Language Training Challenges Essay

Challenges When I was 12 years old, I started my second language training in English at a cram school. I was the oldest one in the class which was very embarrassing. At the beginning, it seemed easy. As I progressed to a higher level things became harder and more confusing. My English teacher at junior high school was awesome and was the one who made me start to love the language. Because of her communication skills, excellent teaching ability and passion it made me desperately want to get more involved in learning English.

It became . For me, grammar, communicating with people and writing essays are my challenges in learning English. With the most challenging part about developing my English skills was learning the grammar. In English, one word can have several meanings and/or different pronunciations which make it more difficult to understand and learn. For example, the word “record” has several meanings, including to set in writing or an actual hard copy of music. Everyone has their own unique accent which makes it difficult to understand.

For instance, some people with Middle Eastern accents may pronounce certain words differently to their traditional English pronunciation. One major thing that was different from my native language, Mandarin Chinese, is the order of sentences and the way I write them. When I had a conversation with someone I would think in my native language, then translate into English, and then rearrange the words to make it sound correct. When I was seven years old I started to play tennis. Later I traveled from country to country to play tournaments and I had to speak English in order to communicate with people.

If I was playing doubles I would need to communicate with my partner so we were playing correctly. I could not be successful just because of my ability; I had to know English because it is the worst thing in tennis to not be able to communicate. Learning English is very important for me because of this. In professional tennis, English is the only language that is used during matches, so I want to study abroad and to get an education in English. Writing a formal essay is a very challenging endeavor, the strategies that I used were comma slices, syntax differentiation and grammar and punctuations.

For example, read more English books, magazines, and newspapers to improve my vocabulary skills and comprehension. Since the order of sentences is different from my native language. The tenses, grammar, punctuations and the order of the essay are very easy to make mistakes on. Making the sentences too wordy is the biggest problem for me. As I said, the more practice I do, the more likely I will have a better essay. Some people have better learning skills than others allowing them to catch up more easily than I do but I continue to work every day to improve my writing skills. A large portion of an essay includes vocabulary and its proper use.

This is the weakest part for most international students and has been challenging for me, so I carry my electronic dictionary everywhere and it has helped me to write this paper. In the end, it is important for me to learn English for many reasons. Even though it is difficult learning English gives many benefits and opens opportunities for my future. The more practice I have, the less afraid to make mistakes I become and it ultimately will help me to learn new things. English is an international language used to communicate all over the world. Learning to speak other languages, especially English, helps when I apply for a job.

It helps my resume allowing me to have a better chance to be hired. My strategies to learn English were and still are to force myself to speak to native English speakers. Talking to native speakers helps me tremendously and it made me start thinking in English when I talked to someone instead of Chinese and then translating in my head. This made my speech better and my responses much quicker. The more I talk, the more I can learn. Learning for me is getting involved with it, not just reading a textbook; we should try to use it in everyday life. I would say you use it or you lose it.

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The Effective Methods to Learn New Vocabulary

Shiyu Wang EDI 300 Dr. Pole 09/26/2011 The Effective Methods To Learn New Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of the three main elements of language, and it is the base of literature. Whatever people communicate with others by any language, and the first requirement is that people must have certain vocabulary. In study activities, teachers emphasize listening, speaking, reading, and writing, but students cannot learn without vocabulary. Vocabulary learning is a process of memorizing and recognizing. If students don’t have enough vocabulary, they will spend more time to read, and they are not interested in the books they read.

Learning language base is very important in English teaching, and learning language base includes knowledge and skill. For accumulating vocabulary knowledge, and pointing to the difficulties to students, some researchers provide some methods below to develop the learning qualities. In the beginning, vocabulary learning includes two sides, and they are accumulating and understanding. The purpose of learning vocabulary is letting students handle every word, so the best method of learning vocabulary is by reading. If they handle the sentences, they will remember the words.

One disadvantage of learning by rote is that all words are in alphabetical order, and student cannot be interested in those words because of no connection with their life. This will be a very passive activity, but memorizing is active. For example, people might remember name of the person they want to make friend with. That is not because you repeat it, but also you are memory activator. The other disadvantage is that even though people remember the meanings of the words, they cannot use them to write articles.

In different language environment, one word has different meanings. So, using sentence frame to develop vocabulary is a better method. If you read a sentence every day, the value will be more than that people recite twenty words. Dr. Kesler “prompted students to continue using the textual information to consider the word’s meaning. After reading, we revisited the words in context and how often they appeared in the text. The students then refined and generated new possible sentences that we discussed based on new textual information. (Ted 2) Reading is good, but the sentences should be found in our favorite articles. Firstly, people must love that sentence, because understanding is the basic of using. For instance, when I read Mark Twain, one sentence is written like that “…constantly worries about money as her family teetered between near-prosperity and genteel poverty. ” This sentence describes the family economic situation exactly. Because I love this sentence, I immediately remember the word “teeter”. Then, American sociologist, Dr.

Hymes stated that only studying one language is not enough, students must have the ability of communicating by the language. They must understand how to use suitable methods to express the true purpose, and this expression method depends on the social cultural background. The cultural background is abundant. Generally, learning vocabulary has the firm connection with learning cultural background. Therefore, during the studying process, we might meet many words related to culture, when we learn these words, we should know the culture around the words. For that reason, they are not separated.

I am an international student in the USA, so I live in a totally different culture environment, so the same meaning word has different meaning and usage in different culture environment. For example, in American people mind, “week” is from Sunday to Saturday, but in Chinese culture, “week” is from Monday to Sunday. At the same time, in different culture background, every word have abundant cultural connotation except denotation. Therefore, people should communicate with others by mixing language and culture. On the other side, good culture knowledge can not lead people communicate with others.

Reading a lot of newspaper, books, and movies can let students understand the suitable environment, and they can know the true meaning of the vocabulary, so they will have the ability to communicate with other people, and get the purpose of using the new words. Using new pictures to learn and review Next, teachers should develop the interests of learning words. For changing the boring learning methods, they must use several different teaching ways to let students are interested in new vocabulary by themselves. Firstly, teachers can use new pictures to learn and review, so they can use several pictures to lead students to learn.

For example, they can create many kinds of picture cards to learn fruit and vegetable words. Those cards will catch children’s attention, and this will be the best time to remember vocabulary. Secondly, teachers can use real things. Students don’t like boring lecture, but several real things are close to the reality life, so they can see and touch the objects, so they will develop their study interests, then teachers can teach new words with letting students look at the real objects. Thirdly, teachers can let students to sing songs.

If teachers can compose the songs by the new words, they can let students sing with performance, and it will build a relaxing study environment. Fourthly, playing games is also a good method to let students have study interests, and it can change the boring language situation to be an interesting course structure that students can accept. Fifthly, teachers can use some simple drawing. When they draw the pictures, they will remember the words effectively. In Janet Towell’s E-journal named Fun with vocabulary, she also introduce many other interesting ways to learn vocabulary, like color shock.

It “is a technique that was originally designed for right-brained, learning disabled students to help them remember sight words. Right-brained children seem to have a special sensitivity for bright colors. ” (Janet 356) This way is using different colors with different letters, so it will be a best way to learn words. The other way she Word cross game show readers is onsets and rimes, and “ this technique for developing phonemic awareness can help beginning readers quickly and effectively learn many sight words using word patterns. (Janet 356) Those methods are all good for students to learn new vocabulary. Last but not least, technology will be another effective methods to learn new vocabulary. Using new technology can imitate several situations, and in teaching process. Firstly, powerpoint can be used independently without other software. Powerpoint can link to video, flash, picture, and other audio records, and teachers can show the course content by several media. Powerpoint is very active, and it cannot only catch students’ attention, but also help student remember words well.

Secondly, study is a process of structure knowledge and studying actively. Therefore, teachers should let students think continuously, and get knowledge by thinking. By looking flash, students will find that words can have their living power because changing can develop memory. Thirdly, teachers try their best to using the Internet resource. On the Internet, students can read some materials that are related to the content they need to learn. They will understand the textbooks deeply, and at the same time, they will develop their reading ability. Dr.

Dalton thinks that “teachers can create a digital version of a vocabulary field trip using a free program called TrackStar. It allows you to collect a series of websites and annotate them so that students follow the online journal. ” (Bridget 4) They also can use advantage of online word reference tools as teaching tools, for example, “the visual thesaurus website complement its freebased content with free information such as the Behind the Dictionary and Teachers at work. ” (Bridget 4) Additionally, students can exchange their thoughts with other students on the Internet.

In conclusion, Emily Dickinson writes a poem called A Word that “ A word is dead When it is said, Some say, I say it just Begins to live That day. ” So, learning new vocabulary can be very interesting, and there are many different effective methods to remember words. Fluent language cannot exist without huge vocabulary accumulating, so enjoying vocabulary is the basic of learning language well. Without vocabulary, reading, translating, and writing cannot continue. Language learning develops by practicing and repeating, so teachers must keep students’ passion.

Interest is the best teacher. The effective method to make vocabulary learning active is a necessary way teachers must research. Works Cited The Reading Teacher. Newark, Del. , etc: International Reading Association, 1989. Internet resource. Reading Teacher. Newark, Del: International Reading Association, 1900. Internet resource. “Games. ” Photograph. Webshots. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2011. ;http://vocabulary. net/games/; “Basic Vocabulary Skills Cards. ” Photograph. Webshots. 22 August. 2011. Web. 2 Dec. 2011. ;http://www. ssww. com/item/basic-vocabulary-skills-cards-LR1184/;

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Models of Teaching

1. (a) One of my unit plans major strengths is the way in which it utilized many different teaching strategies that are compatible with the different ways in which students learn. Visual learners are able to benefit from in class activities such as identifying vocabulary words on a blueprint and collecting magazine photos of items from the vocabulary list and making a collage. Students who learn best through physical activity will become more familiar with vocabulary words through activities like purchasing the vocabulary items at a simulated store and participating in role play activities.

Students who learn by hearing will also benefit from role play activities and hearing and using the vocabulary in the dialogue that will be used and practiced in class. Another strength of my unit plan is the emphasis it places on combing individual learning activities with group work. Individual activities will allow the student to commit the daily lessons to memory at his or her own pace, and they will also allow an informal opportunity for assessment. Group activities will facilitate the development of the students’ social skill.

(b) My plan focuses heavily on the Application level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students are required to use the newly acquired vocabulary words to describe items they may need for class. They are also required to use the words to describe items they have at home, and items they would like to have, thus allowing the students to apply the newly learned words to everyday life. The students will also apply the vocabulary in activities such as the simulated store setting and in group activities in which they will engage in dialogue and describe the items they have in class.

(c) I would strengthen my plan by creating more interdisciplinary learning experience. Although my plan does somewhat incorporate interdisciplinary learning by including an activity in which students will identify vocabulary items that are needed for other classes (i.e. pencil, eraser, calculator for math), there are other ways in which different academic subject areas may be combined to facilitate learning in Spanish.

2. (a) Assessment will have two primary roles in my instruction. First, it will serve to help in gauging the different ways in which the students learn and their areas of strength and weakness. In this way, assessment will provide feedback regarding how lessons and teaching methods can be tailored to best meet the needs of each student.

(b) Second, state standards will serve as a minimum target level of achievement that I would work to assist each student in meeting and exceeding.

(c) An example of an assessment that I would use to gain feedback is the oral vocabulary test, which requires the students to listen to, spell, and define the word. Tests which focus on grammar and writing skills will not only be used to gauge the student’s skill levels, but they will also be used to ensure that the students are meeting state requirements in areas such as writing, grammar, and comprehension.

3. I would first look at the areas in which the students struggled as well are areas in which the students may have strengths. I would then determine the ways in which student is best able to learn (i.e. visually, orally, or by participating in activities). After determining the student’s learning style, I would focus on these students more during activities which incorporate the specific style in which the student is best able to learn. Finally, I would pair those students who struggle with stronger students during group activities so that the students who struggled on last year’s assessments may interact with their peers and be helped by them.

B. I would like to incorporate a real-life example that focuses on the lesson (i.e. a Spanish-themed television show, video, book, or movie that focuses on the typical day of Spanish youth at home and at school). After presenting the material to the class, the students would report on their observations of a typical day in the life of the Spanish characters, and they would give their opinions on Spanish culture and how it compares to their own culture. This activity would help students improve their listening skills (in the case of a video, television show, or movie) or their reading skills (in the case of a book). The report that the students would be required to complete and present would allow students to develop their writing and presentation skills.

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A Brief Introduction to Methods of Word Formation in English

Table of contents


Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of study: language form, language meaning, and language in context. The earliest known activities in descriptive linguistics have been attributed to Panini around 500 BCE, with his analysis of Sanskrit in Ashtadhyayi. The first subfield of linguistics is the study of language structure, or grammar. This focuses on the system of ruled followed by the users of a language.

It includes the study of morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from these words), and phonology (sound system). Phonetics is a related branch of linguistics concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds and nonspeech sounds, and how they are produced and perceived. This paper is going to concentrate on part of morphology word formation, of the English language. Generally, in linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word.

Word formation is sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be difficult to define: a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form. Word formation can also be contrasted with the formation of idiomatic expressions, although words can be formed from multi-word phrases. There are various mechanisms of word formation and this paper is going to present them in detail with necessary explanations and examples.

Methods of Word Formations


In contemporary linguistics, agglutination usually refers to the kind of morphological derivation in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between affixes and syntactical categories. Language that use agglutination widely are called agglutinative languages. Agglutinative languages are often contrasted both with language in which syntactic structure is expressed solely by means of word order and auxiliary words (isolating language) and with languages in which a single affix typically express several syntactic categories and a single category may be expressed by several different affixes (as is the case in the inflectional or fusional anguage). However, both fusional and isolating language may use agglutinative in the most-often-used constructs, and use agglutination heavily in certain contexts, such as word derivation. This is the case in English, which has an agglutinated plural maker – (e)s and derived words such as shame·less·ness.


In etymology, back-formation is the process of creating a new lexeme, usually by removing actual or supposed affixes. The resulting neologism is called a back-formation, a term coined by James Murray in 1889.

Back-formation is different from clipping – back-formation may change the part of speech or the word’s meaning, whereas clipping creates shortened words from longer words, but does not change the part of speech or the meaning of the word. For example, the noun resurrection was borrowed from Latin, and the verb resurrect was the back-formed hundreds of years later from it by removing the ion suffix. This segmentation of resurrection into resurrect + ion was possible because English had examples of Latinate words in the form of verb and verb + -ion pairs, such as opine/opinion.

These became the pattern for many more such pairs, where a verb derived from a Latin supine stem and a noun ending in ion entered the language together, such as insert/insertion, project/projection, etc. Back-formation may be similar to the reanalyzes of folk etymologies when it rests on an erroneous understanding of the morphology of the longer word. For example, the singular noun asset is a back-formation from the plural assets. However, assets is originally not a plural: it is a loan-word from Anglo-Norman asetz (modern French assez).

The –s was reanalyzed as a plural suffix. Many words came into English by this route: Pease was once a mass noun but was reinterpreted as a plural, leading to the back-formation pea. The noun statistic was likewise a back-formation from the field of study statistics. In Britain, the verb burgle came into use in the 19th century as a back-formation from burglar (which can be compared to the North American verb burglarize formed by suffixation). Even though many English words are formed this way, new coinages may sound strange, and are often used for humorous effect.

For example, gruntled (from disgruntled) would be considered a barbarism, and used only in humorous contexts, such as by P. G. Wodehouse, who wrote “I wouldn’t say he was disgruntled, but by no stretch of the imagination could be described as gruntled”. He comedian George Gobel regularly used original back-formations in his humorous monologues. Bill Bryson mused that the English language would be richer if we could call a tidy-haired person shevelled – as an opposite to dishevelled. In the American sitcom Scrubs, the character Turk once said when replying to Dr. Cox, “I don’t disdain you!

It’s quite the opposite – I dain you. ” Back-formations frequently begin in colloquial use and only gradually become accepted. For example, enthuse (from enthusiasm) is gaining popularity, though it is still considered substandard by some today. The immense celebrations in Britain at the news of the relief of the Siege of Marketing briefly created the verb to maffick, meaning to celebrate both extravagantly and publicly. “Maffick” is a back-formation from Mafeking, a place-name that was treated humorously as a gerund or participle. There are many other examples of back-formation in the English language. . Acronym An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. These components may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux and Ameslan). There is no universal agreement on the precise definition of various names for such abbreviations nor on written usage. In English and most other languages, such abbreviations historically had limited use, but they became much more common in the 20th century. Acronyms are a type of word formation process, and they are viewed as a subtype of blending.

There are many different types of the word-formation process acronym. Here are several pairs of them.  Pronounced as a word, containing only initial letters, like the followings. AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Scuba: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation  Pronounced as a word, containing non-initial letters Amphetamine: alpha-mehyl-phenethylamine Interpol: International Criminal Police Organization Nabisco: National Biscuit Company Pronounced as a word, containing a mixture of initial and non-initial letters Necco: New England Confectionery Company Radar: radio detection and ranging  Clipping In linguistics, clipping is the word formation process which consists in the reduction of a word to one of its parts. Clipping is also known as “truncation” or “shortening”. According to Marchand, clippings are not coined as words belonging to the standard vocabulary of a language. They originate as terms off a special group like schools, army, police, the medical profession, etc. in the intimacy of a milieu where a hint is sufficient to indicate the whole. For example, exam(ination), math(ematics), and lab(oratory) originated in school lang. while clipping terms of some influential groups can pass into common usage, becoming part of Standard English, clipping of a society unimportant class or group will remain group slang. Also, clipping mainly consists of the following types: back clipping, fore-clipping, middle clipping and complex clipping.

Back clipping

Back clipping is the most common type, in which the beginning is retained.

The unclipped original may be either a simple or a composite. Examples are: ad (advertisement), cable (cablegram), doc (doctor), exam (examination), fax (facsimile), gas (gasoline), gym(gymnastics, gymnasium), memo (memorandum), mutt(muttonhead), pub (public house), pop (popular music).


Fore-clipping retains the final part. Examples are: chute (parachute), coon (raccoon), gator (alligator), phone (telephone), pike (turnpike), varsity (university).


In middle clipping, the middle of the word is retained.

Examples are: flu (influenza), jams or jammies (pajamas/pyjamas), polly (Apollinairs), shrink (head-shrinker), tec (detective). (4) Complex clipping Clipped dorms are also used in compounds. One part of the original compound most often remains intact. Examples are: cablegram (cable telegram), opart (optical art), org-man (organization man), and linocut (linoleum cut). Sometimes both halves of a compound are clipped as in navicert (navigation certification). In these cases it is difficult to know whether the resultant formation should be treated as a clipping or as a blend, for the border between the two types is not always clear.

According to Bauer, the easiest way to draw the distinction is to say that those forms which retain compound stress are clipped compound, whereas those that take simple word stress are not. By this criterion bodbiz, Chicom, Comsymp, Intelsat, midcult, pro-am, photo op, sci-fi, and sitcom are all compounds made of clippings. 5. Semantic loan A semantic loan is a process of borrowing semantic meaning (rather than lexical items) from another language, very similar to the formation of calques.

In this case, however, the complete word in the borrowing language already exists; the change is that its meaning is extended to include another meaning its existing translation has in the leading language. Calques, loanwords and semantic loans are often grouped roughly under the phrase “borrowing”. Semantic loans often occur when two language are in close contact.


In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme that consists of more than one stem, compounding or composition is the word formation that creates compound lexemes.

Compounding or word-compounding refers to the faculty and device of a language to form new words by combing or putting together old words. In other words, compound, compounding or word-compounding occurs when a person attaches two or more words together to make them one word. The meanings of the words interrelate from the meanings of the words in isolation. Also, there is incorporation formation. Incorporation is a phenomenon by which a word, usually a verb, forms a kind of compound with, for instance, its direct object or adverbial modifier, while retaining its original syntactic function.

Incorporation is central to many polysynthetic languages such as those found in North America, but polysynthetic does not necessary imply incorporation. Neither does the presence of incorporation in a language imply that that language is polysynthetic. Though not regularly. English shows some instrument incorporation, as in breastfeed, and direct object incorporation, as in babysit. Etymologically, such verbs in English are usually back-formations: the verbs breastfeed and babysit are formed from the adjective breast-fed and the noun babysitter respectively.

Incorporation and pain compounding many be fuzzy categories: consider backstabbing, name-calling, and axe-murder. In many cases, a phrase with an incorporated noun carries a different meaning with respect to the equivalent phrase where the noun is not incorporated into the verb. The difference seems to hang around the generality and definiteness of the statement. The incorporated phrase is usually generic and indefinite, while the non-incorporated one is more specific.


In linguistics, conversion, also called zero derivation, is a kind of word transformation: specifically, it is the creation of a word (of a new word class) from an existing word (of a different word class) without any change in form. For example, the noun green in golf (referring to a putting-green) is derived ultimately from the adjective green. Conversions from adjectives to nouns and vice versa are both very common and unnotable in English: much more remarked upon is the creation of a verb by converting a noun or other word (e. g. , the adjective clean becomes the verb to clean).


A loanword (or loan word) is a word borrowed from a donor language and incorporated into a recipient language. By contrast, a calque or loan translation is a related concept where the meaning or idiom is borrowed rather than the lexical item itself. The word loanword is itself a calque of the German Lehnwort, while calque is a loanword from French. The terms borrow and loanword, although traditional, conflict with the ordinary meaning of those words because nothing is returned to the donor languages. However, note that this metaphor is not isolated to the concept of loanwords, but also found in the idiom “to borrow an idea. An additional issue with the term loanword is that it implies that the loaning is limited to one single word as opposed to deja vu, an English loanword from French. While this phrase may be used as one lexical item by English speakers, that is to say, an English speaker would not say only deja to convey the meaning associated with the full term deja vu, in the donor language (French), speakers would be aware of the phrase consisting of two words. For simplicity, adopt/adoption or adapt/adaption are used by many linguists, either in parallel to, or in preference to, these words.

Some researchers also use the term lexical borrowing. Some English loanwords remain relatively faithful to the donor language’s phonology, even though a particular phoneme might not exist or have contrastive status in English. The majority of English affixes, such as -un, –ing, and –ly, were present in older forms in Old English. However, a few English affixes are borrowed. For example, the agentive suffix –er, which is very prolific, is borrowed unlimitedly from Latin- arius. The English verbal suffix –ize comes from Greek –izein via Latin –izare.


Onomatopoeia (common term is sound word) refers to the property of such words. Common occurrences of onomatopoeia include animal noises, such as “oink” or “meow” or “roar” or “chirp”. Some other very common English-language examples include hiccup, zoom, bang, beep, moo, and splash. Machines and their sounds are also often described with onomatopoeia, as in honk or beep-beep for the horn of an automobile, and vroom or brum for the engine. When someone speaks of a mishap involving an audible arcing of electricity, the word “zap” is often used.

For animal sounds, words like quack (duck), moo (cow), bark or woof (dog), roar (lion), meow or purr (cat) and baa (sheep) are typically used in English. Some of these words are used both as nouns and as verbs. Sometimes things are named from the sounds they make. In English, for example, there is the universal fastener which is named for the onomatopoeia of the sound it makes: the zip (in the UK) or zipper (in the U. S. ). many birds are named after their calls, such as the Bobwhite quail, the Weero, the Morepork, the killdeer, chickadee, the cuckoo, the chiffchaff, the whooping crane and the whip-poor-will.

Phono-semantic matching

Phono-semantic matching (PSM) is a linguistic term referring to camouflaged borrowing in which a foreign word is matched with a phonetically and semantically similar pre-existent native word/root. It may alternatively be defined as the entry of a multisourced neologism that preserves both the meaning and the proximate sound of the parallel expression in the source language, using pre-existent words/roots of the target language. Phono-semantic matching is distinct from calquing. While calquing includes (semantic) translation, it does not consist of phonetic matching (i. . retaining the proximate sound of the borrowed word through matching it with a similar-sounding pre-existent word/morpheme in the target language). Phone-semantic matching is also distinct from homophonic translation, which retains only the sound, and not the semantics.


An eponym is a person or thing, whether real or fictional, after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery. Or other item is named or thought to be named. Eponyms are aspects of etymology. There are different types of eponym which come from various area.

Places and towns can also be given an eponymous name through a relationship (real or imagined) to an important figure. Peloponnesus, for instance, was said to derive its name from the Greek god Pelops. In historical times, new towns have often been named (and older communities renamed) after their founders, discoverers, or after notable individuals. Examples include Vancouver, British Columbia, named after the explorer George Vancouver; and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, originally called Isbister’s Settlement but renamed after Queen Victoria’s husband and consort in 1866.

Also, in science and technology, discoveries and innovations are often named after the discoverer (or supposed discoverer) to honor some other influential workers. Examples are Avogadro’s number, he Diesel engine, Alzheimer’s disease, and the Apgar score. Because proper nouns are capitalized in English, the usual default for eponyms is to capitalize the eponymous part of a term. The common-noun part is not capitalized (unless it is part of a title or it is the first word in a sentence). For example, in Parkinson disease (named after James Parkinson), Parkinson is capitalized, but disease is not.

However, some eponymous adjectives are nowadays entered in many dictionaries as lowercases when they have evolved a common status, no longer deriving their meaning from the proper-noun origin. For example, Herculean when referring to Hercules himself, but often herculean when referring to the figurative generalized extension sense. For any given term, one dictionary may enter only lowercase or only cap, whereas other dictionaries may recognize the capitalized version as a variant, either equally common as, or less common than, the first-listed styling (marked with labels such as “or”, “also”, “often” or “sometimes”).

English can use either genitive case or attributive position to indicate the adjectival nature of the eponymous part of the term. (In other words, that part may be either possessive or nonpossessive. ) Thus Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson disease are both acceptable. Medical dictionaries have been shifting toward nonpossessive styling in recent decades, thus Parkinson disease is more likely to be used in the latest medical literature (especially in post prints) than is Parkinson’s disease. American and British English spelling differences can occasionally apply to eponyms.

For example, American style would typically be cesarean section whereas British style would typically be caesarean section. .


In a word, there are several ways of word-formation in the English language. However, not all these ways are isolated from each other. In fact, some of them all overlapped which means that a new word may be considered as a result of different ways of formation. Also, understanding these various methods of forming a new word, as an integrated component of linguistics, enables us to dig out the hidden rules behind thousands of new emerging words.

Therefore, although many new words would appear as the world move on and new technologies are developed, people are able to grasp these new words with ease because of these word-formation rules. Meanwhile, people are exposed to different accesses of forming new words with already existing ones to express the unexpected phenomenon or tectonics in the future.

Works cited:

  • Crystal, David. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Sixth Edition, Blackwell Publishers, 2008.
  • Fischer, Roswitha.Lexical change in present-day English: A corpus-based study of the motivation, institutionalization, and productivity of creative neologisms. 1998
  • Marchand, Hans. The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-formation. Munchen: C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,1969
  • Ghil’ad Zuckermann, Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
  • Baker, Mark C. The Polysynthesis Parameter. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1998
  • Mithun, Marianne. The evolution of noun incorporation. Language, 1984

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Intelligence Three Test Comparison

Society has been intrigued with the human mind since the beginning of time whether it deals with expanding the mind, strengthening, conditioning, or testing the limitations. A popular way to test the human mind is through the use of an intelligence test. In order to test the human mind on intelligence it must be defined […]

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My Study Plan for Korean Language

A. Study plans to improve foreign languages(Korean, English, etc) required for taking a bachelor’s degree course BEFORE and AFTER you come to Korea. Before coming to Korea I’ve always been interested in foreign languages such as : Japanese and Korean aside from English . I taught myself a good amount of Korean and a basic […]

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Major Trends in 21st Century in ESL

Teaching students to be literate is a high educational priority throughout the world. Though this area is one of our greatest priorities, it is also one of our greatest challenges. The classroom environment has changed from many years ago. Teachers face the challenges of a large population who do not speak English and have high […]

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