Historical Lens Criticism

Historical Criticism Goal: Explain the content of literature based on in which it was written. Historical critics look at politics, ideas, culture, how people lived, etc. When an lazing literature. Pros and Cons of Historical Criticism pros ; The historical lens is an accurate way to view history because people their thoughts and ideas through lit. ; These views can be Cons Some people say that the great pieces of literature do not need to be understood wrought a historical lens because their greatness is derived from a timeless, universal theme.

The Historical Lens works in. Not only can we interpret literature from a historical background, but literature can help us understand history based on the time it was written. Killjoy example: List two ways the excerpt from “Killjoy” shows the author/united State’s opinion on the Vietnam war. 2. Historical Lens from the Loran The Loran was published in 1971.

In 1970 there was a big push for the government to implement laws that will protect the environment . Dry. Issues took issues from one great lake. What lake was it, and what is the quote used to pr eve this? Historical Lens from “Sonnet X: Death Be Not Proud” In what way did religion and English culture shape the life and poetry of John Done? How does this illuminate the meaning of the poem? (Hint: Find evidence that inks Done with 17th century England)

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Statement of Purpose

With her permission, I reprint her essay parsed with my commentary about why it works as a winning essay. “Luscious fare is the jewel of inordinate desires,”1 cautions2 the author of The Gentlewoman’s Companion (1673), one of many early modern conduct books I surveyed this past year for an honors thesis entitled “‘Chaste, Silent, and Hungry’: The Problem of Female Appetite in Early Modern England, 1550-1700. As indicated by the title, this project explores a provocative but as of yet scarcely studied facet of early modern gender constructions: female food desire. I use the word “desire” here rather deliberately, as early modern definitions of appetite extended well beyond the physiological drive to eat to encompass all those physical (and shameful) longings associated with the body. And, in a culture where women were by definition immoderate and sensual, female food appetite, I argue, constituted an unruly5 desire that demanded both social and moral discipline.

In brief, my research concerns the patriarchal control of women’s bodies in sixteenth and seventeenth-century England vis–vis a cultural idea about food desire and satiation as suggestive and immodest. 6 In lieu of a formal introduction of my research interests and aspirations I offer a summary of my senior thesis, which earned me the 2003 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research at the University of California, Davis. This first venture into serious historical scholarship has affirmed my passion for early modern culture and history; and it has given me the confidence to assert and contest my opinions regarding the status of women in early modern Europe and the current state of early modern historiography. 8 Continuing along these avenues of research in graduate school, I would like to use my thesis as the basis for a future dissertation. Though I remain wary about committing myself prematurely to a specific topic of research, I am also eager to elaborate, modify, and complicate9 my original assertions about the nature f the “problem” of female appetite in early modern England. Indeed, many of the conclusions reached in the thesis, such as my claim that the cultural eroticization of feminine appetite in early modern England betrayed a deep-seated masculine mistrust of female sexuality and sexual power, serve as starting points10 for future research and study. On a more basic level, writing a thesis gave me the chance to become better acquainted with the essentials of historical research.

Suspecting that normative discourses in early modern England participated aggressively in the monitoring of women’s appetites, I navigated the sea of early English printed sources in pursuit of the slightest mention of food and diet. Those sources I encountered during my research, which ranged from the popular conduct book, The Education of a Christian Woman by Juan Luis Vives, to the anonymous sex manual, Aristotle’s Masterpiece, challenged my basic understanding of history and the original premise of my thesis in ways not anticipated.

From deciphering esoteric type-fonts to developing an awareness of the importance of time and funds, I experienced the mundane realities of research that inevitably stunt the historian’s aspirations. Even more important was my gradual acceptance of the fact that early modern sources, no matter how we read them, do not always accommodate modern biases and expectations. Though I cannot predict the course this project might take in graduate school, I expect that it will address the following themes and issues.

First is the overarching issue of distinguishing the phenomena I observe from other forms of food restriction and obsession, namely the modern ritual of dieting and its most extreme manifestation, an eating disorder. Though not willing to evade those complicated (and controversial) parallels between modern and early modern usages of food and food symbolism to control the lives of women, I also wish to offer as an historian a nuanced portrayal of how early modern conceptualizations of female appetite were infused with contemporary, historically contingent notions of sexuality and gender.

Furthermore, the question of female agency in a project devoted almost exclusively to male prescriptions for diet and behavior demands further discussion. Admittedly, on more than one occasion, my own extensive use and analysis of conduct books and various obstetric manuals, works composed primarily by educated men, caused me to pause and wonder whether it was best to relate a history about women’s actions or the patriarchal apparatus under which those actions were oppressed.

While I refuse to see women as simply passive receptacles of masculine command, I neither wish nor aspire to focus solely on their achievements; for, in my mind, the history of women and the history of patriarchy are inextricably related. 12 My goal, then, will not be to detail just another example of how women in history were dominated by men, but, rather, to interrogate the means, in this case food, or, better yet, the cultural meaning of appetite, by which women’s desires were suppressed or denied. 13 Indeed I am proud of my thesis and, given extra time, could say much more.

But I should also stress that that at the heart of my specific research concentration lies a more general interest in early modern European history, cultural and women’s history to be more exact. 14 To date, my knowledge of the early modern period has been informed and my imagination sustained by an array of courses on early modern history and literature (I was a joint history and English major), including a graduate seminar on Renaissance urban culture taught jointly by Professors Margaret Ferguson and Deborah Harkness.

My personal penchant for cultural history stems largely, I believe, from my training in literature and literary criticism, where sensitivity to the importance of language and metaphor is a necessary skill. Also of crucial importance to a professional career in history are my growing skills in Latin and French, and my fluency in Spanish. 15 This year I find myself in that difficult and frustrating transitional period between undergraduate and graduate studies.

Though I would have preferred to directly continue graduate school after graduation, I opted to take a year off. A year away from school, I reasoned, would afford me the time needed to recuperate from an exhaustive undergraduate education, gain some perspective, and work on fulfilling the language requirement for a doctorate in European history. In fact, I am currently enrolled in a French course at a nearby university and plan to take a subsequent course during the upcoming spring semester.

This academic hiatus, moreover, has imposed some much- needed distance between myself and my thesis, which I can now reread from a more critical, less invested stance. And, finally, a break from school has given me sufficient time to search and research for graduate programs that best suit my needs. 16 UC Berkeley’s history program looms large in my mind, largely because of its outstanding faculty and interdisciplinary approach to history. In my own quest for a suitable graduate program, I was thrilled to learn that Professors Thomas Laqueur and Carla Hesse both taught at Berkeley.

Professor Laqueur’s book, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, stands out among the many books I read during my undergraduate education; and I credit his book with introducing me to the nascent but fascinating field of the history of sexuality and the body. Together, Professor Laqueur’s cutting edge research and Professor Hesse’s knowledge of early modern women’s history would make my experience at Berkeley a challenging and enjoyable one. 17 In addition, Berkeley provides an ideal climate for me to develop my cross-disciplinary interests.

In particular, I am interested in pursuing a designated emphasis in women, gender, and sexuality, a unique option that distinguishes Berkeley’s history program from that of other institutions. The cross-disciplinary nature of Berkeley’s graduate program would foster, I hope, fruitful discussions with other departments, notably the department of English and Women’s Studies, thus broadening and enriching my research as well as my general understanding early modern culture and history.

  • The writer begins with a vivid quote that grabs the reader’s attention right away.
  • “Cautions” is an excellent verb choice. Careful word choice makes for lively writing.
  • Note how neatly in one well-packed sentence, the writer gets right to the point of her current research.
  • “Provocative” is an apt and colorful word choice. This sentence explains the nature of her study and situates her subject in historical and thematic context.
  • “Unruly” is another aptly chosen adjective. Adjectives can create “dead places” in writing if they add nothing significant to the noun that it is describing.
  • The summary sentence not only recaps the gist of the first paragraph, but also provides further nuance of the subject at hand.
  • This first sentence makes clear that research first and foremost will be central to her argument in the essay. Mentioning the “Chancellor’s Award” in the context of her research is a clever way of boasting without seeming to.
  • It is a very good idea to explicitly state the chosen subfield within history: early modern Europe. You can’t assume that your readers will make the inference from the research topic alone.
  • To “assert and contest” opinions is, of course, the marksmanship of historians; making reference to “the current state of early modern historiography” conveys familiarity with the subject on the one hand, and confidence and intellectual poise on the other. Notice how much more powerful is such a statement as compared to one poorly written, such as “I am passionate and committed to my interest in early modern Europe. “
  • Again, to say that as a historian, she will “elaborate, modify, and complicate” the subject matter is to show that she really understands the work of historians.

A less experienced candidate might have written that she wants to uncover the “truth” in history. • 10 “Starting points” –referring to her research interests–is a very measured way of saying that she knows what tugs at her heart, has done enough research to have some hunches, but is open to surprise endings. A beautiful rendition of a historian’s sentiment. You may turn off your readers if you come off sounding overly confident. Maintaining a measured tone is very important.

  • This paragraph details further specific lessons and skills earned through this research project.

Note the use of colorful verbs such as “navigated” and “stunt. “

  • Note the nuanced and carefully measured way of speaking about her subject. Clearly the writer is well-read in theory and shows strong ability in critically evaluating her subject. Moreover, she tries to be the “objective” scholar in that she does not champion any cause. That is, she does not champion the cause of women even as she conveys deep empathy.
  • The reference to a parallel example of female appetite in contemporary culture as holding interest for the writer is aptly placed here.

Were she to have mentioned it any earlier, it would have clouded the primarily historical nature and focus of her venture.

  • It is wise at this point to zoom out a bit and show that the writer’s interest lies more broadly in early modern Europe and the history of women. Zooming in and out from the narrow to the general shows that you are capable of becoming a specialist without being overly narrow.
  • Showing interdisciplinarity and your abilities in language are key to your academic biography.

In this case, the reader learns that she is a historian with training in literary and critical theory.

  • This is a model paragraph for showing what you did in your “time off” from school. Note how nothing extraneous to her study is mentioned in this paragraph. The paragraph shows that the time off was spent wisely in preparing herself for graduate school.
  • She demonstrates a thorough-going knowledge of UC Berkeley. She mentions not one but two key scholars with whom she could pursue her studies. She mentions how their area of specialty dovetails with her own research interests.

Note how she does not make empty, flattering remarks about the professors or the school.

  • She continues to list bounties beyond the department strengthening the argument that Berkeley is well-suited for her. The reader will be impressed with the research and the seriousness with which she has examined UC Berkeley as an option for graduate school. A well-written essay unveils much information about the writer, not only in her intellectual capacity, but also about her character and core values. Through her writing, she makes a distinctive impression.

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Writing Deficiencies in Today

Employers rank oral and written skills as some of the most valuable qualifications desirable when looking for new hiring candidates (Gray, 2005). Writings need to be informative, concise, free of spelling and grammatical errors. Additionally, effective business communication needs to be accurate and clear in meaning. Implications of poor grammar skills of today’s employees on company profitability can quickly add up into the billions. Company productivity can be effected due to poor communication between employees and customers.

The need to have material interpreted by different employees because of poorly written material causes lost time and productivity. Instructions being misinterpreted due to poorly written material causes unnecessary time being lost. The academic community has long debated the need to teach grammar skills and its benefits to students. Unfortunately; college students are graduating every day without the simple basic knowledge of sentence structure, spelling or grammar (College Bad, The National Commission on Writing for America’s Families, Schools, and

Colleges, 2004). Traditionally, two different approaches have been used. In the ass’s, a “rule-based”, approach which used repetitive drills and sentence diagramming was employed. This theory was proven ineffective by Weaver in 1 996 (Weaver, 1996), and a “context-based”, theory was adopted, which focused on students learning language by using a specific content. Regardless of the approach taken it is clear that it is necessary to take charge of our students need to learn grammar skills at an early age and to reinforce Hess skills throughout their school age years.

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Business Writing And Ethics


Often, writing is preceded by an event. It could occur after a meeting, after a research or after a class session (Miller, 2007 pp 134-149). It involves reconstructing the process that took place. For example, reconstructing a class research process. There are different types of writing. The style that a writer will pick will be determined by several factors. This includes the purpose, the subject to be covered and the opinion of the writer towards the subject (Davidson, 2008). For example, the writing style for a class essay is different from that of a business report. Each style calls for different skills and language to be used depending on the target audience and other factors. The different types of writing include the following. There are those that are basically narrative in nature, others try to persuade the audience. Others are analytical, descriptive or comparative. A student might choose to pick an analytical style of writing to analyze the facts he collected on the topic he was researching on.

Business writing is different from other types on several grounds. Usually, it does not include the personal opinions of the writer. Rather, it describes the out come of the process concerned in detail (Hogan, 2005). It omits the description of the process, the events that were encountered during the process. A student who is writing a research paper will tend to expound on the way he went about this research and perhaps the difficulties he encountered. Compare this with writing on a business decision. The details of the lobbying that preceded the decision are often omitted. On the contrary, it is brief and concise. This paper will attempt to look at the importance of good writing, aspects of good writing and the types of business writing.

The second part of this paper will cover the topic of business ethics. This is the application of ethics to this field. Ethics are applied to many fields in the life of a human. When applied to the field of business, it covers issues like how people conduct themselves and how they should do what they are doing. It also covers how businesses conduct themselves.

Business Writing

Aspects of Good Business Writing

At some point in ones life, a need will arise that calls for the writing of some kind of a business correspondence. This may include when a college student is applying for an internship in a certain firm or for an admission to a college program. The way he will write this correspondence will greatly vary from the way he will write an e-mail addressed to a friend or how he will write to his parents. And not a student alone, but every person will at one point be required to write a business oriented correspondence. It is very important then for every person to be acquainted with how to write a good business correspondence (Hogan, 2005). The following then are some of the aspects of good writing, especially in business.

Brief and Concise

The writer should strive for this as much as possible. But still all the relevant details should be covered in an understandable way (Miller, 2005). One should not try to create an impression to the audience. He should then keep away from technical jargon or slang. Complex words must be avoided. A student cannot write to his head of department using the slang he uses with his friends. The important thing is to always having the targeted audience in mind when writing. Failure to do this will make the writer appear not to be serious. Another danger is that during the decoding of the message, some meaning will be lost to the reader. This is because the reader may not share in the writer’s type of language (Davidson, 2008). Avoid lengthy sentences. This will retain the audience’s attention. It is also a good way of mitigating cases of misinterpretation of the message. The writer should also avoid the use of humor or intimate language. A student cannot write to the lecturer telling him how he was well dressed in class while the main point of the letter was to explain why he missed class. Read about open access good example

Logical Organization

The writer should strive to be as organized as possible (Hogan, 2005). He should stick to the topic or issue in hand. A brief outline before embarking on writing will help. This will maintain the flow in the writing and cohesion (Davidson, 2008). The introduction part should contain the theme of what is been written about. The body should contain all the main points. This should be supported by evidence familiar with audience. The conclusion should contain a request for a reply. A request for an action may be included depending on the goal of the correspondence. A student applying for an internship may request the reader to reply or consider his application. However, the tone used should be conversational. This will help in engaging the audience in the thinking process of the writer (Miller, 2007).

Proof Reading

This is very important before sending the correspondence. An accountant compiling the annual financial report should check for any errors that he may have overlooked when writing the report. A supervisor sending a memo to his subordinates should ensure that all the details he wanted passed along are there and nothing can be misinterpreted. A college student should ensure that his letter of application contains all the relevant details required by the potential employer. Miller, (2007) says that it will help to revisit the written article after sometime. The writer will look at it with new eyes. Errors previously missed will be noted. This will increase the credibility of the communicator.

Importance of Good Writing

Many people do not think it is important to possess good writing skills. This has been a head ache to many business executives. They are always complaining on the way their staff has neglected this skill (Miller, 2007). These skills are important to all people. Be it a business executive, a student or a promoter of a company’s product.

The writing helps to glean some important aspects of the writer (Davidson, 2008). It is the only means that the reader can evaluate the writer. If for example a letter has a lot of grammatical errors, the lecturer will take the student to be a very careless person. A potential employer will be in doubt about the educational level of the job applicant.

If the writer possesses poor writing skills, the message may be lost to the reader (Davidson, 2008). He may be confused. The communication might be misconstrued. If the language was intimate, the recipient may become angry. A student may anger his lecturer by complementing on her dress code when writing a letter to her. The problem is that the opinions of the recipient will be long lasting. This will impact negatively on the prospects of the writer. The student might miss that important scholarship due to grammatical errors on his letter. The worker might miss that promotion due to a poorly worded e-mail to the boss.  Jobseekers should have an excellent level of communicating. The employer will look at how the applicant has expressed herself and base the fate of the applicant on that alone.

Embarrassments can emanate from poorly written documents (Hogan, 2005). The e-mail can be printed and filed, the letter forwarded to another person. This is because written communication can be recorded. The letter written in a foul language by a student to the lecturer can be forwarded to the head of department. This will embarrass the author very much. Repercussions like been expelled, been demoted or fired are probable.

Business Ethics

People are more conscious about ethical issues now than ever before. This is especially so in the market place (Hartman, 2002). This is what is called ethicism. Business organizations are under pressure now to be more ethical than they were sometime back. This is because sometimes, unethical practices are a threat to the whole society. The gains are only short lived, while the negative effects are long-lasting and far reaching.

Every facet of the business world has to adhere to a laid down set of ethics in their day to day operations (Solomon, 2004). For example, the human resource department, the accounting department and the social responsibility department. All have their stipulated set of ethics they have to observe. Let us look at some of the ethical issues that the modern day business enterprise has to observe. We will look at how the situation is now and the ideal situation, how it should be.

Malachowski (2001), says that the accounting department is prone to many unethical practices that may not be obvious to the layman. This includes doctoring the account books. This is where financial state of the business is manipulated to serve a certain goal. The company may be made to show that it is making profit while in reality it is operating on a loss or the stated profit is exaggerated. This may be aimed at misleading the shareholders that the company is on track. Another aim may be to maintain the trust of the financiers or business partners (Hartman, 2002). The account books may also be altered to show that the company is operating at a loss or at a lower profit. The aim of this may be to evade paying tax (Malachowski, 2001). Other unethical practices may be bribing. Others include paying the companies top staff in excess. A case in point is how bank executives in America have been offered huge bonuses while the institutions are making a lot of losses.

Unethically Using Intellectual Property

A business should not engage itself in the practice of poaching staff from their competitors (Solomon, 2004). These staff has a deep knowledge of the operations of their former employers and this will be used by the poacher to drive the competitor out of the market. Many businesses engage in another practice of hoarding all the top talent in a certain profession (Malachowski, 2001). Ignoring the fact that these people are also needed elsewhere. This will keep them on the front in the competition. John Hopkins hospital has been accused of retaining majority of the most talented doctors in their facility. A business may also use their patented products to make huge profits (Solomon, 2004). The drug companies sell their patented drugs at very high prices and make huge profits before the expiry of the patent. Business espionage is also another form of unethical practice. A business steals the technology of the competitor to give it an edge.

Production Department

This is perhaps one of the most unethical departments of all. The products of the company should not be harmful to the consumers and the environment (Solomon, 2004). The products should not be defective. Others are harmful for human consumption, like the tobacco. The business should not pollute the environment through dumping of waste products. For example, dumping medical refuse in residential areas. The business should test its new products in an ethical manner (Malachowski, 2002). Nuclear products should be tested away from human beings. It is unethical to use humans as guinea pigs without them consenting. Also, animals have to be treated ethically when testing new products like drugs.

Human Resource Department

Ethics should be applied in all employer-employee relationships. An employee should not be discriminated on grounds of physical attributes or race (Hartman, 2002). Some businesses have been known to refuse recruiting the physically disabled. Others have terminated their staffs who were HIV positive. The employee should respect the privacy of his boss. He should not sell information to competitors. Employees should be free to join workers union. The working conditions should be humane.


It is clear that writing skills are very important. They help in the career advancement of an individual. Many think that with the advent of technological advances like phones and fax, writing has been obsolete. But it is an every day phenomenon. Businesses should take their staff to refresher courses on good writing skills. Business ethics has continued to hinder the operation of many businesses. Entrepreneurs should realize that they are operating with humans and the environment. Every action should take this into consideration. Penalties should be made harsh for those who flout the codes of conduct.


Davidson,K., (2008). The dos and don’ts of business writing. St. Martin’s Press. Alaska.

Hartman,W., (2002). Ethics of business: a critique. McGraw-Hill. Arizona.

Hogan,D., (2005). Best practices in business writing. GlenFalls. New Jersey.

Marlachowski,Q., (2001). Looking at business ethics in a different perspective. Taylor and Francis. Washington. D. C.

Miller,M., (2007). What counts in business writing? Danfort Books. Massachussets.

Solomon,H., (2004). Running a business ethically. Thomson and Wadsworth. Nebraska.

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Report writing on Communications Problems

Nikkei Meta highlighted the small things to be considered while communicating in a group or at personal level such as difference between observation and perception. As the course gradually moved on, professor introduced a case on communication problems in supply chain based industries in which the teams were asked to speak about the case and come to some conclusion. The main part was to present that case in front of the camera. My group got the first chance to present the case, and we were fortunate because we got know our natural skills to resent.

After the presentation, professor Nikkei Meta, Assistant professor, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Iambi threw the feedback to us highlighting our shortcomings. Later on we were asked to do the rehearsals as many times as possible before second video recording session. We rehearsed for 12 times to count the time and to check preparation level. Initial days we rehearsed for 60 minutes. As days were passing we had increased the duration of the speech from 60 seconds to 75 seconds,75 seconds to 90 seconds and later moved to 90 seconds to 120 seconds.

We have filled the public speaking rubric form once in every alternative days when we had finished our practice. During rehearsals initially I thought my problem was speech appendages. But after rehearsals I found out the real weaknesses other than fillers which are long pauses, lower confidence levels in public speaking, nervousness. With the advice of team members worked on my weaknesses and reduced some of the mistakes through continuous rehearsals. It helped to improve my confidence levels , how to make draft so that long pause weakness can be minimized. In addition to that I improved my interpersonal skills.

Later on we were asked to present the same case in front of camera to capture our improvements, preparation, and team coordination. To capitalize this opportunity, we followed a simple methodology. Before going for recording, we rehearsed for 3 times to count the time and to check preparation level. Also we could find the mistakes at the time of rehearsal only which benefited us not repeating the same while recording. We could observe the body language of each other and suggest improvements. Once we had done with our recording, it was shown in the class. Professor critically examined y moments in the presentation with our natural response.

He commented on our individual performance as well as entire team highlighting the hand movements, voice modulation, rush delivery, etc. For further improvements sir gave us one more chance for recording. This time, we gone more prepared and we were more confident. For the second time, recording process was much smoother as compared to first time. We analyzed the second recording in a group and compared it against first recording. We could notice many improvements over the last recording on which we worked regularly, but still there is scope for improvements for each one of us.

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How to Write a Thematic Essay

Table of contents

What is a  thematic essay

The definition of a thematic analysis essay is the following. It is a type of paper that enables professors to examine how well students have perceived the material. It shows how well they can reflect on a specific problem posed in the task.apart from that the task of a student working on preparation of the thematic essay is to demonstrate his ability to distinguish and differentiate between optimal forms of expression.

The peculiarity of this type of essay is that the central theme is developed with the application of literary devices. A writer working on the delivery of this assignment should plan his writing process correctly taking into consideration all the necessary details. To write an appropriate thematic essay, a writer has to be familiar with all the stylistic devices applicable while creating literary pieces. One should be experienced enough to differentiate between all the types and varieties available.

The task of a writer is to focus on one particular aspect of a topic and present it clearly at the beginning of the essay. An advanced writer will easily single out and formulate the main issue to be discussed, identify the stylistic devices applied and dwell upon the pragmatics of the literary piece. Among the primary methods that are widely used are imagery, foreshadowing, personification, imagery, personification, figurative language and plenty of rhetorical devices.

Thematic essay format

Exists a list of special thematic essay format requirements that are obligatory for all writers working on the preparation of writing o this type. They are close to the structural requirements of the ordinary essay. The required elements are the lead-in part or introduction, the core part or main body paragraphs and the closing paragraph or the conclusion. Each of these essay section directly influences the quality of the essay as it secures the logic and coherence of the layout. It is essential to stick to standards of formatting to deliver a text deserving high evaluation.

The lead-in or introductory part is of the utmost importance as it gives the target reader the understanding of the information that will be delivered further in the essay and helps to concentrate on the central idea of the composition. It is essential to make it maximally exciting and engaging to grab the attention of the target audience. Apart from that, this part has to comprise the thesis sentence – the core of the whole essay. It is the central statement that should be defended and supported in the main body.

The main body has to comprise the main info. It should be a clear expression of ideas by the author. One has to support and defend the position stated in the introduction of the essay. It may also be enhanced with the plenty of examples and statistical data to make the text more vibrant and exciting for the target reader. The concluding part has to restate the thesis sentence and close the essay in general. It has to be a logical ending of your thought. You have to enable the reader to absorb the critical issues of your composition. A reader has to have a feeling that your text for useful and informative. The formatting influences it significantly and makes the text being cohesive and coherent.

Thematic essay outline

To compile a proper essay, one needs to perform several stages. One of these crucial preparation stages is the creation of the paper’s framework. An outline presents a handy scheme that helps the writer to plan the writing process and decide on a structural and sense division of the composition.  Exists a specific algorithm that may contribute to comprise an outline, which will serve as a handy assistant.

The proper outline has to start with the introduction. A hook sentence has to relate to the central topic. It should be attention-grabbing, it has to render the plot of the book shortly. Next follows the thesis. You have to introduce the theme part you will discuss. You have to prepare the reader for the perception of the core information.

The main body has to provide the examples. Start the first paragraph with the girt example. Be sure to give enough information, providing enough info describing the plot. You can enhance the instance with the quote of from the book. End with the sentence, which makes the transition to the second example. The following two paragraphs have to be compiled following principles described above. The concluding paragraph as to relate to the thesis sentence. A closing sentence has to express a deep thought and explain to a reader a lesson concerning the particular composition.

Thematic essay example

It may pose a challenge to prepare an excellent thematic essay having no experience. that is why students turn to various templates and thematic essay examples to see how the guidelines can be used in practice. Here is the example of the thematic essay based on the novel “The portrait of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde.

“Love in the novel “The portrait of Dorian Gray”

Young, beautiful aristocrat Dorian Gray – the protagonist of the novel, being very young, falls in love with the young actress Sibyl Wayne, calm and very attractive, with “eyes – blue lakes, lips – petals of roses.” In a small provincial theater, she plays a role in the great Shakespearean tragedies. Playing so enthusiastically and inspired, that it itself seems to be transformed into the heroines of the plays. Her talented acting attracted the hearts of grateful spectators and harsh critics. The girl, having created her strange, imaginary world, continued to live in it. And the time came – her beautiful “magic prince” came to her – Dorian Gray – her first and the biggest love. Dorian Gray, being an idealist, sees Sybil as a living embodiment of beauty and invites her to marry him. The girl is overwhelmed with incredible happiness.

But when she did not manage to play successfully in a play, to which Dorian invited his friends – Lord Henry and artist Bezila Hallward, everyone saw in her an ordinary girl, even mediocrity. Sibyl played not the best, because she decided to continue to be herself, even if before she was overwhelmed with his future personal happiness. The performance failed. Dorian’s friends soothed him. And Dorian Gray himself was desperate. He was accustomed to be surrounded by only unusual, great, beautiful, talented people, who can cause only astonishment, admiration and envy in environment, where they appear. And here is such a failure! And Dorian left Sybil in desperation: “You killed my love!” But was it a true love? Whom loved Dorian Gray? Sybil Wayne – young, tender, kind, beautiful girl, or her fame?

Every person can face failures and successes, ups and downs, and nobody is immune to mistakes. But did Dorian Gray have the moral right to throw such a cruel reproach to a girl who loved him so sincerely, selflessly? Besides, she was still so young and inexperienced. The fact is that Dorian loved himself and, being selfish, could not feel the girl’s gentle, easily vulnerable soul, and instead of calming, support in the terrible situation, he offends her and breaks out the relationship. Dorian Gray, loved girl’s fame and fame of the actress’ impressive beauty. Later, repentance will come to him (though he is too late), he will want to reconcile with Sibyl, even to marry her, but it will instead be a sense of duty, not sincere repentance. Sibyl was unable to withstand this. When a lover left her, she did not see more sense in her life and committed suicide.

Sibyl was not buried yet, but Dorian Gray was already entertaining: he attended the opera, fashionable secular salons and was glad that the late Sibyl told his name neither to family nor to friends to any of his relatives and acquaintances and thus no troubles with the investigation he could face. Many years passed since that time. Dorian Gray has repeatedly fallen in love, but he was unable to feel the real love. Nobody loved him like Sybil, sincerely and selflessly. To explore the love, one must have a pure, bright and unbleached soul, which Dorian Gray just lacked.

Thematic essay topics

A proper paper is an essay which is compiled following all the formatting standards and presents a cohesive, complete and logical piece of information entirely corresponding to the given topic. Successful choice of subject guarantees an excellent quality of the essay and its high informativeness.

An excellent variant for the topic formulation is a discussion of a particular character, his dynamics throughout the whole essay and his traits of character. Apart from that, choosing a topic, an author can focus on the moral issues discussed in the literary piece. It may also become a proper core for the future essay.

It is also possible to focus on the moral issues discussed in the literary piece.  A writer can discuss the problems of the essay dwelling upon the most exciting parts of the piece. The main thing is to choose an exciting topic that will attract attention of a reader and allow to create a great impression.


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Tell Tale Heart

Allen Poe, one central idea is obsession. Poe uses both structural choices and point of view to show this central idea. Pope’s structural choices shows us how much obsession about getting rid of the eye the narrator has. In paragraph three it says”undid the lantern cautiously o h so cautiously cautiously”. This repetition shows us that the narrator is putting a I to of effort and time into his obsession. In paragraph eleven it says “The old man’s hour has come!

They exclamation shows us how excited the narrator gets when he HTH inks he is going to get rid Of his obsession. Finally in paragraph fifteen”Search search w bade them”. The way Poe says this shows us that the narrator was truly obese seed with getting rid of the eye, because the narrator thinks he has gotten away from hi obsession safely. All of Pope’s structural choices shows how much the narrator is obsessed. The point of view also shows the narrator’s obsession.

In paragraph two the orator says, “l loved the old man,” adding, “He had never wronged me. ” Alls o in paragraph two, he reveals that he was obsessed with the old man’s eye “the eye off vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. ” Without any real motivation, then, other than his obsession, he decides to take the old man’s life. Lastly in paragraph t hearten it says “A tub had caught it all ha! Ha! “. This text shows us that to the narrator, hi s obsession is just a game. Poe used structural and point of view to show us the narrator’s obsession.

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