Human Genetic Engineering Narrative Essay

Kathryn Holladay English Composition I Mrs. Robyn Weaver 12/01/2010 Human Genetic Engineering The ability to genetically engineer and modify our children before birth is now a reality. Genetic Modification is a new science that has created significant controversy for the human race. If genetic modification becomes a common practice without any legal restrictions, our world as we know it would completely change. With this unfathomable practice, our world is now open to an array of opportunities.

Scientists can now prevent certain medical conditions passed down to children. The economic advantages that could be generated from this industry are huge. Even though there are advantages to genetic engineering, there are many disadvantages that will outweigh everything else. Richard Hayes, the executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, talks about the major problems with genetic modification in his essay called “Supersize you Child? ”. Hayes makes a very good and agreeable argument about the severe consequences of this scientific discovery.

Genetic modification, if not restrained by strict regulations and limits, will be accompanied by detrimental consequences to the human race in social, biological, and economic ways. There is lots of evidence and many reasons to why this claims is true. Richard Hayes is a credible scientist that works for a nonprofit organization working for the responsible governance of genetic technology. In his essay, “Supersize your Child? ” he tries to inform the audience about genetic modification and prove why it will hurt our society.

He highly encourages the implementation of strict regulations and policies on scientists practicing genetic engineering. He begins his essay with background information and important facts about the emergence of genetic modification. With this new technology, scientists can insert genes into an embryo to create a certain trait or alter the biology of a human being. For example, Hayes talks about the 5-HTT gene that can reduce the risk of depression. Another gene, called DAF-2, can be used to double the life p of humans (185).

Hayes discusses his thorough research on the subject and quotes many different scientists involved in genetic modification. He quotes Dr. Richard Lynn, a supporter of human genetic modification by stating, “What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the “phasing out” of such peoples… Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent” (186). This provides a good example of the type of attitude and excitement some scientists have with the development of this technology.

Richard Hayes presents an opposing argument to the type of attitude displayed by supporters of human genetic modification. These scientists are looking for the creation of a genetic elite. After establishing a platform for genetic modification and discussing the possible advantages described by scientists, Hayes goes on to explain why it has enormous consequences. He lists the many reasons why the use of this science will essentially harm the human race and the society we live in. For example, Hayes suggests there will be a rise in inequality and that it will alter the fundamental biology of the human species.

Hayes states, “The birth of the first genetically modified child would be a watershed moment in human history. It would set off a chain of events that would feed back upon themselves in ways impossible to control”(187). At the end of his essay, Hayes proposes a solution to the development of genetic modification and how we can prevent it from destroying our society. He suggests that every country needs to create a set of regulations and restrictions that limit the technology to medical purposes only.

To achieve this goal, Hayes lays out a list of steps that will help the world seize control over the matter. Hayes wants the reader to realize the seriousness of the issue and take action against genetic modification. The opinions and points Richard Hayes makes about the issue of genetic engineering are very realistic and completely true. Humans now have the ability to take control our own evolution and launch it into overdrive. It is a dangerous scientific technology that will be the gateway to societal destruction. The concept of phasing out the genetically inferior people is a ower that should not be left in the hands of any human. As a society, we should accept the diversity of the human race. We should embrace the less than perfect nature of all humans. The embracement of our flaws is a significant part of life. It is the factor that makes our lives so precious. If the practice of human genetic modification can alter the biology of our species, then something should be done to keep it from becoming out of control. As a common species, homo sapiens, we share a fundamental biology that dates back thousands of years ago.

Altering with our shared fundamental biology could be horrible for humans (187). There are many reasons to why genetic engineering is a dangerous and potentially destructive science. All of these reasons are discussed in Hayes’s essay. Hayes addresses one of the underlying questions: “Once we allow children to be designed through embryo modification where would we stop? ”(187). As long as it is possible to alter one gene, people will want to alter more and more until the original human genome barely exists.

Considering there are no limits, we would not know where to stop in the use of this technology. Human genetic modification is so dangerous, that even the strictest regulations will hardly help in limiting its use. The prohibition of genetic modification for cosmetic and enhancement purposes is a very flexible limitation. Drugs like Prozac, Viagra, and Botox were originally produced and used for medical purposes only. However, this has significantly changed over time as many people use them for enhancement and cosmetic reasons.

These consumer products have become very profitable (187). Genetic modification is no different from these products. Limitations on the new technology will be stretched until it becomes a tool for cosmetic improvement. We should not allow ourselves to abuse developments made for medical purposes. Furthermore, the possible societal implications of human genetic modification are another reason why it should be restricted. Hayes believes that the use of the technology will cause a rise in inequality.

It will be similar to the inequality present about three hundred years ago when masters and slaves existed. Humanity will be divided into those who are “superior” and those who are “inferior”(187). As he compares the era of slavery to a genetically enhanced society, Hayes states, “Human beings were bred, bought, and sold, like cattle or dogs… If left uncontrolled, the new human genetic technologies could set us on a trajectory leading to a Dark Age in which people are once again regarded as little better than cattle or dogs”(188).

Human genetic technologies will promote a sense of discrimination in our society. As the use of human genetic engineering further develops, it will leave a huge mark on our world historically. Something that could generate this huge change throughout the whole world will be a historical turning point. Unless the entire world places restrictions on the use genetic modification, the international implications could cause serious tension between countries (188). The treat of international competition will grow. Every country will be competing to create the best breed of human beings.

Even though the newly developed science of genetic alteration has its advantages, there are many disadvantages that will outweigh the positive outcomes. Now that we have this technology so easily available, we must take action on establishing limitations. If there are no regulations, then there will be no time before people start to abuse its powers. To achieve a solution, we must recognize the unique nature of the challenges presented by human genetic technologies. Individuals, organizations, political leaders, and scientists need to protect humanity form being divided.

The newfound science of human genetic modification has created a lot of controversy throughout our world. Many scientists believe that this technology will solve many medical problems and create new medical breakthroughs. We will be able to create our own evolution and genetically perfect our race. However, the consequences of this scientific discovery will take a huge toll on humanity. With human genetic modification our society will be affected by issues such as the deepening of inequality and countries across the world will complete to create the best race of humans.

A new Dark Age will emerge in history that will define the way humans are treated. In “Supersize your Child? ”, by Richard Hayes, Genetic Modification is proven to change the entire world unless we put limitations and restrictions against its use. Human Genetic Modification is a practice that should be stopped as soon as possible and as much possible. Works Cited Hayes, Richard. “Supersize your Child? ”. Elements of Argument. Ed. Annette T. Rottenberg and Donna Haisty Winchell. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s. 185-189. Print.

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Can Virtual Communication Substitute Human Relations?

According to UN’s telecommunications agency one of the three people is involved in the internet. Cyberspace has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different cities or even different countries can use messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people. Many people treat Internet as an enjoyable way of spending their free time.

The most significant feature of internet is the possibility of global communication which gives a lot of opportunities to find a related soul or even a true love; however it does have certain drawbacks that people tend to forget about. In other words, despite the fact that internet is convenient tool of communication; people should not forget about big value and advantages of real conventional relations. One of the benefit from building relationship, people are able to talk with thousands of people all over the world.

In real life it would not be possible, even if they would spend all their life traveling and having new relationships. While using the computer a person can have a friend in Russia or talk with tango dancers from Argentina. What is more online friends do not judge weight, skin color or clothes. Despite the pluses which were mentioned above, one of the major disadvantages of virtual communication, especially at the beginning of new acquaintance is that anyone can enhance the truth as much as he wants.

Not all sites require a photo, and even those that do cannot guarantee that the photo is a real one. Clear signs that the photo may be a fake are strange backgrounds that might indicate a stock image, photos that appear professionally taken and photos that seem old rather than current. Unfortunately some people are not able to identify counterfeit images therefore the internet makes it easy to lie, thus in some cases almost impossible to discern whether the ad is honest or the truth is being embellished.

Furthermore, relations through the internet reduce or eliminate face-to-face socialization. Due to the autonomy afforded by the virtual world, individuals are free to create a fantasy persona and can pretend to be someone else. Besides that it is hard to say no, be rude, or ignore someone when you are looking them in the eye. Also, it’s incredibly easy and quick to unfriend or unfollow someone or simply block their efforts to make a connection. In other words, just one click of the mouse and your problems would be finished.

Unfortunately, this feature of online socialization cheats people of the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflicts in the world outside the Internet and it could retard or cripple one’s social skills developments. A report from the National School Boards Association shows that 41 percent of teenagers spend their time posting messages instead of face-to-face interactions with their peers. In conclusion, although the extension of virtual influence is increasing day by day, the real human interactions will not be replaced among society.

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What Makes Us Human

Anthropologists say that we are humans because of evolution. The portion of DNA that is responsible for the structure of proteins is 99. 4% common in humans and chimpanzees. Anthropologists say that we are humans because of evolution. The portion of DNA that is responsible for the structure of proteins is 99. 4% common in humans and chimpanzees. The dictionary says that human beings are individuals of the genus Homo, or more specifically, Homo sapiens. That only answers the anthropological aspect of what makes us human.

Paul Bae also takes the anthropological stance on humankind saying that “Changes caused by evolution and time make us human. ” When asked what separates humans from animals, he replied saying “human minds are more developed than animals, allowing humans to be at the top of the food chain. ” Psychologists say a distinctive quality in humans is the cognitive process. The cognitive process is a demonstration of the central ability humans possess that define us. More simply, it is our ability to think and make decisions. The brain plays the most crucial part in the cognitive process.

The part of the brain that differentiates the human brain from brains of other species’ is the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex controls senses, thoughts, language and memory. The brain plays the most crucial part in the cognitive process. The part of the brain that differentiates the human brain from brains of other species’ is the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex controls senses, thoughts, language and memory. Aaron Marentette agrees with psychologists and says “The thing that makes us humans is our ability to make smart choices and just choices in general. When he was asked the question of what difference there is between humans and animals, he responded, saying “The difference is that we have undergone evolution and therefore, have become more civil. ” Finally, sociologists say that the factor that makes humans human is culture. Culture is simply the ideas, abilities, and behaviours people have acquired to become members of society. Culture is always evolving in society and the world and it mainly unique to the human species. Above: Culture plays a huge part in shaping humans.

Culture affects how we treat each other and interact. Above: Culture plays a huge part in shaping humans. Culture affects how we treat each other and interact. Below: Culture is specific to humans. Animals indicate SOME aspects of culture but it is ingrained by genetic programming. Humans can change their environment and pass the changes onto their children. Below: Culture is specific to humans. Animals indicate SOME aspects of culture but it is ingrained by genetic programming. Humans can change their environment and pass the changes onto their children.

Max Nascimento believes that we are human because “humans have free will and have the ability to conquer anything we envision. ” His thoughts on the variation between humans and animals are that “animals walk on four legs, act on instinct, and don’t have a conscience. ” All three answers to what makes us human are correct. Evolution made us human through changes in DNA. The cognitive process made us human through our ability to problem solve and think. And finally culture shaped us into the social beings we are. They are all factors that affect humans and differentiate us from any other living species on this planet.

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The Relationship Between Human Health and the Built Environment

  1. Undertaking 1

Built environment is straight associated with wellness of people populating, working and playing in them and has different impact on different age groups, therefore plays critical portion in human wellness. Increasing cost of wellness, instances of diabetes, fleshiness and other diseases, deficiency of exercising due to transport vehicles domination, easy fast nutrient and limited societal assemblages due to technological promotions adds to wellness jobs in Australia. New South Wales ( NSW ) section of wellness has proposed a wellness built environment plan ( HBEP ) , which focuses on redesigning and developing built environment to better overall wellness utilizing best in category patterns and policies. Evidence gathered by NSW section of wellness identified deficiency of physical activity, low quality nutrient and improper communicating between communities as the taking grounds behind wellness jobs. Paper focuses on how can these hazards be lowered by modifying the built environment.

HBEP plan focal points on how reinforced environment can be improved to better wellness. Discussion on benefits of increased physical activity on wellness were made along with the grounds on how reinforced environment alteration can actuate people to increase physical activity. Evidence has been provided on how political, economic, societal and policies related to construct environment can act upon physical activity positively. Critical analysis on how high residential denseness country in reinforced environment of society, distance to street markets, maintained pathwaies, along with little design elements alteration can increase degree of physical activity.

A developing form in the constellation, urban arrangement, and renewing careers is one that explores how build environment helps the wellbeing issues of Australia. This position is focused around the idea that deficient eating methodological analysis and stationary life builds the danger for some unwellnesss, for illustration, cardiovascular illness, high blood pressure, colon malignance, kind 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, stalwartness, jitteriness and depression. An agreement now exists among wellbeing research workers, curative professionals and different experts that a dynamic life style lessens the danger for some ceaseless infections and/or encourages the effectual disposal of those illnesss. Inside this scene, the dynamic life development emerged a twosome of old ages prior to strike the stationary society issue. It focused on the betterment of a life style that incorporates physical action into twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours agendas, with the aim of aggregating negligibly 30 proceedingss of motion every twenty-four hours by sauntering, bicycling, working out, working in the pace, taking the steps, or take parting in some other sort of physical action.

Further perceptual experience of people towards physical activity in reinforced environment was discussed and how this can be molded in support of physical activity utilizing built environment redevelopment policies was analyzed. HBEP plan besides considers built environment alteration for school and college substructures besides in order to do the new coevals accustomed with the importance of wellness every bit early as school. Overall research on societal ecological theoretical account is done sing the impact of policies related to society, political relations, built environment and economical on physical activity. Further a elaborate research on the impact of built environment on community strengthening was conducted and failings were found related to hapless self residential determination devising and carelessness of wellness variables in built environment which were so included in HBEP policy plan. Gap analysis between built environment impact on societal connexion amongst people and community authorization was analyzed. HBEP policy considers bridging this spread through improved communicating between built environment section and wellness section of Australia.

Paper besides reviews literatures the impact of advertisement of fast nutrients on their ingestion and how it leads to increases instances of diseases. It was found that there is no proper consideration of relationship between advertisement of bad nutrient and jobs originating due to ingestion of that nutrient. Evidence were found by NSW section of wellness that built environment of schools besides had no proviso of commanding advertisement of fast nutrients around school campuses. It was found that reinforced environment policy did non had any methodological analysis to see the impact of hapless nutrient handiness on the wellness. HBEP proposes a qualitative and quantitative survey to understand the relationship with nutrient in reinforced environment of schools and even residences and advance good nutrient within the environment. Exploration is needed on all parts of the based environment ‘s consequence on sound nourishment debut in Australia. While assorted immense graduated table surveies have been attempted appraising handiness of less than great nutriment, their consequences need to be farther investigated through complex quantitative and qualitative analysis. Advancement of an mixture of socially huffy geographic expedition embraced in diverse urban metropoliss and towns will allow more reliable generalisations to underpin attack. Further paper proposes that making a healthy built environment must be taken attention of critically through better communicating and apprehension, choice leading and relationship edifice.

This paper unites a proof base of bing scrutiny to rede solid nature ‘s sod attacks and motions. It similarly helps to the identii¬?cation of parts of geographic expedition in which reinforced environment policy deficiencies. The Survey ‘s cardinal message is that there is a solid relationship between persons ‘ well-being and built environment and this relationship is really complex. This paper talks about the undertakings, which need to considered in reinforced environment policy of Australia so that healthy environments can be built and jobs can be lowered.

  1. Social interaction are determiners of good wellness

This statement was mentioned on page 75 of paper and was raised in order to better the societal interactions amongst community people so that reinforced environment can be socially healthy. I wholly agree with this statement in the context of the paper and otherwise. Social interactions improves information flow between people, which can be good for the society as affairs like hapless nutrient around the built environment, cleanliness of workplace, residential society and other topographic points which can impact wellness. It will besides farther better the overall quality of physical and societal environment in communities therefore beef uping the good wellness. Majority of people who will profit from societal interaction are old age people who non so frequently acquire opportunities to socialise. Harmonizing to a study done by University of Rochester medical centre, people who frequently socialize more than other does, populate more and happy ( University of Rochester, 2014 ) . Apart from that, there are many wellness advantages of societal interaction, which are discussed below to farther back up the statement: –

  • Frequently people who socially interact have low blood force per unit area degrees than people who do non interact frequently.
  • Low hazard of Alzheimer’s
  • Can assist one overcome solitariness and depression.
  • Less or no hazard of malignant neoplastic disease and cardiovascular related jobs.

Everybody needs to experience idolized and upheld peculiarly as we develop more seasoned. As we age, comrades truly might be line of lifes. Social interaction, offering, being in contact with other people who have dynamic, included lives gives populating a ground. Offer to comrades Plutos duplicate the delectations and separation the hurts. Vast, augmented households that were on a regular basis accessible for endorsing are presently less. The sum of one-person household units has expanded. Persons on a regular basis move a long manner from their households to work or vacate. In any instance remaining associated with household, comrades and exercisings has ne’er been more critical. A few surveies report fewer colds, lower circulatory strain and lower bosom rates in members with solid societal ties. Detail indicates that matrimony, possibly the strongest tie, adds old ages to future. Furthermore, self-destruction, emotional instability and spirits maltreatment rates are much lower when persons interact socially on a higher degree ( Gold, 1999 ) .

Another survey from the US recommends that societal coaction ought to be viewed as an indispensable component for turning lifetime, on a criterion with other wellbeing and lifestyle constituents, to the grade that low societal connexion hurts life p to the extent that liquor dependence and smoke, has more consequence than absence of activity, and is twice every bit destructive as fleshiness ( Louv, 2012 ) .

Analysts at Brigham Young University ( BYU ) in Provo, Utah, directed a meta-examination of distributed surveies and found that holding societal ties with comrades, household, neighbours and associates can heighten our opportunities of endurance by 50 for every penny. You can read about their survey online in a paper distributed in the July issue of PLOS Medicine.

Mentions: –

  1. Louv R. , 2012, Health benefits to kids from contact with the out-of-doorss and nature, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 13th June, 2014 ]
  2. University of Rochester, 2014, Older grownups and importance of societal interaction, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: // ContentTypeID=1 & A ; ContentID=4513 [ Accessed on 13ThursdayJune, 2014 ]
  3. Gold E. , 1999, Benefits of societal interaction, [ Online ] , Available from: – hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 13th June,2014 ]

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Reasons For Choosing Corporate Human Resources

Table of contents

The grounds for taking Corporate HR – NCC are because NCC is the Norfolk local authorization where a broad scope of information and cognition is transmitted and managed every twenty-four hours. In add-on, Corporate HR is a squad that supports the bringing of Council services by pull offing, back uping and developing NCC ‘s employees. Therefore, it is convenient to happen out how people interact and learn from each other. Furthermore, the fact that Corporate HR – NCC are willing assistants facilitated the execution of survey in this administration. The visit to NCC was carried out on Thursday, 4 March 2010.

Scope of Study ( what will you analyze, what will you cover and non cover )

Since NCC is a big administration with different sections responsible for a assortment of services, it is impossible to detect and cover all activities of it. As a effect, this study simply concentrates on the cognition direction patterns within one unit of NCC – Corporate HR. The countries of cognition direction in NCC studied in this paper are knowledge types, acquisition degrees, cognition making and sharing, and cognition storing.

Methodology of Study ( how you studied it and why )

Methodologies used in this survey are detecting how Corporate HR Team communicate and learn from each other in their workplace, questioning an HR officer of Placements – Ms. Sarah Holloway and utilizing secondary informations from NCC web site and the available literature on cognition direction. After analyzing all collected primary and secondary informations, findings and recommendations are presented.

Literature Review

Definition of Knowledge

Knowledge has become a concern of doctrine since the ancient Greek. However, there remains a deficiency of consensus about the nature of cognition. Harmonizing to traditional epistemic Western philosophers, cognition was described as ‘justified true belief ‘ whose indispensable property is truthfulness ( Alexander et al. , 1991 ; Nonaka & A ; Takeuchi, 1995, p.21 ) . However, this position appears to be obscure and headlong since things people believe to be true may non be true cognition. Furthermore, it is difficult to warrant cognition claims because no 1 can gauge accurately how much grounds is sufficient to vouch the truth of a cognition claim ( Firestone & A ; McElroy, 2003 ) .

Another school of idea defined cognition by separating it from information, and informations. ‘Data is a set of distinct, nonsubjective facts about events ‘ ( Davenport & A ; Prusak, 2000 ) . Information is meaningful informations that have been processed and organised to accomplish a peculiar intent ( Davis & A ; Botkin, 1994 ; Firestone & A ; McElroy, 2003 ) . Knowledge, likewise, is an collection of organizational information and expertness ( Firestone & A ; McElroy, 2003 ) ; accordingly, it can be stored, manipulated and applied ( Zack, 1999 ) . Again, this apprehension could non comprehensively explicate the significance of ‘knowledge ‘ as cognition and information do non chiefly differ in the content, construction or truth but in the location. As stated by Alavi & A ; Leidner ( 2001, p.109 ) , ‘knowledge is information possessed in the head of persons: it is personalized information ‘ . Furthermore, cognition is broader and deeper than information ; it is besides created due to the impacts of external stimulations. As a consequence, towards a clearer working definition of cognition, this paper agrees that:

Knowledge is a unstable mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a model for measuring and integrating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the heads of apprehenders. In administrations it frequently becomes embedded non merely in paperss or depositories but besides in organizational modus operandis, procedures, patterns, and norms.

( Davenport & A ; Prusak, 2000, p.5 )

Knowledge Types and Oganisational Knowledge Creation

Different attacks result in assorted categorization of cognition. Harmonizing to Garud ( 1997 ) , there are three types of cognition, consisting of know-what, know-how and know-why. Know-what refers to minimal apprehension of the facts such as cognition of targeted clients of a merchandise ( Neef et al. , 1998 ) . Such sort of cognition is generated by a procedure of ‘learning by utilizing ‘ , largely through interaction between manufacturers and users, Sellerss and clients. Know-how relates to accomplishments and accrued practical experience ; it is the consequence of ‘learning by making ‘ procedure and exists in persons, organizational modus operandis and fabrication patterns ( Garud, 1997 ) . Know-why, on the other manus, involves ‘scientific cognition of rules and Torahs of gesture in nature, in the human head, and in society ‘ ( Neef et al. , 1998, p.116 ) . It is deep cognition found in persons and acquired through ‘learning by analyzing ‘ .

Polanyi ( 1967 ) and Nonaka & A ; Takeuchi ( 1995 ) , in contrast, argued that there are fundamentally two types of cognition: explicit and tacit. Explicit or codified cognition refers to knowledge that is easy to pass on, transportation and express in text signifier ( Ahmed et al. , 2002 ) . Tacit cognition, on the other manus, is embedded in human head through practical accomplishments and experiences, hence, is hard to be articulated. It is considered work-related know-how that is merely transferred among people through a long procedure of apprenticeship ( Polanyi, 1967 ) .

Nonaka ( 1994, 1995 ) argued that cognition in an administration is created by persons through the interaction of tacit and expressed cognition in four transition procedures, get downing from socialization ( tacit/tacit ) , externalization ( tacit/explicit ) , combination ( explicit/explicit ) to internalization ( explicit/tacit ) . However, as argued by Gourlay ( 2006 ) , this position seemed to be flimsy since the categorization ignored the fact that cognition, in some instances, may non be wholly silent. In other words, whether there is such thing as silent cognition or merely cognition which is silent. Furthermore, the mechanism does non reflect how new ideals are created or how deepness of understanding develops. It is ill-defined why cognition transition has to get down with socialization instead than others ( Gourlay, 2006 ) and besides diffident whether silent cognition is wholly and accurately transmitted from a individual to another by merely observation, repeat and patterns. Hence, it is said to be barely a representation of cognition creative activity.

Degrees of Learning

As argued by Argyris & A ; Schon, there exist two degrees of acquisition in the administration: single-loop acquisition and double-loop acquisition. Single-loop acquisition is lower degree of larning which concentrates on problem-solving, chiefly detects and corrects mistake, and as a effect, consequences in incremental betterments. Double-loop acquisition is the higher degree one which emphasises on uninterrupted self-reflection and scrutiny of ways the administration defines and solves jobs ( Ahmed et al. , 2002 ) . Consequently, it frequently leads to transformative betterments which are critical to the success of the administration, particularly during times of rapid alteration.

Knowledge Codification

Knowledge codification, as defined by Cowan & A ; Foray ( 1997 ) , is ‘the procedure of transition of cognition into messages which can so be processed as information ‘ . In the epoch of cognition economic system, as cognition residing in the human heads can greatly lend to the sustainability and development of administrations, the codification of cognition, viz. the transition of silent cognition to explicit cognition in a functional signifier, is truly indispensable.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge direction as presented by Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) is the transition of single tacit cognition into expressed cognition in order to be shared among people in the administration. It is the procedure of identifying, pull outing and capturing the cognition assets of the house so that they can be to the full exploited and protected as a beginning of competitory advantage. In order to better the productiveness of cognition direction, it is necessary for the administration to use information engineering to increase the single and group ability of cognition creative activity and storage every bit good as to beef up the linkages among persons and between groups ( Alavi & A ; Leidner, 2001 ) .

Knowledge Management in Corporate HR – NCC

A Typical Day at Corporate HR – NCC

Corporate HR are responsible for all kinds of HR issues, embracing HR scheme and Policy, Learning and Development, Health & A ; Safety and the Employee Services Centre. Their purpose is to back up the bringing of Council services by pull offing, back uping and developing the people who work for NCC.

A normal twenty-four hours at Corporate HR begins at around 8.00 am when people come to the office and look into all latest electronic mails they received. They answer the electronic mails and if there is any affair that they do non cognize, they email or ask their co-workers for information or their ain HR senior director for advice. Besides, they check assignments in their computing machines, answer the phones, talk to each other about work and how to cover with the undertakings. They besides complete their ain electronic flexitime sheet with the clip when they start working and go forthing. The employees here are encouraged to self pull off their working hours. However, they must non be absent from work during nucleus clip – between 10.00 am and 4.00 autopsy and must work for at least 37 hours a hebdomad. In add-on, HR staff have to go to the scheduled meetings with the whole Corporate HR squad or with people involved in their ain undertakings, or with the directors to inform about the undertaking processs and advancement, other facets of work and show their feelings at work. During my visit, there was a meeting between HR officer, Corporate HR between Ms. Glenda Bennett – Corporate HR Manager, Ms. Jane Hanrahan – HR and Organisational Development Manager of Learning – Adult Social Services Department and Ms. Sarah Holloway, HR Officer of Placements about Apprenticeships at 10.00 am. After the meeting, Ms. Holloway came back and wrote carefully in her computing machine what she took note while other people continued working at their desk until 4.00 to 4.30 autopsy.

Knowledge Types and cognition Creation

After one-day detecting how employees work and interact with each other, I recognise that cognition transmitted in Corporate HR is the combination of both expressed and silent cognition. It is clearly illustrated when the HR staff and her senior director discussed how to reply a inquiry she received via electronic mail, when the staff showed an learner how to utilize a photocopier and asked her to show utilizing the photocopier to her, and particularly through the meeting between Ms. Holloway and other two directors about Apprenticeships undertaking. In the meeting, the tacit cognition was externalised into expressed cognition when Ms. Hanrahan explained the content of the Apprenticeships undertaking to Ms. Bennett and Ms. Holloway. Then, the combination procedure occured when Ms. Hanrahan gave them a cusp incorporating some activities of Apprenticeships programme and when Ms. Holloway wrote down the information and apprehension about the undertaking in her notebook. After that, the explicit cognition once more was converted into silent cognition as Ms. Bennett and Ms. Holloway repeated some contents of the undertaking Ms. Hanrahan has merely said to guarantee they understood right and exhaustively. From the world of Corporate HR, it could be said that Nonaka ( 1994 ) was right when asseverating the duologue between tacit and expressed cognition is uninterrupted and dynamic. Nevertheless, in this instance, the cognition making procedure did non purely follow the theoretical account of Nonaka since cognition is produced from the externalization procedure non stiffly from the socialization. This, once more, has strengthened the aforesaid unfavorable judgment of Gourlay ( 2006 ) toward the theoretical account of Nonaka and Takeuchi.

Besides silent and expressed, cognition in Corporate HR besides includes know-what, know-how and know-why. Know-what and know-why are generated largely through different preparation classs designed by Corporate HR. For illustration, Corporate HR have cooperated with member co-workers such as UEA and City Colleges in Norwich to supply HR practicians with necessary HR formal makings – CPP ( Certificate in Personnel Practice – degree 3 ) and CIPD ( Postgraduate Certificate in Personnel and Development – degree 7 ) . Additionally, they have developed Learning Hub, a website offering e-courses such as informations protection and client services, and organised seminars and conferences sing some peculiar subjects to assist any NCC staff to better cognition at work. Know-how, conversely, is acquired through ‘learning by making ‘ . Namely, when an employee of a section has grudge and it can non be sorted out by his ain HR section, it will be passed to Corporate HR to work out. After settling the grudge, HR staff will enter it as ‘a instance jurisprudence ‘ for them to work out similar jobs if go oning.

Knowledge Sharing

Peoples in Corporate HR use legion ways to interact with each other and with other sections, from face-to-face treatments and meetings, electronic mail, telephone, facsimile to formal authorship. However, the most widely used manner is to portion knowledge electronically via PeopleNet. PeopleNet is an intranet site designed, updated and monitored on a regular basis to supply clear, concise HR information and cognition to all NCC staff. This site holds all HR related information from processs, policies to signifiers and often asked inquiries so that employees can happen the replies for their inquiries as a first point of contact. Furthermore, Corporate HR besides tailored an electronical newssheet called HR Matters. It is produced monthly and emailed to HR community to inform them about impending statute law, assorted undertaking updates and messages from the Head of Human Resource & A ; Organisational Development. With other organisations and public, the squad chiefly interacts by utilizing electronic mail, telephone, meetings and presentation, seting information on the Press or Website ( extranet ) for enrolling or set uping work experience.

Information and Knowledge Storing

All information and codified cognition of HR are stored in three systems – electronic filing system, paper filing system including papers booklets, books and transcripts, etc. and Outlook Calendar incorporating information of meetings, seminars and conferences. Storing information and cognition is really indispensable for any HR staff to recover if necessary and do it go their cognition indispensable at work.

Knowledge Learning

Based on the interview with Ms. Holloway, I found that most of larning activities in Corporate HR is merely single-loop acquisition. It is because Corporate HR is merely a unit within NCC. Most of work and undertakings they handle are given by Senior Management in NCC or come from the authorities. Cardinal authorities develops enterprises and as a portion of local authorization, Corporate HR has duty to develop the enterprises that are relevant to them such as Apprenticeships. During the execution procedure of undertakings, if HR staff gain some arising jobs, they will speak to their directors about that. The directors can propose a solution or organize a squad meeting to discourse. Other members, so, will lend their sentiments and recommendations to work out the jobs or develop and hone thoughts of the undertaking. Furthermore, the acquisition activities, different from the theory of Agyris, are still ongoing even when there are no errors and no alterations made to the undertakings. As Ms. Holloway said, the employees continue lending their thoughts and sharing them to other squad members in order to better the quality of the undertakings even when the undertakings are in advancement. This reveals a spread in the theoretical account of Argyris and recommends that larning is a dynamic procedure and should be defined in footings of procedure itself.

Summary and Conclusion


This paper is about how Corporate HR – NCC pull off their cognition. The chief literature reappraisal chiefly refers to knowledge types, cognition creative activity, degrees of acquisition, cognition codification, and knowledge direction. The objects of observation and interview mostly concentrate on the nature of cognition shared, how cognition is created, managed and transmitted and the information system that supports it, how HR staff interact and learn from each other, and how they store information and cognition. Weaknesses in the organizational cognition creative activity theory of Nonaka and Takeuchi every bit good as in larning theoretical account of Argyris and Schon are pointed out and proved by the operations of Corporate HR.


Due to the clip bound on observation and interview, all aspects of cognition direction in Corporate HR – NCC could non be wholly discovered and discussed within the range of this paper. Given the fact that the NCC is a big administration with different sections, farther survey could concentrates on happening out more inside informations of cognition making and sharing procedure ; NCC ‘s norms, values, and modus operandis which are affected by the cognition direction as Davenport & A ; Prusak ( 1998 ) suggested about administration cognition ; every bit good as the larning procedure of the Corporate HR in peculiar and the NCC in general.

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Human Resource Development

Table of contents


Human Resource Development is a process and planned activities designed, such as use of training, organization, and career development efforts by an organization to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness. The development process builds up major competencies that facilitate to execute current and future job demands and enable the organization to meet its strategic objectives. Human resource management (HRM) includes many roles and Human resource development (HRD) is just one of the functions within Human Resource Management.

Functions of the HRD are Training and development, Career development and Organizational development. HRD manager’s role towards this is incorporate HRD with organizational goals and strategies while modify HRD to corporate needs and budget, Promotes HRD as a profit enhancer and employee performance enhancement. According to the theories of learning in HRD, is important to recognize how do people learn and thus there are six main theories comes under learning styles; such as behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning theory, social constructivism, multiple intelligences and brain based learning.

NVQs and competency movements are established in the UK government in order to enhance occupational skills of employees. These are based on national occupational standards. Standards are statements of performance describe what capable people in a particular occupation are expected to be able to do. HRD include ways and methods of identifying training and development needs and how training contribute to achieve of business objectives and the role a training and development policy for a business organization.

Evaluations on factors are significant which are important for planning a training and development. Human Resource Development is vital towards achieving company objectives and need to be aware of when training and development need to be.

Role of UK Government in training & development United Kingdom government is identify occupations for which skills and training required, recognizes the significance of training and provide incentives to attract and retain the employees.

And discover the issues in manpower planning, development and determine that government can execute to promote training. The Department of Employment and Learning-UK This department provided wide range of training and development programmes to the people around the United Kingdom. Aim of the department is to promote learning and skills, to prepare people for work and to support the economy. Objectives are to support economic, social and personal development through high quality learning, help people into employment, research and skills training and offer good employment practices.

Major activities of the department * Develop the demand and condition of learning skills, entrepreneurship, management, enterprise and leadership skills. * Maintain and increase the level of research and development, innovation and creativity in the Northern Ireland economy; * support individuals to find jobs, including self employment, and improving the relationship among employment programmes and skills development; * The development and maintenance of the framework of employment rights and responsibilities.

Skills solution service offers a single point of contact for employees, departmental trained skills adviser is available to meet employee to discuss training needs and advice to accomplish his/her necessities, help progress an application, assist with applying for financial support where appropriate.

NVQs and competency movements in the UK National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) are based on skills, knowledge and understanding of an individual possess which are related to specific area of work.

Reason for the Introduction of NVQs was to address weaknesses in current systems of vocational qualifications in United Kingdom, 1986. According to the publication of the White Paper Working together, education and training, the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) was set up. Then NCVQ developed as a framework of NVQs which include five levels and 11 occupational areas. the government funded for NVQs are based Industry Training Organizations to develop the occupational standards , with awarding bodies developing the assessment and quality assurance arrangements to criteria set by NCVQ.

In 1994 White Paper Competitiveness, a majority of employers were either using or expected to benefit from NVQs and 40,000 managers were responsible NVQs as proof of lifetime learning. And NVQs continue up to date and the content and structure of all NVQs reviewed by April 1996. These qualifications are based on national occupational standards (NOS). NOS standards are define the abilities, knowledge and understanding required for a given occupation, and identifies outcomes that can be assessed.

NOS are cover almost every occupation, existing as units and form the basis of all National Vocational Qualifications. NVQs are diverse from traditional qualifications on what people can do and demonstrate at work place. Traditional qualifications are just part of the curriculum is learned and assessed. According to NVQ, everything that is specified in the qualification must be achieved and assessed, encourage and support the candidate to gain knowledge of how to do the remainder and evaluate what the candidate can do at the work place.

NVQs offer benefits for individuals such as Recognition of job competencies regardless of how they were acquired Certification as having met national standards for an occupational role, improved employability and transferability a flexible route to becoming qualified. Employers can have advantages an effective way of developing staff that has internationally recognized standards which offers effective and quality to customers and better guarantee of a job candidate’s competency.

For the national level, NVQs are assured workers’ skills on goods and services produced and making the country more competitive and enhances the attractiveness of the labor force to foreign investors by providing certification of occupational competence.

NVQ Levels of UK BTEC Higher National Diplomas (HND) provides greater strength and specialization, Edexcel is one of the main awarding and examining organization in the UK and right through the world.

NVQs have developed for five levels of competencies, Level 01 – Entry level Foundation Skills – This level identifies capabilities of different work activities performed in a variety of perspectives. Activities are simple and especially significant supervision is needed throughout the initial steps and early months. Level 02 – skilled occupation – Identifies competence in various work activities and performed in different contexts, some of activities are complex and non – routine, some are responsibility and autonomy. Guidance is required throughout the work. Level 03 – Technician and supervisory occupations

Recognizes capabilities in a broad range of complex, which are related to technical or Professional work activities execute in wide variety of contexts. The individual should be competent of self-directed application, exhibits problem solving, designing, planning and supervisory capabilities. Level 04 – technical specialist and middle management occupations This level recognizes competencies involving the application of fundamental principles and complex techniques on wide area of perspectives. Level 04 is Equivalent to diploma, First degree, Higher National Diploma and nursing or teaching qualification.

Level 05 – chartered professional and senior management occupations Level identifies the ability to use of personal professional responsibility for development, designing, product growth, process, system or services. And this level recognizes technical and managerial competencies at the highest level and people who are occupied in the highest responsibility and made outstanding contribution to the promotion and practice of their occupation. This level is equivalent diploma, Master’s degree, PhD and PGC 2. 3 Contemporary trainings initiatives in Sri Lanka

Vocational Institute of Sri Lanka

Under the provisions of the Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka Act No: 12 of 1995, Vocational Training Authority (VTA) was established in Sri Lanka which is operating under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Developments. This has 6 National Vocational Training Institutes with 22 District Vocational Training Centers and 232 Vocational training centers. VTA is implementing the skills development programs and offer skills training for rural youth according to various fields. The Exposure of training for rural youth to information technology and other areas develop their skills and entrepreneurship.

Functions of the VTA as follows,

  • Conduct research & development (R&D), career
  • development workshops and counselling programmes,
  • Offer Vocational Training and coordinate with the other institutions
  • Arrange final assessments, trade tests, final assessments and issue NVQ certificates through the Tertiary & Vocational Education(TVEC)
  • Organize trainer training programs in order to manage the vocational training programmes effectively and efficiently.

Assist the youth who have undergone for trainings and reward supplementary trainings, place employments and for self employment.

Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC) TVEC setup and it introduced national certification structure for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector of Sri Lanka, which is called the National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) frame work which effect from January 2005. TVEC of Sri Lanka is associated with the Skills Development Project (SDP) and funded by the Asian Development Bank.

Purpose of NVQ for Sri Lankan is in order to make globally competitive workforce Industry specific, through a standardized Technical and Vocational Education system.

 National Apprentice and Industry Training Authority (NAITA)

Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority of Sri Lanka (NAITA) was established in 1971 by an Act of Parliament. The functions of the organization towards people provide distance education, Curriculum Development, Monitoring & Progress Instruction offer distance Education, Trade Testing and Certification. NAITA focus on small, medium and large scale enterprises and conduct island wide training programmes .

Assistant is gained from the United Nations Development Programme and International Labor Organization.

The Ceylon German Technical Training Institute (CGTTI)

This is incorporated as a separate training body by an act of parliament, established in 1959 and integrated to Develop modern Technology Training Centre (MTTC) at the CGTTI to meet future industry requirements. CGTTI providing training on technology related to Automobile and other technical trades and to be properly prepared to perform at the highest level of acceptance in the field maintains the standard. .

NVQs in UK and Sri Lanka Sri Lankan

Main objectives for setting NVQ are to recognize locally and internationally, create an internationally competitive workforce in Sri Lanka, match and provide Vocational training/ skills with market demand and recognize the certificates those possessed through the NVQ system. NVQ Sri Lanka is aligned with More proactive training, National goals, aware of responsiveness to Industry training needs, enhance of linkage with Industry and other stakeholders and Collaboration and rationalization among the training agencies.

The Sri Lankan NVQ framework comprised of 7 levels of upward mobility UK government is providing Education Maintenance Allowances, Undergraduate, Postgraduate courses and supporting the career and development aspirations of learners. ABC PLC can use of Edexcel NVQs. In the UK Edexcel NVQs determine for a huge variety of careers and Commitment to excellent customer service, Edexcel NVQ external verifiers also provides support, advice and guidance to Edexcel-approved centres. NVQs programs are provide an opportunity to ABC Plc enhance and overcome the problems occurred in performance.

Conduct research & development, Offer Vocational Training and coordinate with the other institutions, Assist the youth who have undergone for trainings and reward supplementary trainings , And this facilitate to ABC Plc forecast that will achieve business benefits. According to the NVQs ABC Plc reduce waste and improve its productivity therefore company can be expected their rate through business improvement techniques in NVQs. UK based NVQ programmes provides significant benefits for employer as well as employee.

Commercial Bank of Sri Lanka is known as benchmark private sector bank in Sri Lanka.

Over decades the bank has created its own identity with the clear vision, set standards and unique trend in banking sector. 3. 1 Training and Development Commercial Bank is providing training and development programmes to its employees and objectives for training are in order to better performance, economical reduce wastage and improve quality of the service, motivation and lesser staff turnover. Bank is using as systematic approach to training and development. Functions of T&D in the bank are, designing and developing programmes after identifying training necessities and developing a comprehensive training programme.

Train the trainer programme, Outbound training activity, Credit Programme, Junior Executive Officer Programme, Behavior Modification. And also managing and conducting training in technical and soft skills, facilitating the management of overseas training and Publication of official newsletter ‘Compulse’. The bank has identified Advantages of training & development as follows, better performance of employees usually shows a greater increase in and a higher quality of work out put than the untrained group.

And when the employees are given proper training, supervision responsibility is lesser as well as increases the self-esteem and confidence is increased. Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of materials and equipment and service will be quality. Staff is motivated and feels sense of recognition when they sent on training. T&D have a favorable impact on staff turnover lesser staff turnover due to better training. T&D has drawback as well such as Information and learning areas might change day by day, therefore need to do the training all over again and this may waste the time and money.

Diverse learning and training styles for those being trained can cause to be bored due to too basic or it may cause some to be frustrated because complicated. Some employees may leave the company after the training and this would be waiting of time and money of the organization. Time allocation might be not sufficient for covering all the training areas therefore some important tasks may neglected. Sometime losing control of the training content and the wrong person might do the training without knowing the mmanagement. 3. Identifying Employee Training Needs Identifying the people who need the training and requirements is vital for each and every organization to reduce wasting money and time. Commercial Bank HRD division is usually conducting a job task analysis of the employee in order to recognize the people who require trainings. It’s important to know exactly what the prospects are for the job to provide effective training. Identify the discrepancies and areas need to improve by comparing employee performance to the job expectations and by performance appraisals.

HRD Managers recognize the reason for the discrepancy those are may be due to personnel issues, work process issues, such as not knowing how to complete a specific task, or ignorance of the specific task. Work process issues can be identify by employee training, while personnel issues can be addressed by an employee review process. Schedule departmental meetings with all employees and discuss and ask them to raise and make list of suggestions that which areas they consider to be more training is needed. Evaluate legal requirements such as health and safety training.

Bank is get feedback from customers of the bank, such using interviews or surveys in areas such as customer satisfaction. And also use tests such as computer base, trials and observations. 3. 3 Importance of Employee Training for the Bank Employee training contributes to the achievement of business Objectives of the bank. Employee training increases the stability and flexibility of the bank and best available methods of performing the work can be standardized and made available to all employees. They are decrease wastages of resources and work both efficiently and effectively towards bank’s targets.

Trained employees will be able to better use of materials and equipments whilst improving the quality of the service. Such as providing IT training to the prospective employees may cause to achieve more targets and make Bank profitable and can work adapt to the changing technology. Better training enables the organization to face competition from the other banks. Trained people decreased workplace stress and increased employee effectiveness which leads to satisfaction for the customer of the bank and keep up Bank’s image around the world. 3. 4 Factors for Training and Development

According to the Commercial Bank training and development planning, one key aspect is to consider is each employee’s abilities which means should match the abilities of the employee suitable to corresponding training programme otherwise there will be a problem. For an instance bank is sending an employee to an accounting course , be competent of doing the accounting and HRD manager should ensure he/she good at accounting and numbers. Cost incurred for T & D process is very much considerable factor; management should be aware of minimize wastages and conduct the process.

Time is another aspect which is specially significant for the Bank, saving time and money will gain profits. Techniques are another factor for planning the training and development process. Bank is exercise diverse methods to address the employees. Most of the time HRD department is using presentations, role plays, speeches, and using internal and expertise. Bank is also considered about number of trainees going to be train, culture of the bank and attitude among the employees.

Importance of Evaluation

T&D process is comes under specific objectives of the bank and spent ore money and time on analyzing, designing, development and implementation process, therefore it’s important to ensure training is successful or not. The response of the trainees can be acquired through questionnaires, smile sheets. To assess the amount of learning, Bank considers using of pre tests and the post tests. Tests determine how far people have developed skills, knowledge and attitudes. There evaluating the effectiveness of the provided training. Such as observations, interviews, self diaries. Evaluation can be carried out at the end of the training and can be compared with the objectives of the training and outcomes.

Finally evaluation determines week points of training programme and in future such things can be taken care of and at the last it helps to discover whether organizational benefits has yielded.

 The Way of Evaluation Needs To Be On Going

Evaluation process includes according to the ADDIE model, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. According to the analysis process identifying training needs, assess the learner’s existing capabilities, identify the audience and their characteristics are crucial to make training programmes.

Recognize the training materials will develop and make budgets and time frame for the programme. Training requirements and needs for the staff can be identified as the difference between estimated level of performance and definite level of performance. Training areas can be recognized through the performance appraisals and tests. Next step is design, according to this, design materials and plan the strategy to be used for the training programme. This may also include design of a class or demonstration, depending on how the programme will be delivered. The development phase involves development of training programme.

And gather the training programme, all associated materials necessary for a successful training programme, in this phase is testing and clear up procedures. During the process of implementation a procedure for training the facilitator and the learner is developed and delivered, conduct the trainer training programmes, installation of training modules, activating modules and establishing logins. At the end of the training it should be evaluated; questionnaires can be use in the training programme in every week or month and tests , observations, evaluation forms can be use for one day training ctivities. And it’s important to assess the training effectiveness, enhance initiatives and programmes.


Human Resource Development module reviewed and analyzed the framework influencing the role of government in training and development and the growing emphasis on continuous development and lifelong and constant development. Evaluated on NVQs, MCI and competency movement in the selected organization. Module is examined modern-day training initiatives introduced by the Sri Lankan Government and compared with the Government of UK.

According to Task two, explore the differentiated theories of learning and explained their contribution to the process of planning and designing of organizational learning events. Tasks three critically evaluated and explained current approaches of the training and development of the organization and discussed about drawbacks. Explained how training contributes to attain company objectives and the role of a training and development policy, importance of evaluating factors of planning, training and development. Discussed the importance of evaluation and how it helps to market the contribution of training and development to the organization.

The knowledge and experience enhanced throughout the Human Resource Development module and learnt how it’s important in the organization for achieve business objectives.


  1. Wikipedia (2012) ‘human resource development’ human resource development. [accessed 22 May 2012], available at http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_resource_development.
  2. Hotel mule (2012) ‘the key role of training and development in tourism and hospitality’ Understanding the context: national level responses to training. [accessed 25 May 2012], available at http://hotelmule. com/showthread. php? 49-the-key-role-of-training-and-development-in-tourism-and-hospitality.
  3. Pearson Education Ltd (2012) ‘NVQ and competence-based qualifications (QCF)’ qualification [accessed 28 May 2012], available at http://www. edexcel. com/quals/NVQ-competence-based-qcf/Pages/What-are-NVQs. aspx.
  4. Department for Employment and Learning (2010) ‘About the Department’home. [accessed 28 May 2012], available at http://www. delni. gov. uk/index/about-the-dept. htm. * TVE Council (2003 – 2009) ‘how NVQs differ from other certifications’ home. [accessed 29 May 2012] available at http://www. tvetcouncil. com. bb/compare. tml. * Vocational Training Authority Sri Lanka (2011) ‘about us’ Overview [accessed 29 May 2012] available at http://www. vta. lk/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=55:overview&catid=36:about-us&Itemid=28.
  5. Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC (2012) ‘Our Training Programme’ Careers. [accessed 29 May 2012], available at http://www. combank. lk/newweb/info/105? oid=57.
  6. e how money(2012) ‘Instructions Identify Employee Training Needs ‘how to identify employee training needs. [accessed 29 May 2012], available at http://www. ehow. com/how_2076444_identify-employee-training-needs. html.

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Is the Survival of a society dependent on Fate or Human Choice?

There is no doubt that some societies are more fragile than others. The subjective observation of a societies ability to succeed or fail can sometimes be misleading when not all possible factors leading toward a societies outcome, are considered. When an observer does not scrutinize a societies success or lack there of, chances are, the observer will endlessly grapple over whether the outcome of a society was a result of fate, or human choice.

Needless to say, through resources such as, Jared Diamonds book Collapse, and his movie Guns, Germs, and Steel as well as, Jeffery Sachs’ book The End of Poverty, it is inevitable that both authors are confident in their revolutionary theories on a society’s ability to succeed or fail. There is no question that the environment is the foundation for a societies future; however, it is the human choices of how and what should be built on that foundation, which determine whether it will be stable and succeed or not. Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond have contrasting ideas on the significance of the environment and how it affects societies.

While Jeffery Sachs seems to underestimate its significance, Diamond gives it too much credit. Jeffery Sachs gives six reasons in his book, The End of Poverty as to why societies “takeoff” and develop, or, lag on and remain in their poorly developed state. Some of the reasons mentioned by Sachs include: social mobility, political factors and fertility rates. Sachs did include physical geography as one of the factors as well; although, wouldn’t one say that geography is at the root of all six of those revelations? At least, Diamond might agree.

When faced with harsh environmental conditions solely based on where you live in globe, poses a question. Does ones survival purely depend on where they are born in the world? Sachs does address geography as an important factor in a societies success; however, he states that you can still have societal changes even if the geography does not allow for it. This is evident in chapter three of Sachs book as he discusses eight points that determine whether a society will thrive or not, and the role that humans are playing in failing societies. Some of these points include technology, trade, natural resource decline and population growth.

When people die from extreme poverty, it is because they literally had nothing. They don’t need a lot to survive, but they do need a lot to start a process of economic development; and that’s where Sachs and I would differ. There’s a reason societies who are under extreme poverty, have not been able to rise and be successful; environmental barriers. The environment can easily wipe out humans basic needs, which is the first step to survival in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is evident that environmental determinism does play an important role in a societies ability to thrive or not based on where you are on the globe?

However, does is it location and the environment that comes with it purely determine whether a society will last? Easter Island is a society that virtually collapsed in isolation due to environmental damage. A perfect example of whether the success of a society depends on lack of human choices or environmental barriers. Jared captures his insight of the phenomenon in his book, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed with concrete evidence. Jared mostly recognizes the geographical and environmental barriers that support the analogy that Easter was doomed from the beginning.

From his reading, it seems that even if the people of Easter Island had made the most suitable and sensible human choices as far as working with the environment to obtain their basic needs, they soon would have been doomed to failure. Jared gives an example of how something so vital for survival such as water, would immediately seep into the island when their only water resource, rainfall, would come. Although I strongly believe that the environment plays a large role in a societies ability to thrive or not, Jared overlooked and underestimated the severity of human choices, (culture) and its impact on Easter Islands failure.

Deforestation was unfortunately one of the main contributing factors in Easter Islands failure. Jared states that Easter Island is covered with an abundance of substantial statues due to an aggressive competition between chiefs of the island that were built to honor them. This way of culture proved to work against its society because many trees were deforested in order to transport the massive statues. The history of Easter Island helps to reconfirm my opinion that a society is destined to failure or success through mostly geographical and environmental state and a pinch of a societies ability to make wise decisions.

Jared Diamond believes that there are three things that determine the outcome of a society: Guns, Germs and Steel. The main conclusion I gathered from watching this film was that societies developed in different parts of the world because of differences in environments. Jared struggles to answer a provocative question to a Papua New Guinean, “why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own? Jared sets geography as the dominant factor, emphasizing, that, it is not the biological aspect of people that determine human history but rather the environmental context, which we have no control over. Diamond discusses his opinion on whether he believes in the old presumption that the reason European civilizations were able develop and come up with advanced economies so fast, was because of their innate superiority. Jared believes we all moderately have the same intelligence in every society, and that it is not based on genes or race. He was unable to accept the possibility that New Guineans are inferior intellectually to Europeans.

I agree with Jared. I believe that the reason European society became more technologically and politically advanced was the fertile environment that these people were born into to. This environment would allow them to have food production, tamed animals, and all other advantages that the New Guinea people did not have. Once basic needs are met in a society, it is easier for a society to climb up the ladder of success. It is therefore evident that the survival of a person is pure luck, based on whether you were born in an area where the environment works for you, and some human choices that are made to work with tte environment effectively.

In conclusion, I wonder if developing counties in the world are doomed to failure and whether it is hopeless trying to make a sustainable society in those regions, and whether they should just be abandoned. The only advantage of having a co-operative environment is that it allows you to have all your basic needs, but will not necessarily help a society to advance further. Once the foundation of a good environment is laid out, only then can human choice help a society climb up the ladder towards success.

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