musgrave-Marquart, D. Bromley, S. , & Dalley, M. (1997). Personality, Academic Attribution, and Substance Use as Predictors of Academic Achievement in College Students. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 12(2), 501-511. Retrieved from Academic Search complete database. NATIONAL SURVEY OF DRINKING AND DRIVING ATTITUDES ANDBEHAVIOURS, 2001. (2003). Chronicle of the American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association, 7. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Osain, M. , & Alekseevic, V. (2010). The effect of alcohol use on academic performance of university students. Annals of General Psychiatry, 91. oi:10. 1186/1744-859X-9-S1-S215. Sullivan, M. , & Risler, E. (2002). Understanding College Alcohol Abuse and Academic performance: Selecting Appropriate Intervention Strategies. Journal of College counseling, 5(2), 114. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Taylor, D. , Johnson, M. , Voas, R. , & Turrisi, R. (2006). Demographic and Academic Trends in drinking Patterns and Alcohol-Related Problems on Dry College Campuses. Journal of alcohol & Drug Education,50(4), 35-54. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Vaisman-Tzachor, R. , & Lai, J. (2008).

The Effects of College Tenure, Gender, and Social involvement on Alcohol Drinking and Alcoholism in College Students. Annals of the american Psychotherapy Association, 11(4), 18-24. Retrieved from Academic Search complete database. Welcome, M. , Pereverzeva, E. , & Pereverzev, V. (2010). A novel psychophysiological model of the effect of alcohol use on academic performance of male medical students of belarusian State Medical University. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health (IJCRIMPH), 2(6), 183-197. Retrieved from academic Search Complete database.

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Technology: A User Friendly for Students

Technology has transformed the society leaving people with no choice but to conform to the constant innovations and learn to rely on what the technology has to offer. The advent of the twenty first century has gone to a lot of discoveries and innovations that require the people to increase the living standards in a society that is rapidly and constantly changing. Today, technology is even requiring a higher quality of education (Clark, Sanders, & Stammen, 1997).

Apparently, the existence of technology gives people countless benefits to make lives more convenient. Students nowadays have been fortunate for having an advanced technology to be used for education purposes. Even though the society blames technology for the way it molds the young generation through the gadgets and modes of communication that give them independence, the advantages that these young people acquire from technology are evident.

Technology helps the students to communicate well and immediately get and receive information they needed for their studies. Moreover, technology makes easy transactions of the students inside and outside the schools. On the other hand, the idea of bringing technology outside the classrooms can be frightening because students always tend to look only at the benefits and convenience that it gives to the users. However, this may also open another opportunity to the young generation in attaining the real picture of the technological world.

Technology does not always bring negative impacts because the students still benefit from the newly-innovated products in the society. The online libraries, internet messaging, and word processing are just few of the benefits that students learn and enjoy through the use of technology. Proper teaching of faculty about the right usage and limited exposure of students to technological gadgets can make technology user friendly and beneficial for the young adults. Apparently, the extent of beneficial relationship between technology and users does not depend on how many gadgets a student has and how much he or she knows using them but having enough knowledge about technology and how to use them in proper ways can serve as the measurement of how these gadgets become friendly to its users.


Clark, V. L. Sanders, G. F. & Stammen, R. M. (1997). Building a User Friendly Environment: The Challenge of Tecnology in Higher Education. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from

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